Suhas Lalinakere Yathiraj made it through to the finals | #Pattaya2024

Published: Feb 23, 2024 Duration: 00:02:51 Category: Sports

Trending searches: lucas mazur
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh to Lucas mazour I had lost in Paralympics in Tokyo uh 2021 and uh since that day uh I have been training to defeat him so it's it has so happened that draws were such that I did not have the opportunity to play him in last Almost 2 to three years so because he's world number one I always wanted to defeat him so I it's like a dream come true having defeated it's sort of a sweet revenge and that's why I was so happy that I just let my emotions out after the last so that celebration wasn't planned you just it wasn't planned it just that I was extremely happy what did you say to each other just now what was the I just told him that you know I he I have I always told him that he's one of the toughest uh opponent and especially I train keeping him also in mind amongst other players and he was also congratulating me that uh you know he also said that I played very well and he felt that he could have done better I think it's a sweet rivalry between us that dates back and especially when it comes to the major tournaments because other tournaments yes they are important but such as this world championship sh or uh Paralympics so that is where the you know the real uh sort of uh sweetness is so very happy today what is it you admire about his game I mean you talk about this rivalry but what is it his mental strength I have seen him not uh losing his school especially when it comes to the game even in this game he was down one game down and I was leading but still he was able to equalize so that is one of the greatest strengths of his that he's mentally very strong so I always train myself that I cannot be less stronger than him so I think mental strength is admirable how does it feel now to make uh the finals it feels extremely happy in fact uh this is after this uh finals I have you know paralympic silver and then Asian parag Games gold and now uh silver confirmed and he fight for gold so yes it feels nice that you have all three major medals in the back tomorrow will it be gold or silver what one do you want to add to your collection definitely you know we all trade for gold but definitely you know we all win and lose in millimeters and inches the games are so tough and I'll go and uh give my best and rest live it to Destiny thank you s thank you so thank you so much

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