Death At Burning Man

this is quite a headline 70 000 at Burning Man festival are isolated still stuck as rain returns [Music] one death was reported The Burning Man CEO said the situation was not as dire as was being portrayed that's an interesting opener what's going on down here huh say one person died at the height of the tonight chaos at Burning Man we're kind of screwed here tens of thousands remain stranded after torrential rains led to a total lockdown of the Annual Festival in the remote Nevada desert dust turning to a Mucky messy mud the entire place is absolutely just soaked authorities say one person died at the height of the storm the cause of death under investigation I think I could be trapped here for a couple more days Suzanne Ford is among those burners still stuck on the Playa what's it been like you it's it's so muddy getting around like just walking to your tent and the mud is impossible you know everybody's putting garbage bags over their shoes or their boots or they're going Barefoot because the mud you just sink down into the mud it's a quagmire logistically it's really different difficult to move that many people and the problem is that the roads look like this just so you guys understand [Music] [Music] any kind of large-scale like moving people out operation is really difficult let alone like large-scale moving food in and they're out in the remote remote Nevada desert if they're not like right next to a city they're right no it's it's not like they're just like oh some guy a helicopter 15 minutes out like the police helicopter used that it's they're they're out there which makes it very difficult we live in America what happened to planes we're going to land it gonna land that on the mud I dare you to laugh at big cars now big cars are winning this one except they're not they're stuck too yeah it's it's pretty wacky uh pretty wacky over there what about all the rednecks and the mud trucks uh nowhere near rural Nevada as it so happens the majority of the people at Burning Man are in my experience insufferable I saw a lot of people talking about this how one of the people who posted a selfie from burning man this guy who by the way truly Rocking The Burning Man fit we have what I assume is a four thousand dollar shirt a Hassan shirt a shirt as you will wearing some god-awful ugly necklace with a beanie hat with a propeller on it and you're thinking what is this guy about and this is the guy who defended Nestle in court after they were caught doing child slavery this was the guy who defended Nestle and the international child slavery Tribunal so he's over here having fun was he the one who died tragically no my opinion of people who go to Burning Man is very low not just because of that guy I just consistently my experience with people who have gone to burning man who I knew and people who I hear going to Burning Man very very wealthy people they they have very high paying I'm generalizing here of course they tend to be wealthy high-paying jobs they go to Burning Man to get a break from it all or they go act like the generates in the middle of the Nevada desert they pay a God God only knows how much to not just for the ticket but everything involved they take the break from their jobs you know and then they go back to being corporate psychopaths in real life why does burning man even exist still for that kind of person for the kind of person who would defend Nestle on charges of child slavery and then dress like this outside this is a very specific kind of sociopath I need you guys to understand all right and there are a lot of them anyway let's learn more about how these guys are these Services no vehicles allowed in or out I'm actually going to try to make a break for it they're saying the gates are still closed but I've got a four-wheel drive car and I'm gonna try to make it out everyone has a four-wheel drive car I really think that if a four-wheel drive was all you needed uh this wouldn't okay that's the guy who died others finding ways to escape trudging through the muddy desert even Comedian Chris Rock and DJ Diplo still the performer posting about the ordeal on social media we walked three miles now we got I think five more making it out after hiking for Miles yeah eight miles to an asphalt road that has not been affected by the rain and then getting picked up by strangers the storm system causing problems across the state in Las Vegas one person has died and dozens rescued amid heavy rain and flash flooding muddy not all cars are four wheel drive Dingus it means all wheels are powered yeah well you accidentally typed dollar sign instead of four because you had your shift down for the four instead of just the wheel drive too hmm who's smart now hmm muddy muddy Burning Man back at Black Rock City people trying to take it all in stride maybe not the Burning Man experience you were expecting well that's a little bit of like a rainy man experience instead of a burn feeling the brunt of a powerful storm and Liz is there any indication when these Festival goers will be we're probably going to be hearing about the downstream consequences of this for a while because the attendees of burning men are disproportionately wealthy and Powerful there are a lot of corporate like wealthy Psychopaths who are probably going to like make this our problem by talking about it for a while and I refuse to feel bad for them except for that one guy who died maybe he was good kind of a coin flip and whether or not he was kind of hard to say you know Burning Man and all but obviously this is one of those rare disasters where there's very little to say in terms of like sociological or infrastructural analysis because the whole point of Burning Man is they do it in the middle of the desert like that's not really an infrastructural issue that that was what they signed up for you know what I mean it would it's like an infrastructural analysis of the submarine guys who died near the Titanic I said okay well they did that you know it's not like the government had a responsibility to build some kind of like depressurization pocket somewhere near the Titanic like this is what they did you know so yeah usually after a disaster I would go on and on about well this could have been but like no maybe I guess the most we can really hope for is that one of the sociopath attendees of the burning man you know reflects on the rainstorm in the desert of Nevada and thinks maybe there is something to this to this weather change crap you know this climate change also somebody linked a picture of a beautiful full rainbow so yeah there we go maybe it was all worth it for this more worried about being near cities and not the dumbass in the desert well if they did their festival near the cities it would be harder for them to get away with their drug use and Casual discussion of which uh types of insider trading they're planning on doing next so it makes sense they'd want to be out there in the desert sky gone woke always has been this is probably a dumb question but why do Republicans not like to admit climate change exists because well there's kind of a shift on this where more Republicans are saying that it exists but they're saying it's not anthropogenic that is to say they're saying that it exists but humans did not cause it but it's it's largely because uh the oil coal and natural gas Industries have been ungodly effective of you have to think of all the other industries that are Downstream of them like their connections with say the automobile industry but they have been unimaginably effective at like capturing the the interests of um a common thing that corporations will do to get what they want from policy makers is they will threaten to not develop new projects in a state unless the representatives from that state vote in their favor you know so like a common thing that will be done with like Boeing for example the the arms manufacturer and plane manufacturer Boeing is they will have this big distribution system where in order to build this big new thing like a new jet for the US Air Force something like that they will make sure that the production process for it involves every state in the Union every single one and the implicit threat there is Hey listen Senator Hey listen Congressman we need you to vote for this project this spending Bill we need you to approve more defense spending in order to approve a government buy of more of these upcoming Jets and if you don't say yes we're not going to build our plant in your state tens of thousands of jobs missed out on and we'll make sure you know it we'll say ah we couldn't do it here because we were not convinced after negotiations with this politician we were not sold on the idea that this state was the right place to you get the point it's like that with coal and oil as well and there are a million things they can do to tip the scales so Republicans will either not admit to climate change or not say that it's anthropogenic because they have leaned heavily into corporate interest and corporate interest adjacency and that's just the consequence of that another big one of course is that a lot of far-right religious people believe that the things that we observe as being caused by climate change are actually the Rapture happening I know that sounds crazy I know that sounds like really out of pocket but legitimately I would be willing to bet that upwards of and maybe more than a quarter of the people in America who vote believe that this so-called climate change is just to sign of the end times never underestimate the lunacy of the Evangelical right they are incredibly crazy Minnesota just did this with giving nurses stronger bargaining rights because the male threatened to move the big project to Florida yeah yeah I have Evangelical family and they believe exactly that you're totally right there yep death cult have you seen Hank Green's video and how he doesn't think climate change deniers really believe what they say well yeah no well I have not seen it but I agree and I've been saying that for a while I don't believe people who say that they don't think that people are causing climate change as I have said before and I think it's important to keep this in mind there are three ways of denying climate change and it is sort of the siding scale and people will sort of slide around on it depending some folks I've seen them slide up and down this scale just them and so this is part of why I don't believe that they don't that they don't believe is they go from I don't think that the Earth is getting warmer to I don't think that people are doing it to I don't think that it's that big of a deal to I don't think that it's worth the costs all up and down on the scale that'll go like depending on the room they're in they'll change where they are on this scale of climate denial the over here is impossible I don't believe that anyone who's paying attention doesn't think the Earth is getting warmer and that's going to get harder and harder to deny every year everyone on earth except for five people believes that the climate is changing there are people who lie about it because they're in bed with a coal and oil uh industry there are people who lie about it because they secretly believe that it's the end of the world that it's the end times and they don't want to give the game away they don't want to come across as that much of a religious lunatic because they know that it would make them look that way but basic it's it's very very difficult to genuinely believe that the climate is not changing five people but why what's the point it's so destructive degree for this they don't care about 40 of the people in the US believe we're living in the end times broken down by religion yeah believing when the end times is basically the number one like most Christian thing there is Christian groups have always believed that the end is nigh always always always interesting historically black Christians actually are the highest end times Believers more so than evangelicals that's interesting I wonder why that is I have no idea of course it's worth believe it's worth noting that like living in the end times isn't necessarily religious after all their agnostic and atheist people who believe it too they might think of end times like oh Society is collapsing yeah it seems black people are disproportionately represented here that is very interesting I'll have to look into that that's more than half of the time the US has been a country big a little and it goes It goes back further than that I'm afraid all right well lesson learned don't go to Burning Man organizers are planning to quote burn the man that's what they do out there Burning Man they're burning the man like the man man except all the people doing the burning are like seven figure salary Silicon Valley Tech Executives who um who are like personal friends with Epstein so you know the irony is lost on them [Music]

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