Geena Davis Reveals Her See-Through Dress | Letterman

our first guest is an academy award-winning  actress she stars in her own brand new   television program on a another network  of course another network but you can   see it October 10th here's the lovely the  leggy Gina Davis look terrific as always   you look wonderful thank you I think the uh  I saw you on television uh when you were on   the Emmy Awards show and boy you had this  dress on well you remember the dress you   had on or a dress you almost had on and and  the thing was uh uh transparent you can see   right through it Dave I'm I'm shocked that you  bring that up shocked I can't believe it you know   you know what it was I'll I'll tell you Dave  that what it was is the night I've never been   to the Emmys before I find that hard to believe I  never had I uh no no you've been to before not to   the emms no Oscars I know well you an Academy  Award winner for God's sakes oh please but uh the thing was I I was a little nervous about  going and had a nightmare the night before that   I went out on stage uh in my underwear mhm and  I just wanted to make sure that that did not happen you mind if I show this no by all means no  I'm right you can see right through this I mean   it's lovely and you are certainly look lovely  in in the dress but boy oh boy now is that is   that an expensive item um yeah now do you own  it or you just bought it from the evening and   then to took it back or you probably can't  take these you know I tried to do that and   they seen that I wore but did everybody went  crazy did people go nuts about this you get   a lot of calls about that dress yeah yeah  I did I did you know what I I I learned um   that actually I was the victim of a plot  are you you might be shocked to here but   it's another Insidious plot I know you've  been following the campaign and everything   but and a big supporter of of Gore of course  and um that was actually uh a subliminal ad for Bush it was a horrible those Republicans what  will they not do I'm I'm a victim   sublimable Mo it was a sublimable  would it have killed you wear it tonight huh well enough about that I'm  nothing about that you must have been   watching the Olympics because I don't know  if people understand this about you but a   couple of two and a half years ago you started to  competitively taking up a Bow and Arrow Archery   three and a half yeah three and a half and and  you're ranked like 13th in the in the United   States or something had a shot at getting on the  United States archery team well yeah I made it to   the uh to the trials last did did the whole thing  begin just as kind of like a fun thing as a hobby   is kind of a Goofer where you one day you woke  up and you said this is it by God now I'm now   I'm going someplace yeah I I was thinking what  can I do with my life what can I still take up   at my age and get in the Olympics and uh Archer  yeah so and now and people must say to you gez   it's too bad you were on the Olympic te but but  I'm guessing you you think well no it's not too   bad but I mean I'm I'm having plenty of fun  anyway no they do that that's pretty hilarious   that a lot of people recently have said you must  be really disappointed that you're not there but   at you know at the time that I tried out I'd been  doing it just a little over two years and I think   the chances of making the team were pretty  uh pretty slow haven't been doing this since   you were three years old not a dedicated young  Olympian exactly right right it would have been   fine but it just didn't yeah now now how what  events are there it's it's this one I know this one what other one do you do you have there's  not much else you do with with a bow and arrow   uh is it is it is it mostly targets yeah they  don't they don't hunt in the Olympics they   they don't turn a couple of guys loose  all right let him go wow that would be something what pound what pound bow do you use  what's what's the tension on that thing 36 36   now that's a lot isn't it well it's it's pretty  average but you know over the course of a day   that's a lot and do they have these amazing  new laser sight devices that no it's not   comp all any and I know I've done it just fooling  around when I was a kid and you let it go and you   always get your uh you get it hurts like H it just  goes I mean the string whacks across very pain you   have protective equipment I'll bet for that of  course of course what what is round like when   it when it's time to go what do you do uh well uh  you know what was interesting was that exactly a   year ago in Sydney they had test trials for all  their facilities there and they invited all the   uh Olympians and me um to I'm not sure why to go  down there and have a mock Olympics and so I went   and it was so much fun it was really really fun  hang on right there I have to interrupt you we'll   do some things here and then we'll come back  but I want to I hear all about take us through   what a what an Olympic Archer does all right all  right now I want to hear more about the Olympic   competition or or or archery competition yeah yeah  I like your idea by the way about the drugs um and   the Olympics because you know what a couple  of beers and a arrow shooting it really goes   more exciting and and you can just forget about  drug Tes which is really the problem save a lot   of money on drug testing you know everybody's  under the influence so is there several rounds   is are there special shoes do you have to use tal  what what what very special stuff you have to use   yeah no uh first you have an A ranking round you  shoot all day and figure out where that's what you   shoot at what how many arrows do you shoot 70 M  um 144 arrows at 70 M how many feet is 70 meters   that that's like a it's like three quars of a  football field wow that's amazing and the and the   Bullseye is about that big that's incredible  and and and the idea of course is to get is a   consistency in in closest to the center and and is  it possible for all of your arrows you can't hit   all Bulls I know do do you have your own quiver  do you use a quiver yeah but not in the back like   on the hip you have a guy oh on your on your hip  do I have a guy that has Miss Davis Arrow I'm the   only one it's a little embarrassing yeah but and  and I'm told now and I know very little about U   everything but I'm told that that uh women uh can  be very they're actually better suited for this   kind of thing than men because of their metabolism  and their heartbeat and their blood pressure and   so forth and the idea is you you shoot between the  beat of your heart is that correct I do yeah yeah   it's a very Advanced skill I just I just wait Beat  and then I shoot now you're just mocking me now no no but do do women tend to be a little  steadier at and accurate than men in this sport   I don't know I thought I heard some in the  in the readers dig I wrot an article uh and   it must it must have been exciting for yeah yeah  it was really fun yeah so what they did was once   you're ranked you got paired up with somebody that  you had to have a one-on-one competition and uh   what they did was you you marched into the the uh  sort of arena there and they played like Fan Fair   stuff and I really was like I'm at the Olympics  I was really I was really into the fantasy um but   unfortunately I was matching up with uh the um  second ranked woman in the world um wow so she   took me out yeah she took me down hard now are you  going to continue this competitively is there a   chance that you might qualify for the Olympic team  next time we do it well uh there's certainly a   chance that I could um go to the trials again I'm  going to keep practicing yeah and and how often do   you do it like at your house you have a thing at  your house I have it actually at the studio they   put up Target um outside the stage really yeah  yeah so tour group groups coming by yeah yeah   that's unbelievable that's unbelievable I I admire  this a lot of people aren't into archery sometimes   have to flag the bus down and say hey what watch  but um but uh it's not as popular as it used to be yeah not as big as it was in the 1600s uh  let's talk about the uh the new show this is   just great for you congratulations did did you  always want a TV show well you know I did some   TV back in the early um ' 80s but it's it's been  quite a while but uh is it harder than making the   fature films or not it's it it's hard it it's  moved so fast as you well know and uh that's   very different I mean in movies you just have to  memorize a tiny little bit every day but um in   the show it's really challenging when I was when  I starting out in TV I did a bunch of cheesy shows   like um Night Rider and uh Fantasy Island and  yeah and uh I didn't mean to say cheesy no you   did say cheesy but I know what but you didn't  any did you remember a show called Rip Tide it   was like on a boat yeah I think so I was like  a nymphomaniac oceanographer on on one episode wow You'll you'll be finding that I'm  sharing your AR well why can't we have   a show like that what what's the problem  there what wrong with that um and you had   to ride on a boat for hours to get out  to the set it was just a nightmare and   all the guys had their lines like in  their coffee cups and I was like how   unprofessional you know so but now you I'm  I got them taped to the kids's foreheads I'm just and it's because there's just so  much the have to do it just bang bang   bang then knock the shows yeah  yeah uh we have a big party for   opening night I thought you were  gonna say did you have a big part uh um uh uh yeah yeah big party yeah funny it was  a Gina Davis show she just going to walk through   one scene and was that Gina Davis right I mean  star of the show yeah I think that was her yeah   uh well I hope it's a huge success and and and  it's a set is it true it's set in New York City   set in New York so that means you probably film it  here in New York City alas no no in La why don't   you move it you could move it then you'd be on the  show all the time yeah yeah that' be fun wouldn't   it all right uh October 10th what time on October  10th Tuesday 9:30 Tuesday 9:30 October 10th good   luck to you all my best lovely Gina Davis  we'll be back with I'm Cav Ladi and gentlemen [Music]

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