Category: People & Blogs
हेलो वेलकम टू माय चैनल आज का केस इसी साल फरवरी के महीने में स्विट्जरलैंड में पेश आया यह एक इंटरनेशनल मॉडल और मिस स्विटजरलैंड 2007 की फाइनलिस्ट रह चुकी क्रिस्टीना जॉक्सी मोविक नाम की 38 साल की औरत की कहानी है जिसे गला दबाकर मारने के बाद उसके जिस्म को डिसमेंबर यानी टुकड़े करने के बाद कुछ हिस्सों को हैंड ब्लेंडर से प्यूरी करने के बाद तेजाब में डाल दिया जाता है ताकि उससे मुकम्मल तौर पर छुटकारा पा लिया जाए और कोई सबूत बाकी ना रहे क्रिस्टीना एक बेहद... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] he [music] he [music] [music] oh [music] [music] he sh [music] [music] [music] he oh [music] oh fore [music] [applause] [music] hey hey [music] [music] he [music] hey [music] hey hey [music] [music] red m for m bomb this is the momb effect your one-stop shop for unfiltered discussions [music]... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey folks welcome back to crime and chaos today though it's more like crime time with comedy today we've got a story that'll make you think twice about your babysitter's resume grab your popcorn because this one's a doozy meet nicole verzy a 29-year-old phd student from california now you'd think someone... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hi there my name is nicole verie a phd candidate studying psychology faces charges of homicide and assault she's accused of killing a newborn baby and injuring that baby boy's twin i go over the allegations and what nicole ver lawyer has to say about them i'm anette levy and this is crime fix nicole... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Was a boston cop's tragic death really an accident or is there a sinister cover up at play in january 2022 officer john o'keefe was found dead outside his home during a snowstorm his girlfriend karen red is accused of running him over could there be more to the story new evidence suggests foul play... Read more
Category: Entertainment
What did you do brace yourself this one's extra gruesome because what this woman allegedly did was murder a cat and if that's not enough she also ate it she destroyed that cat this is first responders found this woman on the scene covered in blood with cat hair still stuck to her lips it was so disturbing... Read more
Category: Entertainment
In your affidavit you said before the defense put up their case miss hill told the jurors quote the defense is about to do their side they're going to say things that will try to confuse you don't let them confuse you or convince you or throw you off unquote is this true did this say that that's exactly... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I just got tired of listening to the lies that were being spewed about me that's myra crosby the dismissed juror from alec murdoch's double murder trial who became known as the egg lady she's speaking about the case do you believe the state met its burden i do not myra crosby is telling all in a new... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro [music] [music] [music] welcome ~ are you ready? hello hello hello hopefully hopefully my sound is coming in okay and i don't sound like a robot or something really strange cu someone in the chat let me know if the volume is okay and actually if you can hear me clearly at all what an absolute... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hi there my name is nicole verie that was phd candidate nicole verie in a video describing her research she's now in jail accused of murdering a baby boy on father's day and prosecutors say they are going to pursue the death penalty against her she is devastated uh knowing that her friend's child is... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
एक 38 साल की मिस स्विटजरलैंड 2007 की फाइनलिस्ट रही क्रिस्टीना को इसी साल के शुरू में गला दबाकर मार दिया जाता है जब मर्डर की डिटेल सामने आती है तो सब हैरान हो जाते हैं उसकी बॉडी के टुकड़े करने के बाद पेट को काटकर ऑर्गन्स को ब्लेंडर से प्यूट करने के बाद केमिकल सॉल्यूशन में डाल दिया जाता है केस की डिटेल सुनकर आप भी हैरान हो जाएंगे कंप्लीट केस स्टोरी हमारे चैनल पर देखिए थैंक यू सो मच Read more
Category: Entertainment
Google pixel 9 pro with magic editor now you can reimagine any photo go ahead the sky's the limit okay i guess not even the sky is the limit check out the link in the video description to buy your google pixel 9 pro with gemini on amazon today the investigation into the tragic disappearance of janelle... Read more