Triumph and disaster at St. Andrews, Playing-Captain Keegan & the club-toss test | The Shotgun Start

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 01:08:55 Category: Sports

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greetings and welcome to a Monday edition of the shotgun start it is August 26 Andy how we doing Brendon I'm doing great you know feels like a a victory Monday for me why well the ball frogs of course that's what you want you want the ball frogs playing their best golf in August when season starts in January I don't think that's what you want no we're we're fed you know the tgl is a PGA T her property this is what it's all about it's about playing playing golf Big Time golf in August when the playoffs hit who are the other ball frogs the ball frogs were all over the leaderboard Adam Scott Rory Rory oh yeah Rory and Adam Scott Mei H the trifecta here Hideki could be primed for for the 30th best uh uh season on the PGA tour could be primed for it I mean you got padrick Harrington player of the year on all three all multiple major tours finished not even getting to East Lake as our FedEx Cup fact of the day stated um don't last someone just tweeted one at us someone just tweeted one at us uh something about forgot that something about the sweds um apparently uh here's our FedEx Cup fact I can't find it ludvig aberer is something like the whatever swed to I have to find it someone tweeted it us PJ you can pull it up that'll be our FedEx Cup Factor the day just useless bits of info this is literally what their FedEx Cup Graphics are you know they have to do them all day every day and you just of the I think ours are better I think ours are more insightful half time I found it it's a a graphic that was on The Telecast today on Sky uh players from Sweden to qualify for the Tour Championship Henrik Stenson twice Carl Peterson twice hey you get the Swedish pancake we don't do pronunciations here this is hey I'm just I you were you even born when Pon was was uh I mean rampaging he made it in 2012 so I was I was a conscious human being then sure uh and Freddy Freddy Jacobson uh came in 29th 2011 he probably still has status of some sort I bet uh what what was that noron hasn't noren could have joined that list but he just completely kicked it down the stretch so there's been East Lake pressure right there ludvig will be the sixth uh Swede to ever play at East Lake there you go what a FedEx Cup fact SED sweds not not an illustrious history in the in Atlanta but you know they're they're building on it well they got a win Stenson W they have a FedEx Cup champion the Iceman they do have that I wonder how many has there been an English has there been an English FedEx yeah Rose Rory trying to leave International ones Rose Rory stenen would be the ones that come to mind um just look look at this FedEx Cup chat here at the here at the top so ballf frogs makeing a victory Monday for you people were popping me someone sent me some graphic apparently a bunch of Jupiter links just the DAR of representation nobody they had some graphic of all the players from every and the links just had Max I believe was our only represent I it's not where you want to be it's like DeShawn Watson I don't need him throwing I don't need him playing in August uh he's he doesn't play he's his arm soreness he never played and so like we just need my guys on the links going ready to rock andin Kevin kizner was on the broadcast there was a lot of Kevin kizner they were repres Jupiter link yeah he's a jup less I got to sort out my own roster I figured I didn't know if he was getting out of Camp was he still like playing I don't know all right nobody kizner and H yeah that's right that's right giving each other the needle so where should we start here on this Monday probably should start with the women's open at St Andrews I we got a lot of it we got a lot of a lot of the women's open in St Andrews thanks to the pace of play out there not good 40 minutes to play the fifth pole three hours to essentially make the turn uh bad in Tums again not you know it was getting a little dark there at the end you could see the lights on the hotels and the buildings around it was amazing when the sun blasted out though after that rain yeah and it just Just sh putt on the 18th that was cool cool it was really cool uh let's start there Lydia Co wins nine years after her last major championship her Majors were the craft Nabisco Ana whatever you want to call it Chevron deal and the Avon uh she's a Hall of Famer now in the last three weeks she's gone a gold medal and an Open Championship or women's open at uh St Andrews which feels fitting of her career uh it was a it was very slow very slow but I I I put it on about N9 o'clock as the leader started to go out those last two to three groups N9 Eastern that is and you know kind of slogged through it the whole day it was probably the best it it was it was more compelling to me I I enjoyed the BMW but it was much more compelling to me you had four number one world number ones current or or recent kind of battling conditions coming down the stretch you had you had Co Corda Vu shin and Ronnie y all all within a shot of the lead four tied and one one back and then like I thought what what also got didn't get kind of got buried a little bit the next best person on leaderboard was Janar like world class players like all all dominant players right at the top of the board and the old course Women's Champions now boast uh Stacy Lewis and Loreno Ooa Ooa and Co are Hall of Famer Stacy Lewis you know the I think she's won maybe close to 14 times sh's not even a Hall of Famer you know like she could have won third she could have won her third major she's not Hall ofer I I mean she's got to pick up the pace before we get into the Hall of Fame before we get her in the Hall of Fame she's brutal I they were two two and a half holes there coming down the stretch behind they finally like they're on the clock he like what do you mean they're on the clock they just took three hours to play nine holes now we're putting them on the clock uh coming back you know on 13 or whatever was when they decided to do it uh it was a great morning of golf um it felt felt appropriate that did Lydia win or did Nelly lose what would you say there should we say did did Nelly at the certain point was up two kind of coming home hit her first 10 Fairways gets up and down out of the stth at 11 uh and kind of feels like you know it's hers and she's a multi shot was a disaster bad double double green side and two walk away with a seven there not even a bad spot not a bad spot it wasn't like she got yeah yeah she had to go up the hill there great lie though great lie tons of green to work with tons of green behind the just I mean just uh just butchered the whole just complete I I don't know what I'm more offended by though I'm I think I'm more offended about the put on 17 and a lot of people are going to focus on Lily View's put on on 18 that was just was a dis just as bad yeah 17 Corda 17th putt was a disaster that was like a 10 her she left short I mean that's too and it's like not a hard punt like the greens are faster you got to get the you got to get the ball rolling yeah yeah sorry I've got sound going off my headphones some something just Auto played on me on a tab but yes it was um it was 17 was such a disgrace I don't think she I assume she didn't know made the bird she was like you got to go you got to make a run at it now you got to hole out from the Fairway on 18 TI one up one down no matter what the putt on 17 was awful horrible it actually offended me more than any shot she hit on 14 which was a complete disaster as well it was bad okay so it seems like you're Shing till she lost it terrible terrible stretch of golf like hour 90 minutes or so I would say for me the dichotomy the distinction there in about H about a 30 minute stretch was Nelly's chip on 14 and Lydia's chip on 16 and I was like there's your champion and there's like not the champion and I mean just the whole whole finish like think about the whole the Trap draw three wood into 17 fabulous and then 18 you know the wed shot on 18 versus Nelly hits it to 45 ft you know like every shot basically every shot coming down the stretch was better and I think for that like Co I I will say I think Lydia won the event because she yeah drastically outplayed it wasn't like she went out there and just parred her way in like she played great golf she ran into 17 in the worst conditions you know it was like the Shane Lowry 18 at Honda type thing where it's just like all a sudden pissing rain and she hits that like missile yeah that missile draw it you know it's not the Shane it's the complete opposite of the Shane Lowry at at Honda on 18 right the reverse where where she encountered the bad weather and overcame it with an unbelievable shot so I think like it's like it's hard to say that cordal I it's hard you can't say that Corda gave it to co because Lydia went out there and executed shots it wasn't like she just like it fell into her lap yeah I just wouldn't say like cut turn into come back home Nelly didn't really cover herself in glory there yeah but that doesn't mean Co didn't go and take it was was fabulous the one on honestly I know 17 had everybody jonesing but the Chip Shot on 16 was for me like the camera behind the ball the angle good angle like oh my God like what Li what do you do with this it's it's there goes it moves directions it's it's uphill and down it was just looked impossible to get close and then she leaves it whatever it was three or four feet um and then 18 you saw like pretty much everyone playing that hole scared to death of the valley right and just kind of kind of meekly throwing it back there or back right past the pin and and seemed like Co put hers a mile in the air and was kind of staring at it the whole time and then it that sat right on top of the pin and made the it wasn't a nothing putt I felt like Vu pushed it too close yeah well she hit the freaking Road and went rocketing up the way I know I know it's made it trickier that's like the thing is like that that hole is way I think just more fun hole when it's not like drivable like with the men like where they're worrying about driving it OB over the green on the running it through the green that that seems to be their biggest concern having to do that uh it was a great great Championship the the shots that you want uh I was thinking about it earlier a lot of focus on like Adam Scott this week and where he's at he doesn't seem to have like any real like haters or detractors or anything like that I feel the same Lydia Co for whatever reason for just seems like like class and I know we throw that around a lot and it just feels like she's this sort of ultimate class classy champion and I don't mean that in the most cliche I don't I don't have anything else to say about this person way there's sort of a there's a gravitas that seems to kind of sort of um I don't know car that that that kind of exudes out from her like in the way same way Adam Scott probably walks into her room or there's just like an extra level of respect you know she makes the Putt and like there's an exhale and like you know she's it's not this like let's run around the green there's a lot of golf to play and then you know you clearly get the meaning of something when it finally does when it's done and dusted and V misses short I it just for me it was like wow this is like an ultimate real like Champion that I think everyone kind of respects in a way I mean also it's the true fedom the true um Superstar the TR the absolute like incredible it's a you've watched her grow up like that's it's the best thing in sports is when you get to watch like the full maturation of an athlete and you grow up you watch them grow up and become like I think she's becoming her the best she you know she obviously had like some Growing Pains along the way and I think that makes her more fascinating she had some downturns in her game but all in all like I think like this is a once in a generation athlete this is one of the greatest women golfers we've ever seen and she's been that way now for what is it almost 15 years yeah it's pushing that 10 years 10 years 11 she won her first in 2012 and she was what like 14 I think won that yeah and I think like I I guess like this is and I I this is what made me feel like the rose yangang hype was a little silly at one point because Lydia Co is the example of the the type of player that completely changes the game and she she's been a part of this and I think women's golf with Lydia Co round has has astronomically increased in popularity um and she's a big reason why and like what you said she has a um a aura to her like she has a respect yes and and there's like a I think like I yeah I just I think this is this is a great win I I like am so happy that she got another major I also love like it kind of is another great Lynx golf story where you had a player that really disliked Links Golf I don't like Lynx she said yeah um and it's kind of like in the same vein as as Phil Mickelson learning how to play it and eventually getting this like great triumphant win later in the career I don't know how long Lydia Co is going to play professional golf but this win definitely is an exclamation mark on her career and you know who knows like it seems like she's playing as you know the last couple years have been weird it's been up and down a little bit with her but you know this year right now she's playing some of the best golf of her career uh the gold in adding this feels like befitting like beting her career sort of her place in the game sort of what she's meant and her prominence for a decade plus now so I think that it's feels like a summer that's been worthy I don't know how much longer she's going to play do you think that mattered there at the end that versus you get like the experience card thrown out a lot I'm just like I don't know hitting into 17 the chip the chip on 16 really all the way around she's kind of too behind lying and weight lying and wait um patience it felt like it yeah patience is definitely an experien thing understanding like you when to push it when not to push it and how to hang around is absolutely one but I I think she let's she hit great golf shots I I completely agree with you that chip on 16 like when you look at it from 16 on it was just a a master class in execution under extreme pressure and I think like I don't know I mean like do you know how how how much older Lydia Co is than Nelly Corda I I was going to say maybe like five years one really okay I mean it just shows you and I think like this is the thing that drives me a little bit crazy sometimes how we forget about stuff and how we get caught in the moment of different things but like doing it for 12 years as a as a LPGA Pro is like crazy longevity and you know if she plays a couple more three four five more years who knows like you're looking at one of the the the best careers ever and I think like that's the thing with with Nelly Nelly's 26 you know Lydia CO's 27 it's wild right right um what else do you have from the old course the pace of play was brutal coverage was fine I had no issues really with coverage right I mean yeah yeah the the crowd seemed a lot of people on the ground a lot of people said the crowds are bad like I don't know if that's a weather thing Scottish thing an interest thing what happened but there was allegedly like the crowds were much smaller than the Walker cup even last last year um and that's a different deal where you're out in the Fairway and stuff but uh crowds were limited pace of play was brutal but we got like perfect condition like Links golf with all the not all but most of the big guns a lot of number ones in the world coming in yeah I I mean I think watching the women play the old course was extraordinary just like you know where they had to land shots how the ball interacted with the turf was amazing um I think the coverage was I I think it's just where I always fall with women's golf coverage is that it it's disappointing um I think there I I'm not positive on this but it felt like there weren't a lot of cameras around uh there were just you know the cuts in between players is a lot slower which makes you feel like the pace of play is slower it just doesn't move as fast and then I think like the broadcast you have to be able to say that Lil vu's putt was awful one of the worst putts you've ever seen in a moment because it was it was nerves like I that doesn't exp it might have been nerves but it was downright awful and and this is the problem is like there there is not coverage of women's golf that's commiserate of like coverage of other sports it's like this it's like this idea that we have to like celebrate everything versus actually providing analysis and and and and covering it like any other sport would cover that if somebody double faulted away a major in tennis they wouldn't say that was nerves they'd say that was like a complete like you know you could say part ofly was nerves but it was also awful that putt on 18 was one of the worst putts I've ever seen in my life the put from on 17 was awful as well like not even CH not even sniffing the hole on either of those not even getting close to the hole in that moment with the level of play that you're playing is is a downright like awful Putt and the person in the booth has to be able to say that like they have to say that and she hit an OB coming in on the the prior day um I don't know she's the top top dog in the game this year uh but I think you got to put the microscope on them coming down the stretch they're number one players in the world you know the praise is going to be ample for someone like that it was a great a fabulous kind of Sunday watch I I got into it uh shout out quickly I mean just quick note not that they're like Lydia Co l w was great really kind of acquitted herself quite well obviously it's she's probably more familiar with Link's golf but still an amateur going to play the Curtis cup next week Alexa Pano um I know she's not like Yan but again the odds were probably against her to ever make it this far with the whole the Netflix documentary I don't know just two younger players in the mix with all these big guns I thought was impressive in a way L staying in school too she's clearly got enough game to be out there weekend oh yeah yeah yeah um yeah how about uh all all name team submission Monday Monday Monday Den or local qualified in this week from CR yeah Cassandra Alexander love this name Cassandra Alexander yeah lot going on there feels like it's duplicative almost in a way duplicative not a lot of syllable efficiency we're we're we're obviously huge fans of syllable efficiency like Tom Kim yeah you know Ben on any anything anything that's short we love that but I also love how complex and long this is and duplicative her husband he's a big beefy boy bodybuilder someone dropped his his Instagram account in our slack um Lexi's done apparently did did the wave over the swilken bridge well I'll believe that when I see it well yeah it's kind missed missed like a three fo retires in golf nobody retires in golf I I don't know what's going that like thing came out at laner like the Monday of the US Women's Open I I guess she's retiring I'm not sure she's going to play the solm cup I think she's going to get be a pick for that it probably should be I mean I'm not putting saying against that um it was weird like they were framing it maybe not as her last major but her last major at the old course it's like all right I don't know I but she was there in the last couple hours part of the coverage too so uh anything else on the Women's Open go ahead I I mean like I know Lexi's been around a long time I mean she's one one major yeah yeah been close kind it kind of was like like cutting to it it's like his alltime great going over the bridge she's been a pretty uh seismic significant figure in the game for like hold on though 15 years if they did this with like onetime major winner trying to think of a one-time major winner like if they did this with um I guess he didn't win a major but if like they did this with Steve Stricker who's been around for 25 years going over the bridge St Stricker is not like playing in Majors when he's 12 and on the cover of every magazine like I know that on paper she's been a significant figure for a long time I I've would make fun of it if they did this with padrick Harrington going over the bridge well they should do it with P what do you mean they should make fun of it I don't know that I would do that I mean I think about the others it's like tiger Watson Jack Nicholas like these are the people that you go and you cut to and they do the wave no I mean if it's your last open just go do it you could be anybody what if they did this with steuart sink going over the bridge they should he won the championship like I'm what are we gatekeeping what are we gatekeeping here with this bridge wave I just think the bridge wave should be C should be it should only be certain God you should have to win four plus Majors to get a bridge wave oh my God like lyia Co shouldn't get a bridge wave the next time that had the old she won it there you're ridic ik Kim who retired or walked off the course and retired didn't do a bridge wave I saw hugy was like why didn't she wave to the bridge I like I like that she didn't it wasn't fitting yes she like this what I'm saying this is what I'm saying this is exactly what I'm saying there should only only a certain class of players should get a bridge wave Lexi stop four major it's four majors four majors is the cut off I thought it was interesting no one they did the camera this may be your Darth of cameras you're talking about but they didn't show anybody she could have been waving to the wall at the rusic I don't know there's no cameras there weren't a lot of people who was what I couldn't see anybody I didn't know what the scene was so uh I don't know if that was cuz there was no crowd or she didn't have the camera but she was just I don't know to who the crowd could have been because it was awful outside yeah but that uh that shot with the sun coming across in 181 Co was mystical though that that that one I'll remember for a while so uh that's your us uh or not US Women's AIG how long did how long did the men take at at St Andrews when it was just two SS it was pretty long it wasn't six hours long no I'm trying to remember I feel like the early rounds were similar but they what was going on with the pace of play I mean they're just really slow and they gets clogged up there at the Loop um they had bad the men had no wind that whole week essentially too I mean they didn't have that excuse it was just slow and I don't think it was it was probably a little over four I would say in two coming home I I time with sun I remember getting out of the media center like after all the press conferences and it's still being really sunny and obviously was longer days but right a good a good uh Women's Open great great last major of the year I I felt like had that been in like early July or there would have been a lot more gas for it it's just like when you think about how they've gone you know EV on they're in Europe and then they go you know Paris dun Donald and no the it's just a lot and you're almost at September 1st but it was awesome awesome Sunday morning at the very least uh great way to cap the majors this year awesome awesome tournament a the women's uh open's been great for the last like five years um honestly been spectacular all the venues and uh it's been really fun to watch hey can we go ahead can we stay in the UK for uh our News segment swag Sports minute swag Sports minute your friends our new friend my new friend your old friend long time friend swag. golf is the URL just friends swag swag I played High School golf with these guys Nick the founder uh and Scott the uh the COO uh are uh high school teammates of mine and Nick's got a cool story I mean he dropped out of college he went to work for Scotty Karen he worked for the beton arties and uh then he started his own company and uh they've been super successful they make really neat products Putters are great the head covers are awesome super unique head covers they do you know limited release stuff they have you know long-standing products that stay in the shop but uh they are they they make cool stuff that's uh I think like I admire people that make cool stuff and uh they do that and uh and it's been really fun to watch them uh grow and uh I'm really happy that we're partnered with them yeah yeah they've got a big like cult following not just like a niche like a big cult they do these drops and everything sells out quickly it's like it's and we've had them as tea gifts at fried egg events they're yeah they're badass like in person and I you know I I don't impress easily I would say I I tend to be more skeptical than uh I don't know a mark but uh when I uh when I picked it up it rolled it the head covers they're they're slick they're badass uh so swag. golf they've got licenses some teams like the the Cubs and White Socks they're going to have more coming in and thus that's why we call it swag Sports minute because they might be brandishing about some uh some related sports team uh items that they're creating I love the putter cover that they did this week it was a play on the uh the uh Dumb and Dumber uh dog grooming van that they drove where are you at with Dumb and dummer is this just Millennial Dre what do you did you watch that you see Dum and dummer I have seen Dumb and Dumber what did you like it what you think I did I did like it I like I like Jeff Daniels so I'm I'm I'm a dumb and dumber fan I would say fan of the movie what's your favorite part of Dumb and Dumber I like this the I it's like a cliche but it was a big like college Halloween costume the guys like putting on the suits people actually would get the suits but then you could just get like the T-shirt version of like the blue and orange going to Syracuse too the blue and orange was a big thing so I feel like the suits they're always the stand out for me sure that was I mean that was the movie fifth grade me yeah oh big gulps huh well see you around that was like a just dumb like fifth grade M loved that movie so much but yeah swag. it's a cardigan thanks for asking so stupid anyways they do a ton of different unique drops uh what's our swag Sports minute why you want to stay in the UK what's going on over there soccer so I saw an astute listener picked this up and tweeted it at uh at us but I was I I walked into the room I had the uh the week zero a why is it this week one what's up with week why is it week zero it should be week one no because it's not a Full Slate it's like the these guys trying to put the cart before the horse and they and it's expanded over the years it's week zero is a great crafty nickname for it I like it all right well I was watching uh the uh the FSU Georgia Tech game and I stopped in my tracks when they did the Irish Irish golf promo they're showing these great images of L hinch uh they cut to another course and then they get they get to a dear Manor and they go and perhaps the very best of them all a d Manor and they just wax poetic about it and this is the best course in Ireland Joe Tor this is what he says the best course in Ireland my fellow bcrat I gotta get with them on that educate [Music] him what do you mean there's probably a lot of Publications out there will tell you it's the same thing you want the football commentator to be up there and give you his do scale numbers for every course nobody says it's the best course there's no publication that says it's the best course he's the college football announcer he just they're just reading a promo yeah it's I mean yeah it's ridiculous I understand that it's ridiculous stop being the track that's your swag Sports minute well I was gonna ask you how do you feel about this new college football uh playoff I don't think we've ever talked about this football boy I mean would you want to go for 50 minutes on that it's a big I uh it seems interesting it seems like SEC and the Big 10 have put their thumb on the scale via ESPN we gotta get P we gotta get Penn State into the yeah we gotta get Old Miss has got to get in there and we need make sure LSU and Alabama and all these places they like I don't know that they've got 12 teams in they're going to take eight spots essentially seven to eight spots for SEC and big 10 schools it's the way it should be they're the two best conferences sure you know they're coming for your ass next these these Illinois and Mississippi States they're like going to be gone they're like go play golf you know do whatever else but like we're going to BEP football fo I don't care football like I could give two shits about football all right yeah if we if we win like six games I'm a happy camper yeah sure it here's what I like about it I don't mind it we'll see how it goes in schedule format in December we'll see what I like about it his head is that with four teams I knew that Illinois never ever ever was going to get in like ever think that's still the case no with 12 we have a shot now like we've made it to the roseb in my lifetime we if we have a rose bow Year we're in and that's cool Fair Boston College has a chance you could have a chance I don't know about that we're not the big state school at the I don't think that's going to happen but we'll see I also wanted to ask you a question what's the deal with the uh the defensive coordinator that the Packers got from Boston College I think he's probably a good defensive coordinator he's probably going to be pretty good he's not he wasn't he wasn't good there he seems like a nice man is what I understand he seems like a nice guy didn't want to do the whole college recruiting uh you know essential like director of football operations for a bunch of 15 year olds and their parents that he wanted to do so I think he'll probably be a pretty good defensive coordinator can't get much worse than the Packers have had the last few years I believe so um uh last bit of sports minute I called in the big guns this weekend I I had a fantasy football draft had to had to bring in hire hired some help outside help yeah PJ PJ came in help with the draft got got got him on the horn on Saturday morning are you is he billing ours for that like is that what he wants Mak him watch Champions T coverage and help with your personal fantasy football we were cooking we were we were it I think I we had a wildly successful rookie draft yeah I'm in this dynasty League it's like you draft it's five rounds it's all rookies PJ we're in the fifth round we're we're talking about like picks 50 we're in pick 50 of rookies it's just purely rookies and and PJ's got commentary he's like these are the five guys at Target he's like dropping like this guy's going to be a starter by week four this rookie is gon to be so PJ is a Fant football Ace oh all right I just I just had I just had a draft today that took way too long like five hours but is that why you were late coming in yeah that's exact I literally was driving home wonder I was wondering if that was Jam him for being late Andy after you had to spend time on your draft okay I we said 7:30 and I got here at 7:30 I was I timed it perfectly you were there you were there all right swag Sports minutes I think it's definitely more than a minute I'm in a league with business Pete and uh I'm just G I'm gonna call I'm gonna call PJ in for he's he's my he's my advisor no I mean feet oh we're going to have a internal like inter office Warfare culture submarine put out there I might even add him as a as a manager on my roster give him access to the team so he can he can get in there and make some roster moves I I yeah I don't get fantasy football I'm not going to come out against that right now like the beach or anything but F like whatever just be a normal fan get out get out of this fantasy [ __ ] but uh we'll talk about that my my skills as a Fantasy Football manager deteriorated significantly since a child you don't have time to get in the Weeds on a on a fifth round rookie running back anymore but that's all I do I can talk myself into anybody what's your while we're in sports minute PJ what's your what's your who's your fantasy football sleeper this year uh the the couple I gave you I like Tyrone Tracy from the Giants no no no I'm saying like non rookie the the rookies are the that's the fun part though when you get to like the 16th round you're just throwing darts at fifth round running backs one of them's going to be good just got to find the right one so Tracy from the Jets or from the Giants Tyrone Tracy and Ray Davis from buffal those are my two guys all right there you go there go this is sp swag Sports minute fantasy football podcast now should we talk about the playoffs yeah we can do we need to read off the auto bids for the solheim cup I had that next but I feel like we've done move that to news I I just want to point out that it's the playoffs in our Sport and uh it's minute 35 well we never give you know the golf is rarely the focus I don't know what when I hit record but by my record counters at 39 38 minutes minute 38 we're on to the playoffs to me that to me spells there's a problem Mr 50 wins the BMW Championship which I thought you know it was fine it never perked my you know but I enjoyed it you know I think you know there was a moment this today this afternoon I was watching it and you know we holler about the FedEx cup and there's a bunch of like they just twist and turn it into knots and they discard any kind of sort of context or relationship you can have with it year-over-year it seems like but it's just I I was like it's fine it's fine it's just don't try to tell us it's the greatest thing in the world and that's the problem like it's fine and this tournament was fine it was okay you know what I came to today while I was watching is like this is way better than a normal tournament why because of the field the course just no like stuff going on like implications like there's like all these implications and I think that's interesting like you get into the event and yeah it is better than a regular tournament um I think I I had like um watching Adam Scott try and close out a tournament I wonder if he'll ever win again um and that made me a little sad um that was takeway ping wasn't great for Adam Scott the wedges what about the wedges in the back gu he just missing greens with wedges he greatest ball sters ever he said his irons everybody pops my putty he said my irons for two years now have been atrocious and they were getting worse and worse and that's why he changed his equipment but uh yeah he wasn't good it kind of went away from him on the weekend um um he had a great great quote though on on Friday you know you see Scott you see Keegan Bradley you see Keegan was kind of chuckling like I don't know I don't know how I became the old guy I just like I'm now the old old guy all of a sudden he clearly means a lot he said winning in three calendar years like in a row I think it was whatever Japan uh Travelers last year and now this year it's like it's it's there's a great meaning to this right to him winning this I wouldn't say it's necessarily just adding one to the pile for somebody like Xander or Scotty there's there's an incredible meaning obviously he said last last week he was way more nervous and way more anxious just like with the implications of getting to the 50 status whereas this week he's like I'm not g to look at the leaderboard I'm just going to go out and play uh whereas that was not the case with that 50 cut off last last week but you see two old guys Adam Scott on Friday after you go 63 I think it's hard to get a lot better in your 40s and there are a lot of 20-year-olds just getting better and better I just think there are probably a lot of 40 plus guys dropping off the tour there are a lot of mid 20s guys coming on the tour taking our place whether and this just he paused with this whether it's just life it's like not not that's like not your excuse of like aches pains I don't have any it's just life like you get into 40 life is a thing like it's just a different it's a different obstacle time constraint all this whether it's just life and the way he said it was really impactful to me or whether it's physical at this age or mental it's hard to keep Pace with what the younger guys are doing from hitting the ball at a speed that's competitive to practicing enough to having the motivation and the drive to do it I think it's just harder for the older guys and then you get Keegan and Adam Scott late on uh Sunday with a lot of people did the Ridder cup bit where you know where's the Buddy ball who a year ago today you know we were essentially having this debate which maybe was never a debate in that actual Captain Zach household and seem like it was a year later it's seems like it was locked in locked in the speed's like not a thing and JT sneaks in and Keegan's the one that's still winning it was interesting so Adam Scott that quote what's your reaction to that the old guys um yeah I think this is a great quote um in in general I was playing a couple weeks ago uh with a couple assistant Pros young guys and uh they were telling and and they were telling me I was like you know you guys enjoy playing a lot of golf now because like when you get older you're not going to have as much time was basically what I said to them like you know enjoy this time is and they laughed at me and they said you think we have time and I was just like thinking in my head you know at this point in my at this point in my life I didn't think I had time either but I can tell you what I got a lot less time now had then and you know I think that's like one of the things is like you you get pulled in so many different directions golf is I think it away becomes easier um as you get older but also becomes harder there there's like I think it gets easier in the sense that like you don't like live and die as much by every round and that aspect of like the pressure that you might put on yourself is uh is a lot less um but there's also Al the flip side of it gets a lot harder in the sense of like there's younger people putting in generally more time because they have more time than you like your life becomes less revolved around Golf and that makes it harder I don't know if that makes any sense does it I get it yeah a little bit I also think that it's like telling and and and Joseph texted me something like do you think there's anything to the to the all the old guys playing well this week yeah I do I think there is something there were more factors in playing golf this week than normal it was a golf course that these guys don't see every year um it was a golf course that hasn't been torn apart by data like where like you know every single thing about every single hole and like look it like experience seemed to matter this week whether it was Keegan Bradley Adam Scott um uh Chris Kirk uh Alex noren I mean Tommy fleetwood's not a spring chicken anymore all these guys are older they're all 33 or older um and they all played well I'm granted there are some younger guys on the leaderboard but like lve o Berg one of the best players in the world you know like I think there was something to this week and the elements between wind altitude and a golf course with no history like there was no data to go off of that like like these guys don't like you had to know how to play golf this week like really know how to hit play golf and manage your own game and I think that's like the thing is like Adam Scott didn't have data or a data coach to teach him how to play golf like he learned by playing highlevel golf and then like you you have these light bulb moments when you play a lot of golf like oh I figured out how to play this like he knows how to manage a golf course without a data coach you know and I think it's just like a purity aspect of this and it kind of like I'll say this like I love I think the best this is I this is the best um playoff event because of the rotating um courses B re Liberty National Caves Valley now I will say that I I think like where I've like landed after this week like the scene was awesome in Denver I think all these event all the playoff events should be rotating events all of them they should all rotate around and I know that's not possible I think that this shouldn't be the Western open I think the Western open should be a an event they should have the Western open back as an event and playoff events are playoff events like then you don't have this like muddled history this [ __ ] like that you're T telling us this is a historic event when it's not you know it's a playoff event that got is existed for since 2006 or whatever 2008 is it 2008 or 2006 seven I think was the first are you talking about the playoffs first playoff yeah so like this isn't this is a this is a playoff event and all these playoff events like after watching it like in Denver like they like rolled out everything for the event like big crowds like it was awesome um last year in Chicago was awesome I'm sure next year in St Louis from a at standpoint will be awesome is it my favorite course no but that it doesn't matter as much in these events the the atmosphere does make it and I think like from from a standpoint of all these events like Memphis like the BMW makes sense the BMW makes sense and I'm I'm pulling it from the Western open it's not the Western open all right yeah the the second playoff event is the only playoff event in my mind that really makes sense the other two if they rotated around and it was like yeah we go to like all these like in the finals is in this week round one's here this year it would all make like way more sense and like I think like the playoffs I think this week I actually gained some like um hope for the playoffs but that'll all be dispelled next week when we go to Atlanta um because we're just going to be back to the net Championship um I think like if they got to a rotating thing it would work really well I I find that interesting more compelling I think there's a newness right there's going to be some bad places you go some good places but there's a little bit of variety and and lack of like expect oh we're back in Memphis again we're back at East Lake and I get that they love probably they love being able to tell all the sponsors this is where you'll be and what date and we'll have the same Chalet on 17 as you did last year and the year before and you know exactly how it is I there's probably buil-in like advantage to that but I agree I agree with the rotation now would they say they're probably not going to be thrilled with like Keegan versus Adam Scott late on a Sunday in their playoffs is just my guess but I I I enjoyed it in terms of like the golf uh and and what it seemed to mean to Keegan uh I enjoyed that Xander schafle apparently hadn't hit a shot off of a launch monitor until he had to on like Thursday morning like there was a like that's not to say they can't adjust and figure out the altitude but there was a little bit of extra different element this week that that I found appealing that you wouldn't get necessarily in Memphis or Atlanta I also like golf is like if you we always use this the golf course is the defense right yeah I hate the idea of fixed playoff spots because like what you're doing is you're saying like these are the best players against this defense what would you what do you I mean what do you saying when you rotate the events like you get different different tests yeah and with Memphis and Atlanta being locked in it's just like we see this at every venue there are horses for courses and golf and it's just if from a pure competitiveness standpoint it is idiotic to have playoff events locked at places it's stupid it's like okay like Memphis rewards a very specific type of player we'll see how Andrew Green's work is at at Eastlake and what happens but old East Lake rewarded a specific type of player and when you do that like you're you're basically dictating the playoffs every single year like if you're you know for example like some guys don't play well on Bermuda well like you're kind of so when two-thirds of the events are on Bermuda right yeah um so I I think like from from my standpoint like what I appreciated about this week was like I just you know like it was awesome to see high high level golf in Denver and I think like for common fans the idea playoff events being in your city especially you know like it's once every xye thing is like a big deal like Seattle's going to show out if you did one of these events in Cleveland it would be more was a awesome I mean I know Caves Valley it was kind of like a d board and it was low but like that was a crazy atmosphere it was fun Chicago with the scarcity of pro golf was awesome last year like you know it it was a huge deal and then you take the Western open and you put it back and you have another landmark event in your regular calendar that you need you they need more Landmark events they need way L were you they kept saying it was the oldest non- major this event I tuned that out like 10 years kept saying it they kept saying it I was like come on I love what the Western Golf Association does and the Evans scholar and this event sort of keeping that front center is a good thing obviously um but yeah I I I came up with something so we're off to Atlanta top 30 are there you know Scotty shuffler is already 10 under uh just hasn't a shot Xander eight Hideki seven Keegan is six he's now played two great weeks he's six under he's four shots back he sort of chuckled he was on the Golf Channel set he started laughing like you're four shots behind Scotty sheffler the best player in the world he's like I just won I was like I don't know it's it's silly it's goofy it's like I feel like I just want to play off event and you're telling me I'm four shots behind but you know whatever he just wanted to basket what he had just done anyways but we're on there aberg's five Rory's four and then after that it's a it's a bucket at three well morawa WI and burns and can't like bucket at four I apologize bucket at yeah so that's your that's your top 10 there playoff P playoff P bad playoffs for playoff P so far kind of disappointing might be my biggest disappointment in the playoffs so far let's see what happens at East Lake let's see what happens he had some good quotes about not having to think at Memphis might be a renaissance remaking a rebirth of playoff P yeah playoff p is coming back he's going to be a favorite of this podcast once again I would like so Rory said we just mentioned Rory's at four under you see that Fitzy stuff today with the crack in his driver and the tour Stephen Cox wouldn't give into like that's not like badly damaged enough to replace it he's like this is this absurd this is ridiculous uh this outrageous you're gonna tell me so he was not happy about that Rory snaps his driver they said it they claimed it to his three-wood into the lake too here's my test if it's a real event that matters a lot big deal our top players throwing clubs in the league no I think it's a fair test now we've seen you know Thomas Peters get mad and snap Dr clubs over his knee in the middle of major championships so we've seen you know players throw clubs at Majors I don't think top players throw a club in the middle of the lake or at a sign and Rory definitely snapped his driver on purpose today I think they were trying to claim he leaned on it too hard I guess maybe that happened it looked like I think he know when he break time trying to not trying to break it you know I feel like R know he could break how to break anyways but he threw a club in the lake that's my test new test you know if it's a top Compu slam my computer against the ground but I didn't want to break it that like there a work it's a regular person's like comparison here right like yeah kind of water on my computer but I hoped it didn't break I didn't mean to break it but I threw water on my on my computer I mean what what is there a better comp to the workplace like was remember Bryson broke his driver at uh Harding Park I think in that PGA and he climbed us like a total accident he was just mad I think or you didn't know Own Strength um anyways I think that's where I'm delineating playoffs you're just not throwing your Club in the lake at the uh wherever the Masters you're not throwing any club this such a weak throw into the lake I think he try he should have had to leave it there too I think if you put it into the lake you got to leave it CU there's nothing worse you know I've been there I've thrown a club there's nothing worse than when you have to go get it like when you throw it into the weeds and then the walk to go get it yeah yeah you to go fish it out of the lake he's got the throw at Dell not a major I just don't think I think this throw was a legit throw that was a great throw I want this deposited in the bottom of the lake um that's my new test top players throwing clubs beyond their repair or recapture I think that that's that's the line for whether it's a big event or not uh all right we're on to Atlanta can I ask you hypothetical yeah if you were going to um if you were going to bring the Western open back into the PGA t tour calendar where would you slot God I mean God I don't know like just one off in like October September 20 I don't know this is so I thought about this whole whole illust this whole idea it's like you bring the Western open back I have and I was like there's there's nowhere to put it I have so little interest in like golf that's not a major after you know pretty much April 15 uh of course I have interest and I watch we but I just it's not popping at that point only the only way it pops is in my opinion the only way for you to have it pop is if you move the PGA back to August yeah yeah maybe I maybe maybe yeah I don't know where you put it I don't know where you put it you got the team events now in September like what does the fall even mean anymore how do you get it to matter you got tgl coming too in January how's anything gonna matter Keegan's gonna be on the president Cup right Auto auto bid he has to be he can't get snubbed again he's an assistant Captain he's like I just want to I don't want to get picked I just I either make it or I don't is what he said what's the thing of they can't keep getting away with this they can't keep getting away with what was it Aaron uh with the guy from B break what is it PJ he can't he can't he can't keep getting Jessie from breaking B yeah yeah Keegan Keegan would be like that if he doesn't he's an assistant Captain but he can't he has to be on the team standings are not updated yet he's such a good fit for for the form it's such a good alternate shot player it's like God if you want it like all you want when you play alternate shot is someone to that you know is reliable with like isn't going to put you into the [ __ ] so like immediately spe Justin Thomas I want know part of them as my alternate shop Partners Jeremy Runner ads running on my screen right now is this a low point in Jeremy runner's career I didn't know there still was a career I don't keep up I I'm not I mean he almost died like two years ago yeah I think he had a stunt or something go B you got into like a snowmobiling accident something crazy yeah yeah well he's doing FedEx Cup voiceovers now PJ PJ can I ask you something do you feel like you have no time in your life no why all right I just was seeing if if all generation Z's were pulling that stick stick what El time for what to play golf yeah you played golf this how's golf this weekend I played I played Andy gave me a great idea before another fantasy draft on Friday I went out to to spy ring on Long Island I played what you think of it I thought it was nice it's it's pretty expensive for nine holes but what is it 60 bucks it was it was 70 bucks and on a Friday so it's kind of expensive for nine holes but it was good I played poorly but I like the course yeah those gen Z's they got time but they don't have money for $709 holers I'll tell you that like that's too expens I wouldn't be spending money that at my age for that nine hold he lives at home he lives at home that's true he's got disposable income right now when he moves when he moves to Connecticut he's not gonna have that kind of money yeah we need Keegan on pres cup I think we might need him on Ryder cuup too player Captain next next year at be page but that's a long long way to go it's just I I don't want to get fall back into this whole buddy ball thing how do you think long Islanders would like a player Captain do you think they'd be all for it yes absolutely it's a good story I'll tell you what it'd be hilarious he's loving it now they're chanting USA and he's lapping it up but next the next minute you know you wake up and they're calling you sir at the Phoenix Open and you're just memd everywhere you enjoy it now tell fans at Augusta National [ __ ] off it could turn real quick lap it up right now because you never could change real fast Zach showing us um all right we'll get to other standings and stuff and we have news God we're hour what DP World Tour Frederick lroy Frederick lroy with a sparkling performance to win the Danish open uh senior Amer still going Matt mccardy wins the Alberts open is not one yeah is Trace times uh does that mean he's in FedEx fall is that what does he Battlefield into FedEx fall he's number one Battlefield might be the stupidest thing that exists what you too it's too lofty a a arbitrary St like idiotic number by the time you achieve the battlefield there's not even a a like where do you Battlefield too uh West Bryan did it got it like by like I don't know mid July early July though mid July so you got a month you got a month and you're starting at zero I could be wrong I don't remember when he got in but yeah I feel like he was he's got the most time but like this guy he battlefields what are they going to give him a spot in East Lake I was going to say he should be 31 number 31 Atlantic put him at even par just Jam him in there the battlefield Dunlap Dunlap didn't make it right I'm pretty sure he did not make it [ __ ] baz now did at 29 JT at 30 uh JT should come with an asteris why because dlap had a dlap had a better year you think he should put Jersey down for his fellow Alabama golf Alum like take would be the right thing to do that would be the right thing to [Laughter] do uh yeah Matt mccardy Bill Mau and Kevin Roy also secured their spots via their finishes and Albertson Boise open I can't wait for the tour to get a hold of uh Kevin Roy Kevin w w what do you mean just doing activations about yeah when have they ever had a legendary uh goenda in the league I mean uh he's in uh I mean but what does that even mean anymore uh it sounds like they're going from 30 to 20 maybe they're going back it seems like it from KF spots are they going to go to 20 for Euro tour because that would be deserved uh I'm not sure lroy is now 11th he's coming the head of Eur tour play Euro tour person lamenting like yeah guy's like great guy he's played well this year and I just we we develop him he's gone see it l Croy so um do you think he's gonna get a lroy sponsorship like for God's s Sam Ryder has parlayed that thing those commercials have to go yeah you got to refresh the the creative here right yeah I have we're like two years of this this commercial yeah what's your least favorite Golf commercial that's it's a wide set it's a it's a crowded field for that one maybe we'll do that segment in another we'll do it at the nonh hour mark of a different episode um PJ do you have Champs t a minute I do I do steu sink speaking of Ryder cup captains President's Cup Vice captains whatever styn brings it home first win uh I cannot believe this is his first win down there really what's he been doing he's getting beat up body bagged by you know Bernard ler off an boy aler honestly embarrassing embarrassing P he should be doing the padrick thing when you think about it you just be wailing away on these guys I love stck genuinely one of the best guys I think this is a low light in his career oh my God it took him over a year to get a win down there yeah he 51 is it up there or down there it's up there I think up there yeah yeah but but most seriously I would say Bob Papa skipped the Snoopy Bowl to do the Ally challenge how do you feel just just just as a New Yorker how do you feel about Papa sking I I was pledging his allegiance to the Champs tour legitimately stunned I mean maybe he just watched like one more weekend before the regular season when he can't do it anymore but I like I turned it on on Saturday I was stunned and then sure enough sure enough he popped up again today did not make it to metti last night I was genuinely shocked that Papa would skip the Snoopy bowl while we're on the Champions store can we talk about how preposterously how Preposterous it is that Lanny Watkins is $15 million to renovate TPC Craig Ranch like how he he had a great weekend on commentary he was just fired from the hip he he his accent man it was hilarious just hearing him describe things it was really quite good I mean we did a big newsletter segment on it they want to turn par five into a par four or something to finish the whole and bring bunkers in a little bit more what are we doing 15 million they could hire a lot of people TPC Craig wrench you want some the best part is you're not hiring Lanny Watkins like you do you actually think he's the architect uh no he's just the guy giving quotes for the newspaper articles is it's say it the tour can't get out of their own way like this is just like like they've got so much money they just be like it be like when Seattle gets their their basketball franchise back they're gonna be like yeah we we hired Sean Kemp to design the [Laughter] stadium I'd prefer more deadlift shrimp but okay sure Jim mlan um all right I think that does it I got some good Papa facts the other apparently he might be aware that there's a papa Tracker out there PJ's on his move on his on his on his minding him God it'd be great if if Papa and PJ became Buds and and PJ just got hooked up by by Papa he was just all a sudden in the in the in the booth for for uh is he the giant guy right he's a giant guy see you wouldn't like that I just I mean apparently he was talk complaining about how his too hot covering the Cowboys game the having to do the Cowboys game he's like it's too damn hot they go Bob it's indoors he goes no walking from the car to the stadium shouting about how hot it is having you the Cowboys game Papa tracker all right H that does it that's hour and whatever minute uh seven PJ do you think the Jets turf or the Bears turf's worse bears the bears is really bad dude it's I think the Metallica conference or concert like the week before opening uh game oh that's bad that's that's all always how you want to draw it up but I've seen too many things happen in medlife to not go with that it's not good I mean isn't The Smoking Gun that they got to tear it up for the World Cup games it's not good enough for the World Cup I mean Smoking Gun not good enough for mbapp but it's good enough for Aaron Rodgers all right Sports minute we'll be back Wednesday East Lake we gotta are Creator classic are we going to do a a live show for that or do some preview on the Creator classic I don't know I don't know I gotta you know it's a big big event for the tour is it what's it gonna do for the tour who knows maybe he'll do something big event for we talk more about it on Tuesday Tuesday night all right talk to you guys then

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