Debate WIN Vs Team Fatty On Redpill/Manosphere & SpeakEazy COPE Stream Featuring Christina C!

the internet groups of people from all over the world gather to share ideas tell stories and debate on streamyard dedicated hosts gather these people on open Panel these panelists are community members just like you and me they thrive in drama these are their stories hello welcome welcome how's everybody doing we got a on the way and we will be sharing our on screen chat specifically with The Untouchables uh that's Fatty's Community my social stream has merged the two chats so if you're watching at least from my POV you should be able to see them both simultaneously I actually just want to double check that but um yeah we'll just uh we're just hanging out waiting for things to get fired up and started here so um yeah hopefully everyone's doing okay hi Cynthia hi Ruby we're gonna have some fun fatty hi Lauren canle I'm late never as late as you my friend this will be an interesting discussion um to be honest I have not done a lot of prep um I have not done any prep I don't think my positions have changed on the topic of the the manosphere in a long time I still feel pretty consistent in the way that I feel about the movement as a whole um my personal goal for this stream is to not call somebody the arser uh if I can get through two hours in a debate of not using that word for me that's a W uh All Things Considered I think it'll be pretty good I don't I don't anticipate it getting sour or anything um I've debated fatty before on multiple different platforms it has a tendency to get a little heated but it's never that serious so um I'm not super worried just got a few more minutes until um until this [ __ ] kicks off so let me just uh switch screens here and uh and yeah we'll get to before it starts I want to thank everybody that took care of my brother MVP player one $450 raised for his birthday yesterday I appreciate you once again thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much we kind of chill a little bit in August trying to get things going back again bring you a little bit more serious content and go from there still trying to upgrade software hardware and all that so please be patient we need to figure some things out on the back but as soon as we can make it we're are going to be more consistent morning night midnight I don't know so I appreciate you being here we're going to have a lot of fun N I have no idea where you at you are at like 9 is literally in the chat he like saying hello what's up F weren't you supposed to be a moderator you was today L you're fired oh it's me it was me I sent him a message saying I'll be doing one on Friday at 3 pm Pacific let me play it for me I'm sorry I was I was N I was so worried that you didn't get the right tower in the Pacific time that I I made a mistake by the time but n uh check your email please check the garbage we have a forth moderator on Friday show I I'll I'll I'll integrate you but if actually dope so just pay attention to the show take your notes if you can and if there's a replacement moderator I'll bring you up as a for moderator and Friday start apologize brother but thank you very much it was my I was cursing you out but it was my fault okay and thank you very much to the 100 people already watching n has bunch of them on their side too we're at Double streaming so not as much we we are going it's almost there we are going to stop here and there to make sure that they are taking care of uh I don't know why are you Tweeting from that um not tweeting messaging from that um Channel n but I hope your original channel is okay I will be pumping to The Links of the content creators right now NE Mr Gray p and Nino AR do you want anything do have anything to promote are you good uh no I'm good okay R is the humble one so please every time I pump the links please go ahead and click on them and if you can support ni to because she is doing a pro bono so I appreciate yall Doris my Grandma thank you very much dories I appreciate you and I hope you have a safe trip to New York thank you thank you thank you so you think you're untouchable another one fine manin and friends we're going to stop reading the super chats for now as you know the debates we saved them for the last 30 minutes and after the show so let me read this one and then let's get it out of the way Jay the member of the Untouchable Empire baby for four months says the man of sections that are woman atter spookies incels M TOS Etc suck for sure I'm just saying I everyone i j oh man hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey just to remind everyone thank you very much for the 360 people or 70 that joined our this card red lipstick Vibes in Jamaica are going to do some Fitness classes I as you can see I'm not an expert but if you want to join and you want to do a little bit of exercise and you need a little bit of company every morning they got you so before further Ado let me introduce the moderators SL judges and my opponent today we have Nino nation in the building what's up Nino what's going on I hope you're doing good thank you for being here sir I appreciate you we have a not as known person is from the Valhalla side okay trying to integrate a little bit both spaces wakanda and Valhalla this is the one and only arnet arnet how you doing sir what is up how you doing yeah they by the way that they they can clearly see that you're white you say what is up not white Patty that was you're not white I'm not white D she educated it's it's it's it's the colonialism in me I'm sorry I apologize school for years B everyone thinks it so it's you and great pilkins can can trick a lot of people can trick a lot I would I would I would hire you for my call center I'll guarantee you okay thank you very much I appreciate you and my man great team thank you very much for being and finally finally finally my opponent today the infamous Infamous famous and Infamous NE hello it's been a while it's been a while since you debated on your channel it's not been a while but oh it's been forever i' swor off it I said I'd never come back and here I am yeah because you are afraid of Ali we know don't worry about it Ali is not here today I told bie I was like if you get ally as a moderator I'm canceling dead ass he didn't he didn't tell me at the beginning who his mod was going to be and he was being you know why I was being kind of not so good on the communication but I thought he was gonna like surprise Ali as a or something I I I actually like the uphill bottle and once again I know Ali gave you PTSD on the last encounter that you had with him on Sara because he [ __ ] you up real bad it was one of the first times that like damn if you have no push today damn it got joke's funny I'll laugh if you make a funny joke I'll laugh you know I just saying kind of kind of to piece you there so like just prepare for the next type because you guys are going to see each other again I guarantee that will happen but today we're going to have little little bit of fun and we are going to debate the manosphere so is the manosphere does the manosphere sucks or not does the manosphere brings a net positive on this place in this place I'm going to be the yes he does and if he's going to get the other position so he can actually go back and forth attack and defense and is's not only one person to make sure that we have um a healthy back and forth right now let me just make sure that we get the rules going so give me one second and I have to do what I have to do and Mr Kajun dark fire don't forget the back hey Kajun you said that you are going to arrange that [ __ ] I have an email I have a Discord I have mail you can send me a letter too so arrange that I'll show up do what I need to do and move along so let's get to the rules of the debate and let's get started welcome everyone to the official debate section of the charter review all right I didn't come here to argue with you oh yes you did we're having a debate debate ain't nothing but an argument thank you very much and uh you're a btle Mr Carville uh we have no response that was perfect so just to make sure the rules when it comes to money come from each side so if you want to support NE and you want to send that way I will read them to and I will activate the triggers for the show today today the debate as two hours the bate official clock okay we are going to just just do opening statements and then we go back and forth on the first hour an alha of the debate the last 30 minutes are reserved for y'all and for the moderators to give push back okay in case of TI we go extra 15 minutes like rapid fire questions so we can untie the results it's not going to be a tie I think but we're going to go from where okay so how can the public interact with us the ones that we don't use a lot is the Google The Debaters can stop the clock one time to question the ver of r r statements so they can Google it chat GPT whatever it is what it is the other one is ask for a friend or someone in the audience to C up and 12 to help the debater that trigger this action for five minutes we never use that to but but the option is there and the three ones that we are going to use are this question from the chat crowd can ask questions by sending $20 Super Chat and up this is the important one by the time that we get to the last 30 minutes all the 20 $20 Super chats and up are going to be read so we can go through them and we can answer the questions next to the questions of the moderators the second one very popular one activate Shadow realm and now I bring your de with me with me sh the FL look the body sh the FL look the body sh the FL look the body the the sh the the sh the the sh the the as it says gloves off and no old bar for 20 minutes the clock stops the biter still can dodge question from their opponent and have to engage with each other okay so $100 to activate the Shad realm you can only use it once a show and finally finally finally bump a moderator bump a moderator $150 to trigger bump a moderator if you think they're doing a terrible job n is the fourth moderator so n gets the spot if during those five minutes nobody revive the moderator that was expelled night keeps the spot and the other moderator that was kicked off will finally get booted this can only be used once too so as long as soon as somebody plays to leave to uh make the moderator leave and then somebody brings it back it's over there's no overdue when we stay over there I think everything is kind of clear any doubt by the moderators judges and The Debaters nobody no sounds good damn you guys are quick learning so let me put the timer let me put the timer here we go and let's start the debate let's let's drop the cage will the please lock the cage doors at this time get the [ __ ] up Simon Says get the [ __ ] up you're going nowhere I got you for 3 minutes 3 minutes of play time I guess it's time to do it's time to n I'll give you the I'll give you the the initial statement yeah for sure don't be nervous okay ready okay how much time do I have all the time you want just see when I when I need to all the time you want this this go ahead you got this okay perfect uh so I am of the opinion uh that red the red pill Community uh the man Community it's generally speaking it's a misdiagnosis of an overarching issue um that issue generally being personal failures uh I think the red pill is a hug box perpetrated by hurt men to try and fixate on a scapegoat women rather than address their personal failures I think it's also socially irrelevant as evidenced by its creators uh people who have promoted the red pill have since failed on that rhetoric alone and are all moving away from women towards politics in general fresh and fit whatever podcast uh content creators like Donovan sharp are calling it quits alt together as he seems to be losing followers on the regular no longer being able to sustain rhetoric on women bad alone anymore the remaining rhetoric has since kind of tapered off and the weird cultural divide we have where YouTube Boomers inherit the bad talking points and fight meticulously over the scraps creators like grid One Motorsports Glenn Lawrence Speak Easy I think these people are all evidence to this fact uh overall I think that relationships are only as good as the participants and women should never try and sell men on their worth because if it doesn't already speak for itself know that there are men that value and entertain meaning relationships if you're tumbling through a rough patch dust yourself off and get back to yours uh again you should never try and sell a man on marriage uh there are men out there that value marriage and uh again I I think that somebody not buying into the idea on a premise on the onsite I think is already a massive play you should always keep that into consideration so like start there Paddy I don't know where you want to go over yes I my my opening statement is that um these people are forced to go into other places because they're been cancel by social media that is clearly biased towards leftist against people that have either more conser conservative views or more um uh let's go radical views that might not be radical at all because was things that were done in the past I think there's a bunch like when you demonetize somebody when you take their ability to actually monetize their uh content is normal that they're going to stay away from the content that is going to or their pockets and they're going to Verge into something that is more safe like politics going back to uh the manosphere and the red peill and all that I truly believe that the ideas and the concepts are more important than people I I can give advice on don't overeat don't spend $20 on on fast food per day don't go ahead and uh medicate yourself with food even though I am obese that doesn't actually impede my message I am obese and even then I can give good advice when it comes to food so I think what people do with this manosphere people is a purity test is you are not practicing What You Preach so your advice is not available and I think that's not fair because Americans talk about problems in Europe Europeans listen and criticize American Media there's a war now in Ukraine people that are not a part of the war on the other side of world world are talking about it I invest on the S&P 500 even though I'm not American there's a bunch of intersectionalities and on This Global Village and in my opinion the red pill space and the manosphere space actually is legit because there's no other place or there's no other replacement on this uh on this internet that we have just to finish my thought the same way I believe that there's a lot of people on the manosphere that grift and that's totally fair there's a lot of people that make careers out of going at red pill manosphere Hunters that's what I call them and I'm not going to drop names cuz all of us kind of know them but on the day that the manosphere and the red pill disappears they are going to disappear too because all these people know is what they don't like I don't like this I don't like that I don't like this the day that you actually force them to say what do you believe in then what are the solutions what do you think is actually is viable these people have nothing to show you because all their ideals is based on contct whatever the red pillar on the manosphere are pring and if the manosphere disappears they are going to lose their their job too because their only Talent is to say what they don't like they can never tell you what they like uh you have the floor I'm going to start the one minute timer okay and then it doesn't have to be rigid but uh it's just for us to establish like a little bit of structure if you uh want to over talk you a little bit is fine if I see a problem I you see a problem with it going long winded let me know go ahead yeah so I don't necessarily think that you need to contend with red pill talking points directly I think you just need to point out that a lot of the beliefs are evidenced by personal anecdotes and that in red pill communities they more than any other community online are more willing to accept the personal experiences of the men involved as fact I think there are multiple panel appearances multiple open panels where people are quick to pull up uh you know something as credible as a buzzfeed AR uh Buzz BuzzFeed article and then preach it as some sort of overarching uh you know idea that feminism or women or you know anti- red pill folk are pushing on the masses in the society I personally I'm of the belief that a lot of people who are in The Red Pill communities do do you want me to finish my sentence or you yeah no no you you can continue if I don't say nothing can you can Lally continue fine yeah so I think that a lot of these people are are who have previously been in the rip Hill communities are now realizing this are now becoming wise to this and recognizing that yeah like situating themselves in you know an echo chamber that really only serves to uh Mand andow negative emotion is not necessarily the most productive thing if they actually want to like do something productive with their Liv so so the red pill is not an echo chamber because Echo chamber don't allow opposing opinions and all these shows that you talk about actually allow opposing opinions to the point where people think they are targeting people that disagree with them just to make money it's not like feminism like if you go to any woman empowerment woman solution as soon as you start typing there and they see that you are a man you're either going to be block you're going to be bun you're going to be clown and they are going to look at your rhetoric as something that is descending so no is not a echo chamber everybody have a has a place here woman are welcome here feminists are welcome here only fan models are abundant on this place which would be the natural enemy because they kind of explore man they literally are here to explore man so I don't see it as an echo chamber at all because if there was an echo we have examples of echo Chambers and we see it on the other side this is the only space and this space is literally getting uh prosecuted by YouTube the FBI is doing some reports and paying on Onn to go ahead and do some reports this is the only space that actually men can go go ahead and exchange notes with each other and even if it's anecdotal evidence time time time are we gonna reset because you went over time yeah if can I can I address something that you said in your tun go ahead fine no it's fine okay uh so you you talked about uh you know the that I brought up some shows right so I brought up two shows specifically fresh and fit and whatever podcast and so they have pivoted from uh you know all women bad to moderated discussions on General polit like on like social issues politics etc etc and so I my my you know contention here is that the moderation exists when it's discussions between men so if it's like Destiny vers Andrew uh if it's has vers Andrew if it's uh you know like the moderation seems to exist U between those two individuals but when it's like one person and a group of women I understand that there's already like a six to one Dynamic so that you do have to compensate for one person fighting a group of people but aside from that there is no moderation men are just given the floor to like filibuster uh to straw man and to act in dishonest ways and they're not called out for consistency or for any sort of logical basis so do do you don't take think that the people that they are debating engag in the same type of behaviors the strong man the the solipsism make it about like do anid doal evidence say me and my friends are not like that like don't you think they don't do exactly the same thing I think that there uh I think that if you're on a whatever podcast if you're on fresh and fit you would be there to like break even or to defend your positions necessarily but that they don't share in the uh in the goal of the podcast and the goal of the podcast again seems to be to make as much money as possible you know diminishing women and uh trying to trigger the lips it seems right so yeah so the the question will be where are they lying right because I don't care about the intentions if like if we like all the time men be get sham because they're not tall enough they don't have money they they live in their mama house all that like where is the light like I think we were raised to think that woman were the um like the empathy the sex that had the gender that had empathy and at the end of the day that's ridiculous that's not true at all that's not true at all for example I saw yesterday a Ukrainian gold medalist on the Olympics that donated all the money that she got to dog shelters when our country literally is at War and men are dying every day all day on that country and they can't get away because they are obliged to stay there so when these things happen what is wrong with a bunch of men that have a bigger microphone point it out and say this is what's wrong with Society we need to fix this because woman have more empathy for animals than they have for us man what's the problem with that well they should represent the issues that they speak about and they should present it like with the best interest of the people they claim to defend right so they seem to be there as like Advocates and champions for the interest of men but what they're doing is they're setting up these men for really rigid and antisocial interactions with every day and normal people they're appealing to people with uh you know who already lack a social aptitude in the first place so I understand that but if you continue that thought process if you want the best for men if you want men to be able to retain their dignity and relationships if you want to set them up socially to be able to establish boundaries to protect their assets to protect their financial interests then what you need to do is you need to accurately represent the the issue and make sure that you're giving men the best you know uh you know the best lay of the land the best macroanalysis possible for addressing their personal issues so the question that I have is if the manosphere is not g making a good job I actually diagnosing these problems and giving Solutions who is who is like I we know Andrew Tate he he is is one of these these guys that have a like he he he literally is a drug manufacturer he will create the disease and they will make money on the backand by curing the disease he was a man that had um call centers not call centers but like webcam service where he was exploiting men he was pretending that the men were talking with woman when they actually was men talking to them and getting all the money he confessed that we understand there are Bad actors on the manosphere side and on like this type of environment right but once again I think his destructive criticism is not constructive criticism because everybody wants to say what you shouldn't be doing and where you shouldn't be going but they can give you uh alternative so who is this person that actually is giving good good advice and is not a part of the manosphere who is where is this place where we can now grab our bags and go well I think that that's going to be a personal Discovery in a personal Journey for each each person I know a lot of people aren't going to like this answer they might think it's a copout but I think that if you're on the internet looking for answers to your personal issues I mean I understand it's one thing to use Google and to look for solutions for you know the way that you're feeling your symptoms uh how to deal and manage your money that's one thing but if you're looking for a catch all Solution One Creator who's going to tell you how you want things to hear it is going to say women bad you're good you're just underappreciated then that's already a just a terrible terrible premise to be addressing your personal issues right you need to be honest about things and recognize that there is no creator online there is similar experiences that other people share absolutely if it's beneficial to you you should find those experiences and you know Bond over them but you shouldn't trauma bonds your entire personality around the idea that a woman has hurt you or women could hurt you so they are going to think that that the like they are not going to be happy with the the qu the the way that you answer because it was exactly because it was actually it was exactly what you did you didn't answer the question because it doesn't exist this place like this place doesn't exist this place where people need to go these man need to to have LT advice and it doesn't exist or this content creation they don't exist and is the double standard when woman can give advice about romantic breakups and how to get their favorite man and like the the man of their dreams and they can trauma Bond and they can exchange notes and nobody says nothing about it because they are saying oh this is nice because now we are more prepared to deal with men but when it comes to the other part there is nothing of that gender there's nothing on the internet that you can put out too and it's kind of hilarious that you are telling these men that they're getting poisoned by the internet and then as soon as we actually flipy then we say so where is this healthy environment where men can get advice it doesn't and you know why it doesn't exist because woman got rid of it go look at the reddits go look at YouTube channels they eliminated the pickup artist uh uh um gender inside of these YouTube streets so there's no place to go we are homeless and unfortunately nobody's offering his shelter yeah so there's the there's the false um what would you call it like the it's a fallacy I can't basically what basically what you're asserting here is if not the red pill another Community has to exist and what I'm saying is that if you're a man and you think that all of your issues will be mended and solved and addressed in a community specifically that will cater to your needs I'm saying that that's the issue that you believe that to be the case that you do not look for other Solutions you're focused on okay I need to be in a community that is going to make me feel better about X Y and Z that on itself is the issue personal issues are going to be catered to the individual so for sure find other men who have you know been in abusive situations with women understand like the the emotions and the circumstances behind that but then after focus on a solution and get on with your life stop focusing on other people's so this is where you're being disingenuous again right notice that you mention fresh and feet and and um uh whatever podcast and all these people they actually promote self improvement they call man fat they call man broke they call many nap they tell them to go to the gym they teach them to do uh better at finances how to invest their money how to optimize their looks all contrary on the feminism for example where women are perfect no matter what they do if they are fat love your curves if they have mean personality if he didn't love you at your best at your worst he doesn't deserve you at your best no matter if you live on your mama house no matter if you have no future no matter if you have a useless degree that side is not incentivizing woman to do nothing better for man the red pill and if you guys can conceive me one minute I would appreciate it the red pill actually is preparing men to get better for woman because if you think about it like think about it these men are hating woman right let's assume they are hating woman and they are coming here and they are leaving vicariously to towards myin kicking woman out and all that and he fine but at the end of the day these men are getting money for who for woman they are getting better looking and going to the gym for who for woman they are working at their game and working at their craft for who for woman so this space even though on the surface might look like he a woman eting Club all of those men are one blood job away from the plantation and I guarantee you these men are way going to be way better prepared to actually deal with the stresses of dealing with the woman day to day then the average citizen they never talk about never heard about woman on this type of uh contest and he's literally drifting and floating through air because he doesn't know what this woman actually wants or not like these Concepts exist for decades my first introduction to the red pill was a book uh called the manipulated Man by Esther V that is 50 years old and was wrote in Argentina these concepts are not new I don't think women just like them I don't think women like to be exposed their to be exposed in prime time TV yeah I don't really think that women have much to lose by being on the whatever podcast I think the whatever podcast fresh and fit they encourage women to act in these ways because they give a women a platform and a receptacle to communicate that sort of Lifestyle where else will you sit where else can you establish you know a panel built on your you know the your your um your dating habits you're dating histories like in more formal situations no one's going to sit there and listen to you talk about sleeping with 20 men or not seeing this as an issue or they're being a receptical to talk about sex work as a whole like I don't necessarily think and see these things as necessarily bad I'm just saying if you think that to be the issue then why are you providing the you know the the landing spot for that to happen it's like you have to look at the you know the wider calculation and say are you prepared ing for men or are you just setting them up for failure by you know perpetrating this idea that most women are like this I think most reasonable and intelligent people recognize that women are nuanced and they're just as nuanced as men right we are more similar than we are aart if a woman came here and said men like cars men like fat asses men like sports everybody will accept those generalities because for the most part they are present in most men so I think we have the right to do the same thing too and if you know that what you said about this podcast do you want us to be an echo chamber because What We complain about it is this place where the cycle jerks of men jerking each other off and all that if you are a preacher you have to preacher to the non-believer why you preaching to the people that already agree with you these woman are the crystallization of the enemy they are the condensation of what we're talking about and I have a show on Sunday that is called ladies first that doesn't have only fans models and last weekend I had two woman one that thought that she did nothing wrong while she was sexting her best friend when a boyf out and the second woman at two kids by two baby daddies and wanted to be provided while she does air at 2m in the morning with random men at their house this is not only only fan models this is woman overall that are out of control is they a good woman yes but most woman are being selfish and as doing what's best for them they don't care about their man or what is best for society yeah so I think this is evidence to what I said earlier then when we talk about red pill issues when we talk about the gender defi the men are very quick to use anecdotal examples and try to you know purvey them uh sorry to convey them as the rule rather than the exception right and I don't think you you know I don't necessarily think it's right to say okay here's a happy marriage all marriages are good but on the flip side you know you have to be consistent with that and say if you have a bad you know domestic situation with a woman who was taking advantage of the system or taking advantage of a man's Financial assets why on Earth would I accept that as you know the the evidence for some sort of larger Trend or for something that needs to be acted on I think there is value in that but the value in talking about these things or the value that like watching Jerry Springer provides you watch a Jerry Springer episode of like this woman has two baby daddies and she doesn't see the issue with it or whatever right and that's funny that's that's exciting we should dive into that topic get to know the woman get to know the circumstance so we can all laugh it laugh at it maybe judge if we need to and then we just kind of move on to the next episode right but for some reason men just get so caught up on each episode and they try and make it their like they try to build like a whole ideology around that that that [ __ ] and it it doesn't make sense to me it's fine it's fine she she can have the 40 minut the 40 seconds if she want do you want to say anything more no that's just so so but this is what I'm talking about is about is rules for thee but not for me woman be ridiculing man well like what is this Judge Judy and you are not the father and all that we know who the victims are and people do a mockery out of it like men can't even express themselves and say I hate this woman that did this to me and I have this uh uh uh bad opinion about woman without either being blocked being shame being ridiculed and all that we know for a fact that this place is clearly like Pro tell woman to vent to open up you had Oprah you had alen you had a bunch of shows where woman go there just to [ __ ] on man you have the view you have uh Miss Osborne telling that she's going to cut the like somebody cut the the the balls and the dear man and through into the bushes and all of them were laughing like that is normal I don't think men on this SP are that agous I think men on this space are tired of having to all the social contract that woman are not not ready to uphold men still are want to be protectors men want to be providers men want to give their life away from woman and women are not up to do it unless they have something to gain out of it and that's not how it goes that was not the rules of the agreement that we have there not not our our grandparents and ancestors actually handle so if there's a new diagnose of what women are doing because women change and men are not why are you so against men actually exchanging notes even though he's going to have a negative side of it like what is so bad about me telling gra pill G pill I got divorced grape a woman tried to put a kid on me so this is the the things that you have to do so we make sure that you don't get godges like me what's the problem with that yeah I think that the you know when men are able to you know diagnose their issues properly and when men are able to improve on their circumstance we as a we as Society benefit right but you know when men want to look uh internally and do the hug boox build the echo Chambers you know participate in the red pill participate in the manosphere well all they're really doing is hurting themselves because I think a lot of women would agree that the minute the man starts talking about body count the minute the man starts talking about you know asset protection before a marriage and mind you Jasmine said something really good about that like I think prenup discussions are totally we should normalize those it shouldn't be you know sour and I think that benefits men but men who tend to talk about assets who tend to talk about all these things um you know preemptively in a relationship body count and all like these are red flags to women women understand that that like you know these are you know narcissistic men they're driven by you know serious like they're not driven by serious motivations they're materialistic right they're trying to protect their sense of self and their dignity I get that but I mean in the grand scheme of things we got to look at it like um like like they're only hurting themselves by participating in the community right no no they are not because Men actually need to play the same game that women play because women talk about asps woman don't go to the divorce court and talk with the judge and say judge I want Al of my love no I want Alp of the money I want Al of the house I want Al of every asset men need to start actually asking for tangible things because woman ask for tangible things woman ask what is your job to know how much money you make woman ask what type of car you drive woman ask what CP of hours do you live in so what is the problem with men asking for tangible St and says I don't ask for a lot on a woman I just don't want her to be the bicycle the Town Bicycle I just want her to actually know how to cook a little bit I this is not a narcissist person this is me wanting reciprocity your life is going to be easier if I be with you because I'm going to take care of tangible things what can you do for me and what can you give me that you didn't give to 27 men before and this is a giant problem so are are they worst matter of fact the question is are men that are blue peeled and have no idea that this place exists better prepared to deal with woman than men that are red peeled absolutely because I think that they're not existing in a space where they're going to attribute a personal failure with a woman as you know something they won't recover from wor those men are set up to understand that yeah there can be bad women in the world but just because you landed on one of those you know landmines so to speak doesn't mean that you won't be able to find you know a good one in the future and Men experience that in different periods of time like that's not supposed to be like a three-month recovery sometimes it takes years for sure but in the red pill Community again a lot of the rhetoric is built around the idea that like one or two of you had really bad marriages and now all men should avoid marriages because marriage is bad for everyone right do you see the issue there no because I think most of the red P space still push marriages most of them if it's not the the traditional they still want to live with somebody they still want to put kids on somebody and raise him under the same roof in my opinion that's what actually sustainable is you are together with the person in front of you you put kids on their belly you live with them and you make sure that kid has the best chance possible to survive and your wife gets the same uh uh uh privileges than a woman that is married as without the contract that is going to [ __ ] you up at the end of the day blue pill men is actually what woman are complaining about they abuse them because they are doormats they abuse them because they are not aware they abuse them because this Mar were conditioned to do what's best for them and be romantic and give flowers to woman and pamper them and put him on the pedestal and woman are sugar and spice and everything nice and as soon as they actually get these domesticated dogs which are the blue pill men they resent them because this is not the man that they want they ate these men and these men are not prepared to deal with them so even if the red pill is wrong those men are way better prepared to actually deal with the woman because they at least we talk about what woman want while the regular man the blue pill man is floating through life like I once was a massive s that thought that just because I'm tall and I drive a nice car that I have a away with woman when in reality I just won the genetic Lottery and I don't know nothing I'm doing like right now so I don't agree with you at all I don't okay so I think the the issue with the red and the blue pill here and what's confused by the two right um you know when we talk about uh blue pill men etc etc like women like leadership and they like you know competence right but I think that on the rep pill you have a lot of arrogant people who are comfortable asserting you're you know their anecdotal experiences as fact right and I think that women see that as decisiveness and they don't necessarily have the attitude or you know the experience to look at the situation and wonder is this you know is this confidence built on knowing the right things or having a healthy understanding of the world or is it built on like I need the safety and comfort of some understanding because if I don't I won't be able to function right so I think that you know women like decisiveness and arrogance is sometimes confused for competence that's that's the biggest thing I think needs to be pointed out so yes but who is who is sleeping with this man if you think this man is not a leader or is as fake confidence than have bravado why are you spreading yourself and getting banned in force and being having sex with these men that are not worthy why are you cuffing these men if these men are not attractive if you can see through them because they are ra and they talk about it why not avoid them woman will complain about this man on Monday and then deal with on Friday look at woman how they describe their their last boyfriend oh he was a nassal and he was a narcissist and know that's what they like that's their type it's not it's not an accident that that they fall in love with their man it's actually why they fall in love with their man because once again these woman see dragons they don't like dragons because dragons literally burn everything they don't like domesticated dogs because there's not a challenge and as soon as they actually get the dragon either they be mad because the dragon burn everything and he does what he does or they get mad because because the Dr is now a domesticated dog and they resent him because you are not the man that I liked you before woman like this type of mens we are literally building these people to be the domesticated dog that is woman hate and abuse yeah I think that you know like I said women appreciate competence sometimes it gets mistaken for arrogance uh you know those two two two things get mistaken quite often um but I think just in the grand scheme of things like um how much God I forgot what you said there was one thing that I I was talking about domesticated dogs blue pill man uh dragon sorry s you can't you can't uh so so it seems to me like you are under the impression that I am attributing arrogance specifically to Red Pill people but then you're saying okay well then these women dat blue pill men right and they complain about these men being narcissists or dragons Etc well being a narcissist being let me let me actually clarify like the things that you attributed to was things that you find in the red pill space the confidence the inflated ego the I'm the leader all that right and on the other side you find this generous man that Believe in Romance and all that what I said was woman are going to comp comp their woman going to complain about this red pill man they are going to get with this blue pill man they're not going to respect them because they are domesticated dogs and they are dmat and then if you talk to them and ask how was your last three boyfriends they are going to literally describe this man that they' hate The Narcissist the man with the inflated ego the controlling man the man that put his foot down the man that is not compant to what she wants so woman are going to complain about everything so if they're going to complain about everything the docile man and the more uh aggressive man why actually not give him the man like say that he's more competent isn't the red pillman more competent to actually read and react relationships other than the blue pillman that has no Manual of instructions there's nothing that he can look at and says if this [ __ ] happened I have to do this right like what's the problem with it well I think that the you know blue pill men if you acknowledge that they exist are more competent uh just on the basis that they don't have a specific Community built on their issues with men like that doesn't exist and so you could follow that logic and say that rep hill men are you know really incompetent with women because they've developed and built up entire structures and channels with thousands thousands of people you know talking about all their struggles and issues with wom right so it seems like there there's a confirmation bias here because people who go on the internet to talk about bad experiences with women are probably bad with women and people who are good with women are probably in relationships married or seeking new relationships and not black filled about so if if um if my wife complains that I used to abuse her and slap her every time the Lakers lose is she bad with men sorry the your accent I missed that if if my wife says a my husband F every time the Lakers lose it smacks me and like I I just can't be on a relationship with is she bad in relationships or is this she just has a bad partner well she has a bad partner but she could also be bad in relationships and that issue that she would have an issue with would be discernment not being able to pick good positive partners that are really unlikely to hit her right but I'm not saying you know there's I'm not blaming women for having you know picking men that are positive present healthy like basically what I believe to happen is that you know men and women can be in relationship and be healthy and shitty things can happen in a man's life in a woman's life where over a period of time that would drive that man into a situation where he might be physically abusive right so but I'm saying for discernment is still you know a topic of discussion still something you have to look at it so yeah she's not at fault for being struck by that man but you would still have to ask her questions about well she would still want to do that internal Discovery with herself about her discernment and her ability to pick a healthy partner yes but wouldn't she benefit from other woman that been through this and other woman that not and saw the signs and leave to go on a back and forth get noes from everybody and make a a fair assessment out of it isn't that woman actually better prepar if she had a group that is not just a circle J group but a group that actually tells her how to maneuver how to read and react how to spot some red flags wouldn't she be more Adept to avoid this type of man well absolutely and women do have cre uh do women do have communities built on the you know their experiences that they've had with men but the difference between a red pill community and a woman's Community is that women are more perceptive to they emotional responsive they're introspective they build on their emotional understanding of themselves and they try to do better do they always no absolutely not but you know the difference I think one of the negative things there is also the trauma Bond right the trauma bond is an issue where you can sort of attach your like when you're in a vulnerable state you can attach your identity to the idea that all B all men are bad as well it's super easy to do that but the difference being is that the benefit that women derive in those sorts of communities is so much higher because women are receptive to their emotional responsives and they can build conversations around that whereas in red Bill communities all they're doing is discussing emotions and they're they're acting like they're you know making real prescriptions or that they're representing the issue so they're diluting themselves there's a significant difference there I think there's the biggest projection that you did in this SP on on on this debate right now woman discussed feelings not man woman discuss how the how many woman and the moderators can tell you that came to this and says my my boyfriend is cheated on me by boyfriend abuse me and they gave a clear prescription of don't do this avoid this get away from me and then because they're actually succumb to their feelings next week they are back with the man there actually feelings over facts there's not a place where woman actually privileged logic over feelings that is not an academ academics or things that are actually plausible woman will always priorize feelings while the manosphere we are prizing logic and we are actually putting logic over feelings of course theion though how is that delusion the delusion is because you're not accurately representing the issue so how are you trying to say that you're making prescriptions for a solution if you're not accurately representing the issue and accurately representing the issue starts with the community and the foundation that you're there is that you're all there because you're angry or you're sour or you feel less about women but why do you feel those ways you don't men don't value emotions they're not willing to do that emotional Discovery so how is it that they could be right or actually you know like uh delegate uh you know the right amount of energy to any sort of solution how could they do that if they're being dishonest about the premise and the reason for being there in the first place sorry fatty I don't want to uh I don't want to uh rip the the screws out of the the debate structure but we could just do we could just do a bad no no no it's fine yes it's fine like I told you you don't have to stop when the clock is if if we see that we're abusing it either the moderators or you you can actually because we because because we don't are having productive conversations we're not going to step in yeah you fine but but but that's but that's the thing NE right if I go to jitu class because somebody bully me at school I'm going there hurt I'm going there damage I'm going there because I want to defend myself and there's no problem with there if you giveing the tools to a woman if I'm an alcoholic and I go to a reab center because I am wounded and somebody give me the tools to stop becoming alcoholic which kind of is a you don't stop with doing it but you kind of can suppress it what what what matters how I got there and the reality is when these men come here with these broken feelings and all that they learn structure nobody's advocating for this men to eat on woman they say recard it stay away protect yourself this is actually positive for woman because an emotional man is going to [ __ ] her up and he's going to end his life too like we this space gives structure to these people and if you actually think about it the blue pill men are these men that actually are thinking that are are literally uh uh exploding and and and uh uh uh getting these situations that they can deal with it emotionally so they deal with it on an emotional way let me ask you something real quick right you you said that these men like competent men like leaders and all that are these the blue pill men that are the leaders and the like the preconceived Le like the conceived leaders that the woman look at them and says that's the man that I want because he's a leader or is the man more on the red pill side that know what they have to do to get the type of respect for moment do you really think that these blue pill men are being seen as Leaders on the community that woman look at them and says oh my God he doesn't know how to deal with me but he's a leader because he's competent do you really see this well I just don't think that blue pill leaders so to speak are really focused on these specific issues again because they have a more healthy and well adjusted you know view of the world that they're focused on many different issues they don't hyperfocus and built their own communities and personalities around the idea that women could be that but I also wanted to address something quickly uh I'm glad that you brought up alcoholism in terms of like the sort of communities that are sort of built around that idea and I would say that groups and things like uh Alcoholics Anonymous are really good examples that of communities that actually acknowledge the emotions of men provide men with you know a sort of community where they can talk about their negative experiences when using but they introduce accountability measures and one of the final things that they do is they have men reconcile with different areas and different moments in their life where their drinking and their alcoholism has become an issue for other people so if the red pill mirrored that or had some sort of parallel where it said okay I understand it's you're upset you know like sometimes women are bad and then provided that sort of framework for accountability for their own actions and then again provided them with you know some sort of foundation for real growth again reconciling with bad circumstances then yeah it would maybe be more uh you know less opposed to it I might say that it actually has a positive benefit for society but it doesn't have any of that yeah but but again there's a fallacy because alcoholism has very few new ones like you know what this what is the procedure is and most alcoholics have kind of the same story when it comes to woman you can have completely different stories from different people because people are 50 Shades of Gray they are not just black or white like most of Alcoholics are the responses you are talking about the accountability for example there's an example of Kevin Samos which was the biggest content creator before this happened right and Sh and baker man you're are putting the channel in Risk so please stop with those comments stop doing that [ __ ] I would appreciate it is the last time I'm going to warn you okay so going back to what we're talking about right right yeah the like Kevin Samuels used to say like uh you pick a struggle you can be short broke and fat that's that's self-accountability Kevin Samos used to say you have to know if you want to marry that woman in six months that's accountability Kevin samel used to actually before he got popular because he turned himself talking about woman Kevin S was talking for years about men how to present yourself the image that you have to wear the cologne that you have to wear the mouthpiece and all that so he was again creating man that he would saw that woman would saw see uh uh fit to get married with them let me ask you something if because I want to actually get to the I was saving this before the end of it but what is wrong like like is the manosphere if the manosphere is wrong about woman right tell me like a couple of talking points that clearly prove that they are completely out of their mind they have no idea what they're talking about like do you have like a couple of them that you can actually tell me so I can at least look at it and say I think the one that stood out to me that I used to think used like would be the most ridiculous uh was the fact that men shouldn't spend any time with women if they hope to court women which I don't think that you should move in with them necessarily just to learn that like you don't necessarily need them as your friends but if you believe that only hanging out and spending time with men is your best opportunity to actually attracting women I think that's kind of laughable uh I think that you should at least understand the nature of women things like their temperament and you know the likelihoods ETC so that when you go like if let's say for example we talk about like a pickup right so they talk about pickup being like uh like are you familiar with like the the soft bully technique to like picking up women you kind of just like essentially what you're doing is you're kind of just like [ __ ] on them but women like that sort of FLIR yes is Banter like yes so I actually really agree with that I think that a lot of women really do like that banter they like those contentious situations they can be fun for some women however if you're a man and you've never spent any time with women then you don't know where the line is and I'm just saying all of this to say that if you don't spend any time with women you don't have any idea for their temperament you might hear like what what the boys are saying they're going to say this XYZ about women and then you might have like the the you know the the mind the place of mind to like go watch playing with fire or something and Alex is going to tell you you know women like to be bullied right so but if you don't spend any time around women you don't have any idea what their temperaments are like and you're just going to end up actually bullying that woman and pushing women farther away from you so that's just an example that I so let's let's actually look at that example you admitted that you kind of agree so it sounds like the specific sorry can I just no what do I what do I agree with ch me you agree with the advice in principle that woman like this type of interaction that's specific that's specific advice that very specific I agree with that like you you disagree with the social calibration of people so they don't know where to stop how to read the room how to read the temperature of the room how to keep going if a woman wants to keep going and to stop when the woman woman is clearly uncomfortable about that right let me ask you a question are woman a monolith meaning do they have different levels of Tolerance when it comes to Friendly banter the woman react extremely well other be repuls other like you because you are hot other doesn't like you because you are bald fat and you look like Danny Dev Vito other love it because you look like Jason Mamoa does does this prescription of woman like this type of behavior and the fact that the person can read who is in front of them a lot of times it's not because of the of the man different woman have different woman have different thresholds right is that a rhetorical question or do we want me to ask that is is a rhetorical question because as we know all like you literally said women are different just because my woman cheated on me doesn't mean that the next woman is going to cheat on me so why is it the fault of the man for saying and using something that you actually agree with on principle that actually works when every woman has their sensibilities and have their level of um uh uh I don't know the word they have their level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction when most of us know that the thing that actually make woman not wanting this is if they they don't like the guy if they like the guy this type of benter is perfect they get wet about it I can pull her hair I can spit on her I can smack her and she will find it romantic because I didn't ask nothing and I push her against the wall and she fight it romantic but if she doesn't like me the same type of interaction is going to be considered sexual assault so aren't men on this side actually informed about that the blue pill man is the man that is going to go to jail because he's going to listen to this he doesn't have no point of reference he doesn't have no type of instruction so when he pushes that woman against the wall because he saw 50 uh 50 Shades of Gray he's going to be the one that is going to jail because he doesn't know what he's doing he doesn't know that woman are going to accept it when they like you but the same thing by a man that they don't life is going to be looked in a negative way yeah so the so the question that you ask as it relates specifically to uh are women a monolith absolutely not women have different temperaments they react to different things in different ways and those can be inferred by their personal experiences but something you should understand and recognize from women as a whole is that women being the weaker sex we're talking physically right they rely on things uh you know they rely on emotions and things that they feel internally to keep themselves safe so anxiety feeling uncomfortable like those are two things that men would kind of just like write off and put to the side but women don't necessarily have the uh you know the the privilege of feeling those emotions and then not at least considering whether they are feeling those emotions in the time right so for example like you know um and and this is basically I think just of a societal or biolog IAL thing that most people experience even men experience this when they're younger right so like kids and um you know basically emotionally charged individuals right so that's basically that's kids and then that becomes women uh you know and kids basically Growing Up So when it as it relates to like communicating an important message um when you're talking to somebody who's really emotionally activated or active you really need to try and deliver that message in a new neutral ter tone being concise about your language and making sure that you're not inserting like you know uh you know a laughing tone or serious tone because what actually happens in those interactions is uh you know women or kids like their biological imperative is um it forces them to focus on the tone of what you're saying and not what you're actually saying and that's for safety so what I'm saying is that like kids you could be saying oh well here's you know $1,000 like you know but if you're saying it in a weird ass way kids's not going to trust you right like uh same thing with women they need to be able to ascertain those things about you or whatever and um by your tone by your you know your mannerisms the way that you act the way that you move right but the issue with discernment kind of plays in here is that a lot of women also recognize that if they have a bad experience with a guy if that guy wears a lot of red hats they're going to be adverse to men who wear red hats in the future that's just a fact right that seems like a really stupid example like I don't want to talk about specific behaviors but the discernment becomes an issue when the woman becomes conscious of that thing and in approaching a relationship she has to understand like do I is this person potentially a good person or am I scared of this person because I once dated a man with a red hat am I being clear about that that's where the discernment becomes a bit of a mind you are being clear but what you're saying is why this space exists we have to cater to kids we have have to cater to woman we have to understand their feelings we have to understand their tone we have to like where am I going to learn this is this SP this place will teach you treat this woman some type of way treat that woman some type of way and do what he works because once again I know there are certain people that say tone doesn't matter but for the most part we agree that you don't talk with the child the same way you talk with the Elder the same way you talk with the woman listen very carefully like where are these woman getting this treatment or this training about how am I dealing with this man how can I read his temper how can I be soft when he's mad and how can be harsh when he's low like you don't get it nowhere there's no wife school there's no woman's school there's no how to be be on a he relationship school all of these things don't exist you know what exist how to get a rich man how to hustle a man out of this this and that we and I'll say we this place if you actually noticed they took the most toxic part part of the Manos ferish type of content which is the pickup Artistry I will tell you that it's clearly negative I am trying to bamboozle and try trying to hle a woman out of her pennies and I'm going to say whatever I need to say to actually get her to have sex with me that literally was replaced by something more constructive by something more productive by something that is actually making men be better fathers making men be better husbands make Men actually make decisions that can bring their relationship to the next level is not by not having information that you're are going to get better and this is what this blue pill Man actually represents let's they're different they're different right so uh pickup communities like playing with fire and reped Hill communities they're distinctly better but I would say pickup communities are actually more productive because at least they talk about their interactions and the nature of women redel communities again become these hugbox communities where men just cry and [ __ ] about how bad women have been and the my biggest criticis ISM for pickup communities is that I think that they mean well but pickup creators very rarely provide uh you know the the vulnerable portion to courting women is the fact that like like for example I wish I knew what his name was but uh do you know people who like film approaching women in public right with different techniques different methods a lot of pickup artists tend to do this but what you don't really see is like you tend to see the interactions where the interaction is either neutral or positive but you don't see the bad interactions and if you're somebody looking to address or pick up women then arguably the most useful interactions that you should be seeing are the bad ones so you know not to do the [ __ ] that they did and again there's a lot of [ __ ] that factors into those situations right tone are you attractive are you tall are you whatever but there are some hard uh you know hard and fast rules that you're never going to learn from pickup communities because the pickup artists themselves are too egocentric to show when things don't work no but but we know we know that the best pickup artist closing rate is 20% so even the best of the best ever incredibly low rate of closing in 100 people they're going to get 20 which is a lot of rejection most men are not going to handle that type of rejection well but try no but but but there's the thing is that is a pickup artist let's take the pickup artist is a manosphere content creator giving advice to a man better than a woman say say just be yourself just be confident just walk to her in a confident Manner and be nice to her and give us roles that's way worse no no doubt woman don't like the man that is available all the time they're like the guy that answers every blue moon they like the man that is not searching their validation they don't like the man that is always every day all day trying to get it there and this is what the blue pill not Community this is what woman and blue pill men are actually pushing for like let me just say let me just let me just say let me just say one thing right and this happens for example in all the movies that we see I use this example all the time the Titanic is a romantic movie because a man died for a woman if a woman died for a man that would be a horror movie and woman will never get this notion because the reality is We romanticize Men suffering healing themselves and doing a bunch of things for the sake of the woman so when are these men and when are these men are going to finally do what's beneficial for them we are one hour on this debate and we still are talking about what woman want what kids want what families want and in no circumstances we're talking about what the do what do you want great pel what do you want arnet what do you want from this planet what do you want from the woman that LS next to you every day what do you want and this place is the only place that actually pushes that as soon as you leave this place the society social media the the CRI criminal justice the courts the cops everybody's going to say do what's best for her do what's best for the family what about the man what about his feelings what about his desires what about his goals yeah I think that this is a really emotional argument but I want to be sympathetic to what you're saying here and I think that what you addressed is like women sorry do you you think is an emotional argument yeah definitely so me want so me wanted something can I Can I Tell You Why huh because you're because you're pleading to like some sort of wider idea but you're not giving specific prescriptions you're trying to draw parallels and I can provide you with an example no no no it's not that I want the result that's my impression no yes but I want the result and I know how to get there there these guys that are cor R peill the woman ERS and all that they may be concrete advice they might be wrong 50% of the time but they're probably right on another 50% of the time and then I have these guys blue pill man that were conditioned by society that usually do woman's beating that say treat her like a princess put her on the pedestal be romantic pay the first date give her flowers take your jacket give her like who is actually going to give me the best map to get to my goals is this man and woman that are unprepared and they live in biss or are these men that might be jaded might be hurt I will conceit to death are they giving me a more pragmatic way to get on my goal compared with this blue pill man and this woman that are literally telling me to just turn my brain off and go along who is giving the best advice okay so I think that you know if I if we assume that men are blue pill or red pill right I think blue pill men are playing the game right the game being that you need to be able to provide some value for women right you need to you know have some sort of financial stability and you do need to cater to the needs to women to some degree but that is the but the but the framework or the criteria for that is not set by those men it is set by society and a lot of those are Financial economical like things that are imposed on the circumstance like you need uh you know like a lot of the times that if you want a woman to be able to you know stay home you need a really good job right like little things like that but on the flip side um I forgot what I was goingon to say oh my god um but on the on the flip side the red pill men are kind of like the uh you know the jaded like Rumble creators almost where they realize that they or sorry like okay here's a really really really funny example but like a lot of these Rumble and Manis Manis spere creators recognize that a lot of major brands are kind of gone woke and so they're trying to create alternatives for like everyday products by saying like oh it's not a woke product or whatever because we tell you it's not and the packaging is red and you know we love America right and so what they're doing is they're trying to create a parallel option or sort of ladder in Society for their people with those proclivities to act and be successful in that way but there's still like the the example that I uh that I saw I think in a fresh and fit stream was like this person had like some sort of Liberty beans or some [ __ ] and so that's great you have your own product that's awesome but you're still contending with like Starbucks you're still contending with like uh Duncan whatever I'm sorry I'm not sure what sort of franchises you have but that's that's the issue right like red pill people are just trying to construct an alternative and they're doing so horribly by not necessarily like understanding the sort of foundations of their beliefs right a lot of those being that they're built on emotion almost entirely but it's not an alternative like no for example if seems like I go to like you are familiar with the pikme dance are you familiar with with the concept uh Pig me like Pik me dance Pik me dance is a concept is when when your when your woman wants to divorce you and separate from you let her go because if you chase her she's not going to see value in you and she's going to be validated by their decision oh he's coming after me so I make the right decision but if I stay there and I say you can go walk away it's more problem than your woman actually come back because she's going to wonder why are you not fighting for us this happens all the time every time like nobody's going to teach you this to save your marriage and probably say the loveli of your kids outside of this place we have to be honest n there's nothing outside of this place that actually teach men how to deal with men you can't even identify one wouldn't that actually prove even if he's let's say 10 Concepts in a 100 wouldn't that prove that actually those people will have 10 more Concepts 10 things positive other than the guys that have no answers and the only answer is giving you the fairy tale and giving you the op strategy you be hopeful she doesn't cheat on you you be hopeful that she's not taking off of your [ __ ] hopeful and people being hopeful usually heals leave people homeless leave people broke leave people literally out of their damn the cash is not working again Jesus so you would have so you would have 10 Solutions um so 10 opposite like approaches to a lot of different issues related to dating right but I mean ultimately you're going to want to focus on the outcome and how successful doing those things can make you right and I mean there's going to be exceptions of course but if the idea is to have an alternative if these alternatives are being preached by a community then eventually we're going to have to look like are those um you know are are are the outcomes of this community actually doing what they say they are like where are the positive testimonials where are the people who have been in the red Community but are now in relationships like they just don't exist right and so that's kind of what I'm saying is like yeah it's great to have you know more tricks up your sleeve alternative approaches to dating and marriage but are they working and I don't think they are because the red pill Community exists as it relates to dating and the blue pill one doesn't they're focused on other issues more important Nuance discussions that aren't focused on the sole idea that women are bad what what what give me an example what's more important than me knowing out to deal with a woman that he literally sleeps next to me take care of my kids and is going to be an integral part of my uh uh livelihood what is more important than literally my household um I I get what you're saying here I think just like in a macro context uh uh macro context you could look at things like Wars but I don't necessarily believe that myself I'm just saying that if we're looking at conflicts if your conflict is the gender divide and somebody else's conflict from a from a Creator perspective is like Israel Palestine well I'm who believes that you should focus on what's in front of you like that's the most important thing right like I don't necessarily think I make prescriptions for life I think I just discuss topics but if you look at like how consequential those two things are well we're sitting pretty in Western Society men would like us to believe that you know the we're we're hanging by the threads the society is like on the verge of burning down because women don't want to do X Y and Z but the reality of the situation is like overseas people are dying on more fundamental basis as whether whether you think it's like pressing to you or not I'm just saying that's like an example of like a blue bill blue pill Creator focusing on things that are external to themselves whereas like the red pill creators are just focused on themselves because they're trapped in like a endless paradoxical cycle of not really being able to attribute any sort of accountability and being too focused on their personal failures without recognizing so I think respectfully there's nothing like Jord Peterson when he says uh clean your room make your bed before you go outside is you have to solve your personal problems before you try to solve the problems of the world if we can get along with our wives if our kids are being raised in a single parent household if we are seeing this in front of our face these are going to be unfortunately a self-fulfilling prophecy we can get along with our woman our woman are going to have less resources allocated to them and they're going to actually have to raise people that are not to keep to and we are going to create the kids that are going to start these wars because we know that kids that usually are raised by one parent especially the woman are uh people that are more suceptible to have eretic Behavior conflicted behavior and all that I will go back to and I'm going to WR this question then we have to do a quick commercial break because I have to announce a couple of things okay yeah uh please elaborate on the part where the red pill is wrong yeah so like I want you said one thing and you said I agree in principle but then you explain why you kind of don't agree when he actually goes behind besides the the the the the Baseline can you give me more examples like if something is wrong you should G leave clear I can give you 15 examples how feminism is something that is kind of like it be it started nice but now is actually detrimental to society can you give me three four five examples so we can talk about it so we can see if you are right or not go ahead well I don't I don't know that we have time to go for three or four or five but I think another second one is that you know the rebel doesn't set men up for marriage it sours them to the idea and then pushes them towards the idea that they should be getting married without any sort of real consideration or Preparation and that's just a onetoone interaction I mean you can virtue signal about the importance of kids and family those all those are all things that are important but those are all things that are like you know virtues as far as I'm considered I think that again in a well adjusted Society in with well adjusted people can focus on things external to themselves outside of their own personal failures I would argue that people in the blue pill Community come from two parent households and people in red pill Community come from single mothers it's probably the reality of the situation and you know I'm fortunate to have grown up in a two parent household for the majority of my life and you know I you know I I feel to be not necessarily the evidence to that claim but you know at least to provide you with a bit of understanding that in negative relationships that I've had with men and women I still will pursue relationships in the future just because I've had a really shitty person come into my life doesn't mean I think that all people are shitty or that I need to find a community online so I can complain about it so do you want me to be more specific because I just said a lot no no no it's not about you being specific is that about the fact that can you give me can you give me a benefit that the men can get like I'm going to leave the fact that for example you started the show saying that these men don't leave what they preach and now for example you can have r tomasi that I don't agree with that characterization I I basically I I well I I wrote it out a little so I can be really specific in what I said I said that it's a hog box perpetrated by hurt men to try and fix it on a scapegoat rather than address personal failures I think it's also socially irrelevant meaning it's probably it's probably not useful there's no utility in it and people kind of clown it and see it as something that's just not serious right and the evidence that I provided is its creators so people who used to rely solely on R content I've since pivoted to more uh debate focused content right so for example the I provided uh fresh and fit having Andrew debating has they're debating actual ideas they're not focusing on how women might be bad right and then we're talking about content creators who leaned into it completely like Donovan sharp not even being able to make ends meet in the future right and then I also said that um because of this you know cultural irrelevance we have a bit of a delay that kind of carries into like the B Boomers of the community um where you basically have people like grid one and Glenn Lawrence fighting over the scraps of those talking points trying to like piece them back back together uh you know for other Boomers who think they're sociable and uh you know utility to what's being said when they've just been diced and diced and diced and diced and diced all together right right I think that uh you know 2030 I think that when you hear uh you know people like grid one saying hak Tua then you know that the the meme is dead so to speak right so I I I carry that with beliefs and belief systems as well but but other than you're trying to be messy and patry right now because greed is on oh I believe I believe this one sorry I believe this 100% no no no it's fine it's fine 100% no there's no nothing just Inu in what I'm saying I wrote it because I meant that's that's the thing like if you are looking at something and you're looking at good advice you want that that person to get the like you want that message to be spread like the first time I heard about the S&P 500 I wanted all my friends and family to know about it I preach to the God and nobody actually felt through but you want to actually spread the message even if it is a water down message of the original content you said two things right you said that this is culturally irrelevant meaning you don't think this is going to make a dent in society right no I say it's culturally irrelevant like when Andrew Tate was talking about the red pill and the Matrix and it was inescapable I meant that I would say it's culturally relevant at that time whether or not I agree with the talking points I'm saying that's when it was in the that's when it's in its height right and so now there's been a lot of times [ __ ] on red pill creators and attacking their actual ideas and their actual beliefs so much so that the most rational people recognize the red pill Community to be like a bit of a meme something that's like deeply unserious and so nowadays when we have these debates and we have these discussions less people come out I mean from maybe not from our perspective but less people are interested because people already know that there's like you know that these talking points are like swiss cheese and I'm not feeling the burden of that because I feel like I address arrogant men in general regardless of what they're saying but people like Donovan sharp who built like a 100K plus channel on doing these talking point can no longer make ends me he's not even getting he's losing subs and he's been very honest about you know focusing on other uh other Ventures that he has because he thinks his YouTube game is done because he knows the we done yeah but that but that's but that's the thing how does that makes the advice that was received a bad advice like n listen to what you said carefully if this is a meme why so much push back when I see a joke I laugh and I move along I don't stop to say you are wrong for making this joke you need to stop for making this joke if this is kind of either irrelevant or so you admit the red p is a job no I'm assessing your statement you said that people kind of look at it like that I don't stop to push jokes a joke is a joke I move along when it's a serious matter when there's some actors that need respect that's when you actually have to stop and you give push back before that ideology spreads but you said this and this very important before the commercial break I'll give you the chance to respond you said because red pill is not pushing marriage you said that what is the benefit not preparing they're not preparing men for marriage that's totally fair what is the benefit that these men get from Marriage that they wouldn't get from a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship where everybody leaves on the same house I think that they would get um you know a sense of meaning and a sense of purpose in their life deriv from the structure in their family meaning the ends of their partner you know giving themselves to someone else and having that person give it give something to them mutually creating you know a third party the child you know and then building their family up basically the the cliche growing old together but you saw what you did but you saw what you did there if you ask me what are the benefits that woman get from Marriage they don't get from you get your you get that man last name you get uh like you get a bunch of tangible things that you wouldn't get from a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship sh you get more Securities you get more but as soon as I ask you the same thing when it comes to a man you're you're assuming that I believe off this just to be clear no no no this is no no no no this is what I I would say I would tell you and answer straight up what woman benefit from it I wouldn't say sense of purpose and it's good to take care of a man I wouldn't say that I will give tangibles about what you get from a marriage but you instead of doing that for a man the first things that you did is oh you it's like it's like having a dog oh you he's a good buddy and you are going to love feeding him and you are going to love walking in the park with him that's beneficial for him that's not beneficial for me respectfully and again remember you said that we were so focusing on feelings and the first thing you did right now was focusing on feelings you are going to feel fuzzy inside when you take care of your wife you are going to feel fuzzy inside when you take care of your kids you are not telling me tangible things that men get this is a long get married this is a long-term goal or mentality right like if you put fuzzy feelings on your board obviously you're not going to get there you have to do real things to prepare yourself for a relationship but my point that I'm making is that the rip Hill doesn't prepare men for relationships whatsoever so they have no business in trying to like perpetrate or convey that virtue when again they don't prepare men for relationships they poison men to the idea of relationships right like they have no business in that they can't sort of try and Co-op that idea because they're not even open to them they don't take them seriously right so I'm saying like you can say all this as to what like if you acknowledge the value in relationships and having kids like I do well what are you doing to prepare men for those relationships other than souring them on the idea and you know getting them to focus on other things the other thing too I want to say really quickly um is that the the the tangible benefits in relationships that you're assuming not me by the way um to quote another content creator that you know we both interact with quite a bit um broke men get broke men get laid all the time as just to say that you know sometimes it's okay when men are funny you know when they're moderately attractive when they're not even that tall like men can be these things but when you know like as long as they're not blazing with red flags and they're putting their best foot forward and they seem to have like a long-term vision for a family and they can do a bit of Family Planning women are all on board for that right um and I think that's just a rational view of looking at this that that's fair and there's something that uh the the blue pill Community doesn't teach to be honest but let what's common sense some women are bad what needs to be constructed around that other than that that's actually Fair let me ask you something real quick and then we would that be enough for woman if you do if you did the telling point of woman you get like no tangibles no tangible evidence you just get this like oh you are going to get the sense of purpose of taking care of a man and cooking for him every day and taking care of your kids and grow up old would that be enough for a woman to actually sign on the dottin line even though they get no tangible benefits out of it if she's putting her best for forward and that's like a long-term stated goal of herself then absolutely but if she's in her ho phase and she decides she wants to get married for material reasons then absolutely not for yeah but can we go for majority of woman like can we go I don't think I don't think it would intelligent to do so why so you don't think they will be intelligent to do so but you are advising men to do these things when they so I'm conveying ideas I'm not conveying prescriptions right like I'll provide you with like a reason for the reason that I believe what I believe but I have not at any point asserted that X Y and Z like we need to do this we need to do this right and so that's what you're taking you're taking me 100% at my word which is fine because you know like I'm glad you're taking I'm glad you're no I'm glad you're taking seriously but you know aside from that like like I I just think it's you know a lot more nuanced the discussion is nuanced so even though I'm making assertions here we need to understand that like why would I try to make an assertion about women as a whole like that's so stupid you wouldn't like it if I did it about men it wouldn't make sense but if I said all men all men stream exclusively with shirts on you wouldn't like that you are you are Lefty because you know you checkmated yourself I'm not laughing I'm not because you you are sming because you you Pro posed what was the mission for a man and will gain out of a marriage and as soon as I flip it and I said would that be enough for a woman you would you said literally that will not be enough and there will not be smart I did not say that I think you should lay out the specific no I think you should lay out the specific instance and also even if I did even if I did uh even if I did say that I still don't think it would help your point but I think you should be more specific if you're intelligent to take that you said you was not you would not be intelligent to get married for those reasons you said that no I didn't you're you're assuming okay so so that's fair let's clear it out what no what you're saying no what you're saying is so void from what I said that I don't even know what the point make point I want to have a coners I want to have a conversation in good fith so let's clear it out what did you say that will not be smart for a woman to actually do when it come to marriage this man on this type of like uh to take care yes if I if I remember the specific instance I said that you know if women have a long-term stated goal of getting married and building a family right they should get married but that if a woman is going through her whole phas like a lot of women do it's pretty normal they're and and they they see some sort of materialistic reason or you know some sort of incentive is being pushed over their head to get married then no in my opinion I don't think she's ready for marriage and I think that they're setting themselves up for failure Now red paale people would try and make the assertion that that's every woman and I'm saying no absolutely not that people who get uh you know people who set long-term goals for marriage and for to build families generally speaking end up doing so and you know divorces happen that's great you know like it happens it's just a factor of life but you know ultimately I just I think you just need to be more nuanced about it you just have to kind of accept that it's really not you know one or the other it's F divorce shouldn't be acceptable uh let me give let me a little commercial break because my cash is not working and I need to give a bunch of announcements and drop the links of everybody uh thank you very much to the 200 people watching I hope you're having fun we're going to read the $20 questions by the 30 minute Mark and up for now we are just going to drop the links and do some uh do some work because somebody activated the chat real so give us zo minute welcome everyone to the official debate section of the charter review all right I didn't come here to argue with you oh yes you did we're having a debate debate ain't nothing but an argument relate I thank you very and uh you're autle Mr Carville uh we have no response but that was perfect friends my cash ship is not working today again they're trying to sabotage us I want my Mansion I want my Mansion I want my mentioned so if you want to support the show it goes to Nino Nation okay go to Nino Nation goes to Nino Nation goes to Nino Nation Nino black 2018 the link is spin at the top I apologize I don't know what is happening I know you guys want to contribute but it has to be that way and I have to figure out what the hell is going on okay other than that like I told you every $20 question is going to be answered when we get to the 30 minutes Mark okay to replace a moderator n she's on the sidelines $150 please go ahead and follow Nino the Propet gr Peele and Ne okay I'm dropping the links right now I would truly appreciate that you guys could follow them they are friends of the show they are here helping is out so I'll really appreciate it if you could either donate to NE subscribe the link is in the chat too and subscribe to Nino and uh to great thank you very much AR the two for being here I appreciate you and problem somebody activated the shadow realm somebody activated the shadow realm so we're going to stop the clock for 20 minutes and let's have fun now I bring your death with me wrong with me sh the let the body sh the let the body sh the let the body sh the the sh the the sh the sh the the thank you very much too I appreciate it so let me start with this respectfully y'all want to silence man like respectfully like everything I hear from this conversation is woman trying to silence men woman can be the most toxic woman can have places where they cheit on men left and right is the shade room is Oprah Winfrey is Ellen [ __ ] on men [ __ ] on men [ __ ] on men you are too broke you are too short you are not financially attractive do you own the busz they have all these medium to actually talk about the men that they want to [ __ ] the men they [ __ ] and the men they don't want to [ __ ] they complain about men that don't engage with them they complain about men they engage with them they complain about men that approach him they complain about men that don't approach him too so I think I said at the beginning but I think I said at the beginning that Society sends to benefit if men can address their personal failures and sort of recognize that what they're experiencing in the situation is just you know a lot of misound emotion right so when men sort of want to decide you know that they want to figure out their emotions that they want to actually have you know tangible plans for their future instead of you know pissing around on the time uh on the internet you know just trying to be antagonistic to whatever woman hurt them when they were in high school or sorry whatever kid hit them when they were in high school like you know when we recognize that I'm sure that's a basis for a more interesting discussion but until then um you know I feel like I'm just constantly contending with emotion so why can do why why can you do both why can you venture your anger Venture issues and all that and then say this is what we need to do Solutions you for example on on this show for multiple times describe people that you are not happy with with your space and you are entitled to you have the right to say I don't like G one I don't like this person this is funny to me and all that why do you have that right to offend people to talk about these people to make rep to actually uh talk about them to make review videos to pinpoint the things that are hilarious like AKA and all that but these people don't have the right to say I find this woman goofy I find this woman a [ __ ] I find this woman funny why is when you do it this positive and it's something that is your right because it's your god- giving right and the first man man and you have the right over spe but as soon as men do it on the opposite way now you see oh look at these cry babies look at these people with their anger and emotions talking about things they don't like all of us do it all of us do it so why some groups have this special treatment a special privilege and when the others do it is a speech I'll remove your Channel I will demonetize your channel I will send you to [ __ ] Rumble because I don't like how you talking about other people yeah how is that because because I think the one characteristic that most people that I cover on my channel seem to carry is arrogance I think that they're people who have somehow like coaxed their audiences into you know conveying a degree of competence but it's all arrogance right with a few exceptions I would say there are some people that again I you know I'm a little bit more nuanced about but for the most part I mean they're you know they're not Reinventing the wheel they're not providing any new ideas again they're here to kind of capitalize on some sort of antagonistic culture that we have towards women and that's fine and it's their right to do so I mean as long as they're not skirting their to or they're not getting demonetized I'm sure they'll continue to do that that's great but me personally I like to focus on and I like to get in pinpoint on the arrogance and the stupidity of what it is of what they're saying and you know helping them ground M themselves in their own situations right I think I do a really good job of that I think that's why so many people like to watch me watch me do it n what you did was the person that invites the first date pay instead of saying the man pce because man the first the first no listen carefully to what you said you said as long as the the to as long as the to are they are C is fine but that but that the to no but the to consideration is for their own channel that's not for me right because I don't age with that I got you not my you have to protect your own interest right no no but I got you but there's the point you are kind of saying as like the first the person that has to pay for the the the the first date is the person that invites knowing for a fact that is sub intended that most men invite the first time the to is clearly protecting woman and actually kind of letting everybody [ __ ] on men for the most part has not saying something wishes so even if you follow the to that will create an environment where woman can say whatever they want and say I hate men and this is why and as soon as a man does exactly the same the to is going to punish him demonetize him and do whatever he wants because the to is not to protect that man the to is for protecting more of a protected class because that's what advertisers feel like and on the re and actually I if you add on it right if you add on it if you actually look at what is happening when it comes to man and woman bitching about each other and all that you know what arrogant is a 5 foot1 woman saying that she wants a six foot two man a woman that is broke saying that she wants an $100,000 man a woman that live on her mama house saying that she's not going to dat the guy that lives on his what is a woman truly saying though what is a five foot woman saying truly when she says she wants like a 6 foot4 man what she lies and she says she lies she says I want a man taller than me but she will never die what is she saying fatty so we're talking you're you're addressing talking points what is the meaning behind that statement what is she saying no what is the value that she is saying what is the value the meaning is I want somebody that is better than me no she is saying that she wants safety women value safety right so when you look at that okay so when you when you une these situation no I'm laughing at what you're saying because it's a little ridiculous but when you you focus on the way things are said like this is more evidence to the emotional thing right where I say something really concisely to you without emotion I laugh when you get a little passionate about things because I think but I'm being honest about if I'm being honest with you I'm asking you a very simple question you're focused on the emotional response of you saying okay a five woman wants a six woman because that man is better than them and I'm saying look at the rational situation here what does she really value what does she really value right and so this is the difference between approaching a conversation in a rational way and approaching a conversation with an agenda in an emotional state there's a big difference between the way we're talking in this conversation right so now that you pretended that I'm on my feelings let me continue I just think in that one statement no it's fine it's fine fine 6 a man that is 6 foot2 don't provide you safety for nothing in 2024 most people don't fight on their lives security right now is money a lot of it so it's not it's because they actually have desire they Cardinal desire for the men that six foot and over like they can have comfortable lives but listen to you you contradicted yourself that's a pretty big statement though I think that's the incentive that women take on from dating I said women date bigger men men that are taller than men because the idea is that there are more inclined or more you know likely or more apt to be able to defend that woman in a situation but also it goes a step further because you will attribute to some sort of like private mentality or whatever is that like the bigger the man the bigger that man's ability to defend his family like if she sees in a long-term benefit or you know situation with this man they have kids together then a bigger man is going to be able to safely defend their kids until they're older right so like I said you're trying to attribute to like some sort of red pill talking point I'm saying it's just common sense of course women want they value it for themselves totally fair so listen to what you said right totally fair listen to what you said first you said that woman onun men that are six-footer over because of protection and there their right to do so that's what they want yes okay but on the beginning of the conversation you said that these men that want woman with low body counts are narcissist because they want a woman that is not being ran through that's not what I so what did you say about men that care about body counts when they are choosing their M NE let's see if main the same let me finish let's see if you maintain the same consistency and you say it's just men that want to make sure and ensure that the is theirs and their woman is not damaged when he gets to their end and it's time to marry them let's if you are consistent and you are going to sell it that's just he's just a man protecting himself and is his right to do so so I think I think that if you're addressing things that I say you should at least write them down or type them out and remember what I'm saying that way when we get into these in the future you know you're not contending with like a you know a strawman or a Steelman of something you believe right because I think you're injecting your own position in uh but no what I said specifically is that uh you know Society stands to benefit when men want to like stop focusing on their emotional [ __ ] and start working through Solutions we all benefit but that if men want to continue to exist in red pillow mtow social spaces or whatever they can do that you know they can continue to like uh you don't know they can continue in the delusion and act like they're working on Solutions when all they're really doing is addressing their emotions they can continue to do that because when those talking points leave that space and they actually come into content with you know like actual like well adjusted women women see them as red flages and they don't see them as like a viable dating part it's just the fact of the matter so it's a self-solving issue what I'm saying is that if men s uh you know if men address that personal issue then you know we will all benefit but if they want to continue to do that then women are just going to continue to date people that want to date and are serious about relationships and can actually set goals and you know be rational about Society so so should care about body counts or not because I couldn't get it I think men should care about body counts if you feel like the woman has an issue with self-respect a woman has an issue with what self-respect so if you're dating a woman who may be vulnerable uh who might be emotionally compromised who does not seem to be able to exercise discernment or is not actually acting with in terms of like safeguarding her own uh body or her availability with other men then yeah you should care about body count because a hundred bodies on that woman tells you that she's in an insane emotional state and that you should want nothing to do with her but for the most part if a woman is well adjusted she's functioning in life and she feels like a viable partner and she has a couple bodies and you don't like that idea well that's a personal failure on yourself like what does that say about your own brand what does that say about your ability to convey your confidence and to you know carry that through a relationship you can't even get through the door you're already UPS that you're already being secure and and and and you and you literally prove the point well you're drawing conclusions on things I disagree with so you should be more specific about that no I'll get you there I'll get you there we're in the shadow when we when we talk when we talk and I'm trying to be nice when we talk about when we talk about the woman want in tall man there was no Nuance involved easy sh to no kickbox knows how to defend cor McGregor no no no this isn't a failure of imagination it's like you're living in imagination it's what you do most of the time no it's what you do most of the times when you introduce things that benefit woman there's no flexibility you don't talk about height disparity as something that women shelf want I said that it's a biological proclivity to want a man that can prot safy know iau you no I'm interrupting you because we're in the shadow realm and this is the intention for this the shadow okay so let me put my microphone up I'm not even going to put my microphone well isn't that is that like did I misread the did I misread the like actually no I should actually is that the whole point of this for like 20 minutes yes the shadow real me point out a okay so why are you complaining you get the rules [ __ ] because once again if I need to go there I will actually Scorch this [ __ ] but let's let's do this right you tried many times seem if you have so many concerns for these men why every time a man actually ask for something you introduce this enormous amount of new on is she broken is she mentally stable is she this and she that but when you say woman like tall man and is's for security you never introduce the same type of nuance what if this man is Corner McGregor what if he's a Jiu-Jitsu champion is's this 5 foot five what if his man has guards and private security in his tomor Cru and he knows Kate and all that is clearly biased towards the womanity out of a lot of other values that things like when value more than one thing that's not the S value let me ask you something real quick right should woman shut the [ __ ] up about man woman should [ __ ] up about their ex-boyfriend and say all the men are the same and go to The Other Woman and cry and complain about men should woman stop generalizing about men and you can't ask me three questions and like no the question women shut the fu up should women shut the [ __ ] up should women shut the [ __ ] up about men yes after a certain point absolutely and I think all women would agree with that yes after they don't and that's okay that's a human that's a normal human oh that's okay so like if you've been dating a man for 16 years and you cry about it for three years I understand if you've been dating a man for like six months and you cry about it for like one month then okay fine but at some point if you date a man for three months and you cry about it for six months then yeah obviously you should shut the [ __ ] up eventually right like there's new on here fatty come on so so so so listen to what you're saying so's woman is natural it's just natural she just talks about it but when men do exactly the same thing and are together and vent about their problems is toxic and is disrespectful and we need to stop be careful not to do what men are doing in this situation poisoning every single interaction with and ultim shooting themselves in the foot for the future women are careful not to do that that's why they continue to date in the future that's why they will continue to you know try different puzzle pieces until they find the one that fits when men are soured after one relationship or the lack thereof relationships women will continue to try and I just think that's so like you know like from a fundamental level like why the [ __ ] would there seven billion people on Earth the first person you attempt to like marry in a population of billions is going to be the person you meet [ __ ] no that's so stupid it's R yes when when somebody tell a man stop being a [ __ ] they are saying stop being a woman there's a reason for it right like you know you want me to prove out how how biased you are I'm going to prove it right now should men practice dig discipline like should they can you can you be more specific about what practic discipline not be promiscuous not going around slinging that [ __ ] like they are like on a uh uh uh GTA game should they should they practic discipline uh they should derive their value from something external to their sexual interactions with women so what I mean by that is that if solely you feel that your inability to have sex makes you a bad man then you you should also be practicing dick discipline the same as somebody who [ __ ] a woman every day and thinks that that's what makes him a good man do you see the difference there both those people need to practice dick discipline because you're not a bad person if you don't [ __ ] women and you're not a good person if you [ __ ] a hundred like you know a woman every day of the week that no men in general need to exercise displine so but there the but this is the point where I'm saying that you are biased and you prove it right now no I don't think I'm biased at all I think that women should exercise discernment as well men have to practice B discipline while they have to disregard woman body counts they should be well for their own phys for their own benefit absolutely it's in their best interest I have to control my dick while not caring or bothering about a woman sex I'm saying dick discipline I mean men derive their value from their sexual interactions with women they should practice dick discipline and understanding that they're they have more value external to their ability to have sex with women if you don't have sex with women that doesn't make you a bad person if you have sex with a woman every day of the week that doesn't make you a good person you should have dick discipline and externalize your value in the world away from your ability to sleep with women that's stupid you're setting yourself up for failure that and if you is it wrong for men to focus on account well you're projecting what you believe there as you know you're projecting the value that you have on sex on women you're projecting that value uh like it's it's just a mass projection again how do you not see that it's so wild no I know I absolutely see it uh don't care about woman [ __ ] around while you need to you're making that sh yeah you're really if if if if that's me let it be me if that's me let me be me I just want to make sure that NE on these I think we have seven minutes before the questions I just hope that NE finally like by the end of the debate tell us one place where we can migrate because she kind of didn't and I already told you I already addressed that as well I said that it's for you to be looking online for a solution to all your issues if you think that's one content creator one ideology you know one you know one fincial decision completely better then that's specific Library specific Library not the focus group it's introspection 100% introspection I mean you don't should spend the rest you shouldn't spend the rest of your life dwelling on every single bad thing that's happened in the past you shouldn't time travel don't spend too much time focus on the future don't spend too much time focus on the past focus on the now do exercise a bit of inter since I was a kid she's 70 years old exercise a bit of healing from something that happened when I was a teenager you standit from that success right societ benefit but you stand to benefit the most so you should be the you know the biggest investor in your own success do so by not going online and finding one individual who is gonna or your perceived issues NE can you consider that's what woman do dwelling on the past talking about the guy that hurt them when they were 15 and 19 and broke their hard so they had to go through a w phase and I'm still healing and I'm 40 and I'm ready like isn't that what women do well women aren't inv valuable women focus on their emotional responses and they take a lot of times to go through that because they have a higher they they exert a higher uh sorry they attribute a higher value to emotional interactions and emotional follow absolutely but that doesn't mean they're wrong for doing it we just accept that they do it because they're women like you're just fa fair fair fair last question before I close Shadow Realm if woman can do it wise frown upon when men do it men frown upon men exploring emotional reality men do it not women women would rather no I'm telling you right now so so here's the thing so wh men feel that they're infantilized by women when women say to men uh you know you just need to go to a therapy you just need to explore your emotions right so men don't like hearing that they think it's a joke they think that it's uh you know demeaning patronizing etc etc because they don't value emotions however when you look in the red pill Community they're looking for Echo chambers that are built on their emotional responses to you know Fallout they've had from relationships or lack their of relationship it is crazy because it's the truth and it's blowing your mind I understand so listen they focus on the emotional responses the red build is a community built on the emotional responses from not getting women or having shitty experiences with women men focus on that but what they do is they [ __ ] and they get irrational and they have diluted prescriptions for what should be done about those situations when they won't recognize that the entire Community just exists to C which is okay you can do that but then you should exist you should understand that you're trauma bonding and that you should probably figure out a solution that is individualistic to yourself and your success not what Andrew Tate did not what Rolo tomasi did what makes sense for you okay thing all right time hold on to be fair you asked her to let her finish after the question you asked for the I'm shad so you want to continue okay yeah let me close the sh let me close the shadow when we go back to that thank you very much I bring your with me wrong with me the the body sh the FL the body sh the FL the body sh the FL the the the so we have 39 minutes or nine minutes to go and then we go to the questions I'm going to literally bypass whatever you said NE but I'm going to get you into something right because you try to be funny like on the beginning of the show you talk about Glenn Lawrence and greed and all that right so let me throw the ball back to you men need to practice dig discipline is J does jasmine Jafar has to practice [ __ ] discipline I think that she has a very rational View and the way that she sees her sexual interactions she monetizes them and she's very honest about that I think that if she was on a platform talking about her you know like being a lawyer when when the majority of her money is coming from her sexual interactions then that would be dishonest but she's bar she's been barred as a lawyer is somewhat retired is what she said and she focuses primarily on those sexual interactions to monetize her wealth she's very honest about that so I don't actually see an issue so the answer is yes she has to practice [ __ ] discipline no she has to be honest and upfront about her intentions for her life just like men should so what if I'm honest with my dick I [ __ ] everybody I I make a couple of dollars because I have a big one and woman for whatever reason like me I'm just going to reject the premises from the very beginning here because you're trying to draw well you're trying to draw like I think every time we get into a Nuance situation you'll try and draw an example by trying to draw a direct parallel from women's Behavior to men's behavior and I think that's the the failure no that's the fa that's not consist I'm trying to be your consistent with your own opinion and you flip flop depending on the character if he's a man you're misch characterizing it conclusions I just how am I you know I don't I don't have conversations F let's actually focus on your point right you propose that men should actually practice some dick discipline that's fair I'm saying they should derive their value away from their sexual interactions with women okay that's that in itself could be uh conveyed as a different discipline or whatever but I don't use that term again I think it's yeah yeah but but but you but but there but there's the thing uh I actually also so you know what I think women too you know what I think you can apply that evenly to women as well so I you know what I think that generally speaking people should derive their value away from their sexual interactions with other human beings crazy I know so she's wrong for doing what she's doing we talk about greed she's not ding her sexual value from her interactions she's very I think if she was talking about her makes money out over her sexuality true and true so we're so you're talking okay look can we talk about financial value and then value right you're can we separate those two things it's a bit of a difficult thing to do fatty but we're going have to do iters to pay attention to this you are doing exactly what happened with the man you are going to introduce a very simplistic way of talking about men and as soon as we start talking about woman you want to introduce new ones and separate SE when you use the word value when you use the word value you talk about financial materialistic when I use the word value I think intrinsic value the values that we derive from like the decisions and our actual like you know thoughts or whatever ideologies so can I make a statement and you see if you agree or not well I think that you're appealing to the moderator right now so maybe you should no I'm asking you no I'm asking you I'm asking you sure you want you sure you don't want one of them to help you make it for no no no I don't need it right so Jasmine Jafar is something that makes a tremendous amount of money because of her body she is technically a a sex worker right isn't her existence she is a sex person yes isn't her existence literally dependent like valued on the amount of money she makes because of how she looks doesn't she breaks all the time about you have this job she literally made the post today or yesterday saying oh me going back to my regular 9 to5 job while I gain one eight of what I actually work while her boobies were anging and her ass was poking her value for society overall and she shows herself is the amount of money that she makes because of the body that she has how is that a commendable how is that you not putting the same type of pressure and saying for the good of society for the good of the community woman need to start discipline you defeated your own argument py you defeated your own argument because you're trying to say that her sole value is from her ability to engage sexually online and monetize no there but the nature of her being a lawyer means that if she decides to not do sex work she can meet her own ends make pay her own bills by being a lawyer so that that just doesn't check out and follow oh yeah I also think that you believe her value to be sexual I believe her value to be understanding you know the the Dynamics between gender as it relates to the courtroom so that she can engage in conversations with people like you and be upfront and honest about the statistical reality of the way these things play I think there's a lot of value there and then aside from that she's surprisingly not jaded which is mindblowing to me because I I see her is a very grounded and rational person and she comes on to these panels to get you know gaslit constantly by again people another check another Checkmate I mean you can try you can try and contend this is the this is the EAS this is this is the easiest Checkmate of the night and I won the debate right now you see on a bad way the Andrew Tates the whatevers and the freshened feits that exploit men insecurities men that are broken men that don't have the same amount of affection from a woman and exploit them for money while you clapping a woman that uses the same insecurities the same loneliness and the same broken man to exploit them for money explain to me how do you have this double standard where the men can actually make money over their men that are broken and are damaged and they are the self- reuge but the only fence model that literally prays on the same man to get a tremendous amount of money she's not doing anything wrong explain to me how do you got to the conclusion okay so women capitalize on markets that are perpetrated and created by men so men would like to see women in sexual context right so women become the faucet on that like they're basically standing in streams of money monetizing that right whereas like red Bill creators appealing and pandering to men they are in incentivized to convey really really disingenuous opinions about women to keep you coming back to that Community do you not see the difference there so the markets are created in both circumstances by men but when it's in the red Bill Community they're created maliciously by men for men to keep them to buy into the same women bad propaganda but on the flip side of that all Jasmine Jafar is doing is profiting on an industry that was also created by men so how does that make her she doesn't have a choice well how is she how is she she doesn't have a choice if she's if she's not no I'm saying she's not predatory for standing in a in a you know a stream of money and setting very clear boundaries and expectations for the interactions and for the subscriptions that she has most only fans creators do need to do that for their own safety it's common sense if women are very aloof no if women in sexual uh women who do sex work are aloof and general about the expectations they had for the people that purchased their online content what they're doing is they're SHO themselves in the foot and they're opening the you know they're opening the door for parasocial attachment and really scary situations in the future so they're very upfront and honest about what it is that they're paying for if you agree with capitalism then there's no way that you could disagree with what Jasmine's doing I'll even take it a step further and say that we look we when somebody uh you know when um when a lost of Life happens due to a mentally ill person going to a school and doing something really terrible right we all say um you know we basically like how come in those situations like we don't blame you know gun manufacturers right like we never do kind of do sometimes we do but no no we talk about the laws we talk about the government people use it because there's no regulation and the people above there do but if you believe in capitalism for Jasmine Jafar why don't believe in capitalism for for uh fresh and fit they're capitalist too they're trying to make as much money as possible they pivoted on they've pivoted on women bad Al together right they've pivoted going they are not known by political pundits they are known by a relationship podcast and you know I think the value that they provide to the internet right now I think is in their political debate I think that's somebody like yeah I think nobody knows nobody knows they no like I think if I could say anything positive about them is that they have a network that extends over the internet that you know ties in a lot of different creators from a lot of different places and now they can position them to debate against each other and even if that's not their bread and butter that is probably going to be the value that their platforms will provide into the future or they'll cease into the dust like every other reped run this far you can say that Jasmine Jafar uh value to this platform is the the lawyer thing when she actually other value is EV big titties and you're say no you're say no you're saying her value is completely sexual I'm saying that her value again is intrinsic but also if you're looking at her financial value it's her ability to create value and her ability to create value could be done sexually but she also has her ability to practice law so nothing nothing is 100% no nothing is 100% but if she's a 90 said when we brought that up if she's 90% sex worker and 10% whatever legal paralal whatever we are going to judge it by the amount of the 90% that she does which is majority same thing we do with fresh and Feit because you don't talk about Rollo tomasi by the guitar because the reason it works no the reason it works wait wait wait time time time we are at the 30 minute Mark hold on no the reason one can we do one minute yeah yeah one minute each to finish up the thoughts and then we'll move on to the reason it works no the reason it works the reason red pill men are successful like myin and uh what ever dude I can't remember his name right now the reason they're successful in demeaning women by attributing all of their value to their sexual abilities right their ability to monetize their sexual ability the reason that works is because from the onset looking in like if these women aren't necessarily super charismatic if they're not Mega attractive if they're not super intelligent then maybe they could convince the a audience that that is the only value that they can derive but Jasmine is an exception to that because she just so happens to be uh you know intelligent and she's got the you know the she's barred as well so how can you attribute all of her value to her ability to be you know insexual con uh context or whatever if she's also then able to do something that most of society would derive as like a one of those like higher Echelon of jobs as a lawyer how is it that you're able to say that that's the only thing that she provides value to in side just because she only happens to be doing that at this moment in time but she has the option right yes okay resp my final statement is woman want you to cry but not complain they want to to communicate but not that way okay mind your tone they tell you to feel yeah man feel but again feel in a way that it doesn't hurt my feelings this conversation is going to was funny because at the end of the day I I think I want to debate here when it comes to the red pill you blame the drug dealer you said the drug dealer is selling drugs to this poor man these red pill guys need to stop doing that because that's immoral that's creating a bad society and on the woman's side you said Jasmine Jafar is the drug dealer that is getting a tremendous amount of money from this broken man but you couldn't complain about her you should blame the capitalist society and all the fiends that are go to selling drugs proving that you are biased and you treat give two weights to two same to the same thing you apply to different weights and in my opinion there's a clear contradiction of what we're doing here U we got to the 30 minute Mark so we are going to read the questions of the crowd and the questions of the moderators I would actually like to start with the moderator so the people that want to ask questions can have time to send anything do you have any $20 on your side NE that I need to acknowledge if you have just let me know okay so we can make sure that that is there and moderators by any order you guys can do whatever just tell me uh any questions that you have that you want to give push back to any of the the the biters I allow Nino and Hornet if they want to go first um I'll go first that's fine um okay so I got a question for fatty first and then one for Neeve um my question to you fatty would be you said earlier in the debate that women aren't a monolith but I repeatedly heard you say women are this women do this and how do you square that Circle in your mind because I talk in majorities what I wanted to prove is that what NE was saying that different woman are going to have different reaction no she said men need to be aware that a diff a woman is going to have adverse reaction if he goes too far off if he does this and what I said is you can do a statement like that because if you do it every woman is going to have a different reactions so we are going to talk in majorities and the majority is if she likes you she goes if she likes you it's romantic if she likes you it was a good thing to do if she doesn't like you you go to jail so that's the majority that I use I don't use the minority I understand that every woman are different but for the most part there's a Maj there we are more similar than we are different from each other yeah I agree and I would also say that NE was pointing that out when you said women aren't a monolith she was speaking in generalities but then you uh she was speaking in generalities and you said women aren't Ms so it seems like when it's convenient for the conversation you were like women aren't a monolith when the generality was thrown out there that women behave in a certain fashion because it was about dating right and when we talk about women in general it just kind of like felt like you were leaning towards the women behave this way but not giving I got you but but but U the statements are not contradicting each other I can say every man is different because that a fact every single man on this planet is going to have one thing that is going to differentiate from the next man and I can do a general assessment saying even though every man is different and not men are most men like f scars most men like sports most men like big booies I can do both they are not contradicting each other because I'm saying for a general population I have to talk in majorities instead of actually focusing on one woman says Anna likes this way and Anna Bella likes this way I'm going to put him on a bundle together and I'm going to say on the balance of probabilities it's more probably they're going to do this even though they're going to be exceptions on that group they're going to go different so I don't think they're contradictory to each other I I I didn't say they were contradictory I just think it's one of those things where it's just like um you understand a certain level of nuance in certain conversations but in other parts it felt like you weren't giving the Nuance that you were giving earlier in that conversation that's fair can I ask you the one question real quick do you think if we can use generalities that we can talk about issues like yes yes we can I I I 100% agree what you with what you said before but I was just in the conversation it just kind of felt like the Nuance was missing in some parts and then when we tried to when it was like convenient in your point you were trying to go more at the new on so that's all I'm pointing out I'm going to be a smartest right now Arn and I'm going to say you are right there are woman that like broke men with Char with small dicks and they are four foot seven you are right you got to be there let's talk about oh and there's like fat woman that step on their and we men like to be submissive yes scat my balls lady yes okay um okay so now to NE um earlier in the conversation you said body count is a personal failure on yourself when picking out Parts um I would like to for you to elaborate that a little bit more because that seems yeah you did I wrote it down because it kind of popped out body counts are a person it's a personal failure on yourself because when fat was pointing out that body counts are um important to some men right uh said body counts would be a personal failure on yourself which I would say that's more of a preference not a failure on a person yeah no I think that uh within the context of women I think I talked about discernment but I think with men I think body counts being a failure to itself I kind of remember the conversation a little but not really I don't know can you it out a little more it it was during that part of the conversation where um it felt like you were saying that I could understand where you were coming from with the level of nuance but it still felt like when you call something a personal failure instead of like actually calling it what it is it's a it's a preference point right like uh Fatty's correct in the assessment that it is a preference that men can have and it's not necessarily a failure upon themselves or your point is also valid where it's like there a preference on that side is not necessarily a failure on women right I do so I do remember this specific instance so I said that men who like Factor it into as like the soul should I date this woman should I not um I think that if that's the sole reason that you're doing it without any sort of like calculation I think that that's kind of a personal failure the example that I brought forward that I feel like it would make sense to you know make that the deal breaker would be in a situation where you feel like that woman is emotionally compromised and does not have like high discernment and you know is Maybe sleeping left and right like maybe a little bit more of um what's the what's like a like a Nyo Maniac sort of temperament yeah you know I think men should be more conscious of things like body count in that situation in that circumstance because it is quite possible that some people look for sexual interactions to sort of fill holes in their lives uh rather than to doing like the big work so you know if that's something that is being signal to the man and the man feels like he wants to ask about body count uh on that basis you know maybe to just like find something out or whatever then I could be a little bit more understanding but if you're willing to write off a woman just you know start to finish um because like you again because um she exceeds like five she slept with more than five men or she slept with more than 10 men then yeah that is a personal failure of discernment I believe because again the the likelihood and then I also think that that you project insecurity into the relationship by kind of being uncertain about your own your own brand right like obviously you're wanting to position yourself as better than the people that she's been with previously and that's already assumed and you already being in that relationship with that woman she's like by considering you she's already assumed that you're like not any of the bad things that has kind of come before her to that point does that make sense okay so you're just sewing insecurity into the relationship Focus okay that's that's where I wanted to get at um question for both of you before I save my time to the other moderators um can you guys please define what a blue Pale Man is because it was brought up multiple times during the conversation and I good question I just need like some sort of elaboration on that is a man that is oblivious to the nature of woman since the since women get into their puberty and even less women are alert by the what the possible risk of engaging with men protect yourself he's trying to whle your your pen he's trying to use you and all that on the other side we teach our kids to romanticize woman to give him roses to give him our jackets when he's cold to put him first to die for first and all that this is the plal man the man that instead of being conditioned to the mistakes and dangers of dealing with woman is actually sell that woman are sugar and spice and everything nice that they will do no wrong that the man is not the empath gender that the man is the evil and she is the princess when in reality woman can be as vicious as man so that's the blue pill man is the man that floats through life not knowing what woman are actually capable of and they usually only got to wake up when they suffer massive loss somebody cheats on them somebody divorc them somebody takes their kids somebody lose their house like NE said they come to these places because they had no idea that woman were capable of that so those are the blue pill men and thank you too for the five memberships we need five to go okay appreciate you too okay I think I think at a point in the conversation I was skeptical to the existence or the usage of the word of a blue fill man um but again I participated in using the word in this conversation because I think sometimes when you you know you talk to people with a particular kind of mindset you got to use small words but I think what to there's a notion to The Matrix reality or sorry red pill men are very clear question to her so very red red pill men are very uh clear about identifying that their community and their identity you know is built solely off their poor interactions and you know their you know their negativity that they hold towards women and who they regard as blue pill man who is or just any other man that doesn't live with that sort of frame of reference or isn't trauma bonding with other men online on the internet so you could be a blue pill man uh you know like rill could be a blue man Nino could be a blue man like anyone could in this you know community in this audience could be a blue man if you listen to The Red Pill talking points and you think wow this is like really really uh you know jumping the gun or drawing really stupid conclusions you two might be able to okay and I seed my time over to the other moderators gu unless uh I don't mind bro um questions uh since we're talking about the red pill blue pill can you give three uh RP examples I mean red pill examples of someone that red pill that hurt someone so the three that I gave in the debate so the specific one that I did at the beginning is that the prescription that men should not spend any time around women before courting women I thought that that was really stupid uh I provided a situation as it relates to the temperament of women that if you don't spend any time around women and you go to say like hiccup Artistry or if one of your Bros tells you man women love to be bullied if you don't spend any time around women and uh you know you don't have any insight as to like what their temperaments are about then you're just going to become toxic and poisonous to women women are going to want to be around you so that was one um I think the second one is that red pill doesn't prepare men for marriage um I think red pill will sour the discussion and Poison the Well around marriage but will do anything they won't do anything other than you know virtue signal around the idea that having a te parent household or having children in the home or whatever as an ultimate goal is the ultimate idea I think they contradict themselves constantly by talking about materialism protecting their own assets how can you be focused on the long-term growth of your family and developing you know a family a stability for you know having kids and also simultaneously be crying about a house you might lose or a car you might lose um I think that if you want to be consistent with these sorts of things then you should be more open about the discussion of having uh you know honest conversations about uh pre prenuptual situations and circumstances and uh I think even Jasmine Jafar somebody that I would agree with more as a whole has talked about normalizing the idea that regardless men or wom uh regardless of financial um like optitude you should both before uh you know you you get married you should both come to um you know some sort of prenuptual agreement and that should be like kind of a norm so uh again that's a prescription I'm making but that's not when you'll hear in the Ral Community they'll just tell you don't do it in the first place because women might take all your [ __ ] right I think the third one um I think that is just more evidenced by the community itself and just how the influence of most reped pill creators seems to be diminishing longterm more reped pill creators don't even seem to believe the things that they're saying anymore as they see their audience kind of peeling away from um you know their communities into things like even the price bill for example I think maybe their dist and their their distaste and their you know hate for women um isn't necessarily uh like being aply served in the red pill Community a community that is characterized by um you know that that missional responses but they need some sort of like ideological grounding to further reinforce those beliefs so they fall into these like religious communities um that again seem to reinforce these sorts of things in like scripture um and you know there's great things that come out of uh religious communities but their takes and their views on women are not one so those are three things I think that uh if I can just reiterate them uh the plug your mic uh so the the rep pill's prescriptions as to not spending any time with women um the second one I just said oh my God I just forgot and the third one is that the red pill Community ultimately just chases uh you know men into like really shitty shittier ideas ultimately um or doesn't really serve the need of the existed group people seem to either grow up and leave the community or go into the further you know woman Haiti pole that they're in and uh try and like ground it with some sort of ideological uh backing audio fine if not I'll skip to needo and come back yeah it's pretty bad I'm sorry no no no no give me a second one second try it now testing one two three yeah right now it's s go ahead okay so second question for NE so you mentioned a couple times about um the narcissistic traits between um fresh and fit and whatever podcast can you give an examples between the two because uh fresh fit seem to be very loud uh not too much understanding what is um the whatever podcast and this is something that I cover a lot with the narcisstic uh behaviors on my channel the narcissistic traits can you give like some examples between the two podcasts because you mentioned um narcissist a lot well two times for fresh and I think one time for whatever podcast I don't believe I I don't feel that I did but uh if I want if you're asking me to give you examples of how they could be narcissist I don't think that they do it necessarily any more than any other content creators I think by being a content creator on YouTube and attempting to monetize your personal interactions with other people I think that's inherently narcissist so I don't think there're any more narcissister than I am but that's also why I'm confused as to why you're saying that because I feel like I feel that way consistently I don't really need to you know what I mean like I feel like that's just just like the other example as well that I would make is like some people will sometimes criticize content creators for making a lot of money and they're not being off and honest about it but it's obvious that most content creators are on the platform to make money so I would never make that CH okay um to fatty you mentioned earlier about um women whining and dwelling uh just a basic question so you do realize that men also does that too they got a thing called M I'm sorry woman what woman doing what women you you made like a comment or gesture I guess try to um to about women um cry and complain a lot with their emotions their feelings yes uh do do you realize that men does that also because they have a thing called M life crisis yes most men are not leaders most women lead relationships most men are weak most men will actually capitulate to a woman a relationship will go as far as the man says yes to the woman yes I agree with that I'm just saying that for a uh uh um for a generation that was literally raised by feminism when they preach equality on both sides is ridiculous to to actually push for woman to complain about men and to express them feelings and give them a tremendous amount of outlets while you're suppressing men either being on the day-to-day basis either be the cards either be even social media when people get banned when they complain about woman they get monetized when they complain about woman what I'm asking is if you guys want to preach equality let's make it all over the place and if you guys understand that if you guys preach that man should Express their feelings you can be uh uh offended when those feelings actually are negative towards you either men can be uh Express their feelings no matter what they say or they can only express their feelings that are going to make you feel happy and fuzzy inside so yes men can be weak too I think in relation when it comes to relationships I think men are strong Society overall but when it comes to relationships men are the weakest they have ever been yes I agree with that okay um second last question now because of all that you just said so you mentioned earlier about the manosphere red pill can help men women and children how so um also I do agree with majority of the comments you're saying about the red pill because I think what you're trying to say is is a little bit different than the others because if anybody isn't um really familiar with uh all the other ideology Excuse me yes it's not the same yeah is a little bit more yeah but there I don't agree with the 100% of the prescriptions like nobody kind of agrees with 100% I agree with 80% I just think that the 80% they agree bring more value than the 20% that I disagree with you see what I'm saying is like you take alcohol to get drunk and sip of alcohol doing when you are going down and you are on anger actually help you too so it's it's a it's a a duality there but when it comes I'm sorry uh men women and children how does the manister red pill help uh it helps because it gives guidance to men to actually be more prepared when they meet the woman of their dreams it brings structure it push them to be better he says go to the gym because your woman going to like you more try to actually achieve a better a more a better paying job so you can have resources to take care of your family control yourself emotionally when you get cheated on when somebody puts your hands on you leave the room don't stay there arguing and fighting with her just go ahead and protect yourself I think all these things are going to prepare men to be more Adept to taking care of woman and I'm going to think that woman are actually more protected about this man because when these men establish their boundaries when this man is not running out of their feelings when these men are actually having the things that woman want which is a masculine man a stronger man a man with money both SES are going to win because more couples are going to be together more families are going to grow up with everybody in the room and the next generation is going to be stronger after that and by the way okay and and we need Alternatives and what is happening right now is not helping nobody so if NE doesn't have an alternative if she doesn't have a place for man to go if NE doesn't have a place for man to actually become better other than search it for yourself I think somebody has to take their place and the red Spiel even if you guys don't agree with it is the only place that they can do it I never complain about woman complained about men I think they have the right to do so I think they are grown-ups just like us and I think they should exchange not so they protect themselves from men and I think men shouldn't be denied the same right to protect themselves from woman especially the black players that get money from them because they don't have a woman so they subscribe to Jasmine Jafar thank you very much what about Apple ready apple is a nice sit down restaurant where any family can sit down and enjoy a nice home cooking what about what is aqua bees what is it Applebees I'm trolling I'm trolling I didn't get the joke I'm sorry I didn't want to ruin joke all you need know all right well I got three questions one of them is for both of y'all and the other two is for NE the first one is um do you believe that red pill and manosphere are one and saying personally no I think there's a big overlap but I think a manosphere actually grow up to other type of uh the the manosphere is more ample the red pill as very distinct uh practice because inside of the manosphere there's the the the black pill there's the MC tow guys there's a bunch of people that are actually not red pilled there founds other type of ways of dealing with with woman so they kind of overlap red pill is probably 80% of the manosphere but there's a bunch of other ideologies that are focused on men and for men that are not red pill so is yes and no if you see what I'm saying majority of it but not 100% I I largely agree I think that the manosphere is like saying the the Marvel extended universe and then all the separate little franchises inside uh you know red pill mtow pickup Artistry all of those things they're just derivative that sort of general idea I guess okay all right so first question for you is does hating certain behaviors of women mean that you hate women so does hating can you say that uh can can you say it a little bit more slowly I said does hating certain behaviors of women mean that you hate women is hating certain behaviors that women kind of do right MH um hold on my my headphones are dying can you can still hear me though right yeah just give me one sec uh I have to get it to come out of my speaker but I'll just talk uh does certain behaviors so does hating certain behaviors that women kind of do mean that you hate women absolutely not that's what you should I think for the most part we should be focused on behaviors instead of sort sort of like creating the the monolith that a lot of red pill creators do do um so they create the monolith they try and characterize as women as people that exhibit all of these behaviors right just generally and then they they sort of like diminish the two right but uh no like I think um when I was younger like I wasn't necessarily religious I think we were we were catholic or whatever and there was a while where I think I did believe in God for a little bit and my mom always used to like you know I used to ask my mom like cringey questions all the time but I think one of them was like um you know like if like if we sin like will we not go to heaven etc etc etc right I don't know and I think the one thing that she said to me which was really important was that you know like God hates the sin but he doesn't hate the person right so I think that's really important um you know if we take anything from that religious context and apply it to the to the rest of the world at least to say like um obviously we should just focus on the negative behavior and not write everyone else off but I don't think the red pill um hold on I need to like figure out my my audio situation because I actually can't hear a word right now you're you're talking is back okay so uh yeah were you able to hear me when I was talking with all my headphones yes yes I was able n n did have any followup questions for that I know you said you had two questions but I don't know if you wanted to no no you answer um I got the last question for you I was GNA ask do you feel like feminist podcasts are just as dangerous as you believe Manfield in R podcast um I think that as uh you know I think that maybe in some context there's been a lot of feminist podcasts that have sort of taken away from the actual issues and have done a lot of vilification of men but I think by and large like if I look at pros and cons I think that um you know there's so many people trying to scap go feminism again uh as like I would say it's more of like a meow red pill right now to you know be sort of criticizing feminism and actually contending with the beliefs right representing them honestly um I think that yeah the early on when we got into like I I would say in the last 5 years I think there was a lot of vilification of men and then a lot of principles that maybe weren't applied evenly that could have been probably handled better so yeah so is a yes or a no uh do I think that I I said I think some probably could but I couldn't even provide you an example of a feminist podcast no no it's fine I just you're again Jud a very and then you do a Nuance like approach on on the family um Nino do you have an example of a feminist podcast I CU I don't uh cynia G maybe um Queen maker know uh yeah okay well we could start I know because because I know Queen maker I would say that I I yeah I do not I do not support her rhetoric I don't support her position I think that her community is just as bad as the red pill Community I think it is a big trauma bond with a bunch of people glued together and uh you know seeing the follow from the seeing the followup from the B the followup from the like the B Taylor stuff I think was just really uh you know telling me a lot about what I had already assumed about the way that her rhetoric goes so if yeah if you're asking me about her community specifically it's just the same if not worse as in my opinion you don't know who Derek Jackson is right no I don't that's interesting should I know who that is question no is like to be be fair she ain't yeah but she's like me I'm in Portugal respectfully to be fair I'm 8 miles away from the the closest Shore so if she's I think I get fair enough fair enough well I don't know any of the moderators any questions before I go to the questions of the the public no I'm good I'm pretty fine so let me let me read these ones and then the moderators prepare your cards to see finally won Carl Anderson $20 does the manosphere which is classified as woman ators need a more appropriate rebranding due to the way it's defined in books if you look at the wiki definition it closely resemble the Taliban that is wrote is written by people that are clearly left leaning and have a pre like is the incel thing and incel is not what people preach is more of a community of people that shoot schools and all that in reality incel are men that are not lucky with woman they don't have their way away with woman and they're exclusive of society because they don't have the sexual powers to actually get away with it so yes I think way let me just say this the same way def funding the police needs to change because it doesn't mean what it means it mean it means that you take money from the police and you prepare people that are specialized every time there's a mental health issue there's special cops that go there instead of the regular cops and the person is dead the funding the police I think the manosphere and the red pill need a rebranding because it's something a little bit more he than You' spread it for go ahead I think the manosphere is a bit loaded of a term I think just the way that it's used and who it's typically used by it's usually used in a derogatory way or by people that are so um antagonistic that you can only really take away from it like some sort of negative connotation so if you're if you feel like the the the the causes in the Mana spere are righteous and that they should be they should deserve more attention and honest consideration then maybe we should consider rebranding because I think right now it's like a bit of a nonstarter for a lot of people thank you very much I appreciate you Carl let me skip through these ones I'm going to read it after the results are done John in the building n is engaging in noise need to be validated over talking irrelevance towards others snide commentary egregious Behavior just because your contentious words are stated calmly doesn't make them any less contentious I feel very affected if you have a very nice way of disagreeing on a nice tone of wait do I do I get to address that no that's not the question there's this well can I well I should I feel like it's pretty pointed at me I should be able you got you got yeah I think that it's just you know an example of focusing on you know the tone and the things like you don't like the way I'm saying things but I mean you spent $20 uh you could have had me address anything and said you want to have a discussion on the way I said something rather than contending with the things that were said right um so I I mean you're kind of just a victim of doing what you what you said I did uh because you know in that delivery that you did not like you know I was very clear to be very you know concise in the way that I was communicating so I thought I thought I thought that we agreed that tone matters in the beginning no I'm saying well it does to women but for you know for their safety right matters to women and emotionally charged people and people who rely on it for safety and that's what he said and that's what he said he kind of said you didn't mute the you didn't fatty you didn't mute the no no it's fine it's going to stop it's just annoying very are we debating a super chat right now no no no no we're not debating I just said that like on the beginning of the show it was established that tone matters John har said Super Chat mentioning that the tone is not connected or conductive to the ideas that be and for whatever reason he thinks like yeah that's that's that's a belief that he has I know I've said a lot of things that a lot of people don't want to hear J Carver $200 YouTube straight from Japan he says fetty let's have some fun we're all grown here n or Flora Flora is my baby Flora if you here this I miss you I need you and I'm coming for you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you by the way DJ Carver go [ __ ] yourself much I appreciate it go ahead oh I'm also offended that uh you know you threw us in as options for one another I'm a little offended by it's because he knows I'm in love with Flor and he's trying to make this very awkward no no of course no for you but I you know you're not the only one who doesn't like yes you know Flor is built beautifully like she has a fat she's such a unique personality she's so kind she has such yes she so wonderful hey that's something hey we agree on something see the manosphere is not just Rama is actually we getting together and making families me and Flora forever and thank you very much John $20 NE and fetty if both your DNA were harvested would it show XX or XY once you know which of you do you think an XX woman will choose to protect her because woman per want to feel protected I'll leave it to you I I don't understand what he's trying to say here U so but what I did understand is NE and fatty if both your DNA were harvested would it show FX or or XY well if you're asking me to acknowledge my biological reality I'm happy to do so you know as the nature of being a trans woman um is that you know you're transitioning from one gender to the next and uh that that would obviously assume that I'm a biological male you know transitioning to be a woman right um whether you agree with that that that's POS that that is possible that's ideologically driven and you know you're fair to come with your own assumptions or whatever uh but the rest of your what whatever it is that you're saying it's kind of incoherent if that he doesn't know I don't know I I always get confused with the XX and XY I think XX XY is the man but I never sure 100% so I I referred myself out say you guys can go first so I can kind of figure out money is maybe they should send more money in they should send more money in the fatty to clarify that you know that people are very supportive on my side because men support other men thank M Canal $20 so red peel men complain and don't get along with woman and blue peel men don't complain and are good with woman do you think that's a fair statement no because I don't agree with the utility in using the word blue pill man right I don't think I don't think they exist I think red pillman uh think that blue blue pillman exists but what a blue pillman is to a red pill man it's just any man that doesn't agree with that yeah thank thank you very much Canali I appreciate you we have more two questions to go and then we get to the final final Final uh vote IL Canali $20 we've destroyed no we destroyed red peill blue pill logic what is a woman who complains about woman red pill okay what is a woman who complain about men no je God damn it what is woman who complains about woman red pill and if a socalled blue pill man communicates a bad experience is blue pill Ali can you send another Super Chat because I didn't no no not so sorry send the regular send the regular chat correcting what you wrote Because I don't I don't understand the once again AL you've blown me away with your send don't send it with money just correct the the statement so I can understand what you asking there and there we have one more from Mil can Ali he says speaking for man makes you toxic masculinity and red pill but speaking a poor woman makes you a feminist but somehow not red pill so narcissists are men who focus on themselves vers selflove is woman focusing on themselves goddamn Alli throw this [ __ ] into chat gbt and tell them you have 140 characters and then just throw like you know they'll do the rest okay be honest I have no [ __ ] idea what you're trying to say here dude I'm sorry I have to agree with the last the last comment I don't know if there's a Tyle or like a paragraph Ali but go ahead you know du to Super Chat just go ahead and write him again I will surely read them okay I will surely read them so friends since we are waiting for Ali I want y'all to s one more member we need one more member so we can get to the goals today and we need 37 likes 37 likes we good to go we are got to the end of the debate I'm waiting for Ali to answer his comments and concerns and to rephrase what he asked there for free please don't send super chats I wanted to start the voting system and oh we got another one final one fetty neither you or NE answer the question I asked which of you would an xxom per biology see as protect her based on your physical current physical appearance yeah that would be me because I'm big you know how tall are you n like 57 that'll definitely be me I'm a massive six foot2 obes tattooed man with a scar on my eye NE doesn't have no chance do you agree n that will be seen as the protector well I I would see that to but you know hopefully it's not making rational decisions um because that might be another thing I I don't have any tattoos you're making it you're making a joke I don't have any tattoos and uh you know I'm pretty pretty Twiggy so let's take because I have tattoos right would you say that most women would look at me as like if we see both of us on the street I would be kind of look more as a protector would that be fair for sure for sure okay because you talk about man look woman looking at men for protection because of like the he being on of the Matrix just by it alone I kind of feel more The Matrix there even if you were dressed like I don't know OV and RI your shirt off and all that like just for the sheer size difference they will actually be there IL can Ali okay NE took a shot so what we all want to know n if you were stranded on an island with two men who would get you pregnant first the red people are was a really good question Al and I think that one again we should probably type that in the chat GPT to see if you can come up with a Ral answer this this one was well written does that go with does that go with the argument of the emotional Mill for n's conversation earlier or no I don't know think people's trying to be funny uh being a silly guy because I I think I think Ray is going to the side this debate so let's go arnet Nino and can we be can we be really clear though before we do any voting who did you invite to this debate and who did I invite to this debate who did you invite to this you invited arnet I invited Nino great pill was a final Edition because of the that you invited right yes but great pill is more I I think I would say great is more about than is wand in my opinion fair enough well you're you're you seem to be okay anyways no no I'm literally I think great he knows both spices but I think he more people than our people no you're right I think that I just wanted I just wanted to I just thought we should be transparent about that to the audience that's oh yeah when you yeah when you lose you'll know why she's going to say you was riged go ahead you got you got you got let's go let's go and then R um okay uh for per my notes um I would say that Neeve won this only on the grounds that he was willing to criticize her side and enter a level of nuance where I didn't feel you were more willing to do that at least from the arguments out you were making throughout the whole debate but I did so when great yes when gra yeah yeah I said like at a at a higher level NE was way more nuanced and um willing to criticize her side versus I said what you were saying Arn I said men are weak men are not prepared to be leaders men are literally delegating said blue pen blue pill men are no no I said men no I said okay okay yeah well I'm going to leave it at that I just for you for you to know I really believe that even man on the man feere on the red field are one blow job away from the plantation they will say they will marri like that's something that I say all the time and I kind of but but it's fine don't worry about it it's fine also to acknowledge like the opening statements she covered through most of the opening statements where you didn't really touch on the demonetization and the cancel culture going after a lot where I felt like that was strong points that you could have made there but yeah so so you think I didn't touch on the man content being demonetized and being pushed to the side and being cancelled while woman can tell whatever they want without punishment uh I just didn't think you entered the can of culture that much okay okay okay so what about Mr now actually let me let me share for you thank you very much herard for being here I appreciate you what about that R pill is going to go last because this is going to be interesting Nino tell me what do you think one um um I thought you won fatty to be honest um I wrote down a couple of points where you I [ __ ] you won and I'll give you my overall consense is why I thought you won uh the first point was he couldn't name well she couldn't name a good alternative solution to red pill and uh manosphere so feel like just kind of complaining about stuff but when you don't have a solution for it then what are we doing here and then the next one uh do you remember what I said to that though just to be clear I respect your choice but do you remember what I uh do you remember what I said in terms of providing an alternative person personal opinion everybody should have individual no I just said that it's D it's dumb to just go online and try and find one content creator that embodies all the issues you have in your life for nuanced human beings it'll never make any sense yeah that's that's a debate for another day because I don't think that's what's going on I think people come here to get entertained but uh to move on to the next point I felt like you couldn't answer what was more important than a man getting his house in order which is uh what a lot of these manosphere and red pills people like to talk about or whatnot and um also it seemed like you were given a pass for women when they are online venting but you know you kind of describe red pill men as angry guys who come on here venting or what not you know I'm paraphrasing I'm not gonna no you're right I do I do so you know I think that's kind of bias you know what I'm saying and uh I think in a lot of ways your opinion on it is very subjective it's not very objective and I think when you trying to win a debate you don't win it on Nuance you you win it on facts and you prove your point when when it's Nuance when it's objective that's just your opinion and everybody don't have the same opinion but when you being objective then that's hard to argue against you get what I'm saying I think fatty was more objective on his points than you were to yeah well I think objectivity in this community is subjective so thank you though I appreciate that thank you very much n Nation so he's one great peel as all the power now the music great peel oh won the debate today um all right there's a lot going on and for somebody that's watched a lot of the manosphere seeing fatty from the beginning uh from the foundation coming up living in the manosphere dwelling on the red pill claiming that he's adjacent oh man and we have on the other side Neeve the underdog coming from her side of fence attacking every argument she sees fit I respect that uh when it comes to the conversation and debates I have to agree with Hornet on his sides a lot of the conversation with her opening statement she was addressing a lot of it uh I don't agree a lot with Nino said because that's part of a debate when you debate you have nuances you have non- nuances you voice your opinions you have open perspective shout out to the great pill podcast everybody can come in and give their thoughts and ideas uh a lot of fatty said I didn't agree with uh some of I think you should have just elabor a little bit more when it came to the red pill because there's so much levels to it is crazy because there's so many people argu in chat about the red pill I dealt with black pill I dealt with other um there's white green it's like eight T of them so it's so weird um I'm split on the hairs of it might have to give it to NE on this one Wonder Woman wins yeah i a g lie that as first defeat NE doesn't even believe it she's looking at the floor like I got I got away I DOD the [ __ ] bullet I just want to say one thing to the moderators thank you very much for being here I just think there was two points that I clearly want to debate there first it was when she said like I asked her the intelligible that she was selling to man she was saying oh because a man gets a sense of Duty and a sense of and then when I flip it says will that be enough for a woman and I'm going to review the tape because she said she didn't say it she said it will be it would not be intelligence for a woman engage in a relationship because of that and the second point that I thought you killed it she sold the red pill side of these guys that explore men that are weak and they are damaged and get money out of them but when when we flip it and we talk about Jasmine japar she didn't give the same emphasis of saying that she explores man weakness to get money out of them and she tried to tell you like it's kind of painting kind of is not her fault is the fault of capitalism I think those points literally defeated the the like defeated the the point of the conversation is a clear double standard I believe that both sides need spaces to complain I believe that J mfar has a right to exploit every man that she wants because this capitalism and nobody of none of those men are being forced to give their money away and on the other side I think Russian F or whatever podcast they are not forcing this man to go there they are still hurt and they're still capitalizing and in my opinion are a little bit more productive with their content than a woman selling PS for $20 so I think on I I'm not going to go back and forth with the decision because I think is fair right you guys have the right to your opinion I just think that those two giant contradictions actually made NE defeat herself because I didn't have to do it I just have to point it out that she kind of had double standards for two things that are literally uh uh the same so you guys can go ahead final thoughts from everyone and then we're good to go to be fair to be fair fatty I also had that in my notes against seve when I was when I was writing out my notes because the O not being predatory thing was something I was counting against her in how was judging so because that that that argument that's why like I picked out like what was the best argument to ask you guys at the very end and that's why I was just like the monolith thing really caught me off guard for you and it was the body count being a personal failure where it did seem like there was a level of bias on both parts where I was I have and and that was and that was a point too about the body count she kind of preached dig discipline in one side and then were flipping with the other and said should woman practice should Jas Meine Jafar do [ __ ] discipline it's kind of was a little all over the places the the Nuance I TR to point out that the parallel you were drawing didn't make any sense right that was important I I think I think he I think he did because if one is bad for society and we're pointed out because it's bad for society overall a man just going around sing there dick picking a bunch of kids and all I think the other way around a woman uses their sexual powers to literally make a bunch of men delusional take a bunch of men from them and all them is as messy if not as much as much damage I think both of them are bad I just think that we acknowledge one side and we don't do it other because this woman doing so it is what it is yeah she is capitalizing on a market right so just like just like just like just like just like whatever I would agree with you there yeah yeah I would agree well to go ahead well I think to practice uh what I preach I think the most important thing for me in this debate and the wi condition that I set up for myself at the beginning of the conversation at least in my chat was that I didn't want to call anyone a [ __ ] and you know I think that I succeeded with flying colors in sitting through this debate and listening to everything that you said and not talking over I mean there was instance in the shadow realm but that was the nature of it it's a little more blood sporty at least that's how I understood it but uh you know I was open to having the discussion regardless um because you know I don't really care for formal debate and uh you know I exceeded that win condition so as far as I'm concerned I have grown as a person and I can come away from this debate feeling like I like I took something away I will cry in the car today I was not expecting defeat I was very sure that I was going to win take an IAT from YouTube to think about life and to I don't know abandon this nasty ideology that gave me lost today I am the liever I would say some constructive criticism there are sometimes that you you introduce really interesting uh like udes and metaphors but you don't let them um you don't let them soak so they can be like appreciated and digested because you have a tendency to talk um at length so what I find is difficult it's like it's it's well no it's actually it's one of your strengths but it's also your weakness at the same time so when of your strengths is that you can be uh what's the word you can be very like convincing um you know when it's consistently coherent the whole way through but then sometimes when you say something at the beginning that's like okay well that's actually a good point or like let's talk about that or I could sympathize with that and then you continue to talk then well now you're diluting what you said originally so I find that it's hard to debate against you for that reason but also a lot of the work you're kind of doing against yourself if you're not being cons I was the Floyd Mayweather of wakanda now I am bro miserable I I am great PE in N Nation if you do you guys have anything to say before we close out I'm going to read all the super chats and we go from there uh R loo uh no it was a good conversation actually at all the debates or YouTube weirdness I actually enjoyed this the most so thank you for L me up uh thank you very much for being here so such a s chart notice I appreciate it yeah this is my yeah because this is not my thing so if it's a conversation I'm down for it yeah you was conversation then the debate I don't think he went there especially because once once again like there's not a lot of animosity between me even though she's a piece of [ __ ] but like there's not an yeah but it's a convers that need to be had for the most part versus the yelling back and forth for like because I know most of like Nino said is entertainment when we have to women on stuff like that but it usually don't draw much of a real conversation just like I got to get that dunk on not saying you particularly but a lot of male spaces does that that's why I didn't understand like most people say oh it's helping men like how when you know in real life like you're not doing it if you do cops get called domestic dispute like it's dumb so I enjoy the conversation I appreciate you thank you very much repal n Nation I appreciate you too thank you very much for Lending me your KF for a second friend my KF I don't know what's going on with it we're going to try to figure out so we can become millionaires out of this so appreciate you arnet Nino rill n do you have any Super Chat that you want to read to everybody or know you're probably going to continue streaming on your side right yeah my my community is pretty small so mcraft said women may be more emotionally aware of an on an individual level but their friend sure as [ __ ] Yas queen I'm out of it that would be I think that's Krab's biggest criticism of me is that I allow a lot of that to happen um but I think that's more trauma bonding and I'd like to think that I'm aware of it when I can uh one thing I wanted to say fatty is that I will um I'm covering some uh you know Speak Easy hilarity and I know we've been going for about two hours can you give me a spoiler who did he fall out so really he mentioned me today on his show somebody sent to me and I was like I don't care like he started talking with 30 for 30 people about me doing whatever I don't care right yeah like let just tell me who is the who who did he fall with so I can understand what's going on so he had a really good conversation with a person named rant on the machine lies last night and uh you know he came in swinging and kind of got his fingers bit and the thing about Speak Easy that a lot of people understand is that uh people are not responsible for the behavior the host is responsible for everyone's behavior and if you don't believe that then well E's willing to burn a bridge with you and so you know there's a really funny situation uh that kind of came out of that a lot of really funny stuff and uh you know we're going to get into that in the next little bit did he use the trump card stop talking about my kids or did he yeah no he the most weakest [ __ ] bitcher [ __ ] that I ever saw as soon as you say you are a bad par you are you have three Baby M I don't know go ahead the link for n on the p is there I'm going to drop the link for the discard to because n have a discard to I'm going to go drop it there so you can actually know where to find it okay so please go ahead and follow follow follow NE Discord and N thank you very much for coming and for giving me your time I see you later I'm going to check out what happened with speakes again because that man is just a train wck my it is what it is I OB expecting like a more mature man but that man is a man child so it is what it is so thank you very much once again for coming take care chat thanks so much for I wanted to play my video of me winning so I'm going to wait for you to to leave so I can play it I'm going to play it for myself oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we did a little little Victory little Victory lap here guys so what are you thinking a little bit of a a parade celebration I mean listen that was a really interesting conversation uh in terms of like the back and forth I thought that again like I know I'm meing about not calling anyone a [ __ ] obviously but I think that just staying a little bit more calm and composed and being a little bit more patient was the is the benefit that I derive in engaging in these sorts of conversations you know what I mean when can you expect your payment uh [ __ ] you never buddy you weren't bought off but yeah um and I I thought it was really clear to kind of talk about the transparency of who the moderators were because it would have been too easy to talk about like who appointed X Y and Z right uh I invited Hornet Alone um and I guess that he had two or other people and they didn't show up so we ended up asking grael and that's how it played out so um you know and I'm happy that the the winner is determined by some sort of judging system because I think it's really um because obviously I can't contest an audience it's like 100 to like 200 people right but uh yeah definitely um you know feeling good about that do you guys feel like there was anything that I I really slipped up on there was an example that I tried to convey about um we don't blame gun manufacturers or whatever something and it was like a parallel that I had drawn in the past that I haven't said or used in so long that I dropped the ball on that completely I feel like if that was me I would have focused in on that and I would have driven it like you know I would have gone so hard on it uh but yeah they they seem to not have really uh you know attributed too much value to it um and yeah it went way longer than I thought if fat won that's something would have um if hold on but yeah thank you guys so much I know that I've like ignored you this entire stream and I feel terrible for that I saw your message Kore and then it just disappeared immediately why can't I see it but yeah if fatty won then something would have been would have had to have been rigged he do not do well at all he just assumes your positions multiple times in Shadow Boxes yeah agreed it's just hard to uh it's hard to point that out multiple it's hard to point that out in real time the other thing as well is like I didn't prepare for this whatsoever um I did eyeliner which I would say is preparation enough and aside from that I didn't think that I necessarily needed to because I think that contending that the red pill is rational is always going to be really really uh silly from my perspective it's it's just it just isn't and I think it's pretty easy to demonstrate like you don't have to be um you know like a PhD or whatever to to demonstrate that so but yeah so the next thing we're getting into is we got some uh Speak Easy content we have not had Speak Easy content in so long not in speak E's defense necessarily oops not in speak Easy's defense necessarily but like the guy's been keeping a low profile and it's been quite boring uh but we do like to you know focus a little on his um antagonistic nature and his inability to keep a friendship going for you know more than a couple months you know he's counting on the figure counting on the fingers at this point the amount of people that's still support him um I have to imagine that's pretty stressful but uh you know we can cross the machine lies off that list uh because last night they had a massive blow up with each other that the machine lies actually approached quite rationally quite fairly as it relates to speak easy and you know unfortunately that wasn't enough for him uh you know he had to blow it out of proportion a little bit more so the other thing I'm going to say is that if you haven't already make sure that you like and subscribe to the channel uh consider sending a channel uh super chat or purchasing a channel membership if you haven't already and speaking of the devil amazing timing uh Smokey Guru with the gifted 10 memberships thank you so much for the gifted and welcome to all of the new members of The Hive happy to have you super super amazing Smokey thank you so much uh if there's any other super chats that I missed I did miss a great pill one for 99 cents earlier gr pill thank you for the sticker and Lauren again with the gifted one membership as well thank you so much love you long time very very much um and then Sarah of course we addressed that earlier so we're going to get right into this um let me make sure that I can you guys can see the stream because I'm pretty sure you can't and also to all the new subscribers happy to have you as well we've did quite quite a few during the stream uh which was uh you know quite surprising so so great also clue just subbing now why oh these are all the new members I'm like clue you've been here for a while buddy what's uh what the [ __ ] is this so we'll get into it uh the conversation as a whole is already very very um how could you say like um very conspiratorial okay I'm not going to sugarcoat it the content of this conversation is kind of laughable in my opinion but you know these people seem to really believe in what they believe in and I don't want to like diminish their beliefs necessarily because I don't have to we're here for one reason and one reason alone and that person is Speak Easy literally have this same chart and write Barney Dora the Explorer die okay I was like the stream quality I'm not really sure what the hell is going on but we're chilling now um we're chilling sitting pretty at 720 you would you're dis so basically to this point we have quite a few people a lot of people that I'm not super familiar with but of course we'll work through the way from left to right on the bottom so we have Speak Easy um and then we have the the foil for this conversation I believe their name is rant but I could be wrong and if I'm wrong I am so sorry I would like to credit you appropriately even though I think you're insane um you know a w is a w you know wherever you want it uh I'm not sure who everyone else is but of course we have Hank of flamio who is an absolute Legend on this channel he just doesn't know it yet uh we have one of the funniest moments and one of the funniest clips this channel has ever produced has been as a result of this man so ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for Hank and then in addition to Hank we have the machine lies as well who again posts panels on very nuance and really interesting topics and discussions uh this one specifically was unclear to me but at this time they're kind of breaking down some sort of conspiratorial hierarchy where Satan and Lucifer are at the top of like some ladder system and everyone is kind of derivative from that so it's the banking groups Illuminati secret societies U education intellig religious political groups um you know this is this is kind of some really really interesting stuff but again it kind of feeds into and sorry to machine lies this isn't a criticism of the content that you produce necessarily but it's a more but more as a characterization of the sorts of panels that easy has been reduced to basically you know everyone in the space hates him if he tries to panel hop all he does is go on and uh you know jerk conversations into women shouldn't vote obviously no one's trying to hear that so you know he's stuck on panels with a lot of really Nuance opinions and just wild topics this is what he's been reduced to and um you know I think it's quite funny but yeah shout out to machine Lies You know despite all that the guy has a you know a mind that I think is very abstract and very unique and I don't want to take anything away from the content he produces so we'll make sure to drop a link to his channel here and we'll continue nothing I mean you should know you're involved with these people are you not what is this this is um what is this a picture you made or are you riding the all right it's all right photo invoke anger and lust what are you doing are you someone did something try to help you up with all the symbology on your hands this right yeah yeah that's why we have this too like I know I'm I'm the bigest threat for um the new you're wasting your time here right because you're only going to get more exposed let's talk about your kids no no no let's not talk about okay so this might be from a historical perspective if you are familiar with Speak Easy lore this is potentially the first time that I'm aware of okay that somebody has actually attempted to fight easy directly with his kids oh my God and I and by the way I denounce this completely if your only argument is to [ __ ] on somebody um with you know the you know with maybe the quality of the children or whatever like if if you want to to to take a conversation into someone of these kids obviously I denounce that behavior I think it's wrong I don't think you should do that okay let's be very very clear about it so whoever this person is you know uh they're off to a really bad start you're essentially feeding into the Speak Easy brain rot and you're feeding his delusions as to like every single person that you know that has an issue with him also has an issue with his you know his existence as a father or the fact that he has kids right so uh you know a crazy amount of gaslighting here going on by I'm going to call this person rant but um you know like uh we'll just keep that in mind okay yeah you don't want to do that right right because you're a terrible father but you come out and lie to everybody fact that I'm not going to talk about my kids with some random loser conspir I will when you come out here to try to throw shade on what we're doing here exposing the truth you have you can't argue with me about my arguments you have to attack my kids is that what you want to do as long as you're here to attack the truth i'mna you want to do you can't attack my argument you want to bring up my kids yeah I want to bring up how bad of a father you are the reason dishonest you are you're on the internet Satan you're angry now aren't you come see me [ __ ] bny Christ you never talk about your own kids you never talk about your own kids byy Christ show your and so here's a thing that I always really like and appreciate about Hank of flame okay Hank is just you know he's like the hero we don't deserve okay he is the hero we do not deser deserve he is going to address U Injustice when he sees it even if it doesn't suit you suit him okay Hank says we're not talking about E's kids I don't like that okay um and then this bloke has something to say coward hey yo hey yo listen up listen up this is the truth this is the truth angry angry you got bring up my kids and [ __ ] bro out of here boys and girls boys and girls boys ands know ladies and gentlemen gentle you can't even show your own face can't tell how good asked who they were please have some democracy people and Speak Easy had nothing better to show he now he wants to argue look at this no actually no that's the that's the [ __ ] like little Han said enough Speak Easy I need you to be the champion for the people right now and put this person in their place can you do it can you do it getch I also want to say that there are so many hilarious things about Speak Easy that if you do need to kind of just like bring up his kids to [ __ ] on him then I mean you're not really you know that's kind of shitty in itself like that's just like a personal failure on yourself and I'm going to say that because there are so many [ __ ] hilarious things about this man that you could focus on right the fact that you know he tries to blame feminism for all the evils in life in society but you know feminism is what enables him to grow long hair and D that [ __ ] bread or to diet at all right you know this man is a walking contradiction he's wearing a goat hat um and like that should speak for itself outside of that right I I think it seems to me that he just approaches each and new panel that he goes on just a little bit more jaded and just a little bit more deluded and one day this cow is going to be you know the milk is going to run out here um so we just have to appreciate it while we can they have no children of their own how you run your [ __ ] bro you got red hair you got no kids you got no kids [ __ ] you got no kids got no woman get run like this you got no kids got no woman gone yo this is actually just a random panel but yeah you know I give me one sec guys like this you got no kids got no woman gone yo this is actually just a random panel but yeah you know I I don't okay this is what I really appreciate appreciate about the machine lies is he's just so real it's like you know most a lot of panelists nobody seems to take themselves too seriously I you know those are the panelist that I appreciate the most but the machine lies is grounding this interaction at the perfect time when it needs to be dude this is just a random panel why are you dragging your [ __ ] in why are you starting drama on another panel easy what's going on don't take credit for any of the views expressed here for sure but but I don't yo this is actually just a random panel but yeah you know I I don't take credit for any of the views expressed here for sure but but yeah just it's just a random panel today usually I have more topical shows that was like question though right I just asked you if you usually let people run off their mouths about other people's kids well I have no idea what he's talking about so if you're new to the easy content and you havn't figured this out already if you have let's just say you speak easy says something that you think is really stupid okay like for say for example he believes that you know uh women shouldn't vote actually his most his funniest position in my opinion is the financial abortion opinion okay so he believes that you should be able to detach your financial responsibility from a child's at Birth right and he's got a lot of different reasons that he talks about but a lot of those are just cat I think because what this position ignores is the convenience of the position the convenience being that he himself has you know like a lot of baby mothers right and I imagine that's a massive financial burden to him and his pockets so I think he gets a lot of criticism for that position because he's arguing for something that you know would only necessarily like benefit him and himself but he tries to present it as a position that is just like a societal wrong or a societal issue and it's hilarious I think it's really really funny um but yeah so if you're somebody who let's say barring all this you hear one of his positions and you think wow that's really stupid like how could any one person believe that if you have the you know the the the balls and it doesn't take much to go on a panel and say easy I think what you said was stupid well you're attacking his kids that is the catchall Beall throws you in a pile with everyone else you're just attacking his kids so that's the Speak Easy lore that's as much as I think that you should know in this situation at least to this point and we can introduce more as we need to but it's hilarious and you should know that you didn't hear him here let me yeah I didn't a good way to off escape from what I'm asking you what did he say about people's kids I said let's talk about him let's see how good of a dad you are so you didn't so you didn't say and I I'm sorry to keep interrupting okay but we have to be sympathetic to EAS because prior to this interaction you know the last time we left easy he's just being you know kind of like thrown to the curb uh from the Christ Bel Community Andrew Wilson his father has walked out he went for milk and he never went he never came home but what he did in this situation is not only did he leave to get milk and not come home to his you know little child Speak Easy he took the name of E's debate show with him and then turned it into like some masterclass debate thing called verbal combat uh but the the funniest thing about it that's subtle so you got to be careful about it it's subtle is that all he did was change the K in combat to C and then um you know characterizes it as like a like rhetorical Judo or something so um you know we're sympathetic to easy because you know somebody bigger than you uh you know pretending to be kind and pretending to be nicer to you taking your likelihood like that must suck man like I I feel like that would be terrible I would hate that for me so just keep that in mind okay um another thing that was really funny is that Speak Easy uh I think Flow State told me about this but Speak Easy basically went into Andrew Wilson's chat chat Dono like 20 bucks saying wow what a really incredible debate that I'm watching right now with like Andrew Wilson and tried to promote his like verbal combat show basically by saying like you know if you're looking for another show on Fridays or whatever like um and you're looking to debate make sure you try out the verbal combat and then test out your skills in my verbal combat show on Fridays or whatever Andrew completely ignore that uh we'll have to find the clip just absolutely painful though gut wrenching terrible to watch I just you know I wouldn't recommend that so anything yet right no I didn't say anything about his kids all right so so let's just not go there because P easy doesn't want that so so so let's just do that for sure okay so as a host this is the mosty you can do in this situation besides kicking people off right and expecting that people kick get expecting that a host kicks somebody off because you don't like them is very very very very very privileged like that's stupid you should never expect that to happen so machine lies is doing the dutiful thing here in this situation to say all right man it is kind of a little weird that you're going there with the conversation don't okay he has fulfilled his obligation as a panel house I go there because P easy doesn't want that so so so so let's just do that for sure so no worries I got you yeah I got you no worries for sure okay my kids because I have nothing to hide so yeah that's the that's the which is also stupid by the way that's the off limits for now but yeah let's go off the thing for talk about your kids bro I don't talk about you you're right somebody their own kids your children now where are your children now you little little [ __ ] where's your children now yeah where's your face now yes so if you're nothing that H by any Christ your camera off I don't have a camera Hank Hank with the absolute dagger says dude look you're you know parenting aside you got nothing to hide why won't you turn on your camera and I thought to myself wow like this guy Hank's a thinker you know he really he really drills in on issues he asks the important questions and that's why we love him over here for the 100 you don't have a children you don't have a child either [ __ ] dildo Warrior he was just bouncing on a dildo before him [ __ ] loser this is my argument this was a way to run away from his gay little [ __ ] what is your argument you just said I could write Barney on there what argument did you make my argument was you showing me that stupid [ __ ] thing didn't give specific I ask you ask for AR so what they're talking about right now is that obviously we talked about that structure that was laid out at the beginning of the debate Speak Easy came in and pointed to it to say okay this is a little ridiculous rightfully so I agree but then said that you could insert any of the people that are characterized in these institutional things they could be door of the Explorer they could be Blues Clues they could be all these different things literally using those examples and that was his primary contention his Abit like literally that was how he was going to fight the idea that the Illuminati exists which I mean it probably wouldn't have been the approach that I would have taken but that's what they're talking about right now that's the history of this inter you ask AR and I'm saying you do you got very testosterone levels my friend I'm sorry that you're anself you don't like Hood you in the top you in the top right hand corner you have very low testosterone levels aspiring misogynist listen bring your trans wife back up on here we need to talk to that one who trans not you [ __ ] I don't D based but also because he's using this in a derog derogatory sense not based uh I think that I don't think there's anything wrong with marrying a trans woman but of course course I'm biased aside from that also single by the way also in this situation you know EAS is specifically pulling at someone else's wife remember somebody's family member and attempting to like diminish that person now I don't think it's diminishing being trans but in this context it's clearly got a derogatory connotation to it right we have to acknowledge that so what is he doing in this situation right is where somebody brings up the idea of potentially talking about someone else's kids and then having it shut down whether he wants to do it or not whether he was willing to do it or not and then in the actual situation where rant's family is physically present what do he do he attacks his family member that's kind of hypocritical easy if you don't want people to attack your family or to address your family then why are you addressing other people shouldn't you practice what you preach you literally go to every single panel every single panel that you're on you have shamed countless hosts um you know countless participants for bringing up other people's [ __ ] but at the first opportunity to like do this sort of behavior yourself you go right to it so I mean it's really hard to sympathize with this person but I mean I'm trying to it seems like a pretty Level Playing Field here I mean just if if you if you really believe on principle that it's the wrong thing to do then why would you engage in that behavior yourself and my hair red like a [ __ ] bring your try when around all drunk with my shirt off on camera like a stupid idiot your wife lik it though right should we run the tape you were you jealous cuz your wife got wet is this guy is this your back so what this guy's referring to is that speaky likes to get drunk and dance shirtless on panel uh not on panel sorry on his own platform you know he likes to play music and sing to his fans and or dance shortless and uh you know I'm not sure what the percentage of his audience was before shout out to our Facebook moms but you know I think that's maybe where his sexual value lies the most again is with older women but uh again I don't know if that's what his demographic is primarily made up at first so maybe that worked for him in the past but I don't know it seems a lot it was cringe to begin with it seems a little you know crazy cringe now wife easyy child support and then I tried to make that I didn't listen when I get your wife pregnant I won't see that kid get nobody pregnant wait I thought she was trans so either you don't know know biological but either you don't know biology Speak Easy or you're willing to have sex with trans women which based by the way you know I don't have an issue with that I think that you know that's great but I mean by your own standards to your own consistency why would you have brought that up to someone else if you didn't see an issue with that right I get your wife pregnant I get your wife give your wife some babies either huh not gonna do nothing you can't even get your own wife pregnant and take care of your own this is an incredible okay so I mean it is kind of a funny own in some regards to say that to someone else when their wife is present I again denounce completely I do not condone this Behavior I would never participate in this Behavior myself or I have morals um and they're flimsy and they're based on whatever I think is correct in the moment still better than this guys all right listen I think that there's more telling to the situation than easy realizes talking about the potency like these are all things that are evidence by your previous behavior on the internet and all of the you know all the criticisms that people have to make about speak E's parenting right his choices removed from his kids that can be observed by the amount of time that Speak Easy spends online on panels so we cannot say that speak e is a terrible person in the presence of his children but what we can say is he sure seems to spend a lot of time away from his kids and so you know like the assertion or that can be drawn there is that he doesn't spend time with his kids right and so that's completely removed from what we know about their children because what we know about his children is nothing and that's the way it should be so the criticisms that are happening here at least you know excusing rant who went a little you know crazy a little direct there and we you know we we obviously think that's bad um the criticisms that are being made and that are levied against Bey are of his parenting his inability to parent his um presence in his children's lives right and we only we are only able to assert those things because he virtue signals the idea of being a parent but also spends too much time online to actually have a meaningful presence in anyone's life right bro it are you gonna take care of the kids if you become my wife pregnant no you're not can't even take care of them you're GNA take loser you're gonna take care you're gonna take care of them you're GNA [ __ ] wash my babies with a r yelling who is this brick is this your girlfriend are you jealous are you jealous that your wife doesn't support you're a wizard Harry need help you're a wizard har what did you say that Ki You Out ofart imagine am I am I being discriminated against I think that's hilarious and so out of pocket oh my God he literally set her Min yo you sound like a beetles on crack okay calm down and you sound like a freaking are you on YouTube off oldy vagina I'm a whack wizard how did we get all these on one panel in one holy so again no offense to the machine lies this is what speak E's content has been reduced to this content again hosted generously by the machine Li we have to remember that speak E's content is to panel hop and to make it look like he's getting dunks and owns on unexpected victims but but that could not be farther from what's happening right now he fits right in and that is absolutely hilarious to me you meant must a wizard maget know why you steal G of all time and this is what happens every time I push you on anything you say because you let me push you you ready you don't have any Reon when was the last time you saw your most recent child real I take care of my child who has autism what's your excuse [ __ ] why are you obsessed you abandoning your [ __ ] child you made have time because you have to stream and play happened you spend too much time trying to pitch to [ __ ] old ladies get donations on YouTube yeah he knows he knows and again E's demographic has shifted a little bit now I mean he's uh was working the enemies of the Facebook mom shout out to them because I know some of them and they're wonderful people right you know he was grifting that piece but now he shifted um and he's found the scraps and the least functioning elements of the christell communities and he's farming that and he's got this like Frankenstein chat just mixed up of like all prior beefs and all the people that don't like the people that he doesn't even care to dislike proper I mean what the [ __ ] is it's weird easy easyy they're just jealous just jealous because you reach your do no goal my friend you reach the do no goal I am a you're a fake bricks like I bet you could wrap a Christmas present oh my God that went hard a Christmas matter your homie bu you because you're a piece of [ __ ] that your own homies bury you then you to bury your homie in a [ __ ] it doesn't matter you still suck at life shake your head back and forth shake it like a this guy is actually kind of funny okay again denounce but he got his moment and I block you in the paint I your ass hey hey machine lies drop everyone except me and Speak Easy real quick B let's have a battle on in the top what is okay Zep first of I know I'm okay so I know I'm blocking Zephyr on screen but like in the Illuminati Comm Community okay she unironically has tin foil now she didn't construct it into a tin foil hat she has tin foil physically in her hands and she she seems be doing something with that I think top right yes I need to be a little quieter so Speak Easy every time I pretty much talk to bny Christ Hank we got to support Hank here okay guys we may not like everything he says okay but he's going in the into the deep end here on this show I wrecked him because he can't focus every time he he just a kind of conspiracy theorist is up in some kind of drug I'm freaking it's just he's not he's just not gonna get it he's like a cartoon character so you don't pretty much just wreck him and just don't pay him any more attention because he's just not worth it he can't he can't prove any points he can't wreck me because he has no truth in him he's of his father devil who was a liar and a murderer since the beginning look look look tell everybody what you really are tell them who God is who's your God Speak Easy what God is that why are you afraid of Cam if you nothing to hide who's your god there's only one God well why why is it when I asked you you said you believe in the gods tell me about that the God yeah no no no you okay why is it look this is the easiest slam dong in the world is it not is easy going back on the Christ pill grift is that actively happening in this moment has he moved away from that what because all he has to do as aert some sort of like religious something here I'm sure he could have said any God right he could have said lional messy who knows I'm not I don't play soccer but some people whatever uh you know he could have said anyone and he didn't say anything and to me I feel like he's being honest here maybe he's agnostic and that would be okay but I don't know I feel like the grift is wearing thin on this man you said the gods plural the god it's recorded on the internet the god it's recorded it's on Mel's Channel not record it's recorded On's Channel if No One Believes me go look at it this man is a liar Li nobody believes the truth about nothing was a bit of panel advice to people who are more serious about becoming panel content creators and don't want to get a camera um when people review your panels you're your your presence gets you know removed by people with with cameras I just wanted to throw that out as a little petty comment for somebody who probably didn't deserve it sure the is ready to go Hank will get him Hank will get him calm down did you guys hear the Chupa Co bro I'm crazy no you guys heard that [ __ ] right there right look at this this is this is horrifying okay I feel like we're gonna be in a slow-mo move like we're gonna get a slow-mo moment out of the stream I can tell you always do when hangs around but listen to this horrifying noise okay they let on a goddamn pterodactyl okay there's a pterodactyl on panel right now oh my God holy you want to get back to the argument rant no there's no argument oh thought I thought I was being quiet because I thought I was getting kicked off there again what are we arguing about shut up will you shut up will you [ __ ] he was interested in you pass it but he's still feeling the hurt I first had asked because you guys were saying they a lot so I first had asked who they was then you brought up this photo that had like which you had no rebuttal to except hold up let me no you rebuttal with Barney though that's the [ __ ] fact so [ __ ] you let me finish the guy I know that sounds crazy but he deadass it he was like like I said this could have been Dora the Explorer this could have been Barney this could have been Blues clu like this guy that's that's the content of the discussion okay guys that is the quality of the discussion that he's engaged himself in [ __ ] you it was my fact that happened oh it's your fact you live by your did you not say that oh your chart's a piece of [ __ ] you didn't offer anything better but you said you could do the same thing with Barney how you guys are scared of the truth you don't let me get it out okay we'll let you get it we'll let you get it out go ahead and get it out I know you get it in I know you get it in but you should get it out let's get it out get it in W the mess on the bitch's chin I want to hear how much you're gonna lie and divert from the story go how much you going to laughe how much you going to talk [ __ ] at the end of the day Brick's going to slap you to eat B boy let him finish do you mind listen invisible man I'm waiting for when he's hey this person here is also a sleeper for being the MVP of the panel I know it's early but their Vibe and their Aura just Immaculate the only one here that doesn't seem to be taking themselves too seriously we love that comfortable enough to not like you know be [ __ ] you did you did sound very [ __ ] Hony there my friend you turned me on there what look love is love but I did not see that [ __ ] coming that was wild you li so much Speak Easy do you feel the need to put out an internet Persona that's not you to bolster your ego CL do you believe the lies you spew question this is the real question do do you believe the lies you spew women like a fish listen brick shut the [ __ ] up you're out of your element okay you do not realize I am in my element an uncomfortable position for me is like being in their [ __ ] Hand House M I have multiple chicks to [ __ ] right I'm just picking which one now look it easy could be look it very easy okay guys say assume okay assume that three six okay assume that they they could have nine people on this panel okay they only have eight what other person in the community could you insert into this empty slot who would fit right in okay I want you to think about that easy could be wor let me know it could funny as the anwers get rid out you just have to fuing leprechaun I need to know I'm a leprechaun are you I'm asking why you you a gold are you have the put a gold you have the [ __ ] a gold how much alcohol is currently coursing through your bodying through yours MC sounding I highly I don't do low state would be in his element yeah DRS not you do drugs to Enlighten us what now who doesn't want to let speaky get to his point I just smoke cigarettes and I drink coffee if you want to consider those drugs I just actually don't want to have someone with actual intellect push on you you're an actual [ __ ] idiot Satanist dude you contended with Barney I just skip aide because he's about to to me you guys heard it okay I have no rant could not say anything worse or better at this moment I promise you but I mean one last esler on my stream please that's you fny Christ cigarettes or a drug that's restricted silicon torso I have nothing to do with him that chick you get up [ __ ] get out you little [ __ ] my wife ister than all of your show show herart up okay Hank has embraced The Blood Sport and I love it so shut up you're out of your element don't tell shut up you stupid don't don't tell me Shut up you have no authority over me you freaking Hank always holds it down that's why we love him dumb ass H H he's he's trying to make you bite my friend Hank just because you look more you're better looking than him don't everyone what's you are on 10 my friend you need to you need to calm it down just just just maybe 5% that's all I'm suggesting just 5% calmed down but yeah I see I understand do a back a little out back otherwise I'll just go ahead and finish him I get it I get it get get your cartoon get your cartoon character friend to to like level it down quite a bit like three or four levels who whoever whoever's here I mean Hank is on T so you guys don't want to my friend can I just see if you can understand me m tell that story guys like I can see you I can understand you right I [ __ ] love you m do not let anyone tell you to calm down my friend I would say t it up 5% down turn your attitude up up 5% Hank the fact is they can't handle the heat in the room when Han got on want to dude what in the [ __ ] is with all of these noises they don't want to come with me either I don't know why whyn't come didn't even know who you dude took his Elgato went to a machine shop and then just like filmed like 15 different noises in a machine shop and I was just playing it like at random to disturb the conversation softly little voice who the [ __ ] are you okay this is actually [ __ ] insane the pterodactyl left now Megatron has joined the panel as far as I know I could be your father I would have given you an audio warning but I do not remember that oh wait there you're definitely a walk leftist definitely just looking at you just looking at you you're walk leftist when I you got a PhD something not studies D fell on his head I bet youra stud and you couldn't put all the bricks back back together again or something like that dump you're 5 hand like we got a live one here that one was nasty you're 5 foot two you live in a shoe [ __ ] we got to shut it down the creativity here is imaculate you got to appreciate it you in with your Handler what's going talking my chat about how much of a you are you're talking to your to my you know zeper this is a little crazy a little insane but I I I still appreciate it I like that she's trying to make the panel interesting I got to defend myself to my CH all my life have you heard the have you heard the degenerous I care so much about my internet Persona I got to throw shade everywhere I can you have you got to chat watchit hey bunny CHR I'm gonna deal with you later that today andbody you can't even deal with yourself you work get an Amazon fulfillment center like that I can't care myself because I'm a job you can take you're AER I can't take care because I'm a job that's what holy Fu just embodied this guy stupid but you don't advertise any of them you don't advertise any of them don't just Han yells facts though that's the that's the thing I mean you can be put off about it you can tellone police the guy but he's right five blocks down right and me and you will just rob it right and then this little [ __ ] won't get his Parcels right on internet he gets his money from old ladies on SSI no holy [ __ ] oh my God dude he's just sitting there and getting absolute daggers in the crossfire I that is unbelievable oh my God no no me to slow down here old ladies talk to your chat calm them down say you're not old don't worry not drifting off you old C I'm Notting you with the red it you're not using the Red Spectrum to provoke bit jealousy Dr R real quick moderation say anything they want your moderation [ __ ] okay okay so this is is the Speak Easy move number two right stomp plant your feet get mad when you know somebody tries to contend with your you know your real life existence online and wrongfully so sometimes personally and that's not great aside from that when that doesn't work when you don't get the result you cry to the moderator and you shame the moderator in front of your audience without recognizing that like you are making the conscious decision to be there if you don't like the way that something's being conducted you're not being asked to be there you're not being paid to be there you're not obligated to be there you could just leave knowing that why the freak would you try and shame the moderator in this circumstance it doesn't make any sense dud you started this you started this by contending with the easiest argument ever ever to contend with and you Tred to deflect it by saying uh you know something about Barney like you're deeply unserious so this is your own fault yeah I agree speaking I'm getting out of here [ __ ] my dick right in your mama's mouth excuse me if I interrup yeah moderate that moderate that son go you've let a lot of [ __ ] slay Tate haven't you so if I happen to slip my dick into this bitch's Mama's M you going to moderate that because I can't hear anyone talk I can't hear anyone say anything and scre it oh my God thank you in the why did I have to ask jez but what was your what was your questions ort I just asked if you could moderate some of this noise oh well I we knew she was a g we knew we knew from the beginning Maybe not today maybe another day but right now I'm actually enjoying some of the noise it's helping me draw some of my own thoughts but if you guys don't mind well indul the noise uh but but yeah tomorrow definitely on the Regular Show it won't be like this but I will replay this on on the show tomorrow so the people who are part of this I am thankful thank you as long as you promise to moderate your cheek size because you do look like a hamster uh you just shut your [ __ ] mouth and so speak [ __ ] greasy you ra young chat yo hold up this is nearly as chaotic as The Purge this is what the purge promises but never achieves after like the first couple of hours and select moments on each evening did you say you enjoy this is that what you just I just want to say goodbye to everybody man exactly what he said exactly he's enjoying right now to be clear you enjoy people instead of having like actual conversation off you skating to bring up people's children that's what you enjoy about it from time and never got over it you see I told you hold ones ago I told you he never got over it like he said that he dides no no you didn't you go [ __ ] bch well hold on guys here hold on hold on a second oh yeah g kicking everyone again what a [ __ ] [ __ ] kicking everyone again I'm sorry they won't let me talk brick it is what it is wait give me a second I know people think it's a [ __ ] move see see people think it's [ __ ] what whatever no no you're good machine I mean you can mute people individual individually but I'm actually happy he does this because it actually highlights a lot of the cope and the stupidity coming from Speak Easy if he never did like if he didn't do this then he wouldn't enable easy to talk and if you know the more easy talks the worse He makes himself look right so w don't allow it they think it's [ __ ] we're not all but but see the thing is is that you shouldn't get it twisted because this is the premiere place for deep conversations on YouTube b i mean nuan conversations tons of deep conversations I've delved into tons of topics maybe you're not familiar with the content here people people's personal children is talk about here well I think that people started talking about people's children after you were talking about people's wives right I don't remember the sequence of the two but I know for sure one of of the uh so the first thing is that he got into a back and forth with the rant person right the other person was like oh let's talk about your kids like verbatim terrible thing we don't like that right and then didn't you know deviated machine Li stepped in again fulfilling his obligation as a host said no that's not okay let's not do that and then Speak Easy having you know leveled the playing field by crying to the moderator and finally getting what he wants for once decides that he's gonna drag the dude's wife like you're basically you're undoing the stitches a l Point like how are we supposed to sympathize with you so you were talking about people's family too wrong wrong that was the other way around are you no no I he is wrong but that doesn't necessarily matter he's still you know like he there was a ceasefire and then he fired again so back because they brought up my kids because I was doing an argument on the Illuminati [ __ ] you that back no we agreed not to bring it up at that and then he did it again and you did [ __ ] all about it yeah but that's what after you started talking about his wife no no no that's not so you can talk about other people's wives but they can't talk about your family right well let's let's uh let's make a comparison here his wife that has been on the show talking to me and argued with me right so you can talk about other people's family but they can't talk I'll let you talk I want to hear B is actually bodying him right now this is insane no but hold on no but hold on no but hold on okay let me know when I can talk go ahead yeah yeah because it wasn't you want to actually actually well I just thought well I just well see I invited you on the show way to run away from what you're doing right no accountability from what you're doing I get it this is cool no I think you're running away a little bit because you're actually no I'm not right so there's a big difference in talking about someone's minor children that aren't involved in anything to do with this and talking about someone that has been involved arguing on the on the internet with us so there's a big [ __ ] difference so you didn't talk about his kids and yeah I brought up the wife because he kept bringing up and you brought up the kids you brought up this kids no no I told him to worry about his own kids because he kept worrying about mine which is you know indirectly bringing up somebody these kids which I could understand why he would say that but again he didn't push past that point he listened to the machine that's what I said I said worry about your own kid stop worrying about people's on the internet yeah that's what I said yeah and and what does all that have to do with me and and the conversations I have on my channel you did this to run away from what I originally said you see what you did here I didn't do any of this you're complaining about let's let's be very clear about this this is just a random panel e decided to be on this he started a fight trying to contend with a really really insane topic with Barney seeing that like he's certified to be here you know he fits right in and then you know it got a lot of banter there's a lot of back and forth going on and you know somebody you know he he somebody walked Too Close to You know his his boundary which is a decent one however again I think for the most part this guy excluded when people talk about um you know E's kids what they're really contending with again this is parenting and really contrasting that with the idea that you're obviously not a present person when you're on stream like 10 I don't know 8 to 10 hours a day on the regular like we can observe that with your presence online on panels alone like that's all we can do um that is like completely removed from any other participant we can just assume that and again contrast it with your statements about the things you say you are doing well you're not we can again contrast those things you're complaining about calling a show you enjoy what's see you're not even letting me respond at all you're you're just talking right over ahead go ahead I did and you stopped but go ahead go ahead no I didn't no I didn't stop you're just here talking right over me it's seems like you got a lot of points to make the thing is is that look I allowed you here on the panel right we agreed that we weren't going to talk about people's families but then I guess what happened is is that you started talking about people's wives and stuff like that so then so now people get to talk about whatever they want and that's not me who's engaging in the conversation it's you out of your own free valtion you chose to be here you chose to engage with the panel members and that's the response you got because because you basically engage with them in a hostile manner right B so the reason so the reason why I'm not getting that response and the reason why I have lots of intelligent conversations on my show whenever I want to really you know when I want to engage with that you know uh then you know I choose to do that mostly it's not this type of conversation but when I do like to have a little bit of chaos you know I you know I'll let it happen you know but yeah thank you for being here guys is because we've jumped over easy respond and then Brick's going off here here go ahead so just to be clear you do like people talking about people's personal children oh my God Speak Easy what where did you gather that from anything I've said you just said whenever I want to talk about those type of topics yeah I do enjoy that kind of chaos sometimes that's what you just said no I told him to the things you say or may maybe you didn't hear when I brought rant back on the panel and I told him not to talk about the family yeah you did that you guys started and you let it go on right it's your panel you're the one who has the control of people going up and down right right right right right right right so you chose to be here you chose to insult rant right and you knew and you knew that he was going to bring it to that level if you insulted him and his family right no no no no see you're you're you're you're free well when you insult when you insult people in their well no yeah kind of he's kind of right like I mean it's still not great but basically like rant went for the neck from the very beginning that was wrong we told him not to right so he agreed he wouldn't do it and now Speak Easy went tip for Tat attacking his family and what lies is saying is like well you had someone shut up if the only thing that matters is the Integrity of your family someone shut up they you know fulfilled your wishes of not talking about them and then you undid all of that progress by doing the exact same thing you claim other people shouldn't do family you should be ready to bring it to that level no no no see I I didn't insult well that's how I understand that's how I understand the world well that's how I understand the world I'm sorry I'm sorry you chose here to freely engage with people and you insulted their family and they insulted yours the stupid [ __ ] well you insulted their family and they insulted you kicking people for yeah what the [ __ ] you want a [ __ ] it's about you not taking care of them that's what it's about I didn't say not one thing about the kids I said that you're a piece of [ __ ] cuz you don't take care of them kids let's talk what I say about the K you said let well we don't like now that he's distinguishing the two we know that but we didn't know that when he said it but yeah that is a fair point like if he had said let's talk about your presence in the lives of your kids that would have been one thing right but he didn't so I mean he's he keeps wanting to like the issue so I mean he's inviting it at least in this circumstance right whether he deserves it was one thing or not but in this situation yeah you keep inviting the conversation dear that's what you're doing like you're you're perpetrating the discussion of this point and he's making it very clear I haven't said anything about you know the kids himself I'm focused on you right that's how he feels what did I say about the kids tell me what did I say about the kids can keep in it's about you it's about you and I wouldn't know anything about you kids if your baby mama didn't go on the stand and tell the whole [ __ ] internet about how much of a piece of [ __ ] your your baby M hates you so much she aired out your dirty laundry on YouTube you piece of [ __ ] is it just me or you're the lie liar not me Christ you're a liar a liar and a conspirator do I look worried that you lied and you're going to impregnate my wife I can give two Fu you don't have your camera on you don't even have your camera on you have an image there you s very this is the same talking point you always try to use Easy always what kids has been going on for a few years now and uh ran is going absolutely Ely bananas on the [ __ ] uh with with the [ __ ] I have to be careful about his rants because the Dude does not care I don't know why anyone would even have him on a panel if he's just like this ertic um but also Ben checks out I guess you're conspiratory buddy CHR from the Ozark Mountains come see me you Canadian [ __ ] kanu what do you mean come see you like your being black you mean you remember won't have children yeah you were telling people you were black you're not black your dad's black your stepdad's black is what I meant you're not black EV you're not your dad you're a stepdad you're be honest just because you call your stepdad daddy don't mean he's your dad because my ex you don't got no bloodline black okay we're approaching an easy laugh F I can feel it for six months said that to yeah you're Spanish Speak Easy tell the truth what Spanish is this is this is this Evans is this and look Alik than mine look at you how can I tell when you're not on camera your claims are bull [ __ ] ipat I can't you want H is definitely black this gentl the bottom right now he's acting like brick from Anchor Man is actually pretty bang on why do you lie about everything bro you lie about having bent [ __ ] money you're out here pandering the old C to pay your [ __ ] light bill you [ __ ] shenanigan ass silly ass this guy just keeps [ __ ] oh you can't handle me talking when you got your [ __ ] fans coming just to yell play vitim for a [ __ ] hourly [ __ ] [ __ ] okay there [ __ ] methan phetamine Vin Diesel over here that was actually funny oh my God credit Will credit is Du that made me laugh okay me I wouldn't [ __ ] the fu everybody would that's why he doesn't do it in real life he does it on the internet he's a [ __ ] you can see the [ __ ] in his stupid ass up [ __ ] you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] so listen you done yelling do you want to let me respond you been crying like a [ __ ] girl oh you can't handle it okay keep yelling I got it we're being quiet for you see if you have anything of validity to say Nick triggered [ __ ] poor you guys you guys are bringing up the lies of my ex that keeps my kid away from me on are you nothing to do it has nothing to do with what reality is going on and bringing it to the internet oh so that's an that's an interesting statement that he made his ex that keeps his kids away from him okay cuz that's not how I understood the situation but I don't know maybe somebody maybe maybe someone in chat could tell me to the contrary um oh what do you know is actual baby mama is here hi Christina uh I was like what if she shows up okay uh she says he didn't even wish his son a happy birthday I'm dude I'm dead let alone try and see her I okay I let's be very clear the circumstance in this chat is funny to me none of that is funny to me okay I'm sorry Christina that is awful that is absolutely awful um but shout out to Christina I hope you're doing really well and I'm sorry that you are attached to this man um that does not he does not reflect on you I feel like he's so outwardly aggressively stupid um that that again we can we could only assume good things though but oh my God can't keep your son away from someone who doesn't try and see them yeah true me and my boys are doing great good to hear that oh let me mention okay the anticipation um we will just keep that in the way here and uh we'll keep playing the stream um that was insane Dude any actual good father would never go bring this type of [ __ ] to the internet right I why would your ex keep your kid away from you hey shut the [ __ ] up okay question okay she says uh should mention our first court date was August 28th and he did nothing and brought no documents M Court it was delayed to October 2nd now to give him more time oh my God okay um I cannot pretend to understand what that means for the dynamic but it does not sound good why would she do that shut the [ __ ] up you [ __ ] I'm just wonder I'm just wondering [ __ ] up turn your I've never had my wife try to keep my kids away from me it sounds like you problem shut the [ __ ] up oh you can't handle it all right I'll let you speak go ahead go ahead I'll allow you you want to keep sping or you want I'm I'm just gonna allow you heying here I'm sping here [ __ ] this is all you got bro this is all you got right no I got a lot I pull out more you know that you can't handle it right that's what go ahead tell us how you Christina says it means he's going to Dr Cordo as long as he can and make it as difficult as he can without bringing documents it sounds like he's not even conveying his attent his own intentions right or like participating in the process of just showing up but that's wild um that's actually wild well again Christina we're always here happy to have you here um and again I'm so sorry that you're going through this circumstance court is a really stressful place and uh you know like it's py doesn't seem like a very rational reasonable person so fake the dead car battery to miss the appointment tell us Speak Easy what are you talking about yeah exactly deny deny deny lie lie lie it's the satanic way I am not listen I am not going through any personal situations with my baby mom with any losers on why not what are you hiding I I be what do you mean why not because that's father would do I'm not you're not a good father so you might as well do it I'm not going to drag any of my kids this internet what's already on the internet go to the stand and you can watch the video the fact that you're s here asking someone I'm not bringing anything new to the Internet it's here already listen your baby mama cares zero about you right why right why you admit that why don't you I don't have three different baby Mas why do you have so many baby mamas you live with yours I have one baby M you give whack dick after the first night what happened yes I do I lived with my wife she's right here in bed with all of my children under one money on the internet no I don't so you live with yours and you spend your time on the internet on panels but you want to call me the dead beat dad shut your I live with my wife oh my God does he not see the the root of the issue oh my God like this is he actually doesn't understand I'm blown away like he doesn't understand he's he's being ignorant arrogant everything above how does he not understand what he's saying this is he gets it but only if it's directed at someone else it's it's fantastic what are you talking about I'm getting paid to do this right this is my house I'm G to take my kids out shopping oh wait uh but if Christina said is correct she says she doesn't have to go to court she has a lawyer but e has to go to court um because he doesn't have a lawyer lawyers are expensive you should totally spend your money on your kids but shouldn't you spend your money on fighting for your kids with a lawyer or somebody who's like equipped to do that possibly but buying gifts is also nice too I know when I was young I always appreciated a new pair of shoes always love that for myself I'm just saying on like a hierarchal level here having your kid in the first place having your kid and then being able to buy [ __ ] for your kids later on right I got legal a I don't have to pay broke ass fish thingss whoa grateful grateful that you're you have support in this because I mean it would be so gaslighting and incredibly crazy he better watch it he's about to insult Andrew Wilson yeah where's all the money he breaks about he keeps talking about his super chats true every panel he goes That's like one of his biggest contentions I'm going to stream from 10 p.m. to 10: a.m. then take my kids out shopping that's some good live with your wife and her on panels you're the dead beat true she comes on the panels it seems like they have a shared interest that's actually like surprising to me um he has three kids under three different roofs none under his how can you even speak on anything damn you talk about are you trying to frame this like I live with my wife no my wife lives in my house time on panels your at home spend time with your wife and kids you dead 12:21 a.m. silly Bast 1221 a.m you skinny bastard is hilarious at 1221 you silly bastard why you up on here bro I'm out here [ __ ] with you [ __ ] I'm out here just airing out your dirty laundry you don't like am I going to hurt your business maybe you want to get a real job instead of pandering the old [ __ ] ladies you silly goofball I'm Speak Easy I'm a Satanist I go online this is my job over here is clout sharking off of the I'm a liar my name is Speak Easy I got go on my head look guys we walked and we crawled so rant could could run right now you hear Speak Easy he acknowledging all the hard work that we've put in and it's finally coming to fruition finally the fruits of our labor I mean is the execution that great probably not but I can't complain I can't complain people's kids and [ __ ] like a little [ __ ] [ __ ] that I [ __ ] idiot yeah yo yo Speak Easy hold your horses look what what what what I think it was a fair fight I think you guys had a fair fight no no no no no no no there's no fight there was no fight here what is this lotion gate look you guys had some little [ __ ] talking match you guys gonna have to tell me one day no that's not what happened you can justify it's a little back and forth here's the thing chel and it will be I gotta bring I gotta bring [ __ ] [ __ ] wait what what wait what you say hello is that what's going on you're not hearing this whole thing is that what's going on let me let me say it clear everything is on my channel for everyone to see how much of a [ __ ] you are being do you got it now right right but but none of this has anything to do with me you came on my channel and you started an argument with some random people this is what you here hold on here hold on here hold on you're being a little sensitive because you basically and now you're oh my God he lost talking privileges that's terrible but you go machine you throw that foot down this guy okay literally I've seen this guy sleep in the middle of panels okay was he sleeping is he not I can't tell he wears sunglasses but he's like statue step just sits there and lets anything happen and it's wonderful so the fact that he's here muting somebody removing people from screen like we cannot downplay the significance he's hading enough you're not even letting me talk on my own channel which is a little bit wild you know because like because now you're here uh starting uh you know arguments with people blaming it on me you know you're a grown man you decided to click a link and now you're having a a personal battle with somebody on my channel now I know you like to blame me and and my uh thing and now you're calling me names for that so you know I I don't I don't see how that reflects poorly on me it looks like you're being sensitive and then um looks like you're calling people names for the sensitivity crisis that you're having well you know that's okay but I'm just going to go around the panel because now it's time for me to close my panel so I'm going to go around and let everybody have closing statements because I don't have any more time so I know I'm being accused of cloud sharking but I plan to be here for two hours and I'm here for two hours and um that's it you know thank you guys for being here with me you know this was just a post debate review of me and rant's um I mean know argument that we were having or whatever about the Bible and the Quran so now this is just a different thing this guy wants to involve me in his personal spats on the on the internet that has nothing to do with my show so yeah and every time we count like every time we cover S easy and we haven't been doing it lately because you know man has been on a bit of a slump every single time we cover Speak Easy this is the same issue he drags his mud into other people's houses and when people don't like it and they kick his ass out he cries the victim right like he's just over rinse repeat rinse repeat rinse repeat and I don't have to be sitting in the chat feeding machine Li lines I don't need to be feeding him lines or talking points or agendas anything like that dude will come to the same conclusions that I do as if to say there is truth in the things that we say right and that intelligent people who don't even like me are coming to the same conclusions about Speak Easy we're going to do a different panel tomorrow uh you see a lot of people are very very sensitive about their personal character you know being challenged when they're when they're freely challenging other people you know so we're going to go around here with the with the people that are left here thank you guys so much for being here with me as you see you got the real ones left speak Easy's gone he's here to broadcast on his own channel about some nonsense that's fine you know I thought he came back am I crazy wanted smoke well guess what you came to the bar right right [ __ ] wanted smoke well guess what you came to the barbecue right iconic absolutely iconic um Hornet DM me for one sec I want to ask you a question right so you know you're responsible for what you say and who you say it to you know how's that my problem you know he kept it going bro for one he kept trying to play victim with in V with this victim mentality and it just got old and that's why I said anything at all I was like come on man I was so over it and I was trying to say goodbye couldn't get a word in not not yeah it was it was chaotic but uh nobody was said anything about the children they was talking about him being a father a dead beat went at that and uh he got buffard about it and was triggered and uh stayed in that mode for about an hour okay so basically after EAS gets kicked off here that wasn't the end of it for him of course he left to cope and SE as he always does right uh there's actually a really funny topical short um you know from our you know one of our friend of the channel low State he's got a short on this exact thing so I cannot not show you um but uh yeah basically so are you suggesting to be a true Christian I should oh my God it's the one where he's like does this look like the does this looks like a guy who's like w to debate and it's like him and his buddy just sitting there like quietly not saying anything it was just in it's funny all right so we will follow up talk on my own channel which is a little bit because you basically and now you're not even letting me talk on my own channel which is a little bit wild you know because like because now you're here uh starting at the you know arguments with people blaming it on me you know you're a grown man you decided to click the link here comes and now you're having a a personal battle with somebody on my channel now I know you like to blame me and and my thing and now you're calling me names for that yeah you you know I I don't I don't see how that reflects poorly on me it looks like you're being sensitive and then um looks like you're calling Let's uh just for just for posterity here I want to see what his chat's saying because his chat is also just like uniquely duded um also when I was watching this last night I don't know if it was like the frame or something or his hoodie but why does look kind of like clation here people names for the sensitivity crisis that you're having M well you know that's okay but I'm just going to go around the panel because now it's time for me to close my panel so I'm going to go around and let everybody have closing statements because I don't have any more time I don't need a I don't need a closing statement see you cop and SE [ __ ] cop and SE oh oh my God oh my God find somebody you love and somebody who care about to massage your neck after that Whiplash level of cringe statement and follow from what just happened um I don't know that we could exceed that level of cringe but knowing easy and his uh you know after panel C sessions it could get worse sick of these losers on the internet that actually get to live with their kids and wives and sit here not making money on the internet spending all their time on the internet and call me a [ __ ] dead beat dad okay if I wasn't getting paid from this [ __ ] and I got to have my kids 247 I wouldn't be up on no [ __ ] panels okay but you want to call me a dead beat dad get your stupid ass out of here bro hit your head against the [ __ ] wall as hard as you can dog [ __ ] goofy [ __ ] in a video game okay no here's the here's the terrible thing okay and uh Hey Flow State do you have a do you have a YouTube short of e after he leaves a discussion with you can you send me a link I couldn't find it but I'd love too uh we're going through an easy post uh panel debate cop's ask here but uh you know the most difficult thing about this is like I can't help but feel bad for the guy despite all of the things that I know sitting him like like watching him po through this knowing he's about to do it another 15 to 25 times uh because he never seems to want to learn or like improve on his situation it's terrible right but it's insane it's Insanity by definition r yeah you know I'm you know did he just admit he doesn't live with his kids proving he's a Serial broken Homemaker well whether he I mean whether he projected that into the discussion or into the VOD or uh you know it was solidified by Christina a couple minutes ago in chat I mean we can almost certainly draw that conclusion and you know the dagger in that is like dude your stream uh more than I do like take me for example of course I was lazy I streamed a lot but I used to stream for like 10 to 12 hours like every other day because you know I didn't have a lot of [ __ ] going on in the background but now I'm like working so I can like never stream and that's working kids working and then having kids that's like two freaking jobs so how would you ever find time to stream I'm just saying um there are content creators that do have kids that juggle the two and I just you're you're you're superheroes as far as I'm concerned I could never like that's so much time and attention that you just don't you just like how can you dedicate the time I don't know no I just keep I'll just respond to them now when they say this [ __ ] you know they [ __ ] them [ __ ] losers I I'll just drop my bombs and leave [ __ ] Los losers and you see how bit much of a [ __ ] [ __ ] the machine lies is right cuz that instead of engaging with the conversation they were actually having like I tried to go do he [ __ ] let that whole [ __ ] thing go on because he has no [ __ ] he he wanted to clout shark off the conversation get the [ __ ] out of here with that [ __ ] yeah oh yeah saying he enjoyed sorry guys I forgot the chat we gota we got to look at the chat here and again uh if you know any of these Chatters again we're not shaming any individuals we're looking at the collective narrative that we can draw you know if there was an AI here and it said what the chat is talking about that's the idea where you know we're kind of going through we're not really singling out any particular Chatters even if we've met them before you know we they're Chatters again their their complicity and all of this is uh you know question in my opinion I I again don't really hold Chatters responsible for the conduct of their content creators I think they're pretty removed I feel like you guys are just an audience and if you guys are throwing tomatoes from the crowd and every now and then if it lands on a content Creator or a different one it's not really you know it's it's kind of different right like I don't know just you just don't operate under the same level of complicity despite that a lot of you are very distinct personalities and people that I've been very lucky to get to know um you know over the course of time being in other people's chats being in other people's communities so I guess for some people maybe they make that argument and say yeah like these people are more complicit in the continent itself well I mean from a viewer's perspective you absolutely are and um I think that's great kind of goofy [ __ ] but let's see what his chat is saying that you enjoyed it [ __ ] out of here okay I so one thing I'm going to notice is that every time like it's been a while uh it's been a while since I've like watch an easy stream but every single time I've seen his chat there is completely different people with the exception of like one person I won't name but if you watch my stream more than once then you could very clearly CL like point that person out but other than that it seems to be like there's new people every time Lauren just posted it okay this is like one of the most insane cop sessiones I've seen in a long time I copy that copy current oh it's my own chat Bas is that not that dude what hold on one sec guys I gotta like pull it from uh I got to pull it from The Source it would seem every time he's tried to have like a little debate with me he looks completely stupid oh have some fun there you're right you're right you're right yeah yeah every time he's tried to have like oh my God very very funny let's see the comments state dramatizes every YouTuber deep down inside screen he's like straight shell Devastation on his finest facts for sure anyways I thought that one was good I feel like it's very much what's happening right now we just need another we just need a new soundtrack to throw over this one we return to the cop slash talk about dead air what can you say degenerate people everywhere we look oh are Zoomers are zooming adct people poison Minds God andess joining F by the way Robert thank you average easy chatter but also um insane uh AI again easy with the AI songs and stuff it's been a little wild in my opinion he responded to Resto like eight months late and I swear to God the response doesn't even have like a 100 views it's so funny and he did it with AI like the only reason anyone else makes AI rap songs it's because we can't rap you're a rapper dude why would you respond with AI quick let me play the song I made to cheer me back up fast yes and that's what they do every time creepy you'll notice that chase every time I get into an argument with people who don't really have arguments uh they miraculously just start attacking your kids every single time it's it's it's actually insane I don't know why that happens CZ every single person just so disconnected from one another they all share this one thing in common they just they're distaste for your family I don't know how that happened that's what they do every time they jump they jump straight to it goes straight to um the the kids I'm sorry I'm laughing I got a text um I go they go straight to the kids every time every [ __ ] time oh you don't take care of your kids yes okay yeah yeah I have an ex one of my exes it's only one of them right I have remember yes I have three different baby moms three kids remember I'm an XD gen I didn't uh do good in my past and I'm making up for every day okay just why you know I tell people never go into this life it's not something you have to make up for it [ __ ] five times over again okay so but I go hard to do that and yes I have one of my exes that keeps me away from my son and then went on the internet and said a bunch of crazy stuff you know and who just so happened to be in the chat tonight to you know refute all those statements and you know we're happy to have her again Christina see I feel like we're all just like you know sitting in a sitting in a Galla somewhere and the the spotlight comes on every time EAS brings her up it's just a beautiful thing they all try to get me to engage and drag her no I'm not gonna so here we go uh okay watch the text I'm about to share keep telling people I keep your son when you don't try to see him at all watch I asked him if he was going to try and see him for his birthday and he ignored me well okay that is awful and uh definitely not what he's communicating right now as if to say he's probably lying and that he should maybe make arrangements with you to like maybe see his children or his child she's the mother of my kid I'm not going to do all that and I'm not going to do it's it's it doesn't matter to anyone here right nobody here is gonna do anything about it I'm gonna do everything about it me I'm gonna fix it all me so can we see the text I mean Christina's in my Discord if she wants to hop into okay awesome so how's your day going great actually yeah and um obviously if my name is NE and you've been in my chat a couple times and you know it's always wonderful to have you unfortunately it doesn't seem like it's always on the best circumstance which I regret but you also seem like a really nice person so genuinely I just want to like give you that hello and know that even though there's like a shitty element to this um that I you know you seem like a really cool person I just want to be UPF about that oh thanks I I I really enjoy actually watching you even if it's not about him like I I know I only talk when you're speaking about him because I don't really have anything else to say but I enjoy watching you you're so funny well thank you I'm actually I'm flattered and speak easy as one of the people that we enjoy talking um about the most I find that he's just a really funny guy but aside from that there's a lot of other people that are kind of like in proximity to him that I think are just as egregious and just as ridiculous he just seems to attract the most people because he's so um like abrasive you know my sign in on YouTube there's someone new that he's got an argument with or calling a [ __ ] or something yeah definitely it seems like um one of the things that I really point out a lot is that there isn't a lot in common between Speak Easy and the people that he gets into like like his enemies could not be more different from one another like it's so the amount of people that he p pisses off is just so diverse that it's like funny in its own right because it doesn't matter what area or what Walk of Life you're coming from this dude has probably made you mad so I always think that that's really funny oh he can make anybody mad yeah definitely what would you say is like his most frustrating quality like outside of the obvious what do you think like makes what would you say that about him that irks you the most well besides the whole my son let's keep that apart yeah nothing he does is wrong he's right about everything and everyone else is wrong that's that's it so do you feel like he struggles with accountability absolutely and how okay so how him that's why he blames me for keeping his son away and that's probably been pretty frustrating because it seems like you've known him for you know well I'm sure like you you've been attached in his life for a while now you know so I'm sure you've seen and I have like quite a few examples of that yeah well at the beginning like obviously I chose my best friend to be in the hospital with me and everything and I think that's what he's bitter about is that I didn't let him be in the hospital when I had my son but it was the middle of covid I was allowed one person I wasn't allowed any visitors I wasn't allowed even for the person with me to switch out nothing like that I went in for a scheduled C-section so I knew how much pain I was going to be in and how much help I needed as well as my son and he didn't seem like a like he didn't seem like a viable option for somebody who could have supported even before my son was born he was saying he was G to he was going to take my son from me he was threatening me with court papers I've got so many emails from before my son was even born oh also he said I hope to God that's not my son and then you expect to be in the hospital room well understanding like just the very little that you've told us about it being you know about you guys having some sort of uh courts situation I just want to be clear that um you know only say what you're comfortable saying first and then only saying what you can say because I I don't want to get you in trouble or you know weaken your position you know like from a public opinion perspective I feel like you've got a lot of supporters but I feel like the only support that matters ultimately is going to be the judges so I just want to be careful about that yeah exactly but um in the court papers as well once all court is done there will not be anything allowed to be said on my part or on his part but right now court is not done nothing like that so all is good to go but and once court is done I will not be allowed to say anything and he won't be able to say anything either because that is in the court papers okay and do you do you foresee like it being with solved at any time in the near future uh the near future probably not cuz he's definitely going to drag it out as long as he can he already is he showed up to court with no papers no nothing they had to um reschedule for October 2nd now okay and so when somebody kind of shows up like that like what is the Assumption you can make so like is that because in my mind and again I've been poisoned by all of the stupid thing e says regularly on the internet in my mind I think okay does that person care like are they showing up prepared do are they weighing what's at what's at risk he has yeah my I didn't actually go so I don't know exactly word for word went what went on I just know what I was told by my lawyer but I she said that he was very defiant as well like he's not going to go with the things that I asked for and he is going to probably fight it but he's going to take his time fighting it or he would have brought all the proof he has that he says he has where's the proof why didn't he bring it to court so he says that he says I'm keeping his son from him and he's got all this proof why did he show up to court with nothing well that's just it right in these custody situations I feel like I see a lot of men onl talk about the idea of like fighting for their children or feeling like they shouldn't have to or have to necessarily make that case but one thing I always say is that if it comes down to it if there is only one obstacle in the way between you and somebody that you should hold dearly to yourself like your child right like most parents would do just about anything and if that one thing is filing paperwork or compiling text messages and evidence you would think that he would find the time do you kind get what I'm saying yeah but also if if I was the one keeping his son from him and he so badly wanted to see him why am I the one that is pushing Court why hasn't he done that in the last four years because I'm not keeping a son from him and he doesn't want to see his son well I think that there's yeah there's a lot to like kind of infer from that situation but I mean not having a lawyer like I have to imagine he's probably not like I I don't think that in this situation that's probably not good I mean there's like with legal stuff I couldn't even imagine well knowing him he you see his debates and and whatnot I think he thinks he can talk his way out of anything I don't think he's too worried but again he should have already sent in his documents and everything that he needed to he's not in any rush to see his son I guess yeah and it's also I mean just how he how he uh what's the word how he designates his time I it's good that he gets donations from here and there it's good that he like finds some validation even if I disagree with that but what is the reality of the situation is that he's sitting on panel for 8 to 10 hours a day smoking you know marijuana and you know doesn't matter how much money you make or can make there are people who could stay endless hours of overtime in the jobs that they work but they can't because they have to go home to their kids they have to go home to their wife they have other priorities right it's not all about making money so that justification never makes sense to me you know yeah exactly but again he doesn't have any of his kids at his house ever so he doesn't have to go home to them he doesn't when I was with him four years ago he had the one daughter that he knew about twice a month and not even for a sleepover just for a Sunday during the day oh wow yeah that's I don't I don't know if that's still how it is now but that's how it was four years ago yeah that doesn't seem like like uh quite a bit of time from what I understand but again I don't know if he's got he's got all that time to sit on YouTube well yeah I mean you could yeah for sure that definitely makes sense to me um and somebody was wondering and I am as well what are you taking like are you taking him to court is he taking you to court uh he was the one served with the papers from me well not from me but from my lawyer and this is like a custody issue as well as uh child support okay okay so yeah of course I imagine you would probably need I mean like um I'm Canadian and I'm assuming you are too just because I know EAS is and so I mean it's expensive where I live I live on the west coast and I think you guys are out east and I can only understand like you know from my position it's hard to make it on your own but with a child and U knowing the very little that I know about your situation with your kid like that's got to be super expensive like I I don't think it's unreasonable for you to be kind of looking for for support there well again I've never asked him for even a penny not one penny in my son's whole life not once so this like for him to even say that I'm money hungry or this is all about money is ridiculous cuz if I wanted money from him I would have done it four years ago like I'm doing this because I'm I see that he's never going to change simple as that I gave him time to change I gave him time to step up like I was busy raising my son getting his diagnosis doing everything I need to do I wasn't really worried about him and what he's doing and if he's going to step up or not like I don't I don't need him I don't need his help I don't need anything from him but he's not going to just sit there and act like he didn't create this child for sure and I think he's like benefiting over the idea that the child exists regardless exactly he said he has full custody of his autistic son on YouTube so that he can get sympathy and get people to send him more money and whatnot like that's unacceptable well it's like a contention point for him where he can kind of weaponize the situation when it suits him but I mean they everybody understanding the fact and you obviously having your own voice to speak on the situation like we understand that there's a lot that he's not saying and there a lot that he's not being honest about he's not honest about anything nothing from his mouth is the truth ever do you think that um so something that I observe in watching easy because I think um it's been in the last little while here because I come in and out of watching the sort of stuff that he does I tend to only see him when he's doing something pretty wild um but every time I see him he seems a little bit more unhinged a little bit more like I don't know crazy is a strong word but I think he just seems a little bit more untethered every time I see him but that is that just me or uh no I agree and that is one reason I'm not not actually trying to keep my son from him but I am going for supervised visitations I would never feel comfortable leaving my son alone with him cuz there is something wrong there like but again if he changes if he can better himself I would love for him to be a father but right now absolutely not yeah but again I supervised visitations is fine with me just especially since my son is non-verbal he he can't even tell him what he needs he he knows nothing about how to communicate with him like you can't you just can't have him by yourself you won't understand he wouldn't understand strangers everything yeah definitely when it comes to like the non-verbal communication and stuff I think that a lot of people I mean with um I would say like with severely autistic kids like there's a lot of different um things that they do to Signal needs and if you're not like in tune with those things um a lot of the times people attribute too much to the behavior or they don't attribute enough like for example like a child being uh like when they when they get into like stimming or when they're communicating like discomfort if you you know what a regular child would sorry regular was a terrible um a child who communicates uh effectively is you know able to verbalize those things in most circumstances but a child who requires more attention in care does so in different ways and I think that if you don't have any background and understanding to that even if you're the parent you're setting yourself up for um negativity and I and I just want to say that I misspoke when I said the you know the regular situation I hope you I understand I understand I actually no I understand sympathize a lot um with kids like and their mothers and I I've said this before on my channel but I know this to be an issue at least where I live in Canada where the subsidies and the things that go out to helping kids with um you know disabilities there's sometimes like they're gatekeep behind diagnosis and there's no one around to diagnose the kids and even if they're like you put your kid on a wait list for like years and years and years at a time and that's if you can afford the like you know a couple Grand it takes to get your kid diagnosed in the first place so like all of this really key developmental time is often like breezed over for these kids while like their parents wait to see their kid to get their kid assessed or because they can't pay the money to get them assessed in the first place so I'm just I'm I'm pretty I know a lot about the issue but I also I'm not a a parent of that child like of a child that has that sort of situation or a parent at all so again I just want to sympathize with you a lot and apologize that's um yeah it literally took 15 months for him to even get his diagnosis he's on weight list for everything and right now there's literally no therapy like no funded therapy I have to pay for any kind of therapy he's in and with no help from the father it's ridiculous not to mention I've invited him to his therapy multiple times because that's the place he would learn about his son the quickest the easiest the fastest cuz I'm talking to his therapist the whole time about him and he would not show up three different times he would not show up until I called him out on YouTube and then he showed up the last time because he wanted to prove to YouTube that he he would well that's yeah that's that's I mean to show up at all I understand but also the just the critical like just not understanding the urgency there I think is just the biggest issue for me and this and the struggle with all of that and then a lot of the other things as well with like having a child like that there's so many different Associated costs that people couldn't even have imagined um but yeah like anything from like socializing to like speech and language mythologist to like what's that other one it's like um occupational therapist there's so many there's occupational there's speech there's ABA there's just like there's endless and is it so he would benefit from every single one of them because he is the most severe on the Spectrum so he would been benefit from everything and he would also benefit from having more family more people in his life and if his father's side of the family could be there I would be more than willing so I am not keeping him from his son I just need him to prove that he can be a stable parent well is the so is the circumstance of um of your of your child are they like a onetoone like in a school setting would they require like Ono one care um well right now he's supposed to be starting JK well he should have started like two days ago but I'm keeping him in his uh Special Needs school till the 23rd of this month and then he is going to just a regular public school and I am absolutely terrified I'm already looking into getting like air tags and everything to I'm just terrified and again I might just start with like 2 hours a day it's really up to me cuz it's it's uh JK so we will just see how it goes and there's going to be like an EA to help in the class definitely but that's about it I'm so nervous for him to go to a public school though I can totally understand that and I just wanted to point that out because I think just understanding like um the behaviors that like kids who require that one-on-one care exhibit when you know they have a like when when they're uh you know severely autistic is it requires a lot of attention it requires like direct um care your direct presence you have to make sure that they're occupied and you have to make sure that they're you know they're in a healthy circumstance and that they're you know not going to be a um they're not going to do any harm to themselves themselves yeah exactly CU he doesn't understand danger at all he doesn't understand danger he will put literally everything in his mouth that shouldn't be in his mouth yeah I just I'm so nervous well I I just wanted to point this out because I don't know I mean outside of the internet where the word autism flies around as like a bit of a you know like as a bit of a derogatory term which you know I've taken place I've taken part in that as well and I feel like I probably understanding that people live like this I um you know with these like intense needs and cares and stuff like I I aim to kind of do better because I feel like I understand too much to do that anyways but I say all of this to like point out that people who require one-on-one care it's not enough to like put on a show in the other room and have them go watch a movie like that might work for like 10 or 15 minutes but compared to um NE know like typical children they require a lot of attention and care and so I personally can't see somebody who spends most of their time on YouTube smoking with staring at a screen um capable or you know of of providing that stable environment where like I just want to say that I sympathize with the idea that you're worried about having him with him like I could understand and that's not because I feel like easy would deliberately do anything to that child that's not what I'm saying I'm saying because it requires an intense amount of attention and understanding for a child like that right and I think that's kind of do something either but again he needs eyes on him 247 or something can happen and he would never have eyes on him for 247 he couldn't do it yeah I mean the that's that's the you know that's the difficult thing with autistic kids as well because socializing I think is one of the most important things and they need guidance through very very like like lots of different moments in the socialization but yeah like with most kids kids develop their own um they develop interests uh they develop you know they have friends they have things that take the child physically away from the parent and they parent can kind of somewhat rely on that child to like operate their time away from the parent but yeah I just I cannot you know I obviously don't have to reiterate to you because you understand more than anyone but again that one toone care is so important for the safety of the child but also for the betterment of the child as well like the aspects as well so exactly yeah I I actually um had a while ago um I had a program for uh individuals with high functioning autism I would teach them life skills and social skills and I did that for a couple years so I understand um you know a lot of the the struggles and I understand the contrast between the struggles that somebody who has high functioning autism has versus like an understanding that people with very low functioning autism um like the the struggles are both pretty immense but uh but yeah that it requires a lot of care and attention so yeah for sure and again if he can prove that he can do that I would feel comfortable like that's his child but you you can't just expect me to hand him over and trust you like that you need to prove after four years you need to prove yeah no for sure um and as far as like your like from your perspective I imagine like being a like being a parent in any circumstance is obviously exhausting but you don't necessarily like reap the benefits of going online to say hey I'm a parent it's so tiring like look how exhausted I am but like you know so maybe no one ever asked but like how are you doing with all of that like how do you manage with you know the again with the situation um like going to court obviously which is terrible and then also managing a child that requires that much attention like how do you get by with all of that well it's honestly not easy but if I didn't have my mom like I honestly don't know how I would do it like she has no sick days left and no vacation days left till February of next year because she's used them all for me I've had such bad health problems lately I have another biopsy scheduled for the 9th this month on my leg like I've got so much going on and to have zero help from his own father is ridiculous and to say that I'm keeping him from him and not wanting the help is even more ridiculous cuz any parent wants help but I'm not going to want help from just anybody well absolutely like you have to trust and understand that person and just knowing them for a long time always like isn't always enough um but yeah like like that just sounds like a lot to deal with and especially when you say like the word biopsy I imagine um you know sometimes you just do that to like ease a concern but regardless until you know I'm so sorry like that's a lot like I I had skin cancer I told him about it I showed him the scars on my legs I've told him about how how much trouble I was having taking care of his son while healing from my biopsy the first time I had one back in January and he just said oh I'm so sorry that you're going through that he didn't offer any kind of help he didn't say can I come see him he didn't even say can I pick him up and bring him to see my my own family or something he's never asked to come see him nothing like that even when I say how much I'm struggling I've told him about myself struggling financially and how I I wouldn't be able to do it without my family's help and he still doesn't offer any help that's yeah that's a that's a lot to like sort of like that's a really really big burden to kind of carry and I can totally understand that I also just wanted to say um because I know that like the content of the conversation has gotten a little like I I just I don't want to um I just want to check in and see how you're doing because um again I as as grateful as I am that you have come on to have a conversation with me I don't want to um you know unwind anything or you know to to leave you in a situation where you're feeling um worse off for doing so uh but just also simultaneously recognizing that whether or not you support the mother of your child or the father of your child if you understand that that person is going to be spending the most time with your kid then it is in your best interest in the interest of the child to make sure that person's okay as well right like you're not you know his obligations from where I'm standing don't end at his child like if you're not good then how can his child be good you know what I'm saying exactly yeah he doesn't understand any of that though it's all about himself it's what's best for him not what's best for the child or anyone else in that matter yeah no I I could definitely like I can infer that a lot um I think we were talking about it earlier of just like doing content creation from a just from just generally speaking it's kind of just like a narcissistic thing to do and I don't think that narcissism is Gen like self-centered almost right like from myself to like easy we're not the same necessarily but like we have community built around like our personalities and it just so happens to be the fact that like I don't necessarily sit here and tell people how to like live their lives but like I look at some of the people who take it really seriously and we kind of laugh and joke about it that's like you know the story that I tell myself regardless being a content creator generally speaking is pretty narcissistic and where it stands out to me a lot I think are the people that try and act like they're living a life that's like holier than now or that they're you know the all their obligations all their teeth and all their eyes are dotted and that's just like not the reality of most people so when your narcissism kind of develops into like um you know telling lies for the sake of just like bolstering your image I feel like those are the sorts of people that we cover a lot on here yeah YouTube is full of that kind of those kind of people but it's it's social media it's not just YouTube actually that's how everyone is on social media it's true it it is really true and also understanding that as well at least you know what you're getting yourself into right that's the most important thing at least having all the information necessary to proceed like in a in an intelligent way right that's all you can do if you want to spend any time on social media and I don't know if anyone's ever better for it necessarily um but yeah again like it just so happens that you know building the community online there there's like lore in history that I don't know like I I think I was talking I was talking to someone the other day that like you know people who participate in chats and like watch panels and uh you know do all these sorts of unique things like all my wonderful viewers and you know um like we participate with the internet in a way that is like different than most other people like most other people are like open insta like spin through a couple photos like watch a YouTube video here and there but there no real participation outside of like oh my grandar commented under like my Facebook photo or like I'm trying to connect with somebody on messenger that I haven't talked to in a while right or like sending each other memes on Tik Tok so that's like one thing but then you add the the content creator layer into that and then it just adds like a whole other like um world of like [ __ ] [ __ ] weirdness right like how would you ever explain this conversation to somebody who doesn't know anything about YouTube do you know what I'm saying like it's weird and and and I I never pretend and try and act like it's not and all of YouTube is very weird actually I did not even have a YouTube account I didn't know people even freaking went live or anything like that I'm sorry that that's just weird to me that people sit not maybe like 10 hours that's that's just crazy how do you sit in front of a computer and talk to random people for 10 hours that's insane I just don't even understand it that's like I think to me that's like the root of my um the root of my I like I I try to ground myself on that idea that it's like yes I can sit on a panel for like three or four hours talking about X Y and Z but that if I ever come away from that panel feeling like emotionally activated or carrying those emotions into another day like I just have to constantly remind myself that like this isn't normal like obviously you know what I'm saying like I just need to keep gr should be YouTube and should not be brought into real life it should not affect how you feel when you get off the computer should not affect your mood yeah definitely um I think that there's another thing as well that I wanted to talk about um that I think a lot of people generally find it really frustrating but with Speak Easy I I think a lot of people have come to understand that like in these interactions when he gets into fight uh when he gets into fights with like other people he always seems to try and use his kids as like some sort of Shield or defense like do you feel that or is that just us oh i' I've said that before I've said that before definitely you can't even say he's a bad parent because why are you talking about his kids you understand the difference right exactly for sure like like just to be very clear because I think most well like most rational people understand the difference between saying say someone like you know your presence lacking in your child's life is probably bad parenting right but what are we saying specifically about the child right nothing no he will jump right away why are you talking about my kids why are you letting this person talk about my kids exactly yeah exactly I feel like I'm preaching in the choir here but for Speak Easy I mean that's just like the the shutdown term or trigger word for him to like shut down a discussion on the basis that like you're attempting to attack his family but unless he's the one talking about his kids because he will sit on his own live and talk about his kids and he will post videos he will post Community posts about how he's with his kids he will talk about how he spent the weekend with his kids but if somebody else says something about his kids it's the end of the world well for sure and that's the other thing as well is like you can make the argument that he's putting his kids in vulnerable positions with the context of you two because I know for a fact that there was a situation where he made a um there was a situation where basically he made a music video or something and had his kids and then he posted it on YouTube or whatever but knowing that like he's not a very well-liked person like why would you bring your like and this is kind of cringe to say this but like why would you bring your drag your child into like the middle of a a battlefield almost right like you're in a place where not a lot of people like you you would think that that would be the last place for you to drag your kids do you know what I'm saying like you would want them to be the farthest place away from that so there's little things like first person he was the first person to bring his kids to YouTube um yeah I mean it just it just seems like that to me I mean there's no justification there right like just because you want to bring your kids into the situation doesn't mean that they're that they're fair game right like that is totally not okay of course right your kids are your kids and again I post my my kids all the time and I I don't expect someone to go take them and be mean but so I'm pulling up you won't see it on your side because I have to share it to you but I'll read it out to you and maybe you can tell me if you're familiar with this so um there is this uh I don't know if this was posted it this was clipped for hours ago but e posted about um basically his plans for a stream he says we will be skipping stream for the next two days as I have to get to some more family things sorted out and we will always do family first here so I will be back Friday night for verbal combat I have some great topics ready for this week and I hope to see you all there also my editors have been going over time on videos and shorts for you guys so we'll be we will be having more of those for you guys as well everyone have a safe next two days and don't be late blah blah blah veral combat so in that situation specifically um the idea like he's trying to make himself out to be like this family man right this exactly every time right and so that's kind of like the the posture as his like Shield almost where basically you know like we're not contend like we're not necessarily contending like not a lot of people have the specific interest on whether or not he's a great dad or not it's like whether or not you're a family man or not because of the image you project to everyone else right well as far as I know he's not a family man hopefully things changed in the last four years and I still just don't know who he is but as far as I know he's no family man yeah and it's and it's it seems to be obvious to anyone but his chat right like come on I just I don't understand how you could sit in there day in day out and not think to yourself wow like this guy who talks about his family on a regular basis consistently seems to spend more time with me right like he you this is terrible but like I feel like like I feel like if if they're you know if in a if you and your child lived in a completely different country there was no opportunity if your child was you know able to be in E's chat like that attention he's giving his chatter is so much more attention than anyone else like a a ridiculous amount of attention like it's not it's unmeasurable right and so to say that you're a family man in that context is insane he could he he dedicates so much time to his chat that he could potentially parent someone from his chat like that's insane but I mean I feel that way that's how much time he dedicates yeah and that's just on his chats like could you imagine what he's doing backstage all the messages he has to do all the talking to other people he has to do where's the time for the family if you're live for 10 hours and then there's other stuff you must do for his YouTube [ __ ] and talking to his editors and everyone else yeah I would say for every hour like I would say for every like today for example I had to debate plans and uh you know did this content and so like I'll pre-at a little bit of everything I do to make sure that it's not just going to get my channel taken off the internet but aside from that like you know it's it's about an hour two hours tops but still like that's insane to think about because um that's still time you could be taking away from you know things that that are more important like YouTube That's the other thing as well when it comes to doing YouTube as your soul job I mean it's okay and some people make that work but should you basically or like should you be focused on like if you're focused on the family then go get a 9 to5 that allows you to be home during like waking hours for your kids right like that 9 to5 when I was with him and he still didn't um after work every day he would just sit on video games at that point but I had a flat tire at that at one point and he wouldn't even change it till the weekend cuz he worked all day like he couldn't do anything after work like are you talking work from YouTube like he wouldn't change your tire no he he actually worked when I was with him four years ago he did have a full-time job this this YouTube [ __ ] is recent I guess would it be do you think so does it matter how successful he is at YouTube do you think you would like do you do you care that he does it or would you rather like he he can do whatever he wants in his life as long as he just takes care of his child like if he wants to not be involved that's fine too cuz he's clearly not stable but he's going to take accountability for having this child yeah for sure and it's I mean I I guess just the way that it's positioned for some people like I think like there's a lot of um I would say I'm trying to be careful but with like people like absent parents basically I feel like they they have almost every excuse or every reason to not be present sometimes and I just I can't necessarily understand that you know yeah I think like super weird but he'll just blame me the whole time that I won't let him see his kid but I will send you the text messages where I even ask him if he wants to see him for his birthday and he ignores me the birthday comes he doesn't wish him happy birthday he doesn't send a message he doesn't call nothing that's the fourth birthday now that he hasn't done anything with him he hasn't seen him he hasn't said happy birthday nothing and last time I actually I can I just want to reiterate this because last time you were in my chat you were actually mentioning this that you were trying to get him to kind of come out to one of your kids birth your kids birthday right like I think it was before his birthday yeah it was a few days before his birthday and it was July 18th that I texted him and said are you going to want his his birthday is the 11th I was reminding him that his birthday is the 11th cuz he told me I'll see you on the 28th so I said Your son's birthday is the 11th are you not going to want to see him and he completely ignored it and the 11th came and passed nothing oh wow yeah that's that's pretty insane but yeah I just wanted to say because I totally remember you saying that that was the last time we did where we did uh easy burning the bridge with like grid One Motorsports another I'm I'm always listening and it's not because like I'm obsessed but like I try to get what I need and again him talking just like what was that life from yesterday still trying to say that I'm keeping a son from him like no when I hear that stuff is it's not acceptable just like ignore it completely like you don't have to say that I'm keeping him from you when I am clearly not like I've shown the proof and I will continue to show the proof and I think you should for sure um because I think that whether it's you know for the the betterment of your like your your child or at least just kind of balancing the playing field I think there's a lot of people online that believe like if you're talking [ __ ] about someone that they should be there to like defend themselves and you're a little defenseless in this regard like he talks about you a lot I know you do have your own channel but you just you don't participate in the space the way that easy and I do like you don't have the the the luxury of taking any time out of your day to address any [ __ ] because like you're a mom like how could you a mom of a very high intensi child right so obviously he's and the fact that he still as of like yesterday going on panels and saying that I'm keeping his son from him still is crazy like if you were to say that a few months ago when I first came out and you want to just like take my credit away or whatever he's trying to do that's that's one thing but you're still doing it after you miss his birthday after all this [ __ ] he's just he's expecting that no one's going to see my side of the story when he goes up on those panels it's true he's not yeah he doesn't expect any of the people over there to see the stuff that I've shared because if they saw this the I shared a full year worth of text messages a full whole year and there's times that he's asked to see his son I would say yes the time came no text message no nothing I would send him pictures of his son just to get his interest and be like look what you're missing out I didn't say that but like just send him pictures see what he's missing out on to get him wanting to see his son and he wouldn't even reply to the pictures it's crazy that's actually insane I think you have them in shorts in videos is that correct like I have a whole playlist I have a whole playlist of receipts on my channel actually what's your YouTube again like is it because it I see your chat name for sure it's like Christina CX is that what I switch up yeah I think that's what my channel is as well oh I see them here and there's a lot there's a lot to go through but maybe what I can do is um like if people are interested in you know the context because obviously there a lot of stuff and they haven't already like I'll share your channel in chat they can more than you know they can go talk about uh they can go check out what it is that you're talking about because uh I've seen them myself I don't remember specifics because it was a while ago but um but yeah I totally can totally verify that that those are they definitely exist and that they're on your channel and they're they're for almost everyone to see so yeah but he's just expecting when he's on those panels that all those people will not see the actual truth and believe what he says and believe that I'm keeping him from him and that's what he's counting on for sure definitely and only to you know the detriment of you and your child and like the for what benefit to him really like there's none it's super sad and that's the reason for me to continuously share what I need to share to prove that I'm not doing what he's accusing me of doing I'm not the person he is accusing me of being well I mean at least in the small like channel in the small chat that I have I'm happy that I was like able to again have the conversation with you and kind of get some more of like your Insight and we do cover easy not as regularly anymore but from time to time so if we ever cover him in the future and you want to weigh in on something that was said I'd be happy to kind of have you on and um you know only if you only if you feel like it only if you want to come up and like throw in your two sons i' would be totally happy to have you on again um sure sure yeah thanks for having me up actually and thanks for listening because there's still a ton of people who don't believe me at all and still believe every word he says which is just insane but I'm glad you see what I'm saying and believe it somewhat I'm sure there's parts of it that some people don't believe as well cuz again it's it's a big it's a big mess and none of it is fun and some of it is unbelievable to be honest absolutely agreed and I think just so you understand like um it's not that I believe you because I necessarily like want the worst for easy because I don't like easy is because I understand at least like the smallest amount how much attention and how much energy you know kids with like special needs require and then already knowing like you know mothers and uh having friends that are like moms Etc like understanding the sort of of energy that it requires for them to act in addition to like hearing the way you talk about things and the way that you like lay out your priorities like I can I can sympathize with that on its own and already kind of just like extend you a hand right like I feel like most people can really hear that and you know maybe point out to someone in their life that they know and understand um has you know dealt with or struggled with someone similar and then the flip side to that being like you seem to know like just somebody saying they can't see their kids versus somebody saying yes you can like that on itself I mean it's just really telling right so yeah just keep just keep um just keep on uh you know doing what you're doing and it sounds like your your kid is in good hands and I hope that you reach an outcome that will work you know the best for for you and your child so exactly whatever works best is for my son is what's best like it doesn't even matter about me or my opinion or what I think is best it's just what is actually best for the child yeah definitely yeah all right well I'll be in chat and I'll still be listening okay well thank you so much for coming on Christina take care all right talk to you later okay so that's um if you're unfamiliar so that was um basically uh E's uh baby mama she is named Christina and she has been um she's been a subscriber of the channel for at least a couple months now and she says that she watches you know a lot of different content but obviously she's personally invested in the Speak Easy stuff and speak easyy in the machine lies clip uh did mention something about um you know only having one baby mama that doesn't allow him to see uh his kids completely being void of the idea that there is more than one but I digress again trying not to judge aside from that um she basically basically um oh my God where it's it's getting it's it's been a long day guys basically he made a claim that there is one of his baby M that won let him see her kids right and that is completely false so much so that she is contending with him uh you know in the interest of her child and we support her I mean at least I do and I think that I've left her channel in the chat Where She lays out a lot of her own proof and her own evidence to the contrary as to like what EAS is saying and again I mean my platform isn't massive but again like having people who frequent here their you know I feel like just having someone on to kind of hear their side I think that's great um aside from all of that we're kind of at the end of the content for today it's been a crazy fun and exciting stream we have one debate if you haven't already seen it make sure you run it back a little uh I was declared a winner of the debate that I had with Team fatty of on a two to one basis I only invited one judge he invited two let's make that very clear I did win that debate exciting stuff but I won even more so again by focusing on my individual goal and staying calm and collected through the course of the debate aside from that we went over the machine Li panel and his interactions with Speak Easy trying to juggle his rational approach with Speak Easy wanting to drag his drama into every situation that he finds right and the contrast there was great the panel ho the panel guests were absolutely insane and I think it's funny how much he fit in absolutely ridiculous but uh yeah and then again Christina C bz's baby mama was in the chat and she came up to weigh in on some of the things that e said after he was coping after getting kicked from the stream and that's where we are now so I think um we're going to leave it there I'm not sure when I'm going to be streaming next but I just wanted to say thank you all so much for the wonderful support and we will find somebody to raid but if you haven't already make sure that you like the stream on the way out please and thank you uh subscribe if you're new to the channel and so I think we're gonna do something we will uh we're we're gonna raid out with a friend of the channel I think most of you will know who it is also the results the results of the poll does NE sound like a valley girl with 76 votes only 59% of you said yes I you look that's a majority but uh I don't know that we could rely on that okay so we are going to raid I think we're going to raid Flow State so make sure you drop a B in the chat say hello and uh the machine lies oh maybe we should yeah let's let's do it if he's covering this giving his own yeah I feel like it's only fair because we did sorry for State yeah I feel like we did just kind of uh it would it would be right it would make me feel sound about all of the criticisms I led at him where is he I just found him what is his stream called but yeah aside from that make sure you guys uh you know at least sub to the channel okay all righty have a great wonderful evening and I will see you soon take care

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