The BIG 12 Had A BIG Night!

night in college football last night and immediately immediately I go into oh the holy war is back and I'm here for it the Big 12 had a huge night so those of you that follow me on Twitter because I refused to call it by that one letter uh those of you that follow me on Twitter I tweeted about how impressed I was with Cam rising at jeta jeta Jets uh with Cam Rising keithy 600 days a lot of days missed it's been more than 600 days since cam Rising played in a football game yet he steps up last night 10 of 15 five touchdowns I said man you really got to be impressed with how cam Rising played and immediately immediately BYU fam wasn't that impressive Marty he was wide wait until you see Jerry bohannan the rightful deserving starter of BYU football throw bombs immediately BYU fan he sucks wide open Easy throw okay well here's here's a news flash bitter guy uh football's hard and there are no easy foot there are no easy touchdowns so get your facts straight there are no um hey Marty I could have made that throw you as a fat Mormon who's dying soon could have made that throw let's just let's just get this I'm gonna sit up yeah proper posture yes proper position here can we just get this out of the way and all agree that football's hard can we all agree that flipping cam Rising not playing for over 600 days and then going 10 of 15 uh with five scores against your mom's like coffee clotch would would be impressive yes he to hey hey jerky he tore every knee Li ligament possible every one of them n not impressive cam you're 49 years old terrible this is your 17th season at Utah I expect worse from you because it's garbage a if you were one of those guys I hope Jerry Bohan and your starter at BYU if you weren't let's go Jake Retzloff not the Nascar driver the quarterback right um I am amazed by that I'm Amazed by that yeah the haters were out last night no doubt I I I I mean it was truly enjoyable to watch cam Rising just torch that defense repeatedly 10 of 15 I'm sorry I the he played four quarters right no he played the first half 10 of 15 254 five touchdowns how about he threw an interception right no how about bran keithy four for 69 in three scores neither one of them have played last year neither one of them what do you on a on a mission no on on recovery from surgery and they come out and dominate I think it is remarkable I I thought it was exactly the performance that we needed from cam Rising mhm uh dejon Stanley uh maai Bernard uh cam Rising but and I know it's again unimpressive cam Rising sucks he's a terrible quarterback he also ran four times for 25 yards I he's terrible brutal you could have run four times for 25 yards I mean all those throws were so easy yeah it's crazy to me it's what I always tell you guys it's why I don't read my notifications on Twitter it's why it's it is a Bastion of buttholes on on on that platform and I'm just I you know Jus yeah I'm just not I'm just not here for it I am I am not here for it I I just it's ridiculous to me I mean I think it was inevitable that there was gonna be hate after this game for cam but but anybody who is genuine and real about it you know understands how difficult you know it must be to miss that many days to not play a football game for you know 600 days is crazy and the argument well Marty I mean Southern Utah they can't cover the spread let alone a receiver it is what it is it doesn't matter who it was do you not understand that every snap cam Rising takes is a gift for Utah what would you be saying if he had thrown four picks and you know sucks told told Marty told you st the real deal yeah told you Marty yeah somebody should probably do a wellness check on Oak State James okay are we all gonna coales around the idea that James is now the new the new bad juju for football teams oh man Preston Stone well Marty if they don't put that Upper Deck in their quarterback's getting lit tonight have you seen Preston Stone's thing thingy dingy the let me tell you about Preston yeah uh he you admired Preston Stone and then he got pulled out of the game and almost lost ma then uh you talked about how North Carolina James was going to be wow amazing discc well listen guys Marty North Carolina put five decks on the visitor side with all that CNS seating they're going to light it up they're North Carolina's winning it I believe J Oak State James says North Carolina was going to win the ACC and a National Championship now we'll see Georgia in Atlanta well we we'll see them right and last night and Oak State James I know that you are a pray full man you're a pastor and you study other pastors who have God's name image and likeness not so good predels to felonies I get it we really did and and you said that Max Johnson was gonna win was gonna win the Heisman Trophy hiscock and that he was more phallically enabled than Preston Stone I need a [Laughter] dick and then Max duin's hip and knee aren't supposed to bend that way and um North Carolina looked really not very good um and uh then that thing with his knee and his hip and James you better hope that this is not a foretelling of your bad juju on on Oak State that's out of the window because South dcota state is GNA be pretty good by the way yes apparently yesterday before we get into before we get into um before we get into the games apparently yesterday I said that um Colorado was playing South Dakota State I I don't recall saying that but I assume it's true because guy in the comments like all right that's it I'm done you lose all the guy's like you lose all credibility what is is the Rudy goldbert conversation I okay let's so I misspoke one time and I lose all credibility want football Marty Marty look you fat whale ass who's dying soon are you really you can't tell the difference between North Dakota State and I can't believe it somebody show this guy how to read you that's it I'm done that was his comment that's it I'm done you've lost all credibility Colorado's playing North Dakota State it's amazing it's amazing anyway let's get into Utah first then we'll let all the haters come out of the to work on Prime this is exactly what Utah needed to do and I we talked about it I think they needed to dominate I asked if Southern Utah would score a point how did that work out Lander Barton's a stud uh my guy Logan vano stud Moco fi stud the offensive Line's got to be a little better Isaac Wilson and his crazy mom can't throw interceptions and it is it is exactly when you look at when you look at what this Utah team needed that's exactly the performance you were after you needed you needed cam rising to dominate the way that he did because let's be honest Utah is I think the lone Best Shot for the Big 12 to have a college football playoff team I think there's so many unknowns about the other contenders Jaylen Dan did not impress me as much as I would have liked last night and it was Lynden wood and he made some decisions in that game that had me head scratch okay this a guy that's been hurt he's missed time perfect Point cam rising's missed 600 days and he looked Flawless he looked like he hasn't missed a day and I think you look at this weekend with Avery Johnson and K State I think you look at this weekend um in in Oak State with South Dakota State you look at the way that these games are going to play out what we saw from Utah and cam Rising last night is exactly what we needed to see to have an idea of why people were so impressed why frankly I have espoused on this show about the greatness of that defense about cam rising's impact on that offense frankly I think we do not talk about bran keithy enough uh he is a dominant receiver and I think yes do they have other receivers is money Parks going to be a huge contributor this year yes are they they going to run the ball effectively clearly but none of that matters if Cam rising and bran keithy are not there and I think cam Rising is incredibly gifted and I think he's a guy that showed us last night he is ready to be the guy that led this team um to the Rose bow that that knocked down a lot of previously held beliefs about Utah's ability to win at the highest level and I think Jake I think they put the big 12 on notice last night absolutely and you know they look prepared they look like they you know like you said hadn't missed the day and and and I think that was the the part that stood out to me it's not just that you know cam had a big night or put up numbers or you know everything was amazing it was more that it was the throws were right in step like the chemistry was still there like you know cam running for those couple of first downs of 25 yards he looked fine he looked like he he he he looked totally ready to go he looked like he had 100% confidence in the leg the knee uh he he he just looked like he had been waiting for this day for quite some time and it was only a matter of going out there uh and snapping the football that was holding him back from having a big night and I think that's exactly what what you know the conference needed that's exactly what the youths needed obviously and and I think if you're a Utah fan you should be you should be feeling great I I think the only question that remains is yes the the offensive line providing protection against uh you know against equal opposition is going to be a really interesting conversation as the year wears on I thought they had nice moments in the Run game as a unit I thought there were some some moments where that offensive line didn't exactly provide the greatest protection you know so I think that there is stuff to work on but I coming out of this game it's nothing short of 100% success in my opinion it's exactly what you wanted it's what you were looking for and the only question's going to be you know what what where is where is the the big opportunity for Utah to lose a game because when I look at that defense I look at how prepared they were how disciplined they were with their Gap Integrity up front you know the the safety play was solid like you know I Cole Bishop losing him to the NFL there were a lot of questions about whether you know that was going to be noticeable in this defense and I don't really feel like it was all that noticeable I felt like the defense was in the right spot at the right time and really you know in the first half the only play that I really was not thrilled with for the defense was when uh Southern Utah's quarterback got out to the left there and ran for that first down around Midfield that was really the only play where I was like yeah you know you lost contain you lost the backside he broke you off for 20 25 yards there but other than that I I thought Utah had a great night and and there's not a lot of criticism to go around you know the morning after I feel like you should be thrilled if you're a Utah fan yeah I I feel like if you're a big 12 fan you were the UTS put you on notice last night and I think that's what that's what I left that game with uh complete and total domination the the Isaac Wilson touchdown pass is scary that was a phenomenal back throw uh back shoulder throw uh I thought McKai Bernard the running game looked good um and I think Brant keithy is one of the most underrated underappreciated receiving Targets in the country and if Cam Rising is going to play that way I think it is going to be very difficult uh for for this league to to hold that offense down well and I thought the physicality of the Run game too was was nice to see out of the youths like you know Bernard is somebody who you know has been in this program long enough now know knows what he needs to do knows what his job is this year and and I would expect him to be a physical back like somebody who you can hand it off to on first down when you want to and he can go and find you four yards when you need it and and that's where when when all the Utah haters who you know maybe are like well you know Oak State or you know this team or that team dude this team can run the football against anybody and that's what you have to do to win on the road well and dejon Stanley being a dual threat um I mean obviously he ran the ball well in my opinion but the receiving game if Cam Rising is gonna have a checkdown threat that can take it to the house I mean it just opens up a lot more space um it forces you to keep an extra guy in the box which what does that do opens up the middle of the field for Brant keithy opens up the sideline because Brant keithy what I think a lot of people don't understand he can play anywhere on the field so when you look at the way he he ran the the the routes last night through the middle of the field like you you look at the you know the the the depth that Utah's offense now can play at when you have a guy that can be a checkdown um in Stanley and take it deep you have a guy in Brant keithy who can dominate the mid-range I think money Parks can make a catch at any level of the offense at anywhere in the route combinations and in the route trees this offense now is complex it is not easy to scheme against and I think maai Bernard and and dejon Stanley are a nice one-two punch um and I think I think it's going to be very interesting I wanted to see a little more ad adorian singer I didn't get to see enough ad adorian singer that's the one guy that stands out but you you had with bran keithy being that lethal I also think that Dorian singer didn't have to show as much um in the in the in the offense I loved everything I saw from it and again I will say this defense you guys I I I if you're not if you are not absolutely terrified of the fact that van filliger had two sacks last night and looks to be in amazing shape and you look at that defense you look at Logan Foo and the impact he had constantly at the feet of the quarterback um I I look at Connor oul who I think is another guy that you don't know who that is but the guy is absolutely an impactful player the linebacker play um I I mean it just is it's one of those things where you feel really good about where Utah is at and I think and I don't know what you all think I I think this this this now becomes a week-by-week Proving Ground for Utah obviously next weekend Baylor is a much more Stout opponent we need to say see the same Repeat Performance it's at home it's at altitude um it's an afternoon game at Rice eckle Stadium the place is going to be hopping uh I think we got a really good look at against suu about what kind of HomeField advantage that can be I I think Utah is a real force in this conference and and I I think now they they you understand why they were favored in this league absolutely and you know looking at the schedule I'd expect you to be three and0 heading The Still Water and and you know you you you look at the schedule and you start to understand that hey you know if you're three and0 heading to still water and you're feeling good and everyone's healthy and we're we're all systems go yeah I would favor Utah against Oklahoma State I would I I I think that it would be it would be disrespectful to the youths defense to to say that Oklahoma State should be favored in that game I and I understand all jokes aside being dead serious I understand the threat that is is Ali Gordon I understand that Oklahoma State can run the football but you're talking about a defense that is more than happy to to play physical in your face at the line of scrimmage defense and I think when you have because that's the thing like when I watch defenses like what do they Embrace like what's their style of play right like is this a defense that enjoys the physicality enjoys you know punishing you or is this more of a defense that you know wants to sit back and play zone and let you come to them and then they're going to make the tackle and you know kind of go that R Utah is definitely that physical defense that that is more than happy to meet you right there in the Gap and and that's what I think is going to be difficult for for Oklahoma State to get around but more I love I love everybody on Twitter last night and in our comment section on YouTube last night oh it's just Southern Utah what is the big deal it's not that it was Southern Utah and I understand that warped small-minded football people struggle with this concept it's not the opponent when you're Utah and you are playing Southern Utah you're not playing Southern Utah you're competing against yourself yeah and it's very easy for a guy like again I'll go to cam Rising 600 days would have been very easy for him to be uh you know six of six of 20 you understand if he's throwing off Rhythm or behind guys not not at all moved in the pocket well show us he's mobile show us he can throw on the run hit guys in stride like it it doesn't matter the the Utah defense what did I say the expectation against Southern Utah was yesterday morning shut out will Southern Utah even score they didn't when you're that dominant defensively the the only bar is shut out and do you know how hard it is to shut teams out in college football it's almost impossible when you're playing your not your ones and twos you're playing your threes and your fours and your five you're playing your freshman and you dominated I I think it is it it is in and this is kind of the Colorado story I think you look at the two Southern Utah is the opponent that Utah needed now you switch gears and you go to Colorado um Colorado needed North Dakota state do you believe they needed a tough test and if you look at that Colorado performance last night I want there is no slander on Shar Sanders today if that is not a Heisman Trophy candidate there should be no Heisman Trophy given out this year yeah and I'd like all the buffoons who left him off the All-American team to to apologize to shador Sanders today I mean you're you're talking about someone who who has complete Command uh of an offense uh clearly clearly manipulating the defense to create openings for his guys clearly willing to take you know to step into the throw make the throw and then take the punishment that follows and and I just I I I there we're gonna talk about the defense because there's a lot of things to talk about on that defense yes but there should not be anybody in our comment section or anybody anywhere saying a tars word about shador Sanders today the guy delivered last night repeatedly yeah he did and I think the the storylines that we talked about leading into the Colorado game yesterday are they better than they were last year I don't think there's any doubt they're better the offensive line is significantly better um is it is it now really good it's not and maybe that's an indication of how bad that offensive line was but I think you look at the way they played um I mean Sean I thought held up really well I thought he was their their maybe their best lineman um I thought their their their ability to uh protect shador Sanders through the AAP which was a huge problem last year significantly better he still had to move a lot and move he did his ability to as you talked about use his his Mobility to manipulate linebackers is is a skill that you rarely see in in college football and his ability to deliver the football in time and space under pressure I think he's it it's early if there's a better quarterback at delivering a ball in time and space his accuracy on the Deep ball his accuracy on that 25 yard throw across the field is ridiculous the zip that he puts on it now he needs to get rid of the football in certain situations he and we we're going to need him to do that yes or he is going to he is going to be dead I think what we saw from shadur last night 4 and what 445 yards I think 445 four scores in an unbelievably unlucky interception yeah trying to bounce a ball at the receiver's feet at the goal line he was literally trying to throw the ball into the ground hit a Defender who had fallen down in the calf popped the ball in the air intercept it now are you impressed with Colorado probably not this was a 60-point number last night and it went under somehow when when you had a well I think it went under because of that play a 37 point 37o first half between between the two and you wind up at 57 points a uh I warned you about the Colorado coaching staff that's a really good coaching staff the adjustments they made at the half defensively to drop those linebackers one yard further so that they could both cover and read I think that changed the entire complexity of the game because they were able to contain the pass underneath much more effectively the the tight end 82 whatever the hell his name is um he had Joe staul that touchdown underneath that he had was incredibly frustrating for Colorado you could see it the lack of communication between the safeties and the in the corners that gave up repeated first downs Shiloh Sanders making a hit on the sideline that just simply did not need to happen to convert a third down that they missed into a first down unacceptable but then you go to the half and you make adjustments and you pretty well dominated um North Dakota State the Bison in the second half and I thought it was I thought it was a really good performance you held them without uh without a touchdown I thought it was an incredibly dramatic turn of events now I think they're in real trouble up front their defensive front has got to get better Colorado did their pass rush has got to get better now again North Dakota state is really good at protecting the quarterback who is mobile so there he is a guy that does not get sacked a whole lot they've got to get more pressure on the quarterback because next week at Nebraska you're not going to you're not going to have the luxuries you had last night yeah and and and that's the thing that that stood out to me about last night like you can clearly see how the struggles of last night will be exacerbated against better teams like you you talk about that communication you know out on the edge pre- snap between Corners safeties even the linebackers at times you know I I agree they made great adjustments at the half and that allowed them to win the game but but even in the first half like you know when when you know all all North Dakota state had to do was bring a guy across the formation and it caused Havoc at certain points uh on certain plays and lack of communication yeah yeah I mean that can't happen and that's why you have guys wide open you know running down the sideline and and and that's the hard part I I think that while shador Sanders's and Travis Hunter are the absolute shining you know spotlights last night and Horn Jr as well I thought had a phenomenal night last night those three guys really stand out to you the wait wait they're not Oklahoma State's wide receivers I know they're they don't have anything in on stool water's wide receiver room but they were pretty good and and you know I I I just think that you know the question that everyone's probably asking in the comments is well after watching this game you know what do you think Colorado is g to be I think Colorado's talented enough to be bow eligible I think that age I I I think that we should not say we them to be bow eligible yet because I need to see just how bad the mistakes will be better teams and and if shador can overcome that yeah and I think the offensive line has got to protect him more uh and again I thought they I thought that unit played well Sean is everything we thought he would be yes I mean I thought he he protected I thought there was a moment late in the first half they had been taking cheap shots on shador North Dakota state had been hitting him late bumping him out of bounds like and you could see shador was telling guys to let it go there was a play on a um D Hayden Run where that linebacker and forgive me it's North Dakota State I'm not familiar with all their names uh North Dakota State the linebacker that shov shador out of bounds was was on one knee making a tackle and Satan absolutely trucked him and put him in the ground and then in the second half there were several situations where North Dakota State went helmet to helmet it wasn't called the hold at the goal line dude that wasn't called incred like I don't know that was one of those where I was like how do you not call that and then you know later in the game we get the You Know Travis hunter in the corner where Travis throws the guy down and they finally call it I'm like bro like when are you like I'm cool if you want to let him play like I I I get it hey let him play I'm good with that but but the egregious ones that lead to touchdowns because you're holding the guy I felt like that one should have been called yeah but I thought it was last year Colorado got into fights to protect shador this year they protected him and there wasn't a fighter a penalty and I thought that was really meaningful the stupid third down penalties yeah you're getting North Dakota State off the field you take a penalty they get a first down leads to a touchdown yep it it kept this game close it was a that like I like I made the graphic this morning it was a self-inflicted thriller and I think I I I don't know what else you can say about that offense the Allen Hayden I thought did a serviceable job on an offensive line that is not very good at run blocking you can see they emphasized through spring summer and into fall Camp they worked on pass protection MH they they absolutely worked on to have it you know they they are not a good run blocking unit yet and that's going to take time it takes chemistry it takes reps I think that's where this offensive line has to get better is they have to to run block better and and that's what I'm saying you watch this game and it's like early in the game they were able to open up some gaps they were able to you know in the first quarter you were able to run for three four yards a carry you know put yourself in good down and distance um you know to get the first down but that's why I say when you look at the schedule and you look at the better opposition you know that you're going to play that's my concern I I I think you're going to be in second and eight a lot I think you're G to be in you know you're going to be in second and long a lot because I I don't I the offensive Line's going to have to show that they can push around a a you know a power for you know Big 12 you know defensive line you're going to have to show that you can do that a little bit and the question's simply going to be you know that issue with the back end of the defense you know I I Shiloh Sanders is talented but I also think that sometimes he can get a little shook he can get a little bit flustered and and that will at certain points this season cost them I don't know that he's an NFL safety at this point yeah a lot of people were asking if he was going to get drafted after that performance last night he was uh he was in the right place and I thought he made a he's a an a tackling machine can he control his emotions there were 31 scouts at the game last night can he control his emotions I don't know I think that's a big question because I'm telling you that you look at that offense and I don't think there is any doubt that Jimmy horn and Travis Hunter are top 10 picks I think I think Colorado could put three guys in the top 10 this year I think shador is a lock for top five in my opinion and Travis Hunter there's a lock for top five yeah I think those two go in the top five I can't find any more accolades I can't find any more adjectives I can't find any more praise to put on shador I I cannot and we talk about the best quarterbacks and you guys all mocked me about cam Rising cam rising and shador Sanders put on shows last night MH and obviously Travis Hunter um Jimmy Horn uh lante Wester yeah I thought lante Wester made two really big catches last night yeah if you don't know his name you should get to know him he's gonna be deal for them I thought I thought that that that that offense that the my God come on I I I'm trying to delay going to the comments section because I'm sure the prime hate I I will say too I thought it was good for them to be behind in this game and have to uh reel it in a little bit you know control control the game put them give themselves you know after that ridiculous interception at the goal line it would have been easy for this team to sort of you know lose their cool get flustered you know just kind of lose composure unravel I thought and I know this is gonna sound crazy and I'm curious I know that you were throat deep on Dion last night but yes did you I felt like the Shiloh Sanders penalty actually turned the game around for Colorado as bad as it was he got his money as it Dion Dion they showed a shot of Dion on the sideline just throwing his hands up like what are we doing yeah and then the coach the coach and two players went over to shyo after that and Dion was shown talking to Shiloh walking off the field I thought it was a gamechanging moment in the positive for Colorado because I think that could have sunk you and I think it shows this team is more mature I think their leadership circle is is bigger and I I just think the the I I cannot say enough about that coaching staff I I'm I'm wildly impressed with with the maturity we saw from Colorado yeah you should be and and and I think again it's it let's be let's not get confused about what we're saying about Colorado because I don't want any nonsense about what we're saying I think that they're talented enough to be bow eligible I do not think they're a lock to be bu eligible I think it's going to be an absolute grind and being B eligible assumes that shador is available for every game that you play because without him I think you're just not the same team and and I think that yeah that coaching staff is doing Yan's work I think they're getting the absolute best out of every player on that roster and you better all right speaking of which let's hear from uh Dion Sanders um it's a bit of a tepid response about about the outcome of that game last night never felt like uh you you won but you didn't win it's almost like we have more points than they did um giving up the last touchdown on the Run uh that bothered me because we pride ourselves on going to get the quarterback we have multitude of young men that can go get the quarterback and we didn't get that done but I'm I'm thankful I'm happy we got the W Miss pegy is one step closer to the dream and the vision that we have for her as well as I think 31 NFL Scouts are on hand tonight and uh I think uh they saw what they came to see so let's move on from there I'm going to try my best to hold back my anger but we got the W so I'm happy it's the exact right answer yeah I think it's fair I think it's spot on uh the Monty show comment section is always presented by prize picks prize picks uh the best daily fantasy app in the business and again how easy was the number last night on how easy was it we told you we told you that 304 and a half was easy cash on shador I lost why did I lose because that was the only football play I made last night because we all know um that at some point at some point the Aaron judge train uh was going to derail the Marty show and with the Yankees not playing I was forced to cheat on my guy Aon judge why don't you [ __ ] off and I had to go and and listen if my prize picks app with load I could tell you exactly what where I put my load um your load I was forced to um make the unfortunate decision to to believe in show The Gambler I shared a video of his dog with my wife oh I I felt all the feels about Shi the great Gambler and dog trainer mhm what did that get me what did that get me uh that got me an absolute flop doesn't make you feel responsible it does because he went 0 for five with a strikeout you prick and then of course because because Good Old Uncle Marty is a degenerate right and and again Aaron judge was not playing so why wouldn't you take the roles roles now nothing good happens in Kans City or with the Royals right that club sucks actually they don't they're in a playoff spot but I thought listen hey you know if you're gonna go with the rols Bobby wit Jr why wouldn't you yeah smart play coming off of the sweep of the Guardians you're you know you're you're in a good spot which I as a side note screw the Royals screw the Chiefs screw anything Kansas City because it's just a it is a town of Black Death like you're just gonna you walk into Kansas City and say the Royals are going to win your you're your body's going to begin instantly growing black mold from the inside out so it can eat your soul as a daily fantasy player and it'll fall eventually out of your rectum along with all of your money because the Royals don't win anything ever unless unless you say they're going to lose then that mold spreads into your lungs and your cardiovascular ular system and then you die a slower death even slower than being a Cubs fan wow that was um screw you that was Bobby wit J that was graphic jerk off but tonight on prize pix we're back baby um again NFL pick Caleb Williams is half a yard on prize picks prize America's favorite I love prize picks even though it eats my soul on certain days uh I love prize picks it's super easy more or less Caleb Williams is he gonna have more or less than a half yard passing hook it up ab it's so easy I love that prize pick does that all you have to do is play two win two of three picks trust me here make three selections on prize picks play a flex play a five flex play all you have to do is win two or three boom chicken dinner don't take the Royals ever Royals ever don't take show the gam Gambler ever a never even if there's a federal probe of your bank account don't take show The Gambler and you'll win open a new account in the prize picks app put $5 in they'll give you 50 more it's the best promo I have ever seen in Daily fantasy the best promo speaking of $5 [Laughter] now I I again I haven't seen the comment yet what is going to be the off-the-wall Bonkers portion of the comment section from Oak State James hey look here man who's gonna pay us inevitably he pays us well Monty uh you know if if Colorado had an upper deck on that big ass bull they have uh they' have won by like 40 points but you know they don't have enough CNS seating uh the rollers aren't good enough and that's why they only won by like four points but there's not enough feal matter on the rollers at folson field we all know that yeah and it's why coach Prime's going to wind up at in the state of Texas somewhere and no I don't believe if he puts Terell Owens on that staff with Warren Sap bro did anybody see that Terell Owens is coaching Travis Hunter did you guys see that story on ESPN during the game last night okay Oak State James let hilarity ensue uh Colorado Colorado versus ndst I believe now I could be wrong n Nancy's danis Danish okay uh was great North Dakota State one TV in the second half are you sure Marty did did our stats Department get that right they missed the twoo conversion that's how the Oak State South Dakota State game will go no it's just South Dakota State's going to win I did get the temp Prescott Arizona job congratulations you can now more passionately study the yeah are are you are you gonna go and study na football stadium now or we'll start in a few weeks I want to golf with you Saturday after the BYU game hold on bro like let's let's settle down yeah I don't think we're quite there in in in your relationship with the show yet James I I I I fear I I you're I don't know um yeah I don't know about that I don't know that is uh isn't that game October 18th isn't isn't October is that a Friday night October 18th um let's have a look see here hey Siri what day of the week is October 18th it's Friday October 18th 2024 yeah sure we'll golf with you after the BYU game on Saturday absolutely no I'm good thank you um I yeah I maybe hey uh real quick by the way in all seriousness um I we'll we'll get back to you on that because I'm going to be at SMU that Saturday for Preston Stone and his member and stuff uh sha Rollins gifted a mon show membership thank you uh big shout out to my guy Micah who said hello um at uh Harmon's last night we were getting ler I mean bores had cheese um and Micah and his beautiful family were at the uh Deli counter at Harmons and uh we shook hands it was great to see you Micah and your your lovely family I appreciate you selling saying hello uh Preston not the Preston the mechanic our auto mechanic Preston but Preston at Maverick last weekend appreciate you dude Preston I am a terrible human being because I forgot to shout you out uh but Preston really appreciated you saying hello at Maverick it was uh awesome uh Preston is a huge huge huge and I almost fear to say this he is a huge Utah State fan and he question he appreciated the mature way that we handled the Utah State Scandal um but we had a we had a good conversation Preston's good dude I appreciated him shouting us out saying hello um that was a week ago this morning uh when I saw Preston so I appreciate you Preston Micah I appreciate you if you guys are in public and you see us you should probably stay away uh the stench is amazing but if you'd like say hello say hello say hello at Canyon's golf this week in the official golf course of the Monty show I will be there uh Monday Monday morning and Saturday morning I will be up there uh Sunday I am I'm going to see Hamilton how how do we feel about that are you excited or shut up I'm going to see Hamilton on Sunday um with Mrs Monty uh then we are going to celebrate her birthday at Ru Chris which is g to be amazing um so a a a Sunday of honeydew list now she's agreed that I can leave the house um on Sunday morning to go and uh go to the range but I I'm going to see a mat performance of Hamilton did you get jues is not all over the place so I'm going to be well cultured come Tuesday morning okay

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