Jim Cornette Reviews Chris Jericho vs. Tommy Billington on AEW Dynamite

and is speaking of needing help I've never met this young man that we're about to talk about and I hate that I have to say the things I have to say but God Chris Jericho they're in Cardiff Wales and he's wrestling Tommy Billington The Dynamite Kid and I know many people out there who didn't see the show were saying to themselves what what the f apparently this young man is legitimately and you can tell facially this young man is the nephew of Tommy Billington The Dynamite Kid and so he is wrestling is Tommy Billington The Dynamite Kid and he's wearing the jacket and the trunks of the the Union Jack right on the on the trunks that's what they the the name for the flag over there there correct the Union Jack the Union Jack yes that's what I say he's got the flag there he's doing the moves he's trying to do the moves why would you do that it's like calling yourself [ __ ] Robert Plant and trying to go out and sing all the [ __ ] lead Zeppelin leads isn't it but your Bal but yeah I mean or Freddy Mercury hey I'll be Freddy Mercury the thing is there is a resemblance to Dynamite Kid and he is in the family of The Dynamite Kid the problem is the resemblance is Dynamite Kid like before he left England in 1976 well no not even that no because now now be fair here before he got the Calgary Dynamite Kid no never Dynamite because here's the thing how I don't know how old this young man is but he's got a receding hairline and I know Dynamite got a bit thin too but it don't look good on this guy but nobody looks like The Dynamite Kid physically even when he was thin he he was he was toned but think about I'm not talking about the the 1984 you know jacked up Juiced up WWF Dynamite Kid I'm talking about 1981 and tiger mask cuz he was what was he 5'9 was was he 200 lb but my God he looked like he could physically run from here to [ __ ] Cleveland he was in it the and you could tell his physique he was incredible and his cardio and the snap he had and everything this was live wrestling karaoke the kid has no physique and the receding hairline on a guy who without dynamites Ora and personality and intensity it looked like a kid being Dynamite for Halloween did am I being too harsh on this well the the other problem and again I have not seen him too much I heard rave reviews about a match he had with Dax Harwood I want to say in Calgary I didn't see it but I heard a lot of good things about it I saw maybe well godamn with Dax hardwood Brave reviews about a [ __ ] plumber that wandered in maybe too close to the Bone there Moxley proven that some [ __ ] accountant could wander in and have a match with Dax but go ahe the other problem was you know not withstanding whatever Talent he has or doesn't have or whatever he'll be with some more conditioning and training or whatever it may be Jericho looked like a giant next to him yes and because of that some of the back and forth [ __ ] looked ridiculous because it's one thing if he's working with a jack Perry or a Darby Allen one of the slider wrestlers Jericho looked like a giant next to him it was ridiculous yeah and I'm pretty sure Dynamite was 5'9 510 this obviously Jericho's you think so I would 56 5' seven maybe no he was the same height as Davey wasn't he I think he was a little shorter than Davey was he well nevertheless he carried it well this kid looked like I don't know I think the real dynamite kid would have been appalled at him throwing the whiff punches but that's the thing you can't do nobody benois could work like Dynamite Kid in many ways in in some Fashions his [ __ ] looked comparable has anybody else ever really gotten close enough to it's not an insult or it's not something that's going to make people laugh at you to call yourself The Dynamite Kid even whether you're in the family or Not Jesus um anyway the finish of course the kid's going to go to the top for the diving headbutt but then suddenly just Dove off on Brian Keith who I don't think had done a goddamn thing but it's a cool spot it looked good he wiped them out it looked good yeah of course made no sense he could have won the match cuz but then he goes back to the top rope without doing anything to Jericho so apparently he thought he had some time maybe he could have pinned the guy but nevertheless he dives off on Brian Keith he goes up to the top rope again but he's in a different corner and Jericho's laying there and as he sees the guy starting to climb the wrong corner you see his right arm as he sticks his [ __ ] index finger out and points like over there and I saw him but Dynamite Kid didn't so he Jericho then has to squir on his back like a an upturn Turtle to [ __ ] turn around so that Dynamite Kid can come off that [ __ ] top rope and Jericho jumped up and caught him with the code breaker kind of because it looked more like he just jumped up and the other guy landed on him and they both fell in a [ __ ] heat but they called it the code breaker one two3 and I wrote Jesus but no I I put it in music terms I'll put it in [ __ ] wrestling terms if you're going to call your if you're if you were David Flair and you had decided no I'm going to call myself Nature Boy Ric Flair you would have to expect if you can't pull it off and nobody in the business today can pull off Dynamite kids [ __ ] without it being a bad homage as we'll see later on with another top talent don't don't do that be be his nephew use the you know hey there's Eddie Billington the and and be the [ __ ] the English Bulldog I don't [ __ ] know don't don't let Harry Smith [ __ ] kick your ass whatever but you see what I'm saying should they team him up with Harry Smith I don't think Harry Smith would want to team with this [ __ ] guy you would have two different size bulldogs for kids to meet Jesus Christ you'd have a bulldog in a chihuahua come on apparently according to Wikipedia Dynamite kids nephews Thomas and Mark have become professional wrestlers trained by Marty Jones they were the Billington Bulldogs how old are they uh it doesn't have they don't have their own Wikipedia page as of now so there's no way to determine that well he if he if he's not in his 30s then he not very well preserved at all should they book him against Tatsumi fujinami well how old would fujinami be now about 70 yeah somewhere in there it might be even I don't know I think fujinami still might have a little Edge on him but I I mean no just Dynamite for anything anybody can say good bad or indifferent about him as a human being was one of the most unique intense incredible physical talents that was ever wrestling and I just you just can't follow that you can't call yourself that he was a game changer and I guess that's the issue if you are a member of his family and you do want to get into the wrestling business and you do look like him what do you do because I mean you don't want it to be like a Brun breaker kind of thing where he's like I'm not Tom Billington I'm you know Tom steel whatever the [ __ ] well no yeah like I said use Billington but be what's his name Tom what Tom or no Tom Tommy well then change your [ __ ] first name acknowledge the connection but don't do a karaoke tribute act where it's it his style specifically and nothing that he didn't do and could you don't do any of those things as well as he did not that anybody could but this kid is not doing a lot of the things even passably if he did his own [ __ ] maybe he would look better well that's the thing we've heard that in the past unfairly applied to people like I think even FTR where people say oh they're a tribute act to the old tag teams I don't think it really applies this that that was incorrect because they were doing tag team moves from throughout the ages but they were doing them as good or better and and that's you know research and adaptation but go ahead but in this case it literally did look like a tribute act because he's wearing the same trunks he's trying to do the same moves even though he's not the same he doesn't have the same build or anything so you know I don't know what they do with that well no I'm pretty sure they're not going to do anything with it from now on at least in aw because he the he worked the show I would imagine because he lives there but Oh I thought they signed him what hold on Tommy oh Jesus Mary and Joseph please what the hell hold on you gotta I give me a hat so I can throw it on the ground uh I have a report here hold on let's see what this is uh according to fightful this is uh recently the talent we spoke to also claimed there was NXT interest in the 23-year-old Billington 23 Jesus Christ we uh asked about the whereabouts of Mark Billington and we're told that he was injured in December during a match for Dungeon wrestling all elite wrestling has not confirmed the signing and we have not heard if it is a if the deal is full-time or a tiered per appearance deal that apparently was reported by fightful so some sort of deal with aw well I'm I'm I'm just gonna say this and we will move on because what they have the images here of the two other matches I guess he's had there him against Dax and him against teesa and in each one of them he's wearing different Trunks and they're the same trunks that Dynamite war in New Japan you would recognize them right away the purple one with the star on the ass and the uh white racing strip and then the red one with a white racing strip the same trunk so every I've seen them wear three different pairs of truns and they were all dynamites that's I'm I'm just going to say this and like I said the segment's not over yet the match was but not the segment but I had 20 guys in Ohio Valley wrestling at one time that didn't have WWE developmental contracts that were more physically impressive in better physical shape and cardio shape more cosmetically pleased teasing whether it be oil or tanned or just young looking of proper [ __ ] size that could outwork this [ __ ] guy and call it in the goddamn ring and that is partially to make the ovw class look special because they were but also to illustrate that no there there's nothing right now that I'm seeing there that they could not find plentifully domestically without having to [ __ ] hire this guy and fly him across the goddamn ocean what the [ __ ] all righty and it's embarrassing for him I feel bad for him because people are sitting there going oh [ __ ] you know what you know I'm always critical of Jericho's work in this case like that wasn't the I was just blown away by how much bigger he was than him and then when you see them competing with each other it wasn't you know I'm not saying a small guy Jericho's a small guy it's funny saying that about someone against him but I'm not saying a small guy can't compete with a bigger wrestler but it has to be it can't be like we're just equals doing equal [ __ ] to each other and you happened to kick out and I didn't well besides that if the guy if he was the same height as Jericho it had that same pale fishy white [ __ ] body and looked like a goddamn corpse floating in the [ __ ] River Jericho could still beat him up it let Jericho's goddamn skin is turned to leather but at least it's tanned and why did he do the SP flash on the Brian Keith was that expl why why at that moment did he decide you know this guy who is not interfering let me get him some Indy minded [ __ ] guy said hey it'd be a cool spot if I do the dive or he does the dive off the top and blisters that guy and then does the dive and gets caught and not thinking it made no goddamn sense whatsoever so what you do is right before you're going to do that you set up a spot where Brian Keith popped up and got and nailed off or whatever the case trying to interfere and then he's there or perhaps even might have succeeded in interfering and but then he's there whatever but he just Dove because it's cool anyway so then Jericho starts cut a promo on hook and hooks music plays and hook comes out with the mummy wrap on half of his head and covering his eyes and the same stupid stocking cap on just so we know it's not serious you know because it looks stupid and he gets in the ring and goes face to face with Jericho and Big Bill who has been there up until a few minutes previous when Jericho started talking to somewhere he [ __ ] off comes back and gloms Hook from behind and gives him a choke slam and his whole head wrapping fell off and there's the where he was burned in the eye with no SCAR or discoloration or patch or makeup it popped off he got the CH Li it it just popped off the mat yeah so but yeah and again for one thing if it's a legitimate eye injury they're going to have a round gauze or whatever the material is patched with taped there there would also one would hope be then the wrapping on top of that and potentially if you had an injury bad enough to be wrapped up like goddamn IM and hotep then there would be some scarring or Trace possibly of disinfectant or do they make iodine anymore something but not just no he's just his head's wrapped up and there's not a goddamn blemish on him he didn't even have a a teenage pimple by the way what did he think he was going to do there was three of them well no the other two had got out of the ring and hid somewhere they were there they were at ringside the whole match yeah but then they were gone and then they were back and see he's over there now so anyway that that happened at least it wasn't his head that popped off from the choke slam that would have gotten ratings

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