Idaho State University Spring Commencement 2024 - 10AM

Published: May 03, 2024 Duration: 02:38:43 Category: Education

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e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he for e e e e e e e e e e [Music] the candidates from the College of Education led by Jim Lighty 2024 professional Achievement Award recipient and Andrew sagendorf 2024 outstanding student Achievement Award recipient [Music] all [Music] the candidates from the College of Health led by Juanita Triana Melo and MAA Rose parosa 2024 outstanding student Achievement Award recipients [Music] h [Music] oh [Music] for [Music] [Applause] the candidates from the College of Technology led by Trevor stefler 2024 professional Achievement Award recipient and saurin Alton Ashner 2024 outstanding student Achievement Award recipient [Music] oh [Music] l all [Applause] [Music] The Faculty of Idaho State University all l [Music] yes [Music] the president of Idaho State University and dignitaries from ISU and the great state of Idaho l [Applause] all [Music] for [Music] the president of Idaho State University Dr Robert W [Applause] Wagner thank you good morning on behalf of the entire Idaho State University Community I want to welcome you to our campus for the spring 2024 commencement ceremony please remain standing as Bachelor of Science music candidate mirin gabiola sings our national anthem oh you see by the dawn early light what so [Applause] brly are the Twilight last gleam who brought stripes and bright stars through the par fight or the parts we watched were so VI streaming and Mery gave Pro through the night that a flag was still there oh see do that [Music] [Applause] starled or the of the and the of the Brave [Music] [Applause] thank you please be [Music] seated Idaho State University is proud of the men and women who serve our nation as members of the United States armed forces would our student veterans and all other veterans and Mer and military personnel in the audience please stand and be [Applause] recognized thank you for your service acknowledging native lands is an important way to honor and respect indigenous peoples and their traditional territories the land on which Idaho State University's Pocatello campus sits is within the original Fort Hall re reservation boundaries and is the traditional and ancestral home of the shishoni and banak peoples we acknowledge the Fort Hall Shoni and banak peoples their Elders past and present their future generations and all indigenous peoples including those upon whose land the university is located we offer gratitude for the land itself and the original caretakers of it as a public research University it is our ongoing commitment and responsibility to teach accurate histories of the regional indigenous people and of our institutional relationship with them it is our commitment to the shason banak tribes and to ISU citizens that we will collaborate on future educational discourse and activities in our communities I would now like to invite the ghost Canyon singer from Fort Hall to perform an honor song to honor all ISU graduates staff faculty family members and anyone else celebrating graduation will the audience please stand for the honor song [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] y [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hey [Applause] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] high high [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] High [Applause] High [Applause] High High High [Applause] [Applause] higher higher [Applause] thank you the audience may be seated it is a privilege to have you here today thank you very very much for for that stirring honor song we are fortunate to have several other special guests joining us this morning at this time I would like to introduce the platform party here here on stage with me please stand and remain standing not you the platform guest as I call your uh name I ask the audience to please hold your applause until everyone has been introduced I would like to welcome Senator James ruy chairman of the Fort Hall Business Council Mr leean Tyler Miss Shon banak Queen Devin Hall from our Board of Trustees the Idaho State Board of Education Board member Miss CI roach president of the ISU Alumni Association board Mr David Gates interim Provost and vice president for academic Affairs Dr Adam Bradford vice president for operations Mr Brian sagendorf senior Vice Provost and vice president for Health Sciences Dr Rex Force vice president for research and economic development Dr Marty Blair vice president for student affairs Dr Craig chatrian vice president for University advancement Miss Kathy Wooten assistant vice president for student affairs and dean of students Dr Matt daily executive director of ISU Meridian Dr Gabe Gabe bargain inter and Dean of The Graduate School Dr Tracy colum dean of the College of Education Dr Jean mcgivney barell dean of the College of Pharmacy Dr Tom Wadsworth dean of the College of Technology Mr Jerry anhorn chair of the faculty Senate Dr Cen Baxter distinguished service award winner Dr Michelle and Anderson and this morning's student speaker Miss Madison Canyon Bachelor's of science candidate please join me in welcome these these guests and thanking them for being here today I would like to emphasize how happy we are as a university community to congratulate our graduates and welcome their family and friends on such a special occasion on behalf of all of the faculty and staff at Idaho State University I would like to say to our graduates that we are very proud of you you represent the very reason why our institution exists you are the focal point of all of our efforts although I see hundreds of graduates here today I know that each one of you has an individual and unique story each and every one one of you has been on a journey that brought you to this point no doubt you faced a few roadblocks along the way but you persevered and arrived at a very important Milestone your academic achievements the degree or credential you earned will Now launch you onto A New Path with destinations brand new your future is bright you are not here by chance or coincidence you are here because of your hard work grit and tenacity Abigail Adams once said learning is not attained by chance it must be sought for with ardor and diligence I also know that many of you did not arrive to this point alone but with the help and companionship of others along the way today we celebrate you and them so for all of you take a moment and enjoy the achievement you did this we want you to take the time to celebrate your success in Revel in having arrived at such an important destination however I remind you that the road does not end here in fact the very event where we celebrate the conclusion of this academic journey is literally called commencement meaning a new be a new beginning believe me that was not a mistake life is full of countless Journeys and destinations what is truly special about today is that you go forward or commence On A New Path with the power and transformational influence of Education as Oprah Winfrey said education is the key to unlocking the world a passport to freedom I remember when I received my first passport flipping through all the blank pages and imagining all the Exotic locations I would travel to and the stamps that would cover the pages as a result I believe the number of stamps I obtained on those pages would represent how effectively I used my passport that is not all that different from your education you are leaving this ceremony today with a new passport and countless blank pages how are you going to use it what stamps are you going to receive what are your future d destinations for some your passport will take you on to additional schooling and ISU would be happy to have you back for others a stamp will will represent a new career job advancement or personal growth and accomplishment the destinations are endless the point is not necessarily where you go as much as it is that you use your passport to Journey forward collect as many stamps as possible use your education for good to transform the world as it has transformed you this is the power and transformational nature of Education it is about bettering your life and by bettering your life you also have an opportunity to make the world a better place and you do do that by using what you learned do not leave empty pages in your new educational passport lastly remember that it is the process of achieving your education or journeying through life that brings the greatest satisfaction it has been said life is a journey not a destination your education journey is now part of who you are and what you are to become next and remember as an ISU bangle you have been taught to let your voice be heard to use your actions to create impact and your experience to set an example and to do all of this with a mighty Roar congratulations and Roar Bengals Roar and now it is my extreme pleasure and privilege to introduce your student speaker Madison Kenyon all right so after I found out I was speaking to today it took a lot of self-control not to tell my parents until now so Mom and Dad surprise to my fellow graduates can you believe this we actually made it to our graduation if you're like me you might have doubted that a couple times but being here means that you have overcame caffeine fueled nights the daily struggle of finding parking on campus and an unexpected quantity of online classes however through all of that we still managed to dance the night away soaked in color tinted water from the paint party lighted up at various homecoming bonfires and maybe hike to the pillars some of us becoming a true Bengal while many of us started our college experience in quarantine we get to finish it sitting side by side having overcome so much chaos and uncertainty as we embark on the next chapter I challenge you to reflect on your time at Idaho State what challenged you most when were you pushed outside of your comfort zone really think about it what fears did you conquer when we step out of this Dome and encounter new obstacles I hope we remember those moments of of resilience our time at ISU has prepared us for anything that will be thrown in our path the degree we each are about to receive represents overcoming hard things and the ability to do it again as we aim for the highest levels of success now we each have so many people to recognize for bringing us to today thank you to family members Who provided various forms of support and encouragement through the highs and the lows thank you to the staff and faculty at Idaho state for putting forth immense effort to explain Concepts to us we were often too sleep-deprived to appreciate most importantly thank you to God for giving us all of this opportunity and lastly thank you to all of those in caps and gowns everyone who walked this journey with me we came to Idaho state to gain an education without any idea how much we would change together we have formed friendships perfected Tick Tock dances experimented with chat gbt maybe to help me write this speech and overcame College challenges that were expedited by covid-19 ISU gave us both an education and a community that ha us lessons beyond the classroom but the story isn't over today start starts the next chapter of Our Lives some of us have a dream job lined up some of us will seek higher education and some of us have no idea what we are doing preferring to watch the story unfold without any spoilers whatever you do next I challenge you to pursue it eagerly and with purpose Chase every dream every goal every ambition with boldness and passion no matter the uncertainty however no matter what the future throws in your face may we face it with laughter and love knowing that we have this community of Bengals supporting us along the way with today being May the fourth I think it is more than appropriate to end my speech with a quote from Star Wars so Yoda once said your path is yours to decide congratulation to Idaho state's 2024 class we made it okay now I would like to invite our Board of trustee member Miss Kathy roach to the podium to say a few words thank you Madison that's a hard back to follow hello Idaho State Idaho State University class of 20124 my name is Cali roach and I serve on the Idaho State Board of Education and I'm also a graduate of Idaho State University it is my honor to be here today to be able to offer you my congratulations I know that many of you are the first in your families to graduate from college what a tremendous accomplishment that is for you both personally and professionally and if you are a parent what it also means to those who depend on you it is estimated that 60% of jobs now require some form of postsecondary degree or training what you have done these past few years is invested in yourselves and I guarantee your investment will pay dividends for instance research shows that those of you who have earned a degree bachelor's degree will earn a million dollars more in income over the course of your career because you now hold that credential the certificate or or degree that you earned here at ISU will open opportunities that have never have would have happened otherwise 40 years from now on you will look back on a career filled with wonderful experiences and friendships you will also be amazed and proud of what you have accomplished professionally I speak from EXP experience when I say I earned my bachelor's degree at another Idaho institution Louis Clark State College that coupled with the master of science I earned here at Idaho State set me on a career path that I could have never imagined otherwise I am here today speaking before you because I made that investment in myself and now I can give back to our community for those of you who are the first in your family to graduate I know that taking the first step was not easy but you enrolled at IU you each made a solid investment in yourselves and set the stage for professional success long-term personal happiness and fulfillment people who have college degrees and certificates live longer healthier and happier lives I have personally experienced how a college education can change the trajectory of lives both my grandmother and my mother graduated from college my mom went on to earn a master's degree and enjoyed a successful teaching deg teaching career at a community college in eastern Oregon they are both my role models and I wanted to follow in their footsteps the odds are pretty good that you have set an example today and your children will one day follow finally I'd like to ask a favor of each of you please join the State Board of education's effort to encourage high school graduates young adults and even older adults to think about taking the next step sharing your story tell them about your experience here at Idaho State University while you're at it remind them that Governor Litt has the Idaho launch program and how it it provides eight up to $8,000 for students to receive training for in demand careers here in Idaho we need all the higher education ambassadors we can get to help us spread the word about why it is so important for our citizens to attain a degree or certificate our employers and our state are depending on you to help us in this effort on behalf of the Idaho State Board of Education I thank you and I wish you the very best as you go out and make your way in the world and please do not forget to encourage others to follow your lead and always remember to Roar bingles Roar thank you cie it is our honor to have you here today and we're grateful for your words graduates we are thrilled to be celebrating you and your accomplishments and while today is unquestionably about you I think you would agree with me that many of us would not be where we are today without the support and guidance that we have received along the way from teachers faculty and beloved mentors so at this time I would like to express sincere appreciation to the members of the Idaho State University faculty with all faculty members and ameriti faculty please stand and will all teachers in the audience that are here today please stand we want to recognize you as well for your efforts in mentoring this generation of students thank you thank you all for your dedic ation to our students and to your disciplines this spring 19 Idaho State University faculty members have been honored with outstanding faculty Awards in the categories of teaching service and research you'll find these individuals listed in your programs but four of those 19 were selected to receive distinguished faculty Awards so please join me in congratulating Dr Heather Ray Dr Justin Dolan Stover Dr Michelle Anderson and Dr Amanda zinc thank you thank you for your exemplary efforts in educating our students and congratulations to all of you and now graduates the moment that you have been waiting for with the graduates or with the candidates from The Graduate School and the College of Pharmacy please rise president Wagner I am pleased to present to you the candidates for doctoral degrees graduate certificates master's degrees and specialist degrees upon the recommendation of the dean of the colleges and the University faculty I recommend that these degrees be conferred all the graduate students stand there we go by vertue of the it hasn't happened yet it hasn't happened yet by virtue of the authority vested in Me by the trustees of Idaho State University and upon the recommendation ation of the college Deans and University faculty I hereby confer upon you upon completion of the requirements the appropriate doctoral Master's and specialist degrees with all the rights Privileges and responsibilities pertaining there to congratulations graduates we present our graduates for the doctoral degree from The Graduate School hooded by their advisers and Dr Tracy colum interim dean of The Graduate School Berlin Clark Glenn pinned by Dr peroti doctor of nursing practice Brandy Lee Moss doctor of nursing practice hooded by Dr Weaver Eileen Martinez Sanchez doctor of nursing practice hooded by Dr Melody Weaver Emily harames doctor of nursing practice Cynthia Calderon Garza doctor of nursing practice hooded by Dr Michelle Anderson Candace brunger doctor of nursing practice Christina Marie Jones doctor of nursing practice Alicia deline inbo doctor of nursing practice Jennifer benali doctor of nursing practice Lisa Leen doctor of nursing practice Megan alen Shaw doctor of nursing practice Renee Faith Mar doctor of nursing practice Joseph miles minger doctor of nursing practice hooded by Dr crown hards Benjamin Michael Anderson doctor of nursing practice Ashley Ary Rachel chermok doctor of nursing practice hooded by Dr Mary nie Garrett William hair doctor of nursing practice Allison K snon doctor of nursing practice Amy Marie Blankenship doctor of philosophy of nursing hooded by Dr Gina Clarkson Grace Margaret young doctor of Audiology hooded by Dr Jeff Brockett Sydney Nicole Bose doctor of audiology em Snider doctor of Audiology Abby Rose Carter doctor of Audiology test Marie Olen doctor of Audiology Adrien Demi rice wig doctor of Audiology Nathaniel Adam Butler doctor of audiology Richard Brendan Lee doctor of physical therapy commissioned as second lieutenant in the US [Music] Army Daniel Stark Russen doctor of physical therapy Cade Steven Kelly doctor of physical therapy Kylie Sandra Hoffman doctor of physical therapy Bryant Gardner a doctor of physical therapy Braden Roberts Glenn doctor of physical therapy Elliot Clair doctor of physical therapy Brett Paul EMP doctor of physical therapy Nathan Robert kums doctor of physical therapy Natasha Lee doctor of physical therapy Benjamin Bradley Anderson doctor of physical therapy Amanda May kward doctor of physical therapy Darby Winfield doctor of physical therapy Macy Marie Quirk doctor of physical therapy Benjamin Thomas Moore doctor of physical therapy Tyler J Lewis doctor of physical therapy Courtney J pson doctor of physical therapy Madison Tinker doctor of physical therapy Whitney Boyce doctor of physical therapy McKenzie Faith chatan doctor of physical therapy Dustin Slade Lee Walton doctor of physical therapy Shan Toma doctor of physical therapy Parker Johnson doctor of physical therapy Candice M boser doctor of Education denier sty Matthews doctor of Education HED by Dr Russell train Reena Chrysler doctor of Education Caroline Olivia Brown doctor of philosophy hooded by Dr Chad Yates Katerina Maria quisition doctor of philosophy hooded by Dr lesie Stewart Anna Louise beard Dr philosophy hooded by Dr nagoni mapu Dr Mina U doctor of philosophy hooded by Dr Steve Moody Sabina yman doctor of philosophy hooded by Dr Marvin schy award recipient of the pharmacy Deans award for excellence and Graduate Studies shik Ahmad dadua Ramen doctor of philosophy HED by department chair Dr Marvin schy we present our graduates for the master's degree from the College of Education hooded by Dr Jean mcy Burell dean of the College of Education and Dr Tracy Cullum intern dean of The Graduate School colen Katherine saana Parker Maurice Brown Camille Campbell Victoria Quinn Kristen Michelle comes Suzanna Jane man Susie Stranahan Ashley Sophia beers Michael John stuck Michael Clark Edwards D James Carlson Tyson Lee Marsden Allison Peterson Summer Don Kibby Autumn Lee green Heather relle reee Maria Priscilla Mor amorim Molly Morgan Johnson Aaron D Baron Savannah Sparks Teresa Stockwell Sarah Veronica wilinski Derek Peterson Timothy Fitzgerald Nolan we present our graduates for the master's degree from the College of Health hooded by Dr Rex Force vice president for Health Sciences and Dr Tracy colum interim dean of The Graduate School Alexis D Packer Jarrett Logan mitten CJ Parkinson Faith Marie Eastwood Kylie rosalin Anderson Carissa Leanne Spencer Taylor Alexa Moore Elizabeth Anne Watkins Reed Zoe Grace Anthony Ryman Hannah Madison dah Tori cely Rebecca e neelon Emma Katherine shifflet Nia R Kate Heather Marie Ging [Music] Diana halali Brook Elizabeth Nelson Clarissa CL Amy Visser Romell Rebecca harames Francesca Vargas Beric Anderson cydney Lynn Bufford Julia f pH hooded by her mother Professor F Phelps Madison Noel palson Sarah Melle Clark Caitlyn clayon Sarah last Brook Elizabeth Bois Rachel Brown Antonio Gutierrez Benitez Nicholas Emanuel Eon oras Joseph R Allen Joseph chakon Kylie Don Amos Juanita delpilar Triana Melo sad Wagoner Cole Timothy Scott Jensen Devon George Meldrum Allan Nelson Trey D elquist Spencer Steven Valentine Brian celis Tyson Bryce Henson Matthew Steven Blake Ashley Nicole brentlinger Alyssa Nicole Cruz Ashley Brook McCraw Luis fosu asare Pak Chang Wong Ka Alexander Hall Jason Paul Lee Kenne Johnson Reese Joshua Huntsman Victor Kieran Thomas Skyler Johnson Trenton W [Music] Dela Stephanie Davis Alicia Farnsworth Lee Kristen Elizabeth ROM Elizabeth Lydia [Music] day Haley Marie Fletcher Carly Reinhardt Karen Lee Frederickson Emily Anne Sullivan Erica an cahun Molly Lynette rley we present our graduates for the doctor of pharmacy from the College of Pharmacy hooded by Dr Rex Force vice president for Health Sciences and Dr Tom Wadsworth dean of the College of Pharmacy Marin L Harris Tanner Steven Harris kumla Christopher Thomas Ferguson kumla Richard Wayne black jadonna Nicole dorsy kumla Michael Alvin Brunson Jonathan Ward catran Carson lond Melissa margarite DS Carlos Anthony Rubio vaka Magnum La Caleb James albre hi beston laner Magna Kum La hooded by Dr David beston laner coroin Trias cornn summum la Jennifer Lane Garrett Kristen e calwell summum La burgundy Ray Bullock Taylor Coons Don D bu Chelsea Renee Joy kumla Tyler Ray Walters sumacum La hooded by Dr Brett Walters Madison and Ki stormmy May Kathy Britney Schwarz Alexis M snap Delaney Marie fiser of Magna Kum La Logan Michael weight kumla Austin James Daniel Wilcox kumla Mary cutright hooded by Dr John cutright kumla Maria Cruz Blazer Vincent Kofi Asante a Ali Bradley Bryan Hunter McKenzie desire GRE Min Jong Kang Sage Davis Michaela Christine Bisby puted by Dr Mark Smith Natalie Hansen Magnum La Michael J Haney congratulations graduates and now with the candidates for all undergraduate degrees please [Applause] rise president Wagner I am pleased to present to you the candidates for the honors Bachelor degree bachelor's degree associate degree and certificates upon the recommendations of the Deans of the colleges and the University faculty I recommend that these degrees be conferred okay are you ready for it here it comes by virtue of the authority vested in Me by the trustees of Idaho State University and upon recommendation of the college College Deans and University faculty I hereby confer upon you upon completion of requirements the appropriate bachelor's and Associates degrees with all the rights Privileges and responsibilities pertaining there to congratulations graduates hiroi fuja kumla Saul Oita kumla Lola Oita kumla Megan Lang G Magna Kum la Aspen L Lacy Brena n Johnson kumla Preston s Helwig Nicole Grace Bingley Magna Kum La asley beatric Allen Magnum la Emerson Elizabeth Parkins cuml Rachel Camden dick Trinity Thornton Bailey Sage Baldwin summum La Philip Steven gamos Jacob Corwin Southern Magna Kum La Bailey Bjorn Katlin Laura Anderson Magna La Maxwell Vernon shanks Chelsea Risha Jacob Caleb too Chelsey Risha Skyler Rose sethman summum La honors distinction graduate Andrew Trent sagendorf summum la Becket William bodell suuma kumla Shannon Michelle Ling barlocker Magna kumla Ashlin Ray BBY kumla Riley H Fenwick Magna cuml Kimberly May cap kumla Janette Brown kumla Miran Susanna Chas Castro Magna kumla Randy Joe Blair Magna Kum la Gracie May Graham Magnum La Lindsay Lloyd James Magna Kum La Megan Tuki kumla Shelby K Roberts r kumla Carter Mitchell Malmstrom Magna Kum La Matthew Taylor Mansfield Magnum La honors distinction graduate Daniel Allen Green kumla Cooper William Brown Magna kumla Benjamin J Scott kumla Madison L Holt summum La honors distinction graduate Kiera leech Rachel Meg Fulmer J K Burnside Magna Kum La Samuel Angus horley summum La Sienna Lauren Fuller Magna kumla Abigail Jennifer Farnsworth summum La Aubrey J Wilson Magna Kum La honors distinction [Music] graduate McKenna Bailey Yarman Magna kumla honors distinction [Music] graduate Aria Parker Magna [Music] kumla Madison Michelle Kenyan Summa kumla lubava Roberto Wessel kumla Jacqueline and Hughes Magna kumla Hannah const Constance Ellis Magnum La litzy solidar Gomez Magna kumla Kaden Alexis Simon summum Maya Maria Jean fry Magna kumla Riley Mitchell Secord Tracy Anne curbs kumau Rebecca Nicole Donnelly Katherine Jane mink TSA C feus Jade an Ibara Cassidy Ela Whitehead Magnum la Sarah Young kumla Camry Marie TM kumla Sydney may I Eichelberger Summa Kum La Casey Lee Ross Danielle Anne burges April Blake Cassidy R corta Summa kumla Madison lease Chapel Brook Hagen dollberg Magna Kum La shaie Noel bolander Alina Gabrielle jablonsky kumau Megan Jukes Hansen honors distinction graduate Ethan J snow summum La Stephanie Jean Ostrom Christie Lee heartline kumla Quint nania elang kumla Mary lumba kumla Brianna Renee Evans kumla Madison McKenna's wife summum la jenica Anne Walton Magna kumla Kelly Lawrence summum La Rachel Lynn Parkinson Rachel Phelps kumla Sergio Garcia gimenez Caitlyn Marie Ward summum La Ethan Ellison Garrett Magna kumla Jess Tracy Ward kumla alen Marie zarti Kum La honors distinction graduate Fatima yamil Sanchez Zacharias Anthony Pearson kumla Anna Williams [Music] udona Caitlyn Grace Miller Riley Sage epic Magna Kum la Garrett Paul Davis Traver Jay Larson Magnum La Justin Matthew suion Jordan Cox Magna Kum La sad gring kumla Danielle Rosa Smith Magna La shantea Schwab Magnum laud Madison Bailey Clark Dorothy Anne vaugh Carly Michelle BB kumla Amber Nicole Williams kumla Lexus Lauren Evans Maria Guadalupe Leon Espinosa ibon Vega roxan Alise renon Kum La Joseph John clinky Magnum La anley Jade Campion McKenzie and Craig Magnum La Emily Renee K Magnum La honors distinction graduate Julia Don Gomez Magna kumla Robert Kenneth Kars McKenna P winnet [Music] summum Sydney Danielle Thomas kumau Chantel Lydia Johnson kumla Diana Abigail Vasquez Morgan a gardner Daisy Rosas kumla Victoria Jade Higley kumla Lily Anne woodco Magna kumla Caleb Daryl Wilston Magna kumla Janelle Tate Jagger Magna Kum La Emery Eliza hebden Samantha Marie Howard Magna kumla Kelsey Lou aam Brooklyn Capri Sylvester Magna kumla Kaylee cornea Magna La Jennifer Diaz kumla lesie Rees Valencia Sandra Whitmore Bennett Louise Richards Taylor Jensen M Ray pottle Danielle M esin kumla Jamie Fay hunt Mara Rose pero summum laud Jenna Lewis kumau Camila Joyce Powell kumla Delaney Christine lungren McKenzie Kate kpo kumla Haley Joe Cole Karissa Lin rup Magna kumla Kennedy Grace Kohl's kumla honors distinction graduate Isabelle Josephine Bergman Magna kumla Emily Hammer Melissa Lois Grover Michaela Shane showning Kum La Fabiola Cruses L iselia Alba kumla Abigail schwager Katherine paman Burke kumla Teresa Kim do aspen J fry Morgan Angela hes Magnum La Kaylee R Butterworth Jessica Francis wisman Emma Marie Landon Kennedy Don Neely Adam Neil Davis Blair Marie Warren Zyra Rodriguez Ward Emily anarie dear doll Caitlyn D Hitchcock sad J Bowens summum La Cassidy F burmaster winter a Michaels Suma kumla Britany Louise Cornelson kumla Kelsey lean mashek Magna Kum La honor distinction candidate Jordan Armstrong Magnum La Bailey page Victor Magna kumla Maria Salah stard Anthony Scott CP kumau Ellie suris summum La honors distinction graduate Bailey Elizabeth farer Magnum La Sage Marine Jackson summum La Julian Amber Martinez Mesa J locaso Hannah Paige Hillier Shaylee [Music] bergerson Elena Michelle Hall Riley and Blanchard Quaid William wenro Hunter Alan Hayes kumau Michael Paul Smith kumla Lester bod Nance kumau Evan Michael Bell Hayden Jerome Wallace Maxwell R Trent Hannah Cho sumak kumla Quincy Grace per Kirkpatrick kumla Melia Renee doshier Isabella Olivia Bass Suma kumla honors distinction graduate Brook gersy kumla Leo Ezekiel castanada Magna kumla Elizabeth am Rudolph kumla Katarina H gross Magna kumla Kayla Nicole Evans Elena Sierra Wilkinson Teresa Lara kumla Amanda Elizabeth Reyes kumla Rebecca Maxwell Summa kumla Maria Angelica sa Kum Angela M folz kumla Melinda Sue Stein Isaac Nelson weed kumla Hayden Le Magna kumla Shan Henry Holland Magna kumla Andrew Clint Murray Jenna Sutton Lacy Robison summum Kaylee Sage PES Magna La Kiera Riley Thompson sumacum La Annabelle Tafoya Amber Penny palus Kelsey tap Magnum La Michaela de hman Jordan Laray Dy Bradford kumla Maya Nicole creger Magnum La honors distinction graduate me Megan Samantha Neno tamashiro summum Nesta Bonita Rano Magnum La Naomi cristelle majour major Magnum La Bailey Joe Jepson summum la Sarah Marie Harmon Magna kumla Joshua Johnson kumla Caroline Ellen Shipley Peters summum La car and delain Erica new kumla Andrew post gon Ethan Nathaniel Meisner Magna kumla Dominic Dennis Radford Michael oin krider Andrew dvar mayor summum La Jaden Todd wild Magna kumla rajb Amari summum la Troy Lamont Pac kumla Jessica Marlene cam Daphne Liliana Rodriguez Gman Kum Britany Skyler sharp Shaina Naomi Fisk kumla Sarah Harker kumla Cali Marie Harding Summa kumla Jenna Deanne Peterson Tiffany Marie pets Magna kumla Jade Porter Basset mag auml Isaiah joavan nto Bowden Cooper Jasmine Celeste fiser Amanda Marie Gilles Katie Danielle bavender Alexandra Katherine Harris kumla Hannah K Griffith's kumla Haley J Davis Kelly teal kumla Courtney an ol Laura green David sir Magna kumla Tristan Hunter Johnson Jonathan Amos gimenez Randy Gabriel Lugo Diana Carolina Lugo Cordo honors distinction graduate Kaden Wayne IR Devin Eugene Nunes Avery Nolan standinger Alexander James [Music] impi Joey Jesus Martinez Seth J Harris kumla Kurt Patrick Alistair Martian Danielle Ray Howell Kaye Campbell Lindsay jayen pack Sydney Lynn Cottom Lindsay Grace palor Avery Brinn McKinley Kimberly ni Haley mlan Raphael Flores kumla Jonathan David Miles Nikolai yovanovich Cummings Magnum la Peter Kurt chilkat summum Tyler P Hoffman Ethan Allan hennefer Magna Kum laud Nathan Rodney Smith Magna kumla Kyler Blaine Anderson Angel Flores Raiden Tyler Smith Andrew oomman Magnum La Hans L van Clavin Logan James Mills sumacum La Shayla joh crane Magna kumla Jade Christensen Summa kumla Haley Michelle Joy pugmire kumla Zoe J bedi kumla Katherine P humble kumla more Morgan n steel kin Jacobson Lee kumla Ashley Nicole moner Kyla Johnson kandra Carpio Jennifer aalos [Music] Devon L curan shayin Renee pricket McKenna lead Clemens Carrie ly OLED kumla Kelly Christine means Stanley Carl Harrison stalker Magna kumla saurin Alton oxner kumla Andy Alvarez Simonson Magnum La Shad Kip Smith Austin Cade Ben son Eric tun Christopher jiren Pickins Joshua maku Magnum La benen Everett brener kumla Billy Frist Jasmine Morales Deborah an tilletson Marie Jane Baker kumla Shane Gage cler December Marie Aro Alisha Don Porter Magnum La Taisha n Garner kumla Emily or Shanah Don Starlight Kelsey walenta kumla aric Le mayor kumla Vincent J Wilkinson Jacob Wayne Stokes Hunter R Osborne Magna Kum laud Jaden Braden Armstrong Summa kumla Sandra Tes Reyes kumla ra Rael via Edgar urel sutera Victor Emanuel palaos rodulfo [Music] palasio Emanuel Rodriguez arel marceles [Music] Roso Heidi Wilson Isabella Anne schaer kumla Anna F mcgoy Magnum la Emily Anne hon kumla Kylie Karin Higley Carly Jean Clinger Kylie Leanne herand Alexa SAA Gonzalez Ellie kin Johnson kumla Kaylee Anne Hawkins kumla Kyla Lee Wilbert Adriana Ramos Joseph Earl Allen cuml Jesus Sanchez Hernandez cutter Matthew Coverdale Magna kumla Michael Nevan ibera Rachel Grace Ruiz Carly Elizabeth Jensen Jacqueline anquez Isabella Nicole Taylor Karma Jean Holio Magnum la jinny Lynn lley summum La Jaylen Len te Alyssa May Cooper Gracin Anne Horton kumla estrea d Los Angeles [Applause] Mercado congratulations graduates today we celebrate you I know that each of you have worked very hard to get here but we also know that most of you did not do it alone it is through the support of your dedicated family and friends that you can stand here today so now that they have cheered for you I would like our graduates to recognize their families so with the families of today's graduates please stand for a round of [Music] applause thank you families graduates each and every one of you are forever a member of the bangal family and you are also a forever member of the Idaho State University Alumni Association would all alumni of the University ear here in attendance please stand look around look around you graduates this is your family your bangle family is here to support you as you go into the world and pursue the life you have dreamed of and now another moment you have been waiting for would the graduates or earn bachelor's degrees Associates degrees and certificates in all colleges please stand if this was your first degree please stand at this time I invite you to move your tassel from the right side to the left a symbol of having obtained your [Applause] degree would the rest of today's graduates and the audience please stand and let's join together in the singing of the Idaho State University El Elma [Music] moer glor [Music] son St Lo to true [Music] [Music] to I would ask that members of the audience and our graduates please remember standing while the dignitaries on the podium exit the hall lastly congratulations class of 2024 you did it go [Music] Bengal e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

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2024 Idaho State Football Fall Camp - Hawkins Presser 1

Category: Sports

Yeah uh summer nowadays looks much different than it did you know 5 years ago uh let alone back when when i played but you know having the opportunity to have that 8-week period with the guys and being able to do drills on the field it really changes the way you you install you prepare and kind of the... Read more

Idaho State University Commencement Ceremony  -- Meridian -- 2024 thumbnail
Idaho State University Commencement Ceremony -- Meridian -- 2024

Category: Education

E e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for [music] [music] e e e e [music] n [music] they position ready [music] l [music] for [music] o two [music] know [music] w [music] la [music]... Read more

Bengals Training Camp: Myles Murphy Injury, Mike Gesicki Shines + Joe Burrow/Kamala Harris FAKE NEWS thumbnail
Bengals Training Camp: Myles Murphy Injury, Mike Gesicki Shines + Joe Burrow/Kamala Harris FAKE NEWS

Category: Sports

Intro [music] all righty here we are on a wednesday welcome on into another edition of bengals breakdown i am your host stone shields appreciate you guys for tuning in so the bengals are off today they are experiencing an off day of training camp here on wednesday july 31st but we'll take a look at... Read more

Ketua KPU Manokwari Sebut Diisukan Terlibat Money Politik Itu Tidak Benar thumbnail
Ketua KPU Manokwari Sebut Diisukan Terlibat Money Politik Itu Tidak Benar

Category: News & Politics

[musik] video dan foto yang viral tersebut kemudian dikaitkan dengan dugaan manipolitik yang dilakukan oleh ketua kpu manukwari chrtin rut room kabu bahkan ada salah satu foto yang menunjukkan ketua kpu bersama rekan-rekannya memegang sejumlah lembar uang pecahan 100 kepada awak media di kantor kpu... Read more

Ravens vs Packers FULL GAME WEEK 3 Aug 24, 2024 | NFL Preseason 2024 | NFL Highlights thumbnail
Ravens vs Packers FULL GAME WEEK 3 Aug 24, 2024 | NFL Preseason 2024 | NFL Highlights

Category: Sports

That's something to watch as we move forward so john here are the areas that we have talked about all summer that are being contended for now selecting a kicker the backup quarterback the swing tackle a fifth and sixth receiver the second or third running back a fourth safety no clear number one receiver... Read more

Los Angeles Chargers Vs Dallas Cowboys  FULL GAME 2nd | Aug 24, 2024 | NFL  Preseason | NFL Today thumbnail
Los Angeles Chargers Vs Dallas Cowboys FULL GAME 2nd | Aug 24, 2024 | NFL Preseason | NFL Today

Category: Sports

Much deserved for jordan lewis what a season he had last year coming back from that liz frank injury wide open is simi foko behind the cowboy secondary and down the sideline he goes he beat andrew boo all the way to the end zone and on the first play of the second quarter the chargers with the deep... Read more

Dallas Cowboys vs Las Vegas Raiders [FULL GAME] WEEK 2 | NFL Highlights 2024 thumbnail
Dallas Cowboys vs Las Vegas Raiders [FULL GAME] WEEK 2 | NFL Highlights 2024

Category: Sports

Filling up the the cowboys quarterback room so from the 25 yd line with hunter lipy behind him in the back field and the give is the man from north dakota state a lot of talk about trey lance out of north dakota state we're going to see a lot of hunter lipy out of north dakota state tonight just checking... Read more

Cincinnati Bengals Release SURPRISING Depth Chart Ahead Of NFL Preseason Week 1 Vs. Buccaneers thumbnail
Cincinnati Bengals Release SURPRISING Depth Chart Ahead Of NFL Preseason Week 1 Vs. Buccaneers

Category: Sports

[music] welcome on into bengals breakdown i am your host stone shields thank you so much for joining us here and we're doing a little bit of solo producing on today's show so if you see me look down don't be alarm it's completely normal just trying to deal with the graphics here at the same time but... Read more

Jerod Mayo doesn’t name a starter, but calls Drake Maye the Patriots’ second-best QB thumbnail
Jerod Mayo doesn’t name a starter, but calls Drake Maye the Patriots’ second-best QB

Category: People & Blogs

Jared mayo doesn't name a starter but calls drake may the patriot's second best qb jacobi brasset has not been officially named the patriot starting quarterback for week one but head coach jared mayo suggested brassette will start ahead of drake may mayo said he is comfortable with may being one injury... Read more

Bengals Rumors: Ja’Marr Chase REPORT From Adam Schefter, Myles Murphy Injury + Samaje Perine Return? thumbnail
Bengals Rumors: Ja’Marr Chase REPORT From Adam Schefter, Myles Murphy Injury + Samaje Perine Return?

Category: Sports

[music] you are watching bangals breakdown by chad sports and i am your host stone shields thank you so much for joining us here on a wednesday as the bengals get ready to take the field tomorrow night at home against the indianapolis colts on thursday night football for the pre-season finale so on... Read more