Should Jake Retzlaf Be The Starting QB At BYU?

Intro what on Earth is going on at BYU now again I understand I don't know anything about quarterbacks are recruiting or football or the transfer Porter nil I'm lost but you are Mormon and you are dying and you're old and I'm fat right um I don't you know I don't even watch Colorado football can anybody explain to me why Jake Roff has not been named the starting quarterback at BYU I I need to understand it I Is Jake Retzlaf the starter don't um if you follow me on the old tweet machine you've seen I think he is yeah I think he is Far and Away the starting quarterback at BYU I think he's beating out Jerry banan well and I think the long-term play is what Jake's value truly is I I mean you look at you look at you know the fact that he's a red shirt freshman and you look at the fact that he's got these several years of Eligibility left like I don't understand why why BYU fan can't say to themselves hey you know uh Jerry's in his last year so if we were to start him then you know we're we're in a place where this guy's going to be here for one year Max and that's it and then we're gonna have to put a new guy in there versus hey let's make Jake the starter because you can't have it both ways you can't say oh well this quarterback competition's been amazing and you know it's so close and then say that Jerry's miles ahead of Jake retof you can't have it both ways and in my opinion I think that Jake rof is the clear-cut choice because of the eligibility because of the fact that he knows the offense so damn well mainly because he's been studying it and he's been working on it for however long now way before Jerry was in the program and and ultimately the guys like Jake a lot not to say they don't like bannan but but Jake has those relationships in play since last year like this is somebody who's already been in the offense and Jake Retzlaf choked last year the field if you read the comment section and you listen to what the what BYU fans of of some percentage of BYU fans one of the major arguments is Jake retof choked last year Well Jake Retzloff last year did not have a spring session did not know the offense in the fall and was never the starting quarterback and was never getting reps with the ones and then all of a sudden they threw him in and you expect a guy who is new into the program doesn't know the offense didn't have Spring ball doesn't have chemistry with his player with his wide receiver specifically flux on the offensive line you just expect that guy to succeed wait are you talking about Jake or you talking about Jerry and but again I just and I think it's really important to focus on Jake rof last year not understanding the issues that impact a quarterback success and failure it's what I say it's what I just said about Dion Sanders and um Colorado if you don't understand you you have to do nothing more than tell me that Jake rof choked last year to to let me know that you don't know dick about BYU football the idea that you you threw a quarterback Into The Fray with no Spring ball and coming off a major surgery by the way which is why he missed Spring ball um really didn't have a full summer of conditioning because of that surgery came to fall ball was never in the conversation as a starter was always a backup was always with the twos and then mid year you just threw him in as a starter and did he make mistakes absolutely did he turn the ball over absolutely did did he throw a a a Jake Retzlaf is the starting QB bad pick six absolutely should that condemn him as not a good quarterback who choked last year absolutely not absolutely not and I think you have to look no further than Zack Wilson's trajectory in Arc at BYU he wasn't a home run right out of the gate no he was not and I look at Jake roff's history he has been a stud everywhere he's been I look at his the way he has performed through spring through summer offseason this fall Camp I think he has clearly been the starting quarterback at BYU since day one of off season he has chemistry he has a command and control of the offense the language the game plan the schematics he understands it you look at the ball and we have not seen a lot of live reps from either guy the live reps we have seen Jake rof has been spotless he has thrown one interception in Fall Ball no interceptions in Spring ball there he is a red shirt freshman with multiple years of Eligibility and you're going to start a one-year guy with a history of injury who hasn't won where he's been what are we doing and does not have does not have chemistry and does not have a command and control certainly not at the level that Jake retof has in this offense come on what are we what are we even talking about what are we doing what are we even talking about there is no doubt in my mind that Jake rlof is the starting quarterback at BYU and this and Camp ends tomorrow I think it is is their last official practice of fall Camp you need to name Jake Roff the starting quarterback when Camp breaks he's got to be the starting quarterback yeah you can't go into into your first game of the year with with a quarterback you know controversy might be strong but just questions of who's going to play play yeah I I think it'll be very Kyle Whittingham should have named a starter interesting to see where he where he comes down and again I I I've said multiple times I don't so I understand when Aaron rodri's like hey you know we're going to let the competition play out and the team will know who the starter is based on the results on the field I understand the premise of that I understand you know hey that's the best way to do it so there's no bias like we'll let the throws and everything speak for itself but we're we're kind of late now I feel like everyone's announced their quarterback and you still haven't announced your quarterback and when you see the youths as an example come out and say through Kyle Whittingham hey you know obviously cam is our starting quarterback but hey we've got this this young guy Isaac Wilson sitting behind him who is ready to go who who showed out in Camp like if if cam gets hurt we got a guy behind them like we're in a good place that's like you want to come out and say that stuff you want to have that moment and I feel like again you can't have it both ways if if BYU fan who's hating on Jake retof doesn't want to admit that hey yeah you should have named a quarterback or you at least at a minimum need to name one before the the end of your last practice because if you don't then there's a huge question mark like like I just don't know what you're look like how you're looking at this program and saying man that's a good idea to just keep this thing going on I you you have to put it to bed he's a guy that in high school at both of his stops in junior college he's he's been a star the guy has been an elite thrower of the ball he's got two years of Eligibility left here man I would I I just don't even think it's it's a close conversation I mean I I just don't think it's a close conversation what happens if you name Jake Rett off a starter and he comes out and you know you win eight games well even more to the point what if he's a bust What if hes a bust you got Jerry bohannan sitting there great best case scenario what if you name Jerry bohannan the starting quarterback I think you're going to lose the team I do I think you're G to win four or five games and I think you are going to have a quarterback controversy all year long and I would expect Jake to transfer just my opinion I don't if you're Jake retof what are you hanging around for they don't want you there yeah you performed exceptionally well all through um and I I'm I am not I'm not I I am not at all in any way shape or form married to either guy I think if you're a BYU fan and you're rooting for Jerry bohannan I think you are absolutely lost because this team is not a factor this season in the Big 12 or for the college football playoffs and if you want them to be a factor next year you better hope that Jake Roff wins that job because my opinion is Jake has done everything you've asked him to do he's performed at at an exceptionally high level the last two weeks in Camp he has you look at the scrimmages Jerry banan simply has not outplayed him and if you are going to take the job from Jake Retzloff Jerry banan had better have outplayed him and he has not because the chemistry the relationships the work the off seon that's all Jake roff's team to go into fall ball not get outperformed and still lose your job that's when I'm going to have a problem with it because if I don't want to hear this this nonsense when they if they give this job to Jerry bohannan oh Jerry was just the better quarterback okay well that's not what you've said that is not what you've said and if we take Aaron rodri and Kanani sataki at face value which why Would we not if we take them at face Jake Retzlaf is your starting QB value and it's an even competition Jake Retz loff's your starting quarterback MH end of story it's just one of those things where I feel like this is a this is not a tough decision it's pretty straightforward and and it's especi it would be especially surprising as well when you look at the situation colani is in you know I mean colani needs to perform this year they they need to have a good year and and you know I just the the having a good year for a football team starts with having your quarterback room in order and from there you can build as a team and and I will again say it's the same thing I say as always I think they know who it is you you can't tell me that we're 10 days away from kickoff and they don't know who the starting quarterback is if that's the case you have much bigger problems than than we all know and suspect and my guess is you know right you you it I you just look at the the film that's available to us and you talk to guys in Provo Jake retof has looked really good he has not turned the football over I think very clear you look at the guy throw the football he looks like a better quarterback this year than last year which again with zero preparation in an offseason last year I think the guy performed well did he did he win games no but I if you go back to that Oklahoma game I think we could all agree they should have won that game should have could have they didn't it doesn't matter but my point is all of the BYU fans that are vilifying Jake Roff I I don't know what you're looking at and I I get it it's it is it is what BYU fan does BYU fan loves to to be masochistic and just pound themselves on The Shins with rebar it's classic that's what BYU fan loves to do Whos the third QB so I'm just saying uh Tanner plumber based on what reporters have seen from training camp they're leaning towards gar I don't know who so there's a third quarterback now who's Gary Gary Johansson Oh you mean OG Gary oh G Gary's the start okay okay that'll be interesting good to see you Tanner uh BYU probably knows who the quarterback is doesn't want any team to know making it complicated probably probably Glenn sayson you forgot to add and burn the byj T-shirt well right there is that according to reports Jake hasn't really outplayed Gary it's not Gary it's Jerry Bohanan either I do think Jake should be the starter but it may not be as clear-cut as you guys think it is it's not clear-cut if neither guy has separated themselves you're giving the job to Jake Retzloff why would you give it to bannan Gary [Laughter] bannan I just say uh you well you can't really take what colani and avod say at face value because the remarks are the definition of coach speak but what else do you have to go on what else do you have to go on nothing and I'm not I having covered those two guys for well over a decade they're they're both men of of Integrity so why would I why would I question them or second guess them I would not do that and knowing people in Provo and talking to people in Provo and seeing you look at the the live reps that we saw from from Jake Retzloff the guy is accurate with zip the ball is he throws a a beautiful ball that's easy to catch I I still maintain one of the most Jake Retzlaf in camp important players on this offense is Cody EPS he has incredible chemistry with Cody EPS the ball yesterday to Cody EPS was incredible dine piece you know like whether he's in the in the action we've seen him with the twos in the action we've seen him with the ones I what have you seen from Jake ratzloff in Camp that you don't like I think that's the problem people don't see a lot there's he had a tough couple of days in week one other than that he's been pretty flawless I I don't know that there's a whole lot you don't like you know like that to me is that to me is is interesting uh Mike Smith I think the reports are that Jerry Springer is ahead of Jake for the position anybody see the Phil Donnie who died yesterday if you don't know who you probably don't know who Phil Don who is Phil Don he's a legend a legend the guy's remarkable uh Jeremy s BYU like shiny and new instead of old and known BYU has struggled with development difference between BYU and Utah well I think cam cam Rising is Cam Rising the first in a long line of prolific quarterbacks at Utah could be could be absolutely I mean he's anchored that team very well could be and they were not the same without him and when he took over and and I think this is a very interesting parallel between BYU and Utah I can't even remember the cat's name the quitter the nle arm quitter quarterback from a couple of years ago God yeah I don't remember his name either um came in from Baylor and then went to Liberty Liberty yeah I know who you're talking about yeah cam Rising won that job and they didn't give it to him and what happened the team sputtered this is the exact same situation this offense is Phil Donahue better when you have Jake retof under Center just as a matter of chemistry he's a likable guy that gets along with his teammates don't mess it up plain and simple and so I it's a very interesting I would agree with you that they like shiny and new you know uh sadly no Jimmy Mack officially graduated in 2014 Jim McMahon it's my guy that is my guy uh who whoa Tanner plumber you're talking about Char uh Brewer is that his name Charlie Brewer Charlie Brewer there you go uh who is this Phil dude it's not very [Music] nice it's not very nice Jake's never heard of Phil Don here um oh you're so cool Charlie Brewster what movie was that line from Brewsters million I hope I don't know Phil Donahue and uh Phil Donahue Notre D malum and noted poar of hot hot middle-aged women Phil Don't You Know Who I Am Phil Donahue stud rest easy my guy hour number two of the Monty show of course is always presented by Canyon's golf Canyon Golf in Park City Resort style golf mun ible prices in the heart of the Canyons Village uh Park City Mountain Resort Canyons Village spectacular we were up there uh last weekend listening to a concert being played while we were playing golf it was awesome um did not drive the ball particularly well last weekend but in the in the uh backyard uh golf Dojo last night working on the iron swing do you do you guys ever do you like watching video of yourself swinging a golf Club absolutely not no I hate it uh Golf working on my iron swing and seeing all the ugliness um be ready to rock and roll this weekend because I am going to I am looking to set a personal best of canyons this weekend my personal best there right now is 77 I am looking to shoot a 75 this weekend driver looks clean and nice right now we'll see played Sunday and couldn't drive a car let alone a golf ball yeah but we'll see we'll see a lot of golf to come lot of golf to come and I believe I believe ask Siri how far until November 23rd hey Siri how many days until November 23rd hello 95 days there 95 days until I play golf at caloa the plantation course 95 days and there's a hole and it might be 18 I don't know there's that hole that's like 600 yards and you drive the ball it's where they play the centuy so you drive the ball and it just goes for days it's like a 400 yard drive I'm ready for that it's a 400 yard Drive in a 230 yard five iron and it is to me this is just my opinion yeah but it is to me one of the best holes in Hawaii MH so I am I am excited to um to hit kaaloa in 95 days you should be it's gonna be awesome I am ready I am and and I'm working on it and then over Christmas we'll be playing Mrs Monty and I are going through Las Vegas on the way to LA so we're going to play Las Vegas national and I think we're probably going to go back to Lake Las Vegas which was pretty good and then uh we're going to be staying in Newport at Pelican Hill so I'm hoping to play two good rounds of golf at Pelican Hill yes looking forward to it and then the week at Christmas gonna of course yeah Canyon SC I'm not going to ask [Laughter] I don't need the hate uh Canyon Golf and Park City the official gol Golf Resort of the Monty show book online just search Canyon's Golf Park City you can book online um it is an easy experience it is high level of service concy a style Service uh GPS on your cart they give you a cooler with ice on your cart um beautiful beautiful drives you're you're a lot of elevated tea boxes a lot of great drives where you can watch your ball fly um and the Beautiful Thing the thing that I like about about Park City Mountain uh Resort is it's one of the best resorts in the world I get great restaurants I get great entertainment you know watching deer run across the golf course last week like you you just see it all at Park City Mountain Resort and Canyon's golf for me if I'm hitting my driver at all even reasonably well I'm playing driver short iron which I love I love it it's the way to go Canyon Golf make sure you tell them you heard about it on the Marty program um

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