Will Alvyn Sanches join Arne Engels in Brendan Rodgers' new-look Celtic midfield this month?

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:35:12 Category: Sports

Trending searches: arne engels
all right everyone good morning Thursday morning I we test Ry to see uh who the early risers are amongst the Celtic Way community Erin's there uh she's there a couple of minutes before H what is it your time half eight yeah half 8 in the morning half eight just 25 to 9 it's an all right time isn't it but the chat's quite quiet so obviously people are a wonderful fan base like a we Ling generally uh are people with us let let us know if you're there and you're you're chatting and all of that kind of stuff a lot of people might be watching afterwards anyway Ryan how's it going today things are good yeah very very busy day yesterday recording a couple of things but just it's more anticipation today to be honest because you know it's the Champions League draw really really exciting the end of the transfer window the small matter of a glasgo derby as well at the end of the week which strangely enough but I was doing a preview of that last night and yesterday morning and I felt like it wasn't even close or I didn't even think that the the Darby was that close away and then all of a sudden it's three days away it's it's kind of crept up on us once that once the transfer window shuts at 11 o'clock on Friday I think all Focus will then shift to the Glasgow Derby at the weekend it's going to be crazy it's going to go from zero to 100 really really quickly in my opinion really busy week big momentous week for Celtic he was hoping that they can get the business done and and yeah then they can focus on Sunday's events we've only got less than two days now R what about 30 probably about 38 39 hours 40 hours something like that rough maths left of the the transfer window so there's really not long left and we still need three players where where are we with h various players coming in the update yesterday was that matus bogit isn't happening is that right yeah it's a bit of a strange one because I thought that Celtic were in for Matas bogs and AR angles but it seems as if they've just stopped the negotiations there as if now were going to push all in for angles and maybe somebody else a couple of hours later after hearing about that development the Alvin Sanchez name came back up which would make you think that he's potentially second choice second option that that isn't a problem you know Matt O'Reilly was second choice back in 2020 to when it was Riley mcgree he he he agreed to go to Middlesboro or he agreed to move elsewhere and and then M was brought in and that's poed out pretty well I would say for Celtics so yeah I would have liked to seen bogas I think I was more excited to see bogas because of his versatility as well he can play anywhere in the forward line as well as attacking Midfield it seems as if Alvin Sanchez is more of a a number 10 or a number eight in the Midfield that's his role he's like a sort of lanky lanky footballer taller midfielder R being lanky nothing wrong with being lanky no trust me I'm jealous I speak from experience yeah but by all accounts he doesn't look like a good player um Tony was talking to Ram Vega about him a couple of weeks ago and he said everybody in in Switzerland is talking about this player so definitely an exciting one I read a report last night that was saying that it would be a potential a loan with an option to buy which again confused me a we bit because Celtic were going to be spending seven8 million on Boggs plus the money that they had on angle so why would they why would they suddenly make it alone um that's that's a bit perplexing to me but I just hope that they get that situation sorted Rogers wants to midfielders so you know give the manager what he wants basically so why do you think the I'll open this up to everyone in the chat as well by the way plunge we're on early because Ryan's doing another recording later so that's the reason on hour and a half early and why why is the bogot stuff not happening do you reckon is it you wouldn't think it would be a a financial thing although maybe LC are looking at the situation and just saying they don't want to sell them maybe until the end of the MLS season or something like that but it seems like we've pivoted very quickly from bogs cuz as you say when the bogout stuff we heard that wasn't going to be happening very soon after that the Alvin Sanchez stuff came up again and um that's a place player we've wanted for a while I think it's fair to say was it earlier this summer I feel I have a feeling we heard his name last summer as well could be getting mixed up but I feel like we knew his name last summer as well it's someone Brandon Rogers clearly likes um I I thought if it was a a thing of Engles or Sanchez I wasn't a fan of bringing Sanchez in because I just feel like Engles is like a higher kind of level player just the league he's playing in and the price tag and all of that kind of stuff um if it's angles and Sanchez that could potentially work um I still feel we need two midfielders in you're always going to get manes of Luke mcau as well the cynic eny has a feeling I mean I did say it yesterday that I didn't think BS would happen um and the syin me does just wonderful end up with angles and then like Luke mcen and that'll be a lot for Midfield yeah I was actually thinking about l m last night because I've been speaking about him quite a lot over the past few days he's a player that hasn't moved from Dundee to wherever yet it's it's a bit of a surprising one I thought there was a lot of interest in the player from both Bolton and hibs I think regardless of what happens he will be moving on in this window whether that is to hibs down south or indeed to Celtic but I just don't know how many games he would get at Celtic to be honest with how busy the Midfield is as it is before even signing angles now angles will come into this team we're all presuming that that negotiation we finalized in the next day or so it has to be done in the next day or so one way or the other you think that that would be completed and he would make his move to Celtic you aren't buying a player for 10 11 million and expecting him to sit on the bench I'd be saying if not starting at the weekend then the first game back after the international break he's going to be playing every game from now on whether that's in the number six eight or 10 position I think he'll be one of the constants in the team from now until the end of the season Once see signs record signings don't come to sit on the bench I know Adam is a bit of a different situation with kyogo and and he'd been one of the one of the bigger signings for Celtic but that that position horses for Coes Etc just with that that position the Midfield area um you know you've got hatti you've got McGregor there You' think that'd be the Midfield three if it was McGregor hatti and Engles wherever he was playing we've also got Bernardo you've also got Odin Thiago Hol you've also got Francis Turley then you add in Luke mcon would he be would he be getting games for Celtic would he be coming off the bench games water there has been talk um it's just talk at the moment there has been sort of murmuring that he might be leaving the club um for pastur now for a couple of million but probably in searching more game time because he has in his prime and he's not getting any games whatsoever didn't even make the bench for the game against sub so you know his future may lie elsewhere which is a shame because I know that me and you both do like the water and what he brings to the club both on and off the park you would say um yeah I I just think the Midfield area put put in some quality there Sanchez looks like a decent enough Prospect um in Switzerland it seem he seems to be a very highly regarded Talent um that's a player that maybe Brendan Rogers can can nut I was watching some of his Clips um he does remind me a bit of O the way that he plays you know that taller taller midfielder that likes a goal or two so that would be that would be good maybe angles would play further back and then you've got that Dynamic of been able to replace or but I I just don't see where L MCC unfortunately fits and this team if he was to come apart from being a homegrown player and for the Champions League criteria you know I think not every I mean I I agree he's not he's not going to come in and I wouldn't think he if we do if we did sign M he wouldn't come in and be like a starter in the Champions League or anything like that but do you not think there's a value in like a squad player there um I me the obvious one we're talking about Luke mcau I think is someone like Johnny Hayes and listen Johnny Hayes Johnny Hayes wasn't a spectacular I'm not going to tell people he was but you know Johnny haes did did a job for us for a number of years I know M's a different kind of player but um there may be some sort of Merit in that signing if it does happen uh personally I would much rather we looking at um angles and someone like Alvin Sanchez um but I think for me the priority is we get angles in that deal has to be done I think we reports yesterday we've offered 10 million that must be the the most Celtic have ever offered for a player in our history um so we're we're we're starting to kind of spend money and I think we're going to spend money over the next two days but we we really don't have long um angles needs to be done there's also reports think Blake they're talking about uh was turning down 10 million for real hatti as well an unnamed H French Club apparently uh and forti just like there's an unnamed Russian Club earlier in the summer that turned out to be Zen at St Peters so uh yeah I mean 10 million is pretty insulting for hati to be honest and uh I don't think we could sell him even for double that at the moment um given his H his importance to the team given we've just lost mat O'Reilly he's not for saleat uh but the the syic inion I know a few people have have brought it up already is that you you fail to get bogs in and then suddenly a a report comes out about his um rebuffing a bit for hati oh like a like a new sign and all that kind of stuff yeah and you don't want to be as cynical as that but you but you know that this is the way that the board can act sometimes in terms of putting out a putting out a story putting The Feelers out um and sort of deflecting from the fact that they're not doing their own business the fact that they've rejected other teams even if now I'm I'm hoping and and praying to be honest that that was the case and they not just making up reports to make it look as if Celtic are being busy in the final days one thing that is definitely clear is that hatti is not for sale at any price I team could offer but I would have to take a catastrophically big bid for Celtic to to lose HTI in this window I think he's so important to the way that Celtic are playing so far this season you've seen that against St mtin how important he is and not just his own individual ability but the way he's bringing other players into the game as well he's allowing K McGregor to go further forward he's bringing Bernardo into the game and he's doing the defensive work too 10 million is an insulting offer as you said I don't even think Celtic would part with double that for hatti at this moment in time I think he's going to be so important starting on Sunday such an important player especially in the Champions League as well with that press resistance style that he's got he's so important when breaking the lines in Midfield especially on the Counterattack when Celtic are under the ker but I just think that we're on the curp of something really special with hatti this season if he can maintain his consistency both in performances and injury trouble um or lack of injury trouble then I think he's going to have a great season supported by the likes of angles McGregor and Bernardo in that mfield I'm not worried about his losing any players I don't think between now and the deadline kyogo would be the only one but um it doesn't seem like that that's going to come to anything from Man City that could change but I would hope I would kind of Hope regardless of the offer at this stage um we're past the point where we could lose one of our key players cuz there's simply not enough time to replace them so it should all be all about bringing players in it shouldn't be getting to this stage of the window Brandon Rogers isn't happy about that but that's where we're at so we uh you wouldn't think we're going to announce any players today uh officially because these things take a a we while I know um Alex v is meeting the the media later today so people can look out for for what he has to say but um these signings are going to be made in deadline day tomorrow is going to be tomorrow's going to be a mad day H cuz we're going to be hearing loads and loads of different reports about um probably three or four players we've got angles in there Alvin Sanchez uh Austin trusty you could throw in a new name in there someone like Luke McOwen potentially last minute um so tomorrow's going to be a a frantic day um and the club Club still have three three big players they need to to get in for me H and they can't fall short of that if we do fall short of that um you know it's really not going to reflect well on them and we're simply not giving Brandon Rogers everything he needs to go into the the Champions League the club have to deliver three quality players and they've only got 30 40 hours to do it you're hoping that these deals are pretty far down the line I was talking ear ear this week on Monday I made the the sort of Benchmark that three four signings would be absolutely ideal um I just seen that something else came up on my phone there about transfers so I will bring that up in a we second um four four big major transfer signings this week would really strengthen the squad right now they've got one they' still get time they still got a day in a bit um but I feel like we've been saying they've got time all transfer window now um and now really time is of the essence Engles looks pretty far down the line of cel take her offer in 10 11 million then they're pretty serious about a player because I don't think they've offered that in their history before in terms of actual number they've had a new Stratosphere when it comes to when it comes to offer money for a player um it might even go as far to 12 million which would be the alltime Scottish record for a player which is Tori Andre Flo for Rangers back in 2000 it's very very possible that they he could reach that figure I think that' be a real statement of intent if Celtic were to offer that and get the deal done and say right we've got money we are financially well off and we're going to sign this player because he is vital to what we we have to do in the coming years I'm just once this deal is announced then I can properly get excited about on the angles but right now you just get that way sinking feeling in the back of your head it's like why has this not been completed yet why is it taking so long why is the H Augsburg manager saying he'll be available at the weekend even though I know that Brendan Rogers said the same thing about M just the way these things these things work and transpire just want this de done this is the most important one as much as Austin trusty and Celtic need a center back badly um and the maybe another midfielder as well hopefully that gets done AR Engles is the important one you cannot go you cannot sell Mt Ry and not bring in a replacement after he's gone regardless if he bought Bernardo earlier on in the window it just from the outside looking in it's it's just a disasterous Viewpoint if you don't if you don't adequately replace Matt oy um with this young player as I said yesterday there's plenty of upside to his game and I think he can develop and be that player that M really was and maybe even more so it's all about getting that deal done and getting it done quickly I'm just going to read this report and then see if there's anything new being said go for it I'm still loading it I thought you meant reading it out loud Ryan I'll I'll talk for you then I was I was going to yeah I was going to um what was I going to say there fabulous it's that early that i' I forgot what I was going to say um yeah what I was going to say was I think it's a you're talking about the Midfield being the important one I think all three of them are are important that that's the issue we've that's the stage we've got to in this transfer window it's not as if these are these are signings that are just adding to the work we've already done these are like Vital Signs we've known we've needed a center back all summer it's um crucial for me that we find a center back to partner Cameron Carter Vickers at Champions League level um as Austin trusty that guy we'll need to wait and see but it doesn't seem seems like the club are having beds rejected there as well with Sheffield United so again if we want them we need to offer H what he's worth the time for bartering is is over we're nearly at the end of the window left back fair enough we've ticked that off and Brandon Rogers wants two midfielders as well he wanted one before maty went so those are crucial positions as well have you red up yes um it's saying a report from Scottish media saying that 16 million is going to be spent on Arna Engles and Austin trusty together so that's a fair outlay for two for two positions in the squad and it is Money Getting spent which is good and it's what we want to see it had to be done because they they've just made 25 more million because of mat o plus all the Champions League money that's going to come through plus the fact that they're financially well off anyway before any of that even comes in it's it's necessary I think they might be overspending just a tad because of the time of the the window and now clubs are now holding Celtic a bit to Ransom with the fact that they're desperate for for transfers these teams will need last minute Replacements as well because they're also in the transfer window you know Sheffield United will need a new center back I don't H I don't envy hburg at all because they need to somehow find an angles replacement he's the sort of diamond in their Midfield he's their real talent with with 10 11 million they should be able to do that somewhere in Germany but be a tough task but that's it's pretty much their problem once that's what we're having to do like we're having to replace M so it's a doggy dog world in the transfer window and that's just the way it goes That's the Way businesses business happens and transpires but I I just hope that this gets done soon as soon as your M's going off Ry um the um I'll go through a few hear yeah I think you've gone on to a different mic um but that that's all right I can H chat for a we bit I'll go through a few of your your comments I mean Thomas was in earlier saying that he's uh finding it difficult to get up for the Champions League draw H we'll come on and talk about that in a we second Thomas but um I take it that's just down to the the lack of signings and the the feeling maybe that we're not going to compete at that level which is certainly you're you're not alone in and feeling that way I think we'll we'll do all right in the Champions League I know that's incredibly vague thing to say I think we'll have probably a a at least one really TD night H where we lose by three or four or possibly more and but that's just what happens at that level against a top team I think we'll probably have some disappointing results when we play well maybe similar to last season and I think we might win a couple of games this year I was doing a bit of digging into how many points you're probably needing to get through to the next round Ryan and H I believe it's about 10 10 points should guarantee it nine probably won't guarantee it nine could do it eight could do it but 10's what we should be aiming for 10 seems quite a h an ambitious number I would say given our a recent record in Europe um Mark reckons that home could be like a new signing for us this season H conversely Scott thinks that if Sanchez comes in home will be going out and Loan I'm not convinced that um br Rogers likes home to be honest h i i i don't get the impression I think we would have seen home more uh had that been the case but maybe home will be loaned out that might not be the worst thing and I know Ryan you you quite like him um yeah big Dom wondering why have we left our dealings to the last minute and weekend our negotiation position yeah I think that's what the manager was alluding to in Sunday after the game and he said what was the phrase he said Ryan we can't we we can't manufacture our own something that's exactly what he's saying when he says that like there is no reason for us to be going this late into the window and having clubs you know knowing we have the money and knowing that we're desperate to get players in and we have a fan base who are disgruntled at the very least um just do your business earlier I really hope this is the final window when we're doing this I don't think that's going to be the case uh I don't think there'll be huge change at the club but Brendan Rogers clearly feels there needs to be anything else in trans ER just before we move on to the Champions League stuff maybe more outgoings than than incomes it's good to see that Mikey Johnson is leaving the club I don't mean it in that way I don't mean it to say oh thank goodness he's gone I think just for the for the sake of his career and I'm glad it's West Brom as well the team that sort of revitalized his senior career in the second was it West Brom I thought it was Sheffield United it seems as if he's chose because he had he had three offers H Celtic accepted three offers from three different teams uh Burnley Sheffield United and West Brom but it seems as if it's going to be West Brom that he's going to and I think that's the best the best move for him he knows he'll be a first team pick there almost straight away he was the best player arguably in the second half of the season and I hope he goes and smashes it to be honest OB be goes and and really kicks on in his senior career because it's been a really tough time for him since he made his debut you know injuries loss of form different managers coming in some managers liking him more than others I just want to see him going kick on South and really really make make an aim for himself in his career in a good way um Celtic are getting around about 3 million for him which is pretty good business I would say for a player that's not really going to make any impact this season I would say that's been one of the successes of the transfer window maybe not the timing of it and and the time it's taken for these players to leave but the fact that there's so much not Deadwood but players that aren't going to make an impact going away from the club that's a that's a positive and it'll look positive on the the wage packet as well or the wage structure at the moment right let's talk Champions League the draw is uh later today 5:00 p.m. Celtic Park time that's when UA will start we know that UA tend to drag these things out a little bit with their Awards and explanations and yeah the explanation may take a bit longer today because it's the first time we're we're doing this um I've been reading into it so I can explain a little bit uh how it's going to work by the way if anyone has any questions on it on the format or the draw today or whatever fire them in and I'll do my best to answer them cuz I feel like I've spent far too long looking into AJ Tech was wondering what ex Celtic players are in the draw today only Virgil uh Jeremy frong will be in it for Bayer lever because I'm looking at the teams Ryan and trying to think if there's any other former Celtic players for any of the teams benok yeah Liverpool good sh I mean you could have Andy Robertson I guess a stretch Kieran Tierney who's Kean Tierney going to be with still at Arsenal just now but I don't know if he contract technically Keenan tener he could end up at one of the other teams terms of H there's been quite a few kind of familiar names playing for other teams wasn't I mean pop four you've got bojam meowski at Jona they're potential opponents Lou Ferguson at bolognia potential opponents John mcin at Aston Villa and in po four so there could be a d bre as well right okay okay that's is a familiar face I I don't really want them in pop four I'm kind of f up with and and his fast running style against Greg Taylor to be honest although it might be Val have you um have you had a look at the teams we can face is there anyone in particular uh you fancy playing I I really fancy Aston Villa I want an english team we not played an english team in ages I think we rise to I think Brandon Rogers to it and I think you know quite simply Aston Villa would give us the best chance I don't fancy Man City and even though we scudded them in pre-season uh you know Liverpool not particularly maybe at Celtic Park that could be fun I don't really fancy Arsenal because they are one of the best teams in Europe at the moment Aston Villa very good team exceptional manager exceptional players I would fancy a a Battle of Britain let's just say against Aston Villa and i' I'd kind of fancy Celtic to to give them a really good game especially at Celtic park I think that would be a a winnable match I guess when I'm saying that though they do come from pop four and you do have some maybe teams uh maybe kind of uh less formidable teams in pop four tough matches every match is going to be tough but you're looking at teams like slovan Bratislava who qualified last night and ster Gratz and stad Brea um Sparta Prague and your even maybe Jona and you're thinking can potentially um you know one of them at Celtic Park would be good who who have you got in your mind I'd love a trip to Bru club buger would be quite good I think um I I would really like to see that one brucia Dortmund home more away um I would take the away love that love I think everybody would sign up for Dortmund if if it was Dortmund away that would be the Dortmund away would yeah oh that that Celtic Part or Celtic supports would take over Dortmund and it' be I think it'd be Festival of football because the two the two fans would get on so well um I think it'd be an absolutely brilliant site Shak as well yeah lot of people saying Ben Benfica and H Spen Lisbon a lot of people fan saying a trip to Lisbon I think that that the stadio N now is soon closing down isn't it so a lot of people saying lesbon could be a fun one if we manage that yeah just as I was saying there spart not spart H sha they're playing gon Kirin as well so that'd be another good Germany trap um Aston Villa Homer Away really I wouldn't mind going down to V park I think V Park would be a tremendous occasion you know if you're Wan a Battle of Britain and away from home then it would be Aston Villa at V Park even just talking about it it gets you excited you know you're this is the point where you can speculate while you wait for the draw to actually happen once it's there you know what's happening and you know you know the way the schedule's going to be a mixture of the two a mixture of glamor TI and winable games would be great for me um the more winable games the better um but I don't think you can get an easy draw in these because I think the way it'll work itself out if you maybe get a favorable draw in Port one or Port two then you maybe find one of the harder ones in pop three but for coefficients a crazy thing fact that Celtic are a pop three team is quite crazy as well it shows that the expansion of the Champions League because there's teams that have maybe tasting this for maybe only the first or second time in their history which which is great to see you know the likes of Jona I'd like someone out of the box as well you know just like a St grats or something you know to go on a different trip you know we've been I mean I've not personally been to Barcelona and Milan in that but Celtic have and it'd be good to get different names and new sort of memories to to talk about against different teams so yeah it's a really exciting moment but regardless of who get who they get there'll be four really exciting away traps to happen in four massive nights at Celtic Park uh Martin say Liverpool in transition I feel would be good jzo is asking about the Champions League money breakdown hazo I would love to explain it um I'd need to do my research for that bit and it would probably take about 20 minutes and but we can maybe do that at at some stage I know that the money is definitely up this year and I reckon I think I worked it out that if we do semi decent in the tournament if you bring everything into the equation including ticket sales could be looking at somewhere near 50 million um which is is obviously a hell of a lot of money more matches there Thomas doesn't want Aston Villa says he would not look out at place in pop one or two Maestro wants Barca not had barca in a few years have we 2017 yeah was it was it 2016 2017 we get two years in a row um yeah so because they they beat probably the best to get especially at home I would say now is the chance to get them because they're a team with a lot going on off the park um as well as on it I know they've just signed Danny Elmo and he had a really good debut for Barcelona so that's a good signing they've spent lots of money to get him but they took ages to even register him so it shows you kind of what's going on behind the scenes financially with the club but Celtic Barcelona it's got history behind it Celtic that famous night and back in 2012 it'd be good to relive something like that and really I think we've seen the blueprint of the champ iions league with that Atletico Madrid game particularly in the first half of that Atletico Madrid game when Celtic came off at half time with that road of the crowd because you knew that they'd went right up against samon's Atletico Madrid that's what you want to do you want to bloody the nose of all of these European Giants and really give them a fright especially at Celtic Park make it a fortress and um get some results as well make it a 90-minute performance and get those all important results 10 points is the aim yeah I think I'm kind of looking at uh the the question is always like do you want glamour or do you want a chance of getting results and for me there's a few glamour matches in there that would also be maybe slightly more forgiven than some of the other teams like I I don't really fancy Real Madrid M we've done there man city I just I just Man City are just probably too good and also it's not really a game that would get you massively excited they not a kind of old a historic Club brucia Dortmund 100% would love that Inter Milan would love that um they'd be my too I think from Port one because you know glamorous huge clubs huge history but also maybe just not quite I mean Inter Milan are pretty good and so are Dortmund but not quite I mean Dortmund were Runners up last year I'm realizing but no maybe not quite at that um at that you know Real Madrid Man City level terms of Po two uh I mean you fancy something a little bit different in there someone like Atalanta potentially um you know b l I'm not sure I'd fancy them at the moment Arsenal I don't think I would I think Benfica would be a fun one uh pot three you're kind of looking to avoid teams we played recently aren't you see you wouldn't really fancy fer again um young boys could be a decent one in there um I know they've qualified I don't think they're doing particularly well in the Swiss league so that that could be a a potentially a good one to get um Le there played them a few years ago and then pot four uh I think pot four you're looking for the best chance of getting some results and you know yeah ason Villa are obviously a tremendous team stutgart bologna Jona did well in big leagues last season but you look at like slova and Bratislava that those are teams we should definitely be able to compete with slova and Bratislava Sparta prag Sturm Gratz sad Brea um you know i' maybe fancy one of them give us a real opportunity to get some points um yeah I I can't wait for it just uh very brief H Ryan how the draw worked today um the UFA the draw is mainly going to be done um it's going to be mainly automated almost entirely automated so UEFA will start with the pop one teams so all nine balls will be in the the we tub they use uh someone will pick out one of the balls say that first team comes out as Real Madrid uh a button I think will then be pressed and you see all eight of Real Madrid's fixtures coming up on screen not necessarily an order and we won't get the dates until Saturday um but as much as we have partt three and we'll have to wait until partt three for Celtics ball to be pulled out will have to be switched on throughout the draw because our fixtures could come up from other teams so if you get what I mean like Real Madrid's fixtures could come up and it's like Celtic at home and then suddenly we we'll be like oh yeah we've got Real Madrid away obviously and so we'll know four of our fixtures by the time our ball comes out and then obviously we'll know the Fate when that magic but button is pressed yeah we can have beef with that magic button if we get a less favorable draw AR we that's going to be the new the new sort of folk devil to to worry about for Celtic um I'm just looking forward to it looking forward to being it's great that Celtic are involved in it and it really does pay off all the hard work that Celtic did last season to to get the title and to win the title to be in there without needing to negotiate any qualifiers which coincidentally is probably the reason why there's so many of these signings yet to be done because they've taking the foot off the Gass ever so slightly because you don't need them for going into the champions league if they're going there automatically and they don't need to worry about that until the middle of September just I always look forward to the draw I would always watch the draw regardless if Celtic were in it or not I did watch it in the years that they they were qualifying for Europa League but that's exciting looking forward to seeing if to see who Celtic get to see where will we will be going where we'll be traveling and what teams Celtic will be welcomeing to to Celtic Park um I just think it's a really exciting time to be a Celtic supporter get those transfers done one against strangers and get a favorable draw it could be a really tremendous week if everything goes to plan yeah it's going to be uh it's going to be some afternoon H 5:00 P p.m as I say it will get underway Celtic Part Time right I'm happy to to head off Ryan unless there's anything else I think that's absolutely everything thank you very much to everybody that that joined us this morning I know it was a bit of an earlier show if you want to support us just a little bit more though please support our work by joining our YouTube memb channel 22.99 per month and you'll receive early video access that means you'll get early access to my analysis videos Tony's podcast with Kevin McKenna as well as other videos that we'll do over the coming days um you'll get priority comments and exclusive members chat function so and he's been silenced yet again great way to finish um yeah fabulous still silenced we're going ahead everyone uh enjoy the rest of your day enjoy the draw enjoy Celtics s in three players by this time tomorrow certainly not going to happen we'll be back this time tomorrow on Deadline day to to do this all again so thanks very much chat to you all soon

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St Mirren 0-3 Celtic REACTION: Rodgers' side prevails in Paisley as visitors breeze past the Buddies

Category: Sports

Good evening everybody and welcome back to the celtic way youtube page x page and facebook page as well my name is ry mcginley today i'm delighted or tonight rather i'm delighted to be joined by tony hagerty who i was with at the game this afternoon little bit of a belated show this evening but we thought... Read more

As the transfer deadline approaches, can Celtic tie down Auston Trusty to a permanent deal? thumbnail
As the transfer deadline approaches, can Celtic tie down Auston Trusty to a permanent deal?

Category: Sports

Good morning everyone it's a tuesday morning and this is the morning briefing from the celtic way with hh tony and h we've got kevin back on as well by far the the greatest reunion today that's been announced guys definitely tops anything else that's been announced was i not on last week it's a reunion... Read more

As Valle swaps Spain for Scotland, will Engels be next to join Celtic's transfer revolution? thumbnail
As Valle swaps Spain for Scotland, will Engels be next to join Celtic's transfer revolution?

Category: Sports

Hello everyone how are we doing middle of the week wednesday celtic way morning briefing all of that's irrelevant guys the big news we've signed a left back and it took no time at all no time at all we got it done quickly we certainly didn't waste three or four transfer windows not signing a left back... Read more


Category: Sports

Hello passionate saltic fc fans this is saltic central news your exclusive source for saltic updates before we kick off we appreciate the incredible support if you love saltic subscribe now hit like and let's build this community together now onto the latest news a warm welcome to new subscribers your... Read more

£10M BID FOR ARNE ENGELS & BOGUSZ DEAL OFF? | Celtic Transfer Update thumbnail
£10M BID FOR ARNE ENGELS & BOGUSZ DEAL OFF? | Celtic Transfer Update

Category: Sports

It's time for wednesday's transfer update if you're enjoying the more regular transfer content please make sure to click subscribe below almost 5,000 of you that watched yesterday's video weren't subscribed so please log in and click the red subscribe button below let's go what's happening folks welcome... Read more

Celtic 3-0 Rangers | 'EMPHATIC!' | Full-Time Reaction thumbnail
Celtic 3-0 Rangers | 'EMPHATIC!' | Full-Time Reaction

Category: Sports

What's happening folks welcome back to celtic fans tv it's fil time reaction to celtic 3 rangers n i've got darren and martin with me to celebrate another derby victory martin would you make of that this afternoon i was very impressed i felt good coming in i didn't feel nerves i think you guys normally... Read more


Category: Sports

Hail hail urgent news for celtic fans breaking news just came out this afternoon we're thrilled with another celtic triumph over our regular rivals but we need to talk about something important this news is causing a stir online just wait until you hear what manager brendan rogers said after the match... Read more


Category: Sports

Hello passionate saltic fc fans this is saltic central news your exclusive source for saltic updates before we kick off we appreciate the incredible support if you love celtic subscribe now hit like and let's build this community together now onto the latest news a warm welcome to new subscribers your... Read more

Celtic OFFICIALLY Overtake Rangers! thumbnail
Celtic OFFICIALLY Overtake Rangers!

Category: Sports

It's old firm week and i'm having a little bit of a mad one in the leadup to the game on sunday hence why i'm doing my intro on the windy top deck of the european highlander heading to l for what is one of the most historic football matches possibly in the history of northern irish football but my old... Read more

Would signing Lawrence Shankland have won Rangers the league? | The Football Show thumbnail
Would signing Lawrence Shankland have won Rangers the league? | The Football Show

Category: Sports

Intro the football show welcome to the football show on plz soccer youtube channel i'm peter martin alan rley mccullock and tam mcmanis all here with me as the premiership season comes to a close celtic are the champions and we'll look back at how all the others faed on the final day of the season and... Read more


Category: Sports

Hail hail hello celtic supporter check out this great news that has just arrived here at celtic park a journalist has just released some very good news for brendan rogers and it's just landed here at celtic park i'm bringing it to you now i'll share all the details of this big news but first make sure... Read more