PCTVS Presents | DCL STEM Academy Class of 2024 Graduation | June 19, 6:30pm

Published: Jun 19, 2024 Duration: 01:18:15 Category: Education

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[Music] p [Music] n [Music] [Music] same this [Music] no [Music] he [Music] [Music] la [Music] la oh [Music] oh [Music] la la [Music] [Applause] la [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] la [Music] a [Music] h [Music] oh la [Music] [Applause] dear friends family faculty in the class of 2024 As We Gather to celebrate this Milestone we reflect with gratitude on our journey we thank our mentors and loved ones for their support made their friendships and wisdom gained here guide us forward bless this ceremony and the pway baron let our dreams be bold our actions impactful and our hearts ever grateful congratulations class of 2024 and happy juneth the world awaits [Applause] you may everyone please rise for uh the Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which he stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] [Applause] all oh say can you see when so proudly we who stripes and bright [Music] stars for the r [Music] be and the rock is R GL the were stay in through the night that a black was still in oh s that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stle or the of the and the [Music] Heart of PR [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is a high school on a hill up above the city where we have been given to for life say coming we thank you today cuz now we can make our way through this PCT we thank you [Music] today there is a heartbeat in the school up above the city it is the teachers giv a schools for love it is the staff helping us to grow and ministrators helping us H you taught us to we sh Jo and after we to share her tears but P will never forget you throughout of our years there is a vision in our hearts for further achievement it is a vision for success in our Liv the sa County we thank you today cuz now we can make our way in this life PP we thank you today we thank you today we thank you [Music] [Applause] today you may be seated now please welcome our 2024 salad Victorian Austin [Music] [Applause] [Music] sley okay I'm just going to take off my hat it's a little windy hey everyone hopefully it's been a good evening for all of our audience members the Board of Education the Commissioners the distinguished guests administrators faculty families and the class of 2024 let's hear it firstly congrats everyone seriously because making it through High School definitely has that movi esque sort of feeling especially as you approach the end and you see how much you've grown I can firmly say that I'm a proud member of the class of 2024 because for one we survived those Co years and man were those brutal I don't think I'll ever forget being the only kid in some of my hybrid classes regardless I think we can all say that high school was a lot more fun in person and that comes down to the people that we meet these people they make us who we are and if we don't have them we lose faith in ourselves and times can get tricky so that's why we need friends and these friends they can be students they can be teachers for me they were Dr Sloan and Mr manino Mr monino taught me a great lesson once he told me you can ask as many questions as you want and sometimes you'll hit a roadblock but asking the right questions will always keep you moving forward and man did they put up with a ridiculous number of questions and basically Any teacher that had me for that matter but in the end they always fed my curiosity and crowed me forward in both life and my passion for physics so a special thank you goes out to you guys now I think we all have these types of friends whether it's a student a teacher or even just that voice in the back of your head telling you to keep moving forward these are the people we need to keep dear and cherish because they helped bring us to where we are now as they see how great we can be now friends are really good at helping us maintain our self-esteem but they're also really good for having a fun time and just making some fun memories and speaking of some funny memories I don't think any other school in New Jersey can claim to hold the record for the most number of power outages without an actual storm like those are definitely some of the most random times in my high school but I know we all enjoyed skipping first period also what about that lovely little Six Flags Fiasco I think we all got scammed out of that one and you know perhaps we deserve a little school sponsor trip down there over the summer aside from scamming us out of both power and Six Flags I think this school has done a great many things for us and I think it's about time we thank them for making us get up so early I'm only mildly joking on that last part but seriously this school really did bring us all together with teachers and counselors that were willing to sacrifice so much for us through AAP sces and all sorts of other guidance things so let's all give a round of applause for our faculty and staff [Applause] now for the more entertaining part of this speech I'd like all of the audience members the families and the stands to give an awkward high five to a different family member that's not sitting next to you go ahead and do it very nice so you guys notice all those awkward I fives imagine doing that for the rest of your life only it gets easier the more you do it now I'd like the class of 2024 I'd like you guys to give a high five to your neighboring students you guys can do it now all right just had a lovely little handshake hopefully you guys noticed that the familiarity with your classmates made that so much easier and that's exactly what making relationships in life is all about that initial awkwardness is a part of life so please embrace it and make some new friends along the way especially as as you guys enter a whole new world of college now I think it's about time I thank my parents and my friends for all of the dedication and support that they've given me throughout this journey because I would definitely not be where I am right now if it wasn't for them as I'd either forget or I'd procrastinate whatever it was I had to do and I know for a fact my mom can agree with that as she reminded me to get prom tickets like a million times this is actually incredible but I think we can all attest to some of that forgetfulness and procrastination just part of who we are that's why we need friendships and relationships obviously friends they help us remember things but more importantly they give us memories worth remembering and I hope we've all found some of those here now please give yourselves a round of applause show some appreciation to your loved ones tonight and I wish you all good luck with those awkward high fives in the future thank you [Music] our DCL STEM Academy validator for the class of 2024 has distinguished himself through exceptional academic achievements and a dedication to extracurricular Pursuits with an impressive GPA of 4.63 he has consistently displayed intellectual prowess and a commitment to Excellence throughout his high school Journey as a dedicated student of the DCL St Academy's biomedical pathway he has eagerly embraced opportunities to expand his Knowledge and Skills in the field of Life Sciences Beyond academics he is actively engaged in various School organizations including the National Honor Society where he serves as an officer as well as the World Language Honor Society in the gifted and talented program he also participates in biomedical related activities demonstrating his commitment to exploring his interest beyond the classroom in his free time he generously volunteers with St Peter's Haven contributing to food distri distribution efforts for families in need he will attend vaster college replans to study either biochemistry or molecular biology his future career go goal is to become either a pathologist or a laboratory researcher to Aid in the fight of eliminating pathogens and improving human health our valorian was chosen to receive the prestigious Gates scholarship funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation one of the most selective scholarships for outstanding High School seniors in the United States with his dedication passion for his future goals remarkable achievement and determination to put his best in anything he undertakes there is no doubt he will achieve great success it is my distinct pleasure to introduce our gasty labasco s acad sem Academy class of 2024 vorian George [Music] [Applause] [Music] oiro good evening Board of Education Commissioners distinguished guests ad administrators faculty families and of course to all of you the class of 2024 let's hear [Applause] it now this was certainly not one of the things I expected to do in high school but I'm extremely honored to be up here and to be able to speak to all of you like Austin I'd also like to take a moment to acknowledge everything we've done these past four years we've grown significantly from our old hair styles and sitting in awkward silences in WebEx meetings to watching brain rot on Tik Tok getting sleep deprived and playing on the New York Times instead of doing our work and I may or may not be guilty of some of those things too sorry about that teachers but in all seriousness we have grown a significant amount since then ever since we entered that first classroom joined that first WebEx call or took that first AP class we've learned how to handle these workloads get job jobs drive and ultimately become more independent and mature even if you don't feel like you genuinely changed now I don't know about all of you but despite this growth I myself sort of feel this way too the fact is we're never going to stop feeling uncomfortable here and there when we endeavored to take that public speaking class with Mr oakal take that AP Lang class with Mr Sanchez take AP seminar or even research and props to those of you who did take AP research as I didn't even bother trying but the fact is we've struggled sure we failed at times but we persevered and in some way shape or form we've grown bit by bit by pushing ourselves and whether we are ready for it or not we're endeavoring to do something even greater as we graduate today regardless of whether you're excited or overwhelmed or both of the idea of going to college trade school the workforce or whatever dream or goal it is you're planning on taxing L just remember that it's probably going to feel the same way to when you first took that WebEx call or pushed to take that first AP class even if you're not actually doing those things anymore you might feel uncomfortable and yes you might feel you might fail I know many of us did in our first public speaking speech or presentation and don't even get me started on those debates but the truth is we can and we do strive to be better I think that's a huge part of what got us into step them and what will ultimately distinguish us as Scholars scientists doctors physicists Engineers computer scientists and so much more yes not all of you may know me and I may not know all of you but if there's one thing I think everyone could take away from this it's to never stop that drive to be better to keep persevering we've all felt that disappointment that frustration from failing a test you study so hard for or getting rejected from that dream college scholarship or even by others in your life and after moping around for a bit use that as fuel for your fire prove that you know your material on that test and prove to whoever turned you down that it's their loss of course you don't need to cure cancer or end world hunger tomorrow but you should at least do something to keep moving forward and do the things that you want to do and be the person that you want to be and if I haven't sounded like Tony Robin Shila Buff or Oprah Winfrey already trying to be this overly inspirational and pompous I'd like to leave you with something that really resonated with me most people would tell you don't bite off more than you can chew but I prefer to think of it the way television producer Mark Bernett does there's nothing like biting off more than you can chew and then chewing anyway in other words push yourself fail cry about it and try again until will you succeed and last but certainly not least don't forget to thank everyone who has helped you get this far either today or tomorrow I'd like to give a personal thank you to my parents who have helped me in every single step of the way my professors who have always helped me strive to be better my friends who have supported me both through through both the good and the bad my biomed class for making class just that much more fun and Lively thank you and ultimately all those who have stuck with me through thick and thin thank you and have a great rest of your graduation [Music] everyone I will now introduce the chief School administrator John mayel thank you and good evening esteemed members of the Board of Education Board of P County Commissioners School administrators teachers visitors supportive families families relatives friends and notably our outstanding graduates of the class of 2024 it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 2024 commencement ceremony of the Diana C leasco STEM Academy our sincere gratitude goes out to our honored guests and officials who have gathered here to mark this significant occasion it is through the unwavering commitment of the Board of Education and the pay County Commissioners that our remarkable educational programs continue to th Thrive and progress allow me to present our distinguished members of the Board of Education President Michael Kasha vice president dearis Solomon commissioner Alexandra [Applause] tassk and commissioner and county superintendent kha raford we also want to welcome the members of our esteemed Board of P County Commissioners director Mr John Bartlett commissioner Orlando Cruz and Deputy County Administrator Mark Seaman and we are honored to welcome tonight the bay Democratic chairman Mr John Curry and his wife [Applause] Iris along with us today also is Andre SE the mayor of Patterson and Anthony denova former P County Administrator graduates today marks the conclusion of an important and memorable chapter in your lives and simultaneously an exciting new chapter is about to unfold each one of you sitting before me is a trailblazer of Tomorrow you've already demonstrated your ability to achieve significant goals there's no doubt that you are the individuals who will shape the future of our world graduates I commend you you work diligently and risen to every challenge over the past four years along the way you discovered your strength your resilience you fa difficulties and determination and tenacity always moving forward even when opportunities seemed Out Of Reach I hope you also learn to appreciate life's simple blessings the precious moments we often take for granted remember each day is a gift cherish every moment every moment whether it's about work family friends or relationships the STEM Academy Academy has prepared you well your teachers have nurtured you your abilities and and and guided your and have guided your career paths your coaches your advisors have been there for you now you stand stronger more Mindful and ready to face the future with unraveling focus and resolve as you embark on your journey choose a rewarding and fulfilling career path never stop learning take care of yourselves and your families be kind considerate and positive engage actively in the community make choices that reflect your pride and ambition and above all let integrity and good character be the foundation of your life and career remember this throughout your life you always be in control of two things your attitude and your effort value them and use them wisely remain true to American ideals freedom justice love and peace so I say congratulations class of 2024 your future awaits and I have no doubt it will be remarkable may God bless America and the great DCL STEM Academy graduating class of 2024 and now it gives me great pleasure to introduce commissioner director John Bartlett of the B County Board of County Commissioners good evening class of 2024 good evening proud families watching from the stands and from around the world on our live stream I'm John Bartlett I'm the director of the pay County Board of County Commissioners and on behalf of all of your County Commissioners with govern pay County congratulations we are so proud of you today I know what you've been through that makes it time but I know what you've experienced and the ways in which you've learned and grown over these last four years not just because I'm a county commissioner but also because I'm the dad of a 2022 graduate of the biomedical program here at DCL stem I've seen the tenacity I've seen the teamwork I've seen the extraordinary effort that each of you puts into your work here every day and I can tell that what you've demonstrated here and the skills you've learned here are things you're going to carry forward with character and achievement for many many years to come even the experiences that may not have been positive at the moment can be important lessons hopefully today's is not we sunscreen but whatever lessons you got these last four years what I can say for certain about your generation is that more than any that came before you have a cleare eyed understanding not only of what you've learned but of the challenges that you face ahead climate change pandemics The Unfinished work of racial and economic Justice in this country and around the world but you are prepared for that and you have the extraordinary experience and character to go forward I know that like a like a parent as I was two years ago all the parents in these stands wish for you in these years ahead to do well but more than that we wish for you to do good congratulations class of 2024 and best wishes [Applause] now please welcome our DCL STEM Academy principal Mr [Applause] [Music] Johnson good evening to our distinguished guests our staff and faculty our families and most importantly the class of 2024 you can applaud I hope you are all enjoying the ceremony and not just counting down the minutes until we escape this heat it's an honor to stand here today as we celebrate the class of 2024 we started the school year with a heatwave you may recall which led to early dismissals in the first few days of school and now we are ending the year with another Heatwave Additionally you started your high school careers in the middle of a pandemic in which we required every student to stand six feet apart at all times now today before our processional we instructed you to stand six feet apart from your fellow graduates you see everything comes full circle and that's important because you see at the STEM Academy circles are important because that's how you understand calculus and calculus is important if you want to know that there's derivatives involved derivatives are featured throughout engineering and throughout physics for us everything always comes back to science doesn't it Mrs S as I reflect on your journey one of the most remarkable things is how you've come together as a class you began your high school career with half your face covered in a mask and half your classmates learning from home and now you sit here today as a class that really sticks together now that might be because of the heat but we know you're a really close group on temperate days as well you arrived on our campus from 58 different middle schools that's 58 different sets of protocols and experiences you were familiar with and in four short years you have seen seemlessly adapted to our Bulldog way this is important because it shows how the diversity of experiences has provided you with wisdom and insight but the unity found within your common goals has brought you strength if you continue to move through this world with wisdom and strength your potential will be unlimited potential we're back on those science terms again as you step out of high school and into the future please remember the lessons you have learned here Embrace diversity appreciate the power of unity and keep a sense of humor even when the temperature and the challenges rise class of 2024 thank you for the great memories and thank you to our families for putting your faith in trust in our school thank you to all the teachers and faculty and and thank you to the custodians and our security personnel and the many other support services that make nights like tonight possible your tireless efforts do not go unappreciated however if you're a little tired after tonight we more than understand and last but not least class of 2024 I need you to thank someone or someone's let's put our hands together and thank your assistant principal Mr Kula and your class advisers Miss Bia and miss [Applause] peragallo these individuals have watched over you and supported you more than anyone else these past four years congratulations to the class of 2024 you have persevered through challenges you have empathized with those who struggle you have reflected on your actions and you have learned to collaborate with a variety of individuals and now you are ready to graduate from the Diana C labosco STEM Academy the number one school in pic County stay fire class of 2024 and I'm not talking about the temperature thank you Mr Johnson Mr koser President of the Board of Education I certify that the class of 2024 has successfully completed the requirements for high school graduation I proudly present to you the Diana C labasco stem stem Academy class of 2024 [Music] Mr myello on behalf of the Board of Education and myself we accept the class of 2024 congratulation graduates [Music] Felix nun from the school of engineeringa vasila from the School of Engineering Austin Shepley from the school of computer science George O Shiro from The Academy of biomedical and Life Sciences arushi Dalal from The Academy of biomedical and life sciences Naima Barry The Academy of biomedical and Life Sciences relle Dela Cruz of computer science James Reynolds from The Academy of biomedical and life [Music] sciences and continuing from the STEM Academy of biomed and Life Sciences Vanessa Garcia [Music] Abigail Al [Music] deene Stephanie [Music] agular Dean [Music] anol Hala Alik [Music] Giana [Music] ARA Joseph aronda Adrien [Music] B naami sorry Stephen [Music] fadec tsana [Music] Bernard Alexa Cardona Sasha Ross [Music] Chloe Chen Flavia Cella zaket [Music] chowy jakia chowdery [Music] Jasmine Cortez Sandoval Connor [Music] colonise Natalie [Music] dsy Riley kuoko [Music] push the [Music] side Danny Dela Cruz McKenzie [Music] dur Mia Z Diaz [Music] Ivan [Music] [Applause] [Music] exio Olivia Dunwoody Eliza fontz Julia bod [Music] Noah [Music] Garcia Aiden [Music] Hera Sarah [Music] he Hannah Holloway [Music] Karen [Music] Hussein Sak Hussein Sara [Music] Idis Sasha Ging [Music] Sonia kapor Cooper castner Pari Condor Sarah Kino Warren [Music] Gabriella [Music] kavari Gabriella CLE Sierra [Music] Key Ashley londono rreo Roman man [Music] though Samantha [Music] mayor or orani medina [Music] jenez Leah [Music] mayor Amber mirall [Music] Jasmine Mitchell chish [Music] Modi priia [Music] nyek christe NZ Emma NIS lean oala Angelina [Music] OA Olivia Ortiz [Music] Carlos [Music] Ortiz Jer [Music] Patel JY [Music] [Applause] [Music] Patel Jessica [Music] Dogo [Music] Pereira Vasa Latifa [Music] Kus hmani [Music] raana Giana Ramirez wo [Music] rushing Kupa raana Time Mary Margaret Riley [Music] Caitlyn [Music] Rodondo Joselyn Rodriguez jelli Reyes [Music] AR Rachel Rosado Michael [Music] Sanchez sasville satar Thomas [Music] shider Lauren [Music] seagull shaan Sen [Applause] [Music] Bobby Shaw Shan Andre [Music] Sila Kan [Music] [Applause] sylvestre Kimora Sims [Applause] Ashlin [Music] seeno Juliana [Music] string Sarah [Music] Suliman Weston [Applause] swallow for hot [Music] hasmine braheim Udin Rebecca ulaa Jeremy [Music] vanderhook Maya Vargas marangeli [Music] Vasquez Angelica Vega via [Music] westelle Bri all [Music] white Jade e Erica [Music] Zuniga and now from the STEM Academy of engineering H up [Applause] [Music] Hamden sakib [Music] Amed Nate [Applause] [Music] Addison Caitlyn [Music] Jose [Music] Alberto Amar [Music] [Applause] [Music] Aras Adriana Anderson Raheem Ash Hima arzola Silva Henry bear Casey Aila [Music] Bren [Music] [Applause] bman Jaden [Music] Baskerville Alexander [Music] cachola Matthew bogish [Music] Tyler [Music] coroa Maria [Music] calie Benjamin [Music] Cruz M [Music] chowdery Ashley Kur toai [Music] Christopher Cruz Omar [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dandan coai dagani [Music] ITA [Music] [Applause] Desa muhamad [Music] Dole Joseph Felipe brayan de los Santos tahara [Music] Alexis [Music] [Applause] Flores Ali eleri Peter [Music] GLE Antonio Fernandez Josie [Music] Gonzalez Alder Gallardo Buran guler Anderson [Music] [Applause] [Music] Gonzalez Amir Hassan [Applause] [Music] Catherine [Music] Granda s who [Music] Jung Daniel [Music] Guzman Devin [Music] corac hope [Music] Holloway Joseph [Music] Laval Jason [Music] Kohl's Adam [Music] liny Briana land soy [Music] jerielle Laura Luke [Music] liy Brian [Music] mcook Brandon [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lopez Joseph manelo Josh Ryan Manansala Zachary [Music] mcen cper naaka [Music] darbel Munos [Music] Ortiz William Quinn Auto Scott [Music] [Applause] na Payton Patrick Cruz [Music] Ooa Emmanuel [Music] Pano Ken [Music] Patel Jonathan [Music] penzy Samuel poino Aman [Music] Rie JL [Music] pagaro Kaitlyn [Music] ramn Scott pon [Music] Ricardo [Music] Rodriguez Kyle [Music] ramth Nicholas [Music] salemi Andrew [Music] Ramos Jack Schmidt [Applause] [Music] ran roric [Music] [Applause] Jr Ashley iglow Ashley Santiago vat [Music] Ula Laura Solano [Music] Adrien un Joseph [Music] tabone Gabriel [Music] urola Salma Yasmin Oola [Music] Nicholas weglinski fabrio [Music] urina Valentina [Music] white David [Music] Vasquez Owen Wescott [Music] [Applause] [Music] from The Academy of Computer Science jir unique [Applause] Addison Tammer Ahmad [Music] [Music] Von [Music] Alvarez Devin araro [Music] trailer Elijah [Applause] Barbosa Jacob blunt Rachel P laon Joshua [Music] Capers mlin [Music] Castro Alexander Chira [Music] Nathan [Music] cheli Aiden [Music] simrick nin De la [Music] Rosa Anthony denova I fourth [Music] Ryan FCO Adrien [Music] Dominguez Richard [Music] Dominguez Aiden [Music] bolo amyra Fernandez [Music] Samuel [Music] Francis Kenny [Music] brius Raphael [Applause] Galindo Maya [Music] Gutierrez Adrien camo CI Rohan [Music] cathari shaffi kundar Jordan [Music] laon Alexander lemon [Music] Patrick low Rene [Applause] [Music] Lopez Emanuel [Music] Madera Ryan [Music] madriz Ludwick Mar [Music] T Jasmine [Music] Martinez John Tyler [Music] [Applause] munar Caitlyn [Music] Munos bu mused [Music] chin [Music] oraku edua [Music] Ortiz Lucas Padilla William penardo [Music] Sebastian [Music] Ramos Isaiah [Applause] [Music] Ramos laon [Music] ra Mark Reyes wa wait Justin [Music] Roso Daniel Rogers Xavier Rodriguez soyman [Music] Roy Eric Sadowski [Music] Hoover Salazar Leonardo [Music] Sanchez reineer San [Applause] [Music] juanello Chloe santian [Music] Jenna [Music] sha Elijah [Music] shelborn Jason Corbin stto Prav [Music] shat oot Taylor Brandon [Music] [Applause] Torres frangie Ura [Music] kajan Darwin [Music] Vargas Dominic [Music] velich Mariela zabala hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] good evening everyone and the class of 2024 as we GA it here today I am deeply honored and it is a blessing to stand in front of you all as your class president of the class of 2024 [Applause] today marks a significant milestone in our lives our graduation day it is a moment we have eagerly awaited filled with mix of emotions pride in our accomplishments Nostalgia For The Memories We have created and excitement for the future that lays ahead throughout our journey we have overcome challenges celebrated achievements and form bonds that will last a lifetime from our first day of freshman year to this day we have grown together learning not just from textbook but from each other's experiences and perspectives from the late night study sessions to the spirited pep rallies and from The Quiet Moments of reflection to loud cheers of Victory each moment has shaped us into the individuals we are today together we have shown resilience in the face of challenges adapting to new ways of learning and supporting each other through it all as we reflect on our time here let us celebrate not only our academic achievements but also the personal growth and the memories we have created we have learned valuable lessons inside and outside the classroom preparing us for the challenges and opportunities that await us Beyond these walls I want to extend my deepest gratitude to our teachers staff and administrators who have guided and supported us every step of the way let us give them a round of applause [Applause] to our parents and who have given us the purpose and are the true reason we do it thank you let us give them a round of [Applause] applause and to my classmates thank you for making these past years Unforgettable never forget that every one of you are special and I do not doubt you will continue to succeed as we embark on new adventures Let Us carry forward the spirit of unity and Excellence that defines us as the class of 2024 congratulations to every one of you today always remember your life is a book waiting to be written Let each page be as precious as 24k gold each one a testament to your own story and always remember once say Bulldog always say [Applause] Bulldog heers to the future may be filled with success fulfillment and possibilities congratulations class of 2024 you may now turn your tassels from right to [Applause] left class of 2024 we did it thank you [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] God [Music]

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