Mike Norvell Postgame Interview | Georgia Tech 24, Florida State 21 | FSU Football | Warchant #FSU

all right um you know just um starting off you got to give give credit to to Georgia Tech hardfought game uh you I thought they did a really good job of um you know just offensively you know extending drives you know they own the ball um it was a game with with no turnovers U very few penalties it was it was really you pretty clean game in in in that regards um you know just um you they did a good job of uh extending drives and you know you obviously making the plays that were were necessary there to the end um you know for our football team um you know I was proud of our our guys prepared um you know I thought the the mindset and the approach was was good um but you as we got into as we got into the game you know there you know just the smallest of things the you know whether it's discipline the call discipline in um you know just overall execution you know there's things as a coaching staff you know for me it's um you know all things were were you know I've got to be better in helping put our guys in position to to to go and make those plays in the moment um you know you look at uh you just the game in general was a very limited possessions and so you know the uh the importance of every snap in that game was was Monumental and you know I think we had seven or seven drives in the game uh you offensively uh you obviously they did they did a good job there uh you know we scored scored late you know and being able to to finish with the ball in their hands and had the opportunity that they at the last second kick so um you know it's a for our football team you know it's it's about you know where our response goes from here and uh you know obviously you know we're all hurt I mean you you come you work you you want to start off the season a certain way um and you know we we came up short of that tonight and you know I I think a lot of uh of that Georgia Tech Team and you know the players that they have and the things they've done and you know they they they played well tonight and and uh you know for us it's you know going to be a a bunch of plays we're going to look back in that in the course of that game and you know if the if the result of any of them you know is different you know there probably going to be a different outcome in that in that game and uh you know but we get to take ownership I take full responsibility of all things that that this team does and you know um you know I've got to make sure that I'm doing you a better job of helping helping prepare them to to go out there and and be in position to to capitalize on on every play you know you know regardless of how many you get or how many you don't get we got to we got to you know obviously you know make it happen with those opportunities you know offensively you know we've got to we have to be more explosive um you know I thought that uh you know we had some some missed opportunities there we got to create the explosive play um you know they did a good job of trying to you know stack the Box you getting safeties Downs you know you definitely gave us some challenges and certain fits in the Run game um but um you know at the end of the day you know we've got to we've got to control us you know we got to make sure that we go out there and play at a high level and um you we had some missed tackles defensively that we got to be better we got to make sure we we're setting edges um you know they do a good job in trying to spread you sideline to sideline and and force the one-on ones and um you we definitely have you capable players to be able to go do that and so we've got to we got to continue to build upon upon that I thought special teams wise you know there's some positives of of what we saw you know I thought Ryan did a did a great job you know just uh um you being able to put points on the board you know I think was 59 y there coming in uh you at half which was uh which was big but um you at the end of the day I mean this is a team sport and U you know we've got to we've got to take a take a step as a as a football team and not let this one game uh Define you know the the outcome of what our season will be you know we get to respond and um you know here in a week from now you get to play another ACC opponent and um you know we got to we got to go get better and it's going to come down to the work and the overall execution of details of of fundament and and making that happen here um you know know next Monday so all right first question will be Chris uh back middle Mike you and the staff have expressed confidence in the o line and D line your ability to goal were you disappointed by the way they competed in that sense tonight against the Jordan Tech team that obviously would can't great fight well you know we knew it was going to be a fight and that was a you know you look you defensively that was a um you know that that rushing offense was number one you know Russian offense in the league a year ago and you they returned everybody and you they've got you got a lot of you know dynamic players and do things that that you know force you to have to be great on your fits and uh you know obviously execute in those in in those moments and um you know I'm going to go see the film I didn't think it was from a lack of of of physicality there's some there plays here and there where we're we're on the edge of blocks we got to you know we got to be better and Tighter in certain uh uh situations we got to you know make some of those space tackles um you we get the opportunity to to do that you know obviously up front um you know there's there's there's times that you know offensively that you know we've got to we do have to do a do a better job of uh you know maintaining leverage you know they were fitting you know with safeties you you inside and and outside they did a good job of changing up their uh you know their schemes and we had you know we had our we had our chances and um you know whether it's in the Run game and passing game um you know something we'll be able to go back and and evaluate and um you work to get better at all right next we'll go to IR front R and uh coach it seemed like there were multiple times in the game like ryanfield go right for half time a couple of big plays where it seemed like you guys that chance maybe to take a of the game and then GE kind of just took it right back you take any accountability from what you guys did or was that just no I mean it's it's really I mean it's both we're two experienced teams you know obviously they they've got uh uh a lot of experience returning um you know with within their offense so when we had you know when we had a a good driver we had a a good play I mean they you know they did you they came out and did what a good offense should do um you know obviously there's a lot of things that we've got to do to be able to to uh you know throw them off of their Rhythm to make them uncomfortable um you know when we're on offense you know there was some some third down opportunities that uh uh you know they that we've got to we've got to capitalize on and um you know like I said it it's it starts starts with me and making sure that I'm putting our guys in the best position uh to be successful but um when you you know that's that's part of this game and knew coming into this game it was it was a team that was very capable um you know when you when you see you the group that they were returning um you know like I said I got a lot of respect you know their defense coordinator you know I was competing against them last year um you know we knew that there was going to be some things that they they could present that uh would would be challenging but it just puts that more that much more emphasis on uh on capitalizing on the opportunities that you get I me I think we had you know maybe seven seven possibly eight drives in the game um you know and we we scored on four of them but we you know ultimately you have you know two times we're we're you know settling for field goals and um you you got to get the ball in the end zone and you know they did they did a good job to uh uh to to get stops in those moments you know we had to one fourth down that uh you know we were aggressive uh to get and you know came up just short of it you know it was a good good call good play by by their corner and and get a stop and you know those those are all things that uh that are the difference all right than will be Curt front middle the the difference in the Run game from the the first drive really to the the rest of the game was that something GT did defensively that you kind of weren't able to ever get going again or what do you think changed from kind of so drastically yeah you know we had we had a couple of explosive runs um you know there in that in that first drive and uh you know obviously you know that we were not able to replicate that um you know as as the game went on uh you know they did a good job with some of the adjustments they made and obviously uh uh for us you know you know we there's some of the plays that are just I mean the the smallest of margins that are that are the difference in in you know big explosive plays and um you know that's where we get to get to go to work and have to be better and so um you some of that we'll get a chance to watch and see and and continue to reevaluate um but um that's how I saw it right next will be Jordan second on the right for coach and for Lawrence it seemed like the play con was a little bit cons early to kind of open it up especially on that fourth quarter Drive how did you a Val week performance both on the field and also man in the offense with the play call inside the helmet you know um you know I thought I thought DJ did some good things um you I thought you know that was you really you know a great job there in in that fourth quarter Drive um you know had some fourth down calls had some you know um you tougher situations and you know I thought he I thought he delivered that moment um you know there's you a couple drives in the third quarter you know there were some some opportunities that uh um that we're going to be able to grow from and um but you know at at the end of the day we need more we have to be more explosive and that's not just going to one player that's not going that's going to all of us it's going to you know myself uh you know obviously our coaches you know players everybody involved because you know we got to have that explosive element with with a good group and we got explosive players and uh so obviously we we'll have to continue to work and go get go get better at that but um you know just like just like every I mean there was I thought DJ did some some really good things but then obviously uh some things that we we're going to need to improve on I feel like as an offense you know some things we need to clean up but for the most part I mean we were operating and it's just things that we can learn from and get better from basically and and just learn on from our experience that we had today so all stay over on the right side go to Pete Mike uh you know running the quarterback's always been an equalizer in college football you mentioned the short possessions it seems like a frustrating game for you to coach because you didn't have maybe as many opportunities how did he can't contribute to that and his ability to keep the chain moving and leave the clock to set the game up you know I me he's a really good quarterback and uh you know obviously that Dynamic of his game of being able to run he's got great speed um you there are some times that you know we were we were in position but you know you know he did a good job of getting to the edge we we've got to do a better job of setting the edge and and keeping him contained um but uh you that was definitely you know an X Factor in this game and I thought you know he he played at a very high level um you and being able to extend that you know and even even on the times where he wasn't necessarily the ball carrier you he still brings a d Dynamic and element where where you have to you know it it does it forces you to account for them and uh you know I thought their running back ran hard you know we know he's a good player um you know and that's you know but it all starts with that quarterback and I thought he did a a really good job being efficient you know you know and it was you know kind of what this game what it turned into you know they were able to extend extend drives they were able to uh uh you know you know keep possession and you know they responded well whenever they they needed to we go back to Ira for on the left do you feel like I after that first drive obviously you guys have to be Sky High did you feel like you guys were close to Breaking more plays or is it just a matter I mean I feel like it's just just like coach was saying it's the little details man like we we clean up certain things like me me as well I got to I got to be you know more explosive make make the plays that need to be made but for the most part it's just cleaning up those little details and I feel like you know we're still we're still in a good spot back coach you went for two also went for it on on fourth down three times did you want to be uh aggressive today or is that kind of just had the game played out uh you know it's a you know I was kind of how it was playing out and you knew we had to try to take advantage of of possessions and uh you a game like this I mean it's going to come down to to a handful of plays and you know I mean I thought you know they're in the fourth quarter I was really proud of of how the I mean how our guys were able to you extend those extend that drive you know it's a lot of you really good moments that we're going to be able to to build build upon um you know with uh with those opportunities some of those fourth down conversions some big throws big catches um but yeah we needed you know we needed to be be aggressive with it and um you know but unfortunately came up came up short go back TOA Ryan where were you hit from in pregame and uh just take us through the 59 y um in pregame I hit from about the same distance 58 59 going that way um and then just in the course of the game whenever it came up at the end of half um felt confident felt prepared just really the way we've worked in practice and preparation you know and and it was a great snap and great hold and uh Mason did an unbelievable job today you know first game starting his Long Snapper and did an unbelievable job and Alex you know he's the best holder in college football in my opinion and you just look at the offensive line the way they blocked and sacrificing their bodies just for me to get a chance an opportunity so uh just really proud of those guys to be able to go out and execute you know one shot one kill all right follow for I last one the just you know this team had so much success last year start off this way uh what have you seen for your teamat just walk up field Lo how confident you guys I mean I know how we work and I know what the team is about so I feel like we just got to you know focus on our ourselves basically you know we just got to get better and that's how we can go about our business all right thank you'all thank guys oh

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