WCSD BOE September 9, 2024 Monthly Meeting

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:55:25 Category: Education

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yeah um good evening I would like to begin the open part of our meeting this evening and thank you all for attending and being patient with us um some of our conversation and our closed meeting um got a little long and we apologize for that but we are ready to begin our open part of our meeting the first part is I'd like approval of the minutes from our August 12th meeting so second any discussion on those minutes all in favor say I I I opposed say no thank you um I need approval of the agenda any changes Dr Brown no changes okay so move second all in favor say I thank you um any new public comments I know that we have received some during the week but nothing today thank you so um our reports tonight our teachers were not able to be here um they did send in a few comments and I will just distribute to you their comments um really just very minor and kind of uh Thanking us for things and I will get those to you for you the second report tonight is our student report and I would like to welcome our student council reps tonight they are both sophomores young I applaud you for taking on this challenge Abigail Anderson and Alina Wagner yes Wagner Wagner and um so you may begin and if there are questions we will chat with you thank you U so as mentioned I'm Alina Wagner and I'm a 10th grader uh other than student councel some of the other things that I'm involved with at the high school are I'm a secretary for FFA and I'm also a class officer for drama club I'm also an Acappella and fren club and then some of the sports and after school activities I do are I'm on the softball team and I also participate in a lot of the theer programs at Wan um right now that's one act I'm Abby Anderson um some clubs and sports I'm involved in our HOSA forensic Pay It Forward uh and some sports I'm involved in are cross country involv and um we were going to start with just having some like fun things that we have coming up with the High School um like most recent coming up is a home football game which is going to be against Sun Prairie West and that's going to be following of one of our bigger wins against manona Grove last week Thursday and the theme this week is USA and the band is also going to be playing at this event it'll be our first um March in start of the Season which is pretty exciting um some sports going on right now are football boys soccer girls and boys cross country which I'm involved in we recently had a girls team win at divest me and a boys team got second um other sports are girls tennis uh we also have girls and boys volleyball uh if you didn't know our boys volleyball team is all new this year so it's a new program that's starting up um I think they're just starting to play games and they have I think about 11 players so it's pretty good for a new program uh we also have girls swimming and then also not technically a sport but auditions for the one act are starting next week which is kind of like a sport in the sense that it's competitive theater um but a lot of the uh like drama involved people are really excited about it uh the play we chose this year is called how to get away with the murder mystery and it's a comedy and we just got we just got audition materials today and it seems like it's going to be a really fun show so we're excited homecoming is also this month on the 28th um we just got our class shirts that are available to buy I know I've already seen pretty exciting um and then along with homecoming we have like a whole homecoming week so we'll have like spirit days each day they will be like different dress up days so we have like Jersey day or pajama day for example um they also have dodgeball games which would be like each each class is a dodgeball team and they'll kind of play each other in like a tournament style which is really fun I think they play after school uh we'll have a pep rally for the football game as well at some point we'll have a school speaker and then we also have a penny war going going on which all of the funds that we get from the penny war will go to like a charity or some sort of cause and that's kind of like a competition as well where whichever class can raise the most amount of money will'll get some points at our uh pet and we have the club or Fair going on tomorrow uh lots of people signing up for clubs which I think is just a great opportunity for freshman especially I mean we were freshman last year and look at the board table and then we also have an opportunity for newer students a new student lunch that's coming up um so another thing that it's not technically new but the phone policy has definitely been like a big talk this year um the actual policy itself we know isn't new but just some of the consequences have been up and it actually seems to be going pretty well I know it was kind of a complaint at the beginning but it's most kids aren't having a problem with it we haven't really heard of many like infractions or complaints um I think the only thing that we've really heard is some complaints about like closed study halls and Home Room just because sometimes you end up with nothing to do during those times but uh we were talking about it and we definitely think that's something that could get better as the year goes on just since it's the first week you don't really have a lot of homework or other like clubs or organizations going on yet so um I think that's definitely something that can as the year goes on well we're excited to be in this world yeah if we if you guys have anything specific or additional let us know we'll try to figure it out or answer the best as we can than I love all the information you guys did a wonderful job thank you thank you anybody have any questions and we will see you next month and uh we'll be excited to hear about homecoming and all the things that are coming up so thank you very much thank you thank you um following that if any board members have any that they have attended in the last month and would like to report to the board I've I'm working with the high school students on helping to organize homecoming events I know Jack's going to be driving his car in the parade so you whole trailer set to so it's been really fun to interact with the students and see their leadership as they're organizing and fun activities um and anybody else have anything they want to share all right moving on to the start of the school year we have almost a week we do have one week done so Dr Brown will report out on what's been going on yes uh so I will just back up for a moment because I do want to thank a few people for um some wonderful activities that preceded our students arriving last week um The Learning Fest was the week of August 12th and I want to thank Amy and Tim for putting that that together it's a wonderful opportunity for me as a first timer to walk through the middle school and see our um teachers taking advantage of learning opportunities but also our own staff um presenting the information uh to our to our teachers so that was wonderful uh so thank you to everyone who participated in that and took advantage of the opportunity uh following that we had new teacher orientation week um and so that went over really well with uh getting our new teachers up to feed in terms of curriculum materials and Technology uh technology use during the week so thank you to the team uh for leading that work and thank you to Katie and Joan who came by that morning and gave um words of Welcome to our new teachers we also had a leadership team training took place on August 22nd uh T that was led by Tim uh so our department chairs and leaders in the buildings came together um and also engaged in professional development so that was wonderful substitute teacher training uh went well thanks to Brian for putting that together um Tiffany thank you for the role that you played and that that day um I went over to provide words of Welcome to our subs and learn a little bit about who they are and what they bring to our campus um the first day of school our welcome back kickoff was great uh thank you to board members who showed up that day um there was positive energy in the room we are thankful for Darcy luom who wrote the book thoughtfully fit um we all want to be thoughtfully fit every day and so in the spirit of Staff Wellness um that was a great opportunity for her to come and share with us and so as we move forward we will pause and think and then act um that that's information we receive from from Darcy um I talked a little bit about my vision for this year is to focus continue to focus on safety um student and staff Wellness uh certainly academic achiev uh and also the referendum that's coming forward uh we will I will focus my energies there I will say thanks to Brian and his team we uh have fulfilled our Title 9 requirements um with the training that we needed to provide to staff um thanks to attorney Ron Statler who came and um presented that information to our staff so that went over real well we still have a video we need to look at um then once we complete the video we um print our print our certificates and give them to you Brian right um to say that we completed our Title 9 training um transportation flow at Heritage and the intermediate um there are more signs anybody can Envision out there um but we wanted to make sure that it flow properly and um I've received some really good feedback about that um and thanks to the beal staff who went out on Tuesday morning to help direct traffic and make sure our parents are going in the directions that they needed to go in so that went over well um just a quick report on um new teachers we had a total um of 30 new teachers this year um five at Prairie three at Heritage one at Arboretum uh 13 two at intermediate 13 at the middle school and that um the impetus the new schedule at the middle school so there the impetus for um for that um including four new roles because of the schedule as high school we had four um we have an occupational therapist uh supporting our fifth through 12th grade population and then one districtwide literacy position and so for for a total of 30 uh we still look to fill some of our care of position care professional roles in the sped um Department one bilingual par professional and then we have one custodian we still need to hire so that's just a little update on um where we are with Staffing and I just want to say thank you to all of the bethl staff members who got out in school and the first day of school um to make sure that everything flowed and went well so week two here we go and that my report thank you very much you're welcome I'd like to um congratulate whoever was all the signage at the Intermediate School I'm a visual burner and also that extra turn Lan for intermediate versus aage it's really well done really well done yeah and thank you to Miss Annie for the communication piece um for getting the communication out but we walked that path a couple times Steve was out with us and so we just wanted to make sure that it landed in a way where everyone could do what they needed to do so thank you for that good yeah and I appreciate all that Jack has done to facilitate getting that path in that is awesome you know I I walk that and I watch the kids and the crossing guard Steve you have really beat the bush and got more crossing guards I mean they're like at every corner there it's great I mean and you're smiling and they're smiling and they even help me they even help the old people across which I really like um so it's uh yeah it looks like it's all going well so good thank you to lots of people uh moving on to committee report starting with budget uh we met uh this we we met on uh the third and uh we talked about uh major point of uh discussion was just the uh declining uh fund balance we you know we talked about that uh we talked about uh maintenance projects and so forth as well uh Steve if you'd like to add anything to that sure thank you Jack so one of the action items coming out of the budget committee is on your your screen it's it's allocation of capital maintenance equipment expenses between funds 10 and 49 so just to share some background on this at the budget committee meeting we went through the treasures report talked about all of the funds for the district and what the ending balances are and shared with the committee that there is an opportunity if the board wants to utilize it to allocate Capital maintenance funds that are currently expensed in fund 10 towards fund 49 instead and for members of the public fund 10 is our general fund fund 49 is our uh referendum approved capital expenditure project uh what we see on the screen in front of you tonight is the referendum question that was approved by the public in November of 22 that referendum question does give the board the legal Authority to expense Capital maintenance and Equipment projects in fund 49 uh as well as fund 10 is an option uh we discussed the ending balances uh of course with funds 10 and fund 49 fund 49 uh has a balance that is uh doing very well because of the interest earnings that have been earned on the borrowings to date uh we do have the ability to to move $998,000 uh towards fund 49 we would utilize a portion of the additional interest earnings that have been earned to date in fund 49 uh and so there is there are funds available in 49 and one advantage to allocating these expenses to fund 49 is it would increase our fund balance in fund 10 by that dollar amount of 99 8,000 after reviewing this issue uh there's a couple of takeaways from the budget committee the first one is the committee is going to uh schedule another meeting in early October and we're going to be reviewing our fund 10 budget closely we're going to take a look at our fund balance policy in fund 10 uh take a look and see whether the fund balance policy is where the board would like it to be at today uh we're going to look at some of the fund 10 costs uh that occurred during the audit that caused the balance to be negative uh and so we're going to come back to that topic in October but for now what's in front of the entire board is a recommendation from the budget committee on a 3 to Zer motion to allocate the $998,000 and3 of capital maintenance expenditures and Equipment expenditures from fund 10 to fund fund 49 which will improve the balance in fund 10 and utilize a portion of the additional interest earned in fund 49 so at this point we'd be happy to answer any questions that board members have or you're welcome to ask the committee members as well about the recommendation in front of you to if not we would need a motion to approve motion to approve second uh any questions all in favor say I I oppose say no thank you and that was the only there's one other one more there's one more okay communication um so the second item that we're looking for board discussion on tonight is the operational referendum communication plan so at the budget committee meeting we spent some time looking at some draft documents that been prepared uh one of them was a draft timeline uh which included all of the events that we are planning to participate in uh through the uh election date you can see in the timeline there's a number of uh meetings that are occurring both internally within the district as well as externally ranging from staff meetings to community uh virtual meetings Community iners meetings ings uh Community open forums at locations like the Village Center um M&M's um group meetings like rotary Lions there's a wide variety of items or events that we are planning to attend um if board members think that there's anything that we're missing that you're aware of we'd be happy to certainly add more um more to our timeline so if after you have a chance to look at it let us know if there's anything you think we should be considering you would also see on the attachment uh yeah Alie would you mind opening that one up a question for the events would you want board members to participate with you in any of those events so it's certainly open to board member participation uh we know you all have very busy schedules and we have to do these events at the times that the groups are available uh so if you get a chance to take a look at that and there is an event that fits in your schedule your absolutely welcome to participate and join us um it's certainly not something that we're saying we have to have a board member at every event uh but you're absolutely welcome if your schedule permits do we need to coordinate ahead of time in the event that um too many of us show up and it would need to be publicly announced in some other format or yeah I would that's a great Point yep I would say if there is interest in participating maybe just send Rebecca a note that you're going to be at particular events and she can keep track of it in the event that there's multiple board members attending she could be aware of that uh couple things that we wanted to get your feedback on tonight so the first one in front of you we're going to first well talk about the topic of CommunityWide mailings uh so in front of you tonight there is a CommunityWide mailing uh and first we're looking for input from the board on whether or not you want to continue with our practice of of CommunityWide mailing so in 2020 when we had an operational referendum question without a capital question we sent two mailings out to the community in 2022 we sent three mailings out to the community when we had a capital question and an operational question uh so in front of you you would see what we have suggested for our first mailing um so one piece of feedback we're looking for from the board is um are you willing to invest in CommunityWide mailings and if you are we can follow the two mailing format from 2020 or we can follow a three mailing format um from 2022 and then the second piece of feedback that as board members I think many of you did receive public comment about the the way the financial information is being presented so I'll call your attention to the flyer or the community mailer that we put in front of you tonight and if you look at the graph that includes the tax levy impact so the graph is on the back um what you would see on the graph in the back is the tax levy impact from both a yes vote and a no vote so the feedback that we did receive from a Community member was that we should articulate both options so if a Community member votes yes they would know what the tax impact is if they vote no they would know what the tax impact is so what you see on that flyer does reflect that feedback and so we've put that together so that you can see as a board member what that would look like um Ali had on the on the screen as well what U what the version of that graph would look like without including the vote Yes and vote no option so right there uh so this shows what the tax impact would be with the yes vote the flyer shows both a yes vote and a no vote so we're really looking for your feedback tonight cuz I know that I think most of you probably did hear from a Community member about that issue uh do you prefer uh the way we put it together on the flyer um does that concern you and thoughts on two versus three Flyers at this point I'll throw it open to board members to add any feedback or thoughts regarding this topic my concern on this I can go along with this one but I think we need an asteris underneath the Novo and something to the effect of what happens this results in 12% reduction in revenues something that simple but I don't know a business that could deal with a 12% loss and revenues effectively and I I think that part if we do this I think we need to include that pass risk so would you prefer a percentage so like the the 8.1 of this Fall's budget to show like the percentage of the loss and revenue I think the percentage is is a Starker number 8.1 sounds like a lot but to understand how much it impact that is I think the percentage would be the best way to go okaye and I was going to say it wasn't just that one Community member the subject matter was pretty hot in social media too so to an earlier question about the MS I'll kind of repeat part of what I had said in the budget meeting which is that I think at least one physical mailer is absolutely necessary and then in the realm of reaching people you know that reach can actually be measured um that I I don't correct me if I'm wrong I don't know if there's a social um media aspect of communication back when the capital referendum was out there but definitely to make sure that that happens this time around or yeah take it further and then with that element I don't think personally that we need I agree with everything you just said by the way yeah um I don't think we need to have three mailers I think minimally one i' be cool two and I don't think we need three what does the mailer cost and is it a little north of 5,000 yeah it's a little north of 5,000 for mailer I think we're going to do a mailer one is probably so um tacking on to what Mark said and I agree I think um we do absolutely need a mailer but up here where it says vote no I we have to a no vote there has to be information about what that's going to mean for the livelihood of our district um a tax consequence one just doesn't tell a story I mean you got to this has to be a more complete story and an aster on the bottom I don't think is enough we need we need some information up there what a no vote means so additional work above on both you know in that area about yes and no obviously the flyer excuse me in and of itself describes what a yes vote would do right which is the three components right we can certainly provide more clarity on what the no vote uh would would mean as far as funding for the district just to make sure it's clear so I'm hearing that there's a general willingness to show it in the form that the graph shows which is both the yes and the No but just make sure it's more clear on what the implications of is that correct yeah I know somehow be tied to you know questionnaires that you sent out to the community they value all of these things right how that this is what that is impacting that if you value small class sizes if you value support teachers that's that's what that's doing I don't know how you can condense that into something like small but that's so for now we'll focus on the one mailer and Annie and Ali Dr Brown can take a another uh crack at it to kind of clarify the no vote piece and we will uh we will work on that this week uh and then the other thing just to share with you as far as what we're putting in front of you is a draft of the presentation that we are intending to utilize um during our presentations I know you're just seeing it tonight because we just finished it up today if you notice anything um that you think should be improved or that we're missing I just feel free to send us an email uh we'll probably be making changes as we go as we present this to various groups we just wanted to get it in front of you tonight uh so if anything crosses your mind after you get a chance to take a look at it we'd be happy to uh to make any revisions that uh you think would be an improvement to the presentation and thanks for your time thank you um moving on to facility committee meetings um we just have a couple things in that meeting that we need um uh to bring to the full board one is a list of additional subcontractors for the middle school and they are there I don't know if you want to pull them up Aly there's just a few that we are still looking at kind of bringing us down to Landscaping which means we're getting to the end of the list um and the committee to recommend approval of of this list on a 3 to Z Mo yes we did so I would need a motion unless somebody has any questions about any of the subcontractors so move second um any questions all in favor say I I I thank you and the other one is consideration of some capital projects and again this was approved by a 30 motion and again there are just a few items motion to approve second um any questions all in favor say I oppose say no okay any other comments you want to make about facility committee uh sure just quickly for members of the public to know that we did provide some information to the committee uh on the topic of the inflation reduction act uh and uh the possibility of the district putting in a claim uh for a reimbursement from the federal government for the systems that are being built at the new Middle School uh and so that discussion took place at both the facility committee uh as well is at the budget committee and the board is continuing to evaluate that topic it's very likely the community will see that topic coming back in October at the regular board meeting thank you thank you Steve uh moving on to policy committee we have quite a list of policies that we are looking for approval on um I if you want to pull up The Matrix or the spreadsheet um there's two different ones some 400 series and then well the Title Nine isues kind of keeping them separate um I don't know if you'd like them gone over individually or like we've done in the past get specific comments on any of them um um could I make a comment T absolutely I know that you pulled the 751 our general who do we bust policy and it was tabled for uh the future tabled for business services closer review so I don't think it's here for us to vote on tonight yeah we had an issue um I can't remember the specific issue we're going to look into a little bit more wanted some wording you recall St yeah so the recommendation from the School Board Association was to uh replace ours with their version and Ally and I wanted the opportunity again because the board voted on it in August to make the change for all three elementary schools to have the mile uh because the recommendation was to do a replace and go with a a new policy we wanted to make sure that we'd have the opportunity to go through it very carefully so that all the unique elements in our policy would carry over to the new one and so we tabled it uh to ask for more time uh however since that has occurred another issue has come up with that main transportation policy that I think you were going to bring up tonight yeah so um a concern that I know we have all received communication about and Steve has um done a lot of work with this family but it isn't just this family it seems to come up every year that there are extenuating circumstances that um are interfering with the kids getting to school easily and I think personally and I've had a conversation with Steve about this our current policy is very black and white and I appreciate that Steve has administered it for years in a very black and white fashion but is there kind of um any thoughts around the table of maybe giving some leeway in Steve's assessment for situations that um are extenda I mean I think the case that we've been seeing the children the fact that the bus is already stopping there the mother has some kind of medical issues with documentation and interviewing and assessment I know that it occurs in many of our policies that there is Administration that has some assessment that can override some of the black and whiteness of the policy and as you review that is there interest on the table to also look at maybe giving some discretionary um way for Steve to kind of look at the cases one by one um I think ultimately our goal should be provide and get as many students to school as possible and I'm afraid that when we maintain just black and white some of our families have so many struggles our kids aren't always going to get to school great the administration preference be to have a disclaimer at Administration discretion or that we would put in language along the lines of our open enrollment when it comes to siblings so if there's a sibling that falls under a different rule that the older sibling would then be allowed to have the younger siblings benefits is the wrong word but you know I I I actually thought of that also done but then in this particular case this family next year would be in the same vote because thek student wouldn't be at 4K anymore so no but then none of them would get on the bus correct correct and is there need because of the distance I mean it's right on that border it would fall into to the elementary school rule yes Mark whether it's this case or others uh I mean I looked at this particular situation from three different approaches and in all three they don't meet the the modage criteria but in the same breath I'm watching the news on Madison who has a much more more challenging one and I haven't seen kids crossing stolen road to get to Senate middle school uh during morning traffic because they didn't qualify for that and and and it hit me with that and I don't as much as we have one of the more lenient busting policies in Daye County if not the lenient most lenient I think there are situations where some families are truly burdened M because of of health issues or economic issues and if we can get our Administration the flexibility if that's what they want to make those distinctions I I think we can serve the public better than than it being a rigid black and white rule uh if a if a you have a single parent family and you've got health issues with how do you get your kids to school exactly uh I mean there are a number of those and I don't think you're you're talking 30 40 50 situations but I we I think our Administration if they're willing to do this could have a really positive effect on our community could it be go ahead could it be done with enough consistency that it's um you know you're going to do this exception or something does the same exception or a similar scenario apply same you know it's just how do you main that maintain that consist it may open up some T I don't know it may and I think the uh you know instead of us peace mealing this you know what we've talked about is really looking at their overall Transportation policy and this should be part of that you know I think as a board what we do is we take these situations and we say okay let's improve it here and then we take another situation and prove it here and we don't look at the holistic you know uh uh program and I think if we're going to if we're going to make these exceptions let's look at it when we look at the overall Transportation policy that that would be my my uh recommendation my concern with that and Jack I absolutely agree I think our whole busing who we bus the transfer bus the release of kids early to get on that bus there's a whole host of things that I think we owe our community to study and to do better at but that takes a lot of time and I think we have some situations that are occurring right now that I don't want to minimize their needs and getting kids to school as often as possible but I want to do that study that you just described because I think we owe it to everybody to to look at the broad picture of how we bus and who we bus so what we would be able to do with that Joan is because we were going to bring that back to the next policy committee meeting anyways so Ally and I need a little bit of time to just take a very close look at what the WSB is recommending compared to what we currently have and we were going to put on the agenda uh we could go through that with the policy committee and highlight that if there was an interest and looking at something like that where it could go yeah and what type of exception would we want to consider I think to Ted's point it would need to be clear um and I think Dr Brown made the point last week that we would want some type of documentation to go with it so it would probably be something along the lines of a medical hardship a financial hardship a language barrier there's certainly things that we would be able to look at I andan I actually had a teacher email me on Friday uh with a with a similar situation asked is there anything in your policy that lets the administration make an exception and I said no but the topic is being discussed so it's more than just that one family but I think I think we would have the ability to construct something that's clear and that comes with some requirement for the family to submit a request uh and I don't think it's going to be 50 per year I think it's going to be probably less than 10 U CU someone would have to be willing to put in the request and put some documentation in um other things that could be considered by the committee would be not altering a bus route is an option um so you could say to a family as an examp example there would need to be they would need to walk to an existing bus route with space available and if that was the case there would be no Financial impact to the district um so let's say the family were referencing if their 4K student went on to kindergarten and the route was you know two streets to the north they would have to walk there to get onto that bus to get to school um that's another consideration well if the I mean if we're willing to kind of at least uh look at it I would love it if it could go to policy for next month with your advice and you know and see if we can't be a little bit more accommodating with the cases I'm still interested in the cost too if we were to shorten the high school and middle school to one mile like that I'm interest okay that's just my aside T now you can were there any other questions there were a couple job there yeah great discussion there were actually a couple where I think you just need to clean up the language it says like supervisor instead of contractor and there were a few other it was changed sometimes I read and and then it wasn't and I made notes but I lost my notes anyway so you notice that like in Comas ahead but then you went and checked that and you saw something that wasn't changing that's it wasn't so like in I did find one that I made a note uh 7513 it wasn't changed in that one and I thought there was one other one I saw it wasn't changed but Rebecca is pretty good at finding those yeah we caught some of them as well so we didn't catch them all over that okay um so any did we want to separate them out but um I mean certainly one option is to take all of what you see on the screen which was the the 700 ones that we got through with the wsb's recommendation and then at the far right we saw the administrative and committee recommendation one way to break this up is to tackle this group first which was really the process the board's been going through of really updating the policies according to the spreadsheet uh it could make sense to just tackle that one as a group and then come back to some of the others make the recommendation that we uh follow the same process that we've done in the past and approve what's on the spreadsheet second as presented any questions on any of the I think they're almost all Transportation um all in favor of approving this whole list say I I opposed say no great and then we have the title 9 ones and I'm not sure if we'd like Brian to come up to talk there's any questions that we'd like to direct to him being our expert on title n um just the the only thing I would add is that we we kind of did it's more than Title 9 it would be harassment discrimination which extends um it covers a number of the federal laws but it many some of these uh did wait specifically for title 9ine the the revamp of the language even though they also covered other uh federal laws I make a motion that we accept the recommendation of the committee on the title n policies second any questions all in favor say I I oppose say no great thank you keep working through that we thankful I guess is a policy committee but I mean this is really great board development I mean we're right there with all of our policies I I know the review of everything has been wonderful I just think Ted's leadership has been [Music] wonderful thank you Dad he doesn't been treats to the committee but he's otherwise he's really good he did one time I know he did oh yeah one time all right I think that ends our committee of reports moving on to administrative reports um any announcements or correspondents see there arcement and so we just have a resolution on temporary borrowing that Steve you want to chat about sure so first of all thanks to the board for being willing to propose last year that we could move the annual meeting to August U moving the annual meeting to August gives us the authority to do the cash flow borrowing uh it makes things function much better on a cash flow basis to be able to do this in September as opposed to October what you see in front of you is a resolution authorizing temporary borrowing and so for members of the public what that means is funds that are being borrowed only for this school school year to basically uh get the school district through the Peaks and valleys of the cash flow in our typical cycle so in a school district our revenues come in very sporadically at very specific times of the year but our expenditures are very consistent uh so an example of that state aid comes in in large dollar amounts only a few times a year property taxes come in in larger dollar amounts a few times a year year this borrowing allows the district to bridge the gap between when those funds come in and when the expenditures are needed uh we do separate out the repayment of last year's borrowing is kept separate from the New Year's borrowing uh which is a good fiscal practice to have in place what we have in front of you tonight is consideration of a resolution authorizing temporary borrowing an amount not to exceed 13.2 million um just to note this is what's called a parameters resolution meaning we don't have in front of you tonight the actual bids on the borrowing but what we have in front of you tonight is a request to participate in the borrowing uh and if you go to the next page Ally for just the moment um you can see there is an authorization section and there's a process included in here that describes what would need to occur in order for the borrowing to actually take place um there's an interest rate referenced in here of 6% uh meaning that the borrowing you can see Allie's got it on the screen right there the note shall bear interest at a rate that does not exceed 6% so in the event that interest rates as an example go sideways on us and end up being quite a bit more expensive we would not have the legal authority to sign off on this we'd have to get the board back together uh and that did happen one year where we had to get the board back together and take another look at it so the conditions of the borrowing are outlined in the resolution uh this is a joint borrowing that multiple districts participate in the point of doing that is to spread the costs out across multiple districts uh so that we're sharing the issuance costs which in the end uh just reduces the cost for all of the schools that participate in this program uh so we're seeking approval of the parameters resolution we would be asking for a roll call vote for your consideration so we can record um everyone's vote for the paperwork that needs to go back to Coral and Brady Mark see two questions one do we receive a lump sum or is it a latter pH and is a payback the same yep so this Farrow would be a lump sum so the total amount comes back to us and then uh next year when we pay it back the entire amount is paid back uh we do receive a very large property tax payment in the middle of August and basically the majority of that is set aside to pay off the prior years borrowing thank you what are uh what do you anticipate the interest rates on this so we would expect interest rates to be in the 5% range right now um the FED is expected to drop rates uh during the month of September uh but we would think we're going to be in uh you know maybe a little bit under five but in that range how is this compared to last year's so the dollar amount is slightly higher I believe off the top of my head Del was it like 127 126 last year so slightly higher typically the dollar amount does increase by a marginal amount every year as the overall District budget becomes higher the cash flow Gap just slightly becomes higher and so as time goes on um the amounts just continue to really keep track with the overall uh District budget okay thanks Ellie said the rate last year was 5% motion to approve second and we need World Mark hi Don hi Mark I mean Ted hi Jack hi Judy hi Katie hi and myself yes all right thank you thank you for doing that um moving on to consent agenda there's quite a few things in here um if there any questions or you can pull anything out motion Jack needs to refrain I'd like to uh pull the uh staff changes the staff stuff out and then uh we can with the others which one the the staff changes he's voting himself in staff changes with the Rays right actually let's just pull out the co-curricular one yeah because you can vote on the other one I'm in the uh staff change as well so I'm in both of those oh so I want to pull both okay you're right okay so we're going to pull out the staff those being pulled out so you you made the motion with those being pulled out and Ted you second okay so all in favor of everything except the staff changes say I I I oppos say no and now we will vote on the staff changes motion to approve second uh abstain and you're going to abstain and all in favor say I I I and Jack abstain abstain who's who who said yes and first and second Katie and I said I'm yeah I made the motion I did on the first and then I I did on second okay so Katie did the first did both okay got something down there uh well I'm supposed to be Rebecca you look kind of okay um future agendas I was wondering why you were so stressed can't keep up uh future meetings what do we need anything so Alie were we going to have Rebecca take care of this after yeah we're going to ask Rebecca when she gets back at some of these meetings at a later Point okay when she's got everybody's calendar but we do know that the budget committee and the facility committee we will be asking to meet in early October so Rebecca will reach out with times to everybody uh as far as how that would work Tim know Brian did you want HR um and Tim he'll get to to us if he wants to see us okay so yeah um we have a tenative calendar uh it's draft form but we were looking at September 26th um I may be gone up at that time so I don't know what we can do to modify that their SCH so I'll talk okay that's curriculum mark on is that CC that's curriculum Sor curriculum corre okay I just want I'm trying to still put people committee okay so that ends this part but we are going to go back into Clos session so we'll motion to approve uh Open Session um we need to return to close and then we'll adj do we have to get out of open and return or can we just go right to no I just need a motion I was just going to let them leave and then we'll take a motion to go into to close so who we didn't do anything yet Jack is ready but we're going to let them exit I just sign this one and this he is I'm waiting for for motion I'm waiting for the motion because I'm waiting for Tim should did Tim uh we do not

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