🔴 Livestream Downtown Brisbane: Opening of Queens Wharf

for for hey folks welcome back so today we heading all the way toward the opening of the uh queenwolf development site so it's already ready there for people to watch so hope you enjoy to this so come into the chat room and let's all have fun it's pretty warm the day today it's pretty hot it feels like it's already summer so uh it's 29 of August 2024 this is live coming to you from Brisbane so this is where we going to right there this is the Bonner Bridge so we're going to cross this way and uh yes I've got my Sunny's on so I'm going to put my sunnies on now all right let's go let's have fun all right here we go folks let's check out the uh opening of the uh Queen wolf all right so this is South Bank just over here over there you got a few tourists going on it's Thursday so many people are going to work yes there's a lot of construction going on here so uh you know brisbane's building up towards the uh Olympics 2032 that's if they're going to do the Olympic Games here in Brisbane there's a lot of controversial they say it's too much much money they don't want to spend too much money this and that so who knows so come into the chat room join me and let's all have fun and this is uh 1080p should be fine there will be areas that might get not good reception when I'm doing some live streaming anyway this is where we're going to over there we got casinos hotels five star rating and cafes and stores not everything will be open uh probably in the next couple weeks maybe about a month or a couple months time things will be opening everything all right so you got South Bank here going across the uh Neville is it called Neville Bonner Bridge it's got a funny name pardon yes yes that's the one there and doing some live streaming here on YouTube oh yes so I want to show my audience worldwide so they can come and visit Brisbane it's open now it's opening now but not everything will be open maybe some stores will be open I heard it on the news um not everything will be open yet no you're meaning over at the star no the bridge is the bridge is open now yeah that's right yeah so you can walk there and I don't know you can walk up there somewhere there a des with the view goes straight across to the Star Casino so you know there's only a portion of portion you're going there too yeah check it out enjoy enjoy it's a pre- war day today 32° can you believe it 32 it's like summer already but it's only last week of winter should be a little bit cooler than that yeah anyway you have a great day bye-bye that was a nice lady she's going to check it out too all right you got some street food here maybe later on when there's more people yes you got ice cream chelot probably I need a gel when it's too hot all right so you got this Olympic thing going on here and now you got the par Olympics for the disabled people I don't know I don't watch the Olympic games this year all right so here we go the Bonner Bridge it's got a funny name to it I rather call it something else all right come on the chat room's open now let's check it out for the first time it's opening today well actually they open at 1:00 a.m. a couple hours ago from 1:00 a.m. all right here we go I'm going to show all my audience for those who cannot come today perhaps when you get to Australia you can check this place out all right here we go the Bonner breach all right no CS can get in here it's only pedestrians no scooters I don't think so no no scooters all right here we go oh boy it's pretty warm today today going to sweat out here all right here we go South Bank beautiful South Bank beautiful city of brisban with a view so put your postcard folks there we go so Bank all right come on folks this is live see what goes on around here I thought it would be fireworks and all that stuff but no that just open up 1 a.m. from 1:00 a.m. run run I don't think anybody wouldn't want to run in this hit all I give you another spectacular view of the city just check that out in a couple years time this city will be bigger than what it is today we're thinking of changing the bridge here and a few other things yes everything's building up to the sky folks all here we go so think lot of shade going on there and yes it's a blue sky no no clouds at all so maybe next week or so we might get some thunderstorms I don't know all right let's check it out there's a lot of people going on here walk walking distance from one place to another people taking photos for the first time here all right here we go so you got a lot of space here so you can sit down in the shade yes all right and for those who want to know what it's actually 32° so that would be 80 uh sorry 89 fits and this bridge it's about 335 M long so 335 M that stretches from South Bank all the way here to this new area yes all right here we go another view of the city all right so many of my viewers probably not around watching this live stream probably you're working but but usually later on after the live stream people are catching up watching my videos and uh that's great so if you enjoy this video folks don't forget to uh thumbs up cuz that will help me make more videos just like this and tomorrow there's a festival going on here in Brisbane the uh Brisbane fireworks the river fireworks here we go let's see how far we can go all right okay you got some tourists here Gathering the group I think is it roing greetings you can ask them where are places to go to all right all right so here's another beautiful view we going to check that out soon the city so as I said folks not everything will be open today there's a lot of stores maybe they just getting ready for in a couple weeks time and then things will be open by then we'll find out Wonder day if they got Louis vittana around here Gucci all the high-end stores all right so what we've got here traffic going on here in Brisbane it's crazy folks jam packed oh boy all right I have no idea which direction I'm going to so I don't know if some places will let me take the camera CU it's a lot of too much with me um but anyway check that out all right um I have no idea where I'm going to around here so uh all right so we'll check that out got sculpture here um we'll just play along where every goes to here we go you got South Bank over there from the distance okay so you got a lot of people sitting down just chilling back they should have some street food around here get some drinks all right so you got a nice Shader around here so great place to take photos see not everything will be fixed at the moment you know just speit by bit I don't know what this one's going to be probably a brisman welome Italian royalty maybe a restaurant Italian restaurant here yeah there's a bit of a delay fixing up all this stuff so uh yes everything wants to be in a rush to open the whole thing because tomorrow is the Brisbane River fireworks all right what you got here the Terrace all right we'll check that out shortly right that's not open this one's going to be the um pH Steak Seafood restaurant nice maybe a buffet restaurant anybody folks ever been to a buffet restaurant before they used to be quite popular a couple years ago but I don't see many buffo Russ nowadays I don't know I don't know maybe too expensive nowadays used to be like $20 and there's one at the G cost I don't know if it's still there at the casino um I think it's about $80 per person per adult all right so you got buildings here Office Buildings very nice very nice well folks I hope this live stream's going all right for you it's 1080p good coverage Blue Sky what more would you like all right so not much going on here it's going to be restaurants they going to open pretty soon okay let's see [Music] see this is how they build up the whole thing up to the sky folks check that out all right so that's going to be the hotels there five star rating hotels maybe there's two of them I'm not sure all there's going to be another hotel here the towers two of them maybe I think I'm not sure [Music] hello what's here is open what's what's here oh Casino oh I don't want to casino got the camera maybe all you got the casino over there I don't know probably didn't speak English Chinese Japanese kichi just amazing views all right you got a few Des up there too more restaurants perhaps yes yes all right well folks don't forget to uh like this video if you enjoy it I'm just walking along I don't know where I'm going to because it's all faing new so yes not everything will be open as I said before a few restaurants bit by bit yes so um got casino but I don't think they're going to let me go the casino with a camera and all that stuff so here we go I don't know we'll just uh I don't know maybe we'll just go this way first all right here's another view of the Neville B Bridge nice view from here get your postcard [Music] [Music] all right let's go through this way see look this going to be a telling restaurant cinaa Regina opening soon the on the Terrace all right so we'll um go this one and then we'll go down here [Music] perhaps all right let's see what around here [Music] uh not much just a very Opening space [Music] area let's see what's over here get more views from here just spectacular view folks just amazing all right so this is the uh one of the hotels the FL sty new hotels and the casino somewhere up there and the camera want to point me oh you don't know the gimbal play up again oh there we go think gimble's a bit drunk today it happens some sometimes folks this happens think I'm doing some live streaming all right come on gimbal stay steady steady all right so here we go so got few workers taking a break restaurant's here well it's not open yet anyway and um all right so uh what's this here uh the sky de lift star Grand to one grand to very nice all right so you got a view from here too what [Music] is oh here we go [Music] so um pretty much open space o nice luxury car we're going to check that in a second maybe they're going to have some concert here too lat on tonight yes all right we're going to check this out this is some art cultures the oh check this out folks very nice very nice [Music] all right going to check this out yes a lot of people want to take photos rather than filming many many years ago maybe in the 80s and '90s everybody used to carry a video camera not anymore but I guess your phones is your smartphones so it's a video camera too all right so uh get this uh nice art going on here very nice very [Music] nice I'll just get over here so we can get a better view from this area all right the Kimo wants play up again oh no all right you got a few couple people for watching now so thank you so much for watching viewers worldwide International and across Australia OB we surprised everybody from Australia all right so this is the uh as I said before this is one of the five star rating hotels actually there's two of them maybe one over here and one on the other side and just another working business working day here across brisban Downtown brisban City very nice very nice very [Music] [Music] cool so you got a few developer workers here making sure everything's all good so oh look you got some hard going on here but I'm not going to go in there and my Say No cameras No cameras but it's not ready yet see they're getting all organized now and what's over here well we'll check it out not much this going to be the um art display Australian Arts all right now what's down here my good at Lane not much there um guess's upstairs maybe and over here must be just another Street going past and I'm maybe having a guess maybe the entrance for the hotel maybe one of the two there's too many entrance around here so there you go you got a big sign of the uh the star Grand all right [Music] [Music] all right see what guys are around here oh check all that traffic going on it's crazy folks crazy now what's this pickup and drop off area taxi right shares yes very nice and you got the sign here the star GR okay full looking cross over little careful let's get the sun from here [Music] all right if I got to give away they taking photos check that out folks the dark Grand all right I'm just going to move move away they want to take photos so I don't want to bother them very nice very [Music] nice what's over here okay this must be the h Hotel thing the entrance maybe I'm not sure got to be careful [Music] here all right let's check it out I don't know they're going to let me in check it's only a hotel not a casino well I don't know we'll find out folks so I'm going to take my Sunny's now looks a bit dark in here all right oh you got a few people around here too a lot of tourists yes they all having a chill back here at the hotel very nice check all that art going on there it's pretty cool very cool yes and you can stay here at the hotel it's already opening this is a bar one of the bars you can sit back enjoy have yourself a whiskey or [Music] whatever and restaurants here but it's not open yet maybe that's [Music] reservations [Music] [Music] okay there you have something to eat here too like I don't know some uh sandwiches check that out that makes you hungry folks check that out one cross nuts oh she at $9 for a sze sandwiches $16 a yellow chocolate how much is the chocolate here $10 very expensive Maybe [Music] oh you can see myself on the camera there from the waving the camera and this must be what's that here leaves all [Music] right all right what else we got here [Music] this is where you check in when you stay here over here you check in for the first time and you go from here you either go this way or go to the other side no it's okay or you go to the other side I don't know one of the two [Music] all right check out the flowers here you got beautiful flowers look at that must be real or fake flowers check that out it must be real yep it's real probably will be there for about a for about a week or so all right so uh we'll walk out this way maybe yes the star grain one [Music] okay and what's say here youve got the mouths and toilets and all that [Music] stuff check this out folks this must be like I don't know cotton war ship cotton very good very [Music] good and there another elevator here too we'll walk out this way all right here we are got to put my sunnies on folks all right I hope you enjoy this there are other places here but I think they're going to let me in so uh maybe the casino upstairs we'll try we'll give it a try but you going to tell me to get out of there no cameras here we go let's see let was F out okay so you got uh Ru line 2 casino at level five the Terrace number four Paris Lane number three William Street down stairs as I shown you before and the leure Des at the top floor that's where we want to go to all right so I'm going to show you view from then [Music] [Music] see here we go you got another amazing spectacular view from here too so folks this is going to be open 7 days a week so wouldn't be a problem you come today or next week or next year it's going to always be open for you folks oh I think we already came here before they got the Bonner bre now should be on a lift around here too so we'll go upstairs maybe I don't know and I'm sure this weekend it'll be chuckle pluck around this area there's going to be festivals going on oh not open oh no not open yet so how do you get [Music] upstairs maybe on the lift man I'm going to lose some reception [Music] here hello you got the lift uh the The View desk this view area is it upstairs right there yeah where's that the top that opens up oh is that which Which floor is this access to S this is where we are now this is where we are so up there the ler Des it's not open is it or maybe where's the casino can I go up just yet can go down you can't go up Casino opens at 2:00 there's nothing is open H not yet so bid by B bid by B okay all right thanks very much doing some live streaming though for YouTube I'm got to show my audience worldwide International so I thought you know not everything's open you got restaurants here open well everything maybe in a couple weeks not everything's finished B by B wires hanging out all right you take it you take care all right so not everything's going to open CU you know I don't know it opens at 2:00 p.m. today for the first time and then it will be open 24 hours so so far folks I've done about almost 37 minutes of live streaming so that's pretty much it and not everything will be open until later on today between 1: or 5:00 p.m. today I got South Bank from the distance beautiful [Music] views and uh that's pretty much it h let's see around here I think we already went through this way before we got wise hanging all over the place this going to be the restaurant there we go here's another be information about [Music] it all right so you got construction going on there it's not open here's another one this one's going to call the black hide over there like [Music] [Music] hard see not much going on there a lot of workers there a lot of workers check that out [Music] folks camera wants app Point me well look here we go this door will be remaining close all right it's all close yet oh well probably check it out some other time [Music] [Music] [Music] George Street the FL Queen Street residents yes [Music] [Music] well folks I'm going to probably wrap up this video shortly now and check all this traffic going on here [Music] all right so you got workers construction going on one place or another we got public toilets here plenty of them are around the lifts yes go up and down and what's going to be here maybe uh one of those highend stores maybe not sure maybe Louis Vuitton perhaps oh check this out this is is a huge LIF look at this out this is a huge Lea for uh fix things going on [Music] [Music] the all right let's close over here for the meantime this will be like uh put Plants and all that stuff put some soil yes maybe put some soil plant some trees there or something what's this must be one of this all right so not much going on here [Music] [Music] all right so this is going to pretty uh luxury stores around here along the way like Gucci all those High brand stores so it's not open yet you can't see through it because they under [Music] construction and um [Music] yes all right so uh check out this nice view from here once again B [Music] [Music] all right plenty of people coming in and out usually you'll find a lot of people from work they taking a short break and um they just want to come and check it out for a little bit and then they G back to the office all right so you got temporary cafeteria [Music] [Music] menus all right [Music] there's amazing view from here too well I guess the treasure Casino uh it's close already today or the next couple hours the treasure casino is just a little bit further this way [Music] [Music] all right so that's pretty much it and I'm going to wrap up this video anytime now if you missed out this video Don't worries it will be there for you to watch later on I'll check all that Sunshine going on full Blass it's amazing oh I'm going to walk startop walking downstairs do want know my way around Now where's the left to go downstairs ah we'll go this way cuz I'm going to wrap up this video anytime now so thank you to my audience for watching don't forget to like And subscribe if you enjoy this thanks for everybody coming to the chat room and all that and yes you're going to be a subscriber to chat you don't have to be a subscriber just to watch everybody is welcome to watch the live stream and the videos and all stop [Music] I [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's where everybody wants to take a picture where it says the St ran now got to be careful there a Vehicles going past around [Music] here very nice up from there all right here we [Music] go the star Grand so folks you can come shot check it out anytime all right folks well I'm going to wrap up from here so thank you so much to my audience for watching worldwide International and across Australia don't forget to uh like And subscribe and I should see you folks next time so thank you so much and until next time we'll probably come and check it out some other time when everything's all open so yeah I'm going to get myself something to drink I'm very hot today so yeah it's uh bloody and hot it's already summer well it feels like summer all right so I'm out of here thank you so much and peace my friends thank you [Music] than

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