WCSD BOE August 26, 2024 Annual Meeting

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:53:01 Category: Education

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I'd like to call to order the annual meeting for the WAN Community School District Board of Education and I would open the um nomination for chairperson of this meeting can I um please say your name oh I'm sorry I'm marer do we have any other nomin well we need a second we need a second second I'm Tim keep thank you nominations Rober don't have to be second but I'm it anyway okay than any other nominations all in favor of having Ben Opel be the chairperson say I I I all opposed was that an i for or I against it thank you okay theable so you pretty much will just follow the agenda as posted up there okay uh is this scripted or am I just uh kind of calling out what we're going to talk about and allowing the board to get to its business um once we get into the um slide presentation there's more scripted material but right now you could just say uh let's please read the official notice all right uh please read the official notice of the budget hearing and the annual meeting Miss anger Bron um notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of the Wane Community School District that the budget hearing will be held at 9:05 bethl Circle wanaki Wisconsin 53597 on the 26th day of August 2024 at 7 o' detailed copies of the budget are available for inspection in the district office at 905 bethl Guan key Wisconson dated this sixth day of August 2024 thank you and would the Director of Business services please begin the budget summary we're fight each other so St and I will go our slides and then resolution okay so we do have the purpose of the annual meeting this is taken from Wisconsin State Statute you use your microphone does this it doesn't it doesn't microphone it doesn't amplify the it's for the purpos sure yep okay so we elected a chairperson um Judy read the official notice of the hearing of the meeting I'll go through the budget summary so the budget timeline we presented the third draft of the budget to the school board on July 8th 2024 that was approved it was based off of the 2023 25 state budget it included a tax levia 44.5 million an equalized property value increase of 4.5% and a tax rate of $916 the budget was published in the WAN Tribune is also on our website and then if you're looking for any more details you can always request those um on October 28th the school board will approve the tax or the budget and the tax levy um utilizing the budget data that we get later in the year instead of the estimated data that's currently in the third draft this is the budget timeline we use in our budget planning process um the 2023 25 state budget um this is the second year of the state budget so we use the numbers that we knew such as the 325 per student um the categorical Aid remain the same at 742 um we had our 2022 operational referendum up to the $6 million this year and then we had fund 10 um based on an increase of 3,738 37 um we also had the revenue cap increasing by 4.8 million and the non-revenue cab revenues are estimated to decrease by 1.16 million this was primarily S3 funding that we no longer have would you mind going into detail on the what categorical Aid uh cont constitutes as well as the sr3 yes sure so to start the sr3 was the co funding that we received from the federal government we received about $3.9 million and we spread it over two fiscal years Steve do you want to talk about the other sure so the CATE the student categorical uh was something that has changed over time so if you go back about 10 12 years it was actually zero uh but in the state budget process there have been years where the legislators had preferred putting funding into a per student aid instead of the revenue limit formula so you see the first bullet point uh the revenue limit went of $325 per student in this state budget but the legisl kept the student the per student categorical the same so it remained at 742 uh but just depending on what's going on in the state budget sometimes the legislators legislators change that number sometimes they changed the 325 and sometimes theyve changed both so it just depends on what's happening in each state budget but for the one we're in now that 742 did not change it remain the same and instead uh the revenue cap formula was increased by $325 per student so it can change by the year okay thank you okay so we have our Revenue cap increase in a chart over here we do have the um referendum broke out in the light purple um versus the revenue limit amounts that we get from the state so you can see from year how that's changed um W key is estimated to receive just a slightly more amount in state aid um just about $130,000 and then under the revenue cap formula in Wisconsin increases or decreases in the state general Aid are offset um by the fun 10 local property tax levy is this to say that there will be less levied because of the increase in state aid correct special education Aid was increased to 32.5% um we're estimated to receive about half a million dollars more that's due to an increase in expenditures last year um under the school financing system increases or decreases in special education Aid are also offset by the local transfer from front tent fund 27 an enrollment increase um we do have an estimated increase of six students from last year to this year last year we had 400 4,46 students and this year we're estimating 4,412 um overall expenditures are set to increase 6% from 2324 um we have seven new FTE the budget for this year the school board has also approved the CPI increase of 4.12 as well as compensation increases um for the teacher and classified staff um compensation system we also have the contingency fun line of $100,000 still in the budget and so for people who are tuning in um playing the home game here that's pegging to the Consumer Price Index correct [Music] okay um historical expenditure and then what we have budgeted for 2425 cost per people over the years um revenues and fund 10 state aid increasing the 130,000 or 1% that I mentioned before local taxes are set to increase $4.7 million um the total increase of 3.7 or 55% over what was budgeted in 23 24 this is the historical tax levy equalized tax rate in 2324 equalized property values were $4.6 billion um in 23 24 the tax rate was $8.97 per thousand of equalized value in 2425 we've estimated $4.8 billion for the equalized property values um in 2425 the tax rate is estimated to be $916 per th000 of equalized value the tax levy from the on audited numbers last year compared to this year um there's a 6.7% increase in the tax levy from last year to this year um The Debt Service tax levy is is 10.6 million it includes 0 for Debt Service defeasance um this was about $2 million lower than last year's fund 39 tax levy and this is to interest on debts on that the district has taken on okay equalized value over the years estimating the 4.8 billion for this year um the average increase for a $500,000 house would be $95 this year with the tax rate of $916 equalized value comes out on October 1st 2024 in the third draft of the budget we currently have estimated a 45% increase although a number we received on um August 15 from preliminary estimates say that it's going to be closer to 8% um the state of Wisconsin certifies the equalized property value on October 1st 2024 so for the final draft of the budget we'll have that final number you expect it to be around 8% correct District fund 10 fund balance you can see that 2223 was at 12.7% this year we have an estimated 99.7% fund balance although that's PR preliminary as we are still working through the on it so fund 10 being is this a reserve of some sort it's our fund balance yep so our Reserve so we're at 99.7% estimated so far that could change so got it so the next step with budget planning for 2425 will have the third Friday student count on September 20th we'll have any budget changes that have taken place since July put in the fourth draft of the budget um we'll have the final District property values as well as final District Revenue cap amount we'll also have the district state aid and property tax amount finalized as well as the final District tax rate and then all changes will have to be completed by November 1st which is the last date that we can approve the budget and the tax levy we have a special board meeting scheduled for October 28th to approve the budget and the tax levy for 2425 we have multiple internal and external groups that review our budget and financial data they're all listed there um the last time the school district had a credit rating was in December 2022 we received an improved rating of a double A minus we were rated by standard and pors and this is up previous from an A1 rating that we had prior to that and when's the next rating cycle the next time we borrow for the November 22 referendum so later this fall for the winter okay then I'll turn it over to Steve for long-term financial planning thank you I appreciate that so I'm going to spend a couple minutes just going through the next couple slides to talk about some of the long-term financial planning issues uh as you all know as board members we spent some time this summer at the board retreat talking through a variety of these issues but for the community members to have an opportunity to be aware of what some of these longer term discussions are that we've been having with the board um first of all we have two nonrecurring operational rougher items and what that means for non-recurring is that the board presented them to the public for a limited period of time so they were not permanent uh so there were two nonrecurring operational referendums that are currently out there of 2.1 million from November of 2020 to November of 2024 and then the November 22 a non-recurring operational referendum uh was for the 22 23 and 24 tax levies uh which means that that will expire as well so there's a total expiration of 8.1 million prior prior to the start of the 2526 school year uh so those funds are included in the reports and information you saw from Ali tonight for 2425 but they expire prior to the 25 26 school year a second topic that we've discussed with the board is below average compensation for hourly staff so the hourly staff are the one employee group in the district that our data shows um is not paid comparable or average compared to the districts that we track in day County um so we have currently a below average compensation for hourly staff our other employee groups are at or slightly above the average for the districts that we look at for comparables uh and the third issue that we've talked about longterm is the disconnect between the inflation that we're seeing in a public school and the increase of the $325 per student student so the $325 per student equates to roughly a 2.1% revenue increase uh as you know as board members the CPI the state approved CPI from the Wisconsin employment relations commission was 4.12% so we're seeing a difference between the inflationary costs that we have as a school district and the increases in revenues the reason we've been able to support uh most of those inflationary increases is really our public approving those non-recurring operational referendums for the district those local funds have really stepped in to bridge the gap between those State resources and inflationary increases so we do mention here um expenditure increases exceed the 2.1% for major expenses like the CPI uh compensations systems Transportation utilities health insurance benefits Etc um alignment so an Al a long-term alignment of revenues and expenses would require either expenditure reductions or continued operational referendums to bridge the gap so one of the two of those things or some of both would ultimately need to happen to have that alignment of revenues and expenses uh and an additional bullet point address the declining fund 10 uh fund balance percent you did see on a few slides before uh what the fund balance how it has changed over time um I've been here for 24 years when I first came here our fund balance was less than around 5% it was buil up built up to close to 20% um right now it's at around 10% U so we're going to have that discussion with the budget committee next week because there are some options still for 2324 that we can look at with the board prior to closing out this fiscal year but in general uh the fund 10 fund balance percentage has been declining uh the reason for that if you look at uh as an example Ali showed the previous slide that showed that there's a $100,000 contingency in the 2425 budget we would need $675,000 set aside in 2425 to just maintain that 15% the reason for that is the difference in expenditures from last year to this year so it is a topic that we feel uh needs to be discussed with the budget committee uh to look at different strategies again most fund balance strategies take place across multiple fiscal years uh and we've done that in the past as the district when goals have been set uh we do have a board policy uh on fund balance that seeks a goal of 15% for fund balance so right now we're short of the goal of 15% uh we're around 10 uh but again as I mentioned that we're going to be coming to the budget committee next Tuesday with some additional discussions about some options for consideration for this year but as you look at the long-term financial planning these are some of the major issues that we're working through right right now if you want to go to the next slide um in reaction to some of the issues that we just discussed on the previous Slide the school board did approve uh on the November 5th 2024 presidential election a operational referendum that combines both recurring and nonrecurring components uh so we're going to be spending a sign significant amount of time this fall really explaining to the community uh what this question is asking for and there's three different components the first one is referencing the 8.1 million in expiring operational referendum funds uh so the request for the 8.1 million is to continue on a permanent or recurring basis so that's an important distinction the words nonrecurring versus recurring um recurring is permanent or long-term term um the second one is to invest an additional $1 million in hourly employee compensation over the two fiscal year period of 2526 and 26 27 our data indicates that an investment in that range uh at the end of the two-year investment would bring our hourly staff uh in the same position that our non- hourly staff is which is right in the average uh for the comparable districts and just for community members to know when we say comparable districts we're not referring to like Madison Metro uh Madison is too large for us to be a comparable we're also not using the really small districts that exist in D County like we don't compare ourselves to like Deerfield uh the comparables that we look at are like Middleton Sun Prairie Verona Oregon the districts that basically surround Madison are the ones that we track and take a look at um the third part is increasing employee compensation on a nonrecurring basis so again an important Distinction on the non-recurring portion uh the third part the third portion is aign to address again the potential disconnects between the state budget and inflation um this is an estimate and ultimately in the end the school board members are going to be taking a look that if this does get approved by the public what is provided through the state budget what is the final CPI at and what's the difference so ultimately in the end this will be a decision that'll be made uh in the fall of the 2526 school year if this is approved by the by the voting public uh so this is the question that's been put out there uh for November 5th 2024 uh next Tuesday when the budget committee meets one of the agenda items for the budget committee is the timeline and process for communication and asking the budget committee to weigh in on the types of communication that we use as a district to get this information out to the community now if you want to move on to the next slide uh so at this time we turn it over to any community members any board members who would like to talk about any budget details or questions uh we are more than happy to jump into uh any of the specifics and answer any questions anybody has please so uh my name is Tim keer sorry I can't stand anywhere I'm not turning my back to somebody the question I have is one of the districts I think we're comparable to in terms of size is manona grow and and everything seemed great in monota Grove until this week when we found out monota Grove was in a massive financial crisis apparently related to what I think in Schoolboard jargon is an Act 10 or fund 10 balance issue which is reserves correct me if I'm wrong in describing it that way but they did not have sufficient Reserve funds and there was apparently nothing that was going on that was illegal no one was embezzling money or anything like that they just weren't keeping track of their Reserve fund balance and now suddenly it's known that they don't have enough money uh to potentially open for business uh in September is my understanding and so my question is while we're here being recorded on video can you assure us that we do not have any risk of being in a situation uh like Monona Grove in terms of the reserve fund situation I know you had said that the reserve fund was declining it's still at about 10% but um could you uh talk about how we are different from Monona Grove I hope um and what we're doing to make sure we don't end up in the situation there in thank you sure yeah we appreciate that question so one of the issues that manona Gro is facing so if you saw any of the story um they're having to cash flow borrow before they were able to pay off their existing cash flow borrowing um and that can occur when there is a cash flow shortage so what a fund balance really is just to explain to the community is it's not a bank account where there's an exact dollar amount that always matches the fund balance a fund balance is an accounting equation that basically takes the assets of an organization so in our case assets include our bank balances assets include accounts receivable so if organizations owe us funds as of June 30th that's an asset another asset for us is taxes receivable uh so for school districts in Wisconsin Ally and I just received an $1 million payment from D County last week you record taxes that haven't yet been paid as taxes receivable so a fund balance is you add all of your assets up together and then you subtract your liabilities so liabilities are are are things like accounts payable uh we also have liabilities for summer health insurance uh and so one of the items that Monona Grove ran into is really a a cash problem so we cash flow borrowing just cash flow borrow just like Monona grow cash flow borrows and then it's due at a very specific time of year um generally speaking there is most efforts are made significant efforts are made to separate cash flow borrowings from each other the reason for doing that is you don't want to use the new year cash flow borrowing to pay off the old year cash flow borrowing um it's rare but it does happen and so it did happen in monor Grove this week that they're needing to cash flow borrow to pay off their cash flow borrowing that's not the case for our district um we set aside the cash flow borrowing funds that are due in September out of the proceeds for example what we just received from day County for our property tax levy so we have a clear separation between the two um so that's one difference right now between like a district that doesn't borrow to pay off a borrowing and uh our situation uh the fund 10 fund balance has declined over time uh but boards in Wan have made concerted efforts to either increase it uh or to have it decreased over time depending on the circumstances so I'll give you some examples um the board here in Wan made the decision to fund the warrior Stadium project out of fund balance instead of going to borrow and that's always an option for a school board so there are times when a school board does use fund balance on purpose for something that they're trying to do um another example in our district where fund balance was used is the board decided to pay off this building that we're in right now bethl Circle by using fund 10 fund balance um so the board made a decision that in the long run to avoid paying interest costs uh and basically we had our financial advisers run some scenarios the board looked at it and said it's a better longer term financial decision to spend fund balance to pay off this building so boards do make decisions over time based on fund balance um typically when a decision like that is made to to use the funds to pay for a project then we try to add back to it um the other thing I will say to add a little bit more to this is all fund balances in fund 10 are then made up of multiple accounts underneath it so in our case we have a cell insured dental program just one of our fund balances in fund 10 uh we don't buy typical dental insurance we actually take care dental insurance ourselves by setting aside money and then we play the pay the claims we have an administrator but we run our own dental insurance program so on purpose the district's Insurance committee a year ago presented to the school board the concept of increasing the dental benefit so the maximum that was there because that fund had grown postco to over $500,000 that's very unusual for a self-insured dental fund to get that large so the insurance company pres or I'm sorry the insurance committee uh brought forward the idea of spending down some of those Dental funds because again those are funds that are contributed through employee payroll deduction and board contributions so on purpose that fund balance has been reduced and it's come down from a little over 500,000 to around 350,000 in for for perspective that historically was at $35,000 so for decades that dental insurance Reserve was in the $35,000 range so one of our fund balances is set aside for dental and there's still significantly more than there needs to be in there others that we have set aside um in our district the board allows our building and Department administrators to carry over funds from one fiscal year to the next the theory behind that is that avoids unnecessary end of the year spending and it allows our administrators to plan across fiscal years uh to set aside funds for larger purchases um so in our case we went into this year with that fund being at about 1.3 million and now at the end of that this year it's a little over like 1.1 million it's come down about 200,000 but a lot of uh those expenditures were planned technology has had significant Investments as a result of the new schools opening up maintenance has had significant Investments and so some of the buildings and departments have been planning saving money for the opportunity to then use them uh in in this particular fiscal year there's also another fund balance called undifferentiated which is the largest one which is not designated currently for anything um that's the fund balance where a school board has the legal authority to say we are going to designate x amount of this for let's say building project whatever it is um that's up to the school board to decide what to do with it um that's the percentage that typically um you would like to see somewhere in the 15% range or in the 10 range right now so we'll be working with the school board to talk through that topic um what what our fund balance policy looks like and where do we want to go with this over time I would say the biggest challenge behind that is when your budget is growing from one year to the next 15% of that number would need to be set aside going into that fiscal year and not used and I think that's been a challenge for most public schools right now with that disconnect with revenues coming in and inflation um in the loss of Esser funds um that that all contributed together I'm sure in a different way to end up with what happened in Monona Grove um but I can tell you with the 10% fund balance that we have right now we do not have any cash flow issues we're going to be borrowing like we traditionally do we're going to be paying off the existing debt like we traditionally do um and overall um our district is in a good financial position and we're going to be talking with the budget committee next week about some other options that they can look at but I would expect that we'll probably see from the board an interest in setting up a longer term plan to change that 10% to something higher um I would expect that that discussion will probably take place in the next couple of months thank you I'm good Mr keeper covered my question just for clarity if you can go back two slides I just can't see the air just go down a little bit up a tiny bit yeah all right one more so just so I understand these numbers that you're proposing for 26 to 27 are intended to keep up with the CPI is that what we're talking about here understand the hourly employee compensation increasing to get us up to average sure absolutely more than happy to talk about this because obviously this is going to be a focus of our communication with with the community this far um so the third component is what you're referencing uh there has been in the recent past a difference between the revenues that are approved from the state budget and what the CPI is we are estimating the dollar amount that's on that screen 1 million a little over a million a little over 2 million in the second year is likely to be the gap between a $325 per student increase in the revenue cap and CPI um and Ali and I have been tracking CPI we know it's coming down um but if CPI is let's just say in the three to 32% range um that's the disconnect that would exist however we all know it's possible the next state budget will not provide $325 per student it could be more um state is sitting on billions of dollars it's possible you know there could be a change uh in how schools are funded um so the nonrecurring part is what the board talked about with that third component that is not permanent and it gives the board the opportunity to see what actually happens during the state budget process to determine are those funds necessary or not uh but in the past they have been so past practice has been yes those funds have been needed but in the event that they're not uh the board thought that going with the nonrecurring or not permanent path would have been uh the path that they preferred for for that question okay thank you and [Laughter] so we do place the minutes from the prior annual meeting on the district website we keep those permanently uh for any community members who are interested in looking back as to what happened at prior annual meetings um historically we don't need to request a vote because it's different people this meeting compared to the one a year before and wouldn't necessarily know if the Motions are being recorded accurately uh it's up to this body as to whether or not you want to do that but it's not a requirement it's just a presentation of the minutes that were recorded last year all right look similar and we'll now take the treasures reports Jack Hamman uh and one of the things that uh we we have been working through the uh budget process uh and the numbers uh presented uh are un are not audited at this point uh we're working through the audit process uh anticipate having that uh those numbers to uh the state uh later this uh later this week uh and one of the things if you look at the uh Capital uh budget uh what we've done we we've highlighted the uh general fund uh fund 10 and the uh Capital project fund uh 40 and one of the things that we wanted to do and the reason that we highlighted them is those numbers could change uh over the next uh uh next uh month or so because uh we are looking at our capital projects and so forth the reason that the uh Capital project fund is uh negative as we've been spending down sure so that's uh that's my report thank you you're welcome and now be taking resolutions yeah they'll be on the screen student fees resolutions authorize the school board to change student fees be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Wane Community School District in County state of Wisconsin is hereby directed to charge student fees and at such cost as shall be set by said school board so um student fees what are those I ad Judy anger britson second did you ask a question yes I'm just curious as to when we say student fees what are we talking about oh sure so just for everyone here thank you for asking to Ser going to know there's a couple different types of student fees so the school board has a policy on student fees and so it's always important that we know to begin with that students who are approved for our lwi income program are exempt from student fees uh the student fees that we have range from uh basically we have a a student fee in each of the building for materials uh so basically workbooks uh disposable products so there's a there's a fee that is approved by the school board for supplies and materials on an annual basis and then as we get into the older grades we also have some class fees that get presided to the school board examples of that might be a high school art class uh has particular fees that are presented to the school board and once a year in May the school board does review those fees uh for approval and they are then presented and shared out uh during the summer registration process so um this this resolution gives the board the authority to continue with that process next May when fees are presented for the 2526 care year so as a matter of practice or legality this is r every year thank you thank first in a second does we need um acceptance of that is this uh all in favor I got a question sure um so I want to vote in favor of this but I just want to knowe maybe someone could look it up between now and next year's meeting meeting I'm looking at wisat 12010 which is the powers of the annual meeting which sets forth what we can legally do at this meeting I do not actually see charge student fees as listed under uh the statute having said that it's possible that it's somewhere else in the statute maybe someone could uh between now and next year um let me know what where that is but I actually don't don't see it in the statute but having said that it could be somewhere else in the thousands of pages of State Statute uh but with that I'm going to vote for it we will do that thank you all in favor I I I all opposed motion passes the resolution passes board salaries uh is moving this is another resolution yes and if I could just make a comment for everyone in the room uh last year for the first time there was a motion that changed the process for uh board salaries so we did note that just to put into the the fourth bullet point uh in 2023 the motion for board salaries increased the amount of the approved CPI increases CPI increase which is 4.12% and provided board members access to the district wellness clinic so if there is an interest in continuing with what was started last last year we would ask the person who's going to offer up the motion to reflect continuing the practice started last year or the person can bring forward a different motion if they prefer but just mentioning that that change started last year be res that the board members of the Wane Community School District be paid a salary stipulated below and being reimbursed for expenses incurred on D District business when traveling outside the district currently $6,900 6,696 per year for all regular special committee meetings that would be the president Clerk and Treasurer all their members $648 now does this reflect an increase from last year based on CPI or no no that's current okay questions just in case anyone want setting School Board salaries is the power of the annual meeting um I guess I'm going to vote in favor this I guess comment uh I was on County board for 12 years and I earned uh almost twice as much on County Board as school boards being paid so I just put that out there for a point of reference this is a harder job than County Board quite frankly and so um you're getting paid half as much so I just just mention that so with that I'm going to vote in favor of the resolution and this is that amount Pere uh contingent on attendance at regular special committee meetings or is this say regular uh it's for all all meetings will anyone move to pass the resolution you got a uh comment back here just question for um do we need the actual if we wanted to continue practice of looking at the CPI do we actually the CPI figure in there or is it allowable to Simply stay um Advanced at the CPI R that's in that case I that the salaries for president and then also the other category other board members um increase this is contingent upon the referenda for this election cycle passing to bring the other employee salaries according to CPI or no not in my okay I'll second your motion all in favor hi hi allst pass school program be resolve at the board of education of w Community School District Dan County state of Wisconsin is hereby directed to furnish school lunches to any and all students of this District at such places in times and at such cost as shall be set by said School Board School Board is authorized to pay in deficiency which may result from s launchship program and I assume this is very much like the student fees this is an annual renewal or something that we either require ourselves to do or required to do right any questions I the second all in favor I all opposed passes Council be it resolve that the Board of Education of the Wane Community School District be authorized to engage legal counsil to represent the district and provide legal advice to the district same story Al second Jo all in favor I I opposed MO classes annual meeting date be resolve that the Board of Education of the WAN Community Schools district be authorized to set the date and hour for the 2025 annual meeting within the guidelines established by Wisconsin statutes or be it resolve that the 2025 W Community School District meeting be held on a date to be determined so move second all in favor I I may I ask who J and K thank you we resolve that the school board depart that the Board of Education of aan Community School District D state of Wisconsin the author to purchase operate and maintain Transportation Vehicles as well as contractor transportation services to provide transportation to students including but not limited to students whose residence is located within two miles of the school the student attends as per board policy some as per [Music] Senate second Joan and all in favor I all opposed passes tax levy motion may be as follows M so this is for everyone to hear Mr Mrs chairperson I move that there be levied a school tax assessed against all taxable property within the Wane Community School dist District in the sum of 44 m534 38 necessary to operate and maintain this District School System and to finance the recommended budget for the 2024 through 2025 school year motion to approve second all in favor I all opposed motion passes are there any questions so uh two points first of all I I think it's great that on this night which is the night that everyone uh is equal uh whether you're the president of the school board or whether you're someone who just moved to town uh last month um that we had elected as the chair of tonight's meeting uh Mr Ben opal who is not on the school board which is a change from previous practice and I hope that that keeps up because this is really um the the night for the whole Community because everybody's equal everyone who's an elector of this District so I'm really appreciative uh for him for chairing the meeting tonight uh the second point I want to make you know we talk a lot about a lot of big picture things this might seem small but I think it is important um the district doesn't just serve students um the school district also has a role in serving a adults uh in the community uh specifically with recreational programs and exercise programs particularly at the uh pool at the WAN High School where I uh swim very frequently that's one of three pools that I swim at and the point I want to make while I'm front of here the whole board is that um there is a simple cheap amenity that this pool does not have that the other pools I go to do which is something called a suit spinner which is a device works like a salad spinner spins the water out of a swimsuit uh I go to two other pools which is Shorewood Hills where I'm a member and uh Pinnacle Health Club where I'm also a member they both have the suit spinner for some reason Wan key High School does not I have raised this issue before uh asked to have one installed so far it hasn't happened but I hope that the district when it renovates um the locker rooms which I understand will happening at some point in the next few years um we'll seriously look at that I think it's an amenity that's standard uh and a lot of other places I'm frankly surprised why if he doesn't have it and I hope that uh we'll keep that in mind going forward because um providing exercise opportunities for adults who aren't students is also part of the role of the district um and that's a small change it wouldn't cost a lot of money but would make a big difference to me because I don't need to bring a soing wet uh swimsuit home with me but uh rather one that has the water pretty much spun out of it and with that thank you for your service like I said um School Board is difficult I served on County board for 12 years so I know local government can be difficult but um I've always believed that school board is far more difficult than County Board ever was um and like I said you guys are getting paid half as much for a more difficult job so I'm uh very grateful for what you do thank you motion to adjourn is that second what's that that second name yes it does it does still all that for an hour I second the motion all in favor of a journey I all oppos thank you the meeting is now adjourned thank you thank you

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No okay show like to call the september 3rd 2024 budget meeting to order stting at 732 uh all board members are here people are there maybe motion to second all in favor i comments didn't see one public comment which i'm appropriate time were there any other ones rebecca that agenda it's on facility... Read more

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Inside 1 school with strict guidelines on smartphones

Category: Entertainment

As students head back to the classroom at least 13 states have taken steps to address the issue of cell phones in classrooms at the state level for pass legislation for statewide bands and our 2020 co-anchor deborah roberts is here with more a lot of debate on phones no phones in school deborah good... Read more

DeShaun Foster - Tustin Football Induction thumbnail
DeShaun Foster - Tustin Football Induction

Category: Education

Through the various stages of his football life his heart stayed at tustin his success sparked the dreams of many of the players that followed him it's my pleasure to have desan come on out he's a hall of famer i'm blessed to you know i got into hall of fame ucla california high school hall of fame... Read more

2024 Robert E. Lee High School Graduation thumbnail
2024 Robert E. Lee High School Graduation

Category: Education

E e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening my name is ernest brooks principal of robert lee high school and i would like to welcome you to the graduation ceremony for the class of 2024 at star wars stadium this is a reminder... Read more

Cris Collinsworth is Creepy 🤮 #nfl thumbnail
Cris Collinsworth is Creepy 🤮 #nfl

Category: Sports

$100 bills hanging out of my pockets usually and uh try and give it my best shot because before i ever made any money it was pretty much a big nothing's bille i like girls that aren't too bright because you can trick them a little bit the punk rockers all love me that's those are my big girls and uh... Read more

Washoe County School District Superintendent Welcomes Students Back to School in Incline Village thumbnail
Washoe County School District Superintendent Welcomes Students Back to School in Incline Village

Category: Entertainment

Washo county school district superintendent joe ernst recently embarked on a heartwarming tour of incline village schools marking the start of the new academic year with excitement and optimism accompanied by a delegation of district officials ernst visited all three schools in the area incline middle... Read more

COLLEGE DORM MOVE-IN || @ the university of texas at austin 🧡2024!! thumbnail
COLLEGE DORM MOVE-IN || @ the university of texas at austin 🧡2024!!

Category: Entertainment

[music] [music] [music] hi guys welcome and welcome back to another video today is college mov day and i'm super super excited i'm currently at sophomore at the university of texas austin hook and i'm basically going to be walking you all through the process of what movein feels like and all the crazy... Read more

School districts want “off-ramp” for ending mask mandate thumbnail
School districts want “off-ramp” for ending mask mandate

Category: News & Politics

Being told 900 times tonight once for every 1000 deaths and as the pandemic continues, governor kathy hochul is set to make an announcement on wednesday on the future of new york's mask mandate. meantime, there's a growing local call to unmask children in schools here and across the state as... Read more

Barron Trump Arrives at NYU for 1st Day of College thumbnail
Barron Trump Arrives at NYU for 1st Day of College

Category: News & Politics

It's official baron trump will be attending new york university the 18-year-old arrived for his first day of college today with a backpack slung over his shoulder flanked by secret service agents baron is enrolled in the prestigious stern school of business here at nyu in manhattan the stern school... Read more

Charles Noakes, Champion de France de Parabadminton | Conférence thumbnail
Charles Noakes, Champion de France de Parabadminton | Conférence

Category: Education

[musique] bonjour à tous c'est un plaisir d'être devant vous aujourd'hui alors aujourd'hui on a la chance d'avoir un grand conférencier avec nous ce conférencier cette conférence elle prend place pendant la semaine de l'inclusion la semaine de l'inclusion c'est une semaine dédié à libérer la parole... Read more

North Dakota vs Iowa State - 8/31/2024 thumbnail
North Dakota vs Iowa State - 8/31/2024

Category: Sports

Their season opener. jack trice taking on north dakota. opening play of the game. rocco beck airs it out. he finds jalen noel, who comes down with it for a gain of 54 yards on the very next play. the fade to jaden higgins for the 21 yard strike. and just like that, it's seven to nothing. iowa state... Read more