Chargers Joey Bosa and Khalil Mack Explain New Culture Under Jim Harbaugh and Taking Pay Cuts to Win

Kalo Ma and Joey Bosa spoke with the media this week and it was very clear how excited they are for Jim Harbaugh to be taking over this football team and there might have been a little bit of shade in there for Brandon Staley as well you are locked on Chargers your daily podcast on the Los Angeles Chargers part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what is up and welcome into the lock on Chargers podcast I'm your host Daniel Wade joined as always by my co-host David DRM we've been covering the Chargers now for nine Seasons together but this is our seventh year as the host of the lockon Chargers podcast bringing you your team every day thank you all to the every dayers out there for making us your first Liston today and to make sure that you never miss the show go subscribe or follow for free on the lockdown Chargers YouTube channel and listen wherever you get your podcast from David what do we got today well Daniel we got to hear from Joey Bosa and Mac for the first time since they both decided and agreed on taking pay cuts to stay with the Chargers and I think what they have to say kind of makes you feel a lot better about who they are and kind of changes the image on on how they are seen and also we got to hear from defensive coordinator Jesse Minter and he is very excited about restoring Derwin James to prominence making sure everyone knows he is one of the best safeties in the National Football League and we also heard from the Chargers offensive coordinator Greg Roman and he is stoked to have Justin Herbert and he says the stratosphere is the limit yeah whatever is above the sky is what he think this a potential is for Justin Herbert but it was also interesting saying hey the rest of the team still has to come around him though if we're going to actually see what that full potential could look like but let's start with the edge rushers David two guys who honestly we weren't sure we're going to be with the team truly we weren't sure I mean either one of them could have been gone with the Chargers 60 plus million dollars over the salary cap at one point in the offseason but both decided to stay which is awesome for the Chargers to still boast that Elite pair of pass rushers but it was very interesting hearing them for the first time since Jim Harbaugh took over the first time since we knew that they were going to be back with the team and to me it felt like there was a little shade in there for Brandon Staley I mean I know there was rumors out there about you know maybe some beef between Joey Bosa and Brandon staylor just how much Joey Bosa like Brandon Staley we know that Cleo Mack and Brandon staler were boys but when I hear this it makes me think some things this is from Joey Bosa who says I think it just feels like Coach Harbaugh is leading the team the way it should be led it has a feeling of being back in college with Coach Urban Meyer the message is sent from the top and it doesn't get mixed up as it's moving down the ladder it's boom this is how we're doing things and everybody is following that I think it's impressive the details that everybody has been on and the effort just the competitiveness that has been going on here the last few weeks it's been great and maybe I'm a cynic and I me I'm a cynic you know some to some degree but David to to me that's him saying hey this is how things are now and the way things are under Jim Harbaugh are better than they were and different than they were under Brandon Staley that's what I'm hearing I mean that's what I'm hearing for sure and and you know Joey Bosa like Joey Bosa when he gets out the up at the podium and he speaks he's very candid you know he he says what's on his mind he says what he feels and I feel like he is truly honest with his feelings and and when he says something like that like that resonates like that you know you hear that you're like okay well maybe there was a disconnect there between the messaging that was coming from the top and then being disseminated down and he's saying with Jim Harbaugh that's not the case at all we know exactly the direction we are going we know exactly what we're doing it is crystal clear and I love it me too I mean even quo Mack who wouldn't say a bad thing I'm sure about Brandon sty but even kind of reading between the lines a little bit you know saying hey Jim Harbaugh's a straight shooter there's a difference to the attention to detail that we're putting into practices this year it's not easy to kind of or not hard to kind of see where the differences are between how brand Staley was running things and how now Jim Harbaugh is but I think the message staying the same is the most important thing here and I think that's one of the big things we kind of harped in the brain and stale thing is first of all kind of at least at some point when you're losing it starts coming off disingenuous right and the other time too him trying to control so many things that maybe the message as it was getting disseminated especially when you have people saying kind of he has his group of guys that are stale guys and then there's everybody else that everybody is totally on the same page and some guys aren't getting special treatment right when the rest of the guys are kind of left in the Wayside so one of the things that I thought was really interesting from Co Max specifically was him wanting to play Not Just competitive football but meaningful football and kind of having to be sold on that a little bit from Jim Harbaugh and to me it was I think one of the first conversations we had I let him know coach I'm signing back here to win not coming to play competitive football I want to play meaningful football at the end of the year that was pretty much our conversation and it's nice to know that you know these guys believe that this squad can win this year coo M Ma's not playing for 2025 right and Jim Harbaugh sold him on the vision of hey with the guys we have here we can win and it's not that crazy to think yeah not at all and I think for Cleo Mack here being in year 11 it's very much the truth like I mean this guy is a guy that went over a hundred sacks in his career last year after a truly phenomenal performance I mean 17 sack season at his age um he was truly one of the best defenders in all of football last year I mean it was really a sight to see to watch him play and the ferociousness that he played and the availability and just how impactful he was on a down in and down out basis C Mack was one of the constants of that Chargers team last year and for him to come back and say hey coach like I'm not here to make money I'm here to win a Lombardi trophy I'm here to win a championship that's the only thing that's missing from my trophy case is that Ultimate Prize in the National Football League and he believes that the Chargers have all of the correct components all of the ingredients for that recipe to go out there and get that done yeah and he also just said about Jim Harbaugh he's not just going to tell you that because you want to hear it he kind of just kept it real and told me hey well we have these guys on each side we can win and like we have this number now we can work on building some certain guys up and bringing certain guys in and I just love that they were able to sell him on that vision and it's also a big reason why he ended up taking a pay cut and like that's crazy to think about but being that much of a team player the more surprising one was Joey Bosa who literally it was rumored the week it happened that he wasn't going to take a pay cut I think for his image with chargers fans because of the injuries that's not a small thing and when he was talking about him actually taking a pay cut surprisingly enough he said it was a pretty easy decision he said yeah that's what it was winning football games is more important to me right now than making some extra money I think of a guy like khil Mack is coming off of a year with 17 sacks and can take that cut it shows the kind of guy that he is and it also shows the kind of culture that you have Brewing here that's who I want to be with and David taking pay cuts in the National Football League for Kalo Mack specifically right when you're coming off a 17 sack season is crazy but Joey Bosa for a guy who's missed a lot of football I do think this does a lot in the hearts of Chargers fans him putting his money literally where his mouth is and saying like hey I know I haven't been what I need to be and I'm so committed to winning that I'll actually give a little bit money back nobody gives money back David but here Joey Bosa is doing it for the cause and doing it because he believes in the culture that Jim Harbaugh's building here now yeah and and and I think for Joey specifically a lot of people out there have the image of Joey Bosa being a very selfish person like you know it's all it's all about me me me I don't care about the team like it's all about what I'm going to bring to the table but that's not the case at all from what he is saying and the actions speak louder than the words he said you know he gave up the money he forone he forgoed the money he said I'm good I've made plenty of money that's not what I'm looking for at this point in time I want another chance to come back and play with with kalalo Ma I want to come back and play with this team he also said I want to retire a charger which is crazy I don't think anybody out there would have expected that to come out of his mouth but I feel like now you feel like you know this is a different guy you know he feels really good about where he's at and he feels really strongly that this Chargers team can compete and go out there and win a championship and and also he said like hey if I go out there and I kill it the next year then maybe we can you know re ret talk you know talk about the money situation again basically in a a matter of speaking but I just love love hearing that those words come out of Joey bosa's mouth and it makes you feel you know really kind of different about the the the the person that Joy Bosa is it changes the image and like the thing is like what is he supposed to say right if you're asked if you want to retire a charger that' be a pretty wild move to be like you know what actually I want to retire a 49er with my brother right like that'd be a pretty wild thing to say to me the part that kind of stood out more was him saying like basically something to the effect of I was here for the tough part yeah I don't want to leave now when it's getting goodward I went through the tough years and now we're we we're probably on the other side of it and and I think that's really telling to me right because he said hey every year I come in and it's not like I think we're going to lose a bunch of games every year but this year I really mean it like this is a squad and this is a coaching staff I really do think can get us over the hump and so to hear him kind of talk about it like that I thought was awesome but also to hear Jesse Minter talk about what he's going to do with these dudes and how excited he is to have this pass rushing group at his disposal was really awesome and he also said the key to defense just clone Derwin James give me three more der James and we'll be in business so we're going to get into Jesse Minter the new defensive coordinator STS and much more on today's lockdown Chargers podcast first though I need to tell you guys about eBay Motors because I'm sure you think about a lot of things with eBay but you might not think of them having all the parts that you need for your car and I'm telling you that's the place that you need to be because passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive because eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak performance superchargers rof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more 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get past how excited he was and and I think for the way that he's played and we're talking of course about Derwin James that's not surprising but like he doesn't think of Derwin James as a guy who's been struggling and hasn't been able to write like be the guy that he knows he can be but when he was talking about Derwin James specifically he said this is going to be one of the big things is how they use him right and he said this is what it is where can he be most effective in a certain game in a certain type of matchup he can do it all but as I've said before you've got to be careful of not overloading him and that is the huge part to me David because we know Derwin James is really versatile but as we saw under the Brandon Staley regime just CU somebody's versatile doesn't mean it's kind of going to take away from maybe some of the things that make them great if you're overloading them so I'm glad that's kind of what's at the front of his mind right now is hey I want to get the most out of Derwin James but at the same time you have to be careful with how you do it I agree and I think we saw towards the backend of last year when Derwin James was given a more kind of singular focus on what his assignments were we saw the much better version of Derwin James so I feel like that's Jesse Minter watching that acknowledging that and saying hey I know he can do all of these great things I know he can cover the tight ends I know he can cover a wide receiver one-on-one I know that he can play on the the back end uh I know he can wreak havoc as a Blitzer but I also know that I need to make sure that he knows exactly what his assignment Is On Any Given game and we're going to streamline that we're going to simplify that so Derwin James can go out there and play fast and ferocious because we know he is at his best when he can just get downhill and not think and go out there and play and that's one of the things I've heard you know not just from Jesse M's former players but also Mike McDonald's former players and guys that play in that system too two very similar systems obviously it's just like like where are you line up isn't as important in Jesse minter's defense because what you're learning is exactly what you're trying to get out of every defensive look so like no matter where you're lining up what you're trying to do is the same thing what you're trying to do what you're trying to take away stays the same so it's not like now because Derwin James is in the slot he has to think of 16 different things and okay how do I make this perfect what's my leverage all those things right he knows what the goal of the defense is going to do on that play where he's lining up doesn't change that so I think that's an important part of it and like you brought up at the beginning of the show right Jesse mentor's focus on returning Derwin James to Greatness and let's be honest if this defense wants to improve if we really want to see the turnaround and give Justin Herbert maybe the first above average defense of his entire career it starts with Derwin James playing extremely well on the back end like I said Jesse M also said hey you know let's just clone him a couple times give me three more Derwin James and we'll be fine but the other the slot give me one on the edge and give me one on the back end and I'm I mean yeah we've talked about it before like if you had to have one player that had to play every single position right and that you had to have an entire defense of one player Derwin James it would be Derwin James de you know because it's like hey you can pick an edge rusher but you don't want an edge rusher playing corner right like Derwin James as a defensive tackle is better than Joey Bosa as a cornerback right that's just what it is so he is that guy but talking about Edge rushers it was also interesting here hearing what Jesse Minter had to say about getting that fourth Edge rusher and buer pine adding strength to strength and what that's going to be able to do for him in this defense and he said those guys allow you to rotate those guys on a normal Downs to stay fresh and then the money Downs in this league the money areas of the field as the field shrinks you get the chances to get off the field to have fresh pass rushers and have those guys ability to be at their best in those moments where they can affect a game on more certain Downs not that they can't affect it on first down but when they're able to really cut it loose and help us get off the field in critical situations by maybe a rep or two less being more fresh towards the third quarter or fourth quarter really closing out games to be at your best it's certainly a blessing to have those four guys and that's the important part David getting off the field in those critical situations the closers being closers something we've missed in recent years not only that but I think the one thing that really resonated the most with me is being fresh in the third and more importantly in the fourth quarters when you're trying to close out a ball game when you have four extremely capable pass rushers that you can rotate in uh throughout the ball game and then maybe save a little bit towards the end and then absolutely let them loose and let them go close out a game and go secure a win for you that is going to pay dividends without a doubt so bringing in Bud Dupri just makes this Edge room that much longer that much deeper and I think that much more effective and I think one of the things that we even heard from Joey Bosa is just like them when they go off the field knowing that there's just not going to be such a steep Drive drop off defensively right like you're not going from potentially you know no shade Joey Bosa to Chris rump where like teams are going to see that and they're going to know it and also you're just not going to be able to have Chris rump on the field that long because other teams are going to know that so like it lets you feel like you can give Joey BOS and Quil mmore of a rest because you have Tuli and Bud Dupri coming off of the edge and both those guys had really high things to say about Bud drii being an Elite pass rusher and just how excited they all are to work together and kind of feeding off of each other and just as a locker room guy it seems like great personality man for man everyone is kind of bringing that up just about how good of a dude he is in the locker room they call him butter too which is a funny nickname but one of the other things that Jesse Menor talked about really matched up with what we've heard coming out of practice this last week and that is rookie fifth round pick tarib still getting in on the action and making some waves at Chargers mandatory mini camp as we go into the break here which I love to see David because this is what happened he had an interception off of Justin Herbert which is awesome also had two more pass breakups and one that should have been another interception at practice on Wednesday and then you have Jesse Minter saying this about tar still tarib has probably in the last three or four practices made a really really good jump that you sort of expect you got to make after being able to digest five or six practices but David that's a huge development because what it means is competition forges SE Taylor in the slot and potentially not just handing the job to a guy that had some struggles in 2023 and you you can't do that you absolutely cannot do that in this situation you want that competition you need that competition and I've been saying that since the Chargers drafted tar Heep still and I watched the tape on him this guy I think is tailor made for the slot with the way he tackles I mean just very technically sound with the ball skills the guy this is the guy that had five interceptions at Maryland last year this guy knows how to get his hands on the football so that combination in the slot I think if he's able to really push to jir Taylor maybe even overtake jir Taylor I really really like that aspect and that Prospect of that charger secondary with him in the slot uh obviously nothing's going to be given to him he's going to have to earn it but that's where it should be I mean this is this is a competition we need to see the absolute best defenders on the field because last year it wasn't good enough and jazir Taylor was part of that defense that was not good enough so he needs that competition to push him to get the absolute best out of him and we'll see who Rises to the top yeah and when you're talking about a Chargers defense that needs to turn around in a major way you're looking at where can the improvements come from right like can Christian Fulton be better than what we saw from Michael Davis and can Denzel Perman and Junior Coulson bringing Improvement on what you had last year and then Eric Hendricks and a Kenneth Murray and and so on and so forth right yeah and so I think that the best version of this defense probably has tarib still starting on it just because of what we were able to see and also just because when I watched tarhe still it it was very much like a very light version not nearly the same player as a Mikey samur still right you can see a lot of the same traits between those guys where it's just like the fearlessness to go and get his hands dirty in the running game when he has to the ability to kind of see things unfolding in front of him and being able to make breaks on the football and break up passes and make big plays you saw all of those things and he might not be at the level of Mikey srto but when you're seeing Mikey srto was a perfect person to play in the slot for Jesse Minter I think T he still is closer to that than what jier Taylor is but also hey if jier Taylor can make that next leap you love that you just don't want to see it handed to him and I think he will go into training camp Jer Taylor will as the starter and it'll be up to tarib still to kind of take it away from him but we still have more great stuff to get into because we did get to hear from Greg Roman who said that the stratosphere is the limit for Justin Herbert and also talked about you know not being too CAU up and you know people being afraid that Justin Herbert's not going to throw the football but there will still be some medieval parts of this offense so we'll get into all that and more on today's lockon charges podcast David we got to hear from both of the coordinators on Wednesday and we wanted to make sure we got to their thoughts and make sure you guys are back here we should be back on Monday it is my first Father's Day so you know it could potentially get pushed to Tuesday but I do think we'll be back on Monday getting getting into more that came out of this last mandatory mini camp before we go into the dark ages of no Chargers actual practice to talk about so there is still some more great stuff from mini camp that we want to get into and some guys that were standing out but I do want to talk about their offensive coordinator Greg Roman getting up at the podium and I know he's a dude that's been fired a bunch of times and been hated by a lot of teams but man it's hard not to like the dude when he gets up and talks I mean he seems like a pretty genuine down toe dude that believes in what the Chargers are building here offensively and most importantly knows how good of a quarterback that he has and is not blind to that but I do want to make sure everyone is checking out the locked on sports today first ever National 247 sports streaming Channel which you can find And subscribe to on YouTube as well as finding on the Amazon fir free TV channels apps so make sure you guys check that out because it is coverage 24/7 Around the Clock of every sport from around the country but getting the expertise from those teams and those Sports from people who are covering their teams every single day and the locked on expertise that you can only get with this network so make sure you guys go subscribe to locked on sports today right now it's a great thing they have going on there but da let's talk about Greg Roman and specifically talking about Justin Herber and why he thinks that the sky might not even be the limit for Justin Herbert he said his talent speaks for itself we all know that about Justin the sky is the limit what's above the sky the stratosphere the stratosphere is the limit it's upon all of us coaches players the line receivers and tight ends in the backs all of us to put it all together into a winning way and I love to hear that David not just about you know we know what the potential of Justin Herbert is but also the fact that the rest of the offense is going to have to come around him for us to really actually see what that looks like in its final form obviously Justin Herbert needs to be on his game he he's got to perform at an exceptionally high level but Justin Herbert can't be at his best if the offensive line is not blocking the way they need to block and giving him time if the receivers aren't running the Chris brouts and getting open catching the football if the tight ends aren't blocking if they're not catching the football the running backs aren't hitting those holes and able to to get those extra yards all of those elements need to be working in concert together to be able to provide the platform that will allow Justin Herbert to go out there and be at his best and play at his best yeah I I love all that and it also just is so funny like because it's like well we've seen three separate head coaches and now four different offensive coordinators who've all just raved about this dude's intellectual ability and like Roman says hey you know we tried to overload him like we're trying to overload him trying to overload him throw him into the fire and we couldn't do it like he just knows too much he gets it too quickly and he's like I don't know if he has a photographic memory but like if he did it would look a lot like the stuff he's spewing out there after you know being able to digest and being able to execute the new offense so quickly already and I just think that's so awesome for where this Chargers offense wants to go and I think at least puts to bed some of the concerns about this offense getting on off to a sluggish start because if Justin Herbert's there and he gets everything you know that you're going to be okay right and I think also just the thing you hear when you hear Greg Roman talk about Justin Herbert is like he's not just going to run the ball 50 times a game because he knows how good Justin Herbert is and basically when he was asked about the kind of the concerns about the offense being too run oriented or if you kind of switch that up when you have a great quarterback like Justin Herbert he said I definitely think we want to have some balance in our offense but we're not just going to run the ball into a brick wall either bang our head against a brick wall sometimes the illusion of wanting to run the ball is a lot is just as powerful as the ability to so we'll see how it all comes together that quote was from Daniel poer you can get some of these quotes from from Greg Roman J Mentor all these guys does a great job of the athletic but David I thought that was interesting because I know a lot of people were afraid of what Greg Roman's offense was I mean us as well you know I think we wanted a a more pass oriented kind of philosophy as far as who was going to be the next offensive mind around Justin or Britt and we've seen those guys before yeah but what you're hearing here is hey it's just the ability to run the football and us being that tough team doesn't necessarily mean we're going to run the football 40 times a game but it's making the defense respect that you can run the football when you want to and you can run the ball at will which will make your play action that much more effective which will make when you go throw the football that much more electric because the defenses cannot just sit back there and wait for Justin Herbert to throw the ball nah nah nah nah now you got Greg Roman in town you know he is going to author a top 10 rushing attack because that's what he does and that is going to force those defenses to have to think about it yeah are they going to run the ball AR they going to pass the ball I don't know but that illusion is going to make it so much more difficult to try to defend this Chargers offense and it just changes what defenses will have to throw at the Chargers right like you can't like you might have to load the box and like and teams aren't loading the Box much against Justin Herber unless it's super obvious run situations like why are you going to have that many PE people close to the line of scrimmage if you have Justin Herbert there that can easily take the top off right I think it's a Personnel thing and it's now a philosophical thing with this new Chargers offense and when talking about it one of the funniest things was him talking about wanting to get medieval and I think it was Daniel poer that kind of you know followed up on that like what does that mean you know and I think it goes to kind of the point that he's trying to make here where it's just like we want to be the team that nobody wants to play on Sunday right we want to be the team that can run the ball and jam the ball down your throat but it doesn't mean we have to do that all the time but you're still not going to want to play us cuz we can do it and when you're talking about getting medieval he said this it means get lower than somebody else and get after him get physical one guy being that way is one thing but if you get a whole group of guys playing that way it gets medieval in there and David I think as someone you know and two guys that have covered the Chargers for a long time it's like they've been missing a little bit of medieval in that offensive unit they sure have have I'm I can't wait for it to get there and get nasty and and absolutely get in there and physically move another grown man against his will I know that you know talking to Bradley Boseman that that's his mentality and I feel like you know with ran Slater and the rest of these guys Z Johnson I feel like they want to have that mentality too so I think from a philosophical perspective I absolutely love it go out there and just go mean mug and go beat the heck out of the defense for four straight quar make them feel that they just played the Chargers and everything they're doing in the offseason leads you to think they'll be able to do it but he also spoke about Quinton Johnson a little bit I thought it was interesting right because he seems as excited about him as anyone else talking about this offense he said excellent speed great guy can pretty much run on any route that there is I don't know about that really doing a great job this is the part that I like though we're really excited about him and we have done some different things with him too not just lining him up outside and he's looked great doing it that to me is shade for sure we're not talking about throwing shade at former coaching staffs that is shade because the Chargers last year decided to run him outside use him as kind of an X receiver an outside receiver to win one-on-one matchups and that's not the way that you have to use him David and it goes to what we've been saying all along where it has to be a combination it has to be personal improvement from Quinton Johnston and also more efficient usage it it absolutely and he elaborated on that even further when he said we want to get the ball um on him quick and on quick underneath routes catch and runs but we also want to throw some bombs to him as well so to me that says there's an understanding there of how to better use Quinton Johnston maybe get him in motion get him on those drags get him on those Slants and then also utilize that 6' three frame and go throw him the ball because we know he's got long strides we know that he can he's got some good speed and he can run down the football field I like that more you know mixed up uh version of getting him the football I think it's going to be a lot more effective but it's just nice knowing that the play caller knows a better way to use Quinton Johnston and I think it just makes it easier to buy in on him being better in year two and being hopeful that he can be better in year two and how much better we'll see right but I do think that hey if you use him the way he should be used the way he was used more in college it's going to open up things more in the Deep part of the field when people are actually afraid of getting beat and like I've said before and I've said from the first moment I saw him the dude moves different like he is fully athletically capable enough of making it at this level it's just the mental side of things and him actually just kind of refining the parts of his craft that need refining because he has all the physical ability in the world but if you got to catch footballs and you got to be able to know the kind of finer nuances of the game to fully show all of your maximum ability but that's going to do it for today's show we should be back with you guys on Monday it is my first Father's day we'll see still planning on having a show out on Monday getting into everything else coming out of mini camp as the Chargers go into their six week break but also if you're missing the show that's great because we still have our friends over at Chargers unleash where you can get an hour and a half of me and David For Better or For Worse kind of going off rting yeah I mean I was definitely a little bit unhinged over there you know a little bit more time a little bit more wiggle room there for me to get a little bit more on hinch so make sure you guys check those out those guys out they do great work and it was a really really fun episode but to make sure you're getting the best Chargers podcast the only podcast that's going to be coming to you the most out of anyone over these next six weeks go subscribe or follow to the lockon charges YouTube channel and listen wherever you get your podcast from you can also find us every day on all of our social media @ lockon Lac on Twitter where you can hit us up for the next fan meal and buyer sell show and also on Instagram at lockon Chargers and our locked on Chargers Facebook page you can also find the show every day on my Twitter at D talk sports and David Dr Myers at Dro talk SD but we will be getting into more fan stuff next week but we do want to get as much out of these practices as we can as the Chargers head into the offseason the last practices and last time we're hearing from these guys including Justin Herbert who seems like he's having more fun these days definitely want to get into what he had to say for sure Jim Harbaugh talked as well so did Derwin James got to get to that on the next show but we will be getting into more fan stuff because we do know that everydays are important to us and we love you guys so make sure you guys are back here with us but until then take it easy and go bolts

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Tony Jefferson Joins to Talk Why He Picked the Chargers and Relationships with Minter and Hortiz

Category: Sports

Intro we have a very special guest alert because on today's show we are bringing on newest charger safety tony jefferson san diego native coming on the show to talk about why he picked the chargers why he came out of retirement and why he loves the opportunity he has in front of him you are locked on... Read more

The Chargers Got Whooped By The Seahawks BUT It's Ok! thumbnail
The Chargers Got Whooped By The Seahawks BUT It's Ok!

Category: Sports

Chargers vs seahawks highlights and takeaways the chargers played their first preseason game 2 days ago and i'm going to be honest it was extremely disappointing it absolutely sucked but i'm still extremely excited about this coaching staff and and listen even though they sucked out there this is just... Read more

The Chargers Have A UDFA Flashing in Training Camp thumbnail
The Chargers Have A UDFA Flashing in Training Camp

Category: Sports

Chargers training camp news and highlights the chargers were in pads today for the second day in a row but also leanian tomlinson yes leanian tomlinson was out at practice today talking to all of the guys hopefully hyping them up so that they can have a better career and you know giving them a good... Read more

The Chargers Add Even More Speed At WR. thumbnail
The Chargers Add Even More Speed At WR.

Category: Sports

Chargers signed praise olatoke the chargers just added major speed to their wide receiver room and now just look at how different this group is from a year ago i mean basically we had two 30-year-old wide receivers that were pretty slow like four fiveish 40s now we have a bunch of young very high potential... Read more

The Chargers Biggest Problem Right Now! thumbnail
The Chargers Biggest Problem Right Now!

Category: Sports

Chargers training camp news and highlights the chargers are having their final practice today before playing their first preseason game this saturday i don't know can you guys freaking believe it we made it we are finally back to actual football being played but there's a lot that i want to go over... Read more

Easton Stick Makes Two Critical Mistakes And Shows Why The Chargers Must Make A Move For A Backup QB thumbnail
Easton Stick Makes Two Critical Mistakes And Shows Why The Chargers Must Make A Move For A Backup QB

Category: Sports

The game against the rams was the last chance that easton stick had to prove that he could be qb2 but unfortunately a couple of huge mistakes proved exactly why he should not be this team's primary backup you are locked on chargers your daily podcast on the los angeles chargers part of the locked on... Read more

Brenden Rice Making Plays At Training Camp! thumbnail
Brenden Rice Making Plays At Training Camp!

Category: Sports

Chargers training camp news and highlights the chargers were not in pads yesterday but there were still a ton of clips from practice and a guy who flashed is brendan rice and we have video evidence of this so this is going to be very exciting to go over but first we got to talk a little bit about special... Read more

Justin Herbert Injury Update | Jim Harbaugh Will Start Easton Stick! thumbnail
Justin Herbert Injury Update | Jim Harbaugh Will Start Easton Stick!

Category: Sports

Chargers news today we have some good news regarding the quarterback room and chargers made like i think the fifth signing in the past two weeks like since training camp started they've added i'm pretty sure five new guys to this roster which is definitely not the tom tesco way so i'm very happy about... Read more

This Chargers Rookie is Impressing People! thumbnail
This Chargers Rookie is Impressing People!

Category: Sports

Jesse minter interview tarhe has probably in the last three or four practices made a really really good jump uh really happy with the jump that he's made he made a bunch of really nice plays out there the last couple days the two rookies that we drafted uh very excited about both of them day two of... Read more

The Chargers Are Making Progress (Rams Game) thumbnail
The Chargers Are Making Progress (Rams Game)

Category: Sports

Chargers news today the chargers played the rams on saturday and unlike that seahawks game from last week there were some pretty good moments in this one that seahawks one was rough but even though the chargers didn't score a touchdown at all uh there were still some good moments on offense in this... Read more