8 25 2024, St Andrews UMC, 11am CCLI #1614585, CCVI #504311954

[Music] I can't again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for for [Music] h [Applause] [Music] I [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know that's a good question I think it was the Holy Spirit hey Jack Jack can you get Judy it's 11 o'clock I think you are it's Caribbean time it's okay you're good all right said that wasn't his it's not okay where's the he doesn't need it [Music] how are you today how are you today [Music] how you guys [Music] all right good morning everyone it's just so great to be back I missed all of you guys and believe it or not I did pray for you while I was on my cruise I didn't do it every day but I did think of you did you pray for me of course you're I needed it don't I you're included in that I know yeah but it's really good to be back and we just want to welcome everyone to our service this morning just enjoy the worship be excited enthused because it's going to be a great service today I'm preaching that's right that's right and look how nice I am no air conditioner is in this build right are you can you all give me a handcuff I will sweat the rest of you will probably be okay right Carolyn yeah you're lik in the temperature right now anyway Welcome To Worship like Pastor fa said both those worshiping in the building and those worshiping virtually welcome to worship today today we end our entire series on the Book of James of a book that challenges us as to what it means to be a Christian in this world a book that challenges us as to what it means to follow God a book that challenges us to not hold on to the anger and the shame and the guilt a book that challenges us to stop the violence that happens in this world so today we look at this concept of what will it take for you to be all in with God what does it take that's what we're going to look at today because this book of James helps us understand that in a world of violence and deception and injust Justice and inequity what does it take for you and I to be all in with God so we ask the Holy Spirit to send upon this place in all way shapes and forms no matter what's going on inside of you or around you whether it's physical or mental or emotional no matter what's going on May you experience God in new ways may you open yourself up to God's holy presence during this time and in that Holy presence may you be transformed in new ways so let us worship today we will begin with our call to worship that's in your bulletin if you're able to stand let's stand and it reads like this Disciples of Christ why have you gathered today to worship God who lives Among Us God Lives among us all the time so why have you gathered today to another that God Lives among us as we worship when you scatter from this place what will you take with you Hearts open to recognize God Liv living among us then come let us worship together we come to worship rejoicing The triing God Who lives loves and moves among us as we gather as we are sent from this place amen so our first hymn is Blessed Assurance number 369 let's sing nice and loud so the one that are walking outside quick run in here forgot what we're doing [Music] blessed assur Jesus is mine oh what a foraste of Glory Divine air of Salvation purchase of God born of his Spirit washed in his blood this is my story this is my song praising My Savior all the day long this is my story this is my song praising My Savior all the day long perfect submission perfect Delight visions of rapture now burst on my side Angels dis sending bring from above Echoes of Mercy Whispers of love this is my story this is my song praising my saor all the day long this is my story this is my song praising My Savior all the day long perfect submission all is at rest I in my savior am happy and blessed watching and waiting looking above filled with his goodness lost in his love this is my story this is my song praising My Savior all the day long this is my story this is my song praising My Savior all the day long amen amen all right now it is time to pass the peace let us first pass the peace to those who are watching us virtually peace be with you peace with peace be with you let's share that peace with each other good morning I missed you 10 all right everyone we're talking way too long we got things to do places to go people to see all right those online we're like what is going on in that church right now hone sorry about that that was a long time all right let's do some Joys and concerns how's that soundd Sam any Joys oh there's a joy there's a joy you want to use this mic right here for the joy yeah that that Mel work it's good to be back after a nday cruise we missed you all but we watched you on Facebook so it was just like we felt like we were right here with with you but we had a wonderful time and uh we were supposed to sail to Bermuda but uh the hurricane arrived the same day we were supposed to arrive so our captain did a wonderful job and took us to Turks and C for two days instead of one and then we went to the Dominican Republic but it's good to be back we love you and we missed you a thank you other joys yes we missed you too Judy um anyway my joy today is my favorite and only grandson is 16 today and he's already stopped to say good morning to us he's on his way to have fun with his friends for today but um it's just after Jesus he's the best thing that happened to me all right notice Chuck you weren't part of that it's Jesus and the grandson that's it that's it sorry good uh Pat on Facebook a lot of people worshiping with us so welcome to everyone that's a joy to see you um we have Pat Norris my joy today is that my son had his 65th birthday yesterday and through the grace of God I'm still here to help him celebrate so wonderful Joy other Joys by it's a joy to have Sam back yes it is right he was gone [Applause] to I beat me too and I was just going to say that anyway joy joy to have you Sam and Judy and Pastor fa we missed we missed all three of you we're so glad you're back and had a good time yes all right so it's a joy to have Sam Judy and Fay back other Joys what are some concerns then um Ann's glad to be back and we're glad that Anne's back too she's been sick for quite a while so I'm glad to have her back in the building yeah my concern is my granddaughter Vanessa the other day she found out she well last week she found out she had like a mole in her arm and she had it test it and it turned out it's like cancerous oh so anyway she's supposed to this week she's supposed to have a further test and some modu taking off and you know double check to make sure everything's okay okay she's a young girl she's only 18 but uh you know hopefully everything will turn out positive for her you know and uh but anyway should be later about this Friday she's going to have the further test taken so I just want to keep her in prayer and what's her name again Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa all right okay and my grand okay we'll keep her in prayer back yeah hi um I have a concern I want everybody to remember my uncle un my Uncle Rob he's having um surgery tomorrow and I also have um three of my girlfriends well two girlfriends and my sister-in-law who were um well all of them were battling uh cancer issues and um my friend Danielle's having um a full masectomy on Tuesday my sister-in-law Nancy if you can remember her she's going through radiation and my other friend Rosa that I work with is also finishing up her radiation for um all breast cancer wow that's a lot of people lots of prayers there so my concern um even though I'm back um the doctors don't seem to know what is actually wrong it's not my back um seem to have inflammation everywhere so they've got me on lowd dose prazone um until they figure it out or find a doctor that can that's rough um so um I lost my train of thought I apologize um which happens all the time right um I know um so dick um is still in Christ's home so prayers for him as he recovers he graduated from a cast to a boot so that's good but he's still there just prayers for him and his recovery um oh Don frano we prayed for his her uncle still prayers for her uncle who's 92 had major surgery um I think is moving in with her because of care issues so just prayer for the entire family as they struggle with that um I know Joe Mullen um is struggling too bety and I have been playing a little phone tag so prayers for Joe and his recovery um and some of the new challenges have faced and then anybody that's just on our shepherding list or homebound list just prayers for them any others uh prayers for my son who's got a a herniated disc and it's aggravated by his job as a massage therapist oh my gosh constant bending yeah prayers for my son-in-law Steve man he's in um Atlanta he has cognitive issues and they're starting a new treatment so pray that that works okay any others let's prepare for prayer [Music] [Music] let us go to the throne of grace dear amazingly and awesome God we just thank you for the joys that you have brought into our lives God we thank you for loving us and blessing us in so many ways but God you have heard the cries of the people cries for healing for recovering God upcoming surgeries God in the operating rooms be the hands of the surgeons God let everything work out well we also lift up to you God all concerns those who are Homebound and just not able to come out God we ask for your intervention we lift up to you God the violence not only in this country but all throughout the world bring your peace God bring your healing we lift up to you those who are suffering from mental health ISS issues God touch their minds bring healing bring peace bring restoration God and we lift up all things unto you in the mighty name the ma marvelous name the Majestic name of Jesus the Christ amen and let us now say the prayer that you taught us so many years ago our father in Heaven be name th Kingdom th will be on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen amen all right life of the church anybody know why this sign is here the one behind me what why is that up there we're having a garage sale September 14th we're having a garage sale September 14th so if you want a table there's still tables left call Sema in the office or get a hold of Dave Bailey so you can kind sign up for that um if you want to donate stuff to the church um for their table you can just bring it in anytime you want into fa's office and we're storing everything in there for our church tables um so that's on September 14th starts at 8 am. it'll end when everyone stops buying things and everyone leaves um so any questions on the garage sale that's September 14th the 27th we have an open mic that um Sam and Pastor Fay and I think Derrick's helping out run so come on out if you can do any musical stuff or you just want to watch come on out I'm probably going to be there I don't know I'm going to do maybe something maybe nothing some comedy maybe just like normal anyway so that's the September 27th um September first anybody know what that is it's a Unity who said that Carolyn nice job Carolyn you're up to date it's our Unity Serv because it's what weekend is that labor this is the interactive part of today we we need to go back and forth so it's Labor Day weekend so we have a Unity service at what time 10:00 a.m. if you're on our call list you'll get a call from us on the calling post reminding you it's 10: a.m. we're going to blend the services so we'll have some hymns we'll have gospel Road um we'll have I think quartet singing with Sam um right part of the choir so we're going to blend that and just celebrate um together on the holiday weekend September 8th is Founders Sunday so we're going to um uh uh celebrate the founding of this church which actually was founded in um 59 58 59 uh building was built in ' 62 and you became a unite Methodist Church in 68 so before was United Brethren Church um we're going to celebrate all that because Grace kque is a founding member and she's still worships with us not here today but she's here twice a month with us going to celebrate her celebrate every founding member and every member that has continued this church moving forward including the preschool and so we'll celebrate them um our DS and or our director of connectional ministry assistant to the bishop should be here worshiping with us also so we're working on that that's September 8th then September 15th everything starts back up for the fall our Bible studies our youth groups our prayers um Sunday schools all that begins on September 15 so any questions on that watch for those things coming up um anything else on life of the church everything else is in your bulletin um so the um celebration of Ministries is for those people um both that are on the committee and those that just help us it's all of our trustees as anybody is helping make sure this building and all these grounds um stay safe and up todate and well maintained let's just give a hand clap of praise to the trustees and all those that are connected with the trustees all right now we've been doing this for years right Keith runs this it's our backpack everything this is only half of everything the other half was in the other uh side so um we're going to kind of bless these school supplies um I do see um joshu Joshua thank you I forgot Joshua is here Joshua you want to come on up we're gonna because you're going what grade are you going to kindergarten is that right come up you're going to start kindergarten right that's that right so we're also going to bless all those that are beginning a new school year um and he's going to be the representative of that um as we do that now we're good methodists right so we love to lay a hand on people and things so put your hands out there as we pray um we're going to bless these school supplies and bless those that are beginning another year of learning so Pastor P will'll start and then I'll end dear gracious God we ask ask that you will bless and supervise and protect all of our young people who are going back to school or going to school for the first time God enable them to learn and to be successful keep them safe God and we also bless all the materials God that we have collected to give out to the children so that they will have everything that they need to be successful that's right oh God we ask for your special blessing on each of these school materials that as they touch the hands of the children that need them may they be filled with your love and grace may they know A love Beyond any love in this world may these school materials help those in need to learn to educate and to become someone who creates Justice in this world we also ask blessing on those that are beginning a new school year no matter how young or how old May the gift of wisdom and knowledge bless them may their minds be open and may they learn about not only you but about how to live in this world and create Justice that the need World desperately needs it is in your Holy Name of Jesus of Christ we offer this blessing upon these materials and these students amen amen amen so you know what J why don't we just see he's up here should we just do children's message since he's already here is that okay let's do children's message josher since you're here already so why don't you stay up here and then we'll so we're going to move around a few things no Joshua you want to stay back up here we're going to do children's message sound good since you're here and then we'll do all our stuff a special treat for you can look this way how are you this morning you okay you okay all right I have put out this circle which is really a hula hoop right all right suppose somebody asked me to step inside or to get inside the circle okay and I do this am I inside the circle yes or no am I inside the circle what do you think am I in it I'm not in it can you show me how to get inside the circle can you step in the circle you want to stand up and get in the circle how do we get in the circle yeah let me see how you do it I'm not too sure I did it right are you inside the circle are you or coing are you all the way in half okay well I want you to be all in can you get all in can you get all in the circle nice job a great job excellent stay in that Circle stay in that Circle yes there now listen to Pastor Fay yes you are all in I wasn't all in just a part of me was in right right just one foot well my message today is about being all in with God and you're all in do you know what else that means to be all in with God it means that you love him and that you love and be kind to other people and that you listen to your parents and other adults that supervise you are you able to do that I think so so you're all in can you repeat what I say okay we're going to pray dear God dear God we love you we love you please help us please help us to be all in to be all in with you with you amen amen amen a that was great you did a good job thank you so that was a intro into what we're going to talk about so think about being all in think about that uh what that activity that just unfolded are you only half in or are you all in as Sam does our centering music as we hear scripture and responsive reading take a moment and consider are you all in how do these words help us understand that amen I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back no turning back I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back no turning [Music] [Music] back Christ is my reward and all of my devotion [Music] yeah and now there's nothing in this world that could ever [Music] satisfy through every trial my soul will sing no turning back I've been set free Christ is Enough For Me Christ is enough for me everything I need is in you everything I [Music] need Christ my all in all my joy and my salvation oh and this hope will never fail cuz heaven is our home yeah through every storm my soul will sing and Jesus is here to God be the glory Christ is Enough For Me Christ is enough for me everything I need is in you everything I need [Music] I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back no turning back I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back no turning back the cross before me the World Behind Me no turning back no turning back the cross before me the World Behind Me no turning back no turning back amen it's great amen thank you Sam thank you again that connects to are you all in or not all right in your bulletin is our scripture and responsive reading pull out the responsive reading Pastor FR can help you you want to do it this way oh does that work yeah all right so grab out that responsive reading all right we ready yeah okay Holy One of mystery and power there there is no God Like You in Heaven above or on earth below help us to live your ways regardless of the world's path keeping Covenant and steadfast love with all who have walk before you with pure and upright Hearts fill our lives with your glory as you filled the temple with Cloud when Solomon first brought the ark into your holy Dwelling Place give us the strength and the power to stand the forces of evil that work in our lives and in our world Amen all right for the scripture introduction the book of James's audience were Jewish Christians and addresses the understanding of saving faith and what faith looks like in one's life the Book of James teaches that to be completely committed to God we must submit to God with the firm firm conviction and Trust in the person and work of Jesus in essence we're not to follow the world but follow God this is very challenging therefore my question for us to ponder is what will it take for us to be all in with God the scripture is in James chapter 4 1-10 it's that coming out of the common English Bible here are these ancient words what is the source of conflict lict among you what's the source of your disputes don't they come from your Cravings that are war in your own lives you long for something you don't have so you commit murder you are jealous for something you can't get so you struggle and fight you don't have because you don't ask you ask and you don't have because you ask with evil intentions to waste it on your own Cravings you unfaithful people don't to know that friendship with the world means hostility toward God so whoever wants to be the world's friend becomes God's enemy or do you suppose that scripture is meaningless doesn't God long for our faithfulness in the life he has given to us but he gives us more grace this is why it says God stands against the proud but favors the humble therefore submit to God resist the devil and he will run away from you come near to God and he will come near to you wash your hands you Sinners purify your hearts you double minded cry out in sorrow mourn and weep let your laughter become mourning and your joy becomes sadness humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up the word of God for all people thanks be to God so our connecting with God in reflection we're going to use the title of the sermon and just add with God so as you take a moment and reflect on these words where is God calling you so the question to ponder this morning is what will it take for you to be all in with God what will it take for you to be all in with God what will it take for you to be all in with God what will it take for you to be all in with God what will it take for you to be all in with God dear God in en able us to figure out what we need to do what it will take for us to be all in with you enable us to be completely obedient and to surrender amen amen all right good morning again St Andrew's family and friends as I had stated earlier I really did miss all of you and it's just so great to be back and of course I prayed for you all right now let us pray before I start the message dear God our heavenly father how excellent is your name we come before you with love and Thanksgiving thanking you for all you've done thank you for loving us with a love greater than anything we could ever imagine a love immeasurable a love unconditional and everlasting God I ask that you be with me as I deliver this message to the people I ask that my words will bring you glory and bless all who listen I ask this in the amazingly awesome name of Jesus the Christ amen amen this morning's sermon title is what will it take for you to be all in this is a heavy question quite challenging to say the least or am I the only one in here who view this as very challenging first thing that I thought about was what does this actually mean and am I up to the task I read and reread the scripture that James presented and prayed and finally God revealed a few thoughts to me he had me remember a beautiful song song that addresses this question as a matter of fact I own the CD but haven't played it in several years haven't thought about it in several years but this is how our God works he wrote this song to my memory thank you God the song is entitled he wants it all and it's by a group called Forever Jones it's it's really a beautiful song and if you get a chance check it out on YouTube and just listen to it it's a really great song since I cannot sing I will just read a few of the lyrics which are really beautiful there's a voice that cries out in the silence searching for a heart that will love him longing for a child that will give him their all give it all he wants it all and there's a God that walks the Earth he's searching for a heart that is desperate and longing for a child that will give him their all give it all he wants it all and he says love love me with your whole heart he wants it all serve me serve me with your life now he wants it all today bow down let go of your Idols he wants it all today he wants it all and it kind of repeats the lyrics so I'm not going to continue reading it's just the same lyrics over and over again but the bottom line is that God wants it all this song expresses beautifully what God wants and what it means to be all in it's about loving God first with our entire being and sometimes that can be hard and loving all people as God loves all of us it's about submit submitting surrendering everything to him Mark 12: 30 and 31 State love the Lord with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your strength the second is this love your neighbor as yourself there is no greater commandment greater than these yet without a doubt this is challenging at least for me I struggle with being all in for God for some it means loving those who do not look like us people who do not dress or act like us maybe they have lots of tattoos or body piercings so it can be difficult being Allin with God are intentional acts behaviors and mindset of loving as God loves serving others when we really don't feel like it or feel that some people do not appreciate or deserve our kindness sometimes God has wanted me to do certain things and I say no I just don't want to do it so I need help all in is a life lived and complete complete surrender to God's Will and not ours all in leaves an impact on others and the world and can leave or should leave a legacy in Acts 4:36 and 37 Barnabas was all in for Jesus he sold his field and gave the proceeds to the apostles he preached alongside Paul for years helped start churches with him because Barnabas was all in he made a tremendous impact on the world acts 11:24 calls Barnabas a good man full of the Holy Spirit and faith and a great number of people were brought to the Lord this is what happens when we're all in We Touch others and they want to know our Christ and they come to him going all in for God changes not only our Liv lives and those who come after us Jesus as our role model was all in for Humanity and what did it take for him to be all in Jesus surrendered completely to the father's will died an unimaginable death on the cross for all of humanity our God is an Allin God but thankfully we do not have to die on the cross as Jesus did to be all in however I believe a part of what it takes to be Allin is the desire to stay in his presence simply being wherever God is or directs us to be Lord wherever you are I want to be there too whether it be on a mountain Steep and high or a valley low even Out on the Ocean stormy and turbulent One Moment In Your presence is the best time spent I'm never weary of my life with you loving and serving others as you do Lord I want to be wherever you are as the omnipotent omnipresent God I never want to be too far even to be with those who whose sorrows and pains abound yes God I know that in our midst you're always around around for our every need is your concern for I desire to dwell in your Arms This is what I yearn most definitely Lord where you are I want to be whether on the scorching desert or on a Raging Sea just to feel the comforting pleasure of thee yes Lord I want to be where you are never that far I hope you feel the same way throughout the Bible are numerous examples of people who sacrificed a lot who suffered and some even died to be all in with God we have Ruth who made a sacrifice instead of staying in her home of Moab she decided to take the dangerous Journey with Naomi her mother-in-law to the land of Judah Ruth believed in and trusted the god of isra Israel she was all end another biblical example was Daniel he dared to defy a king and risked being eaten by lions Daniel was all in staying faithful to God and of course there were the disciples who were willing to be beat imprisoned stoned and killed for their God they definitely we're all in God calls us to be Allin people are you all in what will it take for you to be all in just think about it as I stated earlier I struggle with this often feeling that I am lacking in this area of my faith however I continue to try my best staying in prayer staying around positive encouraging people most days I find myself making a pledge to God to be more submissive more humble more loving and so much more like him when I look back upon my past I'm filled with shame my commitment to you God didn't always last Lord in so many ways I failed you after all you've brought me through how could I do this to you but I continue to promise to be better to do better for I want to be with you forever do you think I really meant to disobey do you think I meant to forget to pray but Lord from now on I'll do better love you better be with you forever for your words I'm going to heed praise you adore you yes God indeed but when I reflect on all the sins I've committed I'm filled with guilt truly convicted all the times I didn't do what you required of me I was arrogant just wanted you to let me be I even said that I'd meditate on your word and fast but you God knowing all that those promises didn't last I often feel unworthy because of my sinful past sometimes I even feel as an outcast but do you think I meant to disobey stay away way not even pray do you think God I meant to deny thee After all you've done for me however from this moment on I'm going to change never will my life be the same for I will glorify magnify testify be with you till I die upon you only will I Rely choosing only to serve reaping blessings that I don't always deserve this is my pledge to you to figure out God what it'll take to be all in is what I'm going to do Lord this is my pledge to thee you have done so much for me I promise to be better to do better love you and others better live with you forever I will try to be all in with you so Church what will it take for you to be all in something to think about pray about meditate about let us pray dear God you the creator of everything you the lover of our lives and soul we thank you for all things Provisions reasonable portion of Health protection salvation faithfulness just to mention a few we love and adore you God and ask that you enable us to be all in and we ask this in The Marvelous the Magnificent ENT and the Majestic name of Jesus the Christ amen amen be all in church amen and so now part of being Allin is where is God calling you and your prayers your presence your witness your service and your gifts no there's a song thank you Tim you stood up and I knew I missed something all right you know what we're going to sing as if we're all in what are we singing vi we're singing Sweet Sweet spirit number 334 let's stand if we're able and sing nice and loud as if we're all [Music] in there's a sweet sweet spirit in this place and I know that it's the spirit of the Lord there are sweet Expressions on each face and I know the field the presence of the Lord Sweet Holy Spirit sweet Heavenly do stay right here with us filling us with your love and for these blessings we lift our hearts in Praise without a doubt we'll know that we've been been revived we she shall leave this place there's a sweet sweet spirit in this place and I know that it's the spirit of the Lord there are sweet Expressions on each face and I know they feel the presence of the Lord Sweet Holy Spirit sweet Heavenly do stay right here with us filling us with your love and for these blessings we lift our hearts in Praise without a doubt we'll know that we have been revived when we shall leave the this place amen amen amen amen and amen now may be seated all right now what does it mean to go all in with our prayers our presence our service our witness and our gifts while the ushers come forward where is God calling you to go all in with your prayers your presence your service your witness and your gifts for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise God from whom all bling flow PRK you creatures here below Praise Him above the Heavenly H praise Father Son and Holy Ghost [Music] amen oh holy and good God we give you thanks and praise and we ask for a blessing upon these offerings of gifts offerings of witness and prayers and service and so oh God do what you do best increase them multiply them may these gifts be used in ways that touch the hearts of those that need your love we give you thanks for giving us the gift of stewarding these gifts for others may they become you in their lives and may they know you in deeper ways is in your Holy Name of Jesus Christ we offer this prayer amen amen and so now as we prepare to end we're going to sing Great Is Thy Faithfulness so sing it nice and loud as if you're all in Great Is Thy Faithfulness Great Is Thy Faithfulness oh God my father there is no shadow of turning with thee thou changest not thy compassions they fail not as thou Hast been thou forever Wilt be great is thy faithfulness Great Is Thy Faithfulness morning by morning new mercies I see all I have needed thy hand hath brok provided Great Is Thy Faithfulness Lord unto me summer and winter and spring time and harvest sun moon and stars in their courses above join with all nature sure in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness mercy and love Great Is Thy Faithfulness Great Is Thy Faithfulness morning by morning new meres I see all I have need thy hand have provided Great Is Thy Faithfulness Lord unto me paron for sin and a peace that endureth thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide strength for today and bright Hope For Tomorrow blessings oh mine with 10,000 beside Great Is Thy Faithfulness Great Is Thy Faithfulness morning by morning new mercies I see all I have needed thy hand hath provided Great Is Thy Faithfulness Lord unto [Music] me amen come on up um I just have a yeah come on up we'll just do it this way um before Pastor can you hear me that's okay that works uh before pastor fa gives the benediction um I just have one comment Great Is Thy Faithfulness when we are all in when you and I are all in that's all there is is faithfulness faithfulness in God to us and us to God so let us walk out of here remembering what it means to be all in all right my St Andrews family and friends I pray God's tremendous blessings upon each and every one of you that he will enable us all to be be all in all in to love to serve and to ease the sorrows and the Pains of others that's what it's all about God bless you and enjoy the rest of the day amen [Music] [Music] godr Christ sh have a great Sunday everyone God bless see you next week at 10:00 a.m. service 10: a.m. [Music] [Music] h [Music] St [Music] GL [Music] for e e

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Category: Education

Hello there brothers and sisters in christ god bless each and every single one of you at is hunter's point here with another video i do hope and pray that each of you all watching me right now are having a good thursday afternoon so far wherever you all are at i do hope and pray that each of you are... Read more

Muslim Challenges Christian Prince to a Long Debate thumbnail
Muslim Challenges Christian Prince to a Long Debate

Category: Education

[music] hello hello yes dr hami how are you i'm doing good how are you i'm fine what do you want to say to us dr hami first of all let me welcome you here and we are happy to have you what do you want to say uh i just wanted to uh debate with you that's fine i saw that you were up to the dat so i thought... Read more

Kirk Cameron v Public Schools thumbnail
Kirk Cameron v Public Schools

Category: Nonprofits & Activism

So the other day i was doom scrolling through twitter and as i was going through twitter i came across uh it might have been the friendly atheist actually now that i think about it it might have been the friendly atheist on twitter um but there was a clip of kirk cameron talking to some some interviewer... Read more

Episode 1101 - Jarvis Kingston Protect Your Edge |  Church Note | Numbers 20:2-13 | Ephesians 4:12 | thumbnail
Episode 1101 - Jarvis Kingston Protect Your Edge | Church Note | Numbers 20:2-13 | Ephesians 4:12 |

Category: Entertainment

[applause] all right y'all peace and blessings god bless you all i'm jarvis kingston and i hope that yall doing all right and staying strong and solid in these times that ren i pray that you have repented and that you are baptized i pray that you are safe protected and prayed up and i just pray that... Read more

Finding Our Muchness with Shayna Rattler-Davis thumbnail
Finding Our Muchness with Shayna Rattler-Davis

Category: Nonprofits & Activism

Welcome to the muchness podcast with your host dr kim moss what is muchness i am glad you asked that is what we will be exploring with our guests today we're talking with shaya davis shaya empowers believers to impact world change for the glory of god she is passionate about cultivating women leaders... Read more

Wishaw UF #195 thumbnail
Wishaw UF #195

Category: People & Blogs

[music] our bible reading this morning from um matthew chapter 21 i'm not going to be focusing on there's a number of passages i want us to look at this morning but this is a a base passage if you like uh for what we're going to be thinking about so matthew chapter 21 i'm reading from verse 12 through... Read more

President Russell M. Nelson 100th Birthday Commemoration thumbnail
President Russell M. Nelson 100th Birthday Commemoration

Category: People & Blogs

Welcoming remarks ♪♪ >> president dallin h. oaks: brothers and sisters, we welcome you to this birthday celebration for our beloved prophet and friend, president russell m. nelson. president nelson, we love you and are honored and grateful to gather to honor you on your 100th birthday. [applause] we... Read more

Penn State Nittany Lions vs. West Virginia Moutaineers thumbnail
Penn State Nittany Lions vs. West Virginia Moutaineers

Category: Entertainment

B a t it's in the [music] name welcome in to season three of the good oldfashioned dislike podcast where dynasties never die and hate is an extreme word but just barely this episode is brought to you by collision auto repair services in killan alabama football is a collision sport but driving your car... Read more