IN FULL: Keir Starmer holds joint conference in Berlin to ‘turn a corner on Brexit’

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:11:19 Category: News & Politics

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ladies and uh gentlemen I'm extraordinarily  pleased to welcome prime minister kir starma so   soon after taking office Germany and the UK share  longstanding and a trustful partnership which is   based on shared values and reliable friendship we  are going to Foster and promote this cooperation   for the benefit of our peoples for the benefit  of Europe and security and the transatlantic sphere we want to continue to intensify uh these  relations we don't want to leave it at statements   but base our relations on an entirely new footing  in the coming months we're going to work towards a   treaty which reflects the whole spectrum of our  relations such a treaty has not existed between   Germany and the United Kingdom yet we also want to  Deen a cooperation between our two governments uh   through government to government consultations  which we are going to have very soon already   now we're coordinating closely in our day-to-day  work uh um we coordinate closely and based on the   spirit of trust all of this goes to show Germany  and the UK are special Partners indeed together   we want to strengthen the European pillar in NATO  and closer cooperation in the field of Security   will play an important role we also dealt with  the situation in Ukraine today Germany and the   UK stand firmly by Ukraine's aside I explicitly  say this also against the backrop of the fact   that attempts were made to sew the seeds of Doubt  when it comes to this commitment we will continue   to lend Financial economic political and Military  Support as long as this is necessary the budget   uh the draft budget um has earmarked 4 billion  Euro in bilateral aid for Ukraine in addition   together with the G7 States we provide a 50  billion loan to Ukraine in order to make sure   that Ukraine has reliable financial support and  in order to do so we also use windfall profits   from immobilized Russian central banks assets  we're deeply worried about the situation in the   Middle East and the escalation in the region the  immense human suffering which we're observing um   uh for months is growing just as the risk of  a regional conflagration we call upon all uh   parties involved to continue negotiations  immediately negotiations on a ceasefire   and the liberation of hostages the catastrophic  humanitarian situation in Gaza and the lack of   protection um for civilians and humanitarian Aid  workers is something that deeply worries me Israel   needs to do more we coordinate closely not only  in terms of security policy it is also important   to further develop relations between the European  Union and the United Kingdom I'm happy about the   announcement by kir starmer to uh seek a reset  in the relations to the European Union we want to   take this hand which has reached out to us the UK  has always been an indispensable partner when it   comes to solving the big issues affecting all of  Europe and nothing has changed after the UK left   the European Union with the withdrawal agreement  the protocol in Ireland and Northern Ireland the   corporate comprehensive um trade and cooperation  agreement and the Windsor framework we have a   reliable legal framework for our relations  that needs to be fully implemented one last   point is important to me the contacts between our  societ ities between Germans and uh people in the   UK have declined massively after brexit and the  covid-19 pandemic we want to change that because   if you know each other well you understand each  other better we share similar views on this and   this is we why why we want to intensify the uh  exchanges between Germany and the UK Mr Prime   Minister welcome to Berlin thank you very much um  can I first express my sincere condolences for the   shocking attack in zingan last week our country  knows what it's like to suffer such senseless   and Despicable acts and our thoughts are with all  the families affected by this terrible event and   Olaf thank you it's fantastic to be here with  you in Berlin uh not alas my first visit here   as prime minister football as it turns out uh  decided to visit it second home in Spain this   time when I was last here but anyway it's still  an incredible experience and a showcase for the   Fantastic Hospitality of this great nation so  thank you for hosting yet another episode in   English footballing trauma I've been through  a lot anyway I'm delighted to be back at this   moment of opportunity for our two countries  Olaf on every occasion that we've met we've   talked about our Ambitions for the future our  values of security prosperity and respect and   our shared determination to harness the power of  government for the service of working people and   that is what we are doing today a new UK Germany  treaty a once in a generation chance to deliver   for working people in Britain and in Germany a new  agreement a testament to the depth and potential   of our relationship with deeper links on science  technology development people business culture a   boost to our trading relations Germany of course  already the UK's second largest trading partner   in the world and through that a chance to create  jobs here and in the United Kingdom and deliver   that most precious of goods for both our countries  economic growth let me be clear growth is the   number one mission of my government and what we  understand clearly is that building relationships   with our partners here in Germany and across  Europe is vital to achieving it that is what our   agreement today represents the chance that we have  we will also deepen cooperation on shared social   challenges for example on illegal immigration  because we cannot smash The Smuggler gangs who   perpetrate this vile trade without the help  of our partners and I'm really glad that we   had substantive discussions today about how we  tackle the smuggling gangs and agreed to develop   a joint action plan to tackle illegal migration we  will also renew our commitment to the Cali group   enhance our intell elligence sharing on organized  immigration crime but also increased collaboration   on tackling climate change an important goal for  the planet of course for greater energy security   but also for tackling the drivers of challenges  like illegal migration at source and finally at   the heart of this treaty will be a new defense  agreement an agreement that builds Upon Our   already formidable defense cooperation but which  expands that relationship to face the threats of   a volatile world together that of course means a  shared resolve to stand up for the security of our   people and The Wider European continent and that  begins with our unyielding support for Ukraine and   we discussed that in some detail today because  as Europe's largest contributors to Ukraine's   war effort efforts and as the nations with the  highest defense expenditure among the European   countries in NATO we know only too well the debt  we owe to the Ukrainian people who fight not just   to defend themselves but for the people and all  the people across Europe so today we affirmed   our commitment to stand with Ukraine for as long  as it takes we also share a common commitment to   resolve the crisis is in the Middle East as you've  just referenced and we agree on Israel's right to   self-defense in compliance with International  humanitarian law the need for deescalation   across the region and for restraint and caution  to be exercised unfettered humanitarian access   into Gaza agreement to a ceasefire and release  of all hostages and the importance of working   together towards a political solution based on  the creation of a Palestinian State alongside a   safe and secure Israel the only way to provide  long-term peace and security for both Israelis   and Palestinians now that of course is not an  easy goal but it is one that we are committed to   pursuing together because as today shows Britain  can advance its interests much more effectively   when we stand with our friends and partners  this treaty is part of a wider reset grounded   in a new spirit of cooperation with our shared  understanding that this will be developed at   PACE and that we hope to have agreed it by  the end of the year a Britain reconnected   resetting our relationship rediscovering  our common interests delivering for working   people Britain and Germany already have an  incredible relationship we invest billions in   each other's countries thousands and thousands  of jobs are supported through trade and every   year millions of people travel between our two  countries exchanging ideas collaborating creating   and connecting but today we build on that a  Bright new future for UK German relations two   great countries brought closer together than  ever before the strongest strategic Partners   in Europe and on the world stage thank you  so much for hosting us here today thank you

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