Week 2 Picks; Super Bowl Predictions, NFL QB Tiers (2 Chumps Pod)

ah yes it's the two Chumps football podcast I'm Chad Wilson that's Amil Camino if you see me smiling here uh we should probably record our pre-show because like really really funny stuff is on there nevertheless we've got football actual football not legislation not new rule changes not you know offseason BS games were played we need to talk about them we need to predict the ones that are going to be played and that is college and NFL and hey you ever thought about how we line up the the the quarterbacks in the NFL am I got to tell you how we line these things up because you know it's Ultra important because only the best quarterbacks they're paying them $60 million a year even semi subpar and since they're getting all the money we need to talk about them by golly we need to do that so talking about what was giving you a preview into what's going to be and some C some quarterback tiers because who doesn't love quarterback tiers all that and more coming up here on the two Chums football podcast if this is your first time here or you've been here before and you happen to like really love us now and you haven't hit that subscribe button you are committing malpractice you're committing podcast malpractice hit that subscribe button on YouTube hit it on whatever it is you are listening to us on Spotify Apple podcast anchor whatever it is hit that hit it hit the button hit it hit the button hey and feel free to rate US too also on that uh you know that podcasting device that you're listening to go ahead and give us a nice five star rating before AML says something you totally disagree with on this show all right AML I guess we're going to kick off with college football you know we're a little we're a little NFL heavy today and plus the NFL starting this week tomorrow so let's end we we'll go College to NFL and last week was the first week of our real picks uh you know we gave you our records we usually make you a lot of money for you people that are new last week was probably a bad week for us and you only lost some Vig if you did a so you know it was not a great week I put my trust in some people Amel had a winning week I did yeah so but we we look at it together so let's uh my picks and we can talk a little bit about these games as we go through them you know there the game I want to talk about for sure well I had West Virginia plus eight and a half I know well no look I'm not even talking about the your school one and my school W oh yeah two big wins and we we have quarterback and I sent you that very interesting uh little uh meme there was four SEC teams last week that played private universities and now it's a small sample size but there's this person was saying maybe this private schools have finally begun to figure out this nil thing because uscb DSU Notre Dame B Texas A&M van bill beat uh Virginia Tech and I forget who was the loser in the group I don't know I went to a private school we beat up a public school in our state Miami B Florida all four of them won excuse me that's what the it was those four schools Miami USC Notre Dame Vanderbilt all had big wins against SEC schools yeah I wish he would have waited a little bit a little bigger sample size but hey that's a hell of a first week well wait I I apologize I I put I said Vanderbilt is an SEC school they a public ACC School my bad they're all private universities anyway uh I had West Virginia Plus 8 and a half last week that was my loser Chad got to watch the all 22 film and he tells me I had the right side of the game other than West Virginia you did man Penn State ran around I mean they look good but I don't want to overdo it you know there was it was a solid win on paper but West Virginia did a lot to to to hand that Victory to Penn State so well early in the game at halftime it was a very competitive game and then I mean I don't know if you saw the end of the the first half oh yes I did I mean it was a major push off by the Penn State wide receiver that goes absolutely unnoticed that was really usually I don't complain too much about that kind of stuff that was pretty obvious that yeah that was brutal that that was brutal and then the next play is a you know a touchdown so they went down the field in two plays the length of the field in two plays to to sneak and then they double dipped they got the ball albeit after a delay for the second half but West Virginia's fumbling snaps like back and forth and fumbling the ball you might right side favors in the game but the ending of the first half really swung that game in terms of I think it was 137 and you know you go from 13-7 to whatever 20 to7 at the half and you give up a touchdown in 30 seconds the the errs out of that balloom but anyway West Virginia not a great pick I did have Fresno State and this pick for those of you who only look at the score and you say well you snuck by Fresno State plus 21 a half they covered they lost 30 to10 Fresno State folks were down 2310 in that game with the ball and four and a half minutes left on the Michigan 10 yard line going in for what could have been made it a one- score game and they throw a 95 yard pick six hell of a play by Will Johnson um widely regarded as the best corner in college football right but it also made me sweat it out but got the got the money and then if you guys think this guy's a cool customer he was like losing his [ __ ] I was like I'm gonna lose this game because of that yeah he definitely was my favorite pick of the weekend though because I feel like I was a wise guy here everybody figured Here Comes USC and LSU and they looked at their stat sheet from last year and they said this game's going to be fireworks I said whoa whoa whoa whoa two teams that went out and made made a concerted effort to bring in better defensive coaches and schemes and actually have their players just do simple things like line up in the right spot tackle guys before the sticks I said this is going to be two new quarterbacks we're going to get conservative play calling for a quarter and a half two quarters and I don't think there's enough time to go over I nailed it perfectly that's the way absolutely great great sharp pick you really did look and feel like a wise guy making it yeah and you know that game was it's funny I said to you Chad was we're talking he's going to watch the all 22 everybody knows I'm a UFC fan I read this stat after the game USC tackled five LSU wide receivers short of the sticks on third down in that game in all last year the entire season they did it 10 times no not 10 times in 13 not 10 out of 13 games they made 10 tackles on rece stat like that yes short of the sticks on third or fourth down that's pretty pathetic that's pathetic yeah that's pretty pathetic you know who hates that stat who the defensive tackles have got to line back up for another set of plays yes they're not fun in that huddle when you uh can't get that done so good job so I was two and one and then let's go through yours because I want to talk about a couple of your games your first talk about mine you can run down the SK I uh I my first one norded Dame yes felt pretty solid about about them you know I was I'm a buyer on NRE Dame coming into the season so um I tend to want to fade brand new coaches in big places when the season start a great pick there that was good and I and I and they came out as favorite so that just was an automatic like you know light on for me and a good team in nto Dame coming in there now mind you I had to sweat that out both defens has got after it I'm going to tell you right now both defenses are solid this year so much so that people think both quarterbacks stink and I I I don't know if I can speak for Texas A&M's quarterback yeah but the kid at NAD Dame I watched at Duke and he's brand new there at NAD Dame as this year progresses he's going to material he's going to be a good Court he'll be fine that kid'll be fine so if you're a fighting Irish fan if you if we have those watching this fear not okay Texas A&M's defense was really really biting in that game and uh the kid at nordon Dame is is is solid he'll he'll come around he'll come into the fold your next pick was on the fence it was a loser it wasn't a horrible pick your last pick is the one on the Monday night game that I want but let's talk about you I'm not going to shed any tears over that Monday night one the LSU pick um I mean I had chances to cover this but what was readily apparent though was that USC came to play and that they were ready to play defensively Ivan remarked that to you early as you and I were texting during the game that this is a different USC defense and when you can play defense like that you're going to be you're going to be in every game I don't care who you're playing against and then when you're an underdog of more than a field goal I if right off rip I knew I was in trouble with with this so well one thing that was evident and you and I have known this and we've both said it Lincoln Riley doesn't necessarily need to find like the Georgia defense to be a great coach he just needs to find a defense that provides some resistance and help them a little bit with his play calling so they're not facing a lot of plays because UFC's got dudes on offense I mean the kid who made those catches I mean that wide receiver Hudson made some insane catches the quarterback's gonna be there because that's what Lincoln Riley does so I mean but he's got a good one in Miller Moss no doubt about it looks like another another one that's going to you know go places at the hands of linol Ryan Kelly I mean with is pounding the table he acted like first of all they were playing Vanderbilt or something you'd swear to God like they're playing an all-time top five Blue Blood program there I don't know what to make of Brian Kelly he's done a number of things I'm sick of my your team was up three points not 30 he looked like someone doing a reading for a part at Paramount Studios that he didn't get you know what I'm saying like he went for the mob movie he did not get the part he didn't get a second call back it just didn't look very authentic hey hey B just be yourself bro all right he's a good coach no doubt he's won everywhere so if look like if act doing B movie bit Parts in front of people works for him who am I to say otherwise so yeah whatever I'm the one that should be slamming the table because I had LSU minus four and a half so here we are again let me I want I it's not I'm not making fun pick because I would have been on the same side of this game um go go have at it because all the K fans onus 15 a half and I really felt like if they had won the game in Ireland against Georgia Tech I would have wanted to fade them in this game okay and I said as much when I made this pick but the minute they lost that game in Ireland I was like you I almost made them a pick I said listen they should they should have had their hair on fire at practice all week they got a standalone game on a Monday coming off a standalone game on lost the previous week they should drill Boston College and not only did they not cover the game forget that they got drilled that g a double digit favorite at home to get blown out by double digits I think they lost by the number that they were favorite by pretty much 20 yeah I'm gonna make this is going to be my last week of making an excuse for Florida State because I that's hard to explain that this is who you were last year and now this is who you're going back to four or five years ago like you can't you can't like do this that hard let me ask you this I mean I think maybe they were jetlagged and just couldn't overcome it I think it says how good Travis was for them I think he was a real find uh even still with Travis out they were hellacious defensively both of the game against Florida at the end of the year and Florida played motivated football not you know what they did on on Saturday they played motivated football I watched that game and then in the ACC Championship game that wasn't exciting for anyone they played motivated football on defense it's just not what I saw there so I'm going to I'm going to give them the we came from Ireland we're off our schedule I'm going to give him that how do you know something's not going on there with the fact that there may be some internal strife that these defensive guys know know the quarterback's not very good and aren't very motivated I don't know Amil why the kid is regressed that much listen I'm not a quarterback's expert or coach but you don't have to be his footwork and stuff is horrible he's throwing off the back foot there's the one throw on the corner out where I think the corner the corner fell down or something I could have made that throw yeah I something's going on mentally with DJ that um this is not who he is he was not a world beater to begin with a five-star kid coming out um and was good early on at Clemson but it didn't work out there he goes to Oregon State he put up great numbers in that first game he was decent last year quite frankly probably should have stayed there cuz whatever went on and going on at Florida State is tough and Amil he's got one more week because I know how it is that Locker Room's not putting up with it if he comes out and puts up another performance against Memphis like he did last week it's they can't keep rolling him out there first half when they still had a chance to win the game what's that I would have pulled them at halftime when they still had a chance to win I don't know Amil you pull the kid there that's it for the season you're you're pretty much putting all your eggs in the basket of the backup kid who didn't win the job in the first place I get Norvell hanging on to the kid all right listen we it doesn't I'm not it doesn't look like we're going to win this game whatever bringing the other kid in doesn't really guarantee me that I don't even know that he can spark enough to fix all of this but if I pull this kid right now he's done for the year and I'm saying this other kid is our quarterback I kind of support that move he's got one more we be very hard for them to go on any kind of run because their defense isn't playing I mean it'd be one thing if they were playing great defense you'd say they' get on a little run but they're not going to be strong enough offensively anyway this year yeah that's the hardest part about this is that the defense has decided to join in on the you know mediocrity of the offense and they're combined together to be a not so good team these first two weeks well let's do this let me hit my three you hit your three uh for college cuz we have a lot of NFL to cover I'm going to go through mine relatively quickly here for everybody these are the three I like this week I'm going to get you out of there early these are all early Saturday games so you won't have to be looking at your phone on a date with your girl okay or your wife you can just you know be done when you leave the house you think these guys aren't going to take your picks and add 11 more to them for their B they done you're mistaken so first of all I'm starting with something that probably raise two eyebrows I like Oklahoma State as a team I love their coach I like their program but I H I'm going to get Arkansas with over a touchdown here plus seven and a half and you know it's an SEC school with the coach who's kind of on the hot seat they've got to start to make a move to become more competitive and the SEC is Tough Enough so even though Oklahoma State's a good program you're going to the big 12 you got to do something in these out of conference games you you can't go get blown out Oklahoma State okay you start doing that you get into SEC schedule you get your resume ready print it out you're going back to the Mac orever you know big West so I'm gonna grab Arkansas with seven and a half I think they'll be competitive in this game maybe they spring the upset but I don't need them to win the game when I'm getting more than a touchdown pick number two there's not a better bully in college football right now when they're playing weak sisters than James Franklin nobody likes to hang 60 points or 56 points on a overmatch team more than James Franklin except maybe kein kein likes doing that he did 76 but this game for Penn State against Bowling Green to me just feels like 59 17 or something like that 5913 uh I I don't see how Bowling Green keeps this game close Penn State's giving 34 and a half it's a lot of cheese but if you look his historically since Franklin's been there these are the kind of teams that Penn State typically goes out and really drills so give me Penn State and then finally in the big game I'm going big game hunting Texas won 52 to nothing last week against Colorado State Michigan struggled against Fresno State I think the whole world will be on Texas on Saturday and when the whole world Mr a contrarian yes when the whole world runs one way I'm running the other I got Michigan plus seven here I think this is a relatively low scoring physical defensive football game kind of similar maybe to like that maybe in between the the Notre Dame Texas A&M USC LSU game USC and LSU move the ball more Notre Dame and Texas aam didn't move it at all I think this will be somewhere in between probably a three fourpoint game somebody wins it I'm getting seven with the defending national champs at home I'll take it I get it if I was going to go that route um picking that game that's the side that I would go on I just got cold feet but to sum things up here Amel likes Arkansas plus seven and a half in their game against Oklahoma State he likes Penn State to roll all over Bowling Green because you know that's what Penn State does they take a they hit a bug with a sledgehammer and he likes Michigan at home getting a touchdown I don't know when's the last time that has happened so though Texas he's high on Texas this year he thinks it'll be a closer game than what the odds makers are talking about here if he likes Michigan plus seven here's what I'm going with I to I'm going to kind of get you guys out earlier here you can probably hit a dinner um starting off on Friday night I am going to take Northwestern at home versus Duke Duke lost their head coach he decided to go over Texas A&M where they play teams like order Dame to kick off season so D got to hit this road go play a Northwestern team that's um you know not much is known about but I know this man they've got new facilities they've spent some money there they've got some pride they're trying to restore thing past the Pat Fitzgerald sodomy era I forgot sorry I don't mean to make light of this but what I mean it's just it's hard to believe what went on there I mean it's actually a yeah you know the rituals to join that team seemed rather steep to go out and have a six and six season but um anyway Northwestern um at home I think can handle this football game especially when I'm getting less than a field goal here and I really love home teams on Friday night because who feels like playing a Friday Road game that's Duke that finds themselves in that situation so I'm Gonna Roll with Northwestern in this one the next game listen I um you know was not very high on this team and don't get me wrong I'm still not high on them but I'm also not high like a pigeon on a roof okay with this team when we did our preseason show I just Li don't all over this team I think Michigan State's just not going to be it this year but who is Maryland to go on the road and lay nine points in East Lancing yeah Maryland you had a nice easy win last week that's nice that's cool your head's going to be rather too large for this right here you're going to walk into Michigan State and say hey these guys struggled with Florida Atlantic who knows Florida Atlantic coached by Tom Herman former Texas head coach might be a Ultra new and improved all right he's had a time to figure things out down there out of the Limelight so that might be a pretty good Florida Atlantic football team that Michigan state had problems with last week nevertheless if you look at the box score and the score card and all that good stuff that Maryland's going to look at going to be kind of tough for them to get all lathered up but hey at the end of the day you're on the road in East Lancing Michigan States knows they're not buying for the title this year this could be one of those games where they think this one of those victories we need to get so I see them fighting tooth and nail for everything and if you're going to take a team early on in the year that's not going to be good it's early on in the year I'm gonna take Michigan State at home plus nine they don't know they're bad yet and then am man I lowkey have uh an affection for this team right here and why because every time I put on the all 22 man I am impressed with everything that Iowa does defensively if I was coaching a team right now I would cut on Iowa Clips I would put Iowa's all 22 on there and say hey this is the team we want to be now I know a lot of you guys might be better athletes than what you're seeing here on this screen but I'm telling you this is how football is played their Gap sound they run to the football they tackle well they play their techniques they play their leverage they are where they're supposed to be in coverage and folks they're back doing it again what I do like also is that they've got one Cade mcamera transfer from Michigan over there at quarterback which opens things up just a little bit for Iowa because last year it was like watching paint dry man they just could not move the football they weren't interested in offense at all this year I think you know we've got to give Kirk frence a little credit here he hasn't been sitting there in that office the as the longest tenure college football coach for no reason he figures we need a little bit more offense than what we've had and um you know hey son step aside I like what they did Kate mcnam partner here is jazzed about the performance against Southern Illinois I'm I'm you know hey hey you know that's how I'm looking it was Illinois State too by the way get your Illinois right the for 251 yards I that might be an Iowa record that's like three games of passing we have not seen this kind of so let me you know Tavon bank so I'm gonna take Iowa laying the small two and a half against their instate rival Iowa State at home in ases give me Iowa minus two so in The Brainiac bull Chad's got Northwestern giving two and a half to Duke he's taking Northwestern he's he's grabbing Michigan State the team he crapped on all preseason he's taking them plus nine at home against Maryland because Maryland should not be a nine-point road favorite and the Iowa hawkey in that big Interstate game against Iowa State he's got Iowa minus two and a half yes Amo be we'd be remissed if we didn't just discuss a couple of games from last week that we didn't have picks on give me your thoughts on the University of Miami a team you were very high on who you have winning the AC the clear now since we' the two other teams we thought would be around look I know you don't overreact to one game I'm old enough to know that but after watching Clemson's offense I'm not just reacting to one game I'm reacting to seasons of games in the last couple years they got nothing offensively so no matter how well they play defensively they're going to booger up some games because all the games are going to be close when you can't move the ball you're invariably going to be in a lot of close games so I'm not worried about Clems in Florida State we talked about um you know unless somebody just jumps up like Louisville or North Carolina State and we're going to see North Carolina State on on Saturday we'll see what they do against Tennessee I love the path for Miami here they finally have a quarterback that can can instill confidence like you don't feel like this guy's going to go out and just screw the whole game on you you know and they got they got guys so you know I I like my Miami I'm feeling very good about my yeah one of the biggest things that gave me joy outside of watching cam Ward I don't want to sit here and be a total contrarian jerk off and not mention cam wart obviously he showed a lot of great things he showed things that you don't have in most quarterbacks in college football almost almost none of them just his level of calm and Poise back there behind the line of scrimmage and through the line of scrimmage and he walked out of bounds a couple times which is crazy uh is how we looked in the trenches we being Miami both on offense and defense the offensive line was picking up stunts the defensive line you know early on didn't get pressure but they were handling the Run quite nicely and then they got pressure in the second half you know they just really won up front Miami was able to put together a couple 11pl drives they had five drives of of 70 yards plus that's just you you know you love to see that well we're back to having The Playmakers there uh out on the edges wide receivers and all that good stuff I don't know what to say about Florida AML if you go on Twitter right now they're already starting to put up names for other guys they would like to have as head coaches I know how this goes trust me I've seen it before it starts like that so I don't know what this team is going to look like I said five and seven going into the season for Florida now we've got people forecasting them to be two and 10 this year maybe a bit of an overreaction I know this though they look pretty pretty bad I mean things can change again it's week one I they got to come out against Samford and and like be a bully let me well yes that yes let me ask you this though because I really want to focus on the good here I think Florida is is a we'll be talking in November about who their new coach is going to be um where is Miami there's to me I'm looking at Miami schedule it just sets up it's it after seeing these teams one or two week zero week one that schedule looks really really nice now 4or A&M Ball State and South Florida you're 4 and0 looking at Virginia Tech I guess they could improve maybe they just had a bad game but I don't see a loss there Cal uh No Way Louisville seems like a difficult game on the road at Louisville Florida State it's a rivalry game maybe if something improves in their quarterback play but I don't see that Duke and then the other tough game to me is at Georgia Tech I think you know I'm looking at the two Road games being really the only place they could stumble I don't really see any other team on here I I agree it would take a really less than their best effort um for those games to be lost I guess that's why we play the games but yeah after watching week one that schedule looked even weaker you know we went in thinking all right it's not the greatest but then seeing how we came out and just what cam Ward looks like playing in the Miami colors with the Miami team yeah that schedule just got really really I mean I know confidence is important but also where that schedule is going to hurt Miami is when you know they're not going to play anybody in the ACC title game there's nobody that right they're going to get into a playoff perhaps and are they going to be ready for it because they're not you know there's nobody on that schedule right now conceivably Amil you win your conference and you get that buy I don't know what you get that first game so it really will just come down to you winning that first game and then you are then you're then you're dealing a your in your final game it's going to be a real game and then how are you tested there but I think you talk to Kane's fans um we'd love to just be in that mix we'd love to finally win the ACC um and if you tell us we can win a first round game and then be in the champ sh no there's four games if you're not a if you don't have a first round buy you got to win four games if you get a first round buy you got to win three well we're talking them winning the ACC here so yeah yeah so you gota win so if they win the ACC they still have to win three games to win the championship correct correct that's why we have you here my m so anyway what was the other game you said there was a couple games um Clemson which you touched on I want to say this like everyone's going to slam dbos Winnie and Clemson because that's the in thing to do it's the fun thing to do he he has gone against basically everything that has been instituted by the NCA and he wants to play things like it's the mid 2000s so he catches a lot of heat you know um but just football-wise that Georgia defense it's good again all right it's good again so Kade kumnick it's was not going to look good against that defense he just was not he may not be good Amel he might not be what Clemson needs but that's you can't really go ahead and write that kid's resume up against a Georgia team no but I mean there's been teams in the last couple years that have had some success moving the ball I'm not saying you're G to you're going to score 40 points but I mean they soon as you watched the first quarter and a half of that game you were pretty convinced Clemson I mean Georgia wasn't lightening up lighting it up either so Clemson can play some defense they can yeah and I think Georgia you know again Georgia's missing the title end from you know Bowers right you know I think that's I think as Georgia starts playing better teams we're going to see is George's offense all that we're gonna have to find out yeah I think there's I think for both teams there's more to see see I think Clemson's going to get healthier mentally going through the ACC schedule you know they're going to have some chances to to completely writing them off it's just hard for me to see them winning the more I watch them when you're going to unless un their offense vastly improves and it could it's hard to play football that way because your your margin of error becomes so small when you it's you know it's like a baseball team if you can only score four as your max well your every your pitcher goes out there every day feeling like I Gotta Throw a shut out or I gotta you know I can't give up two rounds sure um the positive side of this is that hey you keep winning three point four point six point games it builds some toughness and character so you know you can be in a tough game at the end we'll see though I I I don't want to make any wild judgments on Clemson this early it doesn't look great though so let let's pivot uh we owe the fans of the show uh our our final we're going to do our picks here for who our playoff teams are in the NFL we're not going to get too deep into the minutia making up brackets and all that yeah because we're not sure you guys care no we're going to give you our seven playoff teams in each conference our Conference Final and our Super Bowl winner uh my friends checking me for alcohol on my NFC champion but that's okay uh let me give you my playoff teams anybody who fils the show knows because we gave our division winners so I have uh the Eagles winning the NFC East the Lions winning the central the Bucks winning the South the Rams in an upset winning the winning the NFC West I've got the my man I've got the 49ers as a as a wild card the Cowboys and the Packers okay AFC got the Dolphins winning their division the Bengals the Texans and the Chiefs and then my wild cards are the Ravens the bills and I have the Steelers sliding in there at 9 and8 okay my Conference Final in the NFC don't you have sneaking in there the Steelers at 9 and8 my goodness hey you make who who who Who's in that clinching playoff game as quarterback who cares I got Mike Tomlin he doesn't have losing Seasons okay in the NFC my championship game one team was there last year the Lions this is where my friend thinks I'm drinking I don't know why you're so against Dan Campbell okay I don't know why I got the lions in the NFC championship game against the igles the Eagles and then in the AFC Championship game I have two teams that I had losing their divisions on tie Breakers okay I had the bills tying the Dolphins but losing and the Ravens tying the Bengals but losing I think they're both going to be excellent teams I don't think the Chiefs get the three Peak done so I'm going Ravens bills okay and then my Super Bowl first time ever they almost got there last year they had the lead I got the Detroit Lions getting to the Super Bowl and playing the Buffalo Bills and finally finally finally for the love of God the bills get off the schneide and win the Super Bowl you got the bills winning you got the bills winning all right thought you were going to say the lines I thought you were going to have Jared gof two time Super Bowl competitor plus Champion wait he never he did he get to two of them oh he did didn't he he played for the Rams he did go and and score 4.3 points against uh well he scored the P the Patriots was he the quarterback he was indeed just once though this well yeah how many times you want this guy to be there oh this will be a second okay I thought you said he was already there twice oh no no no okay so go ahead give me your gold jacket there for I already know your your division winners but tell the audience yes oh so for me on the NFC side I have the division winners being the San Francisco 49ers Green Bay Packers the New Orleans Saints not a popular pick as I see both on this show and in the worldwide media and the Dallas Cowboys who my Cowboys friend here like I think that's Cowboy blue he's got on there vly disagrees with uh and the also rans in the playoffs in the NFC I've got to Detroit okay Tampa Bay and Seattle that's just because you like Gino Smith but go ahead got an AFC Championship game of wait NFC champ sorry sorry did I say that I've got a repeat or not a repeat but I've got uh a repeat of a playoff matchup last year but this time it's going to be the uh the NFC championship game it's going to be San Francisco and Green Bay okay and I've got San Francisco winning it and moving on again to the Super Bowl to try and get this thing right okay now hit me with your AFC my AFC division winners Buffalo Jacksonville rather slimly Baltimore again and Kansas City because like who else is going to win the AFC West wild cards are Miami again I got the charger sneaking in there with the oh harau Cincinnati okay and my AFC Championship Game oddly enough is the same as yours Buffalo Bills Baltimore Ravens Chiefs don't even make it to this thing can you believe that wow we agree on that okay no we agree on a lot because I've got the bills winning that and then winning the Super Bowl got the bills winning the AFC Championship and then the bills prevailing you're telling me we did this on our own and both come up with the Bills win the Super Bowl you know sometimes you just get the answers to I have a feeling people are sleeping on them because they focus on Stefon Diggs and it's I think fans think oh they're waving the white flag and quite the contrary I think I think that's going to actually open up some things for them by by not having him constantly pouting looking for the football so there you have it officially both Amel and I through whatever happens here in this n season we both have the bills winning the Super Bowl he has them beating the liines I have them beating the 49ers man what a downer that would be for the 49ers if they got there again didn't have to deal with the Chiefs and then still took an L so that's us but AML this this seems like a good time to roll into an exercise that I think no no no before we do that we need to just quickly Futures that's correct right we gave you guys a ton of Futures we always tell you that's if you're degenerate you got to have you're going to have to tell the folks mind and yours yes I'll tell them I got everything written down here so what we're trying to do is we're we're going to only score these these are our five best we did this in college last week here's what Chad and I have all our future bets would actually take to the window mine I love even though I'm paying 230 I love the Chiefs to win the AFC West I almost view this as like a stock dividend I don't really see how they could lose the FC West aside from God forbid Patrick Mahomes had a season ending injury and I'm willing to bet they figure how out how to protect him and not allow that to happen so I like the Chiefs I want to go over eight and a half wins on the Rams minus 145 I just I think they're going to be a winning football team um I'm under seven and a half wins on the Vikings minus 154 I'm really down on the Vikings more than my colleague here he he likes them more than I do um how much is that 155 one uh 154 but 155 is fine I I'll I'll pay the extra dollar if I go ahead um I people are gonna laugh here even though I picked the Ravens to get to the AFC Championship game I like the Bengals at plus 165 to win the division I like getting that kind of money I have them tied with the Bengals winning a tiebreaker but at plus 165 I'm happy to take that and then fin I love over 10 and a half on the Ravens uh I'm kind of splitting that up if you notice what I'm doing if the Bangles were to not be my division winner at plus 165 I'm very confident then the Ravens are definitely going to offset look at thiser good job there my friend yes I think I can so and the Ravens are minus 122 my friend here is getting fat I'm a gunslinger on these things he's a gunslinger he's going for the big money he loves the bills at plus 195 and that would make sense given that he just took them to win the Super Bowl he loves them at plus 195 to win that AFC East for some godforsaken reason he trusts my team more than I do he likes the Cowboys at plus 175 to win the NFC east and frankly he sees the Eagles as a dumpster figh I think that's what it's gonna end up being okay he's got the Saints and this one is paying you well but in that division why not he's got plus 340 to win that NFC South I win that I'm good he's with me he's riding with me on the Chiefs that's he's investing the Chiefs at minus 230 to win that AFC West yeah you talk to me in buying Amazon right there and then finally since he loves the 49ers he thinks they definitely win more than 11 games he's going over 11 for the 49ers and he's getting Plus 108 when we did our future pick so there you go uh correct plus 108 plus 108 yeah had forgotten that but yeah yeah that's how it shakes down for us folks so you could take those to the bank take those to the window you've got less than 24 hours sumarize it after the season we'll be honest we'll revisit these especially if they were all you know got a couple nice win I preempt and did that you were about to talk about I have a feeling quarterbacks in the playoffs cuz quarterback quarterbacks man I said I said it in the open they're making $60 million a year no matter how many games they're win how many Super Bowl championships they have or not or you know how many playoff games they won so I said to Amo just randomly hey set up a set up a tier system of quarterbacks you're going to put all 32 quarterbacks into some tiers and here's how the tiers go tier one has four guys in tier two has six tier three is the biggest tier where we're just fat in the middle all right so we're built like a you know one of those barroom Brawlers so we've got 12 guys in TW in tier three tier four is six and then tier five has our bottom Four Guys Amel and I really have not discuss this only a little bit so this is going to be some fun Heil I'm going to run through my my tier one really quick go ahead you can present yours if we have any dissenting opinions we can do that and listen folks when we put these guys in here we're not ranking them within the tier we're just seeing all these guys are in the tier so it doesn't matter what order in which I call their namee uh momes Allen Jackson burrow tier one identical can't be anything different than that tier two is where some things might slide left I have d got hurt got pry got Stroud then I've got two guys that I think people are forgotten about one Aaron Rogers all be on an rebuilt Achilles and until he shows otherwise he's still a guy that could find the open wide receiver and sling it and then one Matthew Stafford had wanton a Super Bowl and is thrown for I don't know 700 miles in the league that rounds out my six guys in tier two has something oh no no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I thought I'm trying to look at my writing when I did this how's that I'm like a doctor yeah okay he's writing prescriptions here yeah shorthand prescriptions as we get the top of his head in the shot here okay no I've got Stafford and okay here's the difference I I struggled with this I I have the same Prescott stoud pry as you and people AR back here we want to see your face now I'm sorry people I'm looking at my I'm trying to write I somebody has to keep score here people argue with py and they'll say oh you know he's a system guy you can't keep you can't win that many games and not at least be in tier two right yeah I want to say this for people oh he's a system guy look he runs the system that makes him good right if Michael Jordan would have got in a triangle off and decided I'm not going to run the triangual offense I'm going to do my own thing the Bulls would not have won like they want so there's something to be said for a guy who knows how to really run a man's system exactly the way that it needs to be that's a skill call it a a brain skill call it whatever you want it's a skill and he has it and he's gotten to a Super Bowl you sell me on Rogers and Stafford hopping up into tier two like you're you're kind of but in my mind you're kind of giv them a Lifetime Achievement Award I've got to see Rogers before I'm ready to put him up that high again because he's 40 years old hasn't played football in a year and a half coming off an Achilles injury and St I haven't seen him not play well is the problem well right the last time I saw him play he played well so I can go on the assumption that he will continue to do that until I see otherwise last year in Green Bay I mean no man that guy was in my mind um one of the top quarterbacks in the league off year maybe is that what you want to call it by his by his own lofty standards that he had established two you got to be lofty but you could sell me on those I'm not ready to put hers there and I'll tell you why I'll slide in Goff because as much as we look at Goff and we say oh you know everybody's yeah I do this myself a lot of times I look at Jared gof and go oh you know Jared Goff but Jared goff's been to a Super Bowl bow jerkov was within a few plays of getting to a second Super Bowl last year I think we do him a disservice not putting him that High um love I'm putting there and that's a gut based on 10 games of what I saw and I think he's going to continue to play well but you could talk me out of swapping out Aaron roders for love and I'd be like yeah probably justifiably so may maybe you're right with having Rogers there uh but I think Kyler Murray belongs there he's in a horrible program so you would take Rogers and Stafford out and put in golf love you would take in mind you would take Herz Stafford and Rogers out Herz the guy that played in the Super Bowl M which is the reason you put golf in gofs had backto back good years he's had more than one good year I've had four years of jailing Herz nothing year one cuz he didn't play much very average year two Super Bowl year three not real good last year the Eagles were 10- one last year they finished 11- six and a large part of that was he didn't play very well so I don't know they asked GF to get out of La well leave here for a guy that I've got in tier two and want a Super Bowl I I don't know I think G better than I mean at this point Herz gets more media attention because he's sexier he runs with the football but G's just a winning quarterback yeah I'm look I struggled with gof I was trying to find a way to put him in there um same with love I haven't seen enough of love so that was easy well what is Kyler Murray I mean he he plays for Arizona's horrible when he plays they're actually a competitive football team when he doesn't play they're horrible I am a Kyler Murray fan yeah I just couldn't fit him in against these guys I couldn't I couldn't put him ahead of any of these guys so he's obviously in my tier there's three differences we have those three because you have them most likely in tier three of course okay so here's my other tier threes Tua Herbert Lawrence yes amazingly I did put cousins here okay Mayfield correct Carr Gino Smith okay and that's it I stopped there because I I went into tier four after that well you didn't do this right you got to have 12 in your ti you said 10 to 12 you gave me you gave me parameters oh for God's sakes well my tier has all of those guys in here Herbert Tua Lawrence Smith Mayfield I have Murray in there all right and you know he could easily you this season might you know I don't know I don't have high hopes for Arizona but he'll play well I'm sure um cousins Carr love obviously I put Watson in there in Golf and I'm not ready to completely throw a Super Bowl winner and a two-time Super Bowl participant one Russell Wilson out of that mid tier so I kept Russell Wilson in tier three shoot me folks out there well I'll tell you what a difference we have is you said Watson and Wilson Watson and Wilson I've got them in tier five well yeah since you like butchered the homework assignment you slid them down so you have eight guys in your tier four uh tier four I've got let's see I've got will Levis Anthony Richardson both this is going to be fun tier four is going to be fun Levis Richardson Nicks uh uh Daniel Jones Caleb Williams and that's that's it gotta I have in tier five if you're looking for him okay here's my tier four go ahead Gardner menu often dumped upon I've got Gardner mshu I've got Daniel Jones you guys are going to stop oh wait I missed I do have M here too you're right yeah you got to stop dumping on my guy Daniel Jones it's not his fault that he's playing in an organization that's a complete mess right now I cannot believe that this organization has won that many super bowls and defeated Tom Brady twice but I have him in tier four isn't that where he belongs who Daniel Jones that's where I got him I can't throw him down there in the bottom in the Wasteland yet he might he might embarrass me though who knows it's like your kid that you send up there at the recital and you know um anything can happen I got Jacobi brassette keeps getting signed man um I put Bryce young there and I'm going to tell you my strategy um really for tier five Bryce young Sam Darnell that's my tier four I'm not able putting guys who have not thrown a pass in a in a game yet anywhere higher than tier five so Caleb Williams you're tier five okay Daniels you're tier five Bo Knicks lovely preseason that's the pre-season you're tier five so off rip they were there yeah and then I went back and forth between will Levis and Bryce young and I gave it to Young because he's just on such a trash team and uh he played more than will Levis so I went back and for I by the way I did have Daniels in tier four you're right uh my tier five was was brette with Wilson Watson darnold and young I mean I be Brett say my friend here put you behind a kid that was like he just went to prom and he was he is not thrown a meaningful pass in an NFL I called the New England Patriots today even though they have drew Maine and I said hey can we have jacobe Brett and we'll give you Caleb Williams they'd be like where do we have to drive and he still wouldn't start because they're not sure about their offensive line okay that's what will happen damn darn I want to put higher but I mean the guy on what is fourth team third team I mean I don't know how many seventh team is the charm so that's it folks we don't want to go too long on this thing a little fun homework assignment you guys could do it at home but hit us in the comment section did we get this right who's more right you know who would you put in that tier five who's your tier four is your tier four any different than what Amel and I came up with here momes Allen Jackson Burl and what do do with Murray is Murray a tier two guy or a tier three guy you're very detailed for a guy you swear I was I would have stopped at tier three like I was getting bored no no I need to know who them last guys are and we you know listen we had more fight at the bottom of this thing than the top that's for sure so I knew that's where the fun would be because everyone agrees it's everybody out here with the some winners you go first for the first week in the NFL send them out with so they can line their pockets and get fat you sure you want you sure you want me to be the guy that goes first here on this thing all right here's what I got NFL games all right um I'm higher on the New Orleans Saints than most people are I don't know that the Carolina Panthers are going to be any better than what they were last year you've got the Saints opening up at home as small fourpoint favorites there's nothing to tell me that Carolina is going to go in there and storm and get a win so if I'm picking a side here and I think it's the saint they ought to be able to cover four points at home in your home opener hey New Orleans if you can't cover four at home in your opener against Carolina this season is going to be way longer than anyone else thought it was I think the second year with Derek Carr on the center brings a little bit of calm he's he's gotten rid of his Raider cobwebs and he realizes this might be a slightly better run organization than the one I just came from I like the Saints at home laying that small number against Carolina hey Tampa Bay you were you were you not only did you go to playoffs last year you made a little bit of noise in that playoffs last year why the hell are you only a three-point favorite against a team that has a brand new head coach and a rookie quarterback oh man the disrespect I'm going to take the bucks at home Baker Mayfield um really loves to be disrespected and so he is being that along with the rest of his Pals here Tampa Bay if you can't cover a three-point spread at home against a brand new bream in head coach and a rookie quarterback this year is going to be longer than you thought I'm really surprised because don't you have Tampa Bay winning that Division I I do I don't know how you did not think that they would I like Tampa if I had him take the game admittedly I would take Tampa but I I worry about Dan Quinn cooking up some stuff so I I got to I got to this guy with the Dan Quinn I wish he would have had his pots out in that playf game he seemed to have left them in a box you and me both all right everyone loves the New York Jets for some reason they're going goooo Gaga and yes I know I just put Aaron roders in tier two but you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna fly over to your side 40-year-old coming back from an Achilles injury and you know he missed some things in the off season and it is the Jets so even if he is good they still have to overcome the mental the mental situation they've got going on over there I don't know how they walk in there into the home of this NFC champions and get less than seven I had this at seven 49ers only four and a half you made me give you the line on this game before they put lines out I would have put it at six and a half I would have put it right six and a half seven like what are we talking about here this too is also disrespectful we've got auk back in the fold we've got K right there at tight end we've got Christian mcaffrey getting the ball 7 different ways and touching it 50 times and we've got Debo running reverses and taking regular running back hand I mean like come on and this is still the San Francisco 49ers defense Aaron roders I don't know can penetrate all of that so give me the 49ers at home is minus four and a half so Chad's a chalk guy this week he's got the Saints at home minus four over Carolina the bucks at home minus three over the Washington Redskins as they'll be referred to Forever on show yes from these two old heads San Francisco 49ers minus 4 and a half over the JS yes not the long chalk pieces with the little small ones small chalk pieces there you I'm a little chalky myself but not quite as much I'm gonna start off in uh you know in the gang game as we'll call it the gang game is Friday night if for those of you who don't follow along in Brazil I guess in this Stadium green is a gang color and both teams the NFL sent primary there so many teams you could have sent down there baby you could have sent the Bucks down there three NFL teams whose primary color is green the Eagles Jets and Packers and they picked two of them talking about being unaware trying to get rid of somebody somebody right so the Eagles are given two and a half to the Packers um we all know I'm a Cowboy fan and would love to see the Eagles lose but I like them in this game if even if they do turn into a dumpster fire like Chad claims they will with the infighting they don't know that yet everybody will be happy guys will sequan Barkley will be there Kell Moore will call at least two reverses he he's the Dallas defensive coordinator he'll call two reverses that will have you pull your hair out during the game that all said I think this is going to be high-scoring fun game I got the Eagles winning it by a touchdown they're given two and a half so I'm going to take the Eagles second I just put the guy in tier five okay with Russell Wilson but he put him in tier wow tier five I'm not a I'm not a Kirk cousin supporter and I don't think the Atlanta Falcons should be three and a half Point favorites against a winning football team say what you want they're not always pretty but the Steelers somehow win nine or 10 games every year with Mike Tomlin and they're getting three and a half points they bring a salty defense I'm gonna take the Steelers plus three and a half finally I tell I give you a disclaimer I want to be wrong oh boy does he want to be wrong I want be especially on the heels of him saying that Friday night the Eagles will start off the year one and0 but go be honest if you look the last year two seasons when the Cowboys three seasons they've had good teams 12 wins they struggle with teams that can really run the football and damn can the Cleveland Browns run the football okay so Dallas is going to have to show me in this game that they fixed that and I'm not believing it the other big thing here is the Browns have one of the top three you can argue defenses in the league Dak has not had I know they they've played together a while but he had no time to really build chemistry with CD lamb they go on the road here Tom Brady's first game as an announcer 430 time slot in Cleveland physical Browns team not a lot of Reps for your quarterback and star receiver I got daed with that face about Midway through the second when he's walking off the field you're throwing a pick okay it this game I got the Browns minus two and a half it feels like 2313 that that this is what this game feels like to me 2313 Cleveland well he's giving you a score 2313 just to wrap this things up on our way out the door here Amil likes the Philadelphia Eagles in the um in the Brazil gang Bowl he likes them over the Green Bay Packers minus two and a half he thinks Kirk Cousins can't get it done against Pittsburgh doesn't know why they are three and a half Point favorites so he's taking the Steelers plus three and A2 and he doesn't like his Dallas Cowboys to kick off the 2024 season with a win because he's going to take Cleveland home as a minus two and a half Point favorite and there you have it folks we have summed up what the week was in college football and we have uh set you guys up rather nicely for what is to come both on Saturday well actually Friday you know you've got to pick going off on Friday an NFL game I've got a college football pick going off on Friday and so we have set you up for Friday Saturday and Sunday this weekend with both our NFL and college football picks and we throw in a little tier action there for you and summarize we gave you a Super Bowl champion if you guys missed it well you shouldn't have done that but anyway both both of us there's 32 teams Amel and I have both settled on the Buffalo Bills winning the 2024-25 season Super Bowl all right so that's it for us here we are going to come back and grade our papers next week after the all of the action we want to thank you guys for joining us here and it want again on your way out if you haven't done it yet go ahead and subscribe like and share this on YouTube and you know what give us a nice little Hefty rating we're not flipping this thing around and asking you for a 25% tip and hit B hit bat our show you got to hit bat you got to hit Bata for sure hit your Bava and again we're not asking you for a 25% tip because we picked up our Chinese food at the counter we just want you guys to give us a very nice solid rating on whatever podcast tool you are listening to us on but we're out of here for Amal Camino I'm Chad Wilson thanks for watching the two Chums football podcast we're going to see you guys next week

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