oh yeah good morning that it's Uncle Lou here does Florida have the toughest SEC schedule in all of 2024 um in other words are they the SEC team with the toughest schedule we're going to look at it here in just a second in this video a Florida schedule preview try to figure out what's their toughest game toughest stretch of game trap games Road games home games what's the noncon all that kind of stuff but there's already been a lot said about the Florida schedule in 2024 really since they were announced a couple of months ago and it is an absolutely brutal schedule no question about it um one thing though want to talk about just when it comes to trying to figure out how tough schedules are in general there's a couple of different things that happen I think when people talk about you know this schedule is hard this schedule is easy first thing is in some instances it depends on how good the team is you're talking about um in this case Florida for example right which I I've been very clear on my thoughts on Florida over the last couple of years I don't think they're very good I don't think Billy Napier is very good I don't think he's fit for that job I don't think he's going to to survive past this season I've been telling you really since 2022 uh that I think he's getting fired after the 2024 season and I still feel that way but anyway so just as a way of making an an example of what I'm trying to talk about here with uh uh schedules and how hard they are so for example let's say you took Vanderbilt right and you line them up against any 12 random teams all right um and we could look at theander schedule but you look at Vanderbuilt schedule and you say okay it's this hard or whatever it is okay you could take let's say as an example Ohio State okay and give Ohio State the exact same schedule Vandy has but people won't look at that schedule as having the same difficulty when in reality it does the the in reality the difficulty of a schedule is the same no matter who's playing against that schedule but in our Minds when we look at something we we we tend to judge the schedule based on how good we think the team playing it is right so you could you could line 12 teams up and say vandy's got to play these 12 teams and I'll take it a step further let's say Vanderbuilt was playing every team in the country 12 games they were playing every team in the country that was ranked between 13 and 25 or 14 and 25 whatever the last 12 teams are in the top 25 he seems are rank 14 through 25 well vandy's going to be an underdog to all those teams to Vandy all of those games are difficult right Vandy is one of the worst Power five programs in the country so if you line them up and make them play you know the 14 the 15 the 16 the 17 all the way through 25 whatever it is for 12 teams you're going to have a certain idea in your mind about how difficult that schedule is if I were to take Texas Georgia Ohio State Oregon B whatever and line them up against those S those same 12 teams in reality the strength of schedule would be exactly the same for those teams or Vandy but in our mind we would look at it as Vandy having a much harder man everybody they play is better and all that so it it it's it's there's no real way to do strength of schedule it's obviously subjective and opinion based right and strength of schedule changes once the season starts and games start getting played and teams start winning and losing games but uh it's just something I've been thinking about reading through some of the comments on some of the other videos I've done over the last few days about various teams schedules you can click back if you want to check those out I've done four or five schedule previews over the last few days we're going to keep them going uh for uh another week or so but it just got me thinking uh about about the different way people look at strength of schedule again in reality strength of schedule is based solely on who you're playing it's got nothing to do with how good or bad that your team actually is but in our minds we don't view it that way um we just don't if if a team that we view as a top five team is playing a a team that's ranked 22nd in our mind that's an easy game for the top five team if Vandy is playing a team ranked 2 second then on our mind is a difficult game because vandy's playing it it is a more difficult game for for Vandy in this example to play the 22nd ranked team than it would be for a Georgia Ohio State whatever to play the 22nd team but in terms of just strength of schedule it's viewed the same so anyway just wanted to to talk about that at the start of the video but let's get into the Florida part of the video here we go I agree with people who say Florida has one of if not the hardest schedules in all of college football for 2024 and I agree with it from both perspectives um if you were to give just anybody this schedule no matter how good or bad you think they are it would be a tough schedule now in Florida's case because again in my opinion they're not going to be very good in 20124 maybe the schedule looks more difficult even than it actually is but let's just go through it um they open up with a noncon game against Miami so no warm-up games for Florida um no uh FCS or group of five um inate Power five matchup here between Florida and Miami and in fact you'll see this as we go through the schedule Florida plays all three of the other power five programs in the State of Florida in 2024 they play Miami and week one they play Florida State at the end of the year and they've got Central Florida coming up on this schedule about halfway through as well so a chance to be a very embarrassing uh a chance to be a very embarrassing season for Florida in terms of losing to every other power five team in their own State now they may win one or two of them you know it's we'll see anyway they start off with Miami both teams I think look at this game as a game they have to win Florida fans look at Miami and they go Miami is not very good they haven't been very good we ought to be able to beat them Miami fans look at Florida and go Florida's not very good Florida hasn't been very good we ought to be able to beat him and it seems to me like whoever loses this game between Florida and Miami there's no saving the season because I'm going to be honest I think Miami has a chance to have a better record than Florida because they're in the ACC and their schedule just isn't as tough overall as um Florida's is um but I'm not necessarily 100% convinced right now anyway that Miami is a better team than Florida now if I was going to pick this game right now I'd probably pick Miami to win but I think this has a chance to be a close competitive game but if you can't beat if you're Florida and you can't beat Miami you got a lot more difficult games on your schedule than that if you're Miami and you can't beat Florida same thing uh it just seems like this is a must-win game and that's rare for week one games especially moving into an era of a 12 team playoff there's no such thing as an elimination game in week one in terms of playoffs but it just feels like whichever team isn't good enough to win this game is probably not reaching their goals for 2024 I think this is a huge early season game for both teams um at home again for uh Florida they play Samford this is the lower classification school so no matter what happens in that week one game you would expect a win there and then another noncon game against another Power five opponent Texas A&M Florida's playing 11 n uh 11 power five opponents in 2024 so there's been a lot made over the years about certain teams schedules and how they schedule or don't schedule big uh out-of-conference games or power five matchups or whatever no one will be able to accuse Florida of that this year now when the central Florida game was scheduled Central Florida was a a group of five team not a power five team and they are of course now a power five team headed into their second year um in the Big 12 but nevertheless Florida plays 11 power five opponents that sford game is their only non power five opponent so Texas A&M at home again it's sort of a Miami uh situation from week one right Florida fans have got to be looking at Texas A&M and going man they haven't been good in a couple of years at least they fired their coach they lost a ton to the transfer portal we get them at home if we can't beat Texas A&M we're in rough shape Texas A&M is probably looking at things from a similar perspective like Florida Texas A&M also has a big opponent week one Texas A&M host Notre Dame now they're probably not going to win that one um so this becomes then their next opportunity to win a a a game that people would be paying attention to and they have to be looking at Florida going Florida's not very good they haven't been very good Billy Napier's in over his head head he's probably getting fired we're a more talented roster top to bottom we ought to be able to go in there and win whichever team loses this game is not not a very good look um but interesting game though this is an SEC game early in the season for Florida at home you know we'll see then they go on the road and play Mississippi State I think this is the first game at least for me outside of the Samford game but this is the first Power five game Florida has that I look at and I go yeah Florida's I'm fairly confident Florida will win that one now not that I think they can't beat Miami or can't beat Texas A&M but I wouldn't be very confident in it I'm pretty confident they'll go on the road and beat what I think might be the worst team in the SEC next year Mississippi State um this will be yet another new coaching staff um so this will be their third coaching staff in three years and Mike Leech two years ago he passed away promoted Zack Arnett uh then fired him after one year this will be their third coaching staff in third year you got to think Florida can go on the road and get that win then the first of two by weeks comes and they get two by weeks everybody gets two by weeks this season it's just the way the calendar Falls it's not a change in the college football rules or anything but you get your first by week come out of that bye you play your last non-conference game uh of the Year this one against uh actually it's not the last non-conference game I don't think yeah you play Florida State at the end of the year anyway come out of your bye and you host Central Florida so if you're looking for some positive here in the first half of Florida's schedule if you pick out the tough games they're all at home right Miami game at home Texas A&M game at home uh the central Florida game even is at home I would say the two easiest games would be Sanford and at Mississippi State um so your your one road game here what is that one two three four five so out of your first five games you only go on the road once and that's at Mississippi State a winnable game all your other games are at home uh so that's a benefit um and Florida schedule is backloaded so not not that the front half of this schedule is easy I mean again host Miami host Texas A&M host Central Florida all three of those teams could potentially beat Florida now I would be surprised if they lost all three of them I think they'll win some and lose some um but I wouldn't describe this as an easy start to the season for Florida these five games but then it really gets turned up here after the central Florida game and this is where it starts becoming almost impossible to find any wins at all for Florida Central Florida game at home on October 5th after that on the road at Tennessee I know Florida beat Tennessee last year that game was into swamp Tennessee hasn't won there since blackberries were being used as phones at Tennessee is a whole different animal I think Tennessee is probably going to be a little bit better than they were last year Florida I'm not so sure Tennessee will be a favorite in this game it's a tough place to play Tennesse beat him last time they played in Knoxville that's going to be a tough game it's hard to it would be hard to pick pick Florida to win that one right now most people look at that game right now and say Tennessee probably wins that one then you come back home and you get Kentucky and this is probably the easiest game left on your schedule and that's saying something considering ky's beat you a couple of years in a row they've beat you I think three of the last five they've kind of dominated the series over the last five or six years Kentucky has and they're going to be another mid-level SEC team which is what they've been over the last three or four years why they've been busy beating Florida every single year you get them at home that's an obvious benefit I think most people look at this game right now is basically a coin flip could Florida win yes could Kentucky win yes um but you start on October 12th with that Tennessee game and you work your way down to me this is probably the only game that even comes close to giving Florida a 50% chance of winning this home game at Kentucky you come out of that you get your second bye of the season and then you start your last month of the season and I'm here to let you know right now I don't think there's a team in the country not a single team in the country that could win all all five of these games in a row now look just look at these last five games here starts off November 2nd neutral sight game against Georgia Georgia is going to be ranked first second or third in every preseason ranking on planet Earth now preseason rankings don't mean anything in the end and that doesn't even tell us what Georgia might be ranked when this game is played on November 2nd doesn't even tell us how good or bad Georgia is going to be but it's a perception of how these teams are going to be heading into next year this is a tough game for Florida know Florida hasn't won this game since the co year in 2020 20 uh Kirby's only lost to Florida twice in the nine years he's been at Georgia uh Georgia will be a significant favorite there hard to imagine Florida winning that game then you got to go on the road and play Texas another team that's going to be ranked in the top two or three of every SE single pre-season poll on planet Earth they return their quarterback Quinn yers they get their running back back they return a lot on defense they got to replace some wide receivers but they knocked it out of the park in the portal again they're going to be an absolutely loaded team they made the playoffs last last year went into Big 12 this is their first year in the SEC so we'll see if they trip up on some landmines here and there but again on the road at Texas this is a situation where right now anyway 90 out of a 100 college football fans are going to be picking Texas to win this game and they're going to be a significant favor after that you come back home and you play LSU a team you've been playing every year for a long time in the SEC and that has absolutely owned and dominated you over the last 10 years LSU is something like 8-2 or s in three against Florida in the last 10 seasons it's been four or five years since Florida has beat him LSU is a mortality team I think LSU's got a much better coaching staff you get them at home again that is an an advantage and a benefit but you're talking about another team that's going to be ranked maybe in the top 10 when this game is played they're in the top 15 of any preseason rankings you want to look at you're a likely Underdog there and likely to lose that one too now you get to stay at home the following week but it doesn't get any easier Old Miss a team that's ranked in the top 10 of every single preseason ranking right had their best season in school history last year winning 11 games winning a new year six game they blew out Penn State at a ton coming back another team that destroys it in the portal every single year Lane kein I look I've had to admit I've been wrong on Lane kein um he's starting to he's proving me more and more wrong it seems like with every year that goes by you get them at home but they're going to be a significant favorite over you and then you finish up on the road at Florida State now I don't think Florida State's going to be as good as they were last year but they're going to be better than Florida I think they again you play them there they're a significant favorite they're going to be ranked much higher than you in the preseason so in other words that's you know people's perception of Florida state is much higher right now than it is of Florida but you just look at these last six these last five games Georgia a top five team Texas a top five team LSU top 15 Old Miss top 10 and Florida State likely in the top 15 or top 20 I don't think there's a team in the country that could win all of those games in a row I don't I I I don't think Ohio State can win all five of those in a row I don't think Alabama could win all five of those in a row uh Michigan Oregon whatever any team you want to name I don't think there's a team on the planet that could win all five of those in a row but we may find out that Florida can't win any of them and if that's the case Billy Napier will not make it to that Florida State game in fact there's a strong possibility he gets fired in the bye before the Georgia game in my opinion um a lot of times when teams decide to make changes they do it during a bye-week that gives the interim coaching staff sort of an extra week um to work with the team right if things have gone bad in the first half of this schedule let's say they lose to Miami and Texas A&M right they beat Sanford and Mississippi State so they're let's say they're at 2 and two heading into the first by week and then they lose to Central Florida and they're two and3 lose to tenness nnessee 2 and four even if they beat Kentucky they're sitting at three and four and then they have this coming up this could be where they make the move with Billy Napier if not maybe it's after the Georgia or the Texas game but I do not think Billy Napier Will Survive the month of November um I don't think the calendar will hit December 1st with Billy Napier as the head coach of Florida this is an absolutely brutal into the schedule this looks an awful lot like a 3 four five win season for Florida this would be their fourth losing season in a row if that were the case and it would be the third losing season in a row for Billy Napier Dan Mullen had a losing season his last year in Gainesville Sunbelt Billy Napier has had a losing record every single year he's been there two years a total of three losing seasons in a row so far this would make the fourth losing season in a row for Florida the third straight for Billy Napier I just don't know how a program like Florida keeps a coach um who has a losing record 100% of the time after three seasons it feels like this is going to be the swan song for Billy Napier to me but anyway what do y'all think about this schedule have you seen a schedule that you think is more difficult than this one let me know put it in the comments down below I I may do a video on it um I'll at least take a look at it and see if I think you're right or not but this is an absolutely brutal schedule again regardless of how you want to look at it if you want to look at it as again in my mind strength of schedule shouldn't change based on who's playing against it who however hard you think this schedule is it's that hard no matter who's playing against it now this is obviously a harder schedule to Florida an unranked team than it would be to Oregon a top five team but the strength of schedule rating of this schedule should be the same from Team to team but anyway let me know if you think there's a team out there with a more difficult schedule I'd love to take a look at it and if you're a Florida fan and you disagree with me you think I'm wrong Florida's somehow going to win seven or eight games and Billy Napier is going to save his job um feel free to let me know that too anyway I appreciate you watching please hit the thumbs up subscribe to the channel leave a comment and I'll talk to you again real soon have a good morning

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