Buffalo Bills defense takes over The Return of the Blue and Red practice | Always Gameday in Buffalo

Published: Aug 02, 2024 Duration: 00:48:07 Category: Sports

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all right we're gonna start this it's always game day in Buffalo with me going back to the last episode when Matt Bo and I were at barbill we are now back in kasabov in studio kapat all right good to see you um and we talked about like Olympic sports and I tried to attempt to play the spoons when we're at barbill I said Yes actually thought of a sport that you said you were great at folding laundry right that was your thing like you could do that you are Elite yes I something that was I said you know what this is what I should have said parallel parking Elite parallel Parker Matt B well that's a good skill to have because it's something you're always going to need I will say this so I have a car that has a camera in the back of it and my work car has a camera in the back of it well the other day I had to take a different car to work cuz my car was being service and I did not have a backup camera and backing in which is now what I'm used to doing all of a sudden became a little bit more of a challenging task because we're so spoiled with those backup cameras those rearview cameras so that's a good to have and and listen I'm a very good parallel Parker without it I'm an elite parallel Parker with the backup camera I think that's one of the best inventions ever for a vehicle to be quite honest yeah it doesn't it doesn't feel like it should have been something that took that long to figure out like I had had so I got a car probably like two years ago I bought a car but my car prior to that was uh 2010 and I didn't have it for years and everybody was like how can you not have a rearview camera and I'm like I don't know I just got used to not having it but now that I do have it I don't think I could ever go back to not having it oh that's right I live on A Street in the city that has alternate parking alternating parking left-and side on Monday Tuesday Wednesday rightand side on Thursday Friday I do not have a driveway I do not have a garage so I have to a driveway you don't have a driveway nope most most um houses on my street do not have a driveway wow we're packed in in the city and you p park on the left and you park on the right and if you're not in the correct side on those days you get a ticket so it happens I so you have to always parallel park it's always tight I actually have gone outside and gotten into other people's car to parallel park for them no kidding yes really just like shoveling out for them so just you go out and you shovel out they just TR they trust you they they trust you're not taking their car a joy ride somewhere else so that's my uh after we had left barbill by the way Matt I know you share my sentiment just to thank everybody for the night we had at barbell yeah for sure it was awesome it was I'm always admittedly like a little nervous before those because I don't know if there's going to be people who show up and it's like is there going to be support is everything going to go well and we really appreciated those of you who came out we met somebody who came in from not specifically just for the podcast but they went to Bill's training camp but we met somebody from Minnesota we met someone from Alaska we met someone from Texas we met a couple people from Florida you knew someone there from Germany who is a Ford exchange student who was there so maybe it's always game damn Buffalo is internationally known but thank you to everybody who came thank you to everybody who came and said hi to us thanks to barbill for having us and uh it's definitely something I think we want to do again in the future for sure hey if you're interested in having us if you're in like a business in a bar restaurant especially someplace where there's a gathering people going have some fun you know inquire if you want and we'll put you into the right direction the people and we'll come out and we'll we'll do a show for you there so we'll make sure that you um can uh have a great experience with us and we'd love to be sharing it with you in the meantime we got back to St John fiser that was Monday there was practice on Tuesday team now the bills have gone through a full week plus of training camp then they get to High Mark Stadium on Friday night for the annual return of the blue and red uh was a little bit of inclement weather early on it rained a little bit later but did not dampen 36,000 plus who showed up a new record for the return of the blue and red and of course a big storyline what helmet would Josh Allen wear came out of the tunnel and a black helmet with a red standing Buffalo and a red stripe what did you think I think it's trash I think it's an ug I think it's an ugly helmet I think it's an ugly helmet that doesn't make sense I they don't have black as a color well okay okay see that's the thing I think it doesn't look good with what he was wearing exactly red on white but the helmet itself is pretty sharp sure but it's never it doesn't match like it just doesn't make sense I think there's a lot of things they could have done I think of the ones he's done like of these fake helmets this is the worst one that's just my opinion you don't have to agree with it I love the standing Buffalo logo I just think you know first off what I really think is let's just do it for real what are we waiting for why isn't there a 90s throwback why aren't they wearing the Retro Jerseys and I'm sure there's a legitimate answer for it I have not actually heard it yet so I think at one of these points just actually debut a uniform a New Jersey a new helmet a new look I I think the bills jerseys are pretty perfect so I don't think that they need to change their primary jerseys but I just think having another one in the rotation would definitely be a welcomed Edition well new coo Pete gelly was on wgr sports radio 550 with Jeremy and Joe one morning at training camp and he said basically hey he has a lot of experience in this realm which is uniforms worked with the Charlotte Hornets doing it in conjunction with Michael Jordan he worked with the New York Giants and really kind of everything leading up to their 100th year anniversary which is going on now he said you know there's just a way you gotta do it right and he wants to do that now that he's here in Buffalo and in charge of the bills essentially they're going to be looking at things like this but you know I wouldn't expect anything imminent you know we'll see in the meantime you called the helmet trash well I'm not going to go that far as far as the offense but it didn't look very good early on including Josh Allen getting picked several times by the defense Kyan was in on an interception go ahead hold on I think this is a misconception and I'm I'm not just pointing this to you he was intercepted once the other one was an absolutely blatant defensive holding penalty that wiped out the interception that was called like there was a flag on the field it was situational so they just ran it back it would not have been an interception the kyum one was but the first one was not legit so I've seen that misconception out there on social media from people who are there people covering it so I just want I just want to be like it wasn't as bad as it looks on a tweet or on a recap on a web story or something agreed he was intercepted multiple times but as I said the offense didn't look very good it wasn't Josh Allen who didn't look very good he threw one pass that Kym told me later he read Josh and he had to High Point the ball Kyer did a nice job that was not a that was a ball Josh Allen should not have thrown he also had one go literally off the chest of Curtis Samuel that should have been another interception um I I agree with you it wasn't all on Josh but they go against his Ledger obviously of course the offense as a whole though did not perform very well early on in practice that's okay the defense is allowed to win once in a while right can we say that to people like it's okay of the defense wins even against an elite quarterback like Josh Allen we've seen it happen now for one segment of practice about a week ago and now one segment of practice here uh at the return of the blue and red I thought the defense was the better unit on Friday night and did a really good job it wasn't all just Josh Allen throwing them footballs there's no doubt about that but the defense was the better of the two sides yeah definitely but what's interesting is I you know we got to think about headlines for the stories and how going to sum everything up so the headline that I came up with if you're somebody who knows anything about headlines give me a little bit of pointers here but it was like dominant day for defense is Buffalo Bills return home to Orchard Park and I do think it was a dominant day but I would still say as a whole the offense has won more than the defense in this training camp but I think that's really healthy because there are days where each side is winning I think that's the sign of a good team I think a couple years ago it felt like the offense was winning every single day and then last year it felt a little bit more like the defense was winning on a more regular basis than the offense this year still would give a little bit of an edge to the offense but it feels really balanced and it's not like it's all happening there are days that are pretty even but there's been days where the offense has been great and there's been days when the defense is great and I kind of think that's a good thing I think that's what you want oh I think it's absolutely a good thing you're preaching of the choir there what I find interesting is usually this time of year you say the defense is head to the offense and you throw in the fact that this defense has more returning players other than the secondary up front front seven than the offense the offense is still working Through Chemistry with new wide receivers a new center right you would think that maybe they'd be a little bit behind I don't think that's been the case at all there's been moments here or there like we said but overall let's just talk about the offense maybe even independently of going against their own defense you know at training camp through a week plus I'm encouraged by the way they've looked given all of the changes on that side of the ball they feel it feels like it's not really they're not growing going from to my eyes to a lot of growing pains here no I would agree with that I think that the growing pains are happening a bit at Center I feel like there have been some sloppy I don't know if it's miscommunication or just you know poor execution but there were a couple balls that hit the deck between Conor McGovern and Josh Allen earlier in training camp I'm not overly concerned with that it's one of those ons put it on the back burner see if that comes up in a game but for right now to be expected is they're trying to kind of figure things out so some issues with fumbles and some issues with drops but I also think that that's to be expected with a bunch of guys that are learning how to play with Josh Allen where he's placing the ball what he likes to do what he doesn't like to do I also think it's quite simply a result of Josh Allen is able to extend plays longer than most of these guys has ever played have ever played with like the Curtis Samuel interception today was on a play where Josh was getting pressured he rolls out to the side he extends the play he finds a window he throws it to Curtis Samuel it hits Curtis Samuel right in the chest I don't think Curtis Samuel was ready for it I don't think he was anticipating that he was going to get the ball all of a sudden a ball is coming a million miles an hour at his chest it pops up in the air and then Taran Johnson gets the interception so I have little concerns but not any big picture or really really big concern about the offense I I too agree I think they're further along than I thought they would be other than Dion Dawkins leaving the field briefly the other day at camp and he returned right away way Matt I think it's been the same starting five on every single first team rep that I've seen up front for the Buffalo Bills this is a departure from years past where they've kind of rotated guys in just to rotate them in and say hey we got to have some position Flex even if it's not like a competition for a job we've had that as well but it's been going left to right Deon Dawkins David Edwards Conor McGovern Osiris torren Spencer Brown that is it we have not seen a rotation whatsoever through a week plus no and the only other observation that I really have about the offensive line is that Alec Anderson appears to be the new David Edwards where last year they would bring in David Edwards to be their guy to you know just hey he's eligible or hey he's their s that seems like it's going to be Alec Anderson now lyel Collins is another one to keep an eye on he is I believe day-to-day with a knee injury so we should see him back to practice soon but I don't exactly know what to expect from him is he a guard is he a tackle early on a training camp it feels more like he's probably an interior guy than an exterior guy Ryan Van Mark and Alec Anderson are two depth guys that we have both said they are very very high on after that it's going to kind of be a battle of all of the other players for probably one or two jobs and we should also mention that Alec Anderson returned to the team the night that he was transported to a hospital via ambulance for heat related issues and that was obviously great news and we saw him actually you know at the return of the blue and red at High Mark Stadium which is really nice to see I agree that um you know Alec Anderson's going to play a role on this team in some capacity Ryan vanderark to me swing tackle at least at least right tackle and he went to actually left side so he is the swing tackle to me he's the left side he went to the left side when Dion did miss those few plays so it looks like they kind of have a what they view as you know their stable group up front on the offensive line how about at wide receiver uh through a week plus year anything that surprised you whether positively or negatively well this is jumping ahead a little bit but I do think it's an important topic so I did say hey any questions and somebody asked if we could kind of go through the wide receiver depth chart so this feels like the natural time to do it I would say right now if you were putting together a depth chart who would you list as the Bill's number one wide receiver Curtis Samuel I think I agree I think it would be Curtis Samuel slash khil Shakir in either order I think that those guys will be the guy how do you define number one as you're talking about it well I guess that's the interesting thing because theoretically it's the best receiver on the team and I don't know I'm guess I'm basing this off of who I think is going to have the most targets and that would be those two so I don't know let's say th for me those two are interchangeable and then Keon Coleman I think there's a very concise and clear top three then there's a gap and then there's all the guys fighting for the roster so right now I would say the six wide receivers that make the team I actually feel pretty confident about this that it would be khil Shakir Curtis Samuel Keon Coleman ma Hollins um why am I blanking right now C mvs mvs oh yeah yeah mvs mvs and Tyrell Shavers those would be the six that I think make it I think that there's a lot of people who are now skeptical about mvs a little bit understandably so um but I definitely think so far Shavers his Elite frogs Chase Claypool um KJ hamler Justin shorter Brian Thompson all those other guys okay so but you said there was a clear top three than a gap than fighting for spots but Matt Hollins to me is is not fighting for a spot he's in a top four then I think but I I think there's a clear top three talent wise like M Collins to me is definitely making the team but I'm not saying that he's in the category of those other three Matt Collins is definitely making the team because yes he can play receiver and I think he could contribute but also because of special teams and also because of just the leadership that he brings like there's a lot of boxes that he checks so he's definitely making the team I just don't think he's in that top three I agree um I don't think that Shakir I would consider him the number one but I get where you're coming from I get it like to me the number one is a guy that they're going to he's going to be on the field more they rely on more it's like Shakir like he plays in the slot mostly right I mean that's expecting and that's where you're going to have conate or James Cook line up and yeah you can do more things it just feels like opportunity won't be there as much as for the other guys but I agree with you it's all kind of parsing a different way with the top three that you're talking about how much does claypool's toe injury hurt him because you know we haven't seen him because of the toe injury and even before the toe injury wasn't like he was lighting up practice and not that he anything bad necessarily but it wasn't standing out necessarily now MBS isn't standing out necessarily Tyrell Shavers is standing out I'll tell you the other guy that's starting to stand out a little bit to me for a different reason KJ hamler because I think he's in the mix to have a return job so you think you have to consider him here yeah I know but the opportunities offensively have not led to a lot of success for KJ hamler and I don't think he has run away with a job as a returner so that's why to me I still think it's the outside looking in and I do think that Tyrel Shavers has earned earned at least for now a real opportunity to make the roster I I would have a hard time keeping KJ hamler because of what he might be able to do in special teams more so than a six foot4 wide receiver who has just continued to make plays for this team I mean like let's base it off of Just who has Josh Allen been working with he's been working with all the regulars you'd expect and Tyrell Shavers so to me that kind of shows their hand of like hey they're they're not doing that just because they're doing that because they think at some point this season Josh enen might be throwing the ball at the Tyrell Shavers I agree and I do wonder what you know of all this what the conjunction with claypool's toe though right and Shaver's even getting more opportunity and where would Claypool fall in here but I agree that claypool's kind of falling off so I'm his mvs a little bit I did see Justin shorter get a little run with the ones the other day so what is your mvs take what is your mvs take because it's really interesting because I think eight days into training camp he has not been nearly is involved as I anticipated agreed however he's also the longest tenured vet in the league um of the group on the team in that group so I don't I mean right is that right he's he's got more years than anybody in that room right I mean he has to well oh Curtis Sam's been around a while I know that's why I'm thinking I mean well we'll see but so my my the way I look at it is they've kind of given him time here as a veteran and they don't need to necessarily press him into duty but at some point you got to see that you got to see it happen in a preseason game I think they're going to let that happen with Chase Claypool it's like okay we don't just want to dismiss them and get rid of him now we got to see him perform in a preseason game we got to be fair to him so we'll hopefully see when you know his toe injury uh comes back what H at this point how many tight ends do you think they would keep and what are the names okay I'm glad you asked this because there was actually a little bit of a disagreement on the sideline about this I think they keep three and I say right now they're keeping Dalton conc Dawson Knox and Zack Davidson as opposed to Quinton Morris now I was talking to Katherine Fitzgerald from the Buffalo News Elena Gatson Burg from ESPN and myself and Dom Tipp it's my colleague and we were talking about that whole Quinton Morris Zack Davidson thing and they said well Quinton Morris plays special teams and they'll definitely favor that because Zack Davidson does not contribute on special teams which I understand but Zack Davidson had two catches at the scrimmage tonight he had a bunch of catches this week it feels like he is a player that all spring has just continued to climb and my biggest argument for Zack Davidson is that the team kept him around like they've had him around so for me why keep him around if then he's ultimately going to make plays and then you decide you don't want to keep him so you know Pino even said it when we were talking too he was like yeah but you can get Zack Davidson to your practice practice squad and I was like I don't care I don't want to risk losing the guy you can get Quint Morris to your practice squad so I think Davidson right now is more I I would give him the edge you can get Quinton Morris your practice squad I'm goingon to give you the argument for Quinton Morris here though which is everything everybody said is correct but yes to me it's easier to just say Zack Davidson's here he's been here two years like what team is really going to go pluck him quit Morris because some team might want a guy who plays special teams might actually go do that you know that's why you would lean that way but certainly to me Zack Davidson's been the better standout offensive player in Camp in Camp than Quinton Morris for sure I just I do lean towards Quinton just because a lot of things that you've heard here but I am certainly open to the idea of Zack Davidson let me ask you this and finish up this part could they keep four they're going to want to play a lot of 12 personnel if they keep four how do you keep four and also keep Reggie Gilliam which they're doing reg this team which they're doing so to me it's like do you keep four you keep Reggie gillium you keep six receivers but then you keep one less defensive lineman but I don't see that happening right I just think that because of the players that they have over there they're keeping at minimum four defensive tackles and at minimum five five or six Edge rushers so it's like I don't know you you can't fit everybody on the roster so I think three is the the max that they would go at tight end I really do well some of this you have to consider injuries obviously and a couple injuries occurred on Friday night um you tweeted out you saw a couple linebackers leave and now you're starting to get even more depletion on the defensive side you already have Mike Edwards out and Cole Bishop out which changes the dynamic of the safety room of course and now couple of linebackers left practice early yeah so Nicholas Morrow left practice with let's say 25 30 minutes left I did not see why he left practice now I know he was a little bit banged up earlier in the week I don't know if it was a re-aggravation I don't know if it was something different but he was leaving practice very gingerly walked out on his own with a couple trainers then 10 minutes after that Eddie Osio Osio I'm just Eddie was making a tackle on a drill it was first and goal from the two and whoever the running back was it might have been Frank or Jr ran into him he brought him down to the ground and then all the players started to do the wave to the trainers like no he's like actually injured he was grabbing his wrist and he immediately went up the tunnel and into the locker room to me that looks like a wrist injury just because he was holding it that's where they were looking I don't know on Morrow but when you consider that Milano was not doing team drills Morrow leaves practice practice Eddie gets injured those are three linebackers and there's probably you know I think Edie Osio and Nicholas Morrow probably had pretty good chances of making this team so now I don't know what you do I don't know if you go and sign somebody if the injuries are significant I don't know if you just really hope for the best you know they got a lot of things they gotta figure out well let's at least go over the depth chart Dorian Williams and bayen Spectre ahead of those guys anyway mean these guys are you're five and six you think Bale Spectre is ahead of some they drafted literally this year yes really interesting because I don't know if I would feel that way Bale inspector started for them in that Pittsburgh Steelers game even ahead of Dorian Williams I think that they like Bale inspector um yeah I do I I put him ahead of him yeah I tell you I think Eddie Eddie's a good athlete and he can he can run and I mean I'd put him ahead of Nicholas Morrow I think Morrow is a guy that he's been around he's said 100 tackles in this league but to me that's just a depth piece that you brought in and kind of stabilized a little bit I think yeah your two middle your two backups are baale inspector from what I've seen they've been the two backups this year at Camp yeah I think that Dorian Williams is definitely their number three when Matt Milano isn't on the field Dorian Williams is the one who's getting those reps balen Spectre I would say would be more of a the next kind of Notch down to those other three but but he's the backup to Terrell Bernard sure sure exactly I think it's a place that they can improve on regardless of the injury situation so I don't know what they do I mean do they go out and they sign a veteran if the injury to Osio is long if it's something significant if Morrow's injury is not anything that they think is going to you know play into the season is he just that guy a lot of it will depend on how many people they keep but I think that is a position where you probably lean towards you know the high end of keeping players just because of the injury that Matt Milano was coming off of and you know I just think that's a position that you don't really want to risk having the injury bug bite you because last year they did and then AJ Klein came out of retirement to be covering yeah Travis Kelce in a playoff game and was one of the main reasons why they lost the game not AJ Klein just the injuries to linebacker sure no doubt about it all right in the secondary at safety a lot of injuries as well Cole Bishop now week to week uh Mike Edwards still week to week you have guys banged up in the secondary especially safety that's open to the door for Demar Hamlin who's had a strong spring and here into training camp but for him to even get more reps as a starter next to Taylor RP behind him I've seen Kendall Williamson probably more than anyone cam Lewis can play safety he's been back there a little bit they did sign Kareem Jackson who's a 36- year old veteran and trell Burgess who's a 25y old fouryear veteran actually former third round pick uh do you think these guys factor in the equation at all do you think that they are they have a chance to make the team or is this just hey we need bodies here to get through Camp until these guys come back can I cut to the chase can I just go right there and skip over this when is mAh Hyde coming back when is mAh Hyde coming back like to me I it's anytime soon as to me I would imagine I I I don't know the answer to this you've got as good of a relationship with Mah Hyde as anybody on the beat I I don't know if it's just happening it's just a matter of when not if or if he is still legitimately debating if he wants to play football because to me if I was Brandon Bean this week I would have got on the phone with Micah and said hey Micah we've got a week left to training camp I know you're not coming to live in a dorm at St John Fisher University and I'm not anticipating that you're going to play in any preseason games but get here by mid August and you're going to be the starting safety alongside Taylor rap really regardless of what even happens with the injuries and I don't know if that conversation has happened yet but if that was me and it was my team with the cap space that they have it would already be basically an agreement made where they just don't put pen to paper until it's official okay I think the part that you're missing is that last piece that you said with the cap space they have Matt what do you think michah Hyde's gonna play for he's not playing for the minimum salary he's not no no but like why wouldn't he come play for like2 million like that's that's what Jord that's what Jordan getting to like actually practice in a training camp I think Jordan puyer is gonna want to play this game until somebody kicks him off the field and literally drags him I don't think that's the case with Micah Hyde with Micah Hyde I believe because of my relationship with him and just kind of knowing him and his family I think Mah Hyde would say it's got to be a little bit more worth it like I just can't I'm not gonna do it for that like I love it I want to play if he wants to play but it's not like oh my God it doesn't matter I'll play this game for free that is not Micah Hyde well what do you think situation what do you think the right number is what do you think would be worth $3 million you might probably look be looking at some that and I don't know if the bills want to do anything like that at at this stage because you know of the injury history and the cap space they have there's a lot of factors here um let's also remember from the bill side if you are any vested veteran who's on the club after week one their salary is guaranteed yeah if you're the bills you don't want to bring in a veteran to have him on the field week one and then guarantee his salary that's something you do after week one to say look that can get out of it if we need to and we'll figure it out the other part is if Mike like you said you said this right if he comes in he's the starting safety you're not signing Micah Hyde to sit the bench and the bills signed what did what did sha MC say they signed Mike Edwards to be a starting safety now you we can all say oh we want no Micah Hyde's better I don't know if they believe that at this point from what they've seen the last couple years if Micah Hyde sign he's got to play he's not sitting on the bench and you're going to sign him to a number where you're going to want to play him anyway that's why I think this is a much more complicated issue than just saying oh my God we're depleted at safety go get the guy I mean I think that it's the break glass in case of emergency situation but so far they have been a POS in a position where they might need to break glass in case of emergency I think that Mike Edwards is the plan but Mike Edwards was the plan to get those reps in the spring and then he got hurt and then he was the then he was the plan to get those reps in the summer and it got hurt again like what if something happens right now to what if something happen to Taylor rap right because he's the guy that we're all penciling in what if something happens to him are you really comfortable with Kareem Jackson and Demar Hamlin back there at your safeties not at all so I know that they're both weak to week right now but I don't know if I love the idea of one of those guys not Taylor rap but either Cole bishop or Mike Edwards playing and starting for the bills without any snaps in the preseason Edwards obviously like has played in Super Bowl so he doesn't it's not like he needs it from a talent level or anything like that but he definitely needs it from just a communication standpoint and from a getting on the same page as everybody else on the defense standpoint that's an important position for the bills it's really interesting about this but week to week can can mean is literally week to week I mean they could be back on the practice field next week if the bills feel that they'll be ready before week one I just don't think they're going to make any other like significant moves at the top we talked about this Monday night at barbill and it happened I said I think I I could see them adding at the bottom I don't see them adding at the top right now to the safety in safety rle and that's mikah Hyde you add he goes right to the top of your safety depth chart because he's got a play you're not adding him not to do that want to ask you about the other move they made they released Jack Browning and I thought that Jack Browning was going to really legitimately challenge Sam Martin for the punting job that's obviously not going to happen a lot of people in the media and fans have declared okay the punting job the competition's over well let me stop you it's halfway over sort of this phase of it is over you I could see a scenario where the bills see a pun on the waiver why are they like better than Sam Martin yes he's won the job from Jack Browning it doesn't mean he's won the job on the roster yet you know who you're not considering right now College punter Zack Davidson who also punted when he was in colge oh wow I like that you know what more incentive that you don't even need to maybe you can keep four tight ends if you don't keep a punter and Zack Davidson can be your punter I think that Sam Martin is just going to be the punter I don't think there would be anybody out there who they would like more than him I don't think he's well you never know he's totally fine I don't think he's great I don't think he's bad I think he's totally fine that is exactly how I feel about Sam Martin I think that he is serviceable for what you need from a punter you would like more but whatever that's kind of my feeling all right want to answer some questions what do you want to do yeah well one else one of them is directly correlated to Sam Martin are we where's our concern level with Tyler bass because this is something we this is something we talked about on our last episode but there was a question specifically about Tyler bass and I think it's because he tried to kick today a 58 Y and basically kicked the ball to lacana okay so means it was no good right not that he K was no um there's two parts of this like when you say concern level there's a concern level for the fan or are you asking like is there is he in danger of anything he's not in danger of losing his job there he is a young he is a there young he's a guy that they drafted they signed an extension to there's Financial considerations he's kicked in big spots and big moments and big games yes he had a down year last year also Matt I think he's had a pretty good start to Camp so far even though he missed one today he's been I think I counted overall I think he's he's missed two kicks in like 11 or 12 that they've done that I've seen and you know Camp over at St John fer so I don't know a 58 y right I mean it's a 58 yeah he made everything he made everything else too today right so I mean like okay yeah I I just don't think a he's not in danger of losing his job but sure I think you should be concerned until you see him actually do it in a game again if you're a fan for sure all right this question is from Eric he said who do you think the third defensive tackle is going to be is it Dwayne Carter um if so do you have any concerns about him and Ed being out there at the same time giving their both smaller size you know it seems like Ed is better when he's got a bigger guy like dayquon Jones Jordan Phillips next to him um I'll let you answer this I I'll let you answer this but I'll tell you something crazy about Dwayne Carter I don't know if you saw this clip or not but after practice today I was trying to talk to some of the rookies because for some of the rookies it would have been their first time out there did you know that today was Dwayne Carter's first ever time ever inside the stadium in like ever when he got drafted by the bills he got in late and had to catch a flight after his interview so he never he never got a chance to go into the stadium and then because when he got back they immediately went toester he has never been out on the stadium or in the building so he was like when I walked out the tunnel today it was my first time ever with my eyes seeing the stadium which is crazy to me that's pretty interesting right yeah I I I do share the concern of the person who asked the question which is two undersized DTS in the middle I don't know if you pair them together or not is he the third DT no I mean I think he's the fourth right the third is gonna be Austin Johnson Austin Johnson yeah I think probably Austin Johnson and actually he may be number five if you count Dwayne Smoot because gonna say yes right now Dwayne Smoot is playing everything on the dline he's out there a lot yeah so I would think right now your top three are Ed Oliver dayquon Jones are clearly your top two Austin Johnson I would say is pretty clearly your number three and then four will be some sort of rotation of Dwayne Carter but also Smoot and then that's why I think smoo is basically a roster lock at this point because I do think that first off Dwayne Carter was a third round pick he's definitely making the team Javon Solomon was a fifth round pick he's definitely making the team so if you want to look at it as defensive line as a whole it's gonna be Greg rouso Von Miller AJ fanessa Dwayne Smoot Javon Solomon that's five names then let's add four for defensive tackle then that's Ed Oliver DaQuan Jones it's Austin Johnson and it's um Dwayne Carter that's nine guys defensive line maybe you save one more maybe but you don't have to because Smoot gives you position flexibility and Greg rouso does a little bit too and so does Austin Johnson actually so they've got some guys who can play inside and outside so it's interesting to me like you say like Javon Javon solman because of you know he has to make the team as a fifth round pick I agree it's more likely than not but I don't know I just don't know how they keep all these guys to be quite honest and I don't know sometimes you just sometimes you just have to make those decisions I agree with you that to me usually a fifth round pick is gonna make it it's kind of rare that you don't but it's not unprecedented if they'd say like look we just have enough guys and we're gonna have to get them in the practice squad if we can it might it might be unprecedented with unprecedented with this group though I can't remember them ever in year one moving on from a fifth round pick first off that's not even to say like Javon Solomon has not been bad or anything we're just saying for the sake of the conversation I don't know the only one I could think of was they traded Wyatt teller a year you know I'm look at it right now Mar Stevenson was a fifth round pick but I think he made he made the team as an IR guy uh that's what I mean Justin shorter was an IR guy right we have that uh Tommy Doyle made the team I believe out of Camp right yep Jake from was the the covid QB never uh did voan Joseph he might have gone on IR he never played yeah I was gonna say I don't think he ever played we are we are digging deep here for it and you're right normally your your fifth round pick is going to make the team and then in this case too a pass rusher a spot where they really like so Von Miller Greg rouso AJ panessa dwan Smoot and now Javon Solomon becomes your five then you know you got and that's fine Kingsley Jonathan Casey two Hill these are the guys on the outside looking in if you do that for sure all right let's uh let's go to this one and then we can probably wrap up is Von Miller really looking a lot better what do you think yes I I'll I'll put Von Miller and Matt uh Milano in the same vein here and say that I think for different reasons they're looking better and more prog and progressing more now van just looks like he's got his he just looks like he's kind of you know fitting in and not there's nothing you wouldn't know that he's coming off a injury even two years ago the age yes I'm not saying that he's looking like oh my God Von Miller he's wrecking up every single play on offense but I think Von Miller has done some nice things and I like the way he looks for Matt Milano I agree with when coaches say he's getting better every day I think he's getting better every day Matt I think he's feeling looking more comfortable with his leg every day which is a really big sign what do you think the split between Von Miller and AJ fanessa and zpp Bean because Von Miller after we did our live podcast at barbill stacked together some nice days I think his best day that he had was the day after the show which was on Tuesday they were off Wednesday they practiced Thursday they practiced Friday every day he's kind of gotten you know continuing to go in that right direction now to be fair the day that he was really good the Tuesday was third and long day so he could just get after it so situation he also didn't he didn't play the day before he was fresh exactly so situationally it just made sense that he was going to have a good day um but that being said do you think that this is a they use Von Miller on first down and third down and AJ is in all of the obvious you know rushing situations or do you think that he will still get the The Lion Share of the snaps and AJ will be the third man up no I think I think AJ might out snap him actually yeah I think AJ more first second down guy um not all of them but I think more of first and second down V will be more of the third down guy but I think AJ still plays some on third down so that's why that happens and um I think Greg rouso same way Greg rouso is a really good run Defender he's your first and second down defensive end but I think you want him on the field on a lot of third Downs too because I think he can rush the passer pretty well he can get his hands up on the interior obviously so you know I think the thing about the DN group is always been for me the floor is high like they have a good floor where's the ceiling though you got to find that ceiling somebody who has that ceiling yeah that's the guy he's playing up here because the floor is pretty good with this group I think yeah for sure all let's do one more question just because I thought he had a really nice day on Friday at the blue and red scrimmage uh I've heard some good things about Ray Davis but also keep hearing he's got trouble with ball security has this been a repeat issue for him at training camp you want me to take it or you want to take it you go ahead yeah it has been an issue for him at training camp he's let a couple balls hit the deck however Friday was a really good day for him he broke off a run that would have probably been a 60 or 70 yard run he got Tak and then he fumbled at the end um I don't think he fumbled at the end he was punched out I think they blew the whistle because they were do they were doing the whole th up thing so they didn't want you to get like he literally got thrown to the ground from right to left they were moving early on and he had a long run correct right to left they were going towards the non tunnel side and he was if this is is the play that I'm talking about you are he clearly had it punched out at the end yes it was at the end of the play but the DB chasing him literally punched it out the peanut punch and it came out oh I did not see that yes I I literally I saw a whole like scuffle at the end because he oh wait this might be it okay literally I found a video I found a video uh thank you to Trey white for vzna so okay yes it was Trey wde for vzna yes he is running and yes you are correct that Christian Benford did punch out at the end wow I am literally learning this on the podcast because from my you can see me in this video holy crap you can see me in this video and I see him go to the ground and the whistle get blown but the ball definitely comes out yeah okay well that's been an issue that has been an issue then adds even more fuel to the fire which is interesting because I would said wait hold on I got to mute that I had it on my computer so I could watch it now I'm going to watch it here too yeah uh Trey white for vzna um thank you for having this video out because I did not see this angle from where I was the ball was at the 30 he has this he runs it to about the 15 and yes this would have been a fumble in a can I tell you what bothers me about this run this is such a thing that it's a thing but it's me it's a coaching Point put the ball in your outside arm why is he carrying the ball on his left arm he car it inside his left arm yes see put it in your outside arm yes like you should not that's now I'm not telling you that you can't punch it out the other way but it's way harder for Benford to get to that arm than it is to get to the inside arm well that's just angles it's just like it's you can't go through somebody to get to their arm if you can't touch the ball you got that's the a coaching point I guarantee you guarantee you that's the first thing that Kelly Skipper told him besides hold on to the damn ball he said put it in your outside arm do you think though because I did I not knowing this ball hit the deck I said that I think he does have the inside track to be the backup running back because Tai Johnson has been unavailable so far yes and I thought that they were very close would you agree with that or would you think that because they have not had any of these issues with Tai Johnson he would just immediately step back in and be their quote number two running back Ray Davis Kind of a lot with their first I think Ray Davis given his draft status and how they've been using him I still think he's the front runner for that job yet okay I agree but yes there have been concerns because I didn't even know about the concern from tonight and there had been other instances at least two of them that I can think of where the ball has been fumbled and that's not good so that definitely is something that needs to be cleaned up that is a tad concerning anything else anything you want to get to um I don't think so other than hold on 7:30 on a Friday night no no no so Hall of Fame game real quick did you watch any of it did you see the kickoffs I did you think I still I still don't understand why you don't just kick it out of the back of the end zone and just give it to a team at the 30 yard line I feel like teams are going to get good at this and they're going to figure out blocking formations and they're going to hit the hole and somebody's going to break off a big run I will say it did exactly what it was supposed to do I did not look away now I know it's something new but I was engaged the minute the broadcast came back on I'm staring at it I want to see what happens but if I was a special teams coordinator I would just be like all right Tyler kick it through the back of the end zone every single time we will give them the ball at the 30 we are not risking giving up a big the other thing too is like if you get past the last line of the defense then it's up to your kicker yeah Tyler the way it is now anyway sure before that I should say well yeah sure but like even more so because those guys are so much further ahead of where the kicker is it'll literally the open field it'll be the kicker and nobody else around and the kickers are just going to get demolished it's going to be really interesting and if you're going to the game next Saturday the bills against the Bears first preseason game you're going to see kickoffs because I'm telling you right now they're not going to be kicking it through the end zone in preseason they need to do R they want to try they want to try that's right they want to see what they can do they're going to do roster evaluation they're also not going to do anything super creative on the kickoffs of preseason they don't want to show their right it's gonna be very does Caleb Williams play play next week you think he has I think he does I think he does um he didn't play on Thursday night in the Hall of Fame game I think he plays next week but you never know they might wait a couple weeks even to put him in he is the starter for them yeah um for you because you can see me and anybody who's watching this on YouTube I have a white undershirt on right here and a black polo I have my black Channel 7 Polo what does this outfit make you think of because somebody at training camp said oh you look like a I look like a what do I look like I mean a priest no yeah they said I look like a priest because of the white collar and the black shirt so I was like wow look at that wow yeah so you did you bless practice I I did not but fun fact I have officiated a wedding I'm Catholic so I know that's very I I know you know officiating a wedding is not quite the same criteria as a PRI you were the did you you read The Vow is that what you mean by that officiate no like I like legally married two people yeah yeah they did their own vows I didn't have to do that but you know brothers and sisters were gathered here today that whole thing my best friend from high school and growing up I've known him for I'm 51 I've known him for 45 years uh he officiated he married us in our wedding oh beautiful and that's because in Florida you just have to be a notary to do it oh no kidding really that is not what has to happen here unless you have like a I guess unless you have I'm not a really religious person so I'm guessing if IID had a if we had had a really Catholic wedding it might have been different I'm not sure where yours probably was so I don't really know the logistics of that all I know is legally just being a notary allowed him to do it yeah I well if you tell me any different then I haven't actually been married for 21 years and you're gonna blow my mouth it's okay exactly well like in New York state I had to like fill out something online and say that I'm you know basically an ordained minister but from you know I'm Catholic my wife's Catholic we got married in a Catholic Church there are a lot of things you have to do to get married in a Catholic Church including pre which was like an eight hour process of a Saturday before the wedding itself actually happen so yeah it's a it's a little different than just the uh showing up are you gonna be at practice Sunday and Monday this week I will be there Monday I'm not going Sunday and then that means that there will only be there's only four practices left so they practice Sunday with fans Monday no fans close to the public off day Tuesday Wednesday Thursday their last two days off Friday practice or uh preseason game number one next Saturday so I'll be there Monday Monday Wednesday Thursday is my plan all right well Matt has a great team over at WKBW TV channel 7 covering uh practice so you can follow along with them as well Paul Hamilton's going to be covering Sunday for me I have a baseball tournament to coach actually this weekend so I won't be there Sunday I'll be back at practice on Monday so next time you and I get together will be Monday after practice I guess maybe we can do something like this again let's do it all right thanks a lot for tuning in to it's always game day in Buffalo please don't forget you could subscribe to us wherever you pod any of the audio places where you do that that's where we are and of course video s Sports on YouTube thanks again

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