Category: Howto & Style
और सुनाओ [संगीत] [प्रशंसा] कि नमस्कार बहुत स्वागत है आपका आप देख रहे हैं किस्मत कनेक्शन और मैं हूं आपके साथ शैलेंद्र पांडे ए कि पितृपक्ष का समय ऐसा समय होता है जब अगर हम धर्म का पालन करते हैं दान करते हैं पुण्य करते हैं तो इससे हमारे पितरों की आत्मा को शांति मिलती है और उनका आशीर्वाद हमें प्राप्त होता है पितृपक्ष में दान करने की बहुत महिमा बताई गई है और इसी क्रम में आज हम आपको बताएंगे कि पितृपक्ष में किन-किन चीजों का दान करना सर्वाधिक फायदेमंद... Read more
Category: Comedy
Max is hanging in leah's going to do some news and we'll get to it leah let's do it number one mark zuckerberg says white house pressured facebook to censor covid-19 content the meta boss mark zuckerberg has said he regrets bowing to what he claims was pressure from the us government to censor posts... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] did you know that the ancient egyptians revered a time when the star syrius aligned with the earth and the sun this celestial event was of great significance to them this alignment created a period of immense energy a powerful cosmic gateway that they believed connected them to the divine it... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[संगीत] मंगलवार और आपको एक नारियल ले लेना है जटा वाला उसके ऊपर आपको एक मन्नत का धागा बांधना है एक मोली लेनी है जिसमें आपको 11 गिठान लगानी है और आपको प्रत्येक गिठान लगाते वक्त बोलना है जय सियाराम 11 बार जय सियाराम लिखकर इस धागे को आपको उस नारियल के ऊपर लपेट देना है और उसके बाद इसे आपको हनुमान जी को चढ़ा देना है अपनी मन्नत बोल देनी है और प्रार्थना करनी है कि आपकी बात पूरी हो जाए वहीं खड़े होकर आपको एक कलावा अपने हाथ... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
80 साल बाद शनिदेव हो रहे अस्त अब बदल जाएगी पांच राशियों की किस्मत क्योंकि अब आ चुका है एक और मौका शनिदेव बरसाने वाली अपनी महिमा बना देंगे पांच राशियों को करोड़पति कौन सी है वह राशियां तो आज हम बताएंगे भगवान बजरंग बली के सच्चे भक्त हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें मकर मीन तुला Read more
Category: Howto & Style
Welcome to my channel my name is ria and today we're going to talk about the new moon happening in the sign of virgo new moons bring in new energy new moons are seaing points of the energy that we will work on for the next luna month or so so this one's at 11° of virgo virgo is the sign that's to do... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Am i the only one that didn't know about this explosive development 13 women have come forward with new complaints against former seven network journalist robert ovadia this revelation drops as ovadia fights his dismissal in court claiming there's no solid evidence against him ovadia was sacked in june... Read more
Category: Sports
Do it do it do it do it do it do it come on sweeti do it do it would not recommend the nework airport i'll tell you that the place is nuts it sounds terrible horrible can you tell the listeners why you're in new york right now newk yeah so i am i'm here working out for the jets um got a call maybe wednesday... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] welcome here to a very special wakeup call with dan tortor spotlight broadcast inside of the heritage hill studios heritage hill our exclusive studio partner you'll find them on 3149 sweet road in pompy new york at their brew house and you will find them right by the airport very easy to get... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] man so spring game you hit a 62 y something like that yeah it's your career long in game right that is career long you still got to be feeling crazy off of that for sure i mean that's something you dream about like that's crazy crazy and we weren't even supposed to kick a field goal then i think... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] [music] the black lantern ring a very powerful conduit for black energy this ring is capable of wielding black energy outside of the emotional electromagnetic spectrum like its counterparts the green lantern rings it is capable of energy constructs those would be made out of black energy in... Read more
Category: Comedy
Trump cranking 90s i'm starting the obs the obs has trouble getting started itself these days of course it does computer's probably not powerful enough it's probably got a huge handicap on it my computer zero handicap i have an rtx 590 it's not even available to the public yet intel gen 90 gen 90 not... Read more