The Monty Show LIVE: Why The BIG 12 Is NOT Adding UConn!

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games the Yukon thing the house settlement nil debacle it's all coming up on the Monty show presented by The Advocate the say it every day The Advocates are your best resource when you've been in an accident and you need somebody to fight for you when you need somebody to give you the straight truth not the spin not the the insurance company half truths when you need somebody to be online for free at the 247365 okay let's get into this thing in Kansas City last night I'm not tin foil guy I am not I am not I am not somebody who believes that games in the NFL are fixed that game last night was fixed I I can't even imagine what officials were looking at last night whether it is not calling blatant and obvious false starts on the Chiefs yet you have a toenail in the neutral zone and it's a flag on Baltimore um I I mean just the way that the officials called this game I think had a massive outcome uh in this game I think that obviously Lamar Jackson I I don't know how many more times we need to say this Lamar Jackson is not a championship galiber quarterback I will say it until I am dead Lamar Jackson is is not a guy I want standing in the pocket throwing the football to try and win me a game and we I think on display last night as much as I think the Kansas City Chiefs are not nearly as good as they were uh last year as much as I think that Travis Kelce is done I don't think he is a dynamic player at all anymore the officials determine the outcome in that game and it was at one point actually very frustrating to watch that game because the the the the flags and it's not that there were so many because I think Kansas City had six penalties the Ravens had seven it's not the volume it was the timing it was the type of flag that was thrown it's the worst officiated game I think I've seen in in years in the NFL yeah and and I think that that that's exactly the best way to say it I mean I I you know you're you're you know you're you're calling it you know you're calling it in a way where where you're just harping on the Ravens in the neutral zone uh and you're you're allowing you know the the the chief's you know offensive lineman to move slightly early to gain that advantage in protecting Patrick Mahomes it's not slightly early it's a full beat early it's a huge you're getting you're allowing you're allowing a full step you're giving the excuse me me the right tackle a full step you you got to throw that's a false start he is he is moving far before long before the ball is snapped I I it's not it's not even close and I look at the way that that you you believe that that game was called fairly uh I I'm not saying it was called fairly I I think that you know there's there's a very gray area in the NFL especially when it comes to the Chiefs so like in this game last night you know you're you're at Arrowhead it's the first game of the season like on some level as fans we would expect the refs to give the Chiefs a little bit but I do agree that that it was too much towards the Chiefs last night I I think that you know again I'm gonna sit here and and say it as I always do I don't think the officiating is why you lost this game if you're the Ravens I think you had multiple opportunities to to beat the Chiefs in this game and Lamar just couldn't get it done um but it does beg the question what does this game look like if there was in several of those Tic Tac penalties on on the Ravens if Jaan Taylor is not allowed to start a full step before the defensive lineman do the Chiefs win this game probably not no they do not uh if if that and let's be very clear because I'm sure that this is going to be the number one talking point on this game that was not a touchdown his toe is clearly out of bounds it it's it's not it's not even arguable it's not a touchdown the bigger issue is I if you're the Ravens Lamar Jackson's not good enough you just paid him a crap ton of money and he's not good enough how many times have we sat on this show and talked about Lamar Jackson having to stand in the pocket and deliver the football to a wide openen sa flowers at the back of the end zone missed him by three feet the throw to Lively at the back pylon where the ball is is three yards out of bounds and not playable those are throws that that every other quarterback in the NFL can make Lamar can't make them has not ever been able to make them has never shown the ability to make them but he continues to get a free pass because he can run because you know people say oh well he you know he can break a game open you know he can he can be an X Factor that way and I'm sitting here saying like that's all cool and everything but if you're not going to be able to hit Z flowers uh at the back of the end zone to give your team a chance to win that game right there because remember when they when they initially hit hit that play uh to the tight end you know you're you're looking at this and you're saying hey that's that was a touchdown in Real Time that was the initial reaction and harau was saying two two two we're going to go and try and win this game and so you figure hey if if if Lamar Jackson can simply make what what I would characterize as a pretty basic throw to Z flowers that's not there there's no touch required on that throw you can sling it in there as hard as you want to and he'll catch it like it you just missed it and and again we talked about it yesterday when we were previewing this game that that I didn't think the Ravens were going to be able to win this game because Lamar Jackson was is and uh you know has been unable to throw his team to victories and and you know I'm watching this game last night and you know in in the first quar first possession for the Ravens I'm looking at Lamar and I'm saying man like he he does look noticeably smaller but I I just don't love the pre- snap setup for him as a quarterback like he's so nonchalant back there that I don't even think he gives himself a great chance to be successful it's and and I don't disagree with you his mechanics are Garbo his footwork is you look at the play and I tweeted about it you look at the play where zlow squats down behind the line of scrimmage at the end of the first half he is behind his offensive lineman the play is for him to leak out to the flat and the Lamar to throw a quick out Lamar had so little feet under him he almost fell down making the throw and it went nowhere his mechanics on the play to Z at the back of the end zone where it's two yards behind him he's not on his feet the throw to Lively is off his front foot which is why when you look at him and and this you know the worst part about the touchdown that was a toe on the line at the end of the game it was easily his best throw of the game easily his best throw of the game because it required no touch it required him to grip it and rip it and it it's really unfortunate and again another Harbaugh that doesn't teach fundamentals that is a breakdown in fundamentals W with with Lively because his feet are apart at the back of the end zone you are taught as a wide receiver to have your feet together clap your feet together so that you get your feet down in Ms I'm the officials played a huge role in this game Lamar Jackson is why the Ravens lost the game and I think the Kansas City Chiefs are are notably not as as good as they were last year or the year before yeah and and I think you're point about Travis Kel's spot on you know I I you know so last year the excuse was hey they were just saving him for the postseason you know that you know he he kind of took it easy in the regular season like his workload like he was going to be on the field for his normal amount of snaps but the workload of you know pass catching and like what they were going to ask him to do on every play was going to be lighter and so that was the excuse last year this year I don't know what the excuse is going to be because I agree like you know watching this game last night he's not explosive he's not you know he's not this guy that that is breaking the game open and he had one Shining Moment last night right he runs the over route towards the right sideline Patrick escapes the pressure finds him like that was a hell of a play by Patrick and and and I as I'm watching this play unfold I'm like yep that's why Patrick Mahomes is one of the greatest quarterbacks we've ever seen play this game to be able to get away from that pressure and find Travis Kelce but I I look at this Chief's team and you know I liked what I saw at to Xavier worthy uh but the problem is is that it was only for like three plays it's not like Xavier Worthy's gonna have to grow into this off the touchdown and and I say this about I said it yesterday about Xavier worthy he gets into the End Zone on two broken plays by the Ravens I'm not taking anything away from him Xavier Worthy is fast there's no doubt about that the the first run the first touch where he ran through the line at unbelievably unbelievably bad Gap discipline right then on the play where he catches the touchdown pass that's a broken coverage like the the corner clearly sits down expecting over the top and there's nothing there and so he walks in I'm not saying I am not saying that the Chiefs are a bad football team the Ravens are were in my opinion significant L better than the Chiefs last night with one exception Lamar Jackson and it's why they lost the game and I'll continue to tell you I like I'm looking at the the passing numbers in the NFL and I I think when you look at like who are the most accurate passers in the NFL um certainly I don't know you you think about Josh Allen Josh Allen or Lamar Jackson taking Josh Allen right Lamar Jackson or Dak Prescott arguably the most accurate passer in the NFL Dak Prescott I'm taking Dak Prescott I'm paying Dak Prescott what I paid Lamar Jackson happily if I am the Dallas Cowboys it is wild to me I look at Justin Herbert I look at all the best passers last year two a Tong of ioa or Lamar Jackson I think that's really tough yeah that's really tough see that to me that's a philosophical one that's hey you you either want a left-handed throw first guy or you want a right-handed run first guy Jared Goff or Lamar Jackson Lamar Jackson I think I think now having said that I just think that Jared Goff is I think he's an elite passer I think Goff might be the most accurate passer in the NFL and he completed 67% of his passes last year it's a pretty good number Dak Prescott completed 69 a half% of his passes last year who was the number one most accurate passer and I always die on the Dak Prescott Hill yeah it was Dak Prescott last year at 69 and a half and it it's wild to me that you get down and you start looking at okay well where was Lamar Lamar um well okay um yeah he's way down the list when it comes to accuracy or when we talk about um you know guys that threw a volume of passes Lamar Jackson's not there well and you know the crazy thing too about Lamar is like they don't even need him to be 69% completion percentage you don't even have to be like the best in the league for your team to win like if Lamar was I don't know 65% 64% he he he no no no he is 67% but why is he 67% because look at their offense he's not throwing the ball down the field over the top constantly he is a checkdown he is a Lamar Jackson's probably His Highest best passing use get him out of the pocket get him into those unscripted plays where he throws like a three to five yard pass that is a very difficult play to defend but if you ask him to stand in the pocket and read a defense the strip sack last night like you those situations happen to him routinely and if you if you look at if you look at his numbers Lamar Jackson only threw the ball 457 times last year 67.2 but he averages eight yards a completion so I I look at a lot of the I look at a lot of their offense this year it'll be different because I think they have much better weapons and I think that if Mark Andrews is healthy Lamar Jackson's a better quarterback I I don't think there's any doubt about about that Lively and Mark Andrews now you're cooking with gas I would expect him to push 69 70% completions because he's got two very capable middle of the field receivers and he's got Z and he's got guys that can go down the field all of this to say when you look at the Dynamics of being an elite passer in this league Lamar Jackson just isn't that guy and we can sit here and we can die on the hill uh and we can we can go you know around and around and around about you know what what happened with the officials last night the truth has to be told Lamar Jackson is preventing the Baltimore Ravens from being an elite football team it it it's it's that simple and if he can just make those basic throws Under Pressure which he can't and he never has been able to they've won multiple Super Bowls at this point they're better I don't think that and I don't know what you guys think in the comments section the Baltimore Ravens better football team than the Kansas City Chiefs why do they not win those matchups because Lamar Jackson can't get the job done can't get the job done yeah and and I think you know there's a lot of talk about you know this Mark Andrews you know Isaiah likely like you know comparison and like who's better and like where Isaiah can fit in in the offense and you know is Mark Andrews going to be healthier like I just think that that the Ravens at some Point are going to have to turn into a team that that doesn't just rely on on their defense like I I I was surprised last night that Derrik Henry didn't have a bigger impact now obviously he's got the touchdown early in the game but when it came down to it did Derrick Henry like really have this big you know tangible impact on this game because I look at it and I say it's not like they were handing it off to him constantly I I mean as soon as as soon as the Chiefs started holding him to two yards a car they went away from it and went right back to who who they have always been which I was surprised about yeah that that is we questioned it at the time and I'll question it again I don't understand what the thinking on derck Henry is because the idea was and it was sold as well we want Lamar to be more protected we want him to have to carry less of the load he ran 16 times for 122 yards last night Lamar and you only gave Derrick Henry 13 for 46 in a touchdown and why is that because you found yourself trailing for a significant part of the game and that's when Derrick Henry isn't an effective running back now if you're trying to grind the clock down if you're up three with five minutes to go okay Derrick Henry is gonna get the ball but when you're trailing you can't give Derrick Henry the ball I think that's an awkward fit and I I think you look at you look at the the the way that they use different guys like I am really surprised that you only targeted Rashad baitman five times I was really surprised by that and apparently one of those times cost you the the game tying touchdown so you know allegedly yeah I am amazed I I there is there are going to be some questions out of this game and I don't know do it drives me crazy all right I I agree with what you said about the offici in this game I agree with the Lamar take I I still maintain that you got to understand if you're going to Arrowhead especially as a team that can contend for the AFC Championship you're there's going to be some home field advantage officiating happening and I think the NFL just needs to be careful with how far they're taking that because when you can see John Harbaugh on the sidelines saying hey you got to make sure you guys call both ways that's not a great look on your on your broadcast that's not the like even calling in on Justice the late hit on Justice Hill like who I thought played very well last night yeah that's clearly a late hit didn't call it didn't call it yeah it I your right tackle for Kansas City is moving repeatedly didn't call it I don't understand it I I truly do not understand it I I don't all right let's get some of your thoughts in here uh Mike Smith no love for Chris Jones causing chaos versus the Ravens o line I thought he was great well what did he do though what did what did he do on the on the Strip sack what happened on that play there there was a I I don't know if it's a rookie but a new a new offensive lineman brought in on that specific play who was matched up with Chris Jones and what does he do he eats him for lunch and that causes a fumble you might not want to have the smallest running back in on your roster blocking him late in the game yeah like and but again look at the last play what did Chris Jones do on that that last play the last two snaps when they turned him loose the Ravens just let him go he gets to the quarterback and Lamar steps up into the pocket and makes an unbelievable throw and the guy's toe is out of bounds I can't believe that if you're a raven fan that must be maddening must be maddening but yeah you know what Mountain Mama I thought he played a great game and now that I'm sitting here thinking about it like we've been talking about the Chris Joneses of the world lining up in the neutral zone for the Chiefs for years I mean this this whole neutral zone you know Jawan Taylor starting early situation has been going on for years years like their right tackle routinely moves for three for the last it is a staple of Andy Reid's offense now um because I can't remember who the tackle was before Jan Taylor but last year Jan Taylor the most penal wasn't he the most penalized player in the NFL last year yep um you so if you're an official you're not waiting come on come on calford I love how Dak always is part of the conversation always well he has to be and you know why you know why though he's part of the conversation because he hasn't won he hasn't won a Super Bowl so and I love how it's that Dak got beat by Jordan love it's not that the Packers beat the Cowboys Dak got beat by Jordan love yeah yep hey you're the starting quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys I get it but and I I don't know I haven't read the all of the comments but I if if you're just you know listen if you're comparing if you're comparing Lamar Jackson to other quarterbacks in the NFL who who are the other comparisons well first of all I think he should only be compared to people who who are competing for their conferences because he has had this his team in the AFC conversation for several years in a row so I don't want to hear I don't want to hear like oh CJ stad or or who who the hell ever you want it's why I brought up Josh Allen yeah Josh Allen's a great comparable because Josh Allen's a throw first guy that can run that's a big body quarterback who are the best quarterbacks in the AFC yeah I I mean obv Patrick Mahomes Tua but they haven't won and he's always injured um so I think two is less of an example but if you look at hot button quarterbacks in the NFL is there any other hot button quarterback but but Dak Prescott no I mean in in one of the most controversial quarterbacks certainly every year and I think the other interesting thing too that that brings Dak and Lamar in the same conversation is the contract situation I mean as you pointed out like Lamar just got paid and that was a battle with the Ravens to to get that done and a hold out was looming and then they figure it out and then you know you've got the daak situation where people are starting to legitimately think that dak's going to play for another organization because they can't tag him Jerry's not looking to pay him and now continue to die on the Dak Hill yeah it he was one of the best quarterbacks in the League last year it is not his fault the ball hit CD lamb in the hands Dak Prescott or Lamar Jackson who do you want dak's a guy that if he becomes a free agent even if you have a quarterback you got to consider taking a run at him you have to I am I again I'll just let go down the list go down the list in the NFL and you guys in the comments section oh I'm sure you'll hold me accountable okay go down the list in the NFL and let's just look at at quarterbacks who made the playoffs last year right Dak Prescott or Patrick Mahomes I'm taking Patrick Mahomes Dak Prescott or Jared Goff probably taking Dak Prescott Brock pie or Dak Prescott that one's really intriguing you know the I think it's really close the numbers are going to tell you it's Dak but I think oh I think the numbers tell you especially in the postseason last year Brock cie was not great in the postseason last year and that's what I was gonna say there's some inconsistency for Brock in in the big game but that's again where that's the conversation I think we have to have with Dak when you're looking at this list like when you hear a name is that someone you you immediately say yeah this is a big game performer because that's been dak's biggest struggle do you guys understand they played one game he was 41 of 60 God damn they threw the ball 60 times yeah and it wasn't good enough six I said 60 do you realize he played one game he threw the ball uh one more time than Lamar who completed 61% of his passes in the postseason yeah he threw the ball more than CJ strad who played two games Dak played one Baker Mayfield or Dak Prescott Dak Baker May or excuse me Dak Prescott or Jordan love Dak Prescott Dak Prescott dude the only way dak's getting over the hump is if he wins I have not seen a single thing from Jordan love that's like oh man he's one of the best passers in the NFL because I I don't care I will throw hands he's done what Dak didn't I have beaten a wholesale ass for Less ja Prescott is one of the best pure passers in the NFL does he win in in the postseason clearly not clearly not but let's not sit here and pretend that Dak Prescott is just that guy and we all love to say oh he sucks did he suck last year no Dak Prescott was arguably the second best quarterback in the NFL last year so we we consider sit and die on the hill but how many of these guys are you taking over Dak Prescott not many we're talking about Brock py completing 61% of his passes in the postseason and Dak was asked to throw it 60 times in a game come on man come on anyway yeah anyway I put a bow on it by saying Lamar Jackson I'm not a Lamar Jackson guy he's the reason that they're they're struggling San Diego State Glenn Monte sure is willing to die on multiple hes this fine Friday can't disagree though Anthony een says Jordan love over Dak all day okay do tell explain to me why you're taking Jord there only one argument that you could possibly make for Jordan love and and again again I ask Jordan love was Jordan love just over-the-top amazing last year what was if if we look it if we look at him from a statistical angle last year 64% 4159 yards 32 touchdowns and 11 interceptions good not great good not great and now you're in a division and let's see how he does in the division with what is the best probably the best offense in that in that division right the guy loaded so what what are the excuses going to be I here's the problem I we need to decide how we're going to have this conversation about Dak if you're going to if you want to have a numbers conversation like if you want to have a regular season MVP conversation Jordan love can leave the room like Jordan love can get the hell out of this conversation if we're talking about you know postseason success Jordan love has an Ace in the Hole against Dak specifically and I know it's not dak's fault that the defense can't stop Jordan love but it is dak's fault that you didn't score more in that game it is dak's fault that you know the offense seemingly just couldn't put up enough points and and again it's one of these situations where it's it's just very cut and dry like like I If Dak had had you know won the NFC a couple of times even we wouldn't even be talking about Jordan love we wouldn't even be that's disagree you know like it's not that Dax sucks it the problem is is that there's always an excuse every year as to why the Dallas Cowboys don't get further and when you look at this game last night Lamar Jackson is clearly the reason why the Ravens didn't win this game and yeah we can talk about officiating we can talk about this and that I I don't like dude is wide open by at least four yards all around him in the end zone in a compressed situation he's wide open and you missed him dude if Dak missed that throw buddy would be out of the lead my God bro if if Dak missed that throw what would people say and that's my point when you're the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys it works both ways you're either the hero that you know saved the organization and oh my God you're like the best thing ever but but but nobody wants to talk about them winning the Wild Card two years ago in Tampa because nobody wants to or nobody wants to talk about that nobody wants to talk about you know the fact that I like I look at the offense in San Francisco like are we really are we really Believers that that Dak has the the talent I I don't know I I don't feel like arguing about deck I I I'm not taking Tony Pard over Christian mcaffrey I I'm not doing that I'm not taking uh you know Michael Gallop over Debo I'm like I'm not doing that I'm not take I'm not taking I agree that CD lamb is a good not a great wide receiver the in the the that dropped pass last year for a first down yeah is inexcusable in the postseason yet you paid CD lamb and you haven't paid Prescott which just makes zero sense Justin beamus hello I would rather have an average uh Green Bay and win the big game than have an elite QB and lose every year in the postseason I don't I don't disagree with you I think the systematic issues in Dallas their decisions on the cap you brought Zeke back after letting him go yeah maybe maybe the question we should ask is hey if Dak was in a different situation how much winning has if he a quarterback of the 49ers how many Super Bowls has he won he's got three at at least that's my point there you go yeah uh I hope you don't take uh Gallop over Debo Gallop retired what but that but my point is that's the kind of receiver he's had yeah right that's the kind of and he hasn't had Tyreek Hill he hasn't had you know best he hasn't had Justin Jefferson or Jamar Chase or whoever you want to point to yeah Eric and Raleigh do you think Dak refuses to sign a new deal with the cow Cowboys because he wants to play somewhere else I don't know if refuses but would it surprise anybody if Dak Prescott was wearing another uniform next to year why would he ACC yes he has all the leverage yeah I wouldn't like I wouldn't he's like and this is the thing you can't get away from if you're a Dak hater the moment he becomes available almost every team in the league is calling him and asking him what it's going to take and he's the best available quarterback and I don't care if you have Jared gof I don't care if you've got Brock pie you're you're you're gonna you're at least looking at it you're at least looking at it 100% you're at least looking at it I mean teams like Houston the Bears you're not looking at Green Bay's not looking at that how is Miami I think this is a huge year for two it he just got paid and if he gets hurt huge year huge year in in my opinion huge year but anyway um let let me get a couple more because you guys have been great in the comments section today me roll up a little bit the awkward guy uh that's why they need to let Dak walk run o run out there with Cooper Rush suck for a season and then draft Arch I mean that's one plan but Jerry Jones ain't getting younger Jerry Jones is getting no younger and claims he's doing everything he can do to win a Super Bowl yeah okay we'll see about that John Dry hi y'all guns up PE PE hey y'all um yeah I don't disagree San Diego State Glenn what about the KC defensive coordinator calling a timeout another example is not allowed yeah another another great example spags running down the sideline calling a timeout should have been a penalty did they call a penalty no did they give Kansas City the timeout yes it's wild uh Hans stoy Ravens fan here we expect games like this dude as a Ravens fan are you Pro or anti- Lamar I you've got to be disappointed again and it's crazy to say hey like we're disappointed in in the team's performance cuz I cuz I do think you should be disappointed with this team's performance over the last couple of Seasons you've had deep playoff runs you've had clear opportunities to get to the Super Bowl you have an elite defense that secondary is unbelievable ran yeah the Bears don't need ran Smith and by the way ran needs to stop running his mouth about tight ends flopping and nobody cares dude nobody cares about you know 88 who you don't know his name and like stop dude how about you talk about the fact that you couldn't keep up with multiple guys uh running right by you while you were out there playing defense that you couldn't keep up with with several tight ends last night like why don't we talk about that and I love ran roquan is a stud but the idea that that's where you go in the post game is crazy yeah I agree I agree uh Oak State James Eric the ads suck but stick around are we getting a lot of ads today two words YouTube premium yeah I don't control the ad flow I do not control the I I will behind the curtain we have the ad flow turned to the lowest possible setting it gives us three settings not much a little bit or a lot we have it turned down to as low as we can make it you YouTube controls that we have no ability to control that uh Mike Smith football games are rarely a one-player game most times everyone blaming one person is a casual simple fan take yeah but the problem is you can't get away with with that in Dallas because one year their defense is really good one year their offense is really good they don't have consistency so it it it becomes a situation where if you're going to make and I don't know off top of my head how much dak's making right now per year but but if you're going to make you know 55 million like Jordan love is you're you're the first guy that everyone's going to point to because you're making the most money and if you are Lamar Jackson and you held out and you got paid you can't miss multiple throws in the end zone to tie the game yeah and then and then you want to say that and then and then I love this too which is which is another thing that I have questions about with Lamar they're on the broadcast last night showing Lamar lighting up his offensive line and you know oh hey this fumble and then Lamar's on the sideline great leadership skills wow amazing dude this guy hasn't shown to be some amazing leader for his Florio at pro football talk had an article um in the middle of Camp I think it was talking about how Lamar has been much more outfront you know trying to keep guys together team activities Rah ra guy I don't think he was lighting up his offensive line I think he was trying to Rally them because to Mike Smith's Point Chris Jones in that front were eating them live and I so yeah I think he's good Mike Smith uh Trey Lance could not beat out the backup he is currently qb3 Trey Lance is not Trey Lance is not good calford but uh what about Kyler Murray manty my guy verticality you want to talk about a guy that just won't adapt to the NL game it's Kyler Murray Kyler Murray again another fundamentally flawed quarterback who is not a A playbook guy he's not a study film guy and I think that's a huge that is a huge problem that's one of the more frustrating Parts about Lamar Jackson he is a A playbook guy he is a film guy and he just can't execute the throw Kyler Murray doesn't know where the ball should be going half the time anyway I I could go on um let's see uh the Monty ghost hello Monty ghost wow Dak the man yes he is James I'd take Brock pie over Dak if I can take the money I save and get another star wide receiver to be on the opposite side of lamb and a better tight end the Cowboys have a history of good tight ends they do yeah and how much does a 49er situation change when you gotta pay Brock listen Brock py for the money absolutely absolutely Eric and Raley move on from Dak already yeah we probably got too carried away with it uh I read that one already um uh Big Daddy Magic Hey play it J J Allen is a beloved MVP this year that's all people need to know uhuh well he might not want to throw so many interceptions this year why does Josh Allen get a free pass on all those interceptions and Dak doesn't because he's doing it against Patrick Mahomes so everyone says oh he's just running to Patrick Mahomes every year yeah uh Eric and Raleigh is Jerry Jones trying to put seats or luxury boxes on the scoreboard have to expand the stadium Jerry world baby State James your thoughts you know uh he was not wearing it while practicing throughout the season okay oh you mean are you talking about Dak no Dak was wearing a boot on vacation um so yeah I just didn't think of we all remember getting off the boat onto the dock wearing hot ass girlfriend uh Jerry Jones is more worried about selling merch than winning on the field he's not getting younger man yeah he is not getting younger I I that's for sure uh again Dak getting older does not mean he was delicate or cannot get through a season no I don't I don't I agree with that I don't think that he's getting Dak is anymore quarterbacks age better now than they ever have just because of the way they engineer their bodies so are we still complaining about ads shake my head apparently so uh Paul go horns 15-point win we'll have a preview of that game coming up um couple more Willie Wilson YouTube music less than $19 a month no ads on five channels oh there you go there you go I had no idea no idea uh Texas is winning by three touchdowns tomorrow know about that I don't know about that Yukon should join Oregon State and Washington State make it the pack three on the CW right uh um before we get to that hey caler donating 10 Monty show memberships let's go C pick them up pick them up let's go uh let's get into that situation with uh Yukon because I thought this was a big story yesterday in Big 12 country and it is it is really not a surprise that this did not come to fruition um with the big 12 and and Yukon because as we've talked about on this show sources close to that situation have told us very bluntly and directly that the money does not add up for Yukon to join the Big 12 I think there are some presidents in the Big 12 that were willing to take a financial hit on Yukon to join the League the problem is the majority of of presidents and administrators in that League were not uh and I was told again yesterday by a source very close to that situation this came down to Dollars and cents and with the instability in the the house nil settlement universities I think just were not willing to subsidize Yukon football uh which they would have had to do and and have Yukon football be an absolute lost leader for the conference on the whole that is something that Brett ymar could not sell to his constituents as much as you want Dan Hurley in that men's basketball program and the women husky program as well in the Big 12 there was no way you were going to be able to subsidize Yukon football to the level that you would have needed to even if did not come into the conference in 2031 um even if they had waited till 2031 or not come into the conference at all adding Yukon Lock Stock and Barrel never made Financial sense and we talked about this does Yukon operate with an athletic B budget at the level of $150 to $200 million just on football they do not and that money was going to have to come from somewhere and it was likely going to be from other members of this conf conference which for a majority of members in this league was a non-starter and I think that's always going to be the question with Yukon and when the discussions came up I was told about Yukon not playing football or not joining the Big 12 on football Yukon said that was a non-starter for them they want all of their Sports in one conference and as much and I think this is a really important point because it was pointed out to me multiple ways yesterday as much as Yukon has love and respect for the big East they are well aware that being an independent in football and being a a a team really with the level that they play out in college basketball leaving significant millions of dollars on the table every year they really wanted to find a way to get a big 12 mood done for all of their sports but it just didn't make Financial sense and especially on the same day this announcement was made the house settlement on the nil stuff complet fell apart and it looks like that's going to head to trial I think Jake we've been pretty spot on with this one again it just never made Financial sense for Yukon to join the Big 12 yeah and it's really unfortunate because you know like you said I mean the basketball programs at Yukon are dominant they're highly valuable they'd be a great addition of the conference but you know I I I think the Big 12 is is keenly aware that you know they they can't afford a mistake right now with expansion you know you you obviously want to look at expansion opportunities you know you you really of course want to grow grow your conference grow your brand you know grow your footprint as they always say uh but you're not going to do that um in a way that that brings you risk or you know exposure if you will you're not going to you know Force an addition of yukon's basketball programs into the conference uh you know while having to take on a football program that just is you know just brutal honestly like it's just not good and and and I think that that's the hard part and and I think you know the the the Big 12 handled this well I think Brett ymar continues to be a phenomenal businessman I think the relationship he has with his administrators uh at the different schools in the Big 12 uh is is one of the main reasons that the Big 12 has been able to grow has been able to build this Security in the conference and you know I think at some point Yukon will find their way out of that situation but I think what this you know negotiation if you will what this look into expansion and going to the big 12 did for Yukon is it showed them like we got to improve the football situation somehow and that doesn't mean that you got to go out and compete in the college football playoff but what it does mean is that you either need to stop playing football or you need to figure out a better Stadium situation that is more attractive to a power conference well I think the stadium point is a very well-made one because when you look at the way that Yukon operates football they rent a stadium they lose money on tickets and concessions they lose money on branding and frankly as an independent they don't have a media deal that pays them significant dollars and it's becoming a point where if you are the Big 12 and you already have a smaller rights deal leading up to 2031 and as I explained on the show previously this is why you weren't going to add Yukon football until at least 2031 because you're not willing to rebate Yukon for being a really bad football program and I think we saw that in week one where they got torched I it it just never made a lot of sense and again I think the stadium point is a really good one there's no fixing that they don't have land on their campus to build a stadium nor do they have the financial resources to build an appropriately sized Revenue generating football facility that could house lacrosse in soccer and track as well they don't have those kind of resources at Yukon the state does not have those kind of resources to allocate and the the real problem here is Yukon is committed to football Yukon is not in a place at least not right now and I think those words are really important at least not right now Yukon is not in a place where they are willing to either drop football as a sport or join a different smaller conference to make some kind of money because that breaks up their athletic department which is something Yukon doesn't want to do and I think we all have to remember Yukon is in the exact same model as Notre Dame is the only only difference is you're talking about an iconic historically important program at Notre Dame that has a free pass into the college football playoff system and you're comparing that and contrasting it with Yukon who has no history in college football is not a Powerhouse doesn't have a stadium and doesn't draw a TV or an inst Stadium uh you know following it's a really tough situation for Yukon and I think wisely so Yukon tried to leverage their success on the basketball court to up their their football program and I don't think they ever got close to doing it in the Big 12 I was told yesterday that there was never agreements in principle there was an agreement between the Big 12 and Yukon that they had you know a like-mindedness that they were pushing in the same direction that they wanted to build a basketball Powerhouse which is what Yukon was selling the whole time but I think you're looking at a commissioner and presidents and administrators in the Big 12 that are far too and understand they don't have a lot of financial flexibility in the Big 12 they're not getting $100 million per per school for a TV deal they're not you know generating significant private Equity money or over the toop Revenue with a a 50 to 80 million TV distribution like the the SEC is they're not doing that in the Big 12 your question is are you are you going to have more than than your conference champion in the college football playoff whereas in the Big 10 or the SEC it's how many of us are getting in is it three is it four because it's certainly going to be more than your conference Champion certainly right certainly you're just not in a place where you can afford to take a financial risk of this magnitude I think it's a very Savvy move by the presidents of this league yeah and I also think you know the the the notes and Lessons Learned out of the AC C adding SMU and how bad that looked uh I I think it's something that that administrators you know are just a little wary of you know not to say that adding Yukon you know with their specific situation would look as bad as the ACC did you know when they added SMU but I think you know if you were to if you were to have pushed this forward and you were to have added Yukon you know given their specific situation the first thing everyone would have said is well all you guys are trying to do is be good at basketball and you're not a football conference that that's what the haters would have said and and I just think that the Big 12 while they're clearly not the best football conference in the country they're the best of the rest and what I mean by that is the acc's got nothing on the Big 12 on the football field the Big 12 is superior to the ACC you want basketball conversation fine but on the football field the Big 12 has them and I think the Big 12 appreciates the fact that they can be the little brother if if you will to the Big 10 in the SEC and they don't want to mess that up and I don't blame him for that yeah and then there's this nil situation and if you didn't see this yesterday this was not that surprising they go to court to have a judge approve the settlement and the main sticking point as it turned out with the nil settlement in this house case is the plvs really I think drawing attention to this booster component where the defendant in this case the NCAA and its membership want to be able to lock out boosters from paying players directly for anything that's not name image and likeness related and the struggle right now for the NCAA is that you have a situation where you have boosters hiding payments to players in the name of name image and likeness hey uh why don't you come cut a 30 second spot for my tire store here's $55 trillion for that right like these overpayments where boosters are clearly paying a player to come to a school well the problem is courts across you know parts of this country have said and they have really put a stop in place from the NCAA enforcing those rules you are not allowed to tell a kid how much money he can get and for what purpose that's essentially what courts have said the kids and athletes in College athletics are allowed to say hey give me 500 bucks and I'll put my face on a t-shirt but give me $5 million and I'll come and play for your University the NCAA wants to say you can't take money for an agreement to come and play a select University well courts have said that's not that's that's not lawful and they have they have put an injunction in place to stop the NCAA and its memberships from enforcing that rule and that crapped into court yesterday when the judge in the house case said hey we've got to address this because when you tell people how they can get paid and why they get paid that's not the most popular opinion in the world and I agree and I think at this point there's there is no other outcome than for this nil lawsuit to go to trial and if it goes to trial I think it could be a complete disaster uh for the defendant in this case in which would be the NCAA and its membership I think it's a complete disaster I think yesterday was win across the board for boosters I think it was a win across the board for this what's the right way to say it Wild West mentality that we have that is clearly pervasive across NCAA Athletics right now where there are there are no longer bagmen there are just stacks of cash being handed out in broad daylight I think that's what was was one yesterday the right for boosters to say hey come play at SMU come play at Oak State come play at Notre Dame now that's not unlawful you can now come out of the shadows and the Alleyways and you can come out of the the criminal element of it and you can you can continue to do it in broad daylight until somebody says that's against the rules and I don't know that that'll ever be the case yeah and I just think that you know we've always treated this as like some taboo thing like you know I I I think about the you know obviously everyone points to like the Reggie Bush USC stuff you know with Pete Caroll and and everything that went down there but but isn't this just what we do in our country if we step back and and we you know put put the fact that we're talking about college football aside for a second is it not how this country Works where hey I want you to do X and I'll pay you y will you do that yes I will quit Pro quot right like that's what we do in our country that is like that's how it all works so so the idea that the NCAA is trying to stop this under the guys that hey you're a college student you're a student first you shouldn't be making money because it's academics because that's just what we've decided that's the issue and and I just I just think the ncaa's time would be better spent figuring out a way to create a system that benefits everybody and I'm fine if it benefits the NCAA too right like you know the the folks who run the the the NCAA itself like not just the school administrators but the board of the NCA cool if you guys want to make money on a to fine but it can't just be you making the money it can't just be the ad the money being paid to the school who will then pay it to the player yeah like come on because I I think that's what that's what athletes are worried about that you're going to be in a situation where a booster who owns a car dealership an oil company yeah whatever right if if you own a a large business and you want Jake to come and be your quarterback you pay him $5 million for a three-year commitment well the school wants you to pay the school the $5 million the kid wants you to pay him the $5 million under the table and the IRS wants you to pay the kid $5 million on top of the table so they can get tax money out of it which I'm fine with that the tax portion I think is very straightforward this is I mean we we see this in Pro Sports every day like the tax portion shouldn't be confusing for anybody like that should be very straightforward we have precedent like we've got something to follow that should be the easy part which is ironic honestly but like the idea that hey pay the school so then the school can get their cut and then we'll pay the kid and then like it just is all like everyone's trying to get their piece of the pie any way they can and it feels like we're scared to just say yeah hey dude booster can pay the kid and and and what's crazy is no one wants to say hey if the kid is that good at football and they come and play for your school your school's going to benefit and you're all gonna make money and I think the other part of this is Super League yeah because the argument that the defendants in this case the NCAA and its membership were making is we need a competitive balance we need a way to to put a cap on this so that we can have you know competitions across all levels to which I say that's not the free market system that we have built this country on and I understand whether it's a professional League of any of any nature you want to put a salary cap in okay but that doesn't preclude a kid from making money it does not preclude a kid from getting a Land Rover a Corvette deal a Lambo deal it it doesn't preclude him from wearing a Rolex and the hard part is that that is going to impact competitive balance because you're going to make more money uh at at Colorado than you're going to make at Nebraska so Colorado's going to get a better cut of player let's say if in a game this weekend why should Colorado be penalized because they they prioritize the modern business they shouldn't be but this is why we need a Super League yeah and if this goes to court and if this goes to trial the NCAA is going to wind up paying out more money on this so you're going to need to make more money on this because now I don't see any way that football's not a $200 million operation it has to be I mean it wasn't it we were looking before in Ohio State's already like 180 plus like 190 I think million dollars plus yeah like you you're you're looking at a situation where player compensation is going to push football into a $200 million business and you need a super league and I go back to what we've reported for over a year I go back to what Kyle Whittingham has said the head coach at Utah about how it's inevitable we're gonna have an A a college football championship on a Saturday in a Super Bowl on a Sunday we're going to have an NFL playoff model we are going to pay players wa I'm telling you it's coming yeah it doesn't mean conferences are going away it means that football conferences are going away we won't have sec versus Big 10 anymore we'll have the AFC versus the NFC in college football in some model or form but you if you're so worried about competitive balance and the implications of the booster all this is doing is pushing you closer and closer to a Super League mhm which is where we should all be pointed at right now it's it's as simple as as it can be said and by the way if you don't think that the private Equity deals that just got done in the NFL are are going to have an impact on college football you're crazy because that's all that is that's setting a precedent that's saying hey well look at what they're doing in the league right 10% ownership of of of a franchise why wouldn't we why wouldn't we do maybe not ownership of the school obviously but you know 10% stake in the Returns on profit in our football program you either win enough games to get in or you don't and if you don't you're not in you want to make the postseason you know like that's what needs to happen and by the way don't cry me a river uh from these schools who who are like oh well it's unfair even though we haven't invested in the last 10 years and we haven't done any winning and we haven't paid our fair share now we want our fair share and real quick before we get to your comments this is why dabo's such a problem this is why gundi is such a problem this is why Nick Sabin retired because they don't want to deal with this but you better because you need to it it's here whether you want it to be here or not uh udub fan Jim why is the salary cap in the NFL legal it's Absolut it absolutely prevents players from getting paid more it does not the difference is a salary cap is how much the team can pay its players in totality the suits and the house suits are boosters and outside entities paying kids for Nike deals hey uh end again endorse my car dealership endorse my restaurant endorse my my happy ending massage paror I was going more massage parlor uh anyway that's why it's different that's and I also think a salary cap is what is needed because universities have the right to pay their players and their player compensation will be between 20 and $23 million a year which already prices teams like Yukon out of football right so it's not that there's not going to be a salary cap at the NCAA level there is we're not arguing over schools paying players we're arguing over the NCAA wanting boosters to report and pay the school who will pay the player yes instead of allowing the player to take as much money as he wants from anybody that's the issue hey you know I'm shador Sanders presented by DraftKings can gambling operations pay college football players very interesting question very interesting question uh Mike Smith because the NFL and players union agreed to it well and that's the other thing and it's collectively bargained yeah I mean the NFL is so much more organized right I mean it's such a like by by size of like Humanity it's such a smaller entity than a nationwide NCA hundreds of schools like you're you're comparing a grain of sand on the beach to the ocean in this well and I think unionization of college football athletes or college athletes in general is coming there's already bodies doing it so I I don't think we're far from that at all Willie Wilson yep probably want to wait on acc which makes good business sense I I'm curious what happens with the ACC situation I'm very curious because Brett yar's got his ducks in a row on the ACC so that that's I think that's something to watch Paulo nil is good for local businesses some yeah certainly for some no doubt about it Nick D nice D Nick we need four regions where they play a round robin at the four region Champs go into a playoff but it's too complicated and and you're thinking of the thinking of it the wrong way like you're you're you're thinking of like hey like from a national perspective it's not going to work that way you're going to have the Super League where you've got the NFL playoff model and it's G to be extremely straightforward you're not gonna have Ron Robins yeah I think that's critically important yeah you're just gonna have head up matchups loser goes home like you're not going to have double elimination you know nit brackets like we're not doing that that's not that's not happening I cannot believe Lamar the the the highlights are on TV from it's wide open bro oh my God the the Z flowers throw is is egregious I mean missed him and by the way to your point what kind of throw is it it's across his body from right to left that's why he missed it because he doesn't have the mechanics to make that throw oh so bad um let's see Mike Smith that is what I understand as well pausing the Yukon Edition due to presidents I believe is a way to try and pressure Yukon to drop the idea of adding football to the Big 12 I think it's a non-starter I think it's a non-starter it's it's also why I think Gonzaga has so much leverage and why Gonzaga has been comfortable to wait Gaga because I think uh gagaa understands that the landscape is going to change probably multiple times in the next five years yeah certainly and if the ACC melts down is that good or bad for Gaga I think it's really good for Gonzaga because Gonzaga is viewed as a Powerhouse now obviously you lose some leverage if you don't continue to win at the level they've won at but that's the game that we play that's the game we play so I think it's a very interesting the Big 12 has no business subsidizing Yukon football and I know we've talked about that at nauseum no business no business at all subsidizing that no nor should they I just uh Big Daddy magic player you are sad Devotion to the outdated Notre Dame is fascinating character flaw in your almost perfect character okay I don't know why it's a sad devotion why are you sadly devoted to the Buffalo Bills not D our mother like what do you mean sad devot what are you talking about what are you talking about um Mike Smith I missed that Yark Gonzaga sound drop yeah you like that dude Jake likes that drop a lot yeah Gaga you know Gonzaga uh how can you add Yukon when you have the ACC on the brink of divorce and having to fight out custody disputes with much more flexible schools because I think if you were able to get Yukon without football that strengthens your position with Virginia Louisville Duke Carolina who you're not kidding um Florida State Miami I I think it strengthens your position because you you look at what Yukon represents a win over Yukon is a massive win with where they've built both men's and women's basketball and I think the revenue stream that men's and women's basketball has become dictates that you have you have Partners who are dedicated to basketball so if you are the Big 12 and you can get Yukon and Gonzaga that gives you incredible leverage to to make phone calls if the ACC melts down yep which is why Brett and his constituents in the Big 12 have been so focused on expanding with the right Partners yeah and I think that's why the Gonzaga thing just hasn't quite happened yet because it's a timing thing more than a fit thing it's a clear fit and it's just I I would guess for the Big 12 you know you when because when you add think about how the the whole pack 12 thing went down like the big 12 was real keen on making sure that they didn't add like a school this week a school next week a school the following week and a school a month later they wanted to have one announcement one press release hey we're adding the four corner schools like this is what we're doing they're you know they're coming in and so if you think about it like it doesn't make sense for the Big 12 go and add Gonzaga and then add Yukon and then add Louisville and the ace like they're going to want to do that in one swoop yep I agree all right let's get to work on some games hour number two of the Monty show presented by our friends at Canyon Golf Canyon Golf the official golf course of the Monty show hello love Canyons Golf I've got the big Indian wedding starting tonight and tomorrow can't wait to get out on the course on Sunday um iron swing feels pretty good right now I have just enough time I have about 90 minutes where I'm allowed to go to the driving range tomorrow morning and then I am I have to put my balls back in the Mrs Monty jar and I have to you know put on the full Indian outfit and go to this wedding tomorrow but I'm telling you I can't wait for Canyons on Sunday gonna Crush it's GNA be amazing there's nothing better than playing golf at altitude and watching your ball fly that's what you get a Canyon's golf never mind that it's in a worldclass resort like Park City Mountain Resort at Canyon's Village never mind that you can play 18 beautiful holes of golf and then get a world class meal never mind that it's priced like a mun never mind you can book online never mind that you get coner service where they carry your clubs you get GPS in a beautiful cart you see wildlife oh it's all good at Canyon's golf I'm telling you folks hook it up online just search Park City Canyons Golf book your tea times tell them you heard about it on the Monty show let us know when you're going to be up there I'd love to play golf with you guys let's hook it up Canyon's golf the official Golf Resort of the Monty show hey Monty all right let's get into the games you guys because I think tonight this BYU SMU game this a big game for BYU um obviously this number Jake how surprised are you that SMU is County it's not Taran County sorry my bad um it's Dallas just read their Jersey how surprised are you that uh SMU is an 11 and a half favor yeah I'm pretty surprised by that I I I think that you know number one BYU typically you know BYU you know suffers from people just not knowing them quite often like like I I I'm a big believer that yeah BYU has the ESPN relationship and they're on national TV pretty regularly but somehow people don't know what's going on in the BYU football program or like you know why they would be able to beat a team or whatever the case might be on any given year and and this year's no different you know you you you look at this BYU game and you know I think people just look at last year and they're like oh well hey like you know they struggled in the quarterback room like they were a little disappointing last year like you know I'm reading all these these articles like all the coverage of you know what people think BYU is going to be this year and people are like oh yeah BYU is expected to be a bottom feeder in the Big 12 and like you know they're expected to be this bad team and it's and I think that's why you see numbers like this where SMU is an 11 and a half Point favorite because people just don't know about BYU what what do they know they know that SMU had to come back last week they know that you know SMU is uh you know typically been against FCS competition you know was putting up you know 38 points a game and they have this great offense but but what they don't want to say is that SMU against better competition uh is not putting up 38 points a game right like tonight I wouldn't expect SMU to cross 30 points in this game I think if they cross 30 points they're going to win the game but I would expect them be 24 27 points and I think this game's going to be a lot closer than people want to give BYU credit for and you know I I agree with that you know I I I think that that this game is going to be like the reason this game is so important for BYU is because this is really a a a week by week Proving Ground for retof in the offense people are not going to just buy in hookline and sinker that Jake retof is legit and can lead this team until he shows them week in and week out that that's I why get numers this I'm I'm very interested to see SMU secondary tonight because I think you know the formula for BYU is not difficult to win this game Jake ratzloff has to play at a high level uh obviously the wide receivers um have to play at a high level but the formula is pretty simple you have now established LJ Martin and hinley rotti as as thunder and lightning you have two really backs and you're able to throw the ball all over the field if you do that and you you do that well and you run the ball effectively and you throw the ball to the backs effectively the over-the-top big play the explosiveness is going to be there against an SMU defense that has questions at corner and I think when you're looking at an elite wide receiver room like you have in Provo at BYU I think this has a potential to be a huge game that 11 and a half Point number is shocking to me I think you're right I think this is a a very disrespectful uh line and it tells you the boys in Vegas just don't pay attention to BYU why should they agreed why should they BYU hasn't earned that and I think every week it's a chance for BYU to earn it and and I'll be very interesting I I do Al I do also think that BYU's defense has to show out tonight because SMU can put some points on the board and obviously there are questions a quarterback with uh y y your boy Preston Stone yeah um is he the guy is he not the guy are they going to rotake quarterbacks I think that's that's very interesting the the giving up 200 what 30 yards to SMU that that was a little surprising it if you gave up 231 to SMU I'd expect you to give up 35400 to or excuse me to Southern Illinois you gave up 231 against SMU I'd expect you to give up 350 400 then yeah you know I I I would agree with that I I think that you know looking at you know last week's performance for the BYU offense you know you got to really consider the fact that you know three guys in that receiving room had more than 60 yards multiple receptions so like I I think that offensively you have what you need to go and win this game but the question's just going to be can they execute because I don't have any doubt you've got the talent I don't have any doubt that you've got the scheme like you can keep up with SMU SMU is not one of these teams that's just like Head and Shoulders better than you you know this isn't you going and trying to beat Utah at their place you know and trying to play like one of the best defenses in the country this SMU team is getable but to beat them at their place you're you can't miss you you have to have the Deep ball you have to have a high completion percentage and I think that's why you're going to see that BYU is going to easily cover this 11 and a half point number um I I do think that this game has over 55 and a half written all over it yeah and I think if BYU is gonna win this game roff's gonna have to go for more than 300 and if he does that they're going to be they they will win this I think it's going to take 350 400 he is going to have to replicate and be a little better and he will be better he missed some throws last week that he should have made so I think he will be better he will need 350 to 400 for them to win um I think that SMU you need to show that you've arrived they haven't beaten a power four opponent at home since 2010 and that was Washington State so you're G to have to show that you are now a full-fledged power four Conference team and I don't know that they're that I think when ultimately when we get down to what is likely what is likely I think it's likely that the BYU defensive line will in the outcome of this game because SMU is going to run the ball um I think that if you get baddy in that group up front if they are effective and they are able to impact the running game I think this BYU offense is going to be on the field a lot Darius ler is back he is a Difference Maker that 55o number terrifies me though because they're not wrong by a lot on numbers very often so I feel like this is a game where I want to say that somebody's scoring 40 points and I I could see this being a 42 34 type game and I feel I don't know how it would go under 55 and a half like am I crazy about that no I I I I I agree that they don't usually get numbers like way wrong typically like the boys in Vegas are in the neighborhood um on this one this particular one I do think they got this number wrong this number should be closer to 65 in my opinion and that that's what I think you're going to see play out I I I like this to be what do I think is GNA happen I think BYU is gonna win this game and surprise some people I think it's going to be 38 points for BYU I think SMU is going to be uh 31 to 35 points it's going to be that close of a game that style of game uh and I agree with you I think the defense is what ultimately puts BYU over the top uh I do think there's a defensive score in this game for BYU whether that's you know a a fumble recovery you know taking it to the house or a pick six there's going to be some kind of chaos caused by the BYU defense and if that happens they they should win this game absolutely I think it's 3831 I think BYU wins obviously they win outright they're an 11 and a half Point dog I think it's a BYU win in it goes over yeah I don't know how this would not go over the 55 and a half I mean it it is is it's wild blasted are coming back you know that's that's going to help yeah it it it uh James by I think BYU should be required to bring 5,000 cougar tailes well we don't traffic in women on this show so I I would kind of reset that take if if if I were you uh both teams have a crap defense so go over on the points I wouldn't say the BYU's got a crap defense I don't uh plumber Preston Stone's going to be shaking in his shorts once uh Tyler baddy rushes up the middle how much dual quarterback situation do we see I think it depends how much smu's behind by because I there's no doubt that Preston Stone's their starter but you continue to hear out of SMU that they're gonna play both guys and I I've always hated that uh RX says BYU was 5 and seven last year this is a completely different BYU team in on the defensive side of the ball certainly on the offensive side of the ball with as dynamic as I think we saw Jake Retzloff was in week one is he gonna put up Gody numbers every week he's not but against teams who can't cover he's gonna and he's gotten s SIU Southern Illinois and I think I do believe that SMU has has issues in the secondary so I I think I have to go I've got to go way I think 3831 BYU wins that that's what what I'll take so you know we'll see Tanner plumber BYU is winning 40 to 37 could be could be a thriller ACC West Coast commissioner Gumby 4124 BYU boy well that would be a statement yeah that would be a statement if he did that I think I'm going to take B I think this a huge game for B mhm it is I think it's as it's a Friday night you're that exclusive game on ESPN 2 well when you look at the season schedule this is a game you need to win you know this will go a long long way to being hu seven wins this year y y y all right Jake are you ready let me single you up are you ready Colorado at Nebraska minus 7 col 800 Nebraska zero and a half Saturday 5:30 e NBC I almost said ESPN 5:30 yeah um yeah NBC which way are you leaning on this game yeah you know I want to say that Colorado is gonna come out and deliver the goods um the problem is is I think that Dylan Rola is somebody who can throw the ball effectively and is somebody that's going to have a lot of success uh throwing into the second and that's what I'm concerned about uh I think that this is yet another game for Colorado and I think this is how most of their games are going to go this year but it's going to be yet another game for Colorado it's going to be a high-scoring punch each other in the face most of the night type game and you know the first one of 30 points is going to win the game and you know unfortunately for Colorado the offensive line is better um but you're going to have to show me that going on the road you're going to be able to you know you're going to be able ble to stop the run and just be decent on defense like you you allowed North Dakota state to do pretty much what they wanted to do in the first half and then obviously turned it on in the second half so do we get you know do I get second half Colorado defense or first half Colorado defense so that's where I'm a little bit concerned but again things you can count on in this game Shor is gonna have a huge day you know Travis Hunter's gonna have a huge day yeah things you count on is the Colorado defensive line can't stop the run yeah and I think as unbelievably dominant as shador was against a really good defense last week on against North Dakota State North Dakota State exposed the fact that you can run through the G through the gaps on that defensive line against Colorado yeah and I think Dylan rayola is a is a good quarterback who's largely untested but do we really believe that Nebraska who turned the ball over four times last year and Boulder is going to do that same thing in Lincoln I have a hard time believing that right um I I I think shodor Sanders has the two best wide receivers in the country in Horn and Hunter and they are going to score a lot of points my biggest question is can Colorado pressure the quarterback can stop the run and I just don't believe that they can and so I think some of the mistakes we saw last week out of out of Dion's Club are you telling me Shiloh is gonna make that same mistake on the sideline again are you telling me they're going to be out of position again I don't believe they will I think this is a really well- coached Colorado team but you can't overcome the lack of talent inside and in the middle of that that defensive line and I think that's ultimately why um I think Nebraska wins the game I think shador is going to have 350 I think they're probably going to score 30 points the problem is I think they're going to give up 40 points because I think they are if they get into this situation where they're constantly trailing by three or seven because that's what it feels like you're asking shador to make mistakes you're asking him to take risks and I think Colorado's offense is fine playing from behind but not constantly and consistently and we saw that last year when they were in all those close games that they lost to end the season little mistakes they played in the most one score games of any team in college football little mistakes that cost them games that we saw against North Dakota state that almost cost him that game and I think rayola in that running attack I think it's just too good I think Colorado loses this game I think I I think it could be a 38 this game could be 4227 Nebraska or it could be 3834 Nebraska I don't see a scenario where Colorado can win the game unless unless rayola just loses his composure yeah well and I think that you know the you know I you're not going to fix the defensive line issues at Colorado overnight and and it's just it's just something they're going to have to deal with but what you can do is be a lot more disciplined in your secondary and that linebacker and so I I I think for Colorado to be able to win this game they just have to keep Nebraska from breaking the game open on the ground like I understand nebras is going to run for probably four to six yards a carry that's probably gonna happen yeah but if you can keep it to that and you can get them and you can get off the field in that you know that oneoff third and eight situation that's what Colorado's gonna have to do to win this game unfortunately I don't think they're going to do that I don't think that you can get off the field on anything less than like third and eight third and nine Nebraska runs the ball well yeah and I think I I think the numberers 30 minutes if Nebraska possesses the ball for 30 or more minutes Colorado will has no chance to win the game you're going to keep shadur on the sideline you're gonna you're going to press those Point numbers down for Colorado if Nebraska holds the ball for 30 minutes or more I think Colorado is going to have a tough time score in 28 which is saying something against at offense yeah but if you don't have the ball you can't score points on offense so that's the big thing what is the time of possession going to look like in this football game and and I think I have to really favor I have to really favor Nebraska just because they're going to run the football well I'm also really curious to see how the Colorado offensive line plays because it played much better it still was not very good yeah and and that's the thing I think the offense is volatile meaning that hey like you're not going to like for Colorado you're not going to possess the ball for 30 minutes in this game that's not happening um because you're a big play offense that strikes quickly so if you've got you know six plays you know 60 yards three minutes like you're gonna see a big discrepancy in time of possession and and that's why I say I just think you know you have to go with Nebraska in this game I agree I struggle to see Nebraska scoring more than 35 points though because if you're running the football a lot you're not going to put up a ton of points right you're going to eat CL you're going to be methodical so that to me would say hey 35 or less for Nebraska and I think it's 30 or less for Colorado so like 3528 3524 something like that for this game that's what I would expect 30 okay pick one what do you what do you think it's gonna be what do you think the final score I think the final score is gonna be 3528 that's what I think okay um 3528 I I I am I'm Pro I'm not far off that I'm I'm not far off that um boy that's really interesting that 3528 because you can't have it both ways it can't be hey Nebraska's going to run the ball a lot but also put a 40 you know that's the problem so if you're going to possess it for 30 minutes that means you were running it effectively that means you were eating a lot of clock all right 3528 seems reasonable where do you guys come down on this Colorado uh Tanner plumber 3124 Colorado is getting the upset okay uh Mike Smith top rated OT coming coming out yes but the old line still has issues right now I think they're starting pretty much uh different players at the Old Line yeah I think that your biggest question here is can you keep shador Sanders clean for three and a half seconds and I I think Matt rule is a really really really good coach and I don't think they'll allow to do that yeah uh James Nebraska will play well enough to show that they are better than last year oh I think they're already better than last year rol is better than anything they had last year you know like I I think Chrissy 41 17 Colorado yeah see I don't think Colorado can afford to have that kind of game you know when you when you look at the schedule you look at the morale on the team you know you have a thriller last week that you're able to to you know overcome and win that game you go on the road for the first time in the year and you get your ass beat 41 to 17 that's that that's not going to bode well yeah that would be really tough that would be uh that would be holy cow I cannot imagine 40 4117 yeah yeah what is that even can you imagine what that looks like uh red wine says 40 to 20 Nebraska that's more likely in my opinion that is that is more likely much more likely um but hey that's what I think uh welcome to the nightmare 3421 Nebraska 2741 Nebraska 4127 I like the NFL defense is much harder to dial in unless you are in the SEC right disagree with that uh don't disagree with that at all can't unhear it Keith what did you say um just think of the uh chunks hey you guys you mean the Nebraska go Big Red go Big Red yeah like yeah it do you guys remember Tanner Mangum beating Nebraska with that heave oh my God Chrissy I would like to see Matt rule run 335 defense again he's got to have the that's a tough defense to run if you don't have talent at all three levels and you better have speed bro that's a tough defense to run but that's just me uh RX Matt Matt rule in a true freshman yeah rol is a freshman exactly right uh ACC West commissioner Gumby 4124 Nebraska well every I think everybody's on Nebraska SMU 35 BYU 31 Colorado 31 Nebraska 28 Utah 41 Baylor 31 man you're being real nice about that Baylor offense I think you are I think you are you're being real nice speaking of which let's get to it Baylor at Utah 14 and a half points but here's one of those games where the line is huge but the over is small 56 a half mhm with Utah favored by 14 and a half 130 Fox uh tomorrow yeah what do you make of what do you make of of how how optimistic are you about Utah's offense um I I'm pretty optimistic I I I think that this is a game where you know you're you know Utah's always thrived off of their defense Mak plays and then the offense goes down and punches it in I that's how their their Dynamic has always been uh but but this is this is going to be one that you should definitely watch as a college football fan because this is college football playoff implications in my opinion big time um you know if Utah comes out and you know again I don't view them as a 40-point offense consistently but if they come out and they're 35 points and they hold Baylor to like 17 that's a dominant performance you can get that number at 1 points for Utah yeah and I was looking too and that over under number you were just talking about you can I'm seeing it as low as 54 so you know 54 54 and a half so like they're telling you hey Utah is g to dominate this game and Baylor's not going to score much and so when we talk about how optimistic am I about Utah's offense yeah I mean I think you know you're you're gonna have you're gonna run the ball a lot more against Baylor you're going to establish that and then I think once that's established then you're going to start to see the bran keiu show roll into town and that's that's how they've been effective and you know it that's the luxury you have when you've got one of the best defenses in the country suffocating the other team you can do that and Baylor's defense is not good I mean you you look at the numbers from last year yeah I mean you guys remember last year's game right 130th in EPA per play Oh 119th in success rate 126 in EXP 122 explosive plays they uh nine starters returning so they're more experienced which means they're going to be better but Utah is superior they're a far better football team it's one of the best HomeField advantages in all the college football at ruckle stadium and I think as as improved as this Baylor offense appears to be now it was Tarlton Tarlton but 45 point and 440 yards of offense I think that was surprising eightball probably helped himself quite a bit with that offense right and uh you know your new offensive coordinator coming in um that helped you know and you look at you look at what this defense at Utah does it does everything your secondary is fast they disguise their linebackers very well is very difficult to run the football against Utah because they're big upfront and their linebackers flow to the gapw they are disciplined you don't often see uh Utah especially with a a foo on the one defensive end you don't a off often see Utah lose contain at the ends like I mean you have all of these reasons to believe that Utah's Defense matches up exceptionally well with this offense and Utah's offense is going to Pummel that Baylor defense I I don't think this is close I do not um you know when you're a favorite Kyle winningham's 41 and one against the spread is a favorite um in his last six which I think is is massive um Utah 11-4 uh against the spread in its last 15 games so historically they they've covered um it I think this is going to be an indictment or a revelation on the Baylor offensive line I don't like anything about this for Baylor no I I really do not and I want to I do well not really I I think they should have fired Dave Randa and this game's going to remind us what this game's going to remind us why Mr Clean shouldn't be the head coach of Bor and what uh I think this is going to be a very tough game um I mean the money line is even minus 675 for Utah like there's nowhere to go here I just I don't know what you do here I think dcoin Finn I feel bad for you I like I like Utah big I think this is a 4217 kind of game yeah I was going to go 3521 because I think Utah won't have enough time to put up 40 because I think you know you're gonna you're going to be way ahead in this game late in the game so you're going to run the football so I I I think you know 35-21 to me feels you know you're going to win you're going to uh you're obviously going to cover yeah Stanley and M Bernard yeah I mean Stanley had 150 yards last week yeah Brant keithy I think is is the most underrated player arguably in college football because nobody knows who he is and and knows who he is depending on what you can get the over under number at I think it goes over if you can get it at 54 and a half you're you're looking at 56 to 57 points in this game I think yeah uh I how do you get to how do you get to 57 uh because it you need Utah to score a lot of points yeah you need Utah to score a lot of points but again it wouldn't be out of the question for Utah to to get a pick six in this game it would I think you if it's going to get to 57 I think you need them at a minimum 38 yeah because I don't I I think it's going to be tough for Baylor to get three scores in this game I think it's going to be very difficult because I don't trust offensive line at Baylor I don't I don't trust it at all and I don't know that they have improved it that much I I truly do not uh Oak State James Dave oranda press conference cure insomnia they truly do uh Utah the iPatch Utah is on a mission this season thank you TDS fans for your fake Ute account talking smack okay Mr fired up uh it's fair what's up it's it's fair good to see you uh last year Baylor lost by seven points right I believe it was a close game in in without a quarterback at Utah without a quarterback without bran keithy without weapons yeah uh Mike Smith Aranda bores some of the refs causing them to fall asleep in Miss calls against Baylor okay uh it's going to be a blowout but I do think Baylor will score a few points Baylor still rebuilding big time Big Time uh 41 and one Kyle has a tie against the spread I believe he does believe he does uh LOL Mr Clean tell me I'm wrong man Kevin K Baylor plays uh good on the road they won't be intimidated no I just think they're out talented they're out gunned I think Utah doesn't lose at home unless it's Oregon Utah doesn't lose at home unless kayin clay drop no I should stop unless duck season shows up Utah doesn't lose to Baylor at home that it it is it's an afternoon game that place is going to be wild 1:30 yeah I I'm not saying they'll be intimidated they're just not good enough to in my opinion uh Baylor loses but they lose by a touchdown or less no how yeah I don't know where you're getting that how with as good as I needed to see cam Rising do cam Rising things and I think we saw that he ran exceptionally well I was really surprised with how I mean the guy tore every ligament in his KN didn't play a game for 600 plus days and looked like he had been playing every day I mean was accurate threw the ball well I we needed to see that and we saw that Brant keithy running running away from guys that knee looks great a touchdown or less I hope when we get here on on Monday it's fair that you're you're wrong but maybe you'll be right Mike Smith I can't imagine aanda during a pregame or halftime trying to give a speech to fire up the team but sounding like Ben Stein wi Ben Stein's Money great show uh Brandon Butler 47 to1 okay that' be tough that' be tough Xavier wolf says 557 Utah Tanner Plummer 4117 Utah over failer failer failer uh severe good morning how are you uh I think it'll be closer than people think it was a close game last year but that's last year 2414 we do this thing in college football in football in general it's the Jake retof syndrome yeah well I saw Jake rof last year he was terrible oh M it was close without half a dozen of your best player Logan Fano I don't think played that game he tore his knee up Brandt keithy was out cam was out no Wellman on this game dude they're gonna kick that hell of if this is the score I think we're going to be having a a very different conversation on Monday because we're you need all the momentum you can get going to stool water you you you that Circle that on your calendar Oak State Utah that's a huge game and if it's 2414 I think you're in real trouble because in that case Baylor covers the 14 and a half point spread and you're under I can't see that happening uh it's fair so much hate over the city of Dallas and those Baylor Bears I don't hate Baylor they're just not good they're not good they're not talented I I just because it's garbage yeah the only thing good about Baylor is Dave's buyout number that's the only thing and again I would just remind you this game is at Rice CLE Stadium Utah doesn't lose at home like it is a tough place it you're going from wakeo David KES David KES you're going from wakeo and you're hopping in and elevator coming up to to 6,000 feet above sea level at at Rice Eckles you're going to struggle good luck and my question is does Utah come out and punch you in the face and you never recover because I think that is a very likely scenario I think that if you come out Baylor has to take the lead you got to get the ball first and you got to score you you you have to yeah you have to you know so much hate over the city of Dallas and those but I would also point out that Baylor is in Waco but you know thank you Baylor doesn't have any sauce okay okay uh Brandon Butler I don't see Baylor being able to put up the points on the U at Rees I think that's a great Point uh and I feel like they need to make a statement that they are a different team than last year I think they do welcome to sack Lake City BR right like it is very difficult to come in here and execute offensively the mus is going to be popping you and I B's 20 points dude I'm just telling you guys now it's 20 points that's that's their over under number as a team this week yeah we'll see Oak State James says cam Rising signed an ni deal with nil deal with C Alice he's old and still would rather have him Bowman he can't Eric and Raleigh it's the Stadium expansion Bowl yeah okay guys listen we've got to get we've got to get some BDSM SE in there and you just got to cover the mountain nobody needs to see a u that's lit up nobody just cover the Mountain View and put more seats it's not that difficult James um we have this uh conflict in the Middle East well what they need to do is expand the stadium James there was a uh a huge wildf fire and uh the the landscape is decimated people lost their homes well that's good news cuz now we have more room to expand the stadium hey uh James they tried to assassinate Donald Trump well if they' have built that that grand stand on top of the stadium they would have had a clear shot buddy sight line from the roof would have been blocked do you know how much difficult the shot is at a downward trajectory James um inflations out of this world well that's okay CU people are willing to pay more concessions and BDSM seats build them all more seating let's go hey James did you hear they're gonna have a debate next week yeah the debate really should be how many seats not if we're adding seats the only debate is do we do bench seating which you know I in in my in my Administration I will sign an executive order on day one Banning bench and bleacher seating all BDSM seats and and the mic's got to be on in every Suite they have to be they have to be mic's on oh we are we are absolutely torturing Oak State James right now ACC West Coast guman lower concession price in my Administration we're gonna cut the cost of a Buy's barbecue sandwich right in half on day one mty we're we're making the grand stand great again come on [Laughter] oh my [Music] God Mike Smith well if they uh would have put Donnie in a bullet proof Pope Luxury Box listen Donnie listen Donnie I am your new my name's Oak State James I study pedo priest I am the new infrastructure interior design Cabinet member guy that's [ __ ] interesting man now what I'd like to do is I'd like to build an upper deck on the White House for you I'm going to put some BDSM seats in there you and Epstein can hang out and broh James how can we secure the presidential election let's make a stadium and have everyone come there and vote everyone can have a free Oki State year now listen these paper ballots you can't have paper ballots you can't have mail and balance for the Heisman Trophy oi Gordon he won the Heisman Trophy last year they just won't admit it don't talk crap about my team I'm telling you right now it was stolen from Oly Gordon in-person voting right here at BPS it's how it's done what really do we have to lose AC ACC West Coast commissioner Gumby ACC West commissioner Gumby we love James we do uh eliminate uh Stadium parking tax now listen on my first day in office tariffs in my first day in office we are putting tariffs on the ACC and they're gonna pay for the new stadium the ACC they're paying for the new stadiums day one no parking cost because we're putting a tariff on Greg skanky he's paying for your parking period first answer is yes James is the best uh it's fair do you have to have ID to buy a football Ticket listen what I know is is that when these ACC fans break into our conference illegally they take they take pok's jobs because it's illegal you can't prove that they're from the ACC because they don't even have ID I don't break the rules and and that's why we put the QR codes on the back of our players helmets and if you look over there you see all those shipping containers that's I built that wall and Greg sank is paying for it we built this program on nil Texas at Michigan new here comes new n Fox that stupid song Here Comes Saturday night shut up that's not this game uh Texas minus 742 and a half at Michigan Saturday noon kickoff on Fox uh the game of the week there's there's no doubt about it have you changed your opinion Jacob I'm dying sorry are you okay myad uh have you changed your opinion at all on on Texas blowing out Michigan no I think Texas is gonna beat the hell out of Michigan I agree with you that beat the hell you have to have a little bit of respect for the Michigan defense at home yes um however I don't think that's going to slow Texas down too much I think Texas has at least 35 points in this game it is concerning that they were unable to move the ball against Fresno State number one you don't have a quarterback at Michigan you have a pretty stellar running back room but the offensive line looked a little suspect in my opinion I think the Michigan defense is still Stout it's got weapons it's a top 10 unit 12 unit in the country I think Texas represents something that is is enormous they beat a very good Colorado State team and it was never a game Colorado State never got close there was never a moment where you believe they would lose this game right and Colorado state is a good football program do you believe the problem here is Michigan's defense was just good not great at all on any level last week and you are going from Fresno State to one of the most dynamic and dangerous offenses in in the country and I I don't know how you fix that I don't know what you do if you are Michigan you can't just simply plug in better players to compete with the ability of Texas to keep quin's upright that is the biggest thing to me here I think if Michigan's defense wants to make a point prove a point come out and prove a point in this game prove a point that you are still that team that is is tough to deal with you're physic up front you can cover you can take away the tight end underneath that you are going to force them to to run after the catch show me that you're still that Michigan defense that can do that and I think then you have a chance of winning the game yeah and you know again that's why when you ask me hey have I changed out on at all no I haven't you know I think I I I just think that again just like with Utah this is a college football playoff implications kind of game where you know if you're Texas you've got a huge opportunity here where people nationally people still believe Michigan while they're not the same team they were last year obviously from a talent perspective that they're still a quality team that they're still a good team that's going to be tough to beat at home and for me I just think that's that's not a correct diagnosis I I think that Michigan's not explosive I think that they are going to struggle mightily to move the ball in this game and I think that they are in danger of this turning into a blowout now how do we avoid that okay well Michigan can avoid that by running the football in this game but again I don't think they can even do that because I think Texas is really a lead on defense they're fast they're physical they want to meet you uh at the point of attack like they're ready yeah and so that's what I struggle with in this game I I'm not my take is not that Michigan just sucks and they're awful and they're terrible and that's not what I'm saying at all what I'm saying is that I think playing against Texas you just don't have the same level talent and that's why I think you know this is a this to me is 35 points for Texas that's what I think the conversation is less about Michigan and more about Texas just how many points is Texas going to score in this game that's what I think you have to figure out when you pick this you allowed Mikey Keane to throw for 235 22 of 36 for 235 yards you could Fresno could not run the ball now I think the big question is can Texas overwhelm Michigan's defense no they cannot that Michigan defense if it is nothing it is fast right they can run but I think you're really Dynamic if if you are if you are Michigan I think your biggest your biggest concern here is that Texas is really Dynamic offensively you look at the the depth of production that they put up manto man last week against Colorado State and you're looking at a multitude of guys catching passes um you're looking at Ryan Wingo uh Isaiah bond from Alabama uh Jon cook I thought was very solid last week I would expect again Matthew golden to continue uh to put out here but you you look at how many guys ran the football uh Jaden blue and jerck Gibson in in replacing two devastating injuries ran the football exceptionally well they're out their top two backs and they still put up 200 yards on the ground now are you going to be able to do that against Michigan you're probably not but don't kid yourself Jaden blue is a guy that is absolutely a differen maker I think Texas's offensive and defensive lines will will do quite well in this game and it's going to come down to Michigan's ability to cover cover in in in the secondary and I just don't know that they can cover with this depth of talent because if Quinn yers and and let's say that he averages if Quinn yers averages 10 yards of completion this game will not be close mhm it will not be close and if if we are getting um you know Texas running for I think if Texas runs for more than four yards a carry this game won't be close yeah because you're gonna have to bring backers closer to the line which you don't want to do if you're Michigan on the flip side of that I I just have no idea what to believe about the quarterback room at Michigan because I I I just don't feel like either guy especially not not orgy I just there's nothing there right now yeah they're just I I think you know one one way to say it is they're not explosive in the quarterback room they're not like you know you're not you don't have a quarterback there that's just going to blow your doors off and that's where again I'm just telling you man like you're you're playing a Texas team that that that will go over the top they'll they'll they'll run the football and grind you out if they have to they'll you know they'll they'll play the throw it in the flat game screen game type type offense they can do those things and that's why I say I just I I'm sorry Michigan fan but Texas is a better team than you are and the only way that Texas loses this game is if Quinn eers doesn't take care of the football if if he has uh you know a strip sack and fumbles and turns it over if you know he throws a pick six if you know there's just if he just doesn't have a good day that's the only way this is a game but if Texas comes out and does what they've consistently done the last season and a half or so I I'm telling you this is going to be more than a seven-point game for Texas this is going to be 10 to 14 points in my opinion because Texas can score with the best of them and it's a little surprising that you have a guy in Davis Warren who just looks so average yeah as a senior he's experienced right and now all of a sudden you're you're getting your shot and you just came out and you looked average 118 yards a touchdown in going to pick with a 33 qbr that's why this game's not going to be close and I think that Texas's defense is good I think they are fast I think they can cover and I don't think it's going to matter because Quinn yers is Elite that that Texas offensive line looks really Stout it's going to be fascinating to watch and see how this game develops and what patterns come out of the the the initial three possessions for each team because that's where the game's going to be one and lost the fourth possession forward is where this game will be determined and I think it's going to be very interesting to see how much of this and and where we end up with this uh Lamont Tucker Michigan 2720 Over Texas now you're a Michigan fan Lamont yeah that's a likely score that's a very likely score um SMU 35 BYU 31 I agree Jake is a good quarterback so it but so isn't Preston Stone he's got Texas 41 Michigan 21 and Utah 41 Baylor 31 okay all right uh Damen Fowler can you give a prediction on the 1A 1A State game no I I have five minutes I don't think I can no um but thank you for being a member of the show for 10 Brandon Butler gifted 10 Monty show memberships maybe we need to revive giving Friday yeah maybe we need to revive giving Friday appreciate that by the way really quickly because I know I agree we have to go uh if you're playing prize picks a lot of good opportunities um this week in college football agre Quinn ERS is 243 and a half Travis Hunter uh you can get an adjustable line where you can raise or lower the number on prize picks his his standard line is 87 and a half receiving yards less or more you can drop that down um to a goblin and get it at 40 9 and a half which is basically an auto win uh and shador Sanders 315 and a half which I think is a very reasonable number on the road when you know they're going to be behind so you're playing prize picks this week a lot of good opportunities well there you go there you go where are you at what's your final prediction on Michigan uh I I think Texas is gonna Excel I think it's going to be 3524 Texas okay 3524 Texas yeah yeah 35 points at home for a pretty solid defense seems light 24 points seems too much I think it's 2810 Texas okay and I think this game is largely decided in the third quarter wasn't the over under number like 42 in this game right the over the over under on this game where is it 42 and a half so you know that's pretty in alignment yeah 2810 it's in alignment I think it's 2810 yeah because I just don't see Michigan's offense having the ability to deliver the ball down the field which you're going to have to do to stay with Texas and I want to see Michigan reestablish that run and it'll be it'll be interesting to see how Davis Warren holds up because this is by far his biggest game of his life yeah and I just think Texas is so good and hey maybe we get a surprise out of that Michigan defense again I think it's probably a top 12 to 15 unit really if I'm being honest what this team did against Obama defense on the road a defense Nick Sabin L defense a really talented defense so that's why I'm saying I just you know it's hard for me to be like yeah you know Michigan's GNA hang with Texas that's hard for me to see from a pure football perspective yeah I agree I agree uh couple before we got to get out of here um let's see Tanner plumber 30 to 22 Texas the lesser of two evils okay um Justin beamus Tanner look at you exactly right to which Tanner says horns down [Laughter] Jus haters bro Absolut haters bro amazing the Monty show is always presented by The Advocates at the um plan for the worst be ready I I know that sounds terrible but if you're out riding your bike if you're out trying to get one last great ride you only got a couple of weekends left on the motorcycle please be careful please if you're driving in cars this weekend get motorcycles the space they need if the worst happens be ready The Advocates waiting for you 247365 you can chat with an injury Turney live online the where you never pay a penny out of pocket you don't pay The Advocates unless and until they win your case the tell them you heard about it on the Monty show until Monday say goodbye Jake goodbye Jake

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The Monty Show LIVE: The Truth About PAC 12 Expansion!

Category: Sports

Oh [music] [music] [music] oh [music] [music] [music] the [music] [music] if you've been injured in an accident you know it's walk in the park car repairs medical bills and lost time from work all add up and if the insurance company isn't paying their fair share you have to cover the rest even if it... Read more

Should Jake Retzlaf Be The Starting QB At BYU? thumbnail
Should Jake Retzlaf Be The Starting QB At BYU?

Category: Sports

Intro what on earth is going on at byu now again i understand i don't know anything about quarterbacks are recruiting or football or the transfer porter nil i'm lost but you are mormon and you are dying and you're old and i'm fat right um i don't you know i don't even watch colorado football can anybody... Read more

The BIG 12 Had A BIG Night! thumbnail
The BIG 12 Had A BIG Night!

Category: Sports

Night in college football last night and immediately immediately i go into oh the holy war is back and i'm here for it the big 12 had a huge night so those of you that follow me on twitter because i refused to call it by that one letter uh those of you that follow me on twitter i tweeted about how impressed... Read more

The Truth About Pac-12 Expansion! thumbnail
The Truth About Pac-12 Expansion!

Category: Sports

Let's get into pack 12 expansion and talk about the truth on pack 12 expansion because obviously yesterday was a bomb show um didn't have a lot of time at 4 in the morning uh to get as much information as we wanted but now um we have had an entire day 24 hours to kind of talk to a lot of sources on... Read more

The ACC Conference Is Dead After Week 1 thumbnail
The ACC Conference Is Dead After Week 1

Category: Sports

A shocking week one i is that hyperbole is that too much exaggeration to say that it was a shocking week one i don't think so i mean i think we've got storylines all over the place i think you know we've got obviously we're gonna talk all about the acc today i i obviously think that we have you know... Read more

BYU Football Faces Stout & Challenging Big 12 Schedule This Fall | BYU Cougars Podcast thumbnail
BYU Football Faces Stout & Challenging Big 12 Schedule This Fall | BYU Cougars Podcast

Category: Sports

As the old song goes my eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the big 12 conference schedule for byu seems like a tough one for byu and i think that they cougars are up against it in 2023. you are locked on cougars your daily podcast on the byu cougars part of the locked on podcast network your... Read more

BYU vs. SMU Game Highlights | 2024 Big 12 Football thumbnail
BYU vs. SMU Game Highlights | 2024 Big 12 Football

Category: Sports

Right here kuu hill to the end juggled and caught for a touch that's for sure only two losses on his resume line he gets shacked again isaiah glasker a 65 235 lb heat earlier a career high and rogers splits the uprights see when i'm in the gun i got to make sure i'm handling the gun snap first good... Read more

BYU Football & Jake Retzlaff's Keys To Beating Southern Illinois & Starting 1-0| BYU Cougars Podcast thumbnail
BYU Football & Jake Retzlaff's Keys To Beating Southern Illinois & Starting 1-0| BYU Cougars Podcast

Category: Sports

It is game day eve in provo utah the byu football program is readying itself to take on the southern illinois salukis tomorrow night at level edwards stadium are the cougars in any danger of being on upset watch we're talking about it and breaking it down on today's show you are locked on cougars your... Read more

POSTCAST: Kalani Sitake & BYU Football Show STRIKING Improvement With SIU Win | BYU Cougars Podcast thumbnail
POSTCAST: Kalani Sitake & BYU Football Show STRIKING Improvement With SIU Win | BYU Cougars Podcast

Category: Sports

It's just one game it's an fcs opponent but i believe byu's performance against southern illinois is going to have cougar fans feeling a lot better about byu's chances this season let's break it down on postcast you are locked on cougars your daily podcast on the byu cougars part of the lockon podcast... Read more

BYU Football's QB Battle Less Than Impresses But Big 12 Demands Results | BYU Cougars Podcast thumbnail
BYU Football's QB Battle Less Than Impresses But Big 12 Demands Results | BYU Cougars Podcast

Category: Sports

It's not great i admit that but it's the best by you can come up with we're just going to have to make do i'll explain you are locked on cougars your daily podcast on the byu cougars part of the locked on podcast network your team every [music] day what is up everybody i'm jake hatch your host here... Read more