LSU Football vs Nicholls St. Postgame Show | Did Brian Kelly and LSU successfully bounce back?

e e e e e [Music] qu I'm move my like hammer time we got most time to make some moves we don't pick and choose I'm here now I pay my D me tears put it this I know that youing I stop ipping the top we the and I [Music] can't all right here we are uh LSU football post game show recapping the LSU versus nickel State game we all just sat and watched for how many hours that was Lloyd was in Tiger stadium for the grand opening what year 100 year what did you think of the atmosphere Lloyd atmosphere was good A lot of people a little suspect but the atmosphere was good uh light show was electric at the second like to start the second half I can see the potential of what it's going to be I'd missed the Colin Baton Rouge to get back here but I could see what they're going for and also the DJ is by age really it is all the songs that I grew up jigging to so I get it a lot of people probably won't be happy but they're making it a much more fun atmosphere than it has been in years past good no that I mean that's a win cuz I mean LSU obviously cord has had the best uh the best atmosphere and so for them to be able to upgrade it and kind of catch up with the times is a definitely a a good sign um but this football game the first half I would say wasn't a good sign it wasn't it was not very pretty as good as the stadium looked and the atmosphere was um the defense did not look that good to start the football game um but LSU was able to escape not Escape they were able to run away with it in the second half um the final score I think was 4421 um which is a definitely a not what I thought the score was going to be but um you know they still won by won by three touchdowns um but we've got Lloyd and here Justin's here next to me everybody say hello to Justin he's a new part of the crew he's going to be here with us on these post game shows um but yeah I think man watches more football than anybody I think I've ever met like they got the big brain over there 100% un justed we were coming in for the what was it the Thursday night the Friday show and he had takes for the Thursday night football game was like LSU show he's like no we got to talk about Thursday night football and he knew everything so very needed piece considering that Noah knows what he's talking about I don't know what I'm talking about but he knows what he's talking about so good I know a little bit I know a little bit Lloyd's being humble over there but um I but that was uh I mean it's a win it's it's a win in the win column LSU is now one in one on the season um I think we'll start with the offense here I think the offense looked great except for the Run game but we're going to start with Garrett nus me who had six touchdowns the Third third quarterback in LSU history to do that um statistically I think jayen Daniels and burrow obviously are the other two that have done that um and but nzar had a great game he definitely missed some throws there were some deep balls that he didn't quite put on the money um he did pull the trigger a little too fast on some some throws but I think all in all he put together quite the performance um and looked good and I think if Garrett nus plays like that and continues to um you know LSU is going to continue to be in football games um kyen Lacy is a Surefire wide receiver one he has done exactly what's been needed of him he built off of that first half performance in game one um it was definitely a you know a point to be made by the coaching staff to get K and Lacy the ball um he he had three of those six Garrett NM touchdowns um one of them was a little scary he decided to go up top over uh a Defender into the end zone and landed looked like right on his coxic that I said the same thing this I said the same thing this like like what happened to is they hear his [ __ ] they're like that like his back that his buttbone give him give him the old school butt pad you know like Loop that thing I mean he landed right on that lower back Cox a little bit of yeah I will say for Nicholls they did not hesitate to LEAP up in the air and try to hurdle a few Defenders they they were not yeah 100% no and and Mason Taylor also tried to hurdle there in the second half I I wasn't the biggest fan of of seeing LSU's two biggest weapons offensively try to jump over um defenders in this match up against an FCS school um but Kyon Lacy looked great Garrett nosm looked good um treyes green got in the end zone got a touchdown Jawan Johnson Jawan Johnson looks great I mean they didn't really hand him the ball but catching out of the field I mean that is money I think I think I know for sure myself I didn't really have high expectations for him to be a integral part of the offense getting called up to be a running back and moved over um but after seeing the way they use him today catching some of those balls out of the back field I think he's definitely going to be a weapon that LSU continues to use what that's what's interesting about the entire offensive philosophy is like you have Playmakers kind of everywhere in a sense and you insert a guy that's makes me wonder if they've been working on this a little bit on the side doesn't seem like it but as soon as moment of science for John Emory because hate to see it but Jaan Johnson was a part of the game plan like I don't know if that is just the Nicholls thing or it's like they're going to want to use this moving forward but that's something you could have done with zavon Thomas Aaron Anderson yeah and a different part of the passing game that they haven't explored yet because when Ken lcy went out with like it looked like a little high ankle or a knee kind of deal when I don't think tiger STS ever been that silent because and kudos to kyen Lacy for getting the respect from going from wide receiver three to got to have him right and it was kind of a moment of silence they like what are they going to do offensively that's where I think LSU can kind of explore some different parameters of what they want to do and like push it boundary to boundary as opposed to try to see some deep stuff that just didn't really metricate yeah no I agree and I think with you know Jawan Johnson and getting the ball into his hands out of the back field um and the pass game you know it it's a great idea and I like the little um you know the little shovel pass to a weapon 100% 100% And I think they're going to continue to use him um but that little shovel play to zavon Thomas to score a touchdown those are the things that LSU is going to have to continue to do game planwise to kind of and essentially bulk up the Run game because that's an extension of the I know it's a pass in the stat sheet but that is a run play he said it over the air he was like that's a pass play right but and I understand it and from LSU's pers like let's do the Good Bad and the Ugly start off with the good in your mind like go down because I think a lot of people are a little bit more negative than I anticipated I think good was um Garrett nus in the wide receiver core I think you really saw that LSU has a well-rounded core of receivers you saw a better game from CJ Daniels um kyen Lacy like we said is a Surefire number one um and his hands have drastically improved from yes but um you know and but I think Garrett nus today he made a lot of very good there was one throw that got called back um because Shelton Samson lined up in the wrong spot and it was a a Sunday throw from Garrett nus me um and you know I it was outstanding um and so I think the good was Garrett nire in this wide receiving core I think they definitely kind of flexed their muscles a little bit um and you saw how they used a bunch of different guys I think Aaron Anderson kind of continued some production which was good to see um the passing out of the backfield like we said to Jawan Johnson um the use of treyes green was good so I think the receiving core and Garrett nus Meer were most definitely the good um and in my sense they could you could even call it great um when it comes to what we saw today um Justin did you see anything that stood out I think the big thing that stood up to me is obviously Kiron Lacy is your number one right right and he had a great start to the USC game last week but he in the second half of the USC game last week he wasn't really featured I think he had like two two total Targets in the second half so and I know it's a Nicholls but I feel like coming into the game they were like he hey he had two total Targets in the second half that's not going to happen again right we're going to get him involved we're cuz he is your number one he's the guy he and us have um a little bit of a connection going obviously because Kiron has three had three touchdowns tonight and I really like them getting Kiren more involved he was obviously involved in the first half last Sunday against USC but he was really involved the whole game in the game plan here and obviously he should be cuz like I said he's your wide receiver one right um I also like getting Aaron Anderson involved I really like that I really like Aaron Anderson um CJ Daniels that was good to up that was something that was much needed to be a to and when they had to have him they went to him like early and often I think that was good to see CU he's that kind of a player where you can utilize him to be it doesn't have to be all K Lacy all the time no I agree and I think Aaron Anderson's kind of stepped up to be the three in my opinion I think he he's kind of slid in next to Daniels and and kyen Lacy to be wide receiver three um you know as Kyle Parker was out and Chris Hilton was out today and Shelton Samson really didn't get involved the way that I think we all kind of expected after Kelly had spoke about it um and you know obviously we're not seeing what's going on in practice anymore so I don't know if he didn't have a good week or what the deal was but definitely not the involvement we thought Shelton Samson was going to have um because you're still looking for that that one little extra like vertical threat like you saw nut try to push it down like push it down the field a little bit but it wasn't the play maker that that you saw against obviously with when he came in against Georgia it was Huck it Chuck it [ __ ] it football and then when you saw him against Wisconsin it was another the receivers noten the same but it feels like they kind of right keeping the range on a little bit the one thing I would say about nus is when it got not as easy for him he started to fall into bad habits of kind of drifting back not stepping into the pocket and then kind of throwing it up for grabs a little bit even against the Nichols team where it's like you can get away with that there's a couple throws that he made that you won't be able to get away with against SEC teams especially I mean and when you talk about SEC teams you got that next week you know next Saturday you're traveling to um y Columbia South Carolina and game day will be in town I wanted to talk about that finding out that game is in game that game is game day obviously we're going to go in there walk in their favored and obviously you know I think we definitely are a better team than South Carolina but I do not like that game being a Game Day game cuz that stadium is going to get into it and it's going to like it's not a night game thank God if it was a night game I would be really I would be really nervous but I did not expect South Carolina to be you know we were talking about it a little before the show started uh South Carolina crushed Kentucky today and I didn't expect that um I don't think a lot of people expected that um another team I didn't think people expected to be uh as good as they seem even that they lost today is Arkansas right and I don't think Arkansas or South Carolina is on the level of LSU but they're not as bad as people thought they were preseason they're not they're not bad teams and those are two teams you play on the road so you're going to have to bring your your aame and you're the better team but with that game being in game day it's going to be an interesting scenario next week because 11:00 a.m. um South Carolina a tough place to play uh definitely with that game being a Game Day game I feel like that's really you know really going to be interesting and a a tough early test for the Tigers no I agree I think I think game day going there is obviously a sign that the game you know the the stack of games next week the schedule isn't you know the prettiest there's not too many big games um on the Slate but I definitely agree with you Justin that I think that game day is really GNA get those South Carolina fans out there um early in the morning but LSU has fared well in these 1100 a.m. kicks over the last few seasons last year against Missouri that was LSU's I think Marquee win um of the season last year um the year before that Mississippi State they were able to you know just they've kind of been able to to win some of these 11 a.m. kicks I remember the Florida 11:00 a.m. kick in Tiger stadium yeah the ti Davis price game you know they've been able to handle some 11:00 a.m. kicks but South Carolina look great today you know their quarterback um sellers was stretch they look better than they did against Old Dominion right I agree but I I you know I think sellers kind of got comfortable he was very uncomfortable week one um in the second half against Kentucky he definitely kind of settled in um and was playing his game of football we got call we got a call we so here is our first call of the night y'all call in give us y' takes Justin if you want to throw your headphones on we're going to uh we're going to take what this guy's got to say yeah I hello we got you headphon some hold on hold on hold on oh H up give me a second give me a second make sure this thing works it's a little finicky should be the side they're probably on the ground all right now we're rolling all right I'mma call him back let's see we're gonna get that caller back but yeah we're g to take you guys calls get in here um but yeah I think I think the good was definitely the offense and next week's going to be a very interesting te test for LSU you buddy hello Lloyd's working on it back there we're gonna get you guys in here we're gonna see what y'all got to say um and you know maybe have a little playful banter back and forth um as we recap the LSU versus Nicholls game hello hello you got me there we go all right what's your name where you calling from uh Central Louisiana all right what's your name Jameson all right Jameson what you got for us how do you think the defense did tonight that's my cousin by the way oh nice to start it off we go love it love it but yeah no defensively I think it definitely was not a pretty game um we're talking about the first half um in that first drive of the second half the 67 yard run from Guggenheim of Nicholls um they definitely buttoned it up in the second half I think LSU's defense definitely put itself together in the second half and was able to adjust um and progress I think in the first half it was just kind of a mix of not being as fired up for this game and the effort was a little bit lower for uh you know a match up with a team like Nicholls mixed in with um the fact that there were things that LSU needed to work on um and the defensive line did not you know look very good against a Nicholls State FCS offensive line but I do think what you saw in that second half was a defense that showed the effort they should have showed um and they began to fix things um so it it wasn't pretty but I think it was you know it was a it was a good um day for the defense when it comes to that second half all right Sean's calling in all right Sean Sean the floor is yours buddy yeah let's hear it I'm just saying it's just not it wasn't good that was bad yeah what was bad yeah what what did you not like I didn't uh interior run defense not great agreed all right soone do that uh nus throws off his back FL a lot not great he also might be hurt not great no that was a cramp yeah well he cramped well I will say he did he cramped up and then he tried to get back in the game before the FI goal in the second half yeah that that was a bit of a concern as to the the process but that was a confusing situation as to time and down and what to do because if you have nine seconds left then you're OB going to one another play if you don't at least you want to get back on the field I'll take I I'll take that for what it's worth I will say that the defense kind of look stinky they what they gave up they regressed after last week was very you gave up 14 you gave up 14 in the first half and then the opening opening Dr touchdown would you gave up seven points and that was it playing a bunch of white dudes from Manny yeah they all want to play for LSU yeah well they all wanted to beat LSU exactly they gave it their best effort see this is the this is why I want to have Sean on the show cuz he of the people sat literally behind somebody that was saying the exact same thing you're saying you would have probably fist fought him but you all have the same brain like I'm just saying it's like a bunch of white like that dude was in blackface I thought he was wearing a visor yeah Lloyd came in saying the guy with the dark visor no he just he he went War mode face it was a wild Guggenheim he thought he thought he was very good they're playing running back they playing Wildcat but stick to your takes you got yeah leave blackface for Saturday Night Live Jesus I mean that that's what he did and he showed up he played well I just don't understand like the interior linemen aren't that great Herold Perkins doesn't care it doesn't care I just don't think he plays that well the weeks play better than he does both of them Sean this is a hot take for a lot of people I'm just saying you're a so you're you're off you're off perk no I'm not off perk I just don't think he was maybe he wasn't put in the best position today to play well okay so here's my take on this entire situation which I think a lot of people are a little concerned about this was a glorified scrimmage this is a practice where they're working on different things to be able to get LSU ready for what you want to see against an Old Miss team no Old Miss dud is what you're trying to get ready for now having South Carolina have game day is fun that's interesting that third's a little bit of a wrinkle to get them kind of fired up but I think LSU Bare Bones they could score whenever they they could score whenever they want they could score whenever they wanted they could score whenever they wanted that was that's the concerning part ISU could score whatever they wanted yeah uh kind of but you're also missing you're also missing a lot of key players right now right so you're missing Hilton's out Parker's out yes plus LS muscle I'm just like you're missing a lot of guys the the interior line in your Center's out so you got a freshman center not out he's a starter DJ Chester's a starter I know no what fair enough thought he was out but yeah no I mean Dinger was out the guard I definitely think that the interior defensive line does have to step up they they haven't they didn't play well particularly last week they definitely didn't play well today because um Nicholls was able to run the ball way too easily especially in that first half still think major Burns is out of pocket in his position you can't tackle I I definitely think the safety room does need some adjustments I think I like seeing Spears out there kylin Jackson the same we're just changing Sage Ryan's number to to hiding to what to hideing to hide then which I thought was interesting and I think it's something that LSU could develop on is when they put and it was the first drive of the second half which is not great because it was a new look that LS was trying to work on but you saw perk move kind of to that star position I may be wrong but they put him more down like around the line of scrimmage move major Burns to safety and Sage Ryan played a ton of safety in the second half like I think that's things that you could definitely improve upon you know I'll say this you know what you can't lose to is a white guy running up the air up your ass that's true I agree I agree what are we doing chrisan M and black face running up defense no I agree and and I I will hear you know a little bit of what you're saying about Harold Perkins he only had three tackles tonight total tackles which is not he didn't I don't think he cares that much he shut up he definitely cares care no dude it's a cur it's a feel it out period dude like that's just what the curse it's the curse of the seven okay you're done the curse of the seven no I think I think next week will be The Telltale sign for Harold Perkins um the sad thing is that Sean's like the majority of what people think no 100% 100% we've got another call coming in Sean again Sean going back what all you're all right I'll stop saying the curs of the seven but I do think there's a little bit to say about the interior defense like really not doing much no I I agree and that's a bigger point that we need to talk because Jacobin gillery was obviously out at some point in the game apparently very hurt yeah there is no Brian Kelly said tonight that there is no report on Jacobian that means he's hurt and so he was when he came out of the injury tent he was put in a wheelchair and his leg was wrapped up so it's definitely not very hurt it's definitely not be definition of very hurt and it's uh and that Alexandria baby stand up that is going he can't he's in the wheelchair he's hurt he's very hurt and that's going to the the LSU defensive line room is also very hurt because he is an integral part of that interior defensive line he was kind of the guy he was supposed to be the anchor yeah BK talked about it he was the most improved player on the defense and somebody that they really relied on to be able to Anchor that thing and that's a concern any other takeaways aside from what you said earlier don't say that again all right I think Harold's very good number seven's the best play on the field oh dude the weeks played good both of them I think the linebackers as a whole played well today I I don't think there was nothing better than seeing two weeks Brothers bump heads and like we [ __ ] make a tackle that's fun it was like you and Lloyd yeah that's what it felt like the younger one so we never made a tangle speak for yourself brother we missed we missed a couple tackles and it's like hey that's fun right we're out here together no that like I said there were some moments in in the game that you were like all right you shouldn't be able if you're Nicholls you shouldn't be able to run the ball the way that you are they LED it up right up like mouth to mouth and said trying stop us and LSU that's a that's a deficiency same thing offensively like I think LS needs to be able to run the ball a little bit better I will say defensively your quarterbacks are still like 15 yards off the ball I thought we stopped doing that I'm telling you they're working on new things that's the entire part of what today was like people are looking far too much into what this game is because you're playing against a Nichols team it did it get a little close and a little squirly it never was you could do whatever you wanted against them offensively and you took advantage of that so you tried to explore new defensive looks and just be controversial no but sure no nus missed bunch of throws he did he definitely did miss some throws but he also made a bunch of Big Time throws and he played well I think nus played well n played great do it again spell it I have alheim but he's just like he's he's very much off his back foot and he's also throwing to a place that's out of bounds I said the same thing I thought he got a little he fell into some old habits where he was kind of falling back and going into old nus because like I said I don't know if there when K ly came out the game there's a couple moments where like where where are you looking and it was Mason Taylor and and this is after a game I don't think the game plan was the same as it was versus USC where he spread it around and got 10 different targets to 10 different receivers there was also a bunch of good in that game that people are going to gloss over because it's against Nicholls and that's just the way people want to paint it well I did I did paint this picture to you four days ago about how Kansas City uses two tight in sets with um you saw a lot of that yeah but you should be able to use Mason Taylor as a bait and pimpon as either over the middle or an on inside or outside routes where it's like that's a dump off that's easy 10 yards pimpon you can put those two really good tight ends tight set and then run one over the middle one to The Far Side of the field like i' easy five yards bang bang I I think Sloan is having a hard time adjusting to calling plays I think he's got a bunch of weapons that he's trying to utilize and get them comfortable which is why you saw a bunch of tradez green and and you didn't see him you you saw him in one play last week like I appreciate you being the voice of tiger droppings this is great right no no I don't even read Tire droppings I'm just if you like reading your autobiography do I know my handle no I think I but I think Sloan's play calling tonight was better than it was last week I think it it improved from last week especially the second half last week to tonight's ball game so so we all agree that the defense played very poorly today I think in the second half they actually played Rel play great they play good in the second no takeaways get no pressure just three out all right I appreciate you love youh is dropping off rapidly because of you no yes I mean if we're talking about the defense some something with the defense and I was talking to know about this before the game second half this doesn't apply to the second half but there were points in this game where I thought the defense looked much better against USC and that's the thing like between week one and week two is supposed to be your biggest Improvement it's your Get Right game and at points this team looked worse or this defense looked worse the offense looked great all game but the defense the defense struggled at times I like the guys fighting back in the second half um I like it because when they come out and they get like what a 67 yard touchdown to start the second half it's like you know you're shell shock like I think the stadium was like started booing or getting quiet or whatever and after that they just stopped them and that's a good that's a good sign but like you said it's usually week two is your getright game week two is your game where you go out and you flex your muscle not just offensively but defensively as well and in the first half we didn't see that if you look at the time of possession in the first half it was Nichol stay 18 minutes LSU 11 I don't that that's that it looked ugly it was bad to look at now again they corrected it in the second half and that's great but it's just something that we have to pay attention to if we're talking about um I felt like there were times in especially in the second quarter where we got pushed around a little bit no I agree and I think and I think the when it comes to a Get Right game the it doesn't always have to be you have it right at right after kickoff to start the football game and even though it was ugly for lose the toss I'm not sure I don't remember re the football there's a little part of um the having the ball more than we did like there's a strategy all right somebody else call it I love you brother all right who we got here all right what's your name where you calling from Paul's R oh there you go Paul I de baited him into a call Paul what you got buddy Paul dude yes hey can you hear me yep got you can you hear us yeah I can hear you I can't hear anybody else I can hear you listen man I feel stupid doing this I'm 35 years old my son's first birthday was the day party of call and left his [ __ ] the Jordan kage show listen man it did not look good it down yeah tell me tell me what you didn't like give me the give me the ugly a lot of kids quit like KY had a great game can't FAL him for what he did dud has some heart but he gave up on a lot of plays there was a seam up the right side second quarter yeah we jumping up and down second quarter no uh it was the one that's SM ah he had about eight yards in front of K Kiren wasn't running on the play he was just coasting and you could see Garrett's face on a TV copy like what the [ __ ] man like just dejected because he's looking at the kid and he's like why why are you taking this play off flow's trying to run guys like Williams well I'll give Williams some credit do that part but kayen Durham does not run between the tackles they didn't try to put him between the tackles they give him everything outside until late in the game why are you putting me the late in the game because you're trying how mean rushan have tonight let's see the final tally was 64 64 yards that was concerning I will agree with you there 100% And who had the longest rush nus me nus Meer and Josh Williams both 12 yeah but we did you to see on the offensive line no they can't they can't pass they can only pass block the Run blocking is a concern I I 100% agree we came on here and I'm not saying they can't run block because it's not like emry Jones and will cble can't I can't look at those guys say you can't run block but something is missing I think a lot of it is SL I I I don't have any faith in him and that was on the sideline I want let me ask you this I brought this up in the chat but I really I'm not trying to make something out of nothing this is second week in R I've seen Kelly getting into Brad Davis's ass that's a decision well I'm trying to figure out like what is going on there because I haven't seen Kelly and Brad get it like that since he got to LSU and like second week in a row he's getting into his ass and I'm I'm sitting there looking at like something's off that that the offense looks off n looked good he miss throws who gives a [ __ ] KY had a good game like whatever but there's something off and there's something off with Kelly I'm not the one saying fire Kelly we gotta pay him 77 million doll to get rid of him no he's and anybody saying get rid of Kelly tell me who's the coach you would have picked will we h k he wasn't even on the board Lane because Lane couldn't let huh I said he wasn't even on the board you know it was a bunch of he wasn't even on the board at some point Billy Napier was on the board that was this show people wanted Billy nap here we all we all know that but if you going to say anybody who did not move school so Kelly moved schools you can keep them in giin didn't move school if you gonna say kin you might well say s because s was the best coach in the people went sa back after he patted U on the head on game day yeah like he's everything walk into B Rouge with game day makes him he's gonna walk in South Carolina yeah yeah because game day's making him go that's the only reason the only person that wants to go back to South Carolina is [ __ ] maner look that was good that was good want to be there either good that was good they got pristine golf courses there I agree that that the Run game is great golf coures really close to Pine Hurst but man I don't know if maner is the answer for South Carolina no that's I like maner not putting down my I'm a no no you can't um no dude's a legend one with LSU I mean tell me how to look at this game if you tell me to look at this game scrimage Lord I swear to God I'm com to the phone this was not you can't BK didn't get that hot against USC until after the game he wanted to kill Ramos I thought he was gonna choke slam I thought was gonna be a second death of M Kelly's tenure in college in coaching and the what won't even blow it he about grabbed Ros and threw him through the [ __ ] Turf and three times he grabbed that dude by the F and was like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you did you did you see that play out in real time where you at the game I was on I talking a TV copy it it but they didn't go off of uh the field between so there wasn't no commercial break it looked like a Soup Sandwich it didn't look good right and that's I don't know what the [ __ ] was going on you had one kick blocked and one I thought was blocked the second one I think it was just a shank and well that's a that's a I'll I'll give rmo some credit here because he makes those within that yardage I think the quick change and everything that was going on was a little like a lot to handle for a bunch of people where you don't know what's going on you have the offense on the field and that's kind of on officiating to where you have a play run then it gets blocked that's fine but then they blow the whistle and you put the offense on the field and then you bring the kick team on the field quickly because you don't know what time is on the clock that's more un officiating than it is on coaching like you can't run a kicker out there and say hey knock one down for the second kick the kicking team was on the field for the second kick and you had three seconds to get the snap saying to get the snap off you're going against it's not it's not an untimed down you're going against the clock as soon as he blows it to play you have to get that thing ready yeah but it was basically set up for them to get the snap off like watching on the TV copy they were on the field Ry M was lined up no they ran they had the offense on the flo because there were seven seconds on the doing bad huh there were seven seconds on the clock until they came back on to like to the game and they changed it to three so they ran the special teams on so he was in the net then they ran him on so he didn't really have a chance to settle in like uh that's why I remember Lloyd I'm not saying I'm saying this like so they had 76 on the clock because uh who was it didn't get out of bounds that was uh Ricky Collins Ricky Collins zero I think there's Ricky yeah Collins he didn't get out of bounds kick team runs on they they they they try the first kick but the uh that was blocked with the ref it dead reviewed got but 3 seconds on the clock but the kicking team's already on the field they didn't leave the field NM tried to run on the field and them they don't get off they were lined up ready to kick like Ramos backed up they was s because they had the referee over the over the holder kind of like wait wait wait when he backed up he made a big show of one the clock and then the snap I'm not saying rambos is the problem he's not the problem I'm saying that's a to spot to kick in oranization yeah I agree 100% I've I've been screaming from the clouds that when you don't have a special teams coordinator this kind of stuff can happen I agree I agree wholeheartedly I I agree wholeheartly there's no reason especially having unlimited coaches on the field now yeah so why don't you have such teams coord they yeah they need to hire you but yeah tell tell me where to look good T like if you tell me it's a scrimmage boy I said I'm coming through the phone the offense could not do whatever they wanted to whenever they wanted to disagree they could I disagree disagree y y'all can disagree and that's why we're having a conversation you get the point but they couldn't now did were they worse than Nichols no that game was not even close even when it was close I'm looking at that game as okay where are they working on what's getting better I don't see anything better I see a like a like a recess from USC and from right game they did not get right they are Can't Get Right he just can't get right B he got drafted what's going on but the things that you wanted to work on that you wanted to see marketly improve which was the running game between the tackles didn't it didn't didn't get better I agree with you there like that's something that they tried to emphasize and that's running get worse yeah that was something that they tried to emphasize and that's why that game was close at the beginning is because they were clearly working on something that they and this is an LSU team that you know you can talk about left tackle right tackle all you want that this is the best offensive line of the country they' never been asked to do this because they had a Heisman winning quarterback that ran for 1100 yards last year this is not the same running attack that you've ever had to produce before no I agree no I yeah I agree with you like it's it's it's a it's a totally different game plan but more concerning part is he had the FCS High than [ __ ] Goen High just wearing black face like a true Nazi just running down their throats like they had hold of mayo they had [ __ ] snow over there sucking his dick for 30 seconds each video you put out like bro like major Burns I'm sorry man I'm sorry you got heart I'm sorry you can't cover you can't tackle you can't read a line when you're when you're down in the Box Sage Ryan dude you were a you had a lot of stars next to you name I don't see him no Sean [ __ ] off perk yeah he's an idiot never buy a seven jersey kid don't wear it foury old man yeah I'm 35 I'm there talking to you for some goddamn reason that's my son's first birthday party my son's first birthday is Tuesday I'm and today we had a birthday party I'm sitting on the phone you [ __ ] but listen I'm have a [ __ ] heart attack by 45 but yeah but where like where like I thought the DBS were okay but they had 15 play drives that defense can't stay on the field for that long especially when the offense has three outs so tell me where to find a good part zavon Thomas looks amazing there you go yep there you go you found it yourself you found it yourself look look at that well no no I ain't fine [ __ ] because because he he made some that weird but he's exciting he reminds me of the tying he's exciting yeah and I don't care if he Fair catches every time they win yeah exactly that's where LSU used to be but he's not faar catching [ __ ] like he's getting hit on things that he did faar catch no the opening kickoff Oh by can we talk about that I didn't see the the K the the flip who won the toss don't know we don't know we're trying to figure that out so I swear if that Irish [ __ ] Nick oh why just why comments withstanding I agreee with you it doesn't make any sense to the metrics play itself out like there's been multiple coaches and that have won multiple things that say like it just doesn't make sense you want to be able because you were in the same spot that USC would have been in wherever you get the ball at the end of the first half to be able to kick a field goal get the ball back be able to score and then you have the ball to Salt the game away at the end of the fourth like that's that's how it works that's what the clock does you can't fight time brother as much as we try no you can't fight time we got Davon Thomas eight yards deep in the end trying to take the opening kickoff out I mean made it look exciting I was on the edge of my couch let's [ __ ] so what's what's the line you think for South Carolina this week God I hope it's low it's going to be no what like really you really think it is like because I would say in this game 10 and a half 14 you think LSU is favored by 10 and a half 14 yeah over seven I think at game time it's going to be around 8 and a half I'll take that like you have a team that got what you wanted to see from LSU and South Carolina had a marketly tougher test where that game was still in the balance for a a a good time we don't know how good Kentucky is but LSU played their they were pre to play USC and win that game this was an obvious let down spot where all right let's fix the things that we didn't get right did they fix everything no should they be better yeah you would people expect to see keep calling this game a scrimmage Lloyd it wasn't he won about 20 yes I no I get that they fixed some things in the second half here and there I also think you just beat those poor bastards into a submission and had multiple injuries on their side that's I kind of feel bad for Nichols on that end because they basically got paid to get half their offensive line injured oh perk killed somebody well I mean it's better than K with a fake [ __ ] gun just listen go by the way watch the cam watch Cam Newton's reaction to Ken Ry it is Picasso like chef's kiss but you can't keep calling this a scrimmage all right they didn't look it didn't look like a JV team facing like we would look at nichols's JV versus LSU right nich LSU they did not look like that like I'm sorry like that wasn't the same team that played UFC course not all obviously let don't but I appreciate your call thank you brother we're got more on the line all right buddy I'll be good you're the best outstanding that's that's the voice of right now really is that was to a te exactly what I all of your concerns but no but I mean I agree with him I see it through a different lens right me as well I think I think when it comes to this football game it would be wrong to think that elsu was going to wh expound and get better at what they failed at against USC they tried they tried to get the Run game right that's why the scoreboard looked the way it did in the first half I agree with you Lloyd and so I do think that it was not pretty it didn't look like LSU could do whatever they wanted but when you saw when Garrett nus wanted to throw the football around he could throw theot do whatever he wanted the the the throws that weren't the catches that weren't made were majority because he missed the throw you know it wasn't because Nicholls caused anything Lloyd and that's what I was saying that's why the USC Law still hurts a little bit because that was Garrett NM at his finest that was the best game he could probably play and you weren't able to capitalize on it when you get that's prob like you got to find the mean between those two of where gustar is gonna like n going to put you in some spots where you're like don't don't don't and you got there were some pass interference calls that were warranted and should have happened but those are throws that are scary against a team that you feel like you should be open against that type of thing that's more of probably the mean of what you're going to get from n Mars between those two games where you're going to kind of hold your breath for a second and if that's the case you have to figure out a way to run the football and I'll still contend that LSU's offensive line has never had to do it before you have new pieces everywhere he didn't have Dinger but he also didn't look good trying to run the football not at all so they're trying to run counter they're trying to do all these things to get the offensive line in motion and I'll still contend that they will be able to figure it out but it's something that when you don't be able when you're not able to hit in Camp and you're not able to run these things full go you don't really know what you have and this is an entirely new offensive scheme for LSU especially losing a guy like I'll scream to the mountain tops like John Ur made that thing look good because he's been in that he's been in that position before you have Caleb Jackson that ran through high school football you have kayen durman I don't think he got tackled in high school right and that's and you have Josh Williams where you put him in situations that's the only thing that I'll say like if you want to call I don't think it was as vanilla as it was against USC when it got tight I think that there were some spots where it looked like they were very much trying to get people the ball in certain situations that Nichols knew no I agree another call all right mety all right what's your name where you calling from hello what's your name where you calling from Julio man uh from the NorthShore how's it going Julio what you got for us live man I got a couple things brother um I just want to get y'all's I guess perspective on it um I mean we all watch the same game but Blake Baker on the sidelines I know the defensive coordinator normally doesn't stand on the sidelines I mean do you think he's watching the field or seeing the field clear yeah no I mean I I I don't think he would get he would be on the sideline if he thought it was going to hinder his Viewpoint in any way and I think the way he coaches translates best to the sideline when it comes to he's a high energy coach he wants to be down there with his guys to communicate um and so I don't think you know I think if it was hindering his Viewpoint in any way he would make the decision to be in the booth but I think it's more of an advantage to have him down there than not and one more thing to add to that is West week's talked about it where or west and wheat both west and Wht both talked about it where it was they had some things that they saw defensively where they gave him ideas of what what they were seeing and they drew it up in the dirt as to okay I trust what you're seeing let's put this and Implement into the game plan vers USC that's why he's imperative to have on the sideline in my mind do you dog you makes sense um and then the other thing too the communication between hton and Sloan tough I mean like I said I know Hon's on the on the sideline slon up top but I mean it's hton just worried about the wide receivers and just trying to draw up plays for the wide receivers to pass he had a play sheet tonight is that why is that why our you know running game is struggling I mean I know our offensive line doesn't look like the best offensive line like they claim they say they were but um I still think that but um you know I mean are they communicating is Kelly saying something you know getting in the middle of everything like that Kelly said he's on the headset as well I don't know how much he's involved in the offense but that's something that he pointed out where the Green Dot and having nut smire there were some communication issues where LSU had to call timeouts tonight again and it it it's a work in progress but I think that they're all involved to sub and I guess to your point there would be a somebody to say that is that too many voices in the room yeah I feel you I'll feel you on that uh is Alexander over stamps or no exciting to see Alexander back out there not over stamps but good to have you're trying to find the quarterback too and that was why you were able to move Sage Ryan back to safety yeah and I think that's where he fit better there he was moving down he's very active around the football corner is him doing LSU a favor yeah I feel you all right guys apprciate it always pleas got it but yeah no I mean when it comes to that run game it it definitely was not pretty and you I went into this expecting to see a complete opposite of what I did see tonight because you needed to see an a jump forward there from what you saw last week especially when that's going was said to be such a massive part of the game plan and the offense um I expected to see a much better performance than I actually did um so that is when we were talking about Good Bad and the Ugly that was the ugly for me I think the offensive line is 100% the strongest group on this team when it comes to a unit as a whole cuz when when it comes to pass blocking they are outstanding and they were last year they have been this year um but when it comes to blocking for the Run they just have not answered the call they haven't done what's been expected for them they they have not been able to create the openings and the opportunities for these running backs to take advantage of the opportunity and like Lloyd said and I do agree with Lloyd it's because they've never had to do it before and you can only prepare yourself so much throughout fall camp and throughout out spring because you're not hitting you're not fully P like you're not going through a full game like you are tonight and so I think what really is going to be important is what we see next Saturday against an SEC opponent in an away away Stadium because tonight like Lu said you don't want to look too deep into it yes there can be concerns I am concerned about the Run game I'm concerned the Run game you should have been able to make strides against nickel State and you didn't and so hopefully the hope is they see what they did wrong they were able to get some good live reps and they're able to improve upon it and figure it out mentally before they get on the plane to go to South Carolina because it it that is where I will most definitely agree with the concern LSU fans have now on the defensive side of the ball I think asham stamps is your clear-cut quarterback one I don't think he got picked on a little bit tonight he did but I still think that he is 100% the guy that should be matched up against the number one receiver who for whoever the opponent is um and I think defensively that second half was much more of what you expected ELO defense to look like against Nicholls they were able to stop the run they were breaking up passes um PJ Woodland had I think was he the one that forced the fumble was it PJ it was PJ it was PJ and that and you know you were able to get a takeaway um I would have liked to see more was it Gilbert that came in in the second half and immediately like there was both of them yeah I would I would have liked to see he drops the [ __ ] Hammer he does TJ has been um very impressive I agree he's been very impressive like even last week he got that Pi called on him and then the next play he gets a uh you know pass break up pass break up a pbu and it really you know shows like you know you're able to move on you're able to move on from play to play to play like I you know I messed up that last play who cares I'm just going to put my head down and make a make a great play on this one and then you know he forced the fumble tonight and I'd say PJ is the guy who has stood out to me the most these two games it'll be it'll be interesting to see how they utilize both he and Z Alexander because it was extremely interesting to see because you heard Bron Kelly's comments they were working on special teams right and then for him to get some snaps out there he must have felt great pregame and that's somebody that can also change what you do defensively and I think moving Sage to safety will help LSU a ton it's not like he's that's not his position man he's not a quarterback I understand people [ __ ] on him all the time but he's trying like I said he's doing LSU a favor by being out there he wanted into he wanted into the portal didn't came back with probably the promise that you're going to play safety then gets moved to Corner again and he's like dude I I don't play this position and you have the unfortunate like situation with tavano I don't know if you saw him tonight like there's a there's a couple different things that LSU has they're facing a little bit of like circumstance that you wouldn't expect this early in the year but the one thing I'll Circle back to because now the um the box score is out 21 attempts 64 rushing yards is tough and you can say that hey Nichols wants to stop you from running the football shouldn't matter no not not when you're LSU this is LSU football you should be able to do whatever you want especially against an FCS program regardless of who it is I don't care how inspired they are to play in their home state I don't care you know how excited they are to be in Tiger stadium you are LSU playing against an FCS opponent and you made it a point to improve in the Run game and you didn't do it we've got we've got another caller here from Billy all right Billy to accept press one no never mind I'll call you back Bill and so so that was the concern Justin you go ahead so about that it's kind it's kind of weird cuz coming into the season coming into the season you had talked about how this o line had the chance to be one of the best oons in the country right you see that in pass Pro you see that in run protection you don't and it's really weird to me cuz I thought coming into the season as you said Noah this o line is your best position group on the team you got to utilize them and how do you utilize the o line you run the football you run it down their throat you have long long drives you have six seven eight minute drives and we haven't been able to see that yet because you're not able to run the ball but it's like Lloyd just said that for two years they had Jaden Daniels a mobile quarterback who he was your running game when you wanted to run you ran it with him you can't do that with nus so and that's a that's a or I say you can't do with n it looked good yeah that that's it was J but it did look good that's another thing it's a threat yes yeah and part of that I don't mean to cut you off but part of that is they're terrified for him to be injured you can't run him as like Jaden Daniels as much as he was able to runs because you knew you had Garrett nut mind like we'll still be able to win football games if you're LSU MH and this it changes yourn loss percentage 1000% that's not a knock on Ricky he hadn't done it as long as n has that's just where you are and I would love to see nus run it more because you have to show it you have to because when you get and I would love to see more like I saw Texas day get into Full House pistol on Third and one and run it right at you like you have to be able to set up a little bit more to like if you if you're Caleb Jackson like let me know let me get going forward a little bit and if you're not going to do that then you have to start doing more of what you did when you scored your what was it the touchdown on the on the first drive of the third quarter where you got it to zavon Thomas R outside and it's like a pop pass get going like you have to either pick one right you have be able you have to be able to convert those third and ones against teams like USC to win the game it's not going to get easier the no not at all it's not going to be easy on Saturday as as much as you know South Carolina maybe you know won't have the same dudes that that LSU has that it doesn't mean it's going to be easy cuz they absolutely manhandled Kentucky in the second half the South Carolina defense is pretty impressive now the offense kind of struggled but their defense did look good that kid that freshman's a stud monster Absol mon went through a triple team he did but in pass for I'm not worried about him right pass protection is not an issue for L but you I'm I have concern about the Run game after tonight um when I'm when it's really not a game I'm putting a lot of stock into so if you continue to see issues we're going to be live doing a watch party in here on Saturday for the South Carolina game if we sit down and the Run game has not improved for that game on Saturday what would make you think it would nothing but but there's got there has to be something there has to be some sort of whether it's play call like the scheme whether it's the formation whether you're able to set it up with a nus mire run you're using more of those pop passes tight end screens running back screen wide receivers like that all to me is essentially a part of the Run game and so if you were able to set that up and not just run inside Zone up the middle every time like that's what you're calling and right I mean that's what and that's what they're running I mean that's what they're working on in my mind like I understand I understand the sentiment I really do but you would have thought it would look better tonight 100% it had to I like the I like um what she said about like if if this team can't I'm not saying they can't figure fig it out I think they I think they will eventually I think they will but if you can't run the ball against South Carolina get the ball out to your receivers like Aaron Anderson in space get them out and let that be your running game get get the screens out to uh Aaron Anderson to uh Kyon Lacy to guys who you know how speed Thomas Thomas absolutely get the let that be your running game let the wide receiver screen be what you do to get get those yards no and I think and I think when it comes to next Saturday you've got one drive to test it out there's no first quarter to try to figure out the Run not in that place you can't figure it out on that first drive you better you better switch gears pretty quick when you get the football back and that's what makes you concerned about LSU moving forward if even if going to a South Carolina team that I wasn't high on and obviously miny wasn't high on but they Prov that they could win a football game against a very physical Kentucky football team and if LSU can't figure it out you're going to be become very onedimensional if you don't decide how you want to be able to do something other than drop back and pass I agree and I think I think when and and that this is a game on Saturday where LSU because of the lost to USC you're in a spot where you have to win this football and it shouldn't be a concern it shouldn't be you should be able to L and beat him and I think people like I said I'm not looking into this Nicholls game more as much as other people are like I understand that you're upset and it didn't I don't know what people expected right 4 two to nothing this is a CH that I understand we had a you know a little discourse with somebody that watched the game all said it's not a getright game they are like LSU knows when they need to line it up they can score especially get T like that but that ain't going to be Nichols next week and you didn't figure out what you needed to figure out that's the concern is it also something like and I know Nicholls is a different team and a better better team than these other teams is it also something like your first two seasons under Brian Kelly you lost week one and then you went out and put up 68 69 points on the board and just went out there and crushed teams in week two now I know that Southern and Grambling but is it like they could this game this game was not that though I think and but I think offensively you 100% could have came out and scored as much as you wanted as much as you wanted I think defensively yes they they gave up 23 points 21 points whatever it was yeah and so I mean that that wasn't because they just wanted to give it up that was just because Nichols and that's why I'm not concerned about the defense like I they like I said they're working on things because it was very evident when they wanted to buckle down you gave up one touchdown that was a different look right and then you gave up nothing after that El's defense is going to be fine it's when you get into tight games like you said if it gets into a and you run it for and I'm sure Nicholls came in saying let's stop the run yeah because that's what they want to do but even with that that with standing that shouldn't be against Nicholls that shouldn't be that's the only concern I'm with you you're going to have to start seeing nus pull it cuz you saw him get mobile for a little bit and it looked good like he can run and he didn't pull one again and he shouldn't pull one this game but when you start prepar because you you're trying to keep some stuff in the back pocket you're not trying to and they had to empty a little bit of what they haven't shown like they did some things they didn't do against USC whether it was Aaron Anderson in motion or Savon Thomas in motion they did some things offensively that you haven't seen but when they had to have it when it got a little tight they showed it and it's like this offense is special if it wants to be but it still needs to get it needs one more gear yeah no I agree if you want to get where you're going 100% and I and and where you're going is you want to make a you want to make the college football playoff this year and and I have concerns with the defense because I do think there has to be some Personnel changes I think there's guys that need to be moved around I think moving Sage back to safety is a good start I think getting PJ Woodland involved was a good start um and things like that and I think you can continue growing that I think jacobe and Gill being out is a massive concern um because you that's the concern yeah Justin I'm sorry that is a concern I I think I think without Jacobi and gillery that was kind of your calling card on the defensive line how should react to it whenever we thought he was hurt right right like that and and you saw it against USC like he made an impact and so you're gonna have to see guys like Ahad bro Step Up jvr Suggs um jayen Lee is a guy that's got experience payz who's has played great he was able to play with jacoban Gill and they both they were able to work off each other so it's going to be interesting to see how they're able to adjust to the loss of J go Gill cuz he's not going to play on Saturday you know if he's if he was put in a wheelchair with the leg wrapped up he's not playing on Saturday I don't know how long he'll be out but he is not playing against South Carolina so they're going to have to step up there and I think on the back end of the defense it's more of a Personnel issue than it is anything else I think if you move some guys around you get some of those young guys involved like Spears like Jackson like Toano and you're able to wood grow yeah PJ Woodland like if you're able to do that you keep Sage at safety I think that'll fix some of the issues we saw against USC but tonight defensively one of their touchdowns was a trick play that you had like that I mean like and they it was a heck of a play that Nichols made a heck of a play there is a guy behind me that was Los he's like that what are they got to do against Alabama like Alabama's in a dog fight right now by the way USF right like this happened and it happened last year USF but I was like buddy this is Nicholls State they're trying to run a they have to run a trick play inside the 20 to be able to score and the quarterback at Nichols I don't know who he is but I guarantee you he was a five like 5A Allstate Short Stop like he don't just play quarterback that's an athlete and it took all of it to be able to catch that so it's hard to count that's not going to happen against you against the power four team now I just have a question for y'all um getting y'all's opinion on talking about the defense so I'm not concerned about Harold Perkins you know because he's the he's the the meter is he's the best player he's the best player on your defense he is going to play on Sundays but I just think back to his freshman year about games where he absolutely destroyed teams he won you the Arkansas game his year right he didn't have a game like that that I recall last year and he hasn't really had you know he had that one play I believe the first drive of the Season against USC and then after that again in USC and in this game you you didn't really hear from him you didn't really you didn't really take over and I'm just I'm not saying I'm fully concerned like sounding a panic alarm on Harold Perkins because I know he's the best player on your team but like at some point is is that a question no I definitely think that concern is is starting to build up three tackles in total tonight for Harold Perkins is not it's Nicholls you know what like but three tackles is not enough for a guy that's supposed to be around the ball all the time and that's why continue to kind of stay a a little bit positive because I do see a lot of good in this team they're trying to figure it out right and I I know you have camp and all of these things where you're like you should know what he's able to do when you get in the when it's live bullets it's a little bit different and I mentioned earlier but am I wrong to think that he was in a different position to start the second half like that I've never seen him line up there no they they've definitely they've definitely mov move back to safety if that's something that you want to do I wish they wouldn't have gone away from it but understand why you do when you give an 80 yard touchdown and everybody's like I don't know what we're doing so I get that but that's something that I could I'll put a little ear like a little little doggy ear yeah on that to see if something that's something get more involved because it like you said the Arkansas game that's special but that's also so a freshman that nobody really knows anything about the books out on perk like you can't let them come off the edge they'll push you out the program right like they're not going to let you wreck the game from The Edge and so you have to get creative with how you're going to use them and I'll continue to put Faith in Blake Baker that he's able to draw up ways this is only going to get better like it's nickel dog right right I think I think this next Saturday W by the way right next Saturday against South Carolina is going to be a game that you kind of yeah you can kind of mark down like this is this it's a turning point somewhere right you shouldn't but it's going to be a game that you're going to have to mark it down put a star next to it or whatever and be like okay this is the L this is LSU because against USC you saw the defense be who the defense is I think offensively the game plan is what kind of screwed that whole situation I think that they just they got out coached against Nicholls they you know they were trying to like L said practice essentially were trying to get things right against a lesser opponent and brought the fight to you right and I'm not the biggest fan of that sort of mindset because I just want you to go out there and play football but you had things you had right you had things you had to fix so you're willing to do that and so I think Saturday against South Carolina where it's a must-win game it's in conference and you're playing against you know an opponent at their Stadium every game matters now because USC and that's even if you went into the year going you can't drop the like the South Carolina game no [ __ ] but if you win the U the other USC game uscw whole different feeling it's just like okay they're not exactly where they need to be in terms of what LSU wants to do I still think they're extremely close but this wasn't like I'll continue to hang my hat on this and I could be wrong next week but there was a lot of what they are trying to fix and the negative of it is you didn't fix anything no can't run for 65 against I think the South Carolina game next week is way more they'll be able to win that game if they want to way more but it's still don't have a running game yet it's way more important or it's way more of a statement game absolutely than people thought it was going to have to be going into the season and I think a lot of people looked at the scores from week one where LSU played a premier opponent and everybody else played down right and they're like I expect 77 to nothing yeah that wasn't going to happen Nicholls won their conference last year like as much as Brian Kelly didn't want to it took him a second to find it but that's a team that wants to play you and you're trying to like you're getting the best reps you can get from JV sometimes they'll hit you in the mouth and it like okay we're going to have to actually open it up a little bit I think people expected 77 nothing what you saw in L Southern and the Grambling game that's what people expected last year you were down at Grambling right yeah I mean last year you needed at to start that game you needed Jaye Daniels to go down and score a touchdown every single drive and that's where it's different like I understand but I think people are looking far too much into the first half as opposed to the second half after the 10-minute Mark right where they buckled down and it was they aren't getting anything more than you ever again and that's the team that can they could have beat Nicholls into submission they were working on things it's so apparent but get mad if you want yeah that's why that's why we love you I I have two concerns after this game it's the Run game offensively and Jacobi and Giller being out defense those are two things that I will the wheelchairs I know I will right but the real concern can come after next Saturday like that's where real concern starts if LSU is not able to somewhat create a run game or a short P like something outside of might be Tran Johnson brother it might be something outside of nus Meer to Lacy and nus Meer to Taylor like that's you have to get away cuz they can take you can take away one receiver I don't care what how good are somebody going to have somebody to match up with at some point can take away KY and Lacy at some point Mal neighbors didn't go for 200 every game last year you know like you can take away a receiver if you want to and so like LSU has to find something outside of that game because the first drive against USC it was 13 to two every time it's just so hard tonight and tonight you LSU did the same thing it's nus me to Lacy and so stick routes right and and it looks great to him a little bit but you have to find something outside of it whether it's CJ Daniels what was a good sign to see him be able to make an impact I think his final line was four catches for 71 yards he was your leading receiver down um you know he played good you obviously there's a trust factor in Mason Taylor um and so I think really that's kind of the core right there you need more outside of it Aaron Anderson zavon Thomas which is there right it's all right there and so you have to scheme-wise make that happen against South Carolina it's a must I'm okay with the passing game I really am like they I I agree with some of the sentiment that you're saying like there is times where it feels like where else are you going to go with the football sometimes and but then you look at the other side of the coins at USC why don't you go to two right and I get it but that was one of dust Meers best games I've seen him play yeah but there's going to be a time where that's not there and I don't know where they look if that's not there but you have so many Playmakers but it feels like those Playmakers are specific plays that are schemed up like certainly when Kan Durham came in the game first play was tossed outside from shotgun like you don't think Nichols knew that try and get him outside right that kind of thing is you would hope you'd be able to block it up you can't but you're becoming a little bit predictable in some of those things but I also saw some great things with zavon Thomas and Aaron Anderson in motion but those are kind of onetick ponies in a sense where how many times can you do it before you have to have something on top of that yeah and it was very exciting to see trade as green get out there a ton right did did you see pimpon a lot because I didn't green more than I saw me too and that's what that's where I keep going back to this was a feel it out game like T go out there and see show what you got we kind of know what we have in pimpon and I'm sure it was a little bit of hey can you run block and the answer is probably no yeah no and and I think this might be M marque's fault honestly it could be but I I I think dude we had to practice he played a ton no I know for sure I mean they put Bo borderline out there in 89 as an additional blocker um which I mean I not the biggest fan of that I think that was actually yeah I think that was actually on the trade as touchdown they had borderline in 89 but you need somebody else to you it feels like LSU needs a little bit of help on that on that part of the but that said you're still not blocking it up the middle right and also another thing that isn't a concern but I would have liked to see one sack like they ran they ran the sh give you a lot of opportunities and they got rid of it so fast and that's where this isn't a concern for me but it was definitely interesting to see like stamps get picked on a little bit they went right at him they did and you saw him play against USC like oh that's quarterback one right and it was we're g to go right at him yeah so those type of things are just he's gonna respond yeah I don't think he probably expected that yeah no no I didn't I didn't see that coming I didn't think they were GNA be like oh I mean stamp's play great against USC let's go right at him and that's part of the Sleep factor of dude USC this is the biggest game of clearly your year so far you start off like that and now you have to wake up and go play play Nicholls like I'm not going to be all the way in and that's fine like that's human nature no I agree and I and and I think big picture-wise let's take a step back and look where we're at I know that year three has been honestly blown out of proportion by people like us like it it you know Les Miles won in year three Nick Sabin won in year three Ed oon one and year three but let's think about what Brian Kelly took over in year One what was the scholarship count Lloyd was it 39 it was like 40 players like yeah year three is important Brian Kelly even put the emphasis on year three I would have and and but you're still in you're still in the mix like you can still make it happen you've got the staff I wouldn't say this is Brian Kelly's staff because Brian Kelly brought in his staff and it was a failure he got the right staff this is Scott staff yes he's got Scott staff he's got really LSU fans staff I think more it's not wrong yeah they're not they've nailed it um and so I think yes there should still be an emphasis put on this year but go look at that 2025 recruiting class yeah like let's let's take a [ __ ] up right like it's you there's no the the Brian the Brian Kelly needs to be fire thing first of all they're not going to give him $77 million to go hire thank you like no the what that don't even think about it yeah because who would you hire he's got he's got two two 10- win Seasons this team is still very well in the mix I know that concern but this is a talented team that is in the mix yes there are things that need to get fixed there is no Run game that's an issue like it it's I think that's the only that's really the glaring thing 100% because you're going to need something at some point and so I think scheme wise Joe slone's got steps that need to be taken like he he has not impressed me through two games as the play caller and I tried to say it before the year and it's no knock on slone because I think he will be elite at some point but I think it was easy to call plays with Jaye Daniels oh 100% he would call it and then what whatever happens happens right and I they didn't call an 85 yard touchdown run against Florida that wasn't dialed up that was an athlete being special and I wasn't I wasn't overly sold on Mike Den Brock when he was here I they just lost Northern ill you know like I I don't think it's a oh you lost Den Brock to to Sloan it's that's the issue the issue is Jaden Daniels is one of a kind you know like he's the Ultimate Weapon in football 100% for the people who were like dissing BK and like saying stuff you went to the SEC Championship game in your first season at LSU and you had you your starting quarterback won the Heisman Trophy last year right well and I think oh he's definitely got some notches in his belt another notch belt I think last year if they have last year was your National Championship team if you have a defense semi this defense yeah this defense you win the national championship with that offense yeah and so like the hate on BK yeah he got into he got into Damen Ramos going into the locker room at half and it you know like a mismanagement it was a mismanagement by other people it was a mismanagement by the coaching sta it was just it was all a mess and I I wasn't the biggest blame BK for that was officiating it was an absolute mess the but like Ping was good the ping yeah I was impressed uh you know not what I expected come on but uh and then like the you know him getting into Brad a about the Run game that's his job like he's supposed to go to his assistant coaches and be like figure it out like he he is the head coach it's not CEO of the team disrespecting Brad Davis you think Brad Davis is going to be upset that angry that the head coaches telling me to fix yeah I got something I have to fix I know that but I'm definitely going to hear about it right you know and so like the pressure is on I Pro like Brian Kelly feels it like and it's kind of evident like you can see even him knowing right you can see it but he did and you'd say what you want about him he didn't come down here for like this pressure and he may not have known what it was because Notre Dame probably feels like a pressure cooker but this is different where people evaluate scrutinize and get people fired Allah poon in year one like you can't do that here because people are watching right and for good bad or indifferent every game that you play has odds on you like you could play an ESPN Plus game against Nicholls and have reaction like we have today that's part of the job that you you take and I think he just he realizes that more and more every time where he's that's why it's the I'm so angry and I get the you know put a period on the statement but it's also him going like buddy we got to figure this [ __ ] thing out yeah 100% and that's why you get into like you can be the one that's wrong but you also still are the head coach and I have the right to yell at some guys be like I trusted you to do this yeah no it's part of it I agree you know and I think even if they don't win the national championship they're not a national championship team right now they're not they can make the playoffs but well the reason why they might be a playoff team is people are dropping like flies like LSU is not the only one with issues right now not at all mhm not all I mean Alabama won and they have issues like it& and you could have been you could have been Notre Dame today 100% keep fighting keep just moving in the right direction I agree they this team still has a chance to make the playoff you know I mean in my opinion right now the way it looks it's Georgia Texas than everybody else I agree I think I think that's if that's the measuring Tennesse is in that mix yeah that's the meas those are the three best teams in the SEC and they're all in the I was going to say the country and they're all in we'll see what Oregon does yeah no and and it's it's a that's the measuring stick LSU gets throttled by Georgia or Texas if they play if they meet on the field I don't know if throttled I think that they could they can compete with anybody I agree that you can compete but I just you're not close you're not close I know you're not you're not there yet you're not there you had Clemson have Georgia Six to nothing at half right like the talent disparity is not that much it just you have to play a perfect game and oh she was very close to playing a perfect game against USC and now they're in a did they win I think they're right now why is that TV not win let's I don't know let's double check some scores here um to kind of let's see Oregon 27- 20 with Boise State here in the thir quter stop panicking come this hard um Arizona who's number 20 is only up 13- 10 against North Arizona who D quarterback for Arizona oh let's see he's a Slinger he sure enough is he's got an interception yep UT USC is up 20 to zero against Utah State yeah um you know and then let's see if there's anything else interesting going on Clemson scored 66 points against App State um Oklahoma lost money on that what Oklahoma only beats Houston 16 to 12 I was wrong about Oklahoma Oklahoma scores 16 points Jackson Arnold 19 for 32 oh no for 174 yards and people are panicking here yep and it it's all around the country teams are better you know and so it's like Alabama ended up winning 42 to6 actually they scored 28 points in the fourth quarter here's the thing that's a r that's a that's a run up special it was 14 to 13 NM again do you want to know do you know his final numbers what I think he had 10 incompletions I'll forget your brain damn it he had much more fun to do so he was what 27 for 37 six touchdowns here three 300 and oh Hunter Hall's called in oh Hunter Hall let's see all right Budd got to say oh what's up Hunter let's hear it buddy what's up Hunter Hunter how's it going do you feel in the world is this Alabama SL that we're talking about way to run it up I mean yeah really made it look pretty in the score in this book huh yeah you're not used to that are you cool we had to break the glass in case of emergency and put our office of line back together there at the very end and you saw it happen we we we we scored 28 there in the fourth quarter we make it look like it should and hey we didn't start with cross player tonight so a quarterback dude how were you going into that game you're like USF I don't know uh with the history with USF uh yeah pretty it's a two-year history yeah yeah no it goes back it goes back to shoot uh early 2000s it's when nobody was watching when you saw the performance that bar USF was putting on on Twitter you had to know something was coming the the Twitter Sphere for USF was outstanding over the last week Bo they uh they they almost ruined a a pretty great pretty great night in Tuscaloosa with uh for Savin I mean that that would have been pretty pretty rough yeah what you mean Sabin field they they put the god y yeah and Caleb Williams gets his number tired you gave him a statue and a field Sav field at Briant Den it's Sav field at Bryant Denny y'all are so good how many can you fit in your mouth oh hey it's bad hey can we start off can we start off by recapping that USC game I haven't got to talk to y'all enough about that let's hear it here I've got plenty of takes so so you all just got done talking about the nut to Lacy connection about how nice that was in the first half and it was I mean it was Unstoppable and then none of that in the second half I mean obviously the the work unfor like celebration was uncalled for and he and he didn't care about it uh when he got back to the bench but car carrier member 2A you got you gotta go back to it in the second half I mean it it was like they just got way too arrogant on this this thought of hey we're gonna run the ball we're gonna run the clock out and get back to Baton Rouge and with a win and it's like this Nar toacy connection works and they just stopped I I I don't understand I don't understand it became I I think you're correct and obviously you look at it through a different lens than we do because you have one heart and you have an eye on LSU but it did feel a lot like peeking at the clock to like yeah let LSU get out of here with a win we can win it this way and back toback weeks it's been I don't know if you can run the ball buddy I don't I I don't know I don't know if I don't know if elg can run the ball I I can't believe I just said that but yeah yeah no I mean it's a legitimate issue the run the running game is a legitimate problem because you couldn't you couldn't buckle down and do it against Nicholls I mean you know hey if BK's Dead set I'm scoring on Fourth and short there at the goal line why not roll Mason Taylor out to the P line and uh hit hit you know that pretty well huh I I've seen it once or a thousand times it's you know you know but hey enough about USC and admittedly I didn't watch any of the game tonight but I did see that it was 2123 and Ricky Collins was ried back yep was cramping up that's cramped up it hot out there cramp he read one time and cramped up the sun sets in the Western sky and and the nus cramps up huh it was a light show yeah the light show dude it was electric I get it I get where yall are coming from it was pretty cool and so what's this conversation that BK had with the kicker there at halftime it was I think it was just make the kick I think I don't know why he would be mad was interest it was a it was a it was it was a mess but it was set up for Ramos to have the opportunity to make the kick they kind of made it possible for LSU well they had the off then they had the kicker on then they had the offense on again and then the kicker on and the the officials don't know how to I'll Stand by this they don't understand running clock they don't understand what happens with the new rules and I know it's under two minutes but they're still confused get ready it's gonna happen to you too hey yeah oh yeah I think uh I think it happened at the Kansas Illinois game tonight to just gross mismanagement of uh two-minute drill in college football with that under two minute time out and people don't know why don't they call a two minute warning and then it's not just is it trademark it's not just they're not allowed like not call they're not allowed to say it heard the guy on TV was like the two-minute timeout I really want to call the other thing but I can't I was like oh like it's a legitimate rule the NFL they can't say two-minute warning they Lord over everything they do they sure do get ready for the playoff whatever whatever oh LSU maybe whenever college football and the and the NFL are button heads yeah and and they're all gonna be the big game the big game game I mean hey here here's the thing well uh BK's won what 10 plus the last seven seasons I mean going back to Notre Dame I mean the guy's a winner he knows the game and he knows what he's doing there at LSU I mean you you guys you guys are gonna be all right like Dad said this morning you're not as bad as you think you are so I didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or a slap in the mouth yeah hey don't be hey three-year deal he's got he looks sprightly out there on television he sure does how mad would you be come on back home brother dad loves his Sweden hus he's been there two weeks in a row would y'all rename the field again if Nick sa comes you ah that would be so sweet LSU goes in with Nick sain to Nick sain field and plants the flag again how you know that wouldn't happen you know that would happen you worried about USF buddy thanks for saying that it's happen we got the offensive line run the ball yeah we we ran the ball in the fourth quarter we sure did with jam and Justice milro fumbling on the W those are Louisiana products you ain't getting no M hey hey go going back to that milroad fumble at the goal line that was the first play We've ran under Center since 200 nine maybe Blake Sims AJ McCarron definitely there's a fight on the field it gets another Dame yeah that's right there you go wow hey shout out to Auburn today too by the way did they drop one they did to Cal buddy they they Lo they lost the liards of [Laughter] Cal I mean wow yeah colors are blue for a reason I guess man wow yeah that was I think uh pton Thorne had that's unbelievable to me that they kept him at quarterback as a start W man that that he he ain't it and that's that's Gus I mean you freeze I'm sorry like he gets a quarterback I'm surprised he didn't get one out the portal he's like no I'm thinking by my guys like that's a big 12 quarterback in the SEC we see how that works out they should go the other direction did uh did you see Michigan State beat uh Maryland today they finally got a win how about that I had I had Texas and Oki state uh I think that was at Maryland too did I see what USC was up 10 nothing against Utah State at halftime it was close for a second yeah they're winning took all they could out of them 20 to Zer right now 27 short week very tired yeah I mean LSI was doing the same thing like we had a lot of focus on what was you know not in front of us it was put everything into the bucket for week one and then you get through week two how did DJ he was uh how worried are we about the the 11:00 a.m. Sandstorm that's a that's a concern yeah they didn't have to bring game day there that's for sure like what else is in week three there's not there's not something else DJ lagway 456 for three TDS on 18 completions 456 that's a billy that's a billy offense y'all laugh Freez and cold taks are no longer cold y it's lukewarm week three Arizona Kansas State that's Friday um Alabama Wisconsin that's what about that one that's a much better game Alabama Wisconsin we're jumping around y going to Wisconsin that would be so much more fun to put Missouri Boston College sleeper alert two lane Oklahoma two lane just won no they got no they lost controversial huh yeah if they would have won that might have been Georgia Kentucky nobody I guess Oregon Oregon State yeah it's I did Civil War next week's kind of lack it is but there certainly not LSU South Carolina car Ben B it should be but wicon Bama is much more interesting you think so you get both conferences yeah you're glad that it's not there are you GNA go you should no the home front the spread Alabama's favor by yeah you saw what Wisconsin oh Wisconsin had their hands full yeah I know did they when got 2713 South Dakota yeah maybe everybody [ __ ] the bed for it to be LSU South Carolina that game could have been a sleeper don't worry maybe you know what I'll spin into a positive here get the [ __ ] up yeah you can't you can't be sleepy now it's the time that like look eyes of nation are upon you again you have to be Buckle it the [ __ ] up game day is going to be in Columbia next week that's the rumor very substanti announcement announc anoun y just y'all just ranked these games and uh I think LSU in South Carolina's pretty high out there yeah it's below Al I mean it's above Alabama it probably be did we just rank the games before the week of the games that we just ranked we never got to that segment unfortunately let's get let's let's get to these rankings show's over buddy sorry the 303 30 Club will take care of that yeah we got you man hey we'll do next all right hey yall have a good one D I appreciate you for tuning in buddy yes sir see y later what's the do they have an early spread out yeah I wouldn't either no they're not going to touch that s and a half to 10 and a half can can I make one point real quick no dude uh so for everybody panicking out there looking at the scores from week one and week two Oregon beat Idaho by 10 Bama was in a dog fight with USF Penn State was almost lost a Bowling Green today should have should have Notre Dame got upset by Northern Illinois which was fantastic you and I'm sure I'm sure there's other games that were closer than people expected so it's like that's week one and two where you could LSU is not the only team that is like it's not like LSU is the only team in this situation um look it it wasn't a perfect game tonight by any means it wasn't a great game tonight by any means but the fact is is that this is college football other teams are going through the same thing you're going to figure it out NE you're going to figure out who this team is next week I think I think figure out who this team is as much as other teams are going through it as well it doesn't take away from the fact that it is a must-win on Saturday against it's always been a must win though change anything and that's why I've come around to the other side of this being a game day not only is it must win once again this this I think this helps elsu in the sense of instead of everybody having your eyes on you get at Old Miss like it was going to be LSU Miss game day no doubt if the if Old Miss keeps rolling the way they were and LSU goes in there with one loss right and then it becomes everybody's looking at you again yeah who are you this is a great pretest to kind of set the stage of like okay LSU is better than the national media thought I think that's huge for them and it gives you a reason to be like look don't embarrass yourself again on National Television no because this is ESPN plus you couldn't find it if you're looking for it in the street headache it went on a milk Garten you can't even if you got Direct TV you can't even f ESPN plus plus base this is uh this is the stretch for LSU right here like it I mean you saw Arkansas today this becomes a that's right I think it's a win I think it's a win that this is a game day yeah I think it I I you've got me I you know cuz I didn't really like it at first because why like well why add the pressure why make why hype South Coast like South Carolina's going to be hyped regardless like this is a Shane Beamer this is a statement win for their program if they're able to take LSU down the same since he got hit in the head with the mayonnaise hasn't has not but they were able to get a big win today against Kentucky in a game that nobody thought they were going to win they won convincingly at the end and they're able to get a littleit momentum headed into LSU so it's going to be uh it's going to be a big match up on Saturday for LSU to be able to turn to write the ship and be able to figure something out they have to do it this Saturday against South Carolina um and I think a big of being able to do that is expand this passing game outside of Garrett nus to kyen Lacy and defensively Harold Perkins has to be a factor against South Carolina yeah and somebody brought up a good point in the chat and know we've done this for forever which I'm cool with I would do this anyway at home but not having the middle of that defense especially if Jacobin gillery is out how much is he getting eaten up and maybe that's why they decided to move him outside for a second like you might see him in a different role against South Carolina especially with the running quarterback it might be a Harold Perkins like Circle that game where because if you he hasn't had to face anybody very mobile yet like Miller Moss ain't moving no what you saw today is a shortstop right and then you put him against somebody like sellers yeah if you want to try to get him outside the pocket go ahead watch perk shine yeah and I think that's what people have been missing like he hasn't had that opportunity very often last time he saw it was against fresh young yeah no I agree teror marai ain't going anywhere no except for to sell your insurance yeah jump around and score touchdowns on that LSU defense but no that was a fever dream dude it was I don't want to that guy's gonna tell his grandkids Grand kid I put up 40 against LSU the LSU defense you can't complete a pass at Thanksgiving brother whatever no it Saturday is massive like it it has the ore around it has grown it's going to be very very important it was always been important but it's going to be Beyond stress it's way more important than people thought it was going to be right yeah for sure I mean obviously and that I guess the weight of it comes from how LSU is perceived to perform for its nickel which all continued to contend that that was you're playing with your food like do whatever you want and that South Carolina didn't look particularly impressive against Kentucky that's Kentucky with the coach that tried to leave to go to A&M and got left on the tarmac where they don't know what they are either yeah and I do think kenty is probably more talented but South Carolina's put together a little bit of talent they have a stud that you should be able to scheme against but that's the one number six is the one guy you should be worried about same thing with perk as a freshman don't let him beat you other than that there's some concerns that you walk away from go and are you able to run the ball that's where I think it comes from and Jacobian Giller is a huge I don't know if I don't know if it shows up against South Carolina but it's something that you have to be able to fix yes I don't know how you do it somebody's has has to step up you know like somebody sh Washton played well he did and I think only got that much in the thing right and I think the Giller going down is probably a reason why you got shown as much run as he got because you need something there like because the way they've done it it's kind of been it's been pz and Giller when they go out it sugs and and bro so formula EG this is what we have this is so now you got you have to find something else there I would have liked to see Dom McKinley touch the field some but I think you I I I I agree and I think that's a sentiment around on the public but what you saw being you included and in Fall practice that that Gabriel leford was clearly going to be the first one to touch the field and he showed out tonight definitely but he's off the edge yeah that so now yeah Dom will have to get ready yeah I don't know what he does I don't know if that's something that it's a totally different ball game in college and if he were ready he would have played against USC I agree and he would have played I don't know how many snaps did he logged in I don't know if he touched the field right Ahad Bros the The Freshman D tackle which I'm fine with he's played well you know but it would like be nice to have one more yeah especially now how much did Kentucky run vers South Carolina cuz yeah man that yeah we have one more time we had time for one more call yep you want to know how popular Kentucky South Carolina is they brought up basketball yeah not what I'm looking for9 62 316 but it was 10 to six and a half yeah then 147 and makes it look a little bit different same thing with Alabama that was not that game no it was yeah BR Vandergriff they won hit me is this real H me with the stat line here three for 10 for 30 yards Vandergriff entire game oh my God he only threw the ball about lot of four that's LSU can't even touch that stat line in the mid 201 for 10 is crazy and L Norris sers went 1115 for 159 yeah and Rahe Raheem Sanders rocket 13 for 54 rocket yep and Robbie Robbie why are they going there interesting interesting I think they just think it's going to be a trap G it's good 100% so it's going to be a big game 100 wait how they threw for a 100 they had a another quarterback come in which one I mean I'm seeing three for 10 for 30 yards this is on the game recap from FBS so let me know if I'm wrong I yeah I see Gavin whims at 3 for7 for 14 I don't know how they have with a pick they brought in another threw a pick you deserve to lose yeah they have a fake H [ __ ] I don't know but yeah South Carolina maybe the defense is great yeah we'll see but trust us to SL around he's got what 18 incompletions 19 comp completions in two games I'm good with that I I'll take that team anywhere one interception and that one pick the last it doesn't count so we will see y'all on Monday on Monday obviously for uh for the show but next Saturday on this channel live watch party for LSU South Carolina it'll be totally hinged dude it'll be totally normal don't worry about it we I will be completely sane I promise yeah we'll be we'll be fine yep it'll be all nobody's going to gamble on it yeah Lloyd's gambling um but yeah we appreciate y'all tuning in tonight waiting on that dead uncle to come through Jord will be back let 7: a.m. Monday on New Orleans do football's YouTube channel um if you missed it last night here on the Jordi colado show channel electric stuff we' got Dunham versus Parkview an absolute throttling of Parkview Baptist last night that throw y'all posted Elijah Haven for Dunham put on a show the number one sophomore in the country class of 2027 reclass quarterback for Dunham Elijah Haven put on a show I was there on the sideline with my guy Sam we were getting the content I've the video is up and posted here on the channel it's also all over our social media and that was all brought to you by all about Inflatables uh My Guy gay Patterson owns that company um and it's rocking and roll and it's based in central um but it originated in denim they covered denim all the Livingston Parish not all Livingston Parish but most of Livingston Parish especially around central you got Walker Watson Denham um he goes into Baton Rouge it's if you've got a birthday party if you just want to you got a tailgate whatever you've got he's got bounce houses bouncers games water slides all of it there's the tiger belly bouncer um for LSU football games what could you I mean could you imagine something better even and uh so it's a it's a very easy it's a very easy way to book your slide you're inflatable whatever you've got BYU you know it's not just for kids I actually worked with Gabe for a little while helping him set some of these things up and um you know we there was plenty of times that was dropped out for just adults you know just some adults that had a little bit of uh a little bit of that liquor and wanted to go down the slide you know I wouldn't be surprised if Lloyd orders one of these coming up real soon I came to the club with n me if you enjoyed that high school football coverage and you want to see more of it make sure to reward our guy Gabe and with all about inflatable and get a water slide get a bounce house enjoy yourself um you only live once fellas do and tell me anybody that's ever frowned in a bounce house or on a water slide can't see never in my life never in my life but yeah we appreciate yall being here guys Happiness joy joy is happiness jump slide repeat come on we'll uh we'll see yall on Monday youall have a good night the fire alarm's going off all right love y'all later tellone usse

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All right so lsu baseball is behind us now off season really kind of hitting us here as the summer's going to be long here in in south louisiana i don't know if we've had this much time to really kind of talk and and get ready for football season as we will have over the next couple of months we kind... Read more

Tulane QB Darian Mensah discusses ups, downs of disappointing loss to No. 17 Kansas State thumbnail
Tulane QB Darian Mensah discusses ups, downs of disappointing loss to No. 17 Kansas State

Category: Sports

[music] start um just for you i mean what are your emotions after this game i mean obviously you want to win the game so uh i'm a bit tore up right now but um time waits for nobody um we got to go get it next week nobody's going to feel sorry for us and just focus on next week after the fumble um what... Read more

Previewing, predicting LSU's 2024 football schedule game by game | PODnas, Episode 22 thumbnail
Previewing, predicting LSU's 2024 football schedule game by game | PODnas, Episode 22

Category: Sports

[music] hello welcome to podnos this is a sport show with a little bit of southern flare i'm daniel hawks that's jared roser and today we are going to be going over a game by game breakdown of the lsu schedule jared how you doing good man i think i'm feeling a little bit better today than you are look... Read more

Tulane coach Jon Sumrall happy with 52-0 season-opening win, but emphasizes a lot to fix this week thumbnail
Tulane coach Jon Sumrall happy with 52-0 season-opening win, but emphasizes a lot to fix this week

Category: Sports

[music] c our game um before i even address the game i'd like to thank our student section the turnout was amazing uh and them sticking around through the weather and what could be i was worried we're going to kick off on time tonight because of potential lightning and for them to show up the way they... Read more

LSU Greg Penn III talks Tigers' defensive performance vs. Nicholls State, next steps to improve thumbnail
LSU Greg Penn III talks Tigers' defensive performance vs. Nicholls State, next steps to improve

Category: Sports

[music] sometimes we have to key the tight end and things like that it's hard especially for fans they sometimes don't really understand what we're trying to do so like you said so i mean everyone just has to do their job and trust the man next to him that's when start to go bad when you start do about... Read more

Tulane opens season with 52-0 rout of Southeastern Louisiana | Game reactions, takeaways thumbnail
Tulane opens season with 52-0 rout of Southeastern Louisiana | Game reactions, takeaways

Category: Sports

[music] what's up what's up it is friday august 30th 2024 this is louisiana verso i'm jared roser and college football season has officially kicked off in louisiana including a couple of programs already getting their first wins of the season on thursday night i was at yulman stadium on thursday with... Read more

Redshirt freshman Darian Mensah takes first QB reps in Tulane scrimmage two weeks before opener thumbnail
Redshirt freshman Darian Mensah takes first QB reps in Tulane scrimmage two weeks before opener

Category: Sports

Mensah on getting first qb reps [music] ter how how good it feel to get those first reps there you're the first guy out there uh pretty strong statement that you went out there first with some upper classman in front of you yeah for sure uh definitely felt good to get those reps under the lights you... Read more

Brian Kelly says LSU looked tired in win vs. Nicholls, but "this is gonna be a good football team" thumbnail
Brian Kelly says LSU looked tired in win vs. Nicholls, but "this is gonna be a good football team"

Category: Sports

[music] well i'd start off with um saying uh how impressed i was with um uh nickel state i thought they played their tails off um they were physical uh you can tell how much it meant to those young men to play here in tiger stadium um and have a chance to uh to play lsu um they were physical um and... Read more

Tulane QB Darian Mensah, WR Mario Williams break down Wave's opening win, Mensah's debut performance thumbnail
Tulane QB Darian Mensah, WR Mario Williams break down Wave's opening win, Mensah's debut performance

Category: Sports

[music] for daren uh one when did you find out that you were going to be the first quarterback out there and then when you found out that that was the case like how much did you relish the opportunity to maybe potentially see his q uh yeah just like coach sh said it was about 10 days ago they pulled... Read more

LSU TE Mason Taylor talks Tigers' offensive performance vs. Nicholls State, next steps to improve thumbnail
LSU TE Mason Taylor talks Tigers' offensive performance vs. Nicholls State, next steps to improve

Category: Sports

[music] trusting him um he did a great job in practice and a great job i feel like in week one so they let him loose and it definitely shows obviously some of the conversations are naturally going to be about the run game again has weren't able to break off some of those big runes what do you think... Read more