As the transfer deadline approaches, can Celtic tie down Auston Trusty to a permanent deal?

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:40:10 Category: Sports

Trending searches: auston trusty
good morning everyone it's a Tuesday morning and this is the morning briefing from the Celtic way with HH Tony and H we've got Kevin back on as well by far the the greatest reunion today that's been announced guys definitely tops anything else that's been announced was I not on last week it's a reunion a reunion of sorts Kevin it's good to have you back on how are you getting on hi yeah buz after that great start to the season but you know I mean honestly see this see this week every bleeding season it's like waiting for your exam results isn't it I mean what disappointment or joy in an envelope know it's just you know we're kind of I mean i' got canel plans for Friday night I'm just going to sit in with a takeaway and watch the the the the Sky Sports ticker go down I'll be on the phone to various people what have you heard you know you'll be tuning in to the Celtic way we'll probably do a a special 9 to 11 me me think that good that let you know more about that I mean honestly see you get older you think that you know the kind of passion will just it just diminish a bit and you'll just do what normal people do and then this this comes around every year and you're going oh you know you know there's more important things and you know people are telling you um you need to get your life in perspective and I'm thinking you know that ship sailed a while ago it's if it hasn't happened by now it's not going to happen and I'm still here hanging on end of the week who are we going to get zero dear we've been linked with some players at least that's a that's an improvement the champion where the Champions have been linked to players we are we are and I made that point yesterday because Ryan was very very excited with the players have been linked with yesterday I made the point I said let's just hold on to excitement until we actually H announce players uh no one's been announced yet Tony uh we're still in the same place with the Alex VA or yeah via is that what we're going with the dou L is a silent Y in Spain yeah somebody said Val it's going to be one of these 10 different we can have the heading how green was my valley that's that's a definitely a Celtic D reference that was a film HH back in the day I believe yes thank you thank you Tony no problem at I'll keep you right I threw on a Mr Ben reference yesterday and I was getting Herr some people who are as old as me say brilliant he just like he and just like what are you talking you yeah but hey is what it is so what was the was the chat on V oh there's Ryan telling us how to say it what a guy Oh wrong one oh that is we put that on the screen as well G's always Tony I want to personally thank you and Ryan for taking the time out your busy schedule on Sunday to speak to you all the best going forward as this pod has every success how was your chat with graham great lad came up and introduced himself spoke away terrific he was a we bit down his team were well and truly beaten but he just said beaten by a quality side so and he he he he reckons that they needed a goal scorer because they were pretty Toothless and punchless up front which you couldn't yeah I could disagree with you know so but I guess s man's season not going hinge on the Celtic games is it but yeah no terrific was good to meet him and yeah spent a we we well spent a few minutes chatting away to him because he's been very good for us and he's always bigging up the the podcast so thank you for that game pleasure to meet you as well sir yeah great stuff uh right there is loads of transfer stuff to chat about first of all just we we brushed over the weekend completely yesterday so so guys if there's anything burning any burning issues from the weekend anything you you want to get off your chest good probably good maybe bad uh from from Sunday's performance anything in particular h i was um probably like a lot of other people I was looking at the performance of Bernardo was good and I thought he was really good yeah um and he just he just kept things ticking a lot nice intricate um we passes here and there linking up well with McGregor um McGregor I've got to say I mean I know he's been brilliant um almost every season since he broke in but I mean he looks as if he's been given a new lease of life doesn't he with um was stepping back from the Scotland Scotland Squad and also you can see that little tweet at mcgreg sorry that Brendon Rogers has made which you you guys mention mentioned this uh a couple of times last season but he's playing he's playing a bit a little bit more forward than he was I think you know I think I'm writing saying this under an you know he's he's just getting into those positions where he can use that sweet left foot because his um when he gets a hold of a foot football you know nobody nobody strikes it you know aesthetically nobody strikes it better in Scotland and see when he does and it just Zips in you know with very little backlift it's um it's a joy and he's getting in and around those those areas maybe maybe you know maybe 5 10 yards uh further forward than he was playing under Ranch yeah I've thought for a while that you know McGregor should shoot more because he's he's a very good technician and it's something that goes under the radar quite a lot because he's become this huge figure for us in this Captain but he's a really good footballer with his his passing and his um and his shooting for whatever reason Tony the last couple of H away matches last couple of league matches he's thought I'm going to hit it cuz maybe maybe a lot of the time that that one early in the game in Sunday does pass that but maybe he had the goal a couple of weeks prior in his mind and thought yeah I'm going to hit it and would' like that again on Sunday if he fancies it I asked him if it was the yellow Jersey that made him do you know so just you change of C they kind of laughed but in all seriousness I was asking him about his forum and the fact that he had scored to how you know and you'd be hard pushed I mean he's he's got two go the season contenders one leaving out of August they they as sweet strike as you see the one HS in particular the one e is ter looking at Sunday that leaves his Bo there's only one place that's G and you know sweet sweet as a nut as you say Kevin and he has he has got that and he's locker and I think H he's clearly been encouraged to do that more hasn't he yeah we we lost our 37 goal contribution last season from mat just there from last season so mat's gone through that was 19 goals 18 assists managers clearly said to him there's no reason stopping you from doing that whenever you get near that Target you you know you you're as accurate as anybody and we have seen it many times in callum's career with Cel when he when he connects with a ball it's as sweet as you see him when he gets on target it usually goes in you know I remember the the last minute go up P remember when he dug sh that was yeah that was and SP UT bedin S stand and homes yeah and you know he and that's that's why that's the value of having him pushed further forward and I know he's been excellent in the number six but to me he's an attacking M Fielder and he has a poent weapon when he goes forward and from 20 25 30 yards range he can hit a ball and will be T you if you give him that space because he will exploit it because as hear me said there he has a technician and he's very gifted and still still some people don't are underrate car McGregor for that don't give him thee respect that he he's you know that he's worth and teams I think Taylor Taylor's been excellent as well he he was uh I was very impressed well I've been very impressed with him in every game he's um I I I don't want to see he stepped up because that suggests that uh he he was um underperforming which which he never had has you know uh Greg Taylor is's just um but he's just I think he's one of those players who every I mean every season he seems to add something you know that he's playing with more confidence um he runs I mean his energy is just great and he's a big reason why we we can play with um a bit more expansiveness in the Midfield just because he's he's was up and down and I I mean again I don't know if it's my imagination but I think I think his distribution is is getting sharper because that was one criticism that I'd had of him that quite often especially under pressure when the ball needed to move mov quickly his distribution could be a bit of suspect but um I think he sharpened that up I it's going to be interesting to see how Alex v comes in and uh I think what V is not going to start this Sunday obviously it's going to be Greg Taylor but after that how does Brandon Rogers view this um I mean I I know the previous manager anre poog changed the fullbacks quite often you would get bernabe starting a fair bit or Rous would start a lot of games and I wonder if that's what we'll see going forward but I'd love to know with Brandon Rogers who who he kind of thinks is his number one left back moving forward uh few people pointing out the referee has been announced for the Derby on Sunday John Beaton uh the referee once again he seems to get all the derbies at the moment Andrew Dallas is on V uh so yeah that's uh that's Sunday um I'm sure we we'll talk about that plenty more before then um yeah you were made I think there's Scotland Squad announced today guys as well C McGregor won't be in it h so he he'll obviously get his break after the the Derby at the weekend I noticed Matt O'Reilly had been called up for Denmark which just kind of H I don't know why that that frustrates me cuz obviously the DM manag just come up with Squad before he knew was moving on but the minute or gets his move and he's called up H for Denmark it just uh yeah H Casper schmeel obviously called up for Denmark as well right let's talk transfers where are we uh lagab belel has moved on guys he's gone out on uh loone to 20 in erid Dey so uh the chat Tony is that lagab moving on will allow us now to go out and sign a center back not quite sure why that had to be the case but it is H and Austin trusty is the guy apparently we're after we've made a I think A5 million pound bid I read just earlier today so he seems like the guy yeah Championship player slapped on a 5 million pound bed you know what happens now don't you gets rejected and we do the dance until we in a pinball Style ding ding ding ding ding and hit the figure so the same with ad it's what Celtic do isn't it and uh if we the manager says he understands the markets and he he should know the championship players H don't move for 5 million quid or very seldom move for 5 million quid so we shall see but I I think clearly that's the man what there seems to be some plan with that one as well though with trusted because he's a an American International he'd be playing alongside Cameron C the Vickers you can see the kind of you're connecting dots there and seeing that would be a good idea hopefully he's comp patri there helping them settle in all that kind of stuff so if that's the man they want then go and do the deal don't be well they have to go and do the deal because timeing time is of the essence bottom line spoke about it yesterday so er one of the commenters I think said you know all of Monday and nothing you know it can't be all of Tuesday and nothing because then you are up against it and then you were reading last night that about Anna Enos the midfielder urg midfielder Belgium they were saying initially asberg were W between 8 and 10 million then all of a sudden that figur that h jumped up from 12 to 15 because they don't need to sell but they know Celtic need to buy so and I think that was the kind of situation that Rogers was alluding to I think so on Sunday after St M we shouldn't be in this situation we shouldn't be in this predicament but we are said we we don't need to manufacture our own stress our own stress and I think that was the kind of stress that he was talking about this low balling for players in the last four days of the window and then having to go high ball eventually so we shall see what happens but as Kevin said we are we are gold medal Olympic linkers with players aren't we gold medalists at that yeah being linked with players need to try and get a few over the line as they say the the general consensus Kevin seems to be that people aren't a fan of H on of trusty but I guess camon car Vickers didn't have a great reputation before we sent him either yeah it's um you just again the thing that frustrates me and I wish our fans would make their voices much better heard about this is there I can't there's just not not a Cella of information explanation of the the process um you know I just I just cannot think of any other business where you want the fans to pay I let's face it a whack of money for the privilege of watching this this club investing in them and and then you said but but H you're just going to take what you get we're not even explain anything nothing there's no no exp I mean I saw that video footage on social media of of Peter lwell getting um getting stopped getting a little you a little bit of uh abuse no what it wasn't abuse it wasn't abuse just some tough questioning shall we say on parliamentary language but that Celtic fan um at the weekend and you know there was all the usual comments this is a disgrace he shouldn't be treated like this you know he should be able to kind of come and go to his job and I and I get that I get that but see in return I I think Celtic are morally bound you know in a situation like this where they know the entire fan base and and and the Celtic fans these days are much more um they're much more articulate they're much more a ahead of what's Happening they're much more sophisticated in their support and the knowledge of football and the processes and other players and other clubs in the markets than than in my you know you know 30 OD years ago I'm not saying that they're they're more intelligent it's just that they're they're much more across of of how these things happen and we you know the fans have just continually held in contempt by the board yeah we know you're been through this we know we you know we've got a lot of money we know there's a a Celtic Rangers game happening in Sunday uh we know that you know the squad unbelievably at this moment in time is weaker than it was this time last year but we're still telling you nothing and and see when you open your mouth and let your you know vent your frustration you shouldn't be doing that well give us give us something in return just just just give us a and Brandon Rogers and I suppose Brandon Rogers could say you know what seeing the last two weeks we put in bids for these three players two of whom we have actually been tracking for several months but it can get a bit complex because youve get multiple agents you don't just have one agent um you have to make sure you don't alert other clubs you know to the fact that you show an interest but there's but there's nothing because you know that Brendan Rogers can't go into too much detail because he then gets a call from lawell or nich Nicholson saying you know you're telling too much too many tales out of school here I mean am I am I wrong or is that is am I am I being naive here is that just the way that clubs clubs always all over the world treat them fans with that contempt am I na even and expecting just a little bit more information or or or an explanation because I might be I might be yeah I think for for me personally at the very least I want ambition from the club and I want the club to be to be matching the ambition of the support the support who plow more money than ever before into the club and the support they're going to be asked once again in uh probably a week's time or two weeks time to part with the best part of 200s each for a a four match Champions League package when we don't necessarily know or or believe that the squad is going to be in a stronger place than it was at the the start of the window um that's the thing I really want from the I want to see that ambition to be honest I'm I'm kind of maybe over the last few days starting to see it a little bit with some of the players we been linked with but as we said earlier it's a finalized deals I'm interested in I'm not just interested in in uh in links Tony yeah we said that all along the managers as ambitious as him and I think he spoke on Sunday and he kind of laid it bear we bit and gave you you know he even had that joke didn't he when the guy's phone went off he was like is that Michael tell him to shut up as he was referring to himself because he he probably did feel that he' imparted a fair bit of information and that you know when he was talking on Sunday and he did and and he did that because I think he's always cognizing of the fact that Brennan's a fan as well and he is representing Celtic at the highest level I the manager and he carries the hopes and dreams of ay and thousands and millions of people around the world who support this football club so he he's not stupid that way but he's always you know he's always aware of the responsibility and the duty that he has and he does try and I think the manager tries to spell it out Kevin and tell posts it a lot of the time and I've said before sometimes he's cryptic other times he's bang this is how it is so I I think he's I think he's very aware of that exalted position that he holds and gives you some information and I think Sunday was one of those days the week before when he spoke about ER the ticket stuff and the Banning of supporters he he gave you his thoughts on it that it wasn't a you know this wasn't a Celtic think Celtic were been unale dragged into it this is a Rangers thing so I think he's I think he's a very aware and of what the fans want he's got his ear to the ground that way in terms of what the what's what's iring the supporters you know and and they will always be Ed by those at the top and the supposed in Airship during transfer windows but it's been like this for years and years and uh and that's how the frustration grown and I think the manager over the past couple of times he's spoken to the media I think he did very well to quell fans frustrations as much as he can and tell them as much as they can he's always asked a number how many players do you have a number in mind and he says yes and and then because the very thing he says is if I say five and we get three in it's a stick you're going to use to beat him with you you said you would get five players in so have you failed in the window that kind of stuff so he's he's he's very he very bright he knows what he's doing so but like heish I think we're all excited with the links that we've had over the past couple of days but just get deals done the clock's ticking we need players in because M's left and that's is significantly weakened us hasn't it do you think do you think Hees that we're that that because we we play this brinkmanship that that we end up paying slightly over the odds with players because um other clubs exploit our desperate need and the pressure um by our fans I've I've often wondered this you know on one hand you know the club will will go to the the max because they'll say we're not just paying out money in a panic you know we don't want to just pay out money in a panic and pay over the odds for players we don't think are worth it but on the other hand I just wonder if sometimes we're at risk of doing that um because other clubs uh just sense sense of desperation I you you know because I just uh if I was a Sailing Club I'd be like you know what stick another not in that stick another a couple of hundred grand in that sorry another two or three million in that this mob are desperate have you seen the papers have we seen into the the the social media their fans are absolutely going mental let's just stick in a look two or three million on that yeah I mean Rogers was asked about that you know is it a case of just paying a little bit more and he was also asked do does the fact that I think it's something C McGregor even maybe mentioned on Friday the fact that we have so much money and that's such a a public thing people other clubs will be aware of that they don't need to look far to realize that Celtic have a lot of money at the moment that maybe adds to it as well my big frustration this this window might turn out all right it might if we end up signing these four players it's a big big f um but it might we might end up with a decent enough Squad here if we sign some of the players been linked with but that doesn't take away from me the fact that this window has been extremely frustrating as a fan because everything has taken so long and it maybe it is easy as fans and simplistic to look at it and look at the Adida situation but you do view it and we ended up paying 8 and 1/2 to 92 million for the anyway so why wasn't that done earlier in the window um I know there might have been complications about the norch manager wanting to take a look at him and all of that kind of stuff but like you just get the impression that Celtic weren't Keen enough to get these players in early and I guess as a result we have Adida probably looking a little bit Rusty at the weekend um you know poo Bernardo could have been in weeks in advance we kind of got away with the Casper Michel stuff a bit I feel like that could may have been done a little bit earlier even though he was at the euros and certainly the left back and Center back stuff as I say we we might end up with decent players in those positions but we should not be going into the final 3 days of the window still not having officially signed a left back or a center back and needing two Center mids as well and we're not imagining it as fans that's the thing we're not imagining it because brandan Rogers literally said on Sunday uh Tony that you know it's um it's not been good enough yeah of course you did to let you know that he's not happy and the dot dot dot on that was that that recruitment those recruitment people who are in the Recruitment and he said they've been working tirelessly but that's getting ripped up because it's not going to happen again in another window on brandan Rogers watch that's the first thing that's going to get addressed soon as this window shuts who's doing the recuitment and getting you know need to conduct you and I Kevin and Ryan sat in this podcast over the summer and said Celtic would pay 8 million quid or thereabouts for Adida we said that we said that after the Cup Final that that's that's what it would be so how could they go in as low as 4 and a half originally and then it take forever to get to 8 and a half I mean I ain't no business negotiator but you could see from a long way off again it's a championship player so if we're going to relate this to trusty get in at 5 million that ain't happening is it yeah and you rightfully said there Kevin clubs are sensing self te desperation and need to get players on the door so it's human nature to say you want them you're going to pay for them well everybody knows around the globe that the champ English Championship is the is the second most lucrative league in the world yeah let's face it it just is you know the decider for that title at the end of the season um gets gets the richest spot in club football you know it's it's it's the single most valuable game it's a you know it's a very very um it's an intense Market I mean I I'll take you back to so in 1987 88 before our centinary season Celtic clearly needed to spend money because Rangers had won the title the year before it was the beginning of the soon soonest Revolution and this was our Centenary year so within two weeks we've bought Mick McCarthy Chris Morris Andy Walker and Billy Stark and because we bought those players uh we w we won the title and we won it comfortably however three games into the season we're playing that title defending Rangers team you know with gra sunis and all the big English players at parked and and Billy mcne was a manager obviously thinking you know we've got Rangers you know a very very good Rangers team three games in we need those players um to to have had a preseason training you know because if we'd only been able to sign them just a few days before the game they wouldn't have been fit enough to play he's not going to throw them in against Rangers and I think there's a degree of complacency here we've got Rangers on Saturday you know that Rangers haven't had their troubles to seek they look a bit rid Celtic had a great start to the season we beat them in a cup final last season um you know we don't really need to worry as much about Rangers as we used to oh is that right i' I've seen us and them over the years trip up because of just such complacency you know one takes the other uh one's too complacent about the other just because of results of performances are off par problems the T take their eye off the ball and and there's a defeat now I think Celtic with the existing Squad should beat Rangers but this is one of four defining games in the season so this is 25% of our most important um run of pictures at at the very least our fourth most important game of the season and we're going into it with a squad that is weaker than it was 12 months ago that that's unforgivable at this moment time Kevin but it could change by Friday it could get B but if we get those players in by Friday they're not going to be playing against Rangers yeah that's true yeah that's what he to yeah that's that's the whole point it's unbelievable and and also like V he's has he made a stat has he actually played for Barcelona's Senior Team not competitively no so so we're playing you I don't care what club he's playing for so so we're basically seriously considering a young player who hasn't made a single senior appearance for his parent Club um and we and and we're going into the champions league and we may actually be up against his P Club I mean obviously wouldn't be able to play but he can apparently Ryan was saying he could play yeah yeah he can that that then adds to the Ridiculousness so it why why are celtica champions league team going to this you know having known that that that position needs strengthening or or at least competition for it buying another clubs un completely untested uh footballer it's it's it's amateurish it's not you're talking about ambition um heish and and Tony that to me doesn't show ambition that that's an embarrassment and also I think it's an insult to Greg Taylor if I was Greg Taylor I'd be insulted by that so so you know I know that I need a bit more competition for this and you're bringing in a kid who hasn't actually played you know a competitive first team game is that what you think of this position I'm not even sure I'm not even sure and I I need to find out more about V when we we see him but I'm not even sure he will be coming in as as first spe correct yeah I think Greg Taylor will be our Center back hope not I think GRE will be our left back our life back in the Champions League there you go I think he'll be our starting life back in the champion League um and I think the jy's out whether Liam scales will be a starting center back listen Greg Taylor and Liam scales like it it sounds like I'm been really critical cuz I love these guys and I think they' both been really good they're both they're both winners um but you know I think questions about recruitment have to be asked there generally um and I mean going off a few comments here that the trusty stuff's interesting a lot of people not a lot of people a few people saying they've watched them play and don't rate Austin trusty we we'll have to wait and see um odson Edward was mentioned as well Tony yesterday Dennis asking her thoughts on that that's not going to happen though is it the only way I could see that happen is if kyogo was to leave cuz Rogers already said he doesn't want three number one Strikers and that can't work not good fori the only way would come back is if K goes for the off straight off the bat and I think ironically you you look at kyogo since Rogers came in and he said a good start to the season but he hasn't scored but lots of people say went off the boil and and there's other people saying that in Roger system probably would bit more suited to it but he's not here and ER I don't and we don't think kyo's leaving there was that man city speculation and gossip to dismissed it as so I think odson Edwards unnown starter he's on a hefty wedge Crystal Palace as well to all intents and purposes but you know and lots of people still have this feeling about Odon Edward that as a player he down tools before he left but he was still the top goal scorer when yeah I struggle with that as well and I don't it's quite a common view though Tony very VI yeah and but no football are Downs tools they just don't do it I just can't uh I just can't see that and but as you say it's a very common view and I struggle to get my head around that and that that's that attitude to wordss odson Ed from Cel supporters is very prevalent you know great player for us a fantastic and I know I know why people think that is because of that Miss at hbrooks yeah in the last game before before heed left but that wasn't him down in tools that was that was just a very unfortunate Bobble of the ball yeah I know they should have put it in the back of the net but you Odon Edwards scored brilliant goals for us against Rangers team than him in the co season it was the team that were awful in the co season Edward was poor generally in the co season as well but I just I don't understand it I don't want him back I want to say I don't want them back I think he has his time and we we move on but I just don't get the the people seem like genuinely really angry about OD Edward and I just I struggled with I thought he was a great player for us he's a club's record signing yeah in terms of a transfer Fe and and remains that and he remains one of the best players that we've been privileged to watch one of the best goal scorer certainly gu had a lot of technical ability and scored some fantastic goals ER and the one that Springs to mind is the goal at hbrooks which let a lot of what's still going on the Fallout from that is still happening today yeah but that goal in particular for me was the pass that made that from denell just abely but the minute he opens up his body you know where that's going and few players could have dispatched that with 10 men at I Brooks knowing it was going to be probably your only chance to win that football match and Tin Edward did that so I I think it's highly unlikely that he'll come back but it's certainly something that's been muted and again another link yeah yeah someone was um Martin was wondering why we're talking about Edward there was a link yesterday Martin to odds and Edward that's why we're we're talking about him but I agree with you Martin it's it's not one that I think is going to happen at all uh but we're keeping an eye on Anie Engles mat bogit say going away seems like Austin trusty is the center back were after and obviously Alex v will be the left back maybe announced today guys possibly um that would be four players two midfielder Center back left back would we be happy with that at the end of the window given given how it's gone would that be a result Kevin um yeah yeah I suppose so um but I I I think the the Celtic fans were expecting maybe maybe one just the one statement signing you know one who is instantly recognized and I know these these people cost money we've got money and and I've I just would have thought that you know are we we now just a club who will never ever be in a position to to sign an already kind of up and ready big name player or recognizable player um but look if they got all them it means that all the positions that we've been talking about for the last 12 months have been looked at and they're now covered whether they're strengthened remains to be seen okay well uh we'll keep an eye on it then guys I'm sure it'll be a busy day and we've got the Champions League draw on Thursday as well so we can maybe speak a bit about that tomorrow we've got the Derby at the weekend uh and I'm sure there'll be loads of transfer stuff tomorrow as well so we'll head off for now thanks guys once again for for coming on and sharing your thoughts in Celtic thanks to you all the nearly 1500 of you watching live the many more thousands who watch after the event H appreciate you watching comen can I just say if you look along the stat line guys you can support our work more by becoming a YouTube member and joining the channel for just 2.99 per month and that way you can receive early video access you get priority comments and exclusive membership chat function for $2.99 a month guys it's our YouTube members channel so you fancy being a part of that we would be very grateful and you can help support the work that we do more so thank you for that and thanks to people who have taken that that offer up good to see you yeah great stuff just quietly well was just asking about Louis Palmer any update on Palmer as he going out on loan the chat I read last night from I can't remember exactly what Outlet it was uh saying that we want to sign a Winger apparently that's why Ison had been mentioned I know bogs can play in the wing so Rogers wants to sign a Winger the chat is if we get a Winger in Lewis Palmer could be allowed to leave which was a we bit of a surprise for me in a way uh I'm not as biggest fan to be honest but um I think it would still be interesting so that's another one to keep your eye on right everyone going to head off thanks for watching commenting Etc chat to you tomorrow

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Category: Sports

Hail hail hello celtic supporter check out this great news that has just arrived here at celtic park a journalist has just released some very good news for brendan rogers and it's just landed here at celtic park i'm bringing it to you now i'll share all the details of this big news but first make sure... Read more


Category: Sports

Hail hail urgent news for celtic fans breaking news just came out this afternoon we're thrilled with another celtic triumph over our regular rivals but we need to talk about something important this news is causing a stir online just wait until you hear what manager brendan rogers said after the match... Read more

£10M BID FOR ARNE ENGELS & BOGUSZ DEAL OFF? | Celtic Transfer Update thumbnail
£10M BID FOR ARNE ENGELS & BOGUSZ DEAL OFF? | Celtic Transfer Update

Category: Sports

It's time for wednesday's transfer update if you're enjoying the more regular transfer content please make sure to click subscribe below almost 5,000 of you that watched yesterday's video weren't subscribed so please log in and click the red subscribe button below let's go what's happening folks welcome... Read more

Celtic 3-0 Rangers | 'EMPHATIC!' | Full-Time Reaction thumbnail
Celtic 3-0 Rangers | 'EMPHATIC!' | Full-Time Reaction

Category: Sports

What's happening folks welcome back to celtic fans tv it's fil time reaction to celtic 3 rangers n i've got darren and martin with me to celebrate another derby victory martin would you make of that this afternoon i was very impressed i felt good coming in i didn't feel nerves i think you guys normally... Read more

Would signing Lawrence Shankland have won Rangers the league? | The Football Show thumbnail
Would signing Lawrence Shankland have won Rangers the league? | The Football Show

Category: Sports

Intro the football show welcome to the football show on plz soccer youtube channel i'm peter martin alan rley mccullock and tam mcmanis all here with me as the premiership season comes to a close celtic are the champions and we'll look back at how all the others faed on the final day of the season and... Read more


Category: Sports

Hello passionate saltic fc fans this is saltic central news your exclusive source for saltic updates before we kick off we appreciate the incredible support if you love celtic subscribe now hit like and let's build this community together now onto the latest news a warm welcome to new subscribers your... Read more


Category: Sports

Hello passionate saltic fc fans this is saltic central news your exclusive source for saltic updates before we kick off we appreciate the incredible support if you love saltic subscribe now hit like and let's build this community together now onto the latest news a warm welcome to new subscribers your... Read more