Eagles Press Conference: Britain Covey, Clint Hurtt, and More | August 20, 2024

Britain Covey oh man very comfortable I like you said I think one of the things I pride myself on is separation uh you kind of got to view it as disrespect if someone wants to play man- on- man and so for me it's just at my size you got it you can't rely on contested catches jumping up over the top people you got to get separation so that's what I you know I strive to get separation all the time uh man's Z whatever it is and and in the slot I feel like you got a two-way go at all times and you can be a mismatch you know so I don't view like being small as a disadvantage you almost view as an advantage BR we saw you return uh keep call and having always been in there um do you feel like it's something you're still in the conversation uh for or yeah uh a little bit I I think with this kickoff rule there's going to be a lot of trial and error for the first three or four weeks of the season for every team as of now you're going to want bigger body types most likely I mean you're you're returning at every play it almost turns into in zone so I think you're going to see mostly running backs throughout the league um or bigger receivers uh but coach clay has talked to me about you know because I've got great vision depending on certain schemes and things you definitely want to put a guy like me in there so because you got to be Fearless on this kickoff return you can't dance around it's got to be one cut give vertical and and trust and uh that's that's tough to do and so you know it can turn into something like punt return it's something that I feel like I know I'd be good at but also there's a durability aspect of probably going to get five or six a game you know so you'll probably see a rotation of guys if if I were to place a bet on it I'd say you'll see four guys per game so you talked about those option routes a little bit how much is that extra chemistry to get with the quarterback important with that oh it's huge option routes are either the riskiest play in The Playbook or the most highest completion percentage play in The Playbook that's why smid is so good at it right and so it's not a risky play if you're on the same page with the quarterback and that's why it's everyone's third down goto play because it's like you have a four-way go basically on an option route so if you and the quarterback aren't on the same page it could be a pick it could be a you know a bad play but if you're on the same page how do you defend it you you don't make the wrong decision so when you combine that with the ability to get separation um that's why I love the slot you know you get those option routes you get those opportunities and um obviously Smitty commands a lot of attention with those but if I ever get those opportunities I know I I feel so confident that I could do it you know and I've done it all throughout my entire career and practice you just haven't gotten many opportunities in a game and you know how offens is in the preseason it's pretty vanilla you know you're not showing a lot of a lot of your stuff if anyone judges our offense in the preseason you know it's not yeah we're not showing a lot so no one is sometimes you got to go outside so obviously you know people are going to look at your size and say canny play outside how how how much do you think you can prove that that has oh a lot that that's what I feel like I've learned the most from Smitty um because it's not like he's huge right he's playing outside you know I ran a 44 at my pro day it's not like I'm a slow guy you know when you compare me to someone like John Ross I feel like a very slow man but but uh you know anyone in that 44 range I feel like you still are a threat on the outside to get vertical and and you know grab some attention and so uh that's what I feel like I've improved the most over my first two years it's just being able to do all things the whole route tree playing inside outside you mentioned separation aside from Route running is there anything you specifically hone in on to refine that area yeah to me it's about it you take your skills of running with the ball I think running with the ball is more of a god-given skill you kind of you see a six-year-old and you're like he's got it you know what I mean uh route running can be learned and so you take kind of that god-given ability to run with the ball and you start to utilize it in route running okay angles you know leverage it's all about leverage All About Angles where does this guy not want to get beat right he's playing me inside shade he's got a safety he does not want to get beat inside that's why he's playing there so you threaten that create more space so really it's it's just about understanding leverage angles and where this guy does not want to get beat yeah and then you add quickness and talent that's you know that's what makes you good but understanding that initially so how much is working with you mentioned vonte a couple times AJ obviously different type of receiver but just the way they go about it just the work ethic being a professional yeah I mean with guys like that with AJ you could tell the DB he's running a slant and I promise you he'll still catch it that's how good he is that's how that's how much he works with that and that's kind of the level you have to get to because once you get to this league you're not going to absolutely freak someone like you do in college and have four four yards of Separation these guys catchup speed is incredible so you have to be so detailed um I've really enjoyed talking with DBS throughout my career you know my my rookie year I talked a lot with Avante and just like what is the worst thing that or the thing you hate in a slot receiver you know and getting picking their brains and um like I said I feel extremely confident that that I can do this you know I do it every day in practice and have uh you just you wait for your opportunities in a game what is it that he hated most what you Saida what did he hat people who understand L any any good receiver who understands how to attack leverage utilize leverage against the DV it's hard because they have to protect whatever side is vulnerable and so you use that against them and and oneon-one today you mat up Cooper a lot is that someone you've talked with in that way yeah totally I I mean Cooper and I sit by each other team meeting I love Cooper um goofy guy it and so I think Cooper is kind of getting back to it you know he's been out for a little bit but what when you have veterans in each position group you it's so nice because I mean even someone like quinan his the difference in him in the spring compared to now is night and day and I think it's just cuz he's been a fly on the wall in meetings and understanding things like that so I've really loved seeing the growth of him and Cooper too but he's just been injured so I you know I haven't been able to see him too much Cooper's he like he's quiet but not because he's shy and so he'll say something under his breath that's like hilarious but but like you don't know if he's being shy or if he just like that's his demeanor you know what I mean so I sit by him and me I hear all his little subtle comments but how impressed have you been with Coan the fact that obviously he's mainly an outside corner in college he comes in and that's difficult to do that early well you have to be able to do that quinan has the perfect DB mentality he can get beat by AJ One play or three plays in a row the next play lock him up and he will talk so much trash to him and I think you kind of need that as a DB because you know you're you're not going to win every single rep and so uh his Improvement I would say among all the guys has been the the most drastic from the spring uh I really admire kind of how seriously he's taken that role and uh you just know what his trajectory will be I'm sure there will be growing pains as there always are with rookies you know but you know when you trust a guy's trajectory that's when it's exciting we don't even talk about your punt returning now because you you know you're so good at we talk about kick returns you're you're in the slot is there something you've been working to improve on in that aspect of it pun return yeah oh absolutely yeah I mean I I I mean Andrew you know this I talk with you I try and watch every rep across the league from every single punt so fair catches everything and I put myself in their shoes and I say what would I have done here what did they do wrong what did they do right and just what when you get to a point where you can have reps without having physical reps I think that's when you get good so I feel like I get 250 reps a week just by putting myself in that person's shoes and understanding and like I've told you guys before pun return in the NFL isn't always flashy I think people want it to be but um if you're averaging 10 yards a return you're going to be in the top third in the league and understanding when to pick and choose your time to take risks as a pun returner uh is is key and you know I I pride myself on ball security I you know um my brother sent me a stat the other day I think I'm the only one with a certain number of returns without a turnover and so I I think priding yourself on ball security and picking and choosing your times to take risks is is adamant and I've been close I'm just so ticked off still that I haven't gotten a touchdown yet so we got to we got to get one this year you know we'll take two more from Britain you've been you posted that note before the note as you received before you went out came out here how important was that do you think help you in your trajectory your career understand and I'll tell you anybody who has a significant someone in their life that will be there for you when you fail not if you fail right when you fail it gives you that freedom to to take risks and and uh so my wife for those that didn't see she wrote a note for me just hit it in my backpack as I was coming out here as an undrafted free agent odds stacked against me you know didn't even get a combine invite you know felt that it was unfair a lot of things not pointing my way but she was so supportive and always has been and that kind of gave me that freedom to just say all right I'm going for this I'm taking a risk and uh if when I fail you know you have that to fall back on it is the most important thing that I can imagine and uh you know if I have a bad game and everyone hates me I know she doesn't so it it's it's just nice and I think I would advocate for everybody to be that person for someone um give people the freedom to take a risk and and and say you're going to be there with them and for them regardless of the outcome and and that's unconditional love so uh shout out to my wife she's the best you text from your brother is he like you know your analyst kind of behind the scene or I mean a little bit yeah I mean my my older brothers are my Idols um I learned so much from them part of the reason I played quarterback in high school and I switched to receiver but it wasn't hard because I was always catching from them in the backyard they were quarterbacks so I felt like you know those guys are my idols and so they even watch film The weeks before and they'll send me and be like hey the Buccaneers Gunners do this just so you know it's it's great to have brothers that invested but once again falling back to it they're that invested and yet if I don't play well they are still my biggest supporters uh just great not everybody has a family like that and so I feel very lucky and fortunate you know thanks BR uh they've been practicing Clint Hurtt well you know guy they're getting comfortable they're communicating well understanding what's being asked of them uh so been been pleased with that so far look at Milton Williams in terms of that as well too how is he how is he fit right now do you see what do you see in terms of his usage I mean he's a guy he's going to play a lot of s for us we trust him he's a starter you know and how we see him and obviously heavy in the rotation with other packages so he's been playing really well improving as a pass wrestler which I'm excited about that part for him uh to continue make rdes in that area and he's a guy that we count on for his leadership he's been great with his consistency with his work and attention to details every day Vic and Howe have both talked about the expectation for Jaylen F and Jordan James to play more snaps this season um how how do you feel like they were prepared for that load uh every day we're still working in that direction they're doing well I can see I see that obviously coming for them and we need that out of them uh so I just but I also I have a lot of confidence in our rotation with our depth to to take advantage of so we will get everything out of them that we need to get they're headed in the right direction what one of the biggest improvements you've seen maybe from watching the film last year compared to what you've seen in person now what with with Jaylen and Jordan specifically what looks different their conditioning their conditioning is better and obviously like their pre-staff communication we just recognizing formations and where the football's going in the Run game identifying protections where the side of the center's going and stuff like that like their football IQ uh has definitely picked up and gotten a lot better you know theyve been our guys been now forcing those guys to do that and have to communicate with other guys cuz it helps everybody play faster and better your experence that just comes with in your experience does that something that just comes with reps and like reps some time reps and time and how much uh with the person out here popped out some things that he might be able to do differently than what your I would just say you know just the the amount of the talent the depth here is just the ability to play a lot of guys and keep people fresh you know is something that's really good that's not you generally don't always have that uh with most NFL teams but Howie has done a great job of getting those guys in so you keep guys fresh here in a way that you can what is exision for the defensive a lot of that stuff goes you know game by game at what's needed you know so I just decided to sit there and describe that all out in one setting but depending game by game uh how we handle things by you know our adjustments on the opponent will dictate a lot of stuff so they answer that right now be a little PR mature in terms of of talent and and traits What is the most special thing about jayen I mean he he has everything in his body that you're looking for you know so as a matter just continue to develop every day make sure your effort is matching your talent level and then everything else will take care of itself how's his personality in the meeting room excellent you know just getting familiar with him I talked about before in the draft pre-draft process uh he's an attentive guy and he's smart you know a lot of people I don't know if they really kind of give him enough credit for that he's an intelligent football player but in the media room he asks all the right questions you can hold him accountable when he doesn't do something right he takes the criticism and constructive criticism he move forward so he's been excellent joke a little bit too is that does that come out oh yeah he has personality but all D have that what makes jayen uh just because of his initial quickness off the ball he can run he can bend edges like I said he has a lot of tools in his body has a lot of people well well known so he doesn't have to always line up as a three the line up outside the Ed outside edge of the tackle and still went out there as well whether winning on outside edge rushes or powering the tackle back so he has all those those skills and traits when did that down on the Discovery process you didn't see it in college you didn't look at his film you so he he's always had that you like the what did you SE from Mor specifically uh motor runs all day long uh really developed as a pass rusher plays with excellent length in his arms and being able to get off of blocks you know so his his game has really came along and all the guys like Thomas Booker's done the same thing Marlin's done a great job as well so just to see him but specifically but it's specifically about a jumo he's done a really nice job running and pass and see his development from year one and year two which is when you should make your biggest joke you feel like um like Jordan's really embraced that conditioning piece of it seems like it's understands how for is yeah I mean the kid wants it and a lot of time with young people you got to be patient they don't always understand it right away and I always use BG learning BG story when I got here you know he struggled early on in his career and you figure things out and the next thing you know that you become beloved in the city and the kid has a lot he does have pride in himself he does want to be great he wants he does and he's made that commitment to himself and now it's about the consistency every single day so and he's done that so really really proud of where he's going but we got a long way to go so it's just keep challenging to do that every day just be you nag want to go inside he doesn't have to nag me I want him in there give him all his you know listen when you have that collection of talent group of guys you want to get them all out there it's a battle for the Reps and it keeps the competition and the spirit high so uh he does he wants a shot so maybe I gave him two many the other day in practice but he enjoyed it as a for to yourself what is what makes this Dynamic interesting or just what Mak about coaching here working with uh you know one familiar with him and obviously with Vic you know he's always evolving and changing certain things so kind of seeing where you know where he's gone with his scheme what adjustments he's made I always ask him inside like what made him make an adjustment of change cuz it's for my own personal growth too um you know for that and then obviously being able to get back with the big guys that's that's my home position you know so it feels good being to coach these guys every day like I said you don't you're not blessed enough in this league to get all the guys that we have so it's a unique group of people you have a snap count number in mind for Jordan Jam or is that something that's change week to week it can change week to week you know so that's it's hard to put a number on that it changes week to week depending on how things go the flo of the game How We Do offensively you know third Downs all those things how the fluctuation of the game goes can change so it's hard to put a number on that if somebody was to look to the film and say hey you know what that's a Clint her clach guy what characteristics would they have somebody plays physical plays hard and Relentless effort you know that's all that's the biggest thing and they going to be fundamentally silent that's Jord Davis the podium you mention that um also got a job to do but also you working with different coaches across the league some are open books some aren't how do you kind of balance all this just what you the same way for players uh you got to pay attention to meetings to get the little nuggets as a coach you got to do the same things you know so you listen to certain aspects and I always write down things that maybe I want to revisit with Vic later on and one thing about it when you're coaching we're up here 19 hours a day so I got plenty of time to ask those questions whether it's in season or out of season so it works out most of the players describe Vick as old school yeah what's a what does Old School uh mean like from what you see what's the most old school thing about that uh what I would say is this old school is there's a lot more non-negotiable today with a lot of these situations with the younger players or younger coaches a lot of negotiating with players to get them to do what you want to do uh I'm cut from the same claw and I talked to the guys about that you know when I was in high school you had to ask for permission to go get water like you just didn't go walk up and go get water freely when you felt like it so you know I just think like just little things like that as part of it you know just being clearcut to the point of what you're looking for and be demanding and that's it very valuable I Isaiah Rodgers said it before best two in the league so I think I'm preparing for them and you know day in and day out watch a film on them was going to definitely prepare all us in the room for the entire season how do you feel like you've done uh just been having fun you know I'm just grateful to be back you know I'm just accepting my role right now whatever it is and really just taking it day by day how long did it take you to you kind of felt football comfortable I was comfortable all year I was comfortable the whole year off I never shot away from it so I'll be ready for this moment what are you seeing from uh quinon like when he's playing on the outside and everything he's a dog man dog outside dog inside at nichel so you know wherever he's at he's going to make plays and you know that's why he's here has it surprised you how he's taken the playing on the inside uh yeah he he he's the kind of rookie who shocked me cuz you know I look back in my rookie year and the questions he's asked you know it's question I never thought I asked when I was a rookie so you know he's he's a lot a lot advanc than uh most be right now like what what can you give an example of like some of the some of the stuff he's asking but he's asking questions about you know games ahead you know games and you know what do you you ever played against Green Bay before like little questions like that you know you know he's definitely appreciating appreciative of the game right now just trying to understand like the whole entire entirety of the NFL right now Devonte was saying the other day how much the competition between all you guys is kind of lifting everybody's game do you think you feel that uh definitely I know I feel it you know on my point of view so I think it's just the moment where you got to just keep continue to staying your notebooks and continue to come out here and try to make as many plays you can and just take it day by day and keep building how you get adjusted to the new kickoff how are you adjusting to it was it like seeing as different uh it's different for sure you know everything happen a lot faster now but I think it's just uh it's going to come down to really like just doing it full speed and doing it end game so that's I finally realize it you know how it is for training camp your positions outside corner has that been kind of communication there can you play SL they explor oh I can I could really play anything it's just I think I did enough you know in my career outside I think that's where I'm more comfortable at so I think that's probably you know where they want what's your relationship with you and kayy since you guys both get a lot of reps on me and key yeah that's my dog he FaceTime me yesterday I missed his car I was kind of sick but uh yeah that's my guy man we we don't we don't let none of this get to us man the end of the day we all got one job and that's we got to start first by making the team you that's the main thing right now it's not about who's starting cuz end of the day we all make plays we're all Ballers so it's never there never nothing bad in the room we all we all Brothers man where does that come from that's unusual sometimes yeah I don't I just think it's how we was raised you know I don't know how he was raised I know I was raised you know regardless of anything you know it's expect of the day and I was in a corner room in Indie where was the exact same way so I brought the samey here and you know we just good we just good good Brotherhood when you wearing 31 the other day was that just no I had 34 on my jersey was a little rolled up so I seen a film and I was like it kind of look like 31 but n I'm 34 not 31 no I know you're 3 I thought it was a hot tip to um you got hurt yeah I was I was shocked when I seen it too thought I thought they changed my number I yeah Isaiah do you and Kay still hold each other accountable in terms of coming up with interceptions things like that I know some people mentioned before uh yeah that's a lot of plays he been making a lot of plays in preseason manross to him a lot of plays I've been telling him man pick that you got to pick that you know a lot of a lot of guys can go out there and knock the ball down but you know we get paid by making interception so you know I'm on him he's on me like come on is you faster than that so we just always just you know keeping each other up we've heard that Vic can be you pretty blunt you know meetings and stuff like that when you're in a competition I guess what's that l that is going to tell you really how you're doing whether it's been uh he's on everybody whether whether you at the bottom bottom of the barrel the top you know it doesn't matter who you are in the room he's going to tell you if you did something wrong he's not making anyone better than anybody else in the room so you just holding everybody accountable for their mistakes and everybody get better you ever have moments when you're out here and you just kind of think a year ago where you were and just I don't know does it ever just strike you that way yeah I definitely do I had a moment I weighed in at 180 and last year I left on my app I was 166 when I was in spend last year so just just knowing I gained all that weight and it's all muscle weight and then gaining really body fat so I think there just a lot of difference in my body that I feel you know they from last year to now what do you attribute the drop to you think it was just not playing or was it you I think it's all mental you know I think mental health definitely matters and I think looking back at it now is one moment like I was not mentally what I wanted to be last year you know I'm blessed to be here so you know I'm happy now and everything's been going good where do you usually like play uh say 180 I feel good so like it right now did you work through that that those down moments that you had I just kept my faith I just kept going you know my family kept me uplifted the people around me back home and I just continue to pray and continue to just keep my Fai in gu on I mean starting to realize Reed Blankenship there's a lot more communication now but uh like I said he's doing a great job um obviously you know seeing seeing the the plays from a different depth is is different um like I said him and Avante they're all doing a great job even having CD back we're doing a really good job communicating um that's kind of where our defense is at like our the back end is really you really got to communicate and be uh and be good together so speaking of CD and S you guys have been little th going couple times the receivers that been an emphasis to like try to simulate the Finish or try to send a message it's not even to send a we want to compete and that's what you know serani has been preaching ever since he got here ever since I've been here it's all about competing um that's how we're going to make each other better um we're fortunate enough to go against one of the best offenses in in the league not I mean I'm just saying you don't get to do that every day um often so we're having fun with it and yeah competing is what we what we talk about all the time I hope this isn't cliche but it's like that ship on your shoulder after the way last year yeah I mean last year yeah we everybody knows we've all we've talked about it plenty of times we put it in the past and you know this is a new year and we all have a different mindset and started as soon as the season uh ended last year you can see in OCA you know I remember coming in and be I looked at BG I'm like I don't know what it is but everybody's mentality is completely different you know even upstairs and downstairs everybody's like ready to roll you know it's it was OTA so and now we're here we're ready ready to roll here in a couple weeks and you know get going CJ seems to talk a lot on the sidelines and everything after he makes a play what what's that like for you guys like um you know does it kind of lift you guys up yeah absolutely um obviously we saw that a lot in 22 and it brings that kind of Swag to the defense um hearing him go at it and then I I never really say a whole lot but I'm like man I need to start saying some stuff you know yeah but I know I told him before in the locker room I was said hey what do you you be the vocal guy and you know I got you back with everything so uh you know I love love seeing that he's a competitor and everybody knows that and we feed off that so yeah was that something you think was kind of missing a little bit last year yeah a little bit you know I feel like we just like I said last year's like I don't want to get too much involving that but you know it's it's a new season we got we got guys in here that are ready to roll so what has impressed you most about Isaiah Rogers as you know as is coming no he's very athle very fast you know I didn't really know much about him and you know especially taking a year off you don't know how a guy would be um man I don't it seemed like he played you know he he came in ready to roll he was in shape he has a great job very very very smart um and that's what you want on the outside you don't have to really communicate a whole bunch to him um he's actually calling out formations and stuff and kind of let me know little tips but uh yeah I like having him back there one guy one guy on team say toobe Dean that he has came to work every day he's came to work with chip on his shoulder and his shows um here in practice even in games man he's he's getting everybody lined up he's making plays he's making plays that a really good linebacker should make a great linebacker should make and you know it's it's it's really good to see cuz I knew he had it and now just seeing it it's like okay now the answer a lot of questions I'm very excited for I know it's only been a week since like Cooper came back and everything but what are you noticing about him like a nickel is he doing any work of safety have he knows he's right now is nickel in the corner um he's very smart I mean we got we got a pretty smart um I like the dude a lot I feel like he's going to be all over the field for us um I'm I'm excited to see if he gets a go this week um I'm going be there at Cher all so how is s even ending behind the to I feel like he's doing a great job um he's getting a lot of mental reps um you see him we'll be watching film you'll see him like in a little box doing going through his motions and stuff but uh he's he's always engaged in the meetings he's always there to answer questions um even there if he has any questions you know it's like he's preparing to go to practice or or for a game that's what you want to see when a guy's been injured like that coming back from an injury but he's doing a great job he's putting in the work like y'all I y'all don't really see a whole lot but he's here early he's doing stuff on his own he'll be ready as soon as his number's called that's for sure I know it's been of time that you know been around K Stern what you see from home you know I haven't been able to see a whole lot um I just you know heard a lot about him I mean he he was behind Justin Simmons you know and being I'm sure being in that room you know you got to be smart and uh you know just learn from him you know it's pretty cool but he sits beside me when we go to uh meetings I can hear him ask answering questions like he's been in the room the whole time so that's you like to hear you know we bring in guys that already know what's what's going on so somebody goes down hopefully not somebody can step up and just you know keep keep the ball rolling I know it's two different positions but with grer is that somebody who got the chance to PR much time oh yeah no we're all together um he was one of the guys at first he was quiet I I I going to start you know choking around with him and stuff

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Jalen carter how do you feel excited about it yeah i'm very excited very excited very good play we talked a lot about this summer about conditioning and stuff like that how do you feel that i feel good i feel like i'm looking good you know it's going to show on the field do you set personal goals for... Read more

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Eagles Press Conference: Matt Patricia | December 27, 2023

Category: Sports

Okay appreciate it everybody good to see everyone um let me just dive into it right just get going why did you like nolan smith that that 51 penny at the off ball yeah um you know nolan's he's a good football player you know he's a good young guy he's got good instincts um you know has progressed through... Read more

Postgame Press Conference: Nick Sirianni | Minnesota Vikings vs Philadelphia Eagles thumbnail
Postgame Press Conference: Nick Sirianni | Minnesota Vikings vs Philadelphia Eagles

Category: Sports

Hey nick how does uh jan fit into this offense and what kind of work did you do on him pre-draft a couple years ago uh yeah um really liked him a couple years ago coming out um looking forward to working with him um i think he helps helps our team and puts uh gives us an addition to a already deep room... Read more

Postgame Press Conference: Cooper DeJean and More | Minnesota Vikings vs Philadelphia Eagles thumbnail
Postgame Press Conference: Cooper DeJean and More | Minnesota Vikings vs Philadelphia Eagles

Category: Sports

Cooper dejean how feel be out there great okay be back out there um i was excited a lot of lot of adrenaline rolling um you know so it's good good to be back out there a lot of things for lot of things to learn from what have you been doing over the last few weeks to make sure i mean i'm really just... Read more

Eagles Press Conference: Brandon Graham | April 17, 2024 thumbnail
Eagles Press Conference: Brandon Graham | April 17, 2024

Category: Sports

So you mentioned you wanted to have a farewell farewell tour and you are back on it for a year what are your thoughts about going into that man i'm excited just to be here right now um that's why i'm here in otas just trying to enjoy every little day um yeah it's especially how this offseason went i... Read more