Starmer's Scary Speech!

[Music] hello there that starma speech today may have sounded like a dull and lackluster campaign speech but it should worry us all that speech all about a financial black hole and a societal black hole with the most concerning thing being the constant warnings made about a painful Budget on the 30th of October where difficult decisions will be made where we would have to feel shortterm pain for long-term gain while Kier starmer and his team fixed the foundations of the nation as he called it but for the ordinary Brit I do not think the pain will be short term nor do I think starma has any plans for ordinary Brits to feel any gain from that pain anytime soon especially if you're on the populist side of the argument he dropped enough hints in his speech about that coming after the populists one section of society will end up feeling the pain others will get the gain the pensioners Now understand that and the rest of us will too very soon and starma says it's all due to the 22 billion quid black hole he and his Chancellor Rachel Reeves only found when they stumbled into Downing Street funny how they so quickly found the money for all those union pay rises though isn't it although there is a letter circulating on Twitter showing that they should have known about that black hole but although it looks true I don't know if it is genuine has starma been telling us por is about that black hole but I have to ask what pain will we feel after the budget after all he's made promises about not increasing taxes for the workers hasn't he so if he follows his union pay masters who by the way are the new wealthy and if starma follows their orders and hits the rich why is he warning the rest of us popers about the upcoming pain because he knows that all actions to raise taxes any taxes even those targeting the super wealthy will have repercussions in the form of reduced recruitment layoffs and higher prices for everyone and I do wonder if we'll be seeing Rising in costs for motorists for example more fuel Duty the roll out of national pay per mile maybe we might even see the public sector get hit you know you know like the armed forces and starma had the cheek to say his government's priority will be to promote growth he actually said the words wealth creation yes really but creation of wealth for who and how wealth for the individual or to fill the coffers of the state so that we can all be Wealthy by proxy and I think I know the answer to that one given he's starting a national wealth fund so where is this growth going to come from and is it just growth in the size of the state he's on about does he see that as a wealth creation scheme he did say he wants to see work pay but don't his already laid out plans make it less advantageous to hire people in the first place well as far as I could see apart from leaving the poorest pensioners out in the cold he's gone for that perennial favorite of all failed politicians that of house building to drive growth 1.5 million new homes in 5 years with prices kept buoyant no doubt by keeping the borders wide open to all newcomers and the other thing he kept harping on about was his victory over the far right rioters sounds like he's located his favorite tool of Oppression doesn't it because he keeps on reminding us about the repercussions of wrong tweet and he said that he had traveled to the riot hotpots to p ly shake the hands of the First Responders so I do wonder when he'll be traveling to Notting Hill to publicly thank those First Responders after all there were eight stabbings an eight an acid attack and lots of guns and knives located as well as Rife drug crime and loads of first responding police officers 50 of them being assaulted or would a visit like that open up a right hold can of worms and funny old thing just about no one on the woke left has breathed a word about these horrific events at Notting Hill and starma didn't mention the rubber boats either until a member of the press levered it out of him after the speech he didn't even mention the word immigration nor strangely the word diversity and then we get to energy policy homegrown green energy with will save the day he said it will make us less reliant on despotic regimes but what green energy all I've seen so far is plans for huge amounts of windmills and solar panels that's the intermittent energy provided but where's the stable energy supplies to come from if we're to get rid of oil gas and coal by what was it 2030 magic or the use of AI that starma said he wanted to see the truth is we will still be importing loads of expensive liquefied natural gas from tyrants around the globe and then pretending we're green I foresee a moving of money and investment out of the UK and a lot of wealth creators and budding wealth creators too I see the tax take from the upper echelons of the wealthy starting to dry up moving the tax targeting to those lower down the uh food chain I also see a new land value tax designed to hit anyone with a to large house for example and I see many people sitting back idly and awaiting their wealth redistribution windfall once the rich have been squeezed dry but they will be disappointed when it is all just diverted into the new National wealth fund and the money in that fund will no doubt be controlled by a newly appointed quango under strict instructions to funnel the do into deserving diverse areas with diversity driven problems caused by white privilege no doubt oh yes we have pain coming and lots of it but that pain will be a permanent feature of our lives under labor and none of the gain will be felt by the likes of you and me no we all know where the proceeds of all the extra taxes collected as well as the new houses will be going don't we and stand by for Ultra Swift Court action and a lengthy jail term if you even hint at criticizing the new labor Nirvana so what do you out there think about Kia starmer's speech it's too scary to even think of what to say yeah it is uh having looked at all this I'm just getting very very um frightened and angry about what's going on it seems that he's going to be targeting a certain section of society to pay for everything else and then targeting them with uh lawfare and legal action should they even criticize it that's where we're going my native island is even worse yes I can believe that but we're catching up we're doing our best to catch up with you you know we are shutting our steel fabrication company down as no work well that surprises me um but there is no steel being made here anyway so it'll all be coming through from China everything will be made there and brought over here at Great expense to carbon and all the rest of it and then we'll turn around say how green we are because we haven't got any steel making plants we have got steel recycling plants but nothing or hardly any capacity now to make virgin steel that's from scratch using coal iron ore and oxygen yeah there's a good one get inok vibes from starma English socialism yes it is definitely along those lines isn't it and um he's he's saying all the right sort of words that uh evoke the woke side um but he's not um he's not on our side that's definitely for sure starma is corrupt oo that'll get you in trouble that'll get us all in trouble now I put that one up we'll have to we'll have to be sent to the r training camps and repeat after me starma is not corrupt He is wonderful that's where we're going did you know I I AB absolutely think that the remember the Clapping we did for the NHS or we're meant to do the NHS 6:00 in the evening on Thursdays all the happy clapping and cheering for the NHS that's the beginning of a sort of um the Socialist way you know where where they get them out and they have to do their public their exercises in public sing the Praises of the uh of the regime and that that was just a way just to see it was an experiment just to see if we'd do it I didn't do it ever but lots of people did yes a nightly clap for starma yes every evening 6:00 out on the porch come rain or shine starma needs a stint in the salt mines well I don't I think he's the one who's going to be handing out the sentences him and his crony um courts and all the rest of it but the police have got to come around and arrest you first now today the story is that the police will let you off as long as you apologize for your crime so did you send that tweet yes but I'm so sorry that doesn't cut ice with the police you'll be in prison you can only apologize for things like you know gbh and other minor things like burglary robbery you know um using menaces to get money anything like that you can apologize for it because when someone says they're sorry for it you can tell they are but anyone who tweets out and says oh I'm sorry about that oh no we know you're lying chain gangs incoming well yes um we were going to have that do you remember that under Boris Johnson he was talking about bringing chain gangs back not sure whether they did you know for the asbo types and get them in Chains and cleaning the streets up and all that that sort of idea I don't think they were really chain gangs but they were going to do that sort of thing I'm not sure whether it actually happened the plans were there but I see no evidence of it this is very worrying now can you think of a time in recent history when there was so much anxiety about where we are headed well I can't I just cannot myself ever think back when things were so dire so difficult um back in the' 70s you know the winter of content discontent times and all that sort of thing I lived through that I was very young but um it it was it would never seemed you see back then you still trusted your government and the government machine to be looking after you and this is the big this is the Crux of the matter for me back then you never really got theide idea that the government would ever do something actively against you either they were much cleverer at hiding it or the Press was clever at hiding it or it wasn't happening I don't know you you can make your own mind up about that but right now right now I think it's much much worse than that we're actually scared of talking and that's that's really bad news it really is so um yeah is us yeah when did we ever fear the state like we do now really I mean a lot of people are frightened of the state they won't go on Facebook or Twitter anymore and they they couch their words they're very careful so uh oh thank you for KS 10 for your contribution oh thanks for that comment yes um I do my best to uh stay alive to everything and and I take my hat off to all the other creators out there the other YouTubers and twitterers doing the same sort of thing some go much closer to the knuckle than I than I do I feel a bit uncomfortable they go a lot further but I think they may be putting themselves in danger and there's there's one thing that I've leared you never ever um get yourself cancelled and thrown off for something small you know you know a missw here or a missw there make sure you stay within the Realms but put the message across hard but I really take my hat off to these people um and and they they're showing the way I just want I'm just hanging on the coattails of some of them somebody will be walking the plank yes yeah well you can only wish you I don't know who though and why would they walk the plank don't want to incite violence now do we are the police coming to the US they will have a Heyday I don't know you talking about the UK trying to get over there to arrest people for um what they say over there about things that happen over here um there's still that case in Pakistan isn't there where that guy got arrested for um for um misinformation over Southport but I I don't know I think to be honest I think the um the establishments around the world in the western sort of uh a Western World anyway are all going in lock step they're all doing the same sorts of things they've all got the same aim the only trouble is we're paying for it and they haven't told us what it is oh independent puppy thank you very much for your contribution yes we have to watch everything we say now and keep safe folks yes good advice I know where we're heading it's not bad it's just it's not bad it's just now the present um yeah but I think it's where we're going um I'm not quite sure what that point is it's just now is bad and it's going to get worse I think it has to get worse for the establishment to achieve what they need to achieve and it's not for our benefit none of it's for our benefit we just pay and vote for them yeah as far as I'm concerned I think they do want us you know divide and conquer put us into disarray and then once we're conquered they just bring in a central bank digital currency and all the other things and the social credit score that's all being worked on behind the scenes they've even I mean a couple of years ago I mentioned in a video about a credit card company who's already dealing with um or designing a card for the carbon credit and the social credit scores it's all coming it's just delayed a bit I think I think um we've caught on a bit and they're a bit worried and they're trying to to um double down on the school teaching school indoctrination and all the rest of it to put that in place and then they'll they'll pick up speed again but that those are the aims someone's put up one that's just gone past me join Dad's Army yep let's all join Dad's Army trouble is though that unless it's official if you join um an army then you are part of a militia which is outlawed in Britain unless it's official unless of course it's something organized by another group but they can organize what they like oh thank you to not doubting Thomas for your contribution thank you very much God save the UK yes any very well-off YouTubers will probably get away with saying more they need their taxes um I'm not so sure about that I don't think they do need our taxes um they could just print the Ruddy stuff if they wanted to couldn't they which is what they're doing anyway I mean we still haven't paid off all that quantitative easing stuff from the 2008 uh credit crunch that's still that's still outstanding um and that was all printed money they could just do that again if they wanted to centrally and then if they bring in the Central Bank digital currency then they've got control total control of us anyway everything you buy will have to be taxed and it'll be done automatically and and it won't matter how rich or poor you are you still have to go through that system the only thing that would happen is if you know a few wealthy YouTubers stopped operating it wouldn't matter because other people would come along and take their place love the B the back curtain very V for Vendetta you just need the mask yes this is an AI mask anyway no yeah this actually was this was Richard's idea this red curtain way back in the day and he said we've got to be like V for Vendetta cuz that's where we're going and I thought oh thanks for that so it was designed in that manner in the first place um and that's why why we use it in fact when I did start just a little story when I did start I got bored with the red curtain so I changed it for a purple one a very plush purple one the rolicking I got from the viewers was unbelievable and then another time I was so angry I forgot to say hello there at the beginning yet another rly king so I didn't change anything if I change anything it'll I'll get a ricking from you the viewers yes this is a good call Mr starma condemn the rotting the the rotting Hill the rotting Hill Mayhem yeah let's call it that yes he needs to he needs to condemn it they all need to condemn it and the one that really should condemn it or there two of them is sadique Khan and that um character in charge of these police they need to be doing that they need to be condemning it outright and they need to be threatening to shut it down unless it's all sorted out next time they need proper control the crowd control I saw it on the videos it must have been absolutely cloying in there and horrible and and positively dangerous that that people didn't go spilling over um some of those railings and impaling themselves on the I'll never know and all that wood that had to be put up so that people could protect their houses and they they all went most of them left for that period knowing it was going to be awful I don't know why they don't just sell up when will you be eating zbgs never that's the short answer although as I understand it we already have got um certain um ingredients of foods that are made by bugs being gradually put into the food chain and it's all being approved quietly so um it's worth keeping a look on that one because you'll end up eating well maybe we already are eating grasshopper bread that was marketed a year ago I don't know how if they're still selling it but uh yeah the um the big one is the meat the fake meat companies are disappearing though aren't they they're having a bit of a problem selling their wees to people like me who like their proper beef French Resistance be anonymous very hard for people like me no way can I be anonymous well I'm not sure about that one whether he did or not sell his soul to the devil but uh yes it's the sort of path we're going down though as far as I'm concerned who on Earth voted for this labor government yes good question turns out about 20% of the voting population and that's about it most of the people stayed away um and didn't vote at all uh and it it's just ridiculous that a party like say reform UK gets all those votes and just five seats that's all they got got and whereas uh the SNP and the libd who got far fewer votes got a lot more MPS you know we're well we're well up for proportional representation as long as it's proportional representation of the right sort now this is um get your kids out of schools this is what worries me I I did a video earlier on it it really worries me that um they're now talking about walking back on all that Free Speech stuff that the T is put in place to make sure that the universities had proper free free expression for students and for staff that's been that's that's been trodden on by this current government even though it was brought in by a legitimately elected government they've said no we're changing that that's gone so it hasn't even come into Force those laws hadn't even come into Force when they were stopped and now we hear that uh that um teachers are going to be taught by other teachers to be anti-racist and it's all going to be about white privilege and stamping out um white privilege and stamping out the thought that um that there's some sort of white um Supremacy or whatever it is they they're on about yeah yeah when the actual fact of course is that we're all equal and they should treat us all equally all of us but I don't see that happening at at all oh yeah someone's put up a comment crickets in pastor and flow here but I missed where that was but I think that's yeah that's where we're going they can just bring it in slowly slowly and then in the end you you'll be told one day everything you're eating is insect did you know what yeah silent green I will eat nuts and cashews not bugs yeah nuts and cashews I thought cashews were nuts are they I don't know I'm not an expert on that Blair sold his soul to the Catholic devil well yes well he got up to some stuff didn't he well the only good thing about starmer is he is upsetting so many people now they're getting um Adent well yeah sorry I get the I get the Jess we we we're not very much in favor of him and we're finding out what his he and his party are really like yeah so he is upsetting a lot of people and I think he's a lot upsetting a lot of people in his own party as well especially over that pensioner thing with the heating allowance I think he's upset a lot of people there but he will keep an his iron rod on them as well you watch he'll be controlling them as well and to think the MPS are meant to look after their constituents aren't they but do they especially their elderly ones yeah and he won't want to let go of power that's for sure indoctrination centers yes yes we must all be educated properly educated so um what will happen when that knock on the door comes you said something wrong that's where we're going it's happening already right around us it was going on last year and the year before do remember was it Harry Miller the ex former policeman who actually had a policeman phone him up and say I need to check your thinking and when Harry Miller said what are you the thought police he didn't understand what he was on about yeah the game was rigged from the start well it normally always is isn't it when uh because whenever you have an election you always vote in the government and that's how it works and the government is not those MPS that's Parliament we've changed what how three 400 of them in one election but it's still West it's still whiteall all those civil servants the House of Lords hasn't changed nor the civil servants they haven't changed their aims are still exactly the same as they were and somehow the government or the MPS have to try and work their way through that but when you've got two a two party system where the two parties are exactly the same and pushing the same agenda and it's the same agenda as White Hall and the House of Lords then we haven't got that much of a chance have we we do need to change this system not sure how yet though good luck Britain thank you very very much for that we need all the luck we can get and I think most countries around the world at the moment do as well I agree about voting being BS although I did vote reform well yeah the the whole point is that uh loads of people voted for reform UK and their vote was was um heavy in some areas but very light in others and that's the problem what you've got to get a certain percentage of the vote to break through that to have a sort of um enough votes across the country to pick up lots of seats and that that's one of the problems with first P the post teach your kids at home if you can it's not as difficult as you think well yeah it's uh depends on your job I suppose for so many people now that that both parents have to go to work to put a roof over the head pay the bills so the government is in a fantastically strong position they can make sure that you get just enough Child Care paid for by the taxpayer the taxpayer is still picking up the bill that's still the same people that are working picking up the bill for other people to look after their own children it's a bit roundabout really isn't it right I'm going to have to go in a minute um oh simmering to Boiling Point yes I think a lot of people are simmering to Boiling Point but don't let it boil over oh and I will just point out that on the 7th of September that's Saturday there is a pro Palestine March in London ending up at the Israeli Embassy I would not advise being anywhere near that anywhere near it if anyone who is pro UK turned up and they even lifted a little flag up they will be stamped on for trying to start a riot do not go do not counter protest let them get on with it okay that's my fervent advice there's no point in trying to counter-protest that one yeah yeah the all because the The Establishment wants to stamp on us and anyone who goes over there and starts being um patriotic and all the rest of it they will be the one stamped on because they will be seen as um disrupting the peace breaching the peace and the police arrest people for that anyway David Johnson I haven't got another five years nor of many of us not not of my patience and my blood pressure with this lot yes you have to stay positive and happy when I finish these videos I normally go and watch an old video an old film or something just to just to sort of ease off and have a beer um cuz I do need to d-stress at the end of the day so anyway thanks very much for uh listening to me ranton about this and um and I hope you'll uh feel a bit happier and you can go away and think about the future and look positively on the future but because we know what the enemy is and we can we've identified the enemy know what they're doing we just need to the engage in the long battle against it and that is what it is a long battle we have got got a lot to go through first anyway have a great evening and I'll see you tomorrow [Music]

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