Isaiah Rodgers OUT vs the Packers! Kelee Ringo gets a bigger role + more injury news!

what's up guys Thomas M here joined by Josh Davis jumping on for some breaking Eagle news about 24 hours more like 28 hours away at least as filming this from the Eagles first week one match up versus the Green Bay Packers and Josh it's not good injury news and it's kind of surprising again we didn't really see this one coming as I pull it up on our screen right now and you see it here Isaiah Rogers he is officially out he is not going to play in what would have been his debut in Philadelphia's first game in a over a calendar year tomorrow night against the Green Bay Packers yes uh very devastated I mean obviously would be to begin with but then the story lines of him being forever um satting out for sitting out for a year and the excitement there we obviously having talked to him previously uh multiple times but you know getting to know him just the personality The Vibes of the squad all all things like that and then not to mention you know just the benefit to the team to have more depth in the secondary um I'm sure we're gonna get into thoughts and takeaways as well of we shouldn't sound the alarms we shouldn't freak out thankfully because we do have the depth uh but yeah you know it's it's not one of the ones that you want to start out with because we had talked about you know previously with Devin White and the situation there that was kind of unexpected this one was even more so because yes we had limited practices but there never seemed to be anything at all out there of like you know oh well maybe there's more so fear or concern that uh Isaiah Rogers may not end up playing or may not end up uh getting in any action you know let alone being being ruled out so uh it's unfortunate it's sad but I guess you know to ask you and for those people out there wondering because I know that we're going to get lots of questions and comments and this was my first takeaway is okay so who is going to be yeah outside and what does that change how does that change the alignment uh for the defense in your mind well first off just to kind of comment on the idea of it being a surprise divon white did not travel with the football team and that was kind of the main indicator a couple of days ago he wasn't on the Wednesday flight over Z Rogers what Z Rogers there's video of him boarding the plane heading down to Brazil and so was it the walk through today cuz they got to walk around Corinthian stadium and kind of go through at least what I assume was some sort of minor little if it even was a practice or just kind of a get acclimated with the stadium sort of situation was it by then was it kind of like coming down to the wire and they had to make a call and so they go ahead and Rule him out either way this doesn't seem to be significant longterm we don't really know the Del Devon white scenario but it's still a tough blow for a guy who we both not only really like personally but think he makes the Eagles defense way way better and now to answer the main question everyone has what do you do here quinan Mitchell I wouldn't be too surprised if they put him on the outside it really depends on how Vic fangio views Mitchell versus Ringo the only question I have Josh is if you do go quinan on the outside which they did a lot during training camp he was not just the nickel cornerback who then becomes the nickel is it Devonte Maddox that would be the obvious answer is it Cooper deine getting some run there as a rookie let's just say they put quinon on the outside which I think they'll probably do key just to kind of make things you know a little bit more fluid if you put Quin on the outside is it Maddox or is it Dee or somebody else playing nickel gosh that's a very difficult question because because quite honestly I want it to be Cooper to jeene and if we're fast forward like four weeks from now or maybe even a shorter timeline but certainly like four weeks from now then I go yeah it's Cooper de jeene like that's no-brainer there yeah but remembering that Vic fangio even said Cooper de jeene is improving but he's not where he needs to be yet seems to suggest you're not really going to throw him out there in terms of starter role um at the nickel so I think I'm with you also on the thought of all right it's going to be in the nickel package quinon Mitchell will be inside and then you'll have ke Ringo outside however if you don't have if you don't go nickel and you're in a base situation where you don't have to have any more than two corners on the field it's kind of crazy to think about this I mean fio said it multiple guys have said it before it's like you don't want to ask too much of a of a well a player to begin with but a rookie nonetheless but I think that you'll probably see if they go that route of hey quinon you're in the in the inside whenever you're in the nickel and then on the outside whenever we're in the base if you're not having any of those others so uh you ask a lot I mean that's why you draft a first round corner but you know it's not going to be a an ease into the position of saying hey you know what you're G to just play inside this game uh don't worry about too many uh you know changes of position you're going to get every single thing from quinan Mitchell and having to move him all over the field and I mean I hope that we don't have to go to that route because you know no offense to Avante Maddox but he hasn't gotten hardly any snaps from all reports at the the nickel in the slot since what what are we talking about maybe the first couple days of practice in training camp other than that it was like hey go be a safety so it's not that he can't move in there I know he has plenty of reps and I'm not saying that but ideally you you you go with I assume qu Mitchell here and then hopefully Z is able to come back quickly Cooper de jeene gets caught up to speed and weeks Beyond this you know it's not as much of an issue but um you know lo and behold here we are we're talking about some sort of secondary issue but the positive that we say and we've said it number times at least we're in this position now that we were last year because if we had had one injury we'd be going oh my gosh you know because it was the constant theme with a secondary so at least you do have that depth but it is just a little bit I don't know ironic if I guess is the correct word there of that we're sitting here haven't even played a game yet and we go oh well there you go there's there's a linebacker out you know wondering what we're going to do there and what's going to happen at the the slot position so I don't know it's power for the course some people say here also I saw a comment is ridiculous but the uh the Eagles apparently try to trade Isaiah Rogers you know to try to throw fuel on the fire as far as the Deon white you know so that is not true that's that's sarcasm just for people that may hear that and try to freak out you're just joining us Isaiah Rogers he's officially out with that hand injury I saw question asking uh did this just randomly pop up on the flight no he's been Limited in practice for a couple of practices over the course of the week and so I guess just not good enough again he did fly down there he is in Brazil and so it must have been kind of a game time decision and obviously you got to rule people out at least the day before the game actually takes place per NFL rules and so they had to kind of make a call right now uh and not let him at least go put him on the final injury report if they want to activate somebody else to take his spot right you could wait until the actual kickoff and then say he can't go but then you can't activate somebody to go ahead and fill his spot so that's kind of the the reasoning here on why this happens I also see a super chat here from Jeremy said I heard it's Q starting outside with Maddox at nickel I just saw an Andrew Deo tweet saying it will likely be key Ringo on the outside with quinon at the nickel although my base assumption here with the same word base defense Q on the outside nickel defense which they're going to run a ton of tomorrow night Q goes to the inside and then Ringo goes to the outside right that's that's the main expectation and I saw the same thing from uh John McMullan as well so I I feel like that's the multiple guys standard line of thinking would be you go key and quinon Mitchell um I have not again could be wrong Maybe Jeremy that there's something out there it maybe it ends up being true I have not seen anything yet um same deal as you just going through uh Twitter which of course you know this is coming from the interns of those writers because they can't actually tweet this out from Brazil unless they're using a VPN but uh from what we've got so far it does sound like it's a key Ringo situation and uh you know an opportunity for him quite honestly because we talk about the same thing for ncoe Dean but you know hey if if ke Ringo was not expected to get the start it was going to be Isaiah Rogers from most all rep reports you know it it's just one game but if he goes out there and he plays really well then all of a sudden do you have a bigger question it's a good problem to have I suppose but all of a sudden you have a guy who played himself into a starting role maybe so I that's just another thing to keep an eye on but you got to at least like his size when we talk about the matchups for the Packers uh that is a benefit for ke Ringo and what he brings to the table so uh we'll see should be good here's an update from Jeff mlan he was asked Ringo or Q on the outside he says both queen and the slot though and nickel so looks like they're going to kind of roll with the punches play the hot hand depending on what defense they're in but again we assumed that they would basically be playing a lot of nickel the Packers run a lot of three wide receiver looks a lot of four wide receiver looks as well and so Quan Mitchell is going to be I mean baptism by fire here Josh this is going to be a real test for the rookie now playing even more than he was expected and now you got to kind of think about he was probably prepping in terms of game prep and film prep and everything for the Packers as their main nickel I mean I'm sure he was dabbling in what it takes to be the outside cornerback tomorrow but really his Focus was on being the nickel because Rogers had won the outside job and now he's got to kind of Crash Course himself not really because he obviously plays basically solely on the outside of Toledo but there's probably some extra studying tonight to make sure that he feels confident whether he is in a base defense on the outside a nickel or dime defense on the inside and so again everyone raved about him during training camp and now it's his time to go ahead and shine yeah and he's going to have uh quite a bit on his plate with which you know I guess that's why you're drafting me as a first-r draft pick but it's it's still one of those situations like I mean even if we're not talking about just a a football position really like I think about it in terms of you know even in your your everyday life everyday job if you if you plan on one particular responsibility one particular task and then you go ahead and say oh this is what you're going to do differently it does shake some things up now that's not to say that we we already heard the reports of like hey fio is are going to try to get him out there for as many snaps as possible because he's phenomenal and he's got a ton of potential but at least the beauty is he's getting those reps against AJ Brown against Devonte Smith in the slot or in the slot and on the outside so there's there's nothing in terms of just you know sheer ability Talent skill anything like that that's going to have him you know just kind of a fish out of water or intimidated anything of of that nature but it's just more so on the fly in quick situations if they're trying to make adjustments quickly get a guy on the field okay move into the slot like processing wise you know is is there a little bit of rust is there a little bit of oops okay he's out of position because he's trying to go from one position to the next very quickly that's the part that we don't know but I mean ultimately I think that he's going to be fine and there's lots of hype around qu y Mitchell um it's just you know here we are and uh for people that are freaking out it's it's not it is news but come on we've got this this is not a say no I guess no offense I shouldn't say this but it's it's not us saying like hey we got Bradley Roby coming in here for right like this is this is qu Mitch is a little bit more than that so I think we'll be okay let's just go ahead and do a little of big J journalism here I have pulled up the eagles's most recent tweet which you see on your screen right now I have paused it that is Isaiah Rogers next to quinan Mitchell walking onto Corinthian stadium in South Pao air three to four hours ago he's putting on some sort of brace sleeve I can't tell if that's an elbow sleeve it doesn't look like any sort of hand sleeve it's pretty wild that he looks good to go here in terms of a hand injury and then they're ruling him out at the very end it's just fascinating to me and you'd love to know exactly what the extent of this injury is a lot of times quarterbacks will kind of wrap things up and they will try to go ahead and play I know it's harder to intercept a football but you know if it's not that bad you could put a wrap on it put a brace on it and just play you know bat the ball away but if the Eagles want to do a lot of press man get your hands on Christian Watson and Romeo dos then that can be a little bit more of a problem so they feel confident enough and the guy standing next to them again in the video a couple of minutes ago uh and qu joh Mitchell getting ready obviously in 27 not in his usual 30 during training camp after zachman ferson was cut but I think the confidence is obviously going to be just fine for a guy like Mitchell I have no issues with qu Mitchell rolling out there and maybe this is just his coronation maybe this is the real coming out party where it might have been suppressed a couple of weeks with less snaps in the nickel now you roll out there Josh you get an interception you ball out against a pretty good receiving courts not Justin Jefferson or Tyreek Hill but if he shuts down Christian Watson if he goes one-on-one versus Romeo dobs the cameras are going to be all over him it could it I mean it could really start to boost that aura around quinan Mitchell that already seems to be so high oh without a doubt yeah because again you talk about all those assets of it but also you're you're in Prime Time action where the rest of League everyone is going to be watching you it's Friday Night Football Friday Night Lights in Brazil so if you make a statement I mean you're going to be making plays hopefully but if you're doing it both on the outside and the inside I mean we can guarantee ourselves that coming into the game the the pre-production work that goes into a broadcast is already like okay who we're gonna talk about you know highlight players all this other stuff so Q was on the map like Q was going to get his FaceTime and his screen time but this just heightens it I mean it's to another level because the same NBC production is going to be like oh you got a rookie here that's going to play multiple positions yeah they will absolutely be highlighting quinon Mitchell so if he goes out there and balls out he will 100% he's already on the radar for some people but he's going to Skyrocket because it's still you know like you say not a Justin Jeffers it's not the cream of the crop for for talent but but to do that first game NFL action in Brazil I mean there there's not a lot of other I guess you know wrenches or uh changes that you could throw at a player in that sense and be like okay there you go there's your first welcome to the NFL moment um and you're going to play both positions as much as possible K if you're just joining us here injury report is officially out obviously no Devon white he didn't fly down there no Isaiah Rogers either he was limited all week with a hand issue he was at Corinthian Stadium a couple of hours ago he obviously flew down to Brazil as well and he is not going to go ahead and play and the early reports right now based on people in the know and on the ground in terms of Team reporters that will be key Ringo on the outside in nickel and dime and obviously if they want to go quarters coverage as well but then of course if they're in base defense it'll be quinan on on the outside and then Quin will go to the uh the slot or the nickel position in a nickel defense or a dime defense so they're going to be moving people around credit to hoe Roseman he did see last year that when one starting quarterback went down when Darius Slay missed games it was like oh boy we are in deep trouble we have a lot of confidence in this Eagle defense and I see a lot of people worried about the eagle defense I I think they're going to beat just fine I mean this is not like key Ringo was some sort of fourth string scrub all training camp long this was a battle with quinan Mitchell the entire training camp Josh I mean we every week it was like key starts today then there was Isaiah then quinon and then slowly maybe the kind of you know pieces were to fall but all reports including the preseason action had key Ringo looking really really really really good definitely yes and remember that you know AJ Brown's talking about keer Ringo even as as well as early as last year saying like hey he's got all pro potential and that just increased for training camp of you know him like hey who's a guy that really gives you some trouble or every once a while give you some fit like hey key Ringo like he makes plays he plays physical he can you know the the fluidity of his hips which were concerned by a lot of people changed that dynamic because he got a lot of Praise coming into it as well as far as uh competition for that outside spot so I think it's it's uh it's twofold there because we're going to actually get to see it we've heard rumors seen very small glimpses the Eagles open practice training camp and things like that but to actually see it now and you would imagine he's going to get a bulk of the snaps on the outside because just the way that the Packers like to do their alignment you're going to assume fangio is going to play in the nickel quite a bit so ke will be out there and you get to see does he live up to the hype can he continue to play better and and you know transition into that second-year player that we hope that he can be uh but he did play you know fairly good it was spotty last season but it's a different defensive coordinator it's a different defense everyone knows that so I'm excited to see the potential I'm not concerned I've seen a few comments as well just you know like hey what are we going to do with Kil Ringo out there but it's it's a different team Al together and I think the cohesiveness of the group combined with fangio you know say we will about like a lot of rotation and and you know hey this guy's playing first oh this guy's rotating playing first SE now it's second string third getting them all different types of action well you know there's a reason why they do that it's not the best case scenario when you say it's for an injury basis but you're going to be more confident going into that situation I think we're going to be okay um you know ultimately I would just say that like this this is not I I think I saw a comment earlier too this is not the same situation as last year right like we are seeing some injuries I I am not freaking out there's not a major concern here I'm not going like oh my gosh like this game just got so much more difficult did it get a little bit more difficult okay maybe but we have a lot of depth in the secondary so I'm not too concerned there it's a difference of last year where I didn't have beliefs with the starters out there let alone once we try to go into the the you know backups now I've got a more belief in the starters there are some question marks out there that we do need to see them prove it but again we remember that Vic fangio is a little bit of a defensive coordinator or a little bit different of a defensive coordinator than a Matt Patricia or Shawn decide I don't know it's an obvious statement there but we're going to be okay we're going to be fine not according to the comments section Josh D Jackson says the defense is going to be very disappointing we have no pass for us terrible linebackers and now we down starters not even we haven't even kicked yet can we let's be glass half full until they prove us not to actually believe it's a glass half full situation I think they're going to be please just fine just fine it's going to be okay oh my goodness yeah people are already freaking out and listen the eagle offense scores 30 points tomorrow they're winning this game regardless of how the defense plays right and we said this last night during our live stream a top 15 defense the 15th ranked defense in the National Football League Pass coverage pass rush run defense makes sure that Philadelphia is a very very good football it's 12- win football team with a mediocre defense because the offense will be top five we know that and the defense last year was bottom third of the league 30 second in pass coverage worst than titties given up to receivers you just make that average instead of worst than the league and this team goes from double digit wins to probably double digit wins but looking a little bit more better I guess doing it I want to get your thoughts on this too I I totally agree I want to get your thoughts though also because this game to me it starts with the at least as far as the defensive side it starts with stopping the Run game right so if we're looking at the Packers here and Josh Jacobs and what they want to do secondary sure that matters like we could go into some of these injuries and say okay how are these guys going to play but ultimately if you come out and you're able to stop the run you make them onedimensional then we should be okay so going into it I I see the comments and you mentioned those two when you look at the squad here like there is reason to be optimistic about this as far as okay hey you know what to expect fangio has mentioned in some pressures but do you see any issues as far as run defense goes too because I mean I know it's all in Tandem and there's a marriage between the pass coverage the secondary the run defense everything there but like ultimately where where would we fall within the run defense I mean I don't think that Isaiah Rogers playing would have made a big difference here Jordan Davis and Jaylen Carter got to be great tomorrow night and Bryce Huff again the big knock can he play against the Run can he play without quinnon Williams again he was pretty good in his very limited preseason action but show us you can stop the run Jordan loves a great quarterback nobody is arguing that the media is telling you he's an MVP but they're going to try and run the football like crazy with Josh Jacobs tomorrow do they want Josh Jacobs to have 25 carries for 135 yards and two touchdowns if that happens they're probably winning that football game if it doesn't and they force Jordan love to drop back and pass 40 plus times with the Eagle Pass fresh that I think is going to be pretty good I think jayen Carter is going to ball out I think Bryce Huff is going to have a ton of one-on-one opportunities they can win this game and so Rogers being out stinks just from a standpoint of a couple of things he did win the starting job so he technically was your second best quarterback behind SLE and we obviously know him personally we've hung out with him multiple times at least on live streams in person and then obviously it was his comeback day right this was his time to come back he been out of the National Football League for over a calendar year now he has to wait one more week for the probably the opener you know next Monday night so not that big of a deal that's the bummer there from a pure game standpoint this is still virtually the same defense and again if quinon Mitchell is the next s Garder if he's the next Patrick ceran and it's just a matter of getting him some reps then you just anoint him now see what happens and he gets his you know trial by fire and learns and gets better and better as the games go on so it's a bummer but it is definitely not the worst thing in the entire world totally with you yes okay that's why you drafted a first round corner and a second round corner but just not there because of the hamstring so I don't I really don't think that we'll see him play many snaps he could get in a few if you're just spelling somebody or you know just just a random occurrence but fangio again let's be honest fangio is brutally honest in his pressors and he's going to call it like he sees it so for him to go out there and say you know what cp's not ready he's not where we want him to be uh but he can be and he's improving it's like all right you know what hey maybe it's next week maybe it's a couple weeks but it's the beauty of having the backups it's the beauty of having dep in the secondary it's going to be fine and I'm again totally with you on that because you drafted Q for the reason of being a playmaker they very much believe in him um and he's only proven that continuing on I mean you go further and further but if you watch the press press conferences or you remember in sequential order it was like okay Q's doing good and then okay Q is playing phenomenal all right now he's trash talking AJ Brown and Devonte Smith now he's getting some Kudos from them too so it's continued an upward Trend yes you want to see it obviously against you know opposite competition but you know I mean everyone on the chat here would would agree with this because it's like it's AJ and Smitty you're not going to get a better talented better reps one-on-one every single day in day out of practice than against these guys on the receiver core so he's he's fine defense is going to be good um and and I'm excited I think that they'll I think they'll surpass most expectations I don't think that there's like crazy high expectations understandably but I think we're just to average out what the basic expectations are for this defense I think they'll surpass that actually because you know people may be sleeping on that are just not sure what this team's going to be but they're they're going to be good let's at least acknowledge the fact that Cooper de is still going to play tomorrow night whether it's just in special teams just as a gunner when you get to Dime coverage does he come in and play kind of the other nickel quarterback slot the other you know side of quan Mitchell probably so I mean I think he's going to go ahead and definitely play and again he was looking really good during OTAs beat a long time ago but then he has the injury for training camp it stuns the growth a little bit but you got to believe the past two weeks really the past four weeks because we've had kind of this middle two we buy after training camp was over getting ready for the game he's been working his butt off to go ahead and get as close to being ready as possible and I know I see comments saying he's still not ready he might not be at 100% of the player he can be his rookie season that still doesn't mean he's a bad player he was fantastic obviously in college drafted in the second round some thought he could be a first round pick and so he will contribute as well and so when you have comments like bird gang saying I thought we were young at uh we we want a young Corners playing um we are having young Corners playing right like that's that's Isaiah Rogers is Young they're all young except for darus slle and Josh let's at least acknowledge another name James Bradberry remains on this roster obviously in an injured standpoint but if you were to have problems going down the line you can move him back to cornerback they have so much depth not just for this game on Friday but going forward that they're going to be just fine everyone's freaking out they're going to be just fine yeah yeah we'll be okay that that's see that's the thankful part right there it's it's and I we appreciate the two um yeah I don't exactly understand the young comment because it's not like we are saying James Bradberry is the guy who's coming in here and starting at that other spot so um whether it is someone who's a little bit more of a veteran like Isaiah Rogers or it's a which we'll actually see Queen Mitchell key Ringo again remember key Ringo is younger than most guys that got drafted this past year like he's a really young player so I don't know if that's the comment referring to uh but either way yeah you've got players of the future and you know again it's just kind of a an extra leg up on the competition or in terms of the market in general just thinking about the quarterback Market but you know shout out to Patrick ctan you know good for him resetting the quarterback Market uh the money that he got in his deal with the Broncos but here you have Howe Roseman and drafting the corner in quinon Mitchell you have quinon Mitchell and Kayla Ringo on rookie deals and yet you know you got a lot of payment for cornerbacks but this is for the Future these guys are going to be the answer hopefully could be should be Isa at some point whenever he gets back but it's yeah definitely the youth and a lot of development and you know slay out there as well right like we'll see he's he had the surgery late last year he said that he's feeling spry he's feeling better than he has in a long time um to have that leadership as far as you know just how to play the corner position mentorship of Q which Q's spoken very highly of that's another aspect of it as well so um I'm interested to see that but the jelling of the team especially within the secondary I think is something that'll be very different from what we saw last last season um and you know just not many I guess not near as many concerns you know beforehand where it was like what are we going to do it's going to be the same old same old I I think it'll be drastically different uh from what we saw beforehand let's wrap up with some super chats here Brian Pumper says calling it out Cooper to gets a pick and says Jordan Morgan over me book it there's a good one I wouldn't mind uh that happening at least the interception part and then bird gang says point was aimed at the fans who are freaking out okay I understand now I was going to say we weren't really saying anything yeah that makes way more sense way more sense okay we appreciate everyone in the chat yeah sometimes we can't get to all the comments and so then it it seems like it's either for our conversation or some of those but totally understandable we appreciate it keep in mind we'll be live tomorrow night for the entire game broadcasting it here on both of our channels hopefully the best Eagles broadcast you guys can find on the entire internet if you don't want to pay for peacock which I don't blame you on that one we'll be here go hit that subscribe button if any other news happens between now and kickoff we'll jump on for lives as we always do first people to have all the latest and breaking news here on YouTube regarding your Philadelphia Eagles we're going to wrap up here about 25 minutes for Josh Davis I'm Thomas M signing off the birds are going to be just fine we still predicting a win hopefully Isaiah Rogers gets better we're looking forward to seeing him play hopefully next Monday night which we'll cover as well but uh that remains to be seen go Birds they're gonna be just fine there you go good Birds

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Category: Sports

Intro noobe dean this is your chance don't let us down dallas still stinks yo by the way c dig by here we make sure to subscribe got breaking news breaking news breaking mother huming news and this is huge gigantic earth shattering possible news as the eagles are going to be without devin white in brazil... Read more

Eagles Looking To Make SHOCKING TRADE? Devin White BENCHED And OUT! + Saquon Barkley HYPE Is Real! thumbnail
Eagles Looking To Make SHOCKING TRADE? Devin White BENCHED And OUT! + Saquon Barkley HYPE Is Real!

Category: Sports

Intro wow so we just got some shocking news ahead of  the eagles opener vers the packers as not only   is linebacker devon white surprisingly out for  the week one match up with an injury but some   unexpected reports have come out suggesting that  white may have actually lost his starting job even... Read more

Eagles Stars SPEAK OUT on growing concerns in Brazil for Packers game… thumbnail
Eagles Stars SPEAK OUT on growing concerns in Brazil for Packers game…

Category: Sports

Intro the eagles just pulled the trigger on a former alabama star who somehow just got cut way too early plus a lot's going on in brazil right now leaving aj brown devonte smith and now cj garner johnson to be a little outspoken about playing in south america also we got our first look at johan doson... Read more