Category: News & Politics
There's a cracking story in the daily telegraph and you'll hear from the journalist involved in just a moment and meline ross the journalist writes pensioners face having to answer 243 questions correctly to keep their winter fuel outs just think of that a and one and i'm not say there there are millions... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Um we always think of tech leaders being interesting people james but let me tell you pavl jff has a 100 children i'm going to start there that's the first bit of information i'll give you i think christmas must be a nightmare yeah just imagine and he's now in a situation where he appears to be uh up... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] this is lbc from global leading britain's conversation with james o'brien 3 minutes after 10 is the time you're listening to james o'brien on lbc where i i it's been a while since we had a phone in i think about matters middle eastern or or or matters regarding israel and gaza but of course... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The exit pole shows labor on 410 seats the conservatives on just 131 the liberal democrats on 61 at the reform party will be delighted with their result of 13 seats the snp10 an expected drubbing for the snp in scotland um apped cery for and the green party two seats so an additional seat from the one... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] this is lbc from global leading britain's conversation with james o'brien good morning 3 minutes after 10 is the time we're getting a second summer aren't we it's lovely um i got some good news for you and i think it's good news i i was a bit um downcast yesterday by the apparent decision of... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I know that and that's why this project has always been about fixing the foundations of our country but i have to be honest with you things are worse than we ever imagined in the first few weeks we discovered a 22 billion pound black hole in the public finances and before anyone says oh this is just... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Trump claiming that haitian migrants are eating the pets the cats and dogs off the streets in springfield ohio the fact checkers in the debate rejected that claim but do those fact checkers live in springfield ohio do they work in springfield ohio perhaps not but one lbc listener does jamie is live... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Good morning sam um how much sleep have you had and how did last night go well i'm running on adrenaline after a action-packed debate we were expecting some fireworks and donald trump and cala harris certainly delivered the odds have swung in favor of the vice president now in fact theyve well let's... Read more
Category: News & Politics
On tuesday coming uh as you probably know if you've been listening to the radio today k st will give a keynote speech it's his first as prime minister fundamentally he's saying it's going to get worse before it gets better he will continue labor's attacks on the previous tory government saying the situation... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Professor sir john curtis who's a polling expert professor of politics at the university of strath clyde peerless in his analysis of numbers privileged to have you on so john when i say and i know labor is a thumping victory but have labor won or the conservatives lost what's the reality morning to... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Enough of the debate possibly the most significant moment of the whole night came soon after that finished [music] it's no taylor swift wasn't at the debate but she announced that she would be and she told her quarter of a billion followers she'd be backing harris john soel is my global radio colleague... Read more
Category: News & Politics
K st has just finished delivering one of his first speeches ahead of the new parliamentary time and the main message is that painful times are here to stay i'll have to turn to the country and make big asks of you as well to accept short-term pain for long-term good it seemed to me that he was perfectly... Read more