Joe Benigno Is FIRED Up Recapping the Jets Disappointing Opener

and joining us right now and he'll join us every day after the Jets play so it's mostly Mondays at 4:00 but they played a Monday night game so in this case it's Tuesday at 4:00 is the great the legendary my longtime partner Joe Bingo and his calling is brought to you by Empire City cassino winners play Here by approved oil lock in your low oil rate at freether and by HL gross jewers of Garden City bro how are you well uh thank God for our baseball team let me start with that that's the first thing I said Joe who knew that on September 10th right now the baseball team would be a bigger deal than a football team can you imagine that that's actually what's happening God stunning thank God for that how did you watch last night by the way cuz like I was DVR it I know you don't do that were you flipping back and forth how'd you handle uh yeah between the commercials I was going back you know I watched the game up until the start of the Jet game and then you know uh between the many many commercials uh I was able to see a lot of what was going on uh and it was halftime when I got to see the ninth inning and Diaz Clos it out so you know I got to see the game end before uh without missing anything uh because of halftime so that was good well did did the excitement of the Mets um overcome the disappointment for the Jets well I think the thing with the jet look I mean you knew this was going to be a tough spot for them there's no doubt about that I mean this Niner team is for real you there's a reason they were in the Super Bowl last year and you know that their mission is to win and obviously we know the deal and even with mcaffrey that really didn't matter I mean to me when I heard mcaffry was out I'm like H you know maybe he's who knows you know he just got married to what's that girl he's married to that that hot girl I forget her name yeah I I can see her but I can't remember Koop yeah yeah yeah Koop right exactly I'm all over this maybe maybe you know maybe he had a little hangover from her I mean who knows but whatever the case whatever the case may be uh that didn't mean anything to me look here's the bottom line okay and I've said this and I've been saying this have you know I've been saying this for a while this defense is over I'm tired of hearing about how good the defense is they never Force turnovers they don't get to the quarterback they can't stop the run how is this defense so great tell me I mean they got gouged in this game you could talk look we could talk about the mistakes on the offense Lazard drops his sure first down pass on the first series of the game you know Bree fumbles to to set up a field goal for them you know later on in the game Garrett Wilson when he's got all kinds of room to get both feet down doesn't do it it costs him a first down and who knows they were down 13 at the time you know Aaron threw a pick although I thought he looked pretty good I he was I thought if you're the one positive you take is that the quarterback looked pretty good now they never had the ball okay it was unbelievable I mean I don't know what the final numbers were but I know at one point it was 3515 in minutes uh for San Francisco but this defense bro I mean let's tell it like it is I mean they stunk yesterday they got destroyed and I know the Niners are tremendous but you got to be M where's Will McDonald the only time I saw Jermaine Johnson was when he did an illegal hands to the face that costed him getting off the field on third down right when Williams maybe made one play I don't even remember Solomon Thomas one time had Brock pie for easy sack let him go and Pie hit somebody for a first down there were guys open all wide open everywhere KD Samuel Jennings and this kid Mason look like Jim Brown so I I I mean the defense was terrible I mean what's going on with this defense bro well I think I think part of it Joe is that the 49ers are just that good I get that they they have a good offensive line and more importantly they just the scheme is masterful right when you watch it it's they're just creating Spa like there's always space and on the other side the Jets offensive line was terrible in the Run game they just there was no for Bree to go I felt bad for him because you could see him like visually getting frustrated because there was no big plays there was no opportunities for him to be him you know what I mean yeah no I agree I mean look I think the offensive line did a good job in pass blocking I thought for the most part they gave Rogers decent protection um and like I said I mean the one positive you have to take out of this is that he looked good I mean that's it but look it's week one yeah you know I don't want to get too crazy week we one Ludas is going to be a difficult game and all of that I mean I didn't think the defense was going to get gouged like it did that's the problem bro we all knew it was going to be difficult it was likelier than not that they were going to lose this game but for this defense to let Jordan Mason looked like as you said Jim Brown for Brandon auk who should have caught that touchdown in the end zone that he was diving for like guys were wide open all day and like I thought the defense last year was really good like they they had periods of time where they didn't turnovers but think about week one against Buffalo they forced four turnovers against the great Josh Allen part of that was Josh Allen though that's fine part of it Josh but I thought like they were a big time defense last year what this mess that we saw last night they didn't look anywhere close to a big time defense yeah and you got this Assan reic thing hanging over their head uh which is just a disaster I mean how did they allow this to happen te let me ask you how did they allow this to happen Douglas knowing that this guy didn't have a contract yet I think well he is under contract that's the problem I think I think they didn't understand how badly he wanted a new contract now this is where I give Howe Roseman so much credit because he he knew that right obviously it's why they didn't they didn't want to sign him they didn't want him now the Eagles are in a different financial situation because they've robbed Peter to pay Paul so many times that it's they couldn't afford to keep him but they knew how disgruntled he was he didn't they obviously didn't communicate that to Joe Douglas and so so when he gets here he sounds the part right I can't wait can't wait to be here you never see him again because now of a sudden he cares about his contract more than he cares about being a jet yeah well there's no question about it and what makes it worse is they let Bryce Huff walk away they never this is a kid that they developed right their own guy and and they never to me I don't think they ever even intended to sign this guy even tried to sign him and that and that made no sense either now he's on the Eagles of course and also they they gave away I know he wasn't amazing John Franklin Myers he would always commit the bad penalty they gave him away they lost Jefferson who had six sacks last year like they they lost a lot on this defensive line and you watch who was out there last night Javon kinlaw stinks Michael Clemens isn't that good and then you got a bunch of guys who probably should be on the practice squad like Braden McGregor and you mentioned Will McDonald first round pick I mean start playing like one which he hasn't done yet please can they and please can you get Gast to those number away from this guy what did disgrace that this guy is wearing Mark gono's number who should be in Hall of Fame I don't want to get into that but that's a disaster get please you can't win 99 the only defensive guy that I thought had anything last night was Quincy Williams does who is the best player on the defense I mean that that's not you know we Source let me ask you this speaking of why was he out of the game if he wasn't hurt for like eight or nine plays no he had to be hurt he just they just don't want to say he's hurt because it creates a disadvantage for them I understand you know what I mean if Shanahan knows that cornerback is compromised and guess what they're running over there and they're throwing over there so I think that's really what it came yeah because after the game joke Salah said he was tired he needed a he needed a break need a break catch win yeah he said he need that was the quote he needed to catch his I mean what are you tired I know what are you are you 40 yet you're not tired tired I the cens next year I'm 71 I'm tired wa wa tired of this crap you're tired of watching Bad football oh my God it's just and I and let's be honest about this too okay this game coming up Sunday is monstrous they go 0 and2 losing to the Tennessee Titans you know and all of a sudden the the roof is going to start caving in let's be real about I think it's more than just even Sunday I mean you're obviously right they can't be 0 and two going the Thursday night but you look at who they're about to play Tennessee I know New England's one and0 let's see more from that what a shock huh yeah and you look at Minnesota if few weeks after that Denver like they've got teams on their schedule that they got to beat yeah they got to be three and one by the time they go to London to play the Vikings that's to me that's where we're at right now right they I agree I agree and the whole division wins of course the Patriots win I tell you I'm already scared of them I'm already scared really you know why I'll tell you why because their defense takes the ball away the the biggest play in this game the other day I forget who was from by the way Cincinnati give me a break can they show up but whoever it was was going into the end zone for a touchdown and Kyle duer knocks the ball out of his hands how big a play is that can I see the Jets through that that's awareness that's like above the x's and O awareness that's that's playing right the's comment harder and look New England is playing at home against Seattle on Sunday you know and they're underdogs they're under there's a chance there's a chance they go in a Thursday night against us too and0 no after all that of course of course all look like I said the one positive you takeaway is that Rogers looked good he did I got to say threw the ball well he had that one pick I I understand the one pick he threw he kind of forced it he was he had a little pressure there too he kind of forced it into double coverage but that drive for the touchdown uh where he hit gett Wilson three times on third down on Third and Longs I mean that that's the one thing I look at that and I say when the hell was the last time I saw that happen yeah you know yeah I mean that was so on jet like it was unbelievable and you know I mean a nice touchdown pass he did his usual thing where he you know he drew them offside he got a free play he hits Lazard for the touchdown and that was nice and all of that but the drive you described where he converted on the three third Downs to Garrett Wilson eventually was brie Hall got in the end zone that was one of just the best like jet never never I mean maybe honestly maybe since Ryan Fitzpatrick had that Miracle season before he choked it in week 17 in Buffalo yeah right 2015 that was probably the highlight of the game just getting to see that and thinking wow that could be become normal in our football watching on Sundays yeah seeing that kind of approach well the one the one sequence though that really ticked me off more than any other and then we're probably wouldn't have mattered anyway in the outcome you know they're down 13 Bree has that run where it looks like he got the first down and and I to me they should have challenged it but they didn't challenge it okay but he doesn't get the first down now it's second and one and that play with Garrett Wilson where he's got that slant over the middle and he's got all kinds of room and somehow he he gets his toe out of bounds and now it's third and one they sto Breeze fourth and one incomplete I mean I've seen that too many times I got to tell you that cannot happen that was I wanted I don't know if you felt this way they drafted this brillan Allen he's a big bodied running back let me see him play Let's see him absolutely I I couldn't agree more let me see him play I think that I think that was a trust just a young player in a big game on you know on the road against the defending NFC Champs he just didn't trust him not fair to him he played but he just didn't I mean was he targeted I think he was out there five I think he was out there for like eight snaps like they really kept him yeah they just because he's coming off of the injury I get it but like Tiki said this earlier he's kind of right I after Garrett Wilson right now until someone steps up they don't exactly have I know Lazard was okay but he did have that huge drop on The Possession tone for the game and and he had a bad season a year ago so he's trying to make up for what the expectation was a year ago now obviously the touchdown helps but that's more Aaron Rogers right you got and they they described it perfectly on the broadcast when you get a free play like that just throw it to your vertical whoever's going vertical just throw it to him no matter what happens you're in a it's a free play right so you might as well try to score on it right and he got the you know know you also scored the garbage time touchdown from Tyrod Taylor too I mean so what did you think the fantasy people had a good week if anybody had him I don't know I I doubt it I don't know any would pick him up what did you think cuz look I I'm like you we're hanging in there to the end watching all this crap taking Rogers out but keeping Garrett Wilson and Bree Hall in yeah makes no no sense now he did eventually take Bree out because they brought Allen in the game bring Allen in the game but yeah no I mean that that didn't make any sense either I mean the game was over I mean let's be honest about it so yeah that made no sense to me um look again I I'm trying to look at this rationally okay it's week one against a power maybe the toughest team they're going to play all year I mean you could make that case this might be the best team on their schedule there's doubt about it you know and I'm just trying to to rationalize it that way but now you got to go out you have to win these next three games in my mind you really do and he certainly got to win this week because boy oh boy if they lose uhoh here we go no we'll Panic at that point like I think cuz I was disgusted last night I think most of us are just based on the performance not that the season's over or anything like that you don't want to see a team lose we waited you know at all these months for football there's only 17 games but if they lost to Tennessee next Sunday or this Sunday now then I think we'd all be in full Panic book then it would be like what the hell is going on here by the way do you think and and and and U don't take this wrong coach but do you think that after the game Shanahan put his arm around Robert Salah and said to him don't worry coach they F you after the year you're my defensive he said that you think Shanah had said that to him what do you think do you think you got you always got a job here coach don't worry Rob we got we'll take care of you we got your cover we like we like this sord guy but we'll we'll take you back right overall cuz I know during the offseason you have had a healthy skepticism about this team I understand it well it it you know it's it's it's 56 years of not getting it done that's really what it comes down to right now do you think we're going to see a playoff here do you think we're going to see this team make like what's your honest feeling you know we're one weekend but it's only one game what's your honest feeling on what we're actually to witness I mean if the defense is going to play like they played yesterday in no playoff team I'll tell you that I mean this defense has got they should be embarrassed especially with you know with all the hoopla that surrounds them I mean you know you you got to come out SN I got to see something this week I mean they're playing well will Levis is the quarterback they just blew the game to the Bears last week so um you know I mean uh right now you look at that defense I can't say they're a playoff team if they're going to play like that that's for sure no you're absolutely right the defense is really the got to be the calling card Aaron Rogers is is going to be Aaron Rogers as long as he's healthy stay Health be Health just be healthy but they opposing offenses need to fear what the Jets defense is going to do to you and last year even though they were they weren't a good team opposing offenses feared their defense you don't fear it right now after week one no but again Joe this is week one yeah I get it just just like Daniel Jones if they're if they're laying egg next week then I'm going to be worried if Daniel Jones lays an egg next week I'm really going to be worried well one thing that I think too that have to take into account is that you know with the way it is now as far as preseason football and all of that this is basically an extended training camp game that's what it is right like a preas the same the Jets the Giants definitely look like they were playing a pre-season the Jets defensively looked like they were playing in the preseason yeah yep we're talking to the great Joe Bingo now Joe the Mets have gotten us theall season okay I I this was one of the most I got to say this and I don't know how it's going to play out right now I think making the playoffs I really do that they there's something going on with them this has been one of the most fun years I can ever remember as a Met fan because I first of all I was down on Sterns and Stevie coling be the year and boy was I wrong I mean every basically every every move Sterns is made has has turned to Gold especially the manager who I love this guy I mean how did how did the Yankees keep Boon and let M let me ask you that question but nevertheless Mendoza has been phenomenal when this team was 11 games under 500 we're all thinking they're backing up the truck they're going to trade Pete at the deadline all of this and to see where they are now that they are now what is it 24 games over 500 since the end of May they got the best record in baseball you know and how about the pitching bro I mean oh my God Tyler McGill last night it was did somebody test his saliva it's amazing they're pitching during this win streak that they've been that's what's carried them because their offense has actually been very inconsistent every let me tell you right this is the Met offense every game first five innings they don't get a hit okay let's be honest and they strike out oh God if I got to see you know Alonzo or Alvarez or even JD Martinez swinging another pitch 30 freaking feet outside I mean you got to be kidding they strike out constantly they don't get a hit for five innings then all of a sudden they find a way to to win a baseball game scr outle right and it's basically because of the starting pitching and I know the bullpen didn't you know kind of gave it up last night I get that okay but the bullpen has actually been pretty good bro I mean you know let's I know Mayon gave it up in that game against Cincinnati but the bullpen has actually been pretty good I'm confident in Diaz I think Diaz is back you know he's been very good well he almost gave up the two-run Homer at the end of the game you know I got a little nervous when that ball left the bat I got to say oh yeah you know but Diaz has actually been pretty good and there's there's something there's a feeling with this team right now that you know they got some they got something going they definitely have like this magic to them and they've been great in September but they got to make the playoffs got to make the playoffs now as fun as it's been as surprising as it's been especially after the horrible start like they got they got him that Series in Atlanta like that's their chance to rectify the ills of two years ago beat that brave team it might not even beat him I mean right now they're only they're one game in the Lost column out of the first wild right I mean it's crazy but I think what Evan's saying is at the end of the season they got to play the they got to play the Braves they got seven tough games coming up with Philadelphia too you know I mean well you still got two games here with Toronto but you know seven games with the Phillies that are not going to be easy you know no question they've had the toughest schedule amongst all these Wild Card contenders but they keep winning they be doing a great job and hopefully they'll keep it up tonight lindor's been great uh is he the is he the MVP by the way they'll never get it because they're going to give it to Otani I mean is ridiculous I mean the numbers are stupid the only thing I'll say te about that and look the numbers are ridiculous but let's remember this soani is a DH this guy Francisco Lindor okay he plays every inning of every game at at the second toughest defensive position there is in baseball catchers got to be number one he and he plays it brilliantly I mean that's the one thing and we kind of lose sight of that you know and Alonzo too these guys play every day 162 games this year my my one worry about Lindor and we've seen this over the last few days he is struggling offensively and you wonder yeah a little bit right now after he was redot after you wonder if playing every day and everything he's done is going to wear him down and you know what he has an excuse to wear down that means time for Pete Alonzo to have pick it up time for Pi it up for JD martinz who over the last few days since the of hisid to pick it up because I I don't think you could expect Lindor to keep it at that pace but now you need the other guys to pick up the offensive load over the next few weeks be nice if Alvarez could ever hit a home run too what happened to this guy how about Vientos though bro nobody saw Mark Vientos turning basically turning into a star this year I mean let's know who saw that comment yeah right no it's been incredible he wanted them to hit second that was that was want second no I wanted him second wanted him to when he moved him up there that's when he started crushing it and and how big a how big a factor has Jose glacius been I mean not only is you know him and Lindor up the middle I mean that's you know now he's absolutely necessary with with McNeil out but I mean he's he's been phenomenal I mean know the whole OMG thing I mean he's their best hitter with Runners and scoring position I think that's who I want up there it's funny lugie and I were talking about this offer we said all right big spot in the game who's the number one guy you went up there and I said I think I'd take a glacius even over Lindor interesting think about that atan had it against the Pirates about two months ago I don't if anyone remembers this against Chapman where he drew that walk like he'll give you these insane appats and his clutch numbers have been awesome so hopefully they can keep it up yeah and one other thing too David Peterson who saw this com that's another one I mean all of a sudden David Peterson is a Sandy Kofa true what are they 15 and three when he when he starts his he under his ER is under three sha Mani has been ridiculous I mean it's I mean hey you get right at the right time anything can happen that's all that matters and hey look te I I'm with you 100% and again the one thing the one award that should go to a met is caros mza manager of the Year this guy boy did they did David Sterns hit the jackpot with this guy and it's rare that I get excited about a manager like this bro no I know this this manager is the real deal and again I'll say it how the hell did the Yankees let him get away Joe great talking to man we'll talk to you Monday at 4:00 enjoy uh the debate tonight you know I'll be all over that yes indeed big night for Big D I'll see you guys see you later man the great Joe bingo so after the Jets play so Jets played on a Monday night he joins us Tuesday at four o'clock Jets will play on Sunday he'll join us on a Monday at four o'clock in a few weeks they play on a Thursday the Thursday night home opener against the New England Patriots he'll join us Friday at 4:00 so it's honestly really not that complicated

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