Category: Education
Tackle today matt and mark justice justice brothers from tackle trading bring you all the charts the news the analysis so you can be informed in a concise manner each and every day uh 50 basis point cuts on the table we'll talk about that in a second uh rally is continuing a strong rally over the last... Read more
Category: Education
Tackle today justice brothers bringing you all of the charts analysis news reports that you need in a concise manner so that you're aware of everything happening in the market before we dive into uh a consolidation pattern that the s&p 500 is having a hard time breaking out of want to talk a few seconds... Read more
Category: Education
Tackle today matt mark justice justice brothers bringing you all of the charts all of the analysis key economic data earnings reports all in a concise manner so you can feel comfortable knowing everything that's going on the market in a couple minutes uh nvidia had earnings after the bell we're going... Read more
Category: Education
Tackle today matt and mark justice bringing you all of the news the charts the key data points so that you can start your day informed uh got some news on nvidia we have jolts labor market data and we have a market coming off a pretty vicious selling day yesterday trying to find some footing uh we had... Read more
Category: Education
Market commentary market mat justice tackle trading bringing you tackle today breaking down all of the market activity the important technical battles the important news the catalyst the themes in less than 10 minutes for you each day let's get right at it perhaps the most important technical battle... Read more
Category: Education
Tackle today matt and mark justce from tackle trading bringing you all of the charts the news the analysis so that you can know what is going on in the markets in a concise manner markets continue to uh battle it's just a genuine battle right now between the bulls and the bears this week as we get going... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Hey everybody it's steuart smith with smallcap and i am joined once again by my right-hand man mr kevin gray and we just wrapped up an episode of the micro cap minute and we're going to swing all the way to the other side of the spectrum it's monday it's a big week and i'll tell you why it's... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
बताइए जरा क्या टिप आई है कह रहा मैं क्या कह रहा हूं ये एशियन पेंट का स्टॉक उठा ले मैंने कहा क्यों उठाऊं कह रहा टिप आई है मैं लॉजिक क्या है तेरे तने देखा गुटके का स्टॉक ऊपर जा रहा है मैंने कहा हां जा रहा है क रहा मतलब लोग गुटका खा रहे हैं मैंने कहा हां खा रहे हैं तो कह र भाई खा रहे तो थूक कहां पे दीवार पे थूक ना दीवार को पेंट करने के लिए क्या लिखेगा एशियन पेंट लगेगा मैं कहा अरे बहन मैंने कहा एक काम करते हैं टाटा टी का स्टॉक उठाते हैं ये कह रहा... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Apple unveiled new versions of the iphone airpods and apple watch on september 9th the spotlight was on the debut of the ai enabled iphone 16 with the apple intelligence platform the next generation of iphone has been designed for apple intelligence from the ground up it marks the beginning of an exciting... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Would you suggest an entry into this and if so what is the kind of duration that you would have to be willing to hold for you to see a substantial upside from this level from the current level to see an upside i think the minimum someone would have to wait would be a threeyear period i am very very... Read more
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
This is going to blow your mind nvidia smashed q2 expectations but their stock still dipped let's break it down nvidia exceeded analy predictions in both revenue and earnings so why the cold shoulder from investors first supply chain issues are still a headache despite strong numbers production bottlenecks... Read more
Category: Entertainment
What's up outliers got three things for the market update today first we're going to talk about dollar general then we're going to talk about the tech sector then we're going to talk about gamestop let's get right to it so the first thing is dollar general had a hell of a day today and as you can tell... Read more