My Twitter beef with Christian actor and evangelist Kirk Cameron (Livestream)

Published: Aug 15, 2024 Duration: 00:14:27 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: kirk cameron
you know one of the things I do not just for the live stream but for the articles I write is I keep a I I keep tabs on what certain Christians are talking about posting online I may not comment on it but it's nice to know what they're up to and one person I've been following forever is someone known as the activist mommy her name is Elizabeth Johnston she's one of those you've seen all those moms who want to ban books all those conservative mothers who have to protect their children by making sure they never learn anything she's one of the old school those women the sort of person who like burned a book on camera or burned a magazine on camera because she didn't like what was inside she's still going at it it's been many years since she hit any sort of viral Fame and then I think she had some personal issues but now she's back doing some Ministry that teaches women I don't know what but weirdly enough on her Channel recently She interviewed Kirk Cameron you know Kirk Cameron Kirk Cameron is the star one of the stars of the sitcom growing panes from the 1980s and he's also one of the guys famous for that uh that video that Ray Comfort made many many years ago where he calls a banana The Atheist worst nightmare if you've ever seen that skit it's not a skit he's totally real when he does it but if you've ever seen that video Ray comfort's holding the banana talking about how Evolution could never have designed it and Kurt Cameron is sitting just off to the side noding along because he agrees with everything so Kurt Cameron's been known not as an actor but as an evangelist and then you know kind of an actor but only in crappy Christian movies that no one watches so Elizabeth Johnston was interviewing Kirk Cameron which is like a mix of all these horrible ideas coming together at the same time so you know I had to watch and it turned out it wasn't even that long of a video but I'm going to play for you the one clip that I saw in there I think it's an amalgamation of a couple different scenes but it's a very short clip because it wasn't that long of a video but they were talking about how horrible public schools are and let me play it for you and then we will talk about this okay if we Outsource our parenting because it's easier or we believe the lie we're not qualified experts to educate our kids so we have to we have to subcontract our parenting and discipleship out to the government we're going to have little kids that come back as little marxists little statists little atheists drag queens strippers drug dealers and you name it pull your kids out of the schools that are teaching your kids bad things and put them into places that teach them good things I wh what what just to recap there if you send your kids to Public Schools says Kirk Cameron who I don't believe went to a public school because he was doing the acting school because he was on set if you send your kids to public school he says they will come back as little marxists which I don't know if you know this it's not on the curriculum for third graders little statists and it took me a while I still don't know if I know the meaning of that word I know conservatives rail against globalism as if like one government controls the entire world and they don't like that and I know nationalism like Christian nationalism where you know a certain group of Christians gets to control policy for the entire country I assume that's what statism is where a state controls stuff but I guess they think that's bad I'm not really sure how this works maybe I'm totally wrong no idea what little statist means but he also said if you send your kids to public school they will come back as little atheists surprise to me drag queens strippers drug dealers you name it all these horrible things if they go to public schools so that clip I just played for you I shared on X Twitter and so many people chimed in because maybe like you maybe like me they want they're very defensive of public schools I went to Public Schools my entire life I went to college at a public university so I'm very defensive of public schools I also taught at one for several years and of course not just the people I went to school with but the kids I taught who have since graduated and gone on to launch their careers I promise you the ones I keep in touch with and have seen they are all doing these wonderful meaningful things where they are helping other people none of that seems to matter to Kirk Cameron none of that seems to be in the uh none that seems to be a possible outcome where you could graduate from a public school and then give back to your community and serve them in a positive way and also I don't like that he's just assuming that drag queens and strippers have no value whatsoever like come on stop being so sex negative I don't they just drag drag queens into everything too that's unnecessary so this trashing of the public schools just completely senseless so after I posted that the number of people who commented were unusually high to the point where I started seeing news articles about that clip here's just a sampling of what I saw this is in the Charlotte Observer but they're getting an article from Parade Magazine uh I like how they say how they don't say Kurt Cameron like the star they say hey his sister's on Full House and Fuller house Candis Cameron bu's brother Kirk faces backlash for controversial parenting comments EV and oh look at this the father of six appeared on the Elizabeth Johnston podcast to talk about family religion and more and soon after it was released hello I shared a clip from the conversation that started getting attention that's very nice of them there was also this in a huff post which was interesting uh critics what do we have here critics School Kirk Cameron after weird rant about a the drag queens and strippers very nice there's the little there's the Tweet right there but really this one uh was my favorite this is from Newsweek a growing pain star k Cameron Sparks outrage with parenting rant I like this one because not only did they quote me here they also pointed out that I do a podcast with my podcast co-host Jessica and they shared uh they shared all of that lovely good for them so all of these outlets and by the way all these articles then get syndicated or passed on on wire services to all these other smaller newspapers so Google Alerts were going crazy but my favorite thing about this is that after it got all that attention guess who finally chimed in it would be Mr Kirk Cameron himself check this out because this is what he finally responded with here's here's my tweet and here's him quote tweeting it let's let's zoom in and read through this while taken out of context stop no we can't go on right there I watch these things I have a habit of watching a lot of Christian sermons online I assure you I'm not doing it for my health it's not good for my health but I assure you I don't take things out of context I don't need to because quoting these people in context makes them look horrible enough as is so this idea that I took him out of context in what context would what Kirk Cameron said be okay I mean just ask yourself that in unless he said all of that stuff and then I clipped out the word not at the very end which I promise you he didn't do like you could see the original video it's online it's not taken out of context anyway while taken out of context I'm glad glad that this topic uh I'm glad this is topic trending on X as I talk about more in my new book born to be brave because you know nothing no one knows courage and bravery more than a CIS straight white guy the problems of our struggling culture can be traced back to disengaged parenting and turning away from God this now is turning into like a JD Vance impression the only only solution is turning back to God and parents fiercely guarding our children's academic spiritual and emotional learning and listen that might sound okay but that suggests that parents you have to keep your kids in a bubble otherwise all hell will break loose and your kids might learn to think for themselves and that would be terrible sending our children to public school for education is like sending them to a candy store for nutrition which again you're reiterating the thing I quoted you saying which you just said takes you out of context you're saying if you send your kids to public school for Education they're not actually getting it and there are millions upon millions of people who know better and disagree and find that so grossly offensive because not only are you trashing Public Schools you're trashing all of our teachers you're you're trashing the entire profession of Education all these people who dedicate their time and careers into educating people for very little money relatively speaking and here's Kirk gameron saying oh you can't go to a public school for Education send them to what homeschooling private Christian School like you don't want to do those comparisons because they're not going to go well a few kids do okay and a lot of them struggle uh in homeschooling chrisan education whatever and then he continues parents you are your children's best Advocate teacher and guide no government program can replace you and then to me personally he says hamt meta I am a recovering atheist stop no you're not I you were not at any of the club meetings back in the day here's when he says he's a recovering atheist here's what that means when he was younger he didn't really think about religion much it just didn't cross his mind guess what a lot of young people have other things they are obsessed with it's not weird that someone might not be thinking about religion doesn't mean they're atheist it means I I don't think about it one way or the other a lot of people are apolitical in the same way they just don't think about it doesn't make them supporters of one group or another so this idea that he's a recovering atheist because he found God later in life no you weren't an atheist you were apathetic you were ignorance use one of those words you were not a recovering atheist you were not someone who advocat that people stop believing in God you just didn't care stop using that language but KT Cameron says I'm a recovering atheist I want to send you a copy of my book on the house in hopes that you a friendly atheist would be open to some wisdom from above I don't want his book um here's what he doesn't seem to realize the reason I do a lot of the atheist advocacy that I do or at least the way I got started in it some of you know this I'm guessing most of you don't like 20 years ago I did some stupid stunt where I like sold my soul on eBay big quote fingers on that one because that's not how it went down but I wrote a book about uh visiting a whole bunch of Christian churches and when that book came out because it was a real book legit publisher and whatnot I did a lot of interviews not only did I do a lot of interviews I did a lot of interviews with Christian Outlets who were very intrigued by the idea of an open atheist visit churches like the ones they go to and documenting my experiences there one of those interviews was with Kirk Cameron and it was I think it was on Ray comfort's ministries show but Kirk Cameron was the host and I knew what his stick was like back in the day because here's what he does in every interview he Butters you up for like two minutes talking about you know good for you for for expanding your worldview and thinking about this stuff hey hey do you think you're a good person and of course most people are going to say yeah yeah of course I'm a good person uh do you think you're going to go to heaven or hell after you die and then you know this is the game they play the point they want to make is that it doesn't matter how good you are it doesn't matter how good you think you are because unless you accept Jesus You're Never Getting To Heaven as if that's supposed to scare me in some way and I'm sure there's a more clever answer to all that but I knew what game he was playing I remember trying to as soon as I heard him launch into that line of questioning I had my rebuttal ready to go and I don't know that was the interview it happened and then I moved on and I'm like I think I walked away from it thinking 80s TV star Kirk Cameron thinks I'm going to hell very interesting anyway he's forgotten about that which is fine I'm not expecting him to remember it but I just enjoy that Kirk Cameron totally forgot we have chatted time many times at least that one time before and I've chatted to his buddy Ray Comfort a couple of times since then and he's like you know you don't know me but I'll send you a copy of my book don't want your book hey you know what I'll send you a copy of my book because apparently you don't read anything except for the Bible and maybe you need to expand your mind you could go to a public school and learn a lot doesn't seem like that's any interest to you but there you go that was my that was my week with Kirk Cameron

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