Josh Allen to Keon Coleman continues to impress at Buffalo Bills camp | Always Gameday in Buffalo

Published: Aug 03, 2024 Duration: 00:36:59 Category: Sports

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all right back at it for another week St John fiser University the Buffalo Bills training camp wrapping up at the tail end of this week welcome in it's always game day in Buffalo s capacho Matt B we uh we are in different locations here because Matt's coming back up Monday to cover practice in full disclosure I wasn't even supposed to be at practice today Matt we had a travel baseball tournament a little North here in Kendall New York we got eliminated a little earlier than I expected so I had my day free so I drove back to Camp instead of going home well it sounds like you picked a good day to go to Camp I mean you've been there every other day I missed probably it sounds like the highlight of training camp so I guess that's my punishment for taking the weekend off well there's been quite a few highlights by the guy who made the Highlight today and that is Keon Coleman so let's kind of tell you what happened today and then I have a bigger picture question for you what happened today was Josh Allen in an 11on 111 drill was scrambling to his right the bills have video of this it's up you could watch it it's a Buffalo Bills Twitter feed Josh was scrambling to his right a classic Allen scrambled to his right sprinting towards the sidelines just as he got a few feet from the sidelines he threw an absolute missile into the back of the end zone and somehow Keon Coleman went up to grab it over Christian Benford all of us in the media you saw all of our colleagues myself included tweeting oh my God another highlight re catch wow how did he he do it Keon Coleman again incredible throw Josh knew exactly where to put it I mean Christian Benford had great coverage Matt I don't know watch the video I don't know what else he's supposed to do who's supposed to cover that Greg rouso maybe with his length I'm not really sure what you're supposed to do my question for you is thinking about that play and you watch the play and you can comment on it are we starting to get to the point of hey the bills made the right call here got the right guy and the league better start paying attention to what they're doing and this kid doing I don't know if I want to go there yet I like the player I like the training camp he's had I had a tweet that kind of popped off unintentionally from a fantasy football account that was like you know it's no surprise that ad Mitchell and Keon Coleman are struggling to start training camp this was probably a couple days ago and I just responded Keon Coleman is not struggling at all I mean we've been out there every single day I don't know there's so much misinformation on the internet whatever topics they are but Keon Coleman I thought has been very very impressive from a wide receiver standpoint khil Shakir has been the most consistent and then I would say Keon Coleman and Curtis Samuel have probably been the ones who have flashed the most consistently but they're different levels of flash Curtis Samuel is a flash of oh yeah they might use this guy a lot in a lot of different places Keon Coleman is whoa this guy might be good I don't know if I'm ready to go there yet because I still would have preferred a massive trade up to go get one of the big fish to go get one of the Malik neighbors Marvin Harrison jors romad dun just because it feels like their ceiling is so high I know it's apples and oranges I know that would have cost multiple first round picks and Keon Coleman didn't even cost a first round pick he cost a second round pick he is trending in the right direction but I do want to see actual game action like this highlight play that he made while spectacular no pads on so let's see it with real game speed with real pads with real t and that's why I'm so excited you know the guy definitely I'm most excited to see once the preseason starts he makes one of these a day it seems like High real catch right basically every day he's had one you know someone made a great point of you know it's not necessarily unique thought but I really like the idea of hey I mean you have this guy now too this we've talked about his catch radius is so good in in the end zone we've seen a lot of these these catches in the end zone could that even prolong Josh Allen's career to have a red zone threat where he doesn't have to run the ball as much Matt oh definitely what this will do is this gives them something that they really haven't had over the course of Josh alen's career Gabe Davis was a bigger guy but he was by no means a jump ball Specialist or a contested catch expert Gabe Davis skill set was hey we're gonna beat you over the top and stretch the field and Stefon Diggs was I'm just gonna get wide open and you're gonna get me the ball it's not like those guys were bringing down a ton of contested catches so yeah this is a skill set that Josh Allen has not had I don't want them to completely get rid of his ability to run the ball in the Red Zone because I think that's one of the reasons that he is just so freaking good that you never really know how you can stop him or defend him but this is just another piece another weapon in the Arsenal that they now have even though I agree with you that it would have been nice to get Roman dun right that would have been great you get Mal League neighbors we all know the price was too prohibitive and I think even though some people may look into it and say why couldn't the bills do it it just probably wasn't going to happen What could have done was drafted Xavier worthy so Keon and Xavier worthy are going to be tied together for a long time for their careers much like Mahomes and Allen and the trade that happened in 2017 um that's the guy I think that everybody's gonna obviously kind of keep comparing to did you see the Highlight or the clip of Xavier worthy getting blocked by two different players a couple of days ago yeah I did I did it's one of those ones that it's not a good look but at the same time does it matter I'm exactly I don't think that all of a sudden Xavier Worthy is not a good player because today I watched another clip of him beating the defender over the top for another bomb touchdown pass a lot of this is going to depend on the quarterbacks if I was a betting man which you know I guess in this instance I am a little bit I think they're both going to be good players and I think they're both going to be good players because they're both with amazing quarterbacks I think Xavier worthy will be a more Big Splash play type of guy big you know 50 60 yard touchdowns but I think Keon Coleman will be the okay I'm gonna high point a ball or somebody who can maybe you know really be a little bit more reliable so I think that they both have their skill set yes that's going to make a ton of sense I think it's those two guys and then the the guy who kind of fell in between them and that's Xavier Legette so I think that kind of like you have the three at the beginning of the first round then Brian Thomas Jr was a little bit in no man's land he was before the bills picked before the Chiefs picked right before you know we thought maybe one of those teams would make a a trade up and then you've kind of got that next grouping and then actually the other part of that grouping is lad makoni so all different skill sets but that's what's so interesting about these players is they're not similar like they all have very different skill sets so it felt like it was just kind of dealer's Choice with what these teams were individually looking for and I think Keon is what the bills wanted I mean it's not that long ago s Keon Coleman was not a universally loved Prospect like there were a lot of people who really did not like the player we had a couple different draft experts that we talked to that said he was one of the most polarizing guys in the class some people thought he was going to be spectacular and other people thought his lack of speed was going to really really limit him in the NFL so it's been weird to see weird to see is not the right way of saying it just you know it so far so good at least for Keon from my perspective yeah I mean I've seen some of the same stuff from fantasy people I don't I don't get it like we're out there all the time time I think it's been way more positive than negative for Keon Coleman I I think that for sure another guy's been really positive had another nice day today Tyrell Shavers fighting for a spot there and Matt Chase Claypool did not practice again today he's missed about a week now I think or so with the toe injury Here Comes Tyrell Shavers at this point in time we've talked about this but every day it seems like I'm putting Tyrell Shavers more and more on this team and Chase kiple off this team it feels like Tyrell Shavers has almost even jumped up to the fifth wide receiver over mvs over mvs yeah now I don't know if we're getting a little too ahead of ourselves here with just basing this off of training camp and like I said I was not there but I did see our colleague Alec braski post that mvs had two drops today on individual drills on deep balls like I know that what you do in an actual game setting means so much more but he has not flashed the level that I think we assumed he would and Tyrell Shavers has he's been one of the players consistently making plays so I I think he's definitely got an inside track at a job and maybe it's even stronger of a chance than we're giving him credit for agreed um on all of that I could see him replacing mvs as well partly because of what you said maybe mvs just hasn't flashed I just wonder how much runway they get a guy like mvs because he's a veteran he's won Super Bowls he's got the skill set they kind of want but man Tyrell Shavers is really putting together a nice camp like another guy who had a couple drops today at least one going to talk about here next and it's always game day in Buffalo s capacho and Matt B all right last year not a great year catching the ball on some of the easier ones for James Cook another one right in his hands at the goal line very similar to the things we saw last year when he dropped the ball right in front of me Matt like I I have I came in this year going ah those things happen he'll clean that up it's not the first time this Camp either that's happened no it's not and that has been something that for the last let's say year and some change has been an issue with James Cook it's the drops he has made some nice catches but it's the easy ones that seem to be the ones that are giving him the most problems he had a Dro touchdown that would have been a huge play in Philly he had a drop touchdown against the Cowboys in the game where he was spectacular I think there was one other drop in there he has the fumble on the first play of the game against the Broncos I don't think he's had a bad Camp by any stretch but it is noticeable the the noticeable part for James Cook in this Camp has been hey are you making all the catches you need to make and then with Ray Davis it's been are you holding onto the ball when you need to hold on to the ball and Tai Johnson just hasn't been available so I I do have some questions at the running back really with all three of the guys we're expecting are going to be on the team and Ray Davis a nice long run at the um scrimmage that practice the other night and once again puts it on the ground right I mean like we talked about that afterwards you got to have ball secured you got to be able to catch the ball uh this is going to be you know something where Shawn MC's going to have those little things when he evaluates who he wants in the field who he wants on the team and they're all going to matter by the way Tai Johnson also still out of practice he's dealing with the hamstring we could talk about some of the injuries we'll get to those in a second but one more guy I want to highlight from particularly here on Sunday at St John fiser really nice practice for Christian Benford and yeah he's been he's been kind of steady as you go not making highlight plays you you see a few times where he gets beat you see a few times make some plays I thought he had a really nice practice here on Sunday Christian Benford and that's a guy right now appears even though I think we both agree he'd be the starter if we started the game today but kym's at least getting some chances you know with that first team and Christian benford's in for a little bit of a fight here and it's good to see him stepping up yeah I think he's in for a little bit of a fight and that's exactly what you wanted to see from kerim that he's pushing him a little bit but not to the point that I think his job is in any bit of danger unless there's some sort of injury that pops up I honestly think I could make the case that Christian Benford is closer to the Bill's number one quarterback job than he is to the number three I think he's closer to Rosell Douglas than he is to kyum so what's the Gap then to you if to between ker and whoever's next above him pretty significant you're saying between ker and the number two Corner job yeah who whoever you would consider the number two how big how much of a CH answer would what would KY have to actually do to win that number two job I guess from one of those guys just an absolute I don't even know I don't even know if there's something he could do because even if he had an outstanding preseason I don't think there's anything those guys in front of him could do to not earn those starter jobs I mean Russell Douglas was Exceptional from them when they got him last year from Green Bay and Christian Benford has been incredibly consistent when he's played what they could do is get injured and with Christian Benford that has been a little bit of a problem he has been banged up at times in his career so if they stay healthy I'm anticipating the two of them make the team and the other player at corner who has kind of continued to Trend in the right direction is a guy you've talked about for a long time Jamarcus Ingram I think has had a really strong training camp had a great play today on a Crossing route and got his hands he's long you know he he reached over whoever it was and was able to knock that ball out he he's had a really nice Camp I think that corner going into training camp was a perceived area of maybe a bit of concern for the bills and so far nine days into training camp I actually think I like The Corner Room more than I did definitely a week and a half ago and probably more than most people do just because I think elim has had a good camp and Ingram has had a good camp well the question at Corners the same question of safety and that is depth right they're really being tested with their depth right now Cole Bishop still out Mike Edwards still out it's dear Hamlin and Taylor rat basically running so with the number ones if if the bills go to week one and Demar Hamlin is starting next to Taylor R how are you feeling not great about the position if it's something long term if it's just a week thing a week thing let's say hey Cole's kind of close Mike's kind of close we just don't want to push it we're gonna probably you got that Thursday night game coming up you could see a scenario the bills go we don't want to have that quick turnaround division game on Thursday night let's make sure they're ready for Miami we're g to roll with Demar Hamlin against the Arizona Cardinals I think he's serviceable I think it's fine I don't think that that would be something that would cause the bills you know it's not like it would be the difference between them to me winning and losing a game it could potentially become a Difference Maker right I like toar Hamlin the player my issue there is I'm not super sold on T Taylor rep either so it's not like it's just oh well you're dear Hamlin it's well it's Demar Hamlin and it's Taylor R so to me that's why it would be an area of concern I just don't love the safety position right now because of the injuries and really just because of the guys that they have there we've been spoiled in Buffalo with the two safeties that they've had for the last seven years I know that it's realistic that there's going to be a little bit of a step back I don't think it's going to be as a big of a step back as some people think just because I don't think Jordan puyer last year was the level Jordan puyer has been during his time in Buffalo and definitely the same thing with Micah Hyde I like Taylor RP but I think I like Taylor RP more if he's the second best safety in the Tandem and not you know the definite number one safety in the tandem which is right now what has happened because of all the other injuries that have happened in that position you and I had a little bit of a we going talk linebackers here in a second there were a couple injuries but you and I had a bit of a debate and talk the other day about the backup linebacker spot and just so everybody's aware Bale inspectre today played in the they went like two-minute drill and they just took Terrell Bernard out there was nothing wrong with him as far as I could see Bale inspectre was playing in the middle during the two-minute during the two-minute drill to kind of get that feel he was with Matt Milano right there but that being said Bale inspector Dorian Williams to me they're the they're the three and four linebackers the bills did have a couple of guys who are banged up Nicholas Morrow has a core muscle injury and Eddie Osio has a rib injury both missed practice that's a spot where we all know what happened last year Matt with the linebacker depletion right now they still have some guys there that they're they're holding on to Deon Jones is one of them of course Joan dreon I don't expect these guys necessar Joan dreon I don't expect them make the Buffalo Bills but right now we're going through a little bit at the linebacker spot like they had before yeah Osio so it's a rib injury which is interesting I thought it was a wrist because when he got hurt his wrist was in front of his rib and he was grabbing it so I thought you know like how you your rib you put your wrist in front of it and do that I thought he was grabbing his wrist but I think he was using his wrist to kind of like poke into the rib so I watched that happen right in front of me and was completely wrong so I guess I don't know if a rib injury is more or less concerning than a wrist injury would be but the fact that he wasn't at practice we don't know K Sean didn't talk today so we probably won't get some sort of update until we hear from sea again yeah it's a concern it is a concern at linebacker I feel like I'm really really comfortable with the two guys they have there but I think they'll want to be a little bit more stable behind them based off the conversation we had the other day I think you're a little bit higher on Balin Spectre than I am I think the team is also a little bit higher on Balin Spectre well that's what is for me just to clarify to me I'm just saying he's the he's the backup middle linebacker I mean I think he's a good enough player to be able to play and be a backup but not that necessarily be a starter level but he's clearly to me the number two middle linebacker so right now with the injuries it would be Terrell Bernard Matt Milano Dorian Williams Bayon Spectre Dion Jones would we feel comfortable with that do we think that that's probably the way they would lean with the guys they keep or is there somebody I think it's between Eddie Osio and Nicholas Morrow the two guys well well that's what I'm saying I'm guessing those guys depending on the severity of their injuries I would say both of them would be the the fifth linebacker but they're not in the mix at least for right now then Dean I mean Deon Jones a lot of NFL experience same thing with Morrow the only two the only two left is Jones and andrees Jones the former pro bowler 13 interceptions that's a guy that's a guy you keep on he can play special teams and you can put him on passing situations I think this is a great story for Jo recent I'd really love to see him make the practice squad I don't think he really has much of a chance to make the big Club but he's going to get some opportunity for reps now because of the injuries they did make a move today however on Sunday Shane Simon comes back to the team he was a linebacker they released and then waved injured David uh U I don't know if he's saying that right I apologize but uh that he they waved injured him because of an injury but I I think now at least andrees gets a little more experience you know what Joe andreon is Joe andrion is the kind of guy that he's with you all Camp he knows the defense Maybe late late in the season something happens you're like let's bring that guy in for an extra body on the practice squad because we have a couple injuries just in case we have to have a call up right that's what that happens there but they are getting a little depleted um in their secondary dep in I'm sorry in their linebacker depth I'm gonna run through the injuries now that guys who are still not playing or haven't played and didn't play on Sunday I want to ask you what is um maybe your your concern level on a couple of them before you do the injuries can we talk about one other position because once again outside looking in but this is a player who talked a little bit about sounds like Zack Davidson had another nice play today and it came from Josh Allen so that to me signals maybe there really is a competition between Zack Davidson and Quinton Morris now I know he's not a special teams contributor like Quinton Morris would be but where do you think the chances are that Zack Davidson is now their third tight end or has a really legitimate chance at becoming their third tight end I've been on this train for a while I think Zack Davidson has had a legitimate shot to beat out Quinton Moore I think Zack D and more makes more plays than Quinton Morris but I also agree and know that they love Quinton Morris for special teams and all the other things that he brings he's kind of a he's kind of all very well-rounded tight end but man Zack Davidson he catches the ball he gets up field I don't know how good of a blocker he is right doesn't seem like it's necessarily gonna be in his game special teams really not but I think that Zack Davidson legitimately has a chance at that third tight end spot all right speaking of tight ends speaking of injuries Dawson KNX miss practice on Sunday with a groin injury but also a vet rest day when they play groin vet rest it's pretty much you're he's going to be okay right it feels like that trending okay Chase Claypool once again out with a toe injury LEL Collins out the offensive lineman and then offensive lineman Travis Clayton Travis Clayton most likely not gonna be on the bills he'll be exempt from the practice squad um thinking about both LEL colins and Chase Claypool for different reasons the longer this goes for either of them the Le you know the worse it is for them for their opportunities I do think both of them because they are veterans they've been in the league obviously both have had different types of careers here I think the bills at least would love to see them get in some preseason games but it feels like time is kind of running out here for Chase Claypool to get on the field yeah I get that sense however I wonder if the bills are being more patient with him than we see from the outside looking in and they just know that the s example size of what he's been able to do as an actual player in the league will show once they actually get to preseason games if Chase Claypool goes into the preseason and is the Bill's leading receiver and makes a bunch of plays how much does it change that he wasn't available for a week straight of practices that's the question that I don't know I would think that if he gets if it's close between him and Tyrell Shavers Tyrell Shavers will get the edge because he's a younger player who also had a good camp but if Chase Claypool is back and performs in the preseason which I don't think is out ofs side the realm of possibility then I think he's once again right back into the mix I'm not saying that I agree with this but Tyrell Shavers might be a player you get to your practice squad Chase Claypool probably is not the other interesting lay isop right there I think Chase Claypool is he's a veteran he's not subject to waivers and he was a free agent very very late in the process no one else signed him anyway when teams had 90 guys roster they didn't sign him I mean I'm not saying it's impossible I'm just saying most people don't know who Tyrell schaer is and if he doesn't have a good actual like preseason games I don't know how many teams are throwing him on their team or their practice squad based off of Just oh yeah he we heard good in train and I agree in one sense let's Also let's think about the mechanics of the rule as we talked about talk about this for a second if the bills were to wave Tyrell Shavers at the end of camp and a team wants and the team claims him he's got to go right on their 53 right on their no team's going to I agree with you you how many teams are going to do that right so actually the Giants like that's the it's any connection it's any connection to the bills maybe the Giants if the bills wave Chase Claypool he's just a free agent he can just wait and say hey like we're gonna in tomorrow in 24 hours we'll sign the to uh the practice squad I I think the bills still have a chance to get Tyrell Shavers on their practice squad unless have a team that just says we're going to put him on the 53 you're right about that to me though it is interesting that a guy like Chase Claypool might still offer so much upside to them whereas Tyro shaver is the young guy you make a great point there that but if you could have your six guy be a guy that man at some point maybe he just hits and all of a sudden we know the upside we know that he's put up over 800 yards in you know in the NFL well here's the question so Tyrell Shavers we both think has a strong chance of making the team we're getting back to this would you rather have the upside of Chase clel or mvs that's I think that's the thing the bills need to figure out and right now Chase Claypool has not helped himself because he hasn't been on the field mvs hasn't helped himself and he has been on the field so that's what I think they need to figure out mvs has the more impressive resume back-to-back Super Bowls I mean I said it on TV Friday night the last time mvs played inside that Stadium he made several big catches at least one like really big catch to help the Chiefs win that game so he's done it before against the bills so I guess it's just a what skill set do you think better fits the other little bit of a knock on Chase Claypool that I've heard some of our colleagues say and I think it's an interesting point is that the skill set is a little similar to Matt Collins that he doesn't provide you that much different of what you already have and I think the bills are a bit higher on M Collins than anybody else's really they really really like the guy I I I just the this is a long way of saying I think Tyrell Shavers is a really strong shot of making the team and I think that after that it's gonna kind of come down to mvs and Chase Claypool and I'm almost not even really giv a shot anymore to like shorter or hamler or Brian Thompson there everybody if you have an amazing pre-season you have no idea there's anything could happen I just haven't seen enough from any of those guys to say like okay they're still in the mix here by the way I saw Justin shorter go to the locker room as I was on my way into practice and I didn't see him the rest of the day I'm not saying he might have been out there in some capacity I did not see him so we'll keep updated on that all right last one on this I'm gonna throw up on the screen the offense I think this is the offense here take a look at the o line our always Game Day logos is right there but you see it LEL Collins I have him listed as the Sixto lineman because I thought he would be now I think Ryan vanar Al Anderson are on this team they are really your six guys because you're tackling guard I always thought L Collins would be kind of your Swingman L Collins has been injured he has not been practicing where do you put him right now well I think you've got your starting five and Ryan vanderark and Alec Anderson are definitely on the team and Cedric vanran Granger is also probably on the team so I would say Le Collins is either the eighth or the ninth guy I mean given the contract that he got let's give him a little bit of the benefit of the doubt but I don't think that he's absolutely getting on the field I I think they would be quicker to use Alec Anderson or Ryan vandermark off of at least what we've seen at training camp so far yeah I'm gonna look it up let's look at tell me the contract again do you have it in front of you I'm gonna look it up right now what his contract was because I agree with you it sound did he get like6 million no signed a oneye $1.75 million contract with the bills oh that's not crazy that's not crazy at all 1.5 guaranteed though and that that matters a little bit that matters a little bit not it's not the end all Beall but it does matter a little bit right I still think Leo Collins is probably on this team at the end of the day um when I look at that group I'm gonna throw him up again let me throw that back on the uh let me go right here I'll throw this back up again here we go uh Dawkins Brown McGovern torren and Edwards there's your starting fight by the way Matt first time today I'd seen anybody take a rep with the starting five other than those five they actually started rotating other than the other day when Deon Dawkins literally left for a few minutes and had an equipment adjustment or something um but they they actually Alec Anderson played center for a play um who else was in there hold on uh I saw another Ryan vmar was playing left tackle for a play so Alec Anderson there they are those are the two guys I think the bills will probably keep nine offensive linemen on the team maybe eight they dress eight they get that extra guy on the active Day game day roster so you have five six and seven are vanand Mark and Anderson eight to me is Cedric vand PR Granger Leo Collins is probably the ninth guy then yeah I think he fits in anybody else on that list of like Kevin Jarvis grael Katon bills gunar Britain no these most all the guys at the end are maybe practice squad guys you don't even know we'll see and then clap garage and Jarvis I think are um either either they're E I think they're all on the practice squad I think they're on the practice squad I think the other guys are do you even have them on practice squad or they just not on the roster in any capacity you know what I mean yeah for sure while we have the go back if can you go back to the depth chart while we have it up we didn't really talk a ton about running back after we mentioned the James Cook drop in the r ray Davis fumbles any thoughts about Evans Frank Gore you think they just both end up on the practice squad they keep one of them on the practice squad Gore is probably more likely because Evans has time in this league and he's actually remember last year they released him he went back to Chicago and then he went to Miami played in the he played in games gore I think is a player nobody's going to be clamoring for him Evans might just say I want a chance to go I'm going to stay fresh and healthy but yes I think either of them could wind up being on the practice squad I think Frank Gore is the kind of guy though that you might want a year of develop you know he kind of gets that year under his belt Darren Evans though could return kicks he could do different things um I think he to me Matt there's a better the better way I'd say this I think Darron Evans might want a better opportunity than the bills practice squad if one is out there and available to him he might want to search for that instead of just being on the bills practice squad does he have any chance at returning kicks for the bills and if if he doesn't who the heck is going to because we're now nine days in the camp 10 days in the camp and I still don't have a good answer I I really legitimately think the two of us could put together a 53 man roster projection that would look pretty close to what they ultimately end up doing but I still don't know who's gonna handle those duties for them I don't know either uh do you remember what happened the other night when they had the kickoff returns at High Mark Stadium um there were a few different guys that were back there uh I think was back it feels like it's a rotation of dayquan Hardy KJ hamler khil Shakir Andy Isabella this is pun that's what I mean like maybe Ty Johnson is somehow involved when he's back um I just I don't know I I don't know what they're gonna do I will say I will say this though dayquon Hardy has flashed a little bit more on actual defense than I anticipated so that maybe makes him a little bit more of the front runner because he wouldn't just be the kick punt returner he could also maybe do something on defense which is what I feared just pretty much based off his size really more than anything you know I'm glad you said that I've been thinking the same thing like making the team other than just you know as a returner they don't they're not just going to keep four boundary Corners right they might I guess but he's I'm sorry I mean for boundary but he's actually played he's played on the boundary but he's more of a a slot guy yeah I mean toori couch is there I know that you obviously cam Lewis but to me it feels like there's one extra Corner Spot left I guess that's the way I want to say it there's one extra Corner Spot left it feels like and I think dayquon Hardy has a shot at that if he is the best returner option does Cam Lewis absolutely undoubtedly make the team cam loose is on the Buffalo Bills I don't care what in any other situation he's he is way too valuable for all the things they do on defense especially with the injuries at safety yeah I mean he is right now I mean he take safety reps he can play behind Teran Johnson almost at one point won that job he has in a pinch needed to go with the boundary special teams so he's got all that covered I just have a hard time thinking that they'll keep right all four of the corners we said who are on the boundary then Taran Johnson and then at minimum four or five safeties it's just a lot of defensive backs I I don't know if they'll keep five six corners right if if they keep C I know cam Lewis has a little position f flexibility but if they keep cam Lewis and dayquon Hardy that's six cornerbacks excuse me seven if you count Taran here here's what I would say though if Taran Johnson if you didn't keep cam Lewis Taran Johnson got hurt who's playing nickel corner like you have to I think cam Lewis is such a you gotta keep him as your backup nickel right are you really going dayquon hard as your backup nickel right now probably not no but other than that I don't know I would say it with be cam Lewis yeah that that's why I think that would be the case I'm looking at Cam's salary it's not overlay I don't know I have to find out what's guaranteed but um he's got 1.125 guaranteed so again not a uh not a huge number to get out of Josh Reed our colleague and I were talking about this today and Josh said he's gonna play 12 years in the NFL even if it's not on the bills and I said imagine that coming from UB undrafted he's in his six year already guy's gonna make probably like20 million in his NFL career which is crazy when it's all said done it's funny because when you were talking about Andre and I was thinking about him and Jamar SRAM and I'm like wow there's like actually a lot of UB on this team and I know the proximity makes so much sense but even if Andre could win a job on the practice squad like that's still a really nice payday and still you can make a really nice living off of that and who knows what it might one day eventually lead to and the examples of that are quite literally Jamarcus Ingram and cam Lewis that's exactly right all right so let's wrap up by looking ahead it's preseason week buddy here we go bills are on the field they're playing a game preseason game number one it's going to be Saturday at himark Stadium 1M the Chicago Bears come to town I'm guess guessing Caleb Williams is going to play in that game if not playing in the Hall of Fame game which is pretty cool for everyone to see as well yeah I think so too I think is there any chance Josh plays hear me out on this oh well well let me before I say no I'm gonna say yes there's a chance because yeah they typically do play him in one of the preseason games and it's doesn't have to be the last one remember there's three then there's a week off and then there's the first game yeah I mean I would think now they have not always done this because last year I believe he played in Pittsburgh so it's not like they've always felt like they needed to do it at home it just feels like you have a little bit more of a controlled environment if you do it at home and for I don't think you should play at any point in the preseason personally I just don't get the sense that that'll happen and I would say better to air on the side of caution and go early as opposed to later just in case something happens so if I was in charge of an organization I would not be letting him take snaps in the preseason at all but I think that they're going to so at that point it's okay well what is the absolute best case scenario of that and to me it would be the first preseason game at home get it over with and then call it a day could you make an argument that this is a very important preseason to actually have him on the field with these new receivers for like even though I I agree like never just put him in bubble wrap put him on the sidelines but wouldn't this be the year to make that argument yeah but the downside is so much greater than positive there to me what does it matter if he goes out in the preseason and throws a gorgeous touchdown to Keon Coleman it's not like it automatically correlates to that continuing in the regular season but what if somebody bumps him the wrong way or what if there's something that happens to him I just I just don't think it's worth it I don't think that the cor I don't think it directly correlates to you know an unbelievable start to the season remember a couple years ago when he played at home in the preseason it was the year after they went to the AFC Championship game I think they played against Green Bay and he fired a laser to Gabe Davis for a touchdown and I think he played the first quarter and he was unbelievable in the first quarter you know what they did to start that season they stunk against the Steelers at home and lost so there was no correlation of oh wow he was great in the preseason but they still started slow last year you know he was in the preseason and then they still stunk in the first week of the year so I don't think that it's been like oh if Josh plays in the preseason at least he's going to start the season super strong because two of the last three years they haven't been great week one the year they were great week one was the year they started in La that's right while they start Saturday at home uh should be fun at High Mark Stadium 1 pm in the meantime Matt's gonna be back at practice on Monday he'll have all all your coverage at WKBW TV channel 7 I'll be here on Monday as well wgr sports radio 550 joining Jeremy and Joe in the morning sh and the bulldog in the afternoon they got three practices left Monday Wednesday Thursday then it's out of here back to High Mark Stadium then next week in Pittsburgh for a day or so and then a preseason game against the Steelers after a practice with the Steelers so still have a little ways to go here bat but it is getting closer uh football game action is right here this week I guess preseason football to me is still so fun obviously nothing compares to the regular season but give me a day of the preseason give me a game of the preseason every day I love it and I think Bill's fans do too it's a good chance for you to evaluate your favorite team and see what guys you think could make it guys maybe won't and you know kind of start to put together your own roster projections moving forward if you're listening to us wherever you pod we thank you so much please subscribe to it's always game day in Buffalo and you can watch us on it's always game day in Buffalo on the sou Sports YouTube page if you're watching us on the YouTube page you can always subscribe just have it ready for you whenever you pod wherever you pod driving around doing the dishes the laundry cutting the grass that's what I like to do for Matt I'm s thanks a lot for joining us

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