Alison Wheeler on transitioning careers, the power framework, and empowering women in business

Introduction and Guest Intro: Alison Wheeler welcome welcome good morning good afternoon maybe even good evening by the time you listen to this welcome to another electrifying episode on the growth talk with Glenn where we dive it into the Realms of coaching Consulting and Entrepreneurship today I'm TR to host an exceptional guest Alison wheeler a 10x fellow business coach a very good friend of mine as well Alison isn't just a director and a success coach she is a guiding force at Alison wheeler coaching and Consulting dedicated to empowering business owners to do their seven figure uh CEO hats with confidence Alison welcome to the show how we doing today I am fantastic thank you very much Glenn thank you for having me on your podcast I'm looking forward to our conversation love it I'm excited to have you here I know that the audience is going to be learning a lot from you lots of insights lots of knowledge uh if you don't mind Alison go ahead and introduce yourself who are you what is that that you do and who do you help absolutely so Alison Wheeler's Background and Career Transition uh I my name is Alison wheer I'm based here in Australia it's on the opposite side to the world uh to you Glenn and I'm in the future right because we're on totally different time zones uh which for a lot of people is a little bit freaky um so quite a lot of fun we have a lot of fun with that so look my background I'm actually an occupational therapist um by profession that's my one of my qualifications um and then I'm also have a diploma in Fitness as well so that's my education side and then uh I worked in the industry for quite a long time I saw a lot of I worked within a lot of large organizations and businesses helping them um stop hurting their people really and a lot of Health and Wellness programs things like that so got to lot of see a lot of things in the background started to develop coaching programs um from that um working for myself I had another person working for me as well in that industry um and then I had my daughter and um that was very much planned literally down to the days uh because I was training to go to the comth games at the time in My Chosen Sport and I knew I wanted to keep training but I couldn't shake this idea of becoming a parent so I worked it all out and I could still do that so one week later I was back in the gym training um because that was the schedule and uh but when I went back I was like oh okay that's not really where I want to be hitting all my priorities changed so all right what am I doing now so uh I had from a career standpoint like everything kind of shifted I kept training trying to find this new thing what am I going to do uh my husband had started a network marketing company at the time thinking he wanted to get because he's an electrician thinking he wanted to get off the tools be there uh and then I ended up taking that over building that up to uh to seven figures became the top distributor in the world in that company um Co hit and that changed my priorities again to really relook at everything step back and go all right what now um I'd really sort of tapped that opportunity out I'd growing it as far as it could go and I'd grow as Impact of COVID-19 and Alison's Journey to Becoming a 10x Certified Business Coach far as I could go with it and you know I'm sure you understand GL you can't sit still you got to keep growing uh it's either grow or you're retreating there pretty much no other option so I needed to find something else uh and for my new iteration again and that's when I thought well I've been coaching this whole time through the network marketing company I was doing that prior going to go back to do that so I started to build that out and then and I'd found uh tenic during sort of the co times I found that very that was when I really connected with gr and the 10x brand so uh when I through that transition of leaving that company decided to become part of 10x as a coach and then obviously have gone on to get certified so uh I've been doing business coaching and Consulting now for for many years but obviously from the and then become a 10x certified business coach um and a 10x Elite coach as well so that's kind of been a pathway in terms of who I help I love helping service-based businesses small businesses service-based businesses who have help in their heart but they're hungry to expand they're stuck they're not necessarily how do I how do I get to the next level really good at what they do but not necessarily great at business I don't have all the business Acumen right missing those pieces of how do I scale from here how do I grow from here how do I increase my income from here and often you know the the business owners that I tend to work with they're right on that border line of burnout or fatigue or you know where they're starting to question should I still keep doing this can I keep doing this what do I do next well rather than throw the baby out with the bath water let's actually get the support and the helping right uh so people can navigate through that because often through that time where they kind of really start questioning going maybe it's time to to to jump out right maybe I can't do this all that questioning starts to come in so that TS to be where my sweet spot of helping people is uh and really helping them get through that and scale their business and grow their business so they get their they have a they have a life right as well as a successful business right 10x life they all all areas are going well not just not just one I love that Alis thank you for sharing because it's a it's not easy to help someone that is about to quit right and give up and just come in and literally re ignite everything in their life personally professionally financially I also love the fact that you said that you are coming from the future I love that I do I love that because it's true I never really saw it like that Alis so if you don't mind can you share with us uh your journey in the business development when it began right and how that led you to become a 10x business coach Alison Wheeler's Journey in Business Development and the Importance of Selling yeah so how how I began into business coaching like uh like like how if you don't mind sharing like your journey in business development when that began like when you started doing business development and how that aspect of the equation LED you to become a 10x business coach yeah so um that would have been about May about 14 13 14 years ago wow started yeah so really within that kind of um when I got into that network marketing space and working so much on Business Development right like you got to go from Zero to Hero you need to make this thing work so working on and then working with a lot of people on okay what's your brand how are your marketing what does your website look like no that's terrible um you know you need to change it so actually people know how contact you or want to respond to you or how what you know okay this is this is how are you writing around what's your story story cell we know right like stories and content cell uh how are you positioning yourself so really going in or okay where's your mindset what what are you you know what are you telling yourself you know what's the intentionality of your actions um you just so many parts to that do do you even sales do you ask for the sale like so many people don't ask for the sale sounds really crazy to me however a lot of people don't do that so helping people to see the gaps of of what and and I think uh the other side too is really helping people see themselves as a business owner not a technician helping people will develop their themselves first and foremost to be a business owner we're a business owner hat not an employee hat we're an entrepreneur hat not an employee hat that's a big transition right with that comes a lot of ownership of all of the roles that are required to successfully run a business to see yourself in a different way you need to sell yourself as a marketer you need to see yourself as a salesp person which then means you need those knowledge gaps plugged or you need someone to come in like I also go into businesses and work with their leaderships teams because if they don't know how to they need to develop themselves too they need to have that the culture needs to be clear of the organization so if you're a pastor one man ban what culture are you building right which also starts with you but if you want staff then that culture is super important so um that's kind of I guess that transition has a occurred in that way or that business development's occurred in that way it's just helping person after person after person after person after person develop their business from zero through to you know I've had people earning over well over 100,000 in a in a month right that's a journey it takes it takes time but but there's logical steps it doesn't have to be this emotional roller coaster that most people are on although that doesn't mean there's not an emotional roller coaster because if you're pushing the boundaries there's still going to be but you're choosing that so you're choosing to put yourself into a situation where you're on an emotional roller coaster right because you're putting yourself into new and challenging situations or creating new problems that's different than being on the emotional roller coaster of business because you don't know what you're doing or you're not sure and often people around identity as well Glenn I think you know you and I both know a lot of people reject the idea that they're in sales don't want to see themselves as a sales person because they've all got this context but they've sold themselves on that idea so they're a very good salesperson uh and if people the sooner people can accept that they have to sell something in order to exchange value with someone else even if that's an idea it doesn't always have to be dollars that are exchanges sell I'm selling my idea to my daughter all the time I'm selling my ideas to my husband half the time I think I'm selling my ideas to my dog not that she listens um but you know what I mean like you're constantly selling so that when you can accept that you're a sales person you also then look for the right knowledge as well where and the right help um so that I guess that's sort of how I've growing into business development one from having to develop my own businesses but then helping a whole lot of people hundreds and hundreds of people having to do the same thing uh and then in terms of 10x 10x really became a bigger part of my life through the pandemic because I was like I feel was probably the timing of the pandemic I think in the my previous business I was starting to cap it out and I couldn't work out how to get past that ceiling and I'm like what am I missing but it started to be it started to real affect me spiritually me as a person me as my self-confidence me and my my self worth my belief because up until that point in time I'd been able to grow it just fine and I'm like well why is it not growing further but sometimes what tenic allow me to realize is tie yourself tither yourself to the goal not the vehicle sometimes the vehicle isn't the right vehicle sometimes the vehicle is broken and you have to iterate on the vehicle you have to Pivot or you have to completely change it but when your identity is tied into the vehicle the thing that you've built which often it can be right when your identity is tied into that you don't want to let it go you're too emotional to see it so it took me a tenx helped me reestablish myself and and kind of I guess extract me my identity out of the vehicle retie it back to because I'd lost sight of the goal by that point because I was just pushing and pushing and pushing um rettie myself to the goal and go hold on a sec is this is this the the pathway anymore and and then probably took about 12 months to kind of figure that all out and and extract out of that and go down and you know kind of all of that but you know my I would listen to mainly audible initially I'd listen to Grant and when I would I'd often go to the gym and then that's when I'm I'm always listening to audio books when I go and train right Discussing Personal Growth, 10x Principle, and Introduction to Alison's Power Framework I've been an athlete my whole life so when I when I go on train I'll listen to audio books I've never listen or a podcast whatever I don't listen to music um but I'd often listen to Grant and I'd come back home after I train my husband i' be like you've been listening to Grant haven't you I'm like well what why and he said because you come back different wow you come back different and I'm like and and I knew it right and and it wasn't always Glenn necessarily the words he was saying although obviously that was a factor in terms of the actual quality of the information it was his tonality and it was his intentionality behind his delivery it would hit home on a level that not that and and I when I listen to hell of a lot of books and a lot of podcasts and my husband has never said that about anyone else I've listened to like he could he could feel the palpable difference because I'd come home and I would be the person who I knew I was and that's when I'm like all right this 10x thing's got some leg thing's got some legs let me actually look into this more from the perspective of how can I be more involved and I guess cuz I never really been this side of the world right I had looked at that seriously um until I heard that repeatedly and obviously going through this transition of what next um I need to I need to change back to focus on the goal what's the new vehicle where am I hitting with this and because I felt like really Grant had helped me through such a tough time it just made sense and I'm like well I am not the only business owner in the world being challenged and if 10x helped me through it then I know that I can help other people through this that I see are going through these challenges all the time all the time I can help other people through that with my knowledge but also powered with with tedic principles with really good quality uh tools well it is it is uh it it like the 10x at least uh based on what you saying and for me it's like it has gotten like the best version of myself and now I got to be literally 10x who I was before and by the way the person that I was yesterday I'm not the same person today cuz it's like continuously uh growing and becoming the best version of myself every single day Alex you developed the power framework to help your clients Excel could you walk us through this model and perhaps like share the success story when this framework made significant difference yeah look you know for me the the power framework is really about um basically setting you up setting you up to win right so it's starts with you you finding your power again because often like I've spoken about a lot of people you know they might be near that burnout stage or they've got away from their why or often you know how often I don't know if you find this GL but I do all the time ask what's your goal and business owner can't answer or they answer I want to be successful or I want to make more money which is not a goal right it's an aspiration but it isn't goal because how do you measure that so it starts off with really the base which is the power set up you know around your mindset your goals your attitude your wise setting up correct targets so that that you number one you got to know where you're and you to know the steps that you can take to get there In-depth Look at the Power Framework and Success Stories and why because when you're challenged if you don't know your why it's easy to get off that path really starts around the youu then we the ow is for organizations that's that's you know what's your marketing strategy how are you going to expand we move then into wisdom which has to be about uh you and your team delegating and communication because often again I find within it as an organization grows that person's leadership needs to evolve right because now it's not just you managing you you are now managing and leading other people that's different um and communication is a big part of that and we went with through with a client just this week around and we role played out communication because she was having trouble you know I feel overwhelmed um I my team just don't seem to be doing what I need doing the time frame so we go how are you asking them mhm and they're like oh would you be okay to would you do me a favor of this with no time frame it's like well why are you asking them to do you a favor when it's their job yeah wow the power behind power behind the questions power behind your communication and then you know no time frame so well how do they know when you need it done by you're getting frustrated that they're not doing it when you you need that done by but you're not telling them it's a bit like if you if I ask my husband to put the rubbish out right I expect him to put the rubbish out then right then because that's when I need it put out but if I don't communicate that then that's my that's my fault right because often then right then this just happens in relationships all the time it's the same in business husband doesn't put the W rubbish out wife gets annoyed right but the wife never gave a time frame for the husband to then go is that even realistic in my world right now whilst I'm doing all these other things or give the husband the opportunity to come back and say no I can't put the rubbish out right now but I can put it out by 5:00 okay cool great or no that's not okay I'll put it out myself right like simple things but this happens with staff and with team but with yourself as well what time frames are you putting on you so getting really clear on that and I know that I'm talking about husbands and wives but my goodness that happens so much in within relationships Mak sense it's it makes sense right but it happens within workplaces as well so that's the wisdom part uh and then we have Effectiveness so that's your sales so how how are you effective in sales at the moment are you so you know looking also at your Effectiveness and your efficiencies so where can we make your business go better where can we make your time go better where are you wasting time there you know time auditing those sorts of things how can we tighten that up so you're getting maximum amount of your time in order to be be able to get some time back because often I talk to work with business owners who feel like they're working 24/7 right but if we put that on paper and we look at do you need to be doing all of these things what do you need to stop doing what do you need to start doing and how can we actually make your Sales Machine as well as your staff sales trained and sales machines right in the best possible way when I say that I don't mean robots uh and then review ours review we go next level um looking at your gratitudes for how far you've you've got developing your strategy making sure you're documenting things as well like go back and review because often when we've grow and we haven't necessarily written standard operating procedures along the way and then we can have maximum growth another client that is literally they've they've growing exponentially right very fast but they have no standard operating procedures everything's pretty manual so we're going back through and we're okay let's come through and let's put let's standardize this let's document everything let's try and systemize as much as possible so that you can get time back um so many basically that's the process that I walk people through uh and or you know it takes time for people to go through that we can go through that as fast or as slow as someone wants to move yeah really at the end of the day right um driven by the business owner but through that framework I've helped um one of my clients um they're a multi6 figure business we've put another 10% revenue on which in their industry is massive because it's tough it's tough industry it's just small we're talking about small uh ability to change is is things like that is is quite small um giving my clients their time back with their family you know through through all of this or um being able to another one of my clients through working with her team and improving the sales with her team she's actually for the first time in a very long time able to take a day off wow with her family right and her husband her husband is very very grateful for that wow because he was feeling really neglected it was affecting their relationship do you know like that it's ever spending is so much more Beyond just the business and the business owner to me if you help the business owner you help the family and therefore you help the community I love it so not only not only you help them through your power framework to put like systems processes strategies execute put people in place with the intention of of giv time back so they can enjoy not only not only the income that is coming and the revenue but also the time to have the time to spend it with the family exactly time is the one asset that you will never get back you can generate more more money but time you can't get back and the people that you love want you around and most people want to be around the people that they love but if you are like drowning in your business how are you how are you going to do that because even if you come home you're generally not the person that you probably want to be turned up around your family and they not necessarily want to be around you either right when Importance of Quality Time, Advice to Younger Self, and Advice for Women in Business you're in that because you don't you never disconnected from your business you're not turning up as your best version you might turn be trying to turn up as your best version of yourself and your business right because you feel like you need to do that but it's it's not a real best version it's a fake best version so want to turn up as an authentic best version and then complete that process and then turn up as a best version of yourself with your and have time have time for that quality time it doesn't always have to be loads of time but quality time because you're there you're actually able to be there present without any worries 100% if you can go back in time and offer a piece of advice to the younger version of yourself and you're just starting up what would that be uh it would have been don't think so small like so think bigger but align with the right people learn how learn about who to trust like know the red flags of people the green you know red light and green light like no who to be able to be and then align with the right people as early as possible surround yourself with the right people and big thinkers because that your environment I think and the people you surround yourself with makes a huge difference a huge difference to your outcomes and where you end up in the pathway that you that you travel I love that Alis as a as a successful woman in a competitive field how do you harness your personal experience to empower other women's in business yeah look I think it is um well not being a man I don't really know what it's like for a man but I do think it's different for a woman right so um can't speak from the context of what it's like for a man but I've worked with several of them too so you know um I think for as a woman we have a few things going on on we have hormones and we have a lot of them and they're changing all of the time right and through certain periods of one's life well you ask me so I'm going to go there right um so through certain periods of one's life there are fundamental hormonal changes and you aren't going to stop that train but there's physiology that changes when our hormones changes at Unique Challenges Women Face in Business and the Power of Women in Business certain times and we can we can become um as a woman you become become very clouded as to what is actually real versus what is hormone related right like it can really cloud your Pathways of and judgment and I think through those certain iterations like per menopause and menopause in particular um and then after menopause that is often women can really struggle through those times one it's not talked about enough but two people can become a little bit hormone crazy or or um they don't know who they are anymore so then again it's like well we can help that we can guide you through through what you're experiencing is not abnormal you're not abnormal you might be in a now in a questioning phase because you're in a new iteration of your life also your body's doing different things people can really lose trust in themselves Glen through through that period of time as a as a woman they building trust back in themselves because their body's doing different things right it's like my body's doing all this weird stuff and I don't want it to be doing that and I can't stop it you can support it through you know supplements and all sorts of things eating well there's lots and exercise certain exercise right to that holistic viewpoint but often in how that reflects in their business they're like you know just not coping anymore or I I can't think straight or you know so and then you you've got that juggle where where now I think women are expected to be everything so successful in their business successful in their home whilst they still juggle their home in their business generally both they're trying to do both full-time yeah and both are full-time jobs they are like nether of those are are not a full-time job and and I think from the aspect of a woman women are really crappy at asking for help and delegating like really bad and so it's like you don't have to do it all like that if I can speak to one message you don't have to do it all on your own asking for help is actually sane it's normal it's a good thing it yes it highlights vulnerabilities but women don't have to be men to be successful women can be women to be successful right and there is a different power in that because women communicate differently in general women delegate differently in general and women juggle differently in general right so I think harnessing the power of being a woman in business but also helping support women to delegate way more to ask for helpful way more you don't have to be you know rolling around on the floor in pain before you ask for help right like I've done that I've been out on at the clothesline at 10:00 at night hanging out washing whilst I was building my other business because I couldn't ask for help I didn't I'm like no I've got to do it all I've got to be successful everywhere it's like my husband's like what are you doing go and get SLE Market but the washing has to go out he's like we can get someone else to do that or we have a dryer like right like there are other things you can do so you know hopefully that answered your question but I think really uh supporting women in a very holistic way to run their business holistically because naturally that's what most women will do they'll they'll take a more holistic approach Teaching Kids to Contribute, Financial Education for Children, and Family Dynamics so you've got to support you in order to then support other people in order to then and delegate right delegate and and if people can't afford to bring bring in like to pay for additional support and help there's so much that can be done for free and also if you have a family change the expectation of how your family Works delegate to them right like my daughter I started teaching her how to cook from very young that's awesome I did too right like if your kids they need to be productive in your household and contribute like it's it's essential your children are contributing to the household so clar be clear on what you can delegate to them yeah are they going to do it perfectly the way you want it probably not but done is better than perfect right done it's a job that you don't have to do and so and it's the same like we have a we have a family meeting every week because I want that my family unit needs to run well in order for me to run well so I prioritize that in order to make sure my family's effective and efficient and organized and everyone's on the same page and we're heading towards the same goals and we're heading off any issues at the at the Forefront right we're very open also we talk as a family we talk about our finances I want my daughter to yes okay it's at the the level she can understand but um you know also I think too because I do know that if a woman's family and and there is it is very similar for men but we're talking about about women um if a woman's family isn't going well they're generally not going well right so helping a woman to have their family to to communicate to be willing to be a leader in their own family as well like to actually own the leadership hat that they have yeah right because so often in society it's like oh yeah but you're you know that that is so undervalued running your household then that leadership hat is not that that CEO hat of the house isn't being worn and it's okay to wear that hat it's okay to to be a leader in your house it doesn't have to be your husband being the leader of the household the you know it can be if they tell you have the dynamic set up but but someone has to wear that or nothing gets lit helping women be leadership in all areas of their life yeah it's true because like it starts it start with h like from within so you mentioned like if their if their families uh is the household if something is not going right most likely outside of the house whether they're entrepreneurs employees or business owners is not going to go right anyway because it's not starting from uh from within exactly 100% I love that so what does the the term 10x means to Understanding the Term 10x and Reaching Out to Alison Wheeler you yeah look it it is it's power it's exponential power using that like it's harnessing a power that is palpable that everybody has right it's tapping into that but it's then been very intentional with your actions using that power using your energy creating energy and using your energy towards the things that are important to you across all areas of your life so exponential powerful intentional growth across all areas of your life you knowing what you're doing you knowing what you're building and you intentionally building a life that you love that can exponentially grow and then help others I love that Alison since we coming near to the end of this episode um if someone wants to get in contact with you or book a strategy call or learn how can you help them and by the way do you work uh worldwide because I know that I do now have the technology even though that you are in Australia from the future you can still help people in the United States as well right absolutely I have I have I have clients all over the world I love that so how can someone that is interested in uh in meeting with you learning more from you how can they get contact they can jump on my website which is the Allison or they can jump on my social handles and DM me which is at the Allison wheeler coaching so either place you will find me on my website I have a quiz they can take that on my website I also have the ability to book straight in for a strategy call um which people are I'm more than happy to talk to anyone who who resonates um they can book in to do a free strategy call I'd love to love to help people I love that well Alison thank you for your time Closing the Conversation and Final Quote knowledge expertise insights and as you know Alison we always overd delivering for our customers Prospect audience would it be okay if we close with a quote absolutely as we always do INX I would love it let's do it some from page 9 to 85 you pick a number 79 79 let's see o you can't make diamonds without pressure you make diamonds without pressure which it means pressure is okay because diamonds are made out of pressure and you and me know Alison that we are continuously putting ourselves Under Pressure very uncomfortable places why because that's where the growth uh happens absolutely 100% yes it is not a comfortable Journey right it's not but but you know I I also think though uh living a life that you don't really love and and isn't isn't growing that's also uncomfortable so choose your discomfort but I'd rather be a diamond thank you very much I like diamonds I love diamonds who doesn't right exactly Alison thank you again H for your time knowledge expertise wishing you the best of success health and wealth and let's go out there and keep helping others becoming the best version of themselves personally professionally and financially thank you Alis thanks so much Cen have a great day bye bye

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Category: News & Politics

Going to have to take tough decisions i did not cater for a 22 billion p black hole and that's because it wasn't on the ob's books we were looking at the available as as you were the available material but it wasn't there the obr didn't know about it that's why they're conducting a review as to find... Read more

Nvidia will have 16% upside from here, says Truist's Will Stein thumbnail
Nvidia will have 16% upside from here, says Truist's Will Stein

Category: News & Politics

"overtime." it's going to influence a lot more than just its own stock. >>> my next guest sees 16% upside for nvidia from here, writing demand for gpus is insatiable. he upped his price target to 145 earlier this week. joining me now is will stein, analyst at truist. what is the most important... Read more