LBC Caller Has AMAZING MELTDOWN Over Keir Starmer Speech.

Intro. but I'm having doubts about Ste Karma now Ste Karma was that deliberate or accidental he's lost my V he didn't have it he and I'll come back to you years what are you so cross about Jon there was a really interesting speech this is for joining Liverpool I'm one of the pensioners um who's lost their heat and allowance oh this LBC caller had amazing Setting the scene. meltdown on Tuesday after K stammer had made his speech in the Rose Garden if I remember rightly and I listened to it on lbc's James O'Brien show and from what I heard after it was quite well positively well received you could say well John from Liverpool wasn't James O'Brien and John from Liverpool. impressed I'll say this I've been a labor voter all my life but I'm having doubts about is St Karma now St Karma was that deliberate or accidental no you you just said to that guy there I want to I want to hear from the public no did you say steer Karma by accident or on purpose well it was a mistake no I love it I thought it was sorry carry on John I won't interrupt you again I'll get i'll get back to the point you just said to that guy I'd like to see what the public think of this yes isn't it funny it wasn't in his in his Manifesto because I you know about taking the wifie from the pensioners but the whole point of the speech was to stress that the 22 billion pound hole in the public finances was unexpected so in a way that that gives him a free pass on Manifesto pledges in a way yeah do you think do you think in four years or five years when he's up for parole again and I say that sarcastically you know yeah you know when he's up in four or five years do you think the penes are going to stand by him again I don't know do you no they won't I'll tell you what i' I'd love to hear people pensioners coming on to to here and I see how many reaction you get all get well we did I think we did two hours on that last week and it was it was it was largely mixed but respectfully John you don't sound as if you're paying much attention to the speech that we've just heard you're cross about something that happened a couple of weeks ago and you're still cross about it I'm cross about I'm cross about when a when a polit when when a a politician tries to be elected for prime minister yes that they don't lie and everyone's saying he doesn't lie he's lied he's lied why they come out and say when I'm elected I will I've got to take the winter fuel to to because the public finances are much worse than labor expected before entering government the treasury not not not the Daily Mirror the treasury has identified a 22 billion pound shortfall this year alone so so is team so you're telling me is team the the plenty of team that he's got never seen that coming no they no I'm telling you the Institute of fiscal studies said it could be as high as between 10 and 20 billion but no one thought it would be at the upper end of that let alone higher than it what is it you don't understand about this I mean everybody says nobody's arguing with the look into something if I was going for something I would get my team and say look we want to investigate there what's going on here but the speech the speech addressed this the speech addressed the the fact that that they were essentially making spending pledges that they knew they wouldn't be able to keep because they knew they were going to lose the election and they trying to Ambush the labor party with the well I'll tell you I'll tell you one last thing he's lost my vot he's lost my vot he didn't have it did he and he's lost he's lost the votes of a lot of pensioners well we will see we will see but but um we'll see we will see yeah and I'll come back to you what are you so cross about Jon there was a really interesting speech he's explained why there has to be a withdrawal of winter fuel pay you might not agree with it but you shouldn't let it get to you on this sort of level it does it does because it's the pensions you didn't vote for him you didn't did you really vote for him because you sound like you hate him well to to be honest I am beginning to now because moved very quickly and so that you know if if I found a 22 billion pound shortfall in your personal finances you'd have to make the savings somewhere and you're a pensioner so it would be pensioners that got most affected why didn't he put it in his Manifesto then because the 22 billion black hole in the public finances had not been established had not been I mean literally John the the the massive I thought he was being a bit too repetitious I literally found myself thinking all right mate enough about the black hole can you get on with what you're going to do to fix things now but obviously he needed for you at least to talk a little bit more about the black hole um it's a hole and it's black and it contains an absence of 22 billion pound but that doesn't mean that the decision to um save a couple of billion is it it doesn't mean the decision to save that money by taking away the winter fuel payment from 10 million pensioners was the correct or the fair thing to do orbe it that only two million of them if that's a fair phrase to use have been identified as being in any way put at risk by the policy decision now I get John a little emotional? the feeling John is quite the emotional kind but the thing I find interesting about this went a fuel cap is that as someone who thinks it's a poor decision by the labor party I do I'm not keen on it at all are a number of pensioners who do agree with it and there were a few people after that phone call who either tweeted or emailed in with these interesting replies to disagree with John what what is critiquing going to Couple of emails or texts. look like um I was worried about John's blood pressure but you're right to point out that the idea that pensioners are always the people that get hit hardest by government is palpably absurd the triple lock as neilan Skipton and many others point out is the only thing that's been safeguarded over the last few years it's everybody else that has to suck up the consequences of austerity or government policy so I I I don't want to sit here and defend it because I don't like it as we discussed last week but if you accept the necessity of doing something there's a case to be made for that thing being the least bad option and that speaks directly to what the entire speech was about things are going to get worse before they get better you know ideally if Great British energy works then energy bills will come down enough to render the winter fuel payments unnecessary anyway you know the idea of still giving money to pensioners to pay their energy bills when the energy bills are no longer prohibitively expensive would be a little bit silly alist speaking about being a future pensioner David is already W as a counter to your previous pensioner I would like to add the following to your debate I am a new pensioner James however as someone born after the 26th of September 1956 I am denied the winter fuel payment by the actions of the previous government so all new pensions pensioners have already been denied this payment by the Tories I think labor have made a poor decision to claw back a small amount about one a half billion pounds but I don't understand why the previous actions of the Tory government are not being called out well I suppose what you've done a is Educators because a lot of us wouldn't have been fully across those facts and B remind us why the Tories are on fairly thin I going after this as a policy decision given that as you remind us it's one that they introduced orbe it for a for a smaller constituency of new and future pensioners as opposed to the ones that were already over the line Jen's in James and Jim from Glasgow. Glasgow Jim what would you like to say good morning Jam good to have you back listen um this is for John in Liverpool I'm one of the pensioners um who's lost their heating allowance um and I'm more angry about it it's just one of these things it's economics they were talking about they had to do that early because the to send letters out early to people who were getting their heating Al some gets it in October November December and January so they had to put that out first to stop everything being planted that's that's that now I'm that's exactly right that's a sort of logistical bureaucratic necessity which which I tried to explain that but you've done a much better job than me you could have had a much more long-term complicated tinkering but if you wanted to smack it early you needed to do what they did that's it now going back to what you said this morning it's good to have an adult in the room shall we say um yes it's there's no no if buts he's reading it as he sees it and quite agree with I'm labor through and through I've been hit with this and also before the T left they also hit me with tax being a pensioner because they didn't put the personal allowance up when when when they hits with a triple lock so they'll take it and give it that's that so I'm getting hit with the most of a lot of not all obviously but some of the negativity that was coming in to the studio that I didn't read out because for reasons that will become clear it was coming from Scotland and and it was complaints about things that K dama hasn't had the time to turn his attention to yet or a sense that we're having English Centric conversations which is a criticism of me not a criticism of Kama so it's interesting to hear you from Glasgow looking at a prime minister in in Westminster and arriving at similar conclusions to the one that I've arrived at yes but could also just add that I'm talking going talk here now Rachel Reeves in the budget in October yes all to play for he was talking about reforming the House of Lords now what what you could do and to show us that we're all in it together I know it's not going to cover the Gap but what you could do and I I would be quite happy if he did this and just to show us that we're not all in it we're all together they get £330 a day to sit in there and three one person three days is ,000 give to a couple of B yeah no that would be a start that would be 40,000 pound a year per person I I proper reform of the House of laws would be very interesting and you're I think you're right I mean you're nibbling at the edges Jim of the of the fiscal Pie as you well know but sometimes it's not about the slice size of the slice is it it's about the principle of the pie I mean and some of the people in the house of La this is why the t is talking about cronyism is so hilarious what was the name of that young woman that Boris Johnson put in the House of L for reasons that nobody's ever really been a was it Charlotte Owens literally she was about 12 and she got put in the House of Lords everyone's talking about cronyism because wahed Ali got access to the Downey Street Barbecue for 20 minutes extraordin but yeah the House of Lords is a place I'd like to see some serious reform John says if you love kiss D so much why don't you marry him I think we're both already married John and Sam says genuine question how long will you give K armo before you start holding him to account mate you need to know what that phrase means no offense Sam I'm sure that I'm not describing you now but sometimes people who don't think about things like to happen upon phrases that they think powerful because they've heard clever people use them you hold someone to account when they do something for which they should be held accountable so we held K Arma to account last week for the decision regarding the winter fuel payments although it did not turn out to be as unpopular broadly as it is with a um either directly affected constituency or the the slightly idealistic left which with which I often flirt who sort of feel you know the Magic Money Tree type accusation and and I don't buy that accusation but I I I do think he probably could have found some money somewhere else without going after this vulnerable part of the country so that's holding someone to account now Final thought and a call to action. what I find fascinating about this situation is the fact that whenever there's been a debate on this winter fuel cap there seems to be more support for it from pensioners they're against it and I've listened to a couple of debates I think well one with Sheila fogy and there was somebody else but I cannot Qui for the life in may remember who it was but the results was the same with the conversations that James O'Brien had last week that were mixed and when James O'Brien said that labor part will get more jip from the left I think he's on something there because people who have criticized this I recognize their voices before and in other conversations they tend to be carbins you could say and so I think he's on to something there but what do you guys think is John right is Jim right oh are the email is right let me know down below what you guys think and I shall bid you farewell and take care my friends

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