Idaho State University Spring Commencement 2024 - 2PM

Published: May 03, 2024 Duration: 01:49:25 Category: Education

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[Music] the candidates from the College of Business led by Don verdick 2024 professional Achievement Award recipient and nicholet scardio 2024 outstanding student Achievement Award resilience [Music] [Music] the candidates from the College of Science and Engineering led by Alyssa fars 2024 outstanding student Achievement Award recipient [Music] [Music] The Faculty of Idaho State University [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the president of Idaho State University and dignitaries from ISU and the great state of Idaho [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the president of Idaho State University Dr Robert W Wagner good afternoon on behalf of the entire Idaho State University Community I want to welcome you to our campus for the spring 2024 commencement ceremony please remain standing as Bachelor of scci Bachelor of Music candidate mirin gabiola sings our national anthem see by the what sooud the Twilight stripes and bright stars through theight or the parts we [Music] Pro through FL [Music] stillar the of the the of [Music] the thank you very much you may be seated Idaho State University is proud of the men and women who serve our nation as members of the United States armed forces would our student veterans and all other veterans and military personnel in the audience please stand and be [Applause] recognized thank you for your service acknowledging native lands is an important way to honor and respect indigenous peoples and their traditional territories the land on which Idaho State University's Pocatello campus sits is within the original for Fort Hall reservation boundaries and is the traditional and ancestral home of the shishoni and banak people we acknowledge the Fort Hall shason and banak peoples their Elders past and present their future generations and all indigenous peoples including those upon whose land the university is located we offer gratitude for the land itself and the original caretakers of it as a public research University it is our ongoing commitment and responsibility to teach accurate histories of the regional indigenous people and of our institutional relationship with them it is our commitment to the shason banak tribes and to ISU citizens that we will collaborate on future educational discourse and activities in our communities I would now like to invite the ghost King Canon singers from Fort Hall to perform an honor song to honor all ISU graduates staff faculty family members and anyone else celebrating graduation will the audience please stand for the honor song [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] he [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] y [Music] [Applause] thank you very much it is certainly a privilege to have you with us this afternoon thank you the audience may be seated we are fortunate to have several other special guests joining us this afternoon at this time I would like to introduce the platform party here on stage with me please stand the platform party and remain standing as I call your name I ask the audience to please hold your applause until everyone has been introduced Senator James ruy chairman of the Fort Hall Business Council Mr leean Tyler Miss shason bana Queen develyn Hall from our Board of Trustees the Idaho State Board of Education Board member Miss Cali roach president of of the ISU Alumni Association board Mr David Gates interim Provost and vice president for academic Affairs Dr Adam Bradford vice president for operations Mr Brian sagendorf senior Vice Provost and vice president for Health Sciences Dr Rex Force vice president for research and economic de velopment Dr Marty Blair vice president for student affairs Dr Craig chatrian vice president for University advancement Miss Kathy Wooten assistant vice president for student affairs and dean of students Dr Matt Daly executive director of ISU Meridian Dr Gabe bargain interim dean of The Graduate School Dr Tracy column founding dean of the College of Arts and letters Dr candy truley Ames dean of the College of Business Dr Shane hunt interim dean of the College of Science and Engineering Dr Lyle Castle chair of the faculty Senate Dr Cen Baxter 2024 distinguished teacher Award winner Dr Heather R 2024 distinguished researcher Award winner Dr Justin Dolan Stover and this afternoon's student speaker Miss njma deani tafy doctor of philosophy candidate please join me in welcoming these guests and thanking them for being here today I would like to emphasize how happy we are as a university community to congratulate our graduates and welcome their family and friends on such a special occasion on behalf of all of the faculty and staff at Idaho State University I would like to say to our graduates that we are very proud of you you represent the very reason why our Institution exists you are the focal point of all of our efforts although I see hundreds of graduates here today I know that each one of you has an individual and unique story each and every one of you has been on a journey that brought you to this point no doubt you faced a few roadblocks along the way but you persevered and arrived at a very important milestone your academic achievements the degree or credential you earned will Now launch you onto A New Path with new destinations your future is bright you are not here by chance or coincidence you are here because of your hard work grit and tenacity Abigail Adams once said learning is not obtained by chance it must be sought for with ardor and diligence I also know that many of you did not arrive to this point alone but with the help and companionship of others along the way today we celebrate you and them so for all of you take a moment and enjoy this achievement you did this we want you to take time to celebrate your success and revel in having arrived at such an important destination however I remind you that the road does not end here in fact the very event where we celebrate the conclusion of this academic journey is literally called commencement meaning a new be beginning believe me that was not a mistake life is full of countless Journeys and days destinations what is truly special about today is that you go forward or commence On A New Path with the power and transformational influence of Education as Oprah Winfrey said education is the key to unlocking the world a passport to freedom I remember when I received my first passport flipping through all the blank pages and imagining all the Exotic locations I would travel to and the stamps that would cover the pages as a result I believed the number of stamps I obtained on those pages would represent how effectively I used my passport that is not all that different from your education you were leaving this ceremony today with a new passport and countless blank Pages how are you going to use it what stamps are you going to receive what are your future destinations for some your passport will take you on to additional schooling and ISU would be happy to have you back for others the stamp will represent a new career a job advancement or personal growth and accomplishment the Destin ations are endless the point is not necessarily where you go as much it as is that you use your passport to Journey forward collect as many stamps as possible use your education for good to transform the world as it has transformed you this is the power and transformational nature of Education it is about bettering your life you also have an opportunity to make the world a better place and you do that by using what you learned here do not leave empty pages in your educational passport lastly remember that it is the process of achieving your education or journeying through life that brings the greatest satisfaction it has been said life is a journey not a destination your educational journey is now part of who you are and what you are to become next and remember as an ISU bangle you have been taught to let your voice be heard to use your actions to create impact and your experience to set an example and to do all all of this with a mighty Roar congratulations and Roar Bengals Roar it is now my extreme privilege to introduce your student speaker najme deani Taft as I stand before you today A Rush of emotions fills my heart it's a surreal moment because this marks my first and last graduation ceremony although I spent half of my life in different academic institutions I never had a chance to experience this smone but today I'm here because of someone very special my daughter as my constant source of encouragement and support she was the one that insisted that I apply to speak today and she was the one that encouraged me to keep going during my studies I'm sure you all have such precious people in your life that fuel your hope and motivation as well throughout our journey here at idol State University we all face challenges yet it was the Bengal Spirit a spirit characterized by resilience tenacity and determination that empowered us to move forward let me share a bit of my story when I first arrived on campus four years ago I felt in over my head lost uncertain and scared I'm sure Among Us graduating today are those that had to balance school work and family responsibilities or those who struggled to adapt to the new environment for me as a single mom coming from a distant continent balancing the demands of PhD program in English working as a teaching assistant and caring for my child without family and friends fear and doubt consumed me initially there were days when the pressure seemed too much to wear when the walk to the evening classes was too cold and my child was so scared when I got home there were days when I felt so guilty to leave to work while she was so sick I would frequently ask myself is that really worth it but I was pulled out of these dark Moments by my friends here at IU my unexpected second family we all owe much to this community that lovingly supported us believed in our success and became our safe space whether it was a comforting hand from a dear friend a word of encouragement and understanding from our professors or the invaluable Services provided by our University this community lifted us these pillars of support were constant reminders that we were not alone on this journey so let's take a moment to express our deep gratitude for the privilege of being part of idol state University and to proudly embrace our Bengal Spirit we are now on the brink of new adventure it's time to summon the courage to step beyond our comfort zone and like The Fearless Bengal tiger charge forward as we journey into Future Let's embrace our Ambitions wholeheartedly acknowledge our fears and doubts yet refuse to be hindered by them now that I look back I can't believe I did it Bengals we did it also remember our journey impacts others let's recognize the profound influence we have on those around us and the World At Large we can make this our mission to inspire uplift and Empower one another and leave behind a legacy of courage and compassion for generations to come to the graduating class of 2024 I offer my heartfelt congratulations may Futures be bright your dreams be Limitless your resilience follow the Bal spirit and your rower be heard far and wide thank you and now I would like to invite our Board of truste member Miss Cali roach to the podium to say a few words thank you njma that's a hard act to follow hello Idaho State class of 2024 congratulations my name is C roach and I serve on the Idaho State Board of Education and I'm also a graduate of Idaho State University it is my honor to be here today and to be able to offer you my congratulations once again I know that many of you are first in your families to graduate from college what a tremendous accomplishment that is for you both person personally and professionally and if you are a parent what it also means to those who depend on you it is estimated that 60% of jobs now require some form of postsecondary degree or credential what you have done these past few years is invested in yourselves and I guarantee your investment will pay dividends for instance research shows that those of you have have earned a bachelor's degree will earn $1 million more in income over the course of your career because you now hold that certificate the certificate or degree that you earned here at ISU will open opportunities that you would have never imagined otherwise 40 years from now you will look back on a career filled with wonderful experiences and friendships and you will be amazed and proud of what you have accomplished both professionally and personally I speak from experience when I say that I earned my bachelor's degree at another Idaho institution Lewis Clark State College in Lewiston that coupled with the master of science I later earned here at Idaho State set me on a career path that I ne could have never imagined otherwise I am here today speaking for you because I made that investment and you'll be able to do the same thing and give to your communities for those of you who are in are the first in your family to graduate I know that taking that first step was not easy but when you enrolled at ISU you each made a solid investment in yourselves and set the stage for professional success long-term personal happiness and fulfillment people who have college degrees and certificates live longer healthier and happier lives I have personally experienced how a college degree can change your life both my grandmother and my mother graduated from college my mom went on to earn a master's degree and was a teacher and professor at an Eastern Oregon Community College they are my role models and I wanted to follow in their footsteps the odds are pretty good that you have set an example here today that your children will one day follow finally I'd like to ask a favor of each of you please join the State Board of education's effort to encourage high school graduates young adults and even older adults to think about taking the next step share your story with them about your experience here at Idaho State while you're at it remind them about the governor's program Idaho launch and how it provides up to $18,000 for students to receive training in an indemand career here in Idaho we need all the higher education ambassadors we can get to help us spread the word about why it is so important important for our citizens to attain a degree or certificate our employers and our estate are depending on you to help us in this effort on behalf of the Idaho State Board of Education I thank you and wish you the very best as you go out and make your way in the world and please do not forget to encourage others your lead and always remember to roar bingles roar thank you Callie it is our honor to have you with us AE graduates we are thrilled to be celebrating you and your accomplishment and while today is about you I think you would agree with me that many of us would not be where we are today without the support and guidance that we've received along the way from teachers beloved mentors at this time I would like to express sincere appreciation to the faculty and instructors of idah State University with all the Idaho State University faculty members and ameriti faculty members please stand so we can acknowledge you thank you and while we're standing can I have the rest of the teachers that might be in the audience today who have contributed to the education of this generation of students also stand so that we can acknowledge you thank you please be seated thank you so much for your dedication to our students faculty thank you for your dedication to them and to your disciplines this spring 19 Idaho state University faculty members have been honored with outstanding faculty Awards in the categories of teaching research and service you'll find them all listed in your programs but four of those 19 were selected to receive distinguished faculty Awards please join me in congratulating Dr Heather Ray Dr Justin Dolan Stover Dr Michelle Anderson and Dr Amanda zinc for their outstanding work we are grateful for their exemplary service now graduates the moment you've all been waiting for would the candidates from The Graduate School meaning all those who are receiving graduates graduate degrees today please rise president Wagner I am pleased to present to you the candidates for doctoral degrees graduate certificates master's degrees and specialist degrees upon the recommendation of the Deans of the colleges and the University faculty I recommend that these degrees be conferred graduat by virtue of the authority vested in Me by the trustees of Idaho State University and upon the recommendation of the college Deans and University faculty I hear by confer upon you upon completion of requirements the appropriate doctoral Masters and specialist degrees with all the rights Privileges and responsibilities pertaining there to congratulations graduates we present our graduates for the doctoral degree from The Graduate School hooded by their advisers and Dr Trac C Cullum interim dean of The Graduate School Kelly Nicole Wilson doctor of philosophy hooded by adviser Dr Marco Shen Jessica Elizabeth Grace woolly doctor of Philosophy hooding by Dr Alan Johnson Paul Daniel Williams doctor of philosophy hooded by Dr Tom kleene njani Dr philosophy Lillian Langan bankson doctor of philosophy hooded by Dr Shannon Lynch McKenzie Rose Atwood doctor philosophy Rhett Hanford mullen's doctor of philosophy hooded by Dr Joshua Swift Christina Katherine stro doctor of philosophy hooded by Dr Robert RIS Megan hope bigam doctor of philosophy Diane ker doctor of philosophy Megan Olen bird doctor of philosophy William Thomas Hines doctor of philosophy hooded by Mona Sue Jessica May Sergeant doctor of Arts hooded by Dr Mark McBeth and her brother Ryan Sergeant Micah John Kingston hooded by Dr Richard Bray juu Young Park doctor of philosophy Jeremy Michael Brooks doctor philosophy hooded by Golden Baxter Katherine Erica Hogarth doctor of philosophy hooded by Mustafa Mar we present our graduates for the master's degree from the College of Arts and letters hooded by Dr Candi Turley Ames dean of the College of Arts and letters and Dr Tracy Cullum interim dean of The Graduate School pton mallerie Green Alysa Michelle Poston Rex pulley Renee Morgan Wallace Kaye Marie atas Carrie a Carter stoer Kimberly Cibrian Michaela schner Emily Calhoun Christiana El Matson Laurel Burch Stephanie Rymer Trinity Lynn Campbell Eliana Von claps Lauren Elmore Emerson Rose Tucker Patricia Nicole Morales Lorenzo Juliet Rose Bedard Hannah Kathleen Lesnik Mel Lee Buzzard Karen Lorena barbarena Gabrielle George Jordan Anthony O'Brien Ashley Marie with rck Hoffman Jethro Smith Kristen Cogdell Janelle Marie mcferson Leanne Waldren kahinda mosaku Colleen capani Silva Sadi Joe gof Samantha Grim Brandy Allen McKenzie Hill Kelly Lynn Chatterton Alexandria Durkin Kristen Joe Jones Paige Lee medley mallerie June Davy Ashlin Alexis Willard Sam Ellsworth Yousef eler Spencer Elijah Riley MacArthur Benjamin Christopher Mills Merinda K levit Luke Hunter jepma Bailey Janette win Storm Johnson Stephanie Foreman Noah Glenn mendenhal [Music] Ethan jod Swenson Luke Madison fredet Julie Reed cilia Anne Gallop Jacob or I'm in Ina Jepson we present our graduates for the master's degree from the College of Business hooded by Dr C Shane hunt dean of the College of Business and Dr Tracy Cullum interim dean of The Graduate School Sean stock Austin Gardner White Emanuel chuk Arin Spencer James Sorenson Daniel F Hernandez Ortiz Jacob Campo Kitana Sage Taylor Winnie Cynthia P Daria margano Kristen Allan Bullock Joshua luer Victor Robert Barnes Isabel huarez John Morgan aramas Jesse Brian Crabtree m Kayla Colleen blot Adam Michael Elliot tessia Theodosia Keller Angelica Koo Elise Foster Morgan Tyrie Watson Ethan Randall gear Ryan Daniel balain Todd Reed Payne Nicholas Phelps Justin procs Kindle Navea Martin Matthew Rainey Elliott Michaela PA stocket Alexis Beth Wilson Kimberly Gardner Benjamin n Bolan Rachel Decker Bolan Ryan bin Kamal Braxton renel cook we present our graduates for the master's degree from the College of Science and Engineering hooded by Dr Lyle Castle interm dean of the College of science and engineering and Dr Tracy Cullum interim dean of The Graduate School Kyler Carl Bingham Matthew Jack Brewer Raj yadav Anish tapa Manish akaria asish d saksham Raj maharan kabiraj pual ragul Kumar Carlin Crick ostrout Kyler Brett Seer Robert Manta Olivia Lee Stanley Maria Dolores Roso Haley May deetz antor Dev Canan Roy chowri kop KET Ruben oku Don [Music] Bahar Jessica call Austin Ray Young Daniel Chuka ibak congratulations graduates and now would the candidates for all undergraduate degrees please [Applause] rise president Wagner I am pleased to present to you the candidates for the honors bachelor's degree bachelor's degree associate degree and certificates upon the recommendations of the Deans of the colleges and the University faculty I recommend that these degrees be conferred wait a minute it hasn't happened yet okay are you ready by virtue of the authority vested in Me by the trustees of Idaho State University and upon the recommendation of the college Deans and University faculty I hereby confer upon you upon completion of requirements the appropriate bachelor's and Associates degrees with all the rights Privileges and responsibilities pertaining there to congratulations graduates Watts Magna La Natalie Justine mortensson Cheyenne Adams Magna La Jacob William Hall Emma Margaret Shai Magnum La Kyler Lee mashek Savannah Jane ulery kumla Sab Irene Swanson Magna kumla Katherine Ray Morgan Bailey May Stimson Magnum La honors distinction graduate Madison Joe Saunders Samantha Katherine Phillips rayon Cox Magnum La Jennifer Robin Brown Michael Pierce mum Tristan Scott or Alston Magnum La Jaden Lucas young Macy a mcferson destiny Michelle hard Jensen lean Matthew Magna Kum La Marissa Sheree ball Abigail Grace Burton Amelia Diana Joyce Wilson Tenley J Smith Magna kumla Cameron Suzanne Colman summum La Alysa Don shul kumla Josh L Knight jenalin tener roitz kumla Adrien ruaba Magnum La Mariah Marie Griggs Tyler SE Hill Audrey Paula Hernandez kumla shayin Jamie Bell Cara an Morgan Alicia Lynn Laxton Jennifer C Karns Walker tasmin Lee Loria Kirsten Jennifer Lin neren Emily Grace Aldren summum La Marin Rita gabiola Summa Kum La Clarissa Anna neelon kumla Olivia Anna clap Jackson S Lewis Magnum la Tory Lee Thompson Nicole Hill sumacum La Kylie R Smith Magnum la Isabella Elan tanik summum La Cara dor Isa Bush Michaela Ray Lamson sha James Wilder Magna Kum la Lacy K Whitaker Emily K Richie Heather Don Parker Russell Robert osbor Colton Michael higgy Magna Kum la Kyle Ephraim Bascom summum la Sarah bird Kum emus Grace Abit kumau Darwin Hunter Giles Haley Patricia loen kumla honors distinction graduate Miranda K Southerland [Music] kumla Courtney Marie Bradley Alysa Melanie seamons Magna La Elizabeth Butler Mitchell Magna La Aspen Sage wood Kum CL kayn K Rippy Jessica Ray Tomlinson Micah Nathaniel Ferguson Luis Alberto Lagos Ki Marie Blanchard kumla D Charles hailes Diamond Dolores guitar Jud Magnum [Music] La Skyler Allan Banbury Caitlyn Marie caf kumla Sharon Venice Weaver Magna kumla Tyson Mark Seymour Anna fiz Lamson kumla Sydney Hall Magna kumla April Don Nelson Katherine Elizabeth Felder Magnum laud Melody Jean Irish summum laud Jasmine Witcher Marta NATO G suum Kelsey Lane Olma jorf Aspen Denali Brown kumla Ethan Raymond Fel Bron Hunter Pope Marissa K nun honors distinction graduate Kaden Elise burrow Alexandra Moreno Suma kumla Chelsea Romney Magna kumla chares Deja shaes Magna Kum La Raquel Williams Madison neelsen mallerie Lin Brown Riley C Thompson Jordan Blair Simmons Savannah Grace hsch Ariana Elise Hernandez saai linoto Samantha orah manino Kelsey maren erley Zack D Judkins Diane Lorraine Osgood meline Beth Cutz David fedai kumla Jacob Welden mice kumla Boon Evans Hunter Nicholas Evan Reginald Johnson Amelia Lyn rener Cyrus J Nathaniel Wallace Alfred Jordan Jr jasine M Peterson Isabella Moss Kayla M Jones Magnum La Nicole Jensen Carolyn Aris Ruth Kane Sarah Allison ly Brooklyn Taylor Gibbons Magna Kum La Lael chariss n Magnum la yenia Maria Rodriguez Magna Kum la Fatima Castro Jessica Jolene Beach Jaden William Andrews Magnum La Caitlyn M Hoover Juliana Michelle web Isabelle Nicole Alder kumla Alita benali Hunter Jean bti Mitchell renck Magnum La Madison octovia Rich kumla Kimberly y medel JC T Smedley Pamela T Knight kumla Sarah a Taylor Teo Hansen kumla Haley Anne Butler Magna Kum La Val Duran Chloe Elizabeth Reed jod Rose schik kumau Mira Jacqueline Gonzalez Gabriel John hapy summum Lai honors distinction graduate Jeremy Michael James Magna kumla Morgan K Holston Magna Kum la Alexis A Christensen kumla honors distinction graduate Alexia L chaen kumla Connor Gordon CS Dale malos Magna Kum la corana Morgan bruny Jack mallister o'conor Jillian mine win Madison Ray mxon kumla Cali Kai haa mul kumla Sophie Amelia Spencer web kumla Stephanie Nicole pvis Ry Ben shien kumla Noelia Ramirez ola Riley Rose lman Magnum La Rachel Don neelson summum La Stephanie ly gon Gabriella Isabelle Gonzalez Serena Joe Williamson laana Renata Schuman Kum Presley Jun shaver kumla Monica lazalde kumla Teran mandis Walker kumla K lee osbor summum la Katie gaw Luis Anthony Garcia Ian Thomas o' Conor Lacy Jean yardi Madison McKenzie Edgley kumla Anthony Manuel Sanchez nikolet Jade scardio Magna Kum La um k K hi an Smith Magnum La Hannah Alisia little Magna Kum La Ashley M mccardy so yon Quon Priscilla Hibert summum laud Bria narez gel salivar honors distinction graduate Garrett Austin gillo Garrett Jess Belleville Jonah Allan Saunders Emily Lynn Tracy Chase Kimberly Aurora Maran Summa kumla Rachel Elizabeth kabe Sarah Ruth dianella kumau Alyssa Don Higley kumla Preston Isaac Edwards Magna Kum La Nathan Ray Templeton Magna kumla Rebecca Elizabeth low Alicia Piney kumla Emily an Lucio Magna Kum La Michelle Lee llo summum La autum Lyn thus mlan Robert Westbrook Luis Fernando Perez Rodriguez Gabriel Aron mum kumla jakota Carver Whitworth summum La jel Alejandro Garcia J Lynn Andrews Payton Rose hubard Bailey Thorne kumau Nicholas Robert davlin Robert Zachary Garvin Truman James Place Kenyan Lopez Anthony ban egami Anderson Jensen Preston Lee Yost Justin [Music] Douglas Ramon cantes Magnum L Scott Allen fitchet Alexandria Colleen Simonson kumla Amara Don plenat Rodriguez Houston Jones kumla Laura Katherine Whitmore Magna kumla Andrew Carson hunt Michaela e mck sumak Kum La Antonio Jake [Music] AO Scott Atkinson Christian H Frederickson Emma a McMurray Micah Nassar heck kumla AJ Bergen Saxon Co Stroop Tristan P [Music] kumla Trinity Wing yen deera suum Britney and shirtz Magna La Laura NE makabe kumla Analise CLA Paro Summa kumla Stacy linnn Manuel Elizabeth Cole kumla Maribel OA Magna Kum La Erica Kate Gardner summum Bentley [Music] Welden Thomas Ruland Evans Adam Johnson Crooks Braden Riley Tolman Anthony David land Margaret Reyes kumla Matthew Robert dwan kumla Emma Christina Cuts Magnum la Ethan Steven Hansen Danielle Mary Patrick pton [Music] Lewis Alex Davin kumla Baylor William mroy Magna La Paul Albert desus III Samuel Ellis brandberry Ryan Jeff kulas Manalo ASA s Flowers Magnum La honors dis distinction graduate Ronan Evan branfield Magnum La honors distinction graduate misada amanii Johnson Riley and King summum La Audrey Sophia Mills Magna Kum laud Raiden a hunter kumla Amy Christine Bachman Magna kumla Sophia Marilyn stolworthy jacqulyn Michelle dun kumla honors distinction graduate Jason Albert bosen Christian Michael brener Benner Mario guen Martinez K Jeffrey pook David McDonald kumla Austin Sutton kaison Scott croo kumla Ashley Elaine cook [Music] kumla Alysa Dean FS kumla Eric Reed [Music] Caldwell Joshua Winfield Anderson Raquel Rebecca Reese kumau brendy Weston kumla Delaney an Bell Braxton Macy Green Tiffany Christine Johnson kumla braen Rose cochell Magna Kum laau honors distinction graduate Jaden Ray [Music] Parker Jessica Ray pop Alyssa Christine RUP William Chad Park Leo Paul Ganon Magna kumla Nathaniel David Edwards Sheridan Ray hatch honors distinction graduate Aubrey CLA Denker Magnum La honors distinction graduate Julia TFO summum La Eliza Joon Nims langua Madison lenel Reed Connor Mitchell Cole Magna Kum La sweet Emma Shanahan Magnum la Salvador Munoz Brooklyn P wise berin Sosa auro Claire hopt Tristan and Andrew Barker Andrea Lorraine Megs Parker alen Hyde Dakota Sky Deanda Breck Trey cranny [Music] Colby Jace [Music] Christiansen Craig Allen price summum La Victoria G Weir Dennis Scott McKenzie Lucas Paul Andrews kumau Weston Lane row Audrey Joe Jorgenson kumla William Dominic Gentry Nina kek kumla Caitlyn Paige thornsbury bicine Connor Benjamin Haynes summum La honors distinction graduate Aiden Joseph niblet sumacum La Jaden Thomas nestler Magna kumla honors distinction graduate copia Micah Bingham Magnum La honors distinction graduate Olivia Arlene swainston Magnum La honors distinction graduate Tristan David Gray Magnum la bronwin lee Ellis kumla Giovani Martinez Kio Jordan MJ pepper Justin C beaser kumla Connor Cutz Magna kumla Dante Anton diic McKenzie Noel geris Joseph Dale Kepler kumla kin denell Buchanan Summa kumla Andreas Kramer summum La Michaela an cotum Marley and Harrison Kum La honors distinction graduate Diana Geraldine Ras cruzin Aaliyah Tovar honors distinction graduate Miami Q size Magna Kum La Payton Jade Walker kumla Sydney Marie Catlin Magna kumla Zachary Chad Beck Magnum la Luna Holly Ste Magnum La honors distinction graduate Grant Michael Madson [Music] [Applause] [Music] congratulation graduates today we celebrate you I know that each of you worked very hard to get here but we also know that most of you did not do it alone it is through the support of your dedicated family and friends that you can stand here today so now that they have cheered for you I would like to invite gradu our graduates to recognize their families so would the families of today's graduates please stand for a round of applause thank you families you may be seated gr graduates each and every one of you are forever a member of the Bengal family and you are also a forever member of the Idaho State University Alumni Association would all alumni of the university in attendance here today please stand our graduates can now stand too if you would like you are alumni also [Applause] graduates can you feel that bangle energy this is your family your bangle family is here to support you as you go into the world and pursue that next journey and now would the graduates who earn bachelor's degrees Associates degrees and certificates in all colleges please stand the rest of you can sit at this time I invite you to move your tassel from the right side to the left a symbol of having obtained your [Applause] degree now would the rest of today's graduates and the audience please join them in standing for the singing of the Idaho State University El Elma moer [Music] sons [Music] and [Music] th to [Music] [Applause] now while you are still standing I would like to invite the graduates and audience to remain standing while the platform dignitaries leave the field and now my final words congratulations class of 20124 you did it go Bengal e

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Cincinnati Bengals Release SURPRISING Depth Chart Ahead Of NFL Preseason Week 1 Vs. Buccaneers

Category: Sports

[music] welcome on into bengals breakdown i am your host stone shields thank you so much for joining us here and we're doing a little bit of solo producing on today's show so if you see me look down don't be alarm it's completely normal just trying to deal with the graphics here at the same time but... Read more

Jerod Mayo doesn’t name a starter, but calls Drake Maye the Patriots’ second-best QB thumbnail
Jerod Mayo doesn’t name a starter, but calls Drake Maye the Patriots’ second-best QB

Category: People & Blogs

Jared mayo doesn't name a starter but calls drake may the patriot's second best qb jacobi brasset has not been officially named the patriot starting quarterback for week one but head coach jared mayo suggested brassette will start ahead of drake may mayo said he is comfortable with may being one injury... Read more

Bengals Rumors: Ja’Marr Chase REPORT From Adam Schefter, Myles Murphy Injury + Samaje Perine Return? thumbnail
Bengals Rumors: Ja’Marr Chase REPORT From Adam Schefter, Myles Murphy Injury + Samaje Perine Return?

Category: Sports

[music] you are watching bangals breakdown by chad sports and i am your host stone shields thank you so much for joining us here on a wednesday as the bengals get ready to take the field tomorrow night at home against the indianapolis colts on thursday night football for the pre-season finale so on... Read more