the return of warped tour????? my THOUGHTS

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:25:31 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: warped tour 2025
[Music] it's [Music] raining nothing was wor it my [Music] life warp tours coming back baby oh my God oh my God okay it's happening everybody stay calm what's the procedure everyone what's the proced okay actually any article I've read has said things like multiple sources and rumors so it's not a 100% done deal it's kind of just like talking of Warp Tour returning next year honestly I'm very doubtful hello Shadow I'm very doubtful that Warp Tour will return I kind of get the vibe it's just like a headline like clickbait but I thought I would talk about it today I am just going to sit here and Yap this isn't like a video essay I just want to give like my thoughts and opinions and you can't stop me I woke up this morning I got my iPad woke up this morning to like everyone on my Facebook feed yes I use Facebook still I live in a small town what do you want me to do and all these people on my Facebook feed were sharing this picture that was like Warp Tour returns for 2025 for 30th anniversary of the festival okay pause does everyone know what Warp Tour is if you watched my video essay on scene culture then you heard me talk about Warp Tour it was a music festival that ran from 1995 to 2019 and it was a one-day Festival tickets were super affordable it was like 40 bucks and it was just a bunch of like alternative metal pop punk uh Punk SCA bands so like anything alternative and then they even added like some rap artists like I met riff rap one year it started in '95 and they had bands like Sublime and deaf tones and then as it went on you know they had bands like blinkin 82 some 41 and it just kept progressing you had Fallout Boy My chical Romance uh take a shot from for every single year Motion City Soundtrack was there and in addition to having bigger bands they really gave a platform to smaller artists who gained a following because of their performances at Warp Tour the other cool thing about Warp Tour is that it was literally a tour so they had dozens of stops all across the country and I usually went to the one in Cincinnati I went to the one in St Louis one time to visit a friend and I almost went to the one in Nashville but but I'm glad I didn't cuz I heard it sucked uh if you lived in like the west or the Deep South you were kind of [ __ ] but for the most part there were so many stops on the tour that it was really you know affordable and it was one day so you might have like one night of a hotel room I would usually just road trip it up and back in the same day but that's just me so Warp Tour ran for what 24 years math yeah 24 years and it was organized o obviously it was sponsored by Vans off-the-wall skate company so what I want to talk about today is If Warp Tour is coming back if big if I want to talk about why like I'm excited I'd like to go but it would not be the same as it was the last time it's first run so obviously like it's exciting to think about getting to go to Warp Tour again because it was such a huge part of my teenage years it was always a good time even though it was always a million [ __ ] degrees you got to see so many bands you know I saw Neck Deep The Story So Far knocked loose uh We Came As Romans issues the devil we's Prada guar Beartooth uh [ __ ] Riff Raff like so many good bands over the years did I say knocked loose I need to mention knocked loose again cuz they're like my favorite band and another cool thing about Warp Tour was that it was all ages so if you were a teenager you could go I want to add that if you were a teenager and your parent went with you hopefully they would you know give you some supervision Warp Tour had this tent called what was it like the parent tent like parent sitting parent babysitting or something like that and it was just like a nice air conditioned tint for the parents to hang out in while other teenagers would go to the different shows and my dad went with me um most years that I went cuz I was still in high school for a lot of it and he went to the parent tent and he texted me and he goes this is lame and he went and like was going to the shows cuz he's like this is lame the beer is like $13 I'm not hanging out in here so they did have a little option for parents but if you're like my dad then you liked the music better and I even saw some people bring their kids and it was a fairly familyfriendly event I just loved Warp Tour because of the community like everyone was so excited to see all the bands that they loved everyone was so like friendly at least in my experience I know like not everyone had the same experience um but everyone was so friendly you know get compliments from strangers in a non creepy way um you know just talking to the people waiting for the show to start talking to people at different booths um I don't know I always had a really positive experience at Warp Tour except for the last year but that was just like a bad situation and I missed 303 cuz I had them playing at [ __ ] like 10:30 in the morning which is a crime they should have been [ __ ] headlining shutting down the place but I digress I want to reiterate the highlights of Warp Tour would be the affordability the multiple locations uh it's one day it's all ages and there were just so many different bands and they were mostly really great I will mention that there are so many bands in like the pop punk alternative scene that have allegations against them like the band slaves how many bands has Johnny Craig been kicked out of at this point because they Warp Tour removed slaves from the lineup because of Johnny Craigs Behavior where he was like sexually harassing someone working the merch table that man is heinous like when will he pay for his crimes and also I remember Front Porch Step played I think a couple times and allegations came out about him uh with inappropriate behavior and it's kind of unfortunately a running joke among alter of people that any band you like is going to end up having allegations because I don't think it's just the alternative scene I think it's the music industry in general where you have [ __ ] who are talking to Miners and sexually harassing and sexually assaulting people and I feel like it's more the music industry as a whole it's definitely unfortunately common in the scene to find out that a singer and a band you really like has allegations so now after the me too movement a lot of these bands hopefully will not be invited to Warp Tour but I mean are you really missing out on that much if you don't see Front Porch Step like you know can we ban Ronnie radkey please that would make me so happy can we please ban that man from Warp Tour oh my God he's going to clip this of me and play it at his next show Kevin Lyman who The Warp Tour co-founder said that the festival ended because of fan elitism and a loss of community which I think is interesting because a huge conversation in the alternative Community right now especially on Tik Tok is about how subcultures have become so watered down and there's just constant discourse of this is emo no this is emo this is metal no this is metal and calling people posers just because they don't listen to certain bands and obviously like you can argue all day long that something is or isn't emo and our opinions have shifted so much like in 2007 you would probably get called a poser for listening to My Chemical Romance but now like you'll get called a poser for not listening to My Chemical Romance and I guess we have this generation of Elder Emos I don't like that term I think it's I don't know I'm 26 I don't consider myself an elder anything but I think it's interesting that that was the reason given for why Warp Tour was shut down since Co subculture has again been like watered down so much because people pretty much focus on Aesthetics now instead of subculture and being part of a community and I know I know like going to shows isn't accessible for everyone because sometimes you live somewhere where there's no shows near you you don't have a local scene if you live in a small town or a conservative town and you know concert tickets are so expensive these days I mean I pretty much only go to local shows because I'm not spending more than like 20 bucks on a ticket although I am going to see fidlar next month and I'm so [ __ ] excited tickets were only like $32 so that's not bad in my opinion that's worth it to see one of my favorite bands so if they shut down warp T because of elitism and a loss of community how the hell would it be better now because if anything I think there's more elitism and less Community now than there was you know 5 years ago so that brings me to my main point that I think this is a cash grab I think this is 100% nostalgic debate cash grab I think they are going if if Warp Tour comes back next year I think they are aiming mostly at Elder Emos who want to relive their teenage years and there's nothing wrong with wanting to go to Warp Tour again I mean depending on the lineup I'll probably go if if it comes back so I feel like it's definitely nostal debating and the founders of warp T probably are see see how popular alternative culture is right now although I always feel like maybe I have a warped sense of reality no pun intended saying warped because Tik Tok algorithm is so personalized that I don't know if alternative culture just seems really popular because it's the content I interact with but it definitely feels more mainstream I don't really listen to any current like alternative bands I I really have a tendency to just listen to the same albums over and over the only like genre I really keep up with is uh hardcore like uh I'm so ready for kon's next album dude so I would hope for the lineup they would have some diversity like both in genres and also just like in the bands performing I hope they would bring back some Staples like some 41 303 uh Bring Me The Horizon you know some varying ones I even saw Anti Flag one year which was kind of a different like definitely more old school punk as opposed to like you know the story so far and I feel like they always did a good job of having different genres and I would be really disappointed if Warp Tour comes back and just has like bands that sell it Hot Topic you know like I don't want I don't want something Main dream but again I feel like it's a cash grab I feel like they're either going to go the Nostalgia route and like just book like classic emo bands or they're going to just do a bunch of like modernday bands that just sound like pop basically I'm sorry guys I'm sorry don't attack me and I feel like another thing is social media in Tik Tok has ex just gotten so huge since even 2019 and I don't want warp T to be one of those things where people just go to like Flex and like post on social media that they went I want it to be an actual people actually going because they love music they love the bands they love the culture I just I don't want it to be you know people trying to make a statement on social media does that make sense am I being like am I being a lus I don't know like I don't think it's elitist to say you should like the music if you're going to go to a music festival I don't know another thing you guys probably expected me to mention is this conversation of concert etiquette that is constantly going around on Tik Tok for me I have only been to one bigger I I don't go to stadium shows cuz I just I want to be up close I want like general admission and I'm not paying like $200 for tickets so the last show the only show I've been to since Co that was like a bigger show was I saw a lot ofp best show of my [ __ ] life I will stand by that forever and the crowd for me was not that different than it was before Co um it was a little different because I went alone so I didn't have like a friend to like hang with but I made friends with these really uh two these really cool two girls who came from Columbus and I came from Kentucky and we were both in Cincinnati so that concert was fine for me and then any other show I've gone to has been a local show so I don't think I've experienced firsthand some of this like poor concert etiquette that a lot of people talk about I think it depends on the artist because you have sometimes you have an artist who have a song blow up on Tik Tok that's the only song people know you know they only know you know you know they only recognize like two lines from the song and then they go see the artist and don't know any of the other music they're just there because they know the song from Tik Tok and it's kind of lame like in my opinion it's lame although there's nothing wrong with hearing a song you like on Tik Tok and then being like wow I just discovered this artist I really like this artist listening to their other music I mean I use Tik Tok to discover new artists all the time but I actually like the rest of their music not just the two lines from some song that blew up on Tik Tok something that I'm kind of torn on is the conversation around moshing I see moshing as part of going to a show depending on the show you know I'm not going to go to I don't know I'm not not going to go to Lana Del re and be starting a mosh pit in Wall of Death and it definitely depends on how heavy the band is the crowd at a pop punk show is going to be different than the crowd at slipnot I just think it's a little silly to go to like a Deathcore show and get mad when you get pushed around like I don't think people understand that Wasing is a part of shows and it always has been in you know Punk and metal and I'm not saying like if you go to a show you have to be in the mosh pit like and I'm not saying that just because you go to a heavier show means that you have to participate in a mosh pit or that you like are obligated to like if someone comes up and starts like pushing you around what the [ __ ] that's rude and I crowd killing is so [ __ ] F stupid I do acknowledge that when I started going to shows as a young teenager you know you'd have these grown ass men who were uh like basically punching people in the face kicking people it's like dude I'm a 15-year-old girl and you're 35-year-old man who are you trying to impress right now so crowd killing is stupid but I think it's a little naive to go to a metal show or a hardcore show and expect no that no one's going to touch you you're not going to get pushed around and again like I know some people have uh disabilities or disorders where you know they don't like big crowds they don't want to be touched maybe you know get overwhelmed by the noise I think just the most important thing about moshing is consent and making sure that everyone's having a good time and the second someone stops having a good time you respect that and don't keep you know pushing their boundaries like someone wants to tap out you know help them get out if someone falls down pick them up and again it really depends on the show now back to my cash grab Theory a few years ago uh I think it was Live Nation I'm going to talk about Live Nation started the When We Were Young Fest which was a Nostalgia cash grab because it's a two-day Festival it's only in Las Vegas I think it's coming up next month and they were kind of marketing it as like warp T 2.0 because they have bands like Paramore My Chemical Romance and Fallout Boy whatnot kind of classic 2000's emo I know they're not emo but you know what I mean emo subculture bands and when I first heard about when we were young I was like I I don't want to go to that like it just didn't appeal to me and also I'm not paying [ __ ] $300 $400 to go to a concert like even if it's a two-day Festival the cheapest ticket they have general admission is $325 so that's like [ __ ] that's like over $150 a day I don't know math is hard I'm not going to pay that much and I know inflation exists but man and also I don't like overnight festivals but the other thing I want to mention is that if Warp Tour comes back one of the things I read is that it's going to be organized by Live Nation you guys remember what else Live Nation organized Astro World where people died because of negligence and I know Live Nation is like a a huge company and they organize a lot of music events but hey I don't really want to support a company that CHS money over people's lives a company that did not care about regulations or safety I will say at warp T where they did have the rule they had like signs that said no moshing no crowd surfing which everyone ignored obviously but it it was you know they they tried at least and then at Astro World it was just set up so horribly where there was this crowd Rush that just crushed people and people got trampled and you couldn't even get ambulances to help them like that's not an organization a company that I want to support that I want to give my money to to Astro World Live Nation has been found liable for hundreds of injuries and hundreds of deaths over the years at their events and in addition to that as if that isn't bad enough they also own a Ticket Master Ticket Master is evil because they price gouge and they basically do anti-competitive practices and they're being sued by the Department of Justice right now because they complete they have such a monopoly on the market right now and they'll basically sell tickets to their events and then immediately raise the prices by like 400% and make it so hard to get tickets and they just get bought out by Bots and then resold for even higher so Ticket Master [ __ ] sucks and so does Live Nation so for one thing I don't want to support Live Nation and secondly I feel like if warp t comes back tickets are going to be so much more expensive I hope they keep it as a one-day Festival but I mean they see people charging hundreds and hundreds of dollars for other music festivals like uh bonaroo When We Were Young Coachella is kind of a different vibe but uh latter than life [ __ ] like that and I just I really hope they keep the prices low I know it's unreasonable to expect tickets to still be $40 so just to summarize I know this video is just me talking and wasn't very organized but I wanted to make a video about this cuz I woke up this morning and I was like I need to talk about this if Warp Tour comes back I hope they stay true to their Roots I hope they have actual alternative artists I hope they give a spotlight to small artists and have a diverse lineup I hope they keep the prices low and I'm still iffy about it being run by Live Nation that just doesn't sit well with me because of their past events and then when it comes to like subculture and Community I feel like no matter how it goes they aren't going to be able to win because you're going to have people in their 30s complaining that it's not the same as Warp Tour in 2010 or whatever and they're probably going to be rude as [ __ ] to young people who are newer to the subculture but then you're going to have younger people who don't know how to act at concerts I don't know I I'm very interested to see in whether it actually comes back next year and if they're going to do if it comes back next year if they're going to restart it and do it annually again or if they're just going to do it for the 30th anniversary and then call it quits again I really want to hear y'all's opinion on this because I know some people are so excited but I don't know I'm kind of skeptical maybe I'm being a Debbie Downer youall know how I like to do that but I just I'm skeptical that it's a cash grab Nostalgia bait and they're going to charge out the ass for it so yeah leave a comment let me know what you think about the possible return of Warp Tour I've got another two videos I'm working on right now but I'm taking college classes and I'm super busy right now so it's YouTube has kind of been on the back burner for me but I do have a really cool video essay coming out that I'm really excited to film thank you for liking and subscribing I really appreciate it and I hope we can get a little conversation going in the comments um about alternative subculture and Warp Tour um please remember to be respectful in the comments I really hate seeing people fight in my comment section and if y'all don't behave I will turn off comments okay hey I'm still alive in making videos sometimes so thank you for watching

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