PCTVS Presents | PCTI Class of 2024 Graduation | June 20, 2:30pm

Published: Jun 19, 2024 Duration: 01:32:50 Category: Education

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my [Music] [Music] [Applause] sorry come in to pull out [Music] water don't know the bottom bom [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] your one more [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] a [Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] a he [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] a [Music] n [Music] [Music] la [Music] you [Music] again [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] la [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] m [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] h [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh a [Music] o [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] la [Music] m [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] St [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good afternoon can everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all oh say can you see by the da the what so proudly we H at the Twilight last who brought stripes and bright stars through the peress for the r parts we watch were so gly streaming and The Rock of our first thing in a came p through the night let our was still there oh s s the stars spingle for the land of the and the home [Music] [Music] the there is a high pool on the hill up above the city where we have been given choose for Life the county we thank you today cuz now we can make our way through this life D we thank you today there is a heartbeat in the school up above the city it is the teacher is giving us SCH for life it is the staff helping us to grow administratives helping us know how to live PCT you taught us to give we PR to sh joy and after we got a share of heartbreaking tears a peing tear will never forget you throughout all our years there is a vision in our hearts for further achievement it is a vision for success in our Liv St County we thank you today cuz now we can make a way in this life we thank you today we thank you today PE we thank you today class of 2024 please be [Music] seated I wanted to thank everyone for being here on such a joyous occasion especially on this hot summer day what a perfect way to start summer to my fellow graduates now that the last bell has wrung I hope everyone finds what they're looking for in life I hope that the lessons you've learned here whether they include wisdom or heartbreak knowledge or Amusement are carried with you may you cherish the memories that were made and continue to create memories with people who have raised and loved you as you graduate may your achievements grow and lead you to great opportunities may you always strive for success and Excel in all your endeavors thank you for making these past four years memorable and I wish everyone the best amen and amen [Music] 7 the pcti class of 2024 salutatorian is an exemplary student from PC's Academy of health and medical Sciences who has demonstrated remarkable achievements throughout her academic Journey her impressive GPA of 4619 underscores her exceptional academic abilities and dedication to Excellence inter her studies abolute atorian has displayed a strong commitment to her active participation in various clubs and organizations she's a valued member of the National Honor Society World Language Honor Society gifted and talented Club HOSA and aase Beyond her academic Pursuits she dedicates her time to meaningful actor school activities aimed at serving her community she volunteers at a rehabilitation facility where she provides assistant to both staff and patients and also serves as a youth group leader at a local Islamic school demonstrating her compassion and dedication to serving the community and making a positive impact looking ahead she has ambitious plans for her future she intends to pursue a Bachelor of Science and nursing with focus on specializing in labor and delivery her goal reflects her desire to make a difference in healthcare and underscores her dedication to serving others in need our class of 2024 salutatorian exemplifies the values of academic Excellence leadership and service she has made a positive impact for her outstanding achievements and contributions to the pcti community it is my pleasure to introduce our pcti class of 2024 salutatorian Ana [Applause] Hussein welcome members of the Board of Education distinguished guests teachers proud parents friends and above all my fellow graduates I'd like to first start by congrat congratulating our class on all of our accomplishments to finally be standing here today looking back to where we first began our eighth grade year cut short and our freshman year in quarantine with remote learning it was as if we were thrown into a new world by coming to pcti this school has provided us with opportunities to step out of our comfort zones and it has helped to Define who we are as individuals standing here before you I can't help but think of how suddenly our graduation has come and how within a few months everyone here will be a freshman at college or pursuing their careers and passions after waiting so long counting down the days until it was time to leave it's weird to think how this time has finally come and how soon high school will be a distant memory some memories hopefully more distant than others like elbing a path or Spirit way the weird smells throughout the school and the occasional Quarry Blaster we pretended to ignore apparently these will be the good old days days I remember freshman here when we'd sit around in Virtual breakout rooms in complete silence hiding behind our screens dreading having to unmute looking at us now we have built such close relationships that freshman year feels as if were ages ago sophore year a step toward regaining a sense of reality brought about the change needed to establish a sense of community and togetherness in our school junior year our first year of complete normaly shaped us into the people we are today and helped us regain that traditional sense of the high school experience now I know senioritis somehow infiltrated our class junior year and it's been going strong these last few months but now that this day has come and we are no longer infected those days of procrastination are hopefully gone as it is now time for us to stand up and take the steps towards the rest of our lives as we leave the school and begin a new chapter we must remember how much we've grown these past few years as we continue to shape ourselves on our new Journey it's hard to believe that high school has only been four years and that within this short time we have matured created identity for ourselves and turned moments into memories that will be forever cherished for so long we saw graduation as the key we needed to unlock the next step of our lives however graduation is only the beginning as we build upon who we are in this moment to construct our lives and live out the passions are no longer in the distant future in today's world and unstable social climate as children are stripped of the opportunities we take for granted it is on us the graduating class to use the Privileges we have to bring change to our world and create a better future for generations to come I'd like to close with a quote from Dr Martin Luther King Jr who believed that the ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people as we takeen our roles in society and our voices gain weight in the world I implore you to use your voices to break the silence and speak for those who cannot be heard standing before you I am proud of the young leaders we have become and I look forward to seeing all the positive changes we can enact in this world thank you and congratulations class of [Music] [Music] [Applause] 2024 our pcti valid dictorian for the class of 2024 is an exemplary student from The Academy of health and medical Sciences who embodies excellence in everything she does with an impressive GPA of 4.68 her academic accomplishments and exponential character stand as a testament to her dedication and extraordinary abilities her journey at pcti Academy of Health Sciences reflects her unwavering passion for the medical field a passion she has harbored since a young age our Val dictorian was deeply involved in various clubs and sports serving as the president of the National Honor Society a member at large and a nationally recognized competitor for HOSA additionally she is a member of the World Language Honor Society Ro Kappa gifted and talented program environmental club and a class of 2024 class representative in her spare time she dedicates herself to tutoring calculus cherishing moments with her siblings and nurturing her new found interest in banking looking toward the future she plans to pursue a higher education at NJIT where she has been accepted into their outperformance allers college for biomedical engineering on the Premed track with aspirations to attend medical school and specialize in dermatology she is poised to make a significant contribution in the field of healthcare her remarkable achievements coupled with her compassionate spirit and unwavering determination make her shining example of Excellence at pcti as she embarks on the next chapter of her journey we are confident that she will continue to inspire and lead with distinction it is my distinct privilege to present our class of 20124 valedictorian for p County Technical Institute Hannah [Music] [Applause] [Music] IGN good afternoon parents loved ones distinguished guests and most importantly the class of 202 24 to our graduation my name is Hannah Mohamed and I'm honored to represent each and every one of you as I stand before you as your class of 2024 valoran to continue the tradition of the borans before me I was asked to create a speech a good one a memorable one one you would actually take your airpods out to listen to for hours I thought about what to write right and I struggled to find the right words but what I knew was that I don't believe in long speeches so all I asked for is 5 minutes of your time first I want to begin by thanking those who brought me here my parents I honestly could not have done anything without you guys coming here from palestin and being there for me with your unwavering support you guys are the best parents I could have ever I love you my friends you guys have made me laugh so much that sometimes I cried and I don't think High School would have been what it was without you guys my teachers and my counselors you guys have helped me on the way here and have helped me figure out the next chapter of my life while always encouraging me to surpass the limits I've set for myself okay moving on to my fellow classmates the class of 2024 including people who I had in almost every single class and some who this is our first conversation today is a special day for us today is a day where we are ending a chapter and adding another to the book that is our life and for that let me and everyone here take a moment to congratulate you guys for everything that you became and will become I'm not sure if you see what I see but take a good look around you I'm looking at a field of doctors lawyers Engineers singers singers and on entrepreneurs trade professionals a field full of talent and potential I see people who have dedicated themselves for four long years and have now succeeded I see people I know will make a difference to the world and have dreams greater than I can even imagine I like to think that we've come a long way since freshman year we went from barely waking up for our classes not even in with the people in our classes look like seeing people smile for the first time sophomore year to learning how to drive then how to drive well Googling how to write a good college essay wondering when the hell FAFSA was going to process because it seemed that we were never going to commit and today we sit in these chairs waiting for graduation to be over as we pursue our futures while high school has been a journey of personal growth and Discovery for each of us it's important important to remember the world beyond their campus walls to go a little back or maybe a lot back when I was in elementary school I had a shirt with a quot by Mahatma Gandhi that said be the change you wish to see in the world even though like I said today is a special and happy day for us I wanted to live up to that quote a decade later and remind us that unfortunately today is not a happy day for everyone although we are all sitting here today feeling the warm sun hit our faces not everybody in the world has that privilege rather than feeling the warm sun they are wondering when they will even get close to the free Freedom that we have here places like China the Congo Venezuela North Korea and Palestine have people have people who are suffering and can't afford US taking the easy way out and being silent as we celebrate our achievements today let's also recognize our responsibility to make a positive impact Beyond ourself together we can make a difference not just in our own lives but in the lives of others worldwide I know I said I was done saying thank you earlier but I wanted to say my final thanks now while some of you will go to MSU Ruckers or CN hall or maybe you're going to go a little farther like Arizona State or the military I like to think that even if today is the last time we see each other the impacts that we have made will remain with us forever high school was a time that we made many friendships and laughed a lot maybe some of us a little too much get we made our years what they are and our memories will tell that people always say that high school is the best years of our lives and I hope that isn't true because we all have many more years left to come but it will definitely hold a special place in my heart and I hope it does for all of you as well so thank you for being here with me today and I hope you go out of here being the change you wish to see in the world all right guys you can put your airpods back in now [Music] and now I present to you our superintendent John [Music] mayelo thank you and good afternoon esteemed members of the Board of Education B pay County Commissioners School administrators teachers visitors support families supportive families relatives and friends and notably our outstanding graduates of the class of 2024 it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 2024 commencement ceremony of Bay County Technical Institute our sincere gratitude goes out to our honored guest and officials that have gathered here to mark this significant occasion it is through the unwavering commitment of the Board of Education and the pay County Commissioners that our remarkable education programs continue to thrive and progress allow me to present our distinguished members of the Board of Education President Michael kaser [Applause] vice president dearis Solomon commissioner and County Superintendent Kesha dreford We welcome the members of our steam Board of pay County Commissioners commissioner Orlando Cruz commissioner nicolino gal [Applause] we also welcome The Honorable Andre seya the mayor of patteron and welcome to Alex Mendes patteron counil [Applause] president graduates today marks the conclusion of an important memorable chapter in your lives and simultaneously an exciting new chap chapter is about to unfold each one of you sitting before me is a trailblazer for tomorrow you've already demonstrated your ability to achieve significant goals there's no doubt that you are the individuals who will shape the future of our world graduates I commend you you've worked diligently and risen to every challenge over the past four years along the way you've discovered your strength and your resilience you've faced difficulties with determination and tenacity always moving forward even when opportunities seem Out Of Reach I hope you also learn to appreciate life's simple blessings the precious moments we often take for granted remember each day is a gift cherish every moment whether it's about work family friends or relationships Bay County Technical Institute has prepared you well your teachers have nurtured you your abilities and guided your career paths your coaches and advisers have been there for you now you stand stronger more Mindful and ready to face the future with unwavering focus and resolve as you embark on your journey choose a rewarding and fulfilling career path never stop learning take care of yourselves and your families be kind considerate and positive engage activity act actively in your community and make choices that reflect your pride and ambition and above all let integrity and good character be the foundation of your life and career remember this throughout your life you'll always be in control of two things your attitude and your effort value them and use them wisely remain true to the American ideals of freedom justice love and peace so congratulations class of 2024 your future awaits and I have no doubt it will be remarkable God may God bless America and the Great County Technical Institute graduating [Applause] class and now it gives me great pleasure to introduce commissioner Orlando Cruz of the Baya County Board of County Commissioners thank you [Music] good afternoon to the Board of Education administrators esteemed faculty proud parents honored guests but most importantly our graduates of the class of 2024 it is a tremendous honor and privilege to stand before you on behalf of my colleagues and myself on the pay County Board of Commissioners to celebrate this momentous occasion with you all graduates today marks a significant milestone in your lives you've worked hard persevered through challenges and Achieve something remarkable your dedication resilience and commitment have brought you here to the threshold of new beginnings and Endless Possibilities I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you this achievement is not just a testament to the hard work but also a reflection of the unwavering support from your family teachers and friends as you embark on the next chapter of your journey remember the skills knowledge and values that you have acquired here in Pake County will serve as your foundation the world you are stepping into is full of opportunities and challenges embrace them with the same spirit and determination and curiosity that has brought you to this very point the future is yours to shape whether you are heading to college entering the workforce or pursuing other paths be bold in every Endeavor continue to learn grow and contribute to your communities remember the strength of our County lies in the strength of its people you our graduates are the Future Leaders and innovators that will continue to drive us forward so today as you toss your caps up in the air know that you carry the pride of Pake County with you we believe in you and we are excited to see all of the incredible things you will achieve once again congratulations class of 2024 may your futures be bright your dreams be boundless and your Journeys be fulfilling [Music] congratulations all attendees it is my great honor to welcome the person who has with us from the very beginning guiding us through our high school Journey with Relentless dedication and we are his favorite class please join me and give me a warm welcome to our scene principal Mr Antonio Garcia class of 2024 parents Guardians faculty staff Administration Board of Education members Pake County Commissioners and distinguished guests as the proud principal of pcti I would like to thank you for being here with us today to celebrate the class of 2024 this graduation ceremony is a celebration for all of us especially what these students have accomplished these last four years let me take a moment to summarize some accomplishments of this amazing class freshman year began during the beginning of a worldwide pandemic and the world was turned upside down remote learning became a thing and the struggles began school was optional and students had to log in from home and pajamas and hope to focus and get some work done sophomore year was the mass year when we returned to school in mass and no one really knew who was who Junior and Senior year well I'm really glad you experienced two normal and amazing high school years before leaving us this school year has been truly remarkable on many levels we returned to normal and got back to business in true Bulldog fashion everyone refocused on their goals and we achieved extraordinary results let me share a few pcti continues to rank among one of the best high schools in the county in the state and in the nation our Bulldog athletic teams reset school records with 13 divisional conference championships 10 County championships four Tech tournament championships and three state sectional championships we also added a male County athlete of the Year first time in 34 years for pcti and a gold medalist in the njsia state meet of Champions creating what is incredibly the most successful athletic year in school history in addition many of our students won Top recognition Awards in numerous prestigious competitions around the state and the country many of our graduates are enrolled in top colleges and universities around the area and some have earned full scholarships to the colleges of their choice other graduates will be entering the workforce with industy valued credentials While others join our Armed Forces to protect our great country and Freedoms I have to take a pause and pinch myself to make sure it's not all a dream congratulations to the class of 2024 for finishing strong and contributing to all the great success we have experienced this school year now let me get back to why we are here today today we are celebrating the class of 2024 and the ENT and the entire bulldog Community every June we celebrate with a graduation ceremony to memorialize the hard work effort and dedication our seniors have put in to meet our rigorous graduation requirements and earn their High School diplomas at this time I would like to publicly acknowledge a few people that support pcti and the entire Bulldog community and help give all our students the best high school experience POS possible our extremely supportive pctvs Board of Education and Pake County Commissioners our superintendent Mr John Mello and the and the entire pctvs administrative team our talented and dedicated teachers school counselors nurses and support staff our amazing and extremely hardworking athletic coaches trainers and athletic director our club and class advisors and Student Activities coordinator for helping to make PCT like no place else our tremendous security team and school resource officers that keep us safe the hardworking con custodial maintenance team to keep for keeping our campus pristine and last but not least the class of 2024 assistant principal Mr castanada as I reflect on the last four years and all the Great accomplishments my biggest take takeway is that regardless of the situation we can all overcome anything life has to throw at us this is a lesson that our seniors should take with them as they move forward life is not supposed to be easy it's supposed to be filled with challenges and obstacles that are meant to teach us valuable lessons those that understand the value of adversity and learn to persevere will find success and happiness no matter where they are in life class of 2024 as your proud principal I want to take this time to share some wisdom that I've learned over the years I want the same thing for you that I want for my own daughters and that is for you to be healthy happy and successful in whatever path you choose remember everything is possible first the secret to life is happiness not money or job title or material Treasures so go find your happiness find what you love doing and align that with big audacious goals anything is possible if you believe in yourself and are willing to work hard for it do not let anything or anyone get in your way your belief in yourself is Paramount to your success and happiness Therefore your mindset must be fixed on the life that you envision for yourself have a laser-like focus embrace the grind and outwork everyone around you to obtain your dreams I'm not saying the journey will be easy the bigger your goals the the bigger your Mountain will be to climb I have worked extremely hard to become your principal and I love every second of it you make it easy to come to work every day I'm honored to be delivering this speech today I have accepted all the responsibility hard work and long hours that come with being your principal and serve an example that dreams do come true my dream was to become a principal of an amazing school and I stand before you as a Living Testament that dreams do come true now it's time for you to go out and make your dreams come true second Choose Wisely who you surround yourself with if you want to be happy then surround yourself with happy people if you want to be successful then surround yourself with successful people success and happiness are reserved for those willing to work hard and make sacrifices The Company You Keep is critical so be smart with your inner circle keep it small but powerful surround yourself with people that support you being the best version of yourself third you are as valuable as your Knowledge and Skills therefore keep learning and keep growing education is the key to success as you as your Knowledge and Skills increase so will your value knowledge is power read read to be inspired read to learn from others read to grow grow your perspective on life and the amazing world we live in lastly be a good person be kind be helpful be generous make the world a better place light will always rid the dark go confidently in the direction of the future you envision for yourself do it without fear and with excitement of the unknown choose the path that scares you the most because that's the one that's going to help you grow Robert Frost wrote the poem The Road Not Taken today I challenge you to travel the road not taken Blaze your own trail and that will make all the difference class of 2024 I wish you well on your journey after Tech the canvas is blank your future has not been written yet although this chapter of your life has come to an end a new one begins go forward with confidence paint your Masterpiece for everyone to enire and now let's commence thank [Applause] [Music] you Mr Kasha president of the Board of Education I certify that the class of 2024 has successfully completed the re requirements for high school graduation I I proudly present to you the P County Technical Institute class of [Music] 2024 thank you Mr myello on behalf of the school of education the board myself I congratulate the class of 2024 for and I accept your graduation God bless you God protect you and God bless our great country you know how [Music] The Academy of Medical Arts and Health Sciences Hannah muhamad [Applause] [Music] ignite Ana [Music] Hussein Ana cologne [Music] Valdez Farah Bashas Mariah [Music] Fay Yasmine [Music] Mustafa from The Academy of Criminal Justice Evelyn Akuna jayen agalar notion amen Carlos Alva Ariana Alvarez Julius amandola ban [Music] beloo Dylan [Music] Parker Jaden Barker Rael Blanco Jaden bracket congratulations Alonso Bravo Cheyenne Brusco Amanda Bueno Luna Nicole Costa Fetti Edward Cruz Mia Nicole DeLeon Elise Duran Noel espinal Samantha F dudy Nico foli Emily Fiola Emmanuel FCO Aiden Garena Marielle guante Kara Michelle Gara Emily Sophia guz Angel Guzman Dana ham rahita Hassan nelli Rubina Hernandez grian Anthony hialgo Ashley Etta alira Jackson nicolina jelli Daniel Johnson dais Kelly zahor Khan Iceland Lugo ad Dara Lusk Natalie Mia Martinez Ruth Mendes Meen Mendoza swandy Marcado jany marizo Angie Munoz Jessica maretta renan marata Malik Nasser oh no Bridget nebron I don't remember sheina Evans Neils Beckley Ortega Joshua pz Amy Patricio Ralph Cortez Amira Powell NAA quirindongo Amir Mustafa Robo alen Ramirez Mia Ramirez Garcia Kiana Ratliff swe Seria Regino Vanessa Reyes Camila Rivera alesandro Roberto [Music] lesli and Rodriguez curri Rodriguez summer rose Rodriguez Rihanna Rosario Jennifer Sanchez efon Sanchez Jennifer Helen Sanchez melany Santana Jonathan Santiago Michelle shanovich Suzanna suus Loren storm Omar tki kriana Toledo Destiny AES tolins Caitlyn Torres Haley [Music] Valdez Javier Vargas [Music] Guadalupe valet Luna Vasquez Nora John Carlo villes jarlene Villages Joselyn wch Louis aric Costas Amy [Music] zaleta from The Academy of Medical Arts and help Sciences ra abdala tala [Music] abadal Gabriela aasta Jose agulara Nish ahed samin ahed tahia [Music] Amed Eileen Sophia alak alak SAA Ali Farah [Music] Amar Alana [Music] Anton Gabriella Aras Leon Assad Melanie aaya Alaya Ayala Manon nuran [Music] ayad azra Azad Reggie Aziz Michael f b Katie Bell solidad Guadalupe Bellow Annie Bernard Eden benan cor Isabella [Music] Casanova erina chalice jaia javaria chol Jules cloro Andrea Jean kab Marlene contras Victoria Daniels Nancy Dar witch arlet De Jesus isella Delgado Faith Diaz adelan Diaz Olivia Dron Mei Estes Haley Franco panal Jer Jared Emanuel palino Garcia Jalisa goon Justin Guzman Miss reene hanfy Valerie her Jaylen [Music] yubing Andrew alasa Natalie Infante jna [Music] Islam Zaria Jackson Muhammad jamor Jason Jenkin kren Johnson asala Khalifa nafisa Khan raana Rama kesa Laura kubasa Carrick Lawrence Briana loope LZ Jaden Laura Annabelle Lewis lzy Martinez Samantha [Music] mcen haly mes George Miranda Allan Moya LZ Muni jna morray sud akar Christian [Music] oronas Grace pacello rivy Patel kushal Patel Leilani Peña Isabella palanco Natalia foro Martinez Amber Rodriguez lasa Sanchez Jeremy saviano a sha Catalina stoak kovich rard Taha Jillian Rosaline toar Luciana orena Phillip [Music] V Rachel [Music] youf from the school of construction technology Tony Carta III from The Academy of Cosmetology evalise [Music] aosta Ariana cardas kayn carasco Betsy Castillo Britney Sno maish maish [Music] chowy Aliyah Dumas ha Eddie [Music] PVA Madison erazo Julissa figuroa Desiree Guzman Ashley Hernandez jka Eng Maria gimnez Aras Vera Lita Amber Maldonado look that did it jeline Martinez Madison medic Melanie Mendes eget marado uhoh hello Valerie Marino okay there we go all right Britney man manah Karina Miranda Lily monasterio Amanda Munos ban [Music] Nunes Yasmine OD Juliana Osorio Bona Sienna [Music] Pagan Catalina Perez Michelle Perez Hernandez Malika Perry Sabrina pesf Amy ramirezz roedes Rodriguez rire Emily Romero Jayla Royster Rihanna Salamon Ava Susan Lani Vin Veronica and Dyke Ariana Vasquez aai School of Business career Gabriella aosta good job hi Emy switch jovanka Alamo Miranda ala KY Allen Zo [Music] alante anelli aala arones Batista giovana bergamasco Jacob bles Zodi Camilo Alvarez Camila cascante Ryan CPUs samha chowdery Raa chowdery Dariel Sion Elijah Clark Amman ciano Jaylen Coleman Ricky cologne Grace kraa Jaden corneo Michael Deo Haley Durant Trayvon D whole thing is making sh Hussein mamed manim EST Ste Fernandez De Jesus Isabella Flores Vasquez Ariana Gonzalo NAA hul suan hassin samiha Hussein zarel jaas taures Annabelle Jerome Angel hunia gimenez yander gimenez Jill namila Jan Charles Johnson Jr Owen jco [Music] is Lanell Le Jen Lopez Anderson Lopez Galindo receli Madera Paul Mahia Ashley Mendes tarz Louis Mendoza Isaiah [Music] Miller an Menendez Maya Mills Shrea Mishra gel Morales Sarah Moreno Rios Nicholas Olivia Edwin perah Chris manah Michael Malon azer Pearson Leslie Perez ayani Pride Adrien Ramirez ishak Rach Melanie renan Joseph rioa Bryson Emily Rivera Nancy Rivera mayabella Rodriguez neun Sanchez Christina Santiago Genevie Smith Guadalupe Sorano Joel Sorano Medina Jayla Stewart moo Taylor brandan toal Longo Jon juice Tyrell Matt V cha sorry Desiree Washington Ariana C [Music] aella they like hand it to you from the Academy of Finance Stephanie agalar [Music] gamarra Briana Bragg Tyler camarada Waffa chowdery Lorena Cruz Castillo Zahara Falkner Hassan hosan Ashley Hilton Adam kiss David Martinez Maxine Kylie maspon Ronaldo Morales jesn Moscoso ysep Nim Aiden aoi naen Salem Corey Sam Natalie Sanchez Ria sha Diego valadares Michael Vargas Joselyn chunga Angelina claer Jack Donovan Emily Ferrera Caitlyn Glover Tasia Khan Ramsey maog Jake Nunes Sarah [Music] Nunes Caitlyn rendi Solis Julian Sanchez Hannah Suarez Lisha laqua redana Udin kayn [Music] Vasquez from the school of education and Human Services Nora abuk kabin pea agular Ashley alante Rachel [Music] andelise ya Ash car Zara [Music] Awad Jose Marie AAR Carla honesty Balmer Angelina BAC Ashley Rebecca Castillo Michelle Castillo eleny Chavez justella Chavez Alana David Mariana [Music] deos Leila Garcia Taylor GES Sophia Gonzalez miles monster Gutierrez Bautista Ken Herrera Emma Huntington yanira Johnson Ashley jovel Lisa yumo kashiro tumara canara [Music] Ava Sky lry Madison Taylor [Music] Lio Angelia Angelie Mahia adona Kaye Michelle Caitlyn Michelle Mendoza sea Marcado Jan mus [Music] aan [Music] Murray Amaya Paulino Fernandez practice the first kid name kimaya [Music] Pickin Sasha Michaela pooll yadari Ramos lyanna Rivera Janessa Celeste Rodriguez leonelli Rodriguez alante Samantha Salazar junab Bel Santiago Aaliyah Mia shika Catherine Rose Snell Giana selovich know Tara [Music] truso janelli Vio Jillian vanwinkle Jordan Vitali and Jordan Webster from the school of a motive technology Yousef Abdul ham Theon bami estabon Kao FR Francisco deos tan D Nathan elany branley esquia Amir Foster garielle Hilo Joseph Jenkins Jose Warez kayin Warz Kamar mckeny was mechm John Heidi Nunes Devin Ortiz Burton palus cilio Perez Jason Pierce Joshua Powell Jordy rosz Robert Scott Jr Juan Solace Nassim Udin Gerardo viscano Dominic White [Music] oh my God now over here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 4 years ago we all walked into this place for the first time unsure of what lay ahead our freshman year started as not a regular school year attending virtual classes and following protocols set into place until a sophomore year but when things finally resume to normal see Junior and Senior year we for sure made up for the lost time from classes meets clubs school events games and everything else that took place during our years here at Tech you never knew what would be the outcome for each day but that's what made being here so Unforgettable from this day forward each and every one of us will be carving our own paths even if we don't know when how or why the future is meant to be shown when the moment comes we walk out of here that is all within reach this isn't the end only the beginning now for the moment you all have been waiting for seniors stand up move your tassel from right to left I am honor to present to you the class of 2024 [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the a [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music]

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[music] don't believe me just watch don't believe me just watch don't believe [music] up up up up f [music] n [music] upk you up upk you up upk you up upk you up up you up up you up up you up up you up said up up up up up up up up you up up up don't believe me just watch don't believe me just watch... Read more

PCTI Presents Class of 2024 Valedictorian | Hana Ighneim thumbnail
PCTI Presents Class of 2024 Valedictorian | Hana Ighneim

Category: Education

Hi my name is hanah nime and i'm your pcti class of 2024 valedictorian my cte program is the academy of health sciences and i picked it because i knew from a young age i wanted to be in medicine and i knew that pcti had the programs that i wanted in order to advance that interest i plan to go to ngit... Read more

PCTVS Presents | Asian Pacific Assembly | 1:30pm thumbnail
PCTVS Presents | Asian Pacific Assembly | 1:30pm

Category: Education

E e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [applause] [music] hello welcome to this year's asian-pacific islander heritage celebration we are honored to get together again and display the richness of asian and pacific cultures before we begin the performances we must keep in mind the struggles for justice... Read more

16-year-old charged in PCTI shooting thumbnail
16-year-old charged in PCTI shooting

Category: News & Politics

A 16-year-old facing charges accused of shooting two other teenagers outside a high school football game good evening i'm jessica moore we begin with attempted murder charges for a 16-year-old accused of opening fire outside a high school football game in wayne new jersey the two teenagers who were... Read more

Toms River North 23 Passaic Tech 13 | Group 5 State Final | Mariners Repeat as Group 5 Champions! thumbnail
Toms River North 23 Passaic Tech 13 | Group 5 State Final | Mariners Repeat as Group 5 Champions!

Category: Sports

Intro jersey sports owned state championship football coverage is brought to you by rwj barnabas health for the second year game in a row tom's river north and pic tech meet in the group five state final the bulldogs look to complete a perfect season meanwhile for the mariners there is a lot on the... Read more

Passaic Tech 14 Union City 0 | Group 5 State Semifinal | Bulldogs Punch Ticket to State Final! thumbnail
Passaic Tech 14 Union City 0 | Group 5 State Semifinal | Bulldogs Punch Ticket to State Final!

Category: Sports

Intro jersey sports z's coverage of union city is brought to you by jersey city medical center hey what's going on everyone i'm jay cook with jerseysportszone.com i'm here tonight in wayne where somebody is going to punch their ticket to the group five state championship game union city and paic tech... Read more