Rivera's 1st Rounders: Where are they now?

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:54:39 Category: Sports

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the Andy Poland show we got to go after this with everything we got figuring they're going to come with everything they got I'll start off by saying I'm bored I'm broke and I'm back the Andy Poland show on ESPN 630 starts right now trading a first rounder within the division that almost never happens and when it happened the last time between the Eagles and the then Redskins didn't work out too well did it Donovan McNab coming here in 2010 lasted 13 games total bust bust on the trade not bust on McNab who had a good career so now Johan Dawson who was a first round pick by Washington two years ago goes to Philadelphia for a third round or in a couple of sevenths we'll see how that works out but generally when Washington trades within the division it doesn't usually work out well at all except for one and that was exactly not quite exactly but this season would Mark 60 years since it happened Sunny jurgenson coming to Washington for Norm Sneed and Claude crab in April of 1964 and that turned out to be one of the great trades they ever made and by the way happy birthday to the redhead Sunny jensson turns 90 years old today and I wish him health and happiness and uh and a great life that he lives now down in Florida with his family and you know when you think of iconic figures in the history of this town he's right up at the top of the list because he maintained a presence in town for over 50 years as a player and as a broadcaster on radio and television and he retired I believe before the 2019 season yeah I think that was that was just before that season started and he announced his retirement he had been in the booth for I don't know he started in 1981 so you know do the math on that and was part of that great Sunny Sam and Frank run uh but you know it's been so long since he played he hasn't played in 50 years there aren't many people relatively speaking that saw him play and as he reaches his 90th birthday I hope you understand just what he meant to football and and sports overall in this town you know he also in addition to doing his analysis of the Redskins on TV and radio he did college basketball on TV he was a terrific high school player said he was a better basketball player in high school than he was a football player could have gone to North Carolina to play basketball but because he was only six feet tall felt he had a better chance in football went to Duke played there and then was drafted by the Eagles in 1957 and then traded here in 1964 but um you know he is our Joe deont I that's that's the way I look at it you know he could he could be sunny here for the rest of his life they finally retired his number two years ago which was long overdue and uh and as he turns 90 I hope that uh things are really good for him because uh wonderful guy and a wonderful player wonderful person and uh and should be celebrated it's you know sometimes you you outlive your relevance and um I remember when Sammy B passed away at the age of 94 Sammy B hadn't played since 1952 and pretty much left town you know he had gone to coach in the AFL and then retired to his Ranch in Texas didn't have the presence post playing that Sunny had and so when he passed away he was celebrated as one of the great players in NFL history but uh because he had not been in town all those years his legacy was you know somewhat in the past I never saw him play he retired before I was born uh and the highlights are you know grainy film uh so happy birthday to Sunny jurgenson and many more and I hope for many many more years we celebrate his birthdays here on ESPN 630 all right let's get to uh the trade yesterday the trade between the Eagles and Washington and again these these things don't happen and I think it's it's indicative of how little interest there was in Dotson around the league and that they did trade him to Philadelphia um that they probably weren't able to get anything close to what they received which was a third round pick next year and two seventh round picks and uh that ends 18 months for Jan doson who was really really good in his first year was injured for I think four games but uh caught seven touchdown passes and then last year was not good uh bad year last year under an offense that uh well let's face it it was it was kind of a mess uh with what they did with Eric benmy and a inexperienced quarterback in Sam Howell and you thought this year might be a bounceback year it was not um but not only is this um an indictment on the drafts that Ron Rivera has had uh taking number two overall Chase young and he's now on his third team in New Orleans in the last three years or last two years because he was traded at the deadline last year to San Francisco played with them they didn't want to bring him back goes to New Orleans and we'll see what happens there uh then Jamon Davis who was underwhelming as a linebacker for three years they're trying to turn him into a defensive end we'll see how that works out and then doson being traded uh former former first rounder going for a third rounder and a couple of uh you know bags of donuts seventh rounders and uh and then Emanuel Forbes who's in question whether he can play in the NFL at all he had some embarrassing games last year and hasn't really blown anybody's socks off this year I don't think he's a slam dunk to make the roster so you know we had this coach Centric OPP operation here with Ron Rivera like he's in charge of everything that almost never works unless your name is like Bill Walsh or your name is Bill bellich and you have a quarterback named Brady and there were extenuating circumstances of course with all the drama going on around Dan Snider but you know Ron Rivera did a poor job and brought in Marne hery who' been with him in Carolina uh hired Martin Mayhew uh the drafts were not good they got a few players along the way you know say cosmi Brian Robinson guys like that but by and large this was a drafting disaster over four years particularly at the top of the draft as evidenced once again by the trade yesterday of doson and this is um this is really telling because when Adam Peters was introduced he was either must have been January Fe probably January because uh it was it was right after the season ended and uh and and I want you to listen not necessarily to the answer it's to the pause that came after the question that was asked by David Aldridge of the athletic I wonder what you think of the current roster I believe that there's a few Cornerstone pieces in this roster I believe we have a lot of work to do and that's just evaluating everybody and that's going to start with the coaches when the coaches coming we hire a head coach we sit down together with the Personnel department and we sit down and and evaluate everything and figure out where we need to be so that's an ongoing process i' I've started a little bit but we have a lot of work to do David the pause is three and a half seconds you don't usually get that at a news conference got a lot of work to do few Cornerstone pieces I think with the trade of docks I think the number's up to 37 37 players who were on last year's roster now gone so this is a total overhaul here uh none of the quarterbacks from last year are back of course Sam H how now in Seattle um and across the board you know you this is going to be a year where you're going to need your scorecard to tell who the players are because everything has turned over uh they hope it works out with Jaden Daniels the rookie quarterback that's the main thing but uh yeah this is this is uh this is a crazy uh you know this is this is almost like almost like what happened when North Turner got here in 1993 now that was totally different because they were rebuilding from a Super Bowl team that team that Turner took over was only two years removed three years removed from winning a Super Bowl they'd gone back to the playoffs under Joe Gibbs finishing nine- s and then the bottom fell out with Richie pedone in 93 when they went 4 and 12 so if you looked at the 94 team versus the 93 team totally different because they they flushed out all the veterans all the guys were gone there were only a few only a few holdovers Monty Coleman was one of them uh Daryl green of course but there weren't many and and and this this team didn't do anything over the last 20 years and now there's a total rebuild of what they got so it's good to see that as for you know why doson was traded um you know it didn't seem like he was in any danger going into the season but as we went through the offseason and particularly into the exhibition season it became more and more clear that he wasn't in their plans Ben standing covers the team for the athletic this is what he said on the Rich Eisen show yesterday he's been a starter his first two years his rookie season he led Washington with seven touchdown receptions like a lot of people last year though he had a down year a lot went wrong uh here but he didn't seem to bounce back quickly or really at all this year were other veterans who who came back seem to have that extra pep in their step as it were you know seem to buy in more Dodson just seemed off for most of this campaign and not just off you know in terms of like the route running but I think it was also his Vibe wasn't hitting with what what Dan Quinn was preaching and the analogy I've been using now for the last week or so is um I happened to watch the movie Miracle the other day for the 800th time great great movie great movie and and there's a scene early in the movie where you know Kurt Russell playing her Brooks turns to his assistant coach hands him a piece of paper with 26 names on it that he wants to bring to training camp the thing is though it's on day one of this bigger try out with like a 100 players and the assistant says wait a minute what are you doing here this doesn't even have some of the best players on it and her Brooks respons I'm not looking for the best players I'm looking for the right ones and I think for where this team is right now of course they're going to try to win but every move that they have made with led by GM Adam Peters from the time Peters showed up has been bigger picture they want to establish an identity they want to establish what it means to be part of this team they didn't spend lavishly to bring in a bunch of players to get a sugar high they want to build something and they are looking for those guys who understand the competitiveness the aggressive nature that they want and I know some of that can sound cliche but that's why they're doing this and taking their time rather than saying we've got to go and I just don't think Dodson fit and with two years left on his contract rookie deal they got some good value for him they don't have much else at receiver besides mclen I'll give you that but this to me is a tone setting move more than it is just about you know reshaping the wide receiver room and Ben standing of the athletic that leads to immediate speculation well uh Brandon auk right they they need a receiver they clearly need a receiver right now now my guess is they're going to wait till the cutdowns next week when everybody's got to get down to 53 and see who's available I can't imagine they're going to make a trade in the next couple of days and the Brandon iuk thing well it's you know it's it's I want to say dominated the off season but it's been a big topic and the fact that he's got this relationship with Jaden Daniels since they played together at Arizona State and they've been ping around and there have been various posts on social media I still don't buy it I don't think it's it's happening and as Ben said they're very focused on you know the chemistry of the locker room and I just I just can't see bringing in an alpha receiver with Terry McClaren here who is a team leader um you know mclen I'm sure would handle it fine and he may ultimately benefit from another receiver on the other side but if auk comes here he's number one and given the standing that mclen has with this team not just on the field but off the field I just don't see it happening plus they'd have to absorb the the $30 million not that they don't have the cap room to do it but um I don't think it's going to happen the only reason I could see that they might want auk is you're trying to develop a Young quarterback and you'd like him to have the security of a receiver he can count on I think more than likely and I think what we've seen in the preseason with the way they've been running Brian Robinson I think you're going to see an offense that's going to be more run certainly more run based than last year they were the number one team in the league throwing the football which was ridiculous uh and I think also with Zack hers the safety valve he's going to have there um I I think this just not going to be a highflying offense with with Daniels this year uh and I think they also realize that they're probably a couple years away so in the Dan Snyder years where you were always going for it those days fortunately are behind reaction to this uh they did not make Dan Quinn avail aailable yesterday nor Adam Peters but of course Cliff kingsburry the offensive coordinator was asked about the deal yeah I mean I'm going to defer most of those questions to AP and DQ um had a great experience with him he's a great kid I wish him well um excited about some of the other guys progress and where that room's headed and that's what I ask you too about like with between zakus and Jameson and Luke how good do you feel about that group going forward yeah they all are very conscientious working hard um diam's really progressed nicely so um it's been it's been a good room uh very competitive room and and so I'm excited to see how once we get in the regular season they kind of continue to to get better you can read into that what you want but the one receiver that Kingsbury mentioned was dami dami brown who is a forgotten figure here you know he's he's been on this this is fourth year and I thought going into the season that there's a chance he might not make the team is he the number two guy right now uh uh maybe maybe you know they've they've been very impressed with him in the preseason uh he has caught a touchdown pass from the one touchdown pass that Daniels has thrown so I guess it's possible they do that but uh I still think there's a a move to come whether it's you know just picking up somebody off the waiver wire or maybe dealing for a veteran receiver because as you develop a quarterback you would like to have more than one that you can definitely count on like Terry McClaren uh couple of things from Joe wit defensive coordinator talking yesterday uh this preseason game that they're going to play on Sunday night against New England you know seems basically meaningless I don't know how many starters will play if any but uh this is wit's take on how they're feeling going into this I'm a Believer in preseason games first okay so I'm excited to see any of our guys that are not running necessarily with the ones uh against their ones when they get those opportunities uh to see when it gets to become real football how do they play you know sometimes guys might flash when they're playing against a guy that um when cut day comes it's not going to be on the team well how do you play against a guy that's going to be suited up here in a couple weeks and so that's what I'm excited about I don't know how long they're going to play their starters or if they're going to play them or not that's not my concern but when when those type guys get those opportunities um that's what I'm fired up to see uh can we can we Challenge and compete and get after somebody uh that's going to be playing on Sundays yeah and how many of those guys are going to be playing on Sunday because this was the this was the Achilles heel of uh the old ball coach Steve sper you know would get excited about how Danny worle did in the fourth quarter of a preseason game when he was playing against guys who' be driving bread trucks in a couple of weeks so you know let's let's uh let's keep that in mind uh one more thing from wit and this is you know if if it were not for Daniels if they had not taken him I think he would be the talk of training camp and that's Mikey Sanders sh who they got from Michigan uh Nick Sabin said on the night of the draft pound for pound he might be the best player in the draft and everything you're hearing coming out of ashir is he has not only reached expectations he's exceeded them this is wit on his on his what they're calling the nickel Corner we looked at him for a long time DQ went up there to to Michigan himself uh we knew the kid was smart um he doesn't like I said he doesn't care himself like a rookie he he's a very mature young man um as you notice here lately we've been playing him inside and out uh with our two Corner defenses he been playing more outside um along with juice and so um just the way that he's handled anything that we've thrown at him um he doesn't make mistakes twice he's not a repeat Defender so no I'm not really surprised uh I'm surprised he hasn't touched the ball more that's no that's what I am he's a ball guy so but we haven't touched the ball as a defense yet um that's that's that's one thing that's that um that we've done every every stop that I've made and um we haven't done that yet so that's one thing we have to do a better job of and one thing that Wht added on that about the lack of takeaways he said in practice we don't get many opportunities because Jaden Daniels is great at protecting the football that's important because remember pton Manning 28 interceptions as a rookie it worked out well for him in the long run but the growing pains that you go through with a rookie those interceptions are expected and so far not that Daniels has been playing against all Pros necessarily in the two preseason games but uh they have been impressed at as what they call ball security that he hangs on to the football but uh Whit would like more takeaways that seems to have been a problem here for years they're always trying to find a way to get takaway that's why they probably reached on Emanuel Forbes who set the NCAA record for pick sixes while playing in Mississippi State and uh there's a question whether he can play at all in the NFL so there you go coming up more on the commanders as they get ready to finish up the preseason and Drew bledo showing up on the Rich Eisen show with a couple of funny stories about Bill Posh cells that and more as we continue it's the Andy Poland show ESPN 630 there is nothing less meaningful in sports than the final preseason game right it's just money it's television product the commanders and the Patriots are going to be on National tele television Prime Time spot on Sunday I bet they pull a big number because the NFL is King but it is so incredibly meaningless I mean I don't know who's going to play uh are we going to see uh Drake May for the Patriots maybe is he going to start the season we don't know jacobe brette who was here last year is going about his business thinking that he's going to be the starter I don't think we're going to see Jaden Daniels play for the commanders but it's football and it draws on eyeballs and the World Series gets 9 million people to watch it it's it's just crazy but uh that yeah I mean the NFL could could put just about anything on and uh and people will watch it and people will be watching on Sunday we'll uh get to some comments that were made on the Rich Eisen show this week by Drew bledo who you know kind of forgotten about bledo for a long time because of Brady he continued his career after Brady's second year when you know it became clear that he was the future and they traded him away to Buffalo and he he stayed in the league probably another eight nine years whatever it was and uh has not become a broadcaster or a coach he's got a winery in Washington where he's from state of Washington and it's only because of the Brady roast that he became a a figure again and he was really good he was really funny when he was on it so he seems to now be a talk show Regular and uh and and Eisen Rich Eisen who was at the roast um I think he he got things started he may have introduced uh the rooster or however it work but uh he he had him on and he told uh told some interesting stories and uh and had some thoughts on rookie quarterbacks starting and that's going to be uh what's going to be the the main topic the main focus here assuming you know assuming that they that the commanders don't deal for Brandon iuk like in the next 24 hours and if you read social media that's still in play I I I don't think it's going to happen but you know with the trade yesterday of Johan dachon to Philadelphia as they say the room still got to get used to that term that's such a new term for me the quarterback room the wide receiver room uh you seem to have Terry mclen and dami brown and couple of others and you know are they going to go into the season like this or not I I think they will add a receiver I just don't think they're going to swing for the fences and I I just don't see a coming here for a variety of reasons including that he and uh Daniels are so chummy and that would have been a move for sure during the SNY ER oh gotta have them gotta have them and they bring him in I think this this group looks at it a little bit differently and they examined chemistry and what it would mean for the standing of Terry mclen is auk better than mccl yeah he is um and he's Dynamic and it would be it would be great if he were here but but it's also um a chemistry upsetting thing I think and I think they're they're fully aware of that uh but uh but boy with the with the trade of Doxon yesterday it just just highlights once again what a terrible terrible ERA this was with Ron Rivera not all of it his fault but you know the day that Dan Snyder introduced him which would have been January of 2020 I think it was like January 2nd and wished everybody a happy Thanksgiving um the uh the it just highlights the uh coach Centric operation of the team how how poorly that was thought out and how poorly executed it was and you know short of what Bill Walsh was doing over 30 years ago almost 35 with the 49ers that just doesn't work that way anymore and so what was left behind here you know on top of it looks like it could be 0 for four on the four first rounders uh that they took under the Rivera ERA with Chase young going number one he's now in his third team in two years he's on the Saints roster in case you haven't been following this Jamon Davis who they thought they could make a middle linebacker wasn't good at that moved to the outside he's been so so now they're trying to turn him into a defensive end we'll see if that works out now Jan daxon traded away for a third rounder and a couple of seventh rounders and Emanuel Forbes who who looks like his career is on the BB I mean it I don't think it's it's a sure thing he's even going to make the team and uh and that's you know that and that felt like a reach to because he was a guy who set the NCAA record with most interceptions for touchdowns pick sixes and he hasn't he hasn't been able to cover anybody and they said well you know don't worry about his weight because he'll and then he get got worked by big receivers last year I mean it was embarrassing at times and so um and I played this at 9:00 if you missed this this was Adam Peters when he was introduced as the general manager so this would have been in January even before Dan Quinn was hired and uh and was asked this question by David Aldridge of the athletic I wonder what you think of the current roster I believe that there's a few Cornerstone pieces in this roster I believe we have a lot of work to do and that's just evaluating everybody and that's going to start with the coaches when the coaches comeing we hire a head coach we sit down together with a Personnel to department and we sit down and and evaluate everything and figure out where we need to be so that's an ongoing process i' I've started a little bit but we have a lot of work to do David that pause I timed it three and a half seconds a three and a half second pause let me show you how long that is ready that's three and a half seconds there and if I did that on a regular basis on the air you would think that the station got knocked off the air so that that told you everything you need to know that that years from now will be looked upon as the pause that spoke a million words and we've had a total roster overhaul here this I think it's 36 guys who were here last year maybe Now 37 with ducks and gone um that are no longer here it's a it's a totally totally different roster and there will be a new starting quarterback it's Jaden Daniels I don't know we still haven't heard yet whether or not he's going to play play on Sunday night when they take on the Patriots but this was Cliff Kingsbury yesterday praising among other things that he's done well so far hanging on to the football he takes a lot of pride in that he he takes a lot of pride in playing the game the right way you know knowing the protections knowing where his hotsar KN where his dirty throwaways are when it's not there and not taking sacks and um that's a big part of his game I'm not I don't remember how many interceptions he threw last year at LSU but it wasn't many and he was playing at a high level and a great conference um so yeah I have a great appreciation for that and as a young guy that's Paramount it's not always going to go great but if you can not turn the ball over and not take sacks on first second down you're going to give your team a chance in most most games Payton Manning 28 interceptions and and sacks too uh now he's he's faster than Sam how obviously but how was a sack machine looked like he was going to set the record last year what do you have over 60 sacks that's that's terrible uh the other thing about uh Daniels and and we've heard a lot of comparisons uh with RG G 3 Barry's rugo wrote a really smart column yesterday taking his notes from 2012 when they were rolling out RG3 and the things that were being said about him the one I think real difference here is this is that RG3 had run an offense in college which was totally different than the NFL and the NFL was different you know you you'd had um you had not had running quarterbacks uh until he he came into the league I mean there were quarterbacks who could run for sure but what they did was revolutionary they the the the Shanahan said that we are going to run an offense that's going to suit him and he'll learn the pro offense as we go he'll become a dropback passer well now the the NFL is based a lot more now on on the things that they were doing with RG3 the pistol The Zone reads all that stuff and that's that's a different way of of coaching football but they did that with RG3 because they knew he wouldn't be able to learn the Pro offense in time uh Kingsbury's offense is also an evolution of things because remember he came directly from college uh to coach the Arizona Cardinals uh a few years ago and uh and was able to put together an offense that that worked with a running quarterback so um you know the the the um information is different than maybe it used to be and the way the game is played is differently but uh the one thing we weren't really hearing about RG3 not that anybody was really diving this deep on it but does you know what's the film study like how how is he doing with that how is he he learning this has become more and more important and this is kingsberry he could have been you know kind of evasive on this but but this is his description of how Daniels has embraced the uh the classroom study on the offense we keep pushing the limit with him day in day out um with these installs and it's not like it's a ton of repeat I me you you'll dress things up and and have the same concept but run it a different way different Personnel Group and he handles it really well I mean whatever we've thrown at him he's handled it and hasn't blinked and um that's that's encouraging we want to make sure we don't try to overload him and allow we want allow him to use his natural gifts and play fast and be attacking and confident in what he does but so far he's handled everything um with flying colors yeah and uh he could have you know danced around that so that's I think that's a big takeaway from the preseason is is how well he has uh latched on to the offense not that we've seen him play a lot you know he's only played three series and that may be it before they open the season attemp on September 8th but uh what he has done has been impressive I mean the numbers are are very good he completed 78% of his passes or something like that and has led to two scores and the three drives didn't turn the ball over so you know those are things that you maybe can hang your hat on um there's a a story in USA Today with some quotes from Phil Sims who was deposed by CBS he's out and I guess he's going to be doing some local stuff in New York now he's uh Phil's in his mid-60s now uh I don't think he's going to get another run on any of the networks and the pregame shows but he's a he's a go-to guy and studies the game studies quarterbacking and uh he's he's he's not ex this is not like Diana terasi um with the uh with the Caitlyn Clark um you know rude awakening but but he's got a warning for these young guys now we so far have three rookies who are going to be starters Caleb Williams for Chicago Jaden Daniels for Washington and the other day Bo Nicks was named the starter in Denver and uh we'll have to see you know what happens uh with the others who were taken uh we've got well JJ McCarthy's out for the year with a knee injury but um you know we'll see we'll see how things go uh with the with the rookies that came out um and uh we know that Michael pennx is not even going to play at all because he didn't play in the preseason but this is what U this is what SIM says about and he doesn't use the word rude awakening but he also points out that what you saw in the preseason from these rookies is going to be a lot different when you get to the regular season he says better people chasing you more disciplined people getting your butt in the pocket every aspect of the game is different and they're going to game plan the hell out of you see that's something that hasn't happened yet you know they've they've got enough on tape now that they can look at Tendencies and weaknesses and things like that even going back to college they're going to game plan for them and Shawn pyton who named um named B Nick's the starter this week he said we didn't have a cake and candles meaning you know okay he's the starter but it's not like you know we found the next Hall of Famer here yet um but Sim says look what Shawn does with quarterbacks it's rough he says complete that complete that he says they're they're calling they're the calling of the play all the things that he wants to do to get the right play do this do that it's right out of the book with Shawn pton but the great thing is it's right up B Nick's alley that's who he is he's the son of a coach and of course you know has play I think he played more college football games than anybody you know with the five years that he played at Auburn in Oregon so he's he's it's a little different too that you're bringing in these guys that used to be that they would get to the NFL after three years of college football because they wanted to start the clock on a contract as quickly as possible now with the nil they stay they stay and because of the pandemic some of them stayed five and even six years uh with injuries and so forth like like penx did um then they he says uh Raheem Morris you know said that penck wouldn't play a preseason snap another preseason snap for the Falcons and sim said I just wish I knew why they're not going to play him I keep waiting for something to leak the general manager Terry fno the coach they're doing it for a reason I'm sure it's going to make sense for them I'm just a fan right now going damn I I I just would like to see more of it here's the analysis that Sims has of Jaden Daniels he's definitely too cool for school or whatever they say um that is not necessarily A criticism sounds like a criticism really isn't he says he's too cool for school um didn't they say that about uh Jackson the wide receiver who was here I think I think Jay Gruden said that uh he said he plays the game about as relaxed as anybody I watched I watched in a long long time he throws with great great Rhythm he runs with rhythm and all of a sudden nobody can catch him his running will impact more than any other quarterback wow so he may be yeah I mean he may be the the running guy this year he said he's extremely fast but he does it without effort and he's extremely accurate with the football understanding where to throw it to protect his receivers what he had in the preseason with ball placement he can repeat in a regular season game so it sounds like he's really really impressed uh with him it's one man's opinion but uh there's that and also on Drake May who we may see on Sunday night when the commander played them he says I never understand this they try to manufacture everything so close because they don't want him to look bad what if it hurts his confidence well if it hurts his damn confidence it will destroy it that much he's not the guy let him go out there and screw up you'll learn from those things and he still hasn't been named the starter it's uh it's still uh possible that jacobe Brett will be the starter for New England when they open the season they're they're bad team I mean they're they're they rebuilding at this point but uh but there's that uh one other uh coaching uh nugget from yesterday this was the day that the coordinators spoke and this is how it'll work throughout the season you'll have the offensive coordinator and the defensive coordinator speaking Joe wit uh the defensive coordinator and he's getting his first shot to have that job you know for Kingsbury it's kind of a like a yeah I it's not a step down but he was a head coach now he's a coordinator wit has been a position coach and has been the defensive backs coach in Dallas and uh and now moves up to defensive coordinator I like this about what he said about how he coaches the the staff the the coaches that work under him um one of the real problems in the Rivera era was everybody was from Carolina like you had to do it the Carolina way and it sounds like wit and I think this is a smart thing is distancing himself from how they did things in Dallas and doesn't necessarily mean it's going to work that way here I don't necessar have the coaching but I just have to make sure that everybody is saying the same thing I don't want when we break into separate rooms uh one coach saying something meaning to do it the right way saying it one way and another coach saying it a different way then when we get on the field you have confusion so when I speak of one voice the one voice is not necessarily my voice it's the voice of how we're going to install that certain defense and making sure that everybody understands how we're going to get it done and we use Commander language so I don't want to hear this is how we did it in Green Bay this is how we did it with the Raiders this is how we're doing it here and this is how we're going to communicate it so that's when you're talking about coaching the coaches it's not necessarily coaching them it's making sure that uh we're all on the same page with everything that we do yeah it's different you don't never Michel Parson here you know so it's different and this is this has plagued this organization in the past I remember talking to Daryl green about this when norf Turner got here and brought in all these free agents from Dallas and it was like you know Dallas coming here dar had been around long enough where the Dallas rivalry really meant something and that was a turnoff and I think that I think they understand that and and the whole Carolina you know the whole Carolina culture that had to come here didn't work out did it didn't work too well 4 and 13 not too good not too good at all so uh I like that I like I like what wit said coming up Drew bledo on the Rich Eisen show parcel's story and also his thoughts on Rook quarterback starting he was number one number one in 1993 and started from the beginning has some experience with that and advice that he has for others who are about to make that transition from college to the pros it's the Andy Poland show ESPN 630 now from ESPN 630 your DC Sports Center brought to you by NATA the national air traffic controllers Association they bring you home safely with the commanders dealing former first round pick Johan doson to the Eagles for a third rounder in seventh rounders question is will they make a move to bring another receiver in a trade stick with what they've got or wait until the rosters are cut down to 53 next week to see who's available Sunday is the exhibition finale as they take on New England at 8 at Commander Field baseball Orioles in need of a strong outing from their starters didn't get one last night from Corbin Burns chased in the six after giving up all six of Houston's runs and a six nothing Astros win drops them a game and a half behind the Yankees to beat Cleveland with the help of Aaron judge's 48th Homer Orioles continue the series tonight coverage here at 6:30 and the Nats after taking two of three against Colorado with Patrick Corbin winning his 100th yesterday open a weekend Series in Atlanta tonight DC weather sunny high 85 Andy Poland ESPN [Music] 630 sports centers all 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Educators who prepare every profession are just not recognized enough the milk and educator Awards set out to change that by surprising outstanding Educators Across the Nation with $25,000 prizes and providing a platform to celebrate Elevate and activate the profession Erica Steven the awards were created by L milen of the national nonprofit milen Family Foundation the journey to surprising the 3,000th milen educator is in full swing who will be next honey they chose me celebrate teachers value teachers thank teachers the Andy Poland show on ESPN 630 the sports Capital done some lineup shuffling last few weeks in case you're not familiar Bram Weinstein is now at 11:00 Tony cornis at 2:00 and I'm sure Bram will have some things to say about the Jan doson trade yesterday I know he's been out at uh at Ashburn and attending the news conferences watching practice voice of the team heading into his fifth year wow Bam's about to start his his fifth year time just uh time just flies by um we had Drew bledo on the Rich Eisen show the other day and um you know everybody knows the term pipped right it's it's a it was l garri in whatever year it was somewhere in the 1920s uh who came up with the New York Yankees after he had been signed at at Columbia University and Wally pip who was the starting first baseman said he had a headache and couldn't play that day so they put garri in and he he never left the lineup 2,130 consecutive games so when you say oh he's been pipped meaning that you know there's somebody who was sat down and and somebody else got an opportunity or or injury or whatever you know you just you just wonder about this um with Drew bledo because he wasn't bad he wasn't really benched he wasn't no he wasn't benched um he was a not a not just a a good quarterback he was a really good quarterback with the uh with the uh New England Patriots he'd been the number one number one pick coming out of Washington in 1993 and he led the patriots to the Super Bowl after the was it 96 season yeah 1996 season and they lost to the Packers they lost to a better Packers team Bill Parcels was the coach of that team and uh and Parcels his experience in New York he didn't like to play Young quarterbacks he really didn't uh he he he didn't make Phil Sims his starter right away in fact he started Scott Bruner who was a a guy who was you know Fringe NFL player who's taken out of the University of Delaware played I don't know five or six years in the league and and Phil Sims sat behind him and Sims had had some injuries early on finally he went to Sims and then he had Jeff Hostetler playing behind Sims for a long time before Sims got hurt and Hostetler was the one that won the Super Bowl after the 1990 season so you know he he wasn't I'm sure enamored with the idea of starting a rookie quarterback in his first game which you know 30 years ago was not common it it it didn't necessarily happen that that way um the uh in 1994 the Redskins tried it with Heath Schuler who was the number three pick of the draft and that well he actually he didn't start the opener they he was he was so bad he reported late to Camp that uh they they had John freeze start a few games before they kind of force-fed Schuler in and just never worked out but um you know the idea of parcel's starting a rookie quarterback was was you know somewhat somewhat new at that time and and bledo did um this was him talking to Rich Eisen about how his relationship with parcel's was and and how it was to be a rookie quarterback in training camp with this coach who had won two super bowls with the Giants Well he was you know he was a really funny guy as long as he wasn't talking to you um you know so but I I I just remember you know my rookie year he was such a pain in the ass because he would stand you know during team drills he would stand right behind the offense like right by my my setup point and I would drop back and he would stand behind me to go throw it throw it throw it throw it and so it's like somebody yelling at you in the middle of your golf swing you know you're trying to you know trying to do this thing and uh and he's yelling at you the whole time and so you know whether it was intentional or not it made game days uh a lot easier because he had to be at least 35 yards away from me um you know so I look forward to game days mostly because I didn't have to deal with him when I was in the middle of the Play Scream I'm sure he was screaming that uh at the on the sideline though I'm sure he was screaming the same thing of course but he all the way over there I you know I could just pretend like I didn't hear him but and then and then of course the Super Bowl when you played in it was the General sense I just remembered I I was on Sports Center at the time covering this whole thing that um that he was gone there was no question he was gone did you know that the Super Bowl that you played yeah you know that was the one thing that was that was disappointing about that situation Rich was that we were you know we were The Underdogs we were not supposed to be there um you know the the story should have been about this amazing run that we made to get to the Super Bowl and instead the storyline the whole the whole week that we all had to answer for uh was whether or not Parcels was was going to the Jets uh which was not a very closely kept secret uh certainly back then um I can't imagine what it would be like today with all the uh with all of the different Outlets that that are out there today but it was I just remember that being disappointing it's like why can't we talk about the fact that this team that was not supposed to even make the playoffs is in the Super Bowl you know why can't we talk about that you know rather than talking about where our coach is going to be next year so that part kind of sucked and then uh and then uh and then of course had to deal with Reggie White on Super Bowl Sunday and that part sucked well too love you Reggie but uh but it was not enjoyable to play against Reggie so that's bledo talking about his experience with Parcels I meant to say about the the Wally pip situation is you know if if he doesn't get hurt in the second game of the 2001 season and Brady doesn't get his shot he might have been good enough to keep the job and maybe they deal Brady away you know seeing it or you know it's possible that belich saw enough of him in training camp and so forth that he would give him an opportunity to beat out bledo but bledo being number one number one and taking a team to a Super Bowl that gives you some standing and if he stays healthy who knows if Tom Brady gets his shot in New England uh eventually I guess he would have played but you know how would things turned out if if bledo did not get hurt you know one of those great wh if stories this is uh some analysis that he had for uh for eizen on these rookie quarterbacks starting starting the opener like Jaden Daniels will like Caleb Williams will and and we'll see if Drake May gets his shot uh still undecided in New England but uh this is this is what bledo says about it having experienced that as a rookie in 93 with the Patriots it's such an individual decision right you know it's about looking at um your guy and is he ready to do that yet uh some guys are and some guys need some time uh and then you also have to look at your team you know is your team in a place that that sets this quarterback up for success as a as a as a young guy um you know for for me um I felt like I was ready um and obviously Parcels felt like I was ready so I started the first game uh you know we had to go play at the bills which at that time that was a very daunting task because they were had just come off their third of four straight Super Bowls uh you know so I remember being terrified you know seeing Bruce Smith come out of the tunnel as I was warming up like man I don't belong here I just watched that guy play in the Super Bowl from my dorm room you know about like four five months ago um but I felt like I was ready for it and uh so it's it's a highly personal thing and I and I know that uh again you know back to Alex I know that I know that Alex will make the best decision both for Drake and for the team um you know going into that game and if if if he feels like Drake is ready and gives the team the best chance to win and also um can set him up for success in the future then he'll then he'll be under Center for that first game uh if he's not ready and the team's not ready around him to give him some chance of success you know then they'll let him sit and let the veteran play yeah Marshall Faulk once told me a story Drew of going to Rich stadium in Western New York and standing on the sideline I think it was a c he was with the Colts at the time and standing on the sideline and just noticing the the sort of curvature of the of the field like it was It was kind of you know bubbled up right and and watching the heat rise is off of the turf and then out of the tunnel all greased up was Bruce Smith and he just W felt his stomach drop just watching him through the you know the heat Rays coming off of the turf there that's the oh D it was oh dude it was terrifying you know I'm standing there I see Bruce Bruce come down out of the out of the tunnel um and not just not just Bruce but you got Daryl tally you got Cornelius Bennett um you know Jim Kelly one of my Rose comes running out and he was at least nice enough to come over and Pat me on the butt say good luck Rook uh I was like oh thank you Mr Kelly you know can I have your autograph after the game um but yeah I mean it was it was it was pretty terrifying and then Bruce put uh he kind of he was the one that gave my gave me my welcome to the NFL hit uh oh one of those hits that today he would have been fined and thrown out of the game and jail for it instead then it was just a legal hit where he put his helmet right between my shoulder blades and they had it in slow-mo it was a good enough hit that I was the star of his Nike commercial the next year um so yeah it was uh it was crazy stuff man so um you know if Drake's ready for that then they throw him in if he's not ready for that then they don't yeah well it's it's not exactly that anymore I think that's a that's a point that should be made here the way they protect the quarterbacks a lot different now than it was in 1993 it's it's a lot of it has to do with Brady getting knocked out of the first game in 2008 when he suffered a knee injury that that cost him the season uh they have gone out of their way to protect the quarterbacks and that's why you know guys are playing longer because they know what they're doing that's why Brady was able to play into his mid-40s and that's why younger guys may be able to succeed um you know that's not to say that they aren't going to make mistakes and they've got to find ways to pressure them and as Phil Sims said they're going to game plan and so forth and so on but I think that's uh it's the game that he's talking about the game that he walked in to in 1993 in 2024 is is quite a bit different uh especially for quarterbacks last thing from bledo and this was kind of funny um it's about the money change and the money for quarterbacks now even rookie quarterbacks is is a lot different there was no rookie salary cap in those days uh I don't know what his first contract was but it was probably well under $10 million a year and he got a signing bonus for that and so he was talking to eizen about what like to have instant wealth especially at a time now it's also different for rookie quarterbacks too including Caleb Williams who was making by some reports like $4 million last year plann for USC but that wasn't legal in the early 90s uh you couldn't do that uh they there may have been $50 handshakes and things like that but uh when you were a college quarterback you were uh you were starving uh college kid in those days at least that that was the impression and this is bledo about the rag to Rich's story of going from college quarterback to number one pick of the draft because it was the same bank account that I had in college right which you know you would call and it would give you the automated you know your balance is negative $174 and then and instead you know the first installment of my my signing bonus was like a million and something and so I I I called my brother who was uh in what 8th grade or nth grade at the time and uh uh I told him they dude you got to call this number and you know call it like your same automated voice that gave you the the negative balance that your balance is 1 million like d it was that was that was I done the same thing I would have done the same exact thing yeah now that's before cell phones but maybe it'd make that your ringtone right your balance is $1,130 you know that's so it was it was a different time but man that uh and and you couldn't check your balance online cuz there was no on line in 1993 you had to call the automated line uh to find out what it was that that must be fun that must be a really cool thing uh to be able to do that so that was Drew bledo yesterday or the other day on the Rich Eisen show and uh we'll see if he's right about what happens with Drake May uh and we don't know I I assume because since they haven't decided yet I would think that they would start Drake May on Sunday night you know jacobe Brett he's he's a veteran he's been here he's been there and he's been back there he's now with his second stint with the Patriots and they know that uh if if May is not ready to go they can start peret in the opener and he says he's preparing as if he is going to be the the starter going into that game uh Bram is coming up next he's now on 11 to 12 every day also does commanders daily from 5: to 5:30 and is uh again the voice of the commanders for this fifth year as they close out the pre-season on Sunday night 8:00 against the New England Patriots Tony Kornheiser now at 2:00 and and uh that wraps the week for me uh I finished up my vacation on Monday so you got me 5 days a week for a while till the end of October enjoy the weekend and I will see you back here on Monday morning at 9:00 a.m.

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