What did we make of UGLY CanMNT vs. Mexico match (and Canada Soccer CBA news πŸ‘€)?

how do you want to describe that 19 uh what stood out to me no let let's I'm going to give you uh wer analysis what uh stood out to me was uh Jimmy and Wheeler's amazing uh chemistry Gareth and Jimmy uh Marsh is going back to his gray uh jeans which he said he only had one pair of jeans in his Wardrobe when we met him in the summer it seems like he still only has that pair he's confirming that fact yeah yeah and then the I'm gonna confirm it I'm getting creepy and then the third one would be uh Jimmy did mention the the slickness of the field of the pitch and I was thinking about that because the first half was so terrible and to the point where our friend Allan skols was was saying there this ref sucks and he was going off a little bit and he said I I hope they play a a better second half which it was a little bit better of a second half but that was a horrible horrible match was it not and then my last thing was is a friendly ever a friendly especially when you're playing Mexico or the US yeah actually that's that's interesting you you mentioned that because they talked about it being a friendly and friendly and there's never been such a thing it's important to somebody I just think what a waste of time in a certain uh a bit when you look at that match but then you look at some performances and I thought Cornelius Bono um goke keeper as well Dane played well uh aled played well yeah so there's there were some good performances overall you know I thought as a unit they they did okay under difficult conera circumstances oh my God that's key right isn't it I mean the way Mexico set up in this game was to prevent Canada that they seemed to me to be scared of Canada dubs that they were all out physical trying to disrupt any kind of Rhythm at Canada had shown against Estates man how things have changed right we should be getting used to this this is Mexico right Mexico right who's been the dominant force in conquer care for ever and now they're playing Canada and and they are doing all they can to prevent Canada from from fighting against Gro and that's I think three games now without undefeated against Mexican stub so that is probably the one takeaway from this game how this powerful opponent who yeah I know they're in the low right now set up against our connect can yeah I think I think that was big and and also just to piggy back and what wonger and Forest were saying like there's never been a grander misnomer than calling these types of matchups friendlies like they're they're absolutely not that but I think it comes down to yes you're your right charms and how you framed that um I I think it's a compliment to Canada in in the way that Mexico set up in the way that they were going to thwart them to frustrate them foul them kind of anti- football I if you will but it comes down to how are you going to exert control so are you going to exert control by stopping and starting by influencing the referee by fouling by pressing by counter pressing these are my notes um or wardrobe changes and we we saw that yeah from from the Mexican coach um so if if anybody was um you know a character uh in that match or entertaining um it was how do you say his name aguer ageri AI aguer yeah so he he was walking satire I mean he was highly amusing and that was he's a g angry man and the the gesticulation and the there I know yeah every time they gave a foul it was like got the ball we got the ball when we got a foul we fou them it was like he was like yeah you gotta card him you gotta card him yeah my God yeah he was the the lone entertainment for for large I have to be honest though the uh the i i Gareth and Jimmy made me laugh a few times I mean they had to cover right when when when Wills mentioned the music he goes I don't know what the hell's happening here jimy like like don't like it and then uh then Jimmy said I think the ref is gonna have to ice his cheeks and that gave me a laugh out loud I I did a laugh out loud I was like Jimmy's all right that guy's okay it's like he should be on a podcast or something or something and I do have to say I'm not a big fan of of Wheeler's nicknames um or calling players by their first names Etc um but the Great Dane I I heard it and I wanted to hate it and then I thought I kind of like it it's good isn't it yeah yeah and he's a big frame as well yeah he is big he's great yeah and he made a couple of big saves in that second half really big saves yeah he did he did it could have been a different result I mean l is I think May Mexico probably had the better chances in that in the second half I know Kyle Aaron sorry Kyle had a real great chance um which was denied by the Mexican goalkeeper but uh yeah but listen we can talk about Craig we can talk about the you know the opportunities but there weren't that many let's be honest and what they were often blocks them in close I want to go back to this whole friendliest thing because I mean listen I I I haven't never played Mexico or the states as a Canadian International tell me both of you like what is it like is it the same for them as it is for Canada or is it just Canada trying to this big chip in it shoulder that he doesn't like playing these games against these kind of opponents no are you kidding Mexico's trying to find their feet they're absolutely terrible they're not gonna go out there and walk one off like oh yeah we're gonna just take one off like they're absolutely terrible this is the worst Mexican team I've seen in 30 years or more ever but when you played though right when you played a friendly like you said you you were not playing it as if as a friendly but did they when Mexico was good when you played against them um did they give a yeah yeah they were passing the ball around we were like Shadows like we couldn't get away from guys you were talking about the best of the best Hugo Sanchez Ral Marquez you know campo's like the list goes on and on like just quality players the best they've ever been so could catch up to them though yeah enough so that there was that type of ey and there was that type of intensity and and players kind of studs up and that type of energy as well oh yeah yeah yep always yep stories it's at 11 o'clock at night answer isn't it like uh I'm at the bus station right now I've got the I'm B home we're all a little bit tired no I'm not bad I took a shower to wake up for you guys feeling rather you're very uh very refreshed you're in the red glasses which speak friendlies I don't know if I ever play Mexico in a friendly actually oh really or just work up qualifiers and go cups and stuff right yeah North American championship games and yeah so what the do you know the states are friendly though and that was not friendly okay there you go okay there we go when was that explain that one give us some uh we're down in Carolina rally Carolina where's Ri North Carolina Carina yeah nil nil and uh I also remember from the game was Jeff oner giving Miola poked him in the stomach and called him the Pillsbury gold boy did he giggle Jeff [Music] did see you won't get these kind of conversations in other post match friendly as got the Pillsbury doorboy Miola I want to ask I wanted to ask you dubs uh with all that fouling did that hearken back to any of the matches you played because you're rather aggressive did you have was it ever like that was horrible yeah I mean that was frequently that was our our only shot at at hanging with the US and then it all I was also thinking about this um in what forest was talking about um last pod about how Marsh now coaching a national team and is is this a sort of a tenable approach when you're coaching a club team like can your can your teams can your players not only last 90 minutes but can they last playing this type of high octane high energy style over the course of an entire season and the answer is probably no but in a national team setup I think you have a better chance of it succeeding because you only get together you know a certain amount of times year um so that was our issue with the national team is we could hang as as athletes kind of as footballers for an hour and then once you got to that 60 Minute Mark didn't matter the depth that you had on the bench didn't matter if you had a couple of fresh legs out on the pitch that at that point if you were playing the likes of the US of the swedens the chinina of of the late 90s early 2000s or or the time that I played with with a national team until 200 n um that's when you were going to get overrun so and then another tactic that we used was just just to be physical because we could barge our way around or I could that's that's what I did I was gonna win the ball and I was going to win the ball at any cost and and sometimes it was it was taking cards and it was getting in people's kitchens and and just being unfriendly sexist wom women football yeah well dubs has a story where she poked a woman in the belly and held her a Pillsbury do girl no I bet I I've told this one where I said move you better move your fat ass and get out of my way and then then the girl happened to be a little bit chubby and then it all went wrong and I like didn't even mean it that way it just came out like Mo out the way do you try and explain yourself afterwards say no no no that's not what I meant I feel that personally Amy I feel that personally yeah it was JC he I mean you guys know that like playing any sport and like just getting in somebody's way all the time like you just turn around the person's there you like make a cut the person's there it's just like oh my God get out of my face and this girl is doing this like with success it obviously was working getting me all rankled and uh I was like move your that sounds like the punchline to a fat joke it's like man you so fat every time I turn around you there your mama is so fat every time I turn around there she is oh man but going back to the like the the friendlies like playing Mexico it obviously wasn't like playing the us and it it wasn't that we we called it a rivalry even though we we only won the one time in in 2001 um but playing Mexico was was just as kind of dicey and and and had us kind of on edge where you we were still at in a position um or a certain stature in the women's game where we were meant to win but they were kind of coming on at that point and it was always a really really close match and they were highly physical they were really um you know Route One Direct um energetic pacy they always had a a really dangerous number nine and so you had to really be wary of her on on the counterattacks and transition um so you went into that match and and you knew that you had to or that you ought to win and sometimes that was difficult to to manage but I just wanted to bring it back to Canada like what are they going to pull out of this I think what you pull out of it is is the mental fortitude and like what it took to withstand that type of tactic and that they did it together and that the response was measured that you know you didn't see the Canadian staff up in arms and we saw that type of response keeping cool heads during Copa America in that sort of environment that kind of atmosphere and you saw it again tonight and the crowd wasn't particular hostile um but the opposition was and in in the way like everyone had their own individual response but it was controlled and then I think they this will be a touchstone this will be something that they can refer back to to say okay we we managed to draw maybe that's not what we set out to do but the way that we manage the game is something that we can refer back to when we we get into these moments again and say listen this is how we need to conduct ourselves yeah because it happens yeah [Music] I wanted to go back to the uh to that pitch too did you guys when Jimmy brought that up has do pitches like it the ball didn't no one could control it it seemed very um I don't know pin ballish you know it was all over the place the first half it seemed a little better in the second but can that change a game when the pitch is like maybe what Arlington field was like tonight well can I wouldn't blame the pitch for the any of the performances out there no by either side quite honest but sometimes you can you do get the ones that I'm not sure what they did in Arlington did they bring a pitch in for that game yeah I think so I believe so was there actually yeah it yeah but they it wasn't highly uh uh thought about during Copa a lot of complaints about it yeah uh I I've seen some ones I saw one when we were covering Canada years ago in New England uh and the pitch was super soft and heavy it was super like it was just like squishy and it like you can just imagine that would have took out of the players during the game but yeah it can it can it can play a part for sure but I I don't think there was much wrong with that pitch tonight yeah I don't think it was a a major factor either wer I don't even know yeah yeah on the pitch yeah Jimmy mentioned it he just he just said it looked he he didn't understand why it was so uh I don't know chaotic out there but overall I mean there a successful window again for Jesse Marshall right two games you win one you draw one uh you get some young players debuts niik Seer came on today so he's cap tied now oh it's not as is friendly isn't it so it will be cap tied yeah not such no yeah he could still but it sounds like he not going to yeah who doesn't want to be a part of this that's what I got to ask that's it it's pretty say do we have a a new a guest do we have a guest I can't hey we have a guest and his name is Jimbo Brennan Fresh Off The call hey Jimmy how you doing pal what a how are you Andrew oh just just great very good wasn't it a great game you c a lot of games um that must be the best you've called so far oh wow what a match what a you look 40 40 40 something fouls it's look you know what the Mexicans were doing they wanted to stop the the Canadians to get getting into a rhythm you can see they were getting a little bit frustrated as well they playing direct because they were trying to beat the press and then their approach was be aggressive stop stop Canadians getting any momentum because they knew there was a lot of threat did it piss you off was it hard to call what's that was it hot to cool that kind of game it is it is difficult especially after you watch the american game right there was there was a rhythm in the game and it was enjoyable to watch but you think when the ref's blowing the whistle every two minutes we're and it was silly fowls wasn't it like they weren't good clean challenges there were little pushes or little kicks of the ankles and players dropping you know embellishing all over the park and you know it's not enjoyable because when you're playing a a friendly you want to get something out of the game you've got key objectives that you want to get and in that match there what would you get out of it well I think Amy touched on that when you were just you were just before you joined us and how they managed it Jimmy I thought was you know really good outside of the fact that it wasn't a spectacle at all but they uh did manage their motion as well in a difficult situation that they will face uh from time to time unfortunately would you say Jimmy would you say Ali ammed Ali ammed sorry has been maybe the the most impressive player the last couple of games as far as where he's come from not a regular starter he's started these two games he's not really good there I thought he looked very good um you know he was trying to make things happen trying to get on the ball I also thought you know the partnership with bambo and Cornelius were are very very good they dealt with that direct play uh didn't seem to have too many too many problems Shir for me looked a little bit fatigued I think he covered a hell of a lot of ground playing against the states um but he's also been he's also been good as well you know there there's there's a few players I thought have been decent over these last couple of games and and you guys know firsthand as well it's it's not easy when you when you play a match on a Saturday um and you've put everything into it then you're on a flight flying for a few hours trying to recover and then you've got another match on a on a Tuesday it's difficult yeah shs and I are are really aware of that when we get hung over and then we're drinking on the road yeah we do a podcast on Friday and then Monday comes around in a hurry exhausting wer it's like you having a vendor on a on a weekend in Ottawa and then coming back and getting back on on a Tuesday you know oh it's it's tough you're slowed down a little bit I get it your performance suffers yes sorry guys what was that I don't know he came on to say that he was falling asleep and then he took off again hey Jimmy listen we we'll let you go because you're driving right now and we keep hearing you turning indicating that you're turning left or right and we do want to be responsible for for a collision but thanks pal great call and and we'll have you back on some point because you're part of us so we can't get rid of you have a great night Jimmy bye everyone bye um okay so it's a nil nil it's a game whatever good window Panama's next at beo field uh a friendly sorry CHS is that a friendly or is that part of the Nations League or something friendly too oh can we just stop singing Van Halen every time I mention Panama Panama like every time it's 11:20 you're going to do this now I know I was going to say should we should we end the show giving our thoughts on um the release from can socer yesterday and from the players union about uh this tentative framework of a deal in place for a new CBA which is huge news um but now they put it in in csb is Court saying listen part of this is dependent on that deal being reworked and they're currently at the table talking about that listen it's it's progress if nothing else and now they've put the pressure I guess on csb to make this thing happen uh Craig overall I think that was uh from what from what the players said the women players said Kevin blue has impressed them to say the very least well the first thing I can think about in this situation is communication I think that's what the they've done so well Kevin blue and the rest of them as opposed to the previous regimes like seriously it's not that difficult to sit down with them all and put it all on the table and say this is what we make this is what was what going on this is how much we can afford to give you got to leave some in the pot for what we need to do in Canada too there's a lot of expenses we're not a rich Soccer Country and I think the communication if they they've done that so well I think that goes a long way Amy in the respect and the and the trust that they'll have in the in the bosses that are leading this absolutely really well summed up there for us I agree with everything that said um I I sent along those Publications to our WhatsApp group yesterday and the the first one was the release from Canada Soccer and I think I just wrote big like this is big huge news massive news and then it was the Canadian Players Association the the women's Union had their own statement that charms alluded to and I was like wow like the language in here how they're aligned with Kevin blue how pleased they are with kind of how he's leading the Federation I think is even bigger like that was even of even greater magnitude I think or more impactful because it's been a long time since i' I've heard or seen words attributed to players that spoke in such glowing terms about the leadership of Canada Soccer and so I mean that that's a that's a really really big step on the way here so hopefully I mean it sounds really positive and hopefully they're able to get it over the line but it's it's really masterful from from Kevin blue not only up until this point or even up from the moment he was hired but that he's putting the ball squarely in the court of of csb and from what I understand though that they those talks have gone very well so far and that csb is very you understanding of the situation and they are open to this so what that means you know we we'll find out um how that will change right now it's what 4 million going up obviously each year when it's initially signed it was 4 million a year right so it's going to be obviously more than that but um yeah it's it's fascinating and and finally what I kept hearing and through those comments too and those statements were let's just start looking forward to what should be the most exciting time in Canadian soccer history got a World Cup on home soil in two years time let's get all this out of the way can you believe that I think charms is spinning positive last time we did last time we did aate an evening pod I was pretty happy as well uh I'm gonna read a couple of comments off the line and uh Simon fudge said Kevin blue impressing all the time as CSA boss our footy Prime supporters something to blue blue blue leave in uh ball not done yet nameless dude a very interesting tactic to put csb under the spotlight of being the hero or the foil to this story my opinion the right tactic tactic because it seems to validate that all of us sitting on the couch and been speculating I thought that read ejaculating s it was on the couch um the two organizations are symbiotic to each other so you know everyone is pretty in it's not a lot of uh you know with all of our Twitter followers and readers and people listen to us and watch us it's interesting how in tune they are with what is going on with the Canadian soccer Federation let's be honest in a lot of countries people would go I don't know what the hell you know the ussf I I don't you know I just kind of sit there going people know what's going on it's really interesting yeah people people are clued in for sure yeah and Kevin blue every time we've talked to him every time we've met him he said he was going to do this be transparent be communicative be uh sharing with the players and it seems like he has their trust which is everything right that's everything yeah fact that he doesn't have a track record I think with soccer I think actually helped him he just came in out of the blue well done forest in that symbiotic of that I really like that word because they're absolutely they they should be kind of pushing this forward to to 26 and Beyond but in that symbiotic relationship who is the hippo and who is the tiny Bird that's like eating the bugs that get into like the folds of the hippo skin and who are the bugs we're the bug yeah the the Beast is is kosaka that's the Beast right everything revolves around it so kosaka is the hippo in an ideal world csb is the bird I think right that makes sense yeah I think you're right well you really blew that one charms J's just jumping in and jumping out just the right all about timing in comedy that's J yeah it really is it's all about timing um and you know once we get this independent commission uh investigation regarding drone gate out of the way that' be one more thing as well that's coming to an end as well you know next few weeks they should just let I to be honest they should just let that slide I'm like what that go for everybody's sake just let it go every nothing no evidence move on nothing happened it was all a mirage we're gonna miss the gonna when it's all going away you know be it csb deals and and drone Gates and we're just focusing on the football we're going to be so bored you're right we need I like this off field drama yeah it's great makes us proper legitimate Sports international sports right yeah we need that look at need that we don't need that no stop it sorry okay I need that just just once in a blue moon charms can we just talk about the football we just did horrible Panama be waking up my kids oh Jesus I'm trying to go through my head other blue ter I've got nothing I'm tired all right um that's probably we should probably call it an evening you're probably listening to this in the morning I would think it's going to be in your little in your little Dropbox first in the morning beautiful day in Southern Ontario and in Montreal uh in BC it's might be a little rainy and in the prairie uh prairies I I hear are going to be nice and warm lots of blue sky little window morning there's your morning weather everybody traffic sucks don't go [Laughter] well anyway listen if you like this subscribe if you don't like it subscribe we don't really care if you like it or not just subscribe and don't know there he's back glass half empty yeah feeling feeling blue again um we're back Thursday though with um we look out to the weekend in the Prem maybe we'll do some uh fr0 picks first time in a while we'll talk some MLS of course as well we have ACA on the show for some fantasy talk as well and and your England won your England beat one today or yesterday beat Finland and Ireland good for you Kan your boy there hurry Kane scored on his 100th cap very well done hurricane all right everyone till next time good night and good morning or afternoon thanks for listening and watching yes and good luck

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