Category: Entertainment
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to this matchup in the aus football league i'm dave stevens and analyst mike steel is in the booth with me as always well dave should be in for a real treat today got a group of college kids in front of us already a few too deep with the letters painted on their bellies... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to this matchup in the exus football league this is dave stevens with me as usual is analyst mike steel dave i won't lie i didn't do a lot of research this week manning's tavern has been running great wing specials i'm going to lean on your expertise and apologize to the... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Welcome football fans to this matchup in the aus football league for everyone here at the aus sports network this is dave stevens and i'm joined by analyst mike steel this game is shaping up to be really exciting dave both teams are primed and ready for some football there's no doubt about that let's... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Welcome football fans to this matchup in the ais football league i'm dave stevens and analyst mike steel is in the booth with me as always this game has dominated the headlines everyone has a theory of how it's going to go down and we are just a few minutes from setting it on the field this one is going... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Welcome football fans to this matchup in the axis football league along with our axis sports network crew i'm dave stevens here with analyst mike steel i'm looking at coaching staffs today dave two coaches who aren't afraid to play ball deep passes trick plays jailbreak blitzes we're sure to see them... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Welcome football fans to this matchup in the a football league for everyone here at the ais sports network my name is dave stevens alongside analyst mike steel this game is shaping up to be really exciting dave both teams are primed and ready for some football absolutely mike i don't think anyone would... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Welcome football fans to this matchup in the aus football league i'm dave stevens by my side is football analyst mike steel this game is shaping up to be really exciting dave both teams are primed and ready for some football yeah mike i think we've seen this before let's go ahead and get down to the... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Welcome football fans to this matchup in the aus football league i'm dave stevens and analyst mike steel is in the booth with me as always this game is shaping up to be really exciting dave both teams are primed and ready for some football yeah mike i think we've seen this before well let's play some... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hello baseball fans and welcome sunday baseball on the show it's the los angeles angels and the toronto blue jays first pitch coming your way next [applause] all right just about ready for baseball and out the hill in this one kevin gosman but chris he hasn't exactly been stellar here on his home now... Read more
Category: Gaming
To get started here and today's starting pitcher grant holmes chris it's a little more common these days but still he's a strikeout per inning type of guy well i hear you about the strikeouts a lot more guys striking out today but when you consider having the ability to get that strike out particularly... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Tag 16 zion nationalpark [musik] der nächste tag in der usa wir sind im z nationalpark diesmal und haben gerade nachdem wir 35 einritt bezahlt haben festgestellt dass man die hauptattraktion quasi hier lang nur mit einem shuttlebus fahren kann wir sind jetzt hier und ich würde sagen wir gucken jetzt... Read more
Category: Gaming
Just about set to go and on the hill in this one michael w and singy we were talking earlier about how he's doing a great job navigating through tough spots i've just been so impressed with when it seems like there's more pressure he's more calm and settles in he's done an incredible job with runners... Read more