Build the BEST COACH in College Football 25 Dynasty

this video was made possible by the EA Creator Network and the footage captured here today was off a work in progress build and not the final release of the game what's going on everybody my name is C4 welcome back to the channel in today's video we're going to break down everything you need to know about college football 25's coaching skill tree in Dynasty mode you may think you know a little bit about skill trees from NCAA Football 14 to the skill trees that we've had in Madden the last couple years but college football 25 skill trees are an entire enely different Beast we're going to use coach Tom Savage here as example he's already an A+ Prestige he's already level 50 it's from our Florida Gator rebuild which if you haven't checked that out go check it out right now while we're throwing some plugs if this your first time stopping by and you learn something from today's video a little subscribe would very much be appreciate we're trying to blow the channel up here this year a like a comment for the YouTube robots maybe comment other guides you would like me to break down from Dynasty mode that would be pretty cool but you think you know about coaching skill trees but college football 25 once you reach level 50 which you can see right up there in the top right corner that is the max level those credits I have 11 credits that is how you spend points to unlock different attributes sometimes they're Five Points sometimes they're eight points sometimes they're 12 points but once you reach level 50 you no longer earn those points I am at max level for my coach and I have about 35% maybe 30% of the abilities unlocked I don't even have the top CEO on which I will break down just so we know know what it is you have to win two national championships to even unlock it and it cost 30 points out the gate just to unlock it but you have to be very informed with how you spend your points because not only can you not unlock everything but there's no way to refund what you spend so you have to make the most informed decision possible while spending your points because it is a full-on commit the only other way out is get a retire coach and you start from the very beginning so I have done a full max level coach and I'm going to break down what I learned what I think could be the meta and I also will highlight the mistakes that I made and what I wish I could have done differently so first things first when you start your Dynasty in college football 25 you have to select a backstory for your head coach where you can go motivator recruiter and tactician now I've done dynasties where I've selected all three so I'll give you guys a quick rundown on like the best aspects of each one of these Back stories and then I'll break down my favorite first we have motivator and the best things you get out of the motivator tree is you get better inseason XP gains so every time a player hits a specific game day Milestone or season Milestone he's going to get that much more XP which goes back into Player Development you're going to get injury boosts so your players are less hurt or if they do get hurt the recovery time is not as long and you get a gigantic bump in offseason XP training so at training camp that last little bit where you guys are going to have huge growth before the start of a new season you get a lot more bigger bumps from the motivator tree we have the recruiting tree which is going to give you quicker scouting it's going to give you more recruiting hours it's going to give you better vision visits during your Boost it's going to make your pitches that much better to players it just makes the entire recruiting process I don't want to say easier because you still have to earn and grind and spend all the points appropriately and there's for broken down for every single position like quarterbacks running backs wide receiver tight ends o line dline linebackers DBS and special teamers but anything that makes recruiting a little bit easier is always going to be good in my books and lastly we have tactician backstory now this is essentially where you're going to get your big player attribute boost if you've played Madden Dynasty over the last couple years this is very similar like the head coaching skill tree in Madden Dynasty this is where you know as you work your way through the tree some of the bigger upgrades are going to be short and medium accuracy Buffs to your quarterback catching Buffs to your wide receivers and tight ends finesse move and pursuit Buffs to your Edge rusher outside linebackers power move and Tackle Buffs to your D tackles manin Zone coverage Buffs to your defensive backs and I think there's going to be a lot of people going to find that the most appealing backstory but for my personal opinion and understanding that each one of these have pros and cons that could be appealing to different people but I would suggest under the assumption that you're most likely starting a dynasty for a program that you need to build up I do think you get the most bang for your buck in terms of rebuilding a program from the recruiter backstory this is what it's going to look like right when you start your Dynasty now we went with the recruiter background but if you went with motivator you will start up here on the skill tree if you want tactician you'll start down here on the bottom but you get five points they throw you five points right away and for a recruiter I think just you know what position are you going to have to try to prioritize the most in your first recruiting cycle like if you clearly are going to need a quarterback if you clearly need to bump up the offensive line that's what I did in my big Florida Gator rebuild our o line was terrible so the first thing I honestly above all I got to the very bottom and unlocked all four four abilities here in block and that's what we'll start with here for this little T Lane example but as you see Elite versions of every single aspect of the skill tree have to be unlocked by challenges throughout your Dynasty mode like we are not even going to have a chance at unlocking this section until we sign two top five recruiting classes and spend 50 points in the recruiter archetype again this is just another element to not being able to spend your points and unlock everything because if you really want to get to the good stuff you're going to have to invest a significant amount of points into this one aspect which is just going to really hinder your ability to eventually start spending in Talent developer and strategist and you can also get motivator and tactician the two other starting points you can eventually get them even if you choose recruiting as your background and as you saw at the very beginning with my level 50 coach from Florida I still didn't have enough to get the CEO where you had to spend 100 in a tree and win two national championships to unlock it we have win five playoff games and spend 75 to get program Builder we have all these ones for talent developer two players in the first round 25 in motivator 25 in recruiter you have Arch Tech which is solid win four rivalry games 25 in motivator 25 in tactician I will say in summary the cap right now is level 50 I wouldn't hate them opening that up a little bit and capping it at a 100 and just little setting things that also relate to your coaching skill tree you can control the speed that you earn XP for this example just because I want to quickly be able to show you how I spend my points we're going to go with fastest but usually I think normal works out pretty well I got 10 seasons with my Florida Gators and I hit Max rating on year 10 and we had a lot of success so I think normal or faster wouldn't be a terrible spot I have no idea unless you're planing on doing a 50-year dynasty why you would go below normal you also too if this is all overwhelming for you you can turn on Coach Auto progression and it will spend the points for you but come on watch this video learn how to spend what to spend on and you'll be good I got your back first thing I do want to just get out of the way because it is so difficult and you're not going to have to worry about it for a very long time is the CEO aspect of your skill tree I just unlocked it here in a little burn through of two undefeated seasons for the Tain Green Wave I just want to show you what is in this unlock and if it's worth conserving your points to go all in on CEO or like I did when I'll show you my example of My Level 50 Florida Gator coach of spending them all elsewhere and just bypassing this very difficult skill tree to unlock so as you can see every other purchase price for new abilities is like 10 15 points 20 for program Builder but is 30 out the gate just to even unlock CEO so we'll spend that here it's spicy let's look at what you could get you get first round projected players are less likely to leave for the NFL that's that's somewhat valuable haven't had that situation come up I've done about 15 Seasons I've never really had a first round of that even have an opportunity to try to convince to stay SK uh spend a second persuade on a player at the first fails this is from the transfer portal that's not bad HomeField Advantage effects are lower at rival stadiums that actually wouldn't be too bad of a upgrade especially if you hate these squiggly lines like I do able to see other schools at risk players on my school that's not bad for recruiting players start hot in a top five that's not bad as well for gameplay one-ear extension when facing being fired again I you know to to unlock CEO for how difficult it is I don't see a lot of value in that one ch at an instant commit when offering a scholarship that is probably the best ability dream school that would be easily I would say the number one discount on Coach abilities when another coach has the same ability that's not too bad depending on your coordinators increase all skill group caps for one by Rising seniors I I would say in CEO that would be the one that you would want and even then that's still it's an unknown variable what is a percentage chance if that was 50% chance I would almost say that's worth it to save your points and go out the CEO but the fact that there's not a tangible number for how high of a chance that is I don't even think if we unlock it it tells us so I don't know I think coo might be a little overrated again understanding you can't unlock everything and it's already very difficult to unlock this one so before you get spend in all your points like crazy you need to commit to what you want to be as a coach I want to be a recruiter so one thing obviously we do need to get our two top five recruiting classes so that we can unlock down here the El recruiter abilities but that just will come with time but if you want to be the best recruiter you possibly can be you want to get strategists because the strategist ability is also going to give you Buffs towards recruiting and to unlock it you need to win four bowl games which we have done and you need to spend 25 points in tactician which is not the end of the world cost 10 points to unlock it right out the gate and these abilities as we talked about in the opening when you're SE selecting kind of the base of your coach this is where you're going to get bump UPS to your play stats like as you go through the quarterback one eventually you get all the way down to tier four that is short and medium accuracy boost for wide receivers and tight ends the last one is Catch and catch and traffic boost DBS you get man and Zone coverage linebackers you get man and Zone coverage Pursuit finesse move dline you get finesse move power move tackle they're all very very valuable it's not a bad one that you have to spend to get all in on recruiting now that we spent those points in tactician we can unlock the strategist skill and that is easily the biggest comp ment that you're going to have a recruiter so if you want to go all in on your recruiting you don't need to look much further than this corner of the spider graph and in strategist for all these positions quarterbacks running backs wide receivers tight ends o line special teams DBS linebackers and dline all those tiers are just even more bumps to the recruiting process be it their complimentary visits be it impact quarterbacks coming be it the other schools and how they're approaching the recruiting process and then in tier four that is huge the mind leer which gives you a chance and at least an increased chance to learn the dev trait of these players and I have learned through 15 years of Dynasty you want to be chasing the players with Elite Dev traits I've had five-star recruits that are normal Dev trait that played well enough and they just don't go up Dev trade it's very finicky so you outright want to find especially when you're a small school and you're going with that long term that long approach finding through the three stars that might have an elite Dev trait that is going to be gigantic for your program and I think more so impactful than any game day boost any boost to tackling I think being able to slowly and and efficiently find the elite Dev traits the impact Dev trait players during the recruiting process hand inand with all these other recruiting boosts that is the meta in my opinion for your college football 25 Dynasty coach Dre all right so for this example you're committing to being the ultimate recruiter you're working on your top five class you're going to have all recruiter unlocked you're got to go all in on strategist you have a little points here in tactician well what about all these other abilities you have architect you have program Builder you have talent developer what about those so quickly I want to break down the rest of the skill trees with our level 50 Tom Savage coach here we have motivator who much like tactician in recruiting is a starting point but we kind of broke it downwards ultimately the best value of this is you get your inseason XP gains your injury boost your offseason XP boost for your training as you go through you can get just faster recovery from injury you can help with the wear and tear system a little bit if you notice that it's pretty difficult but ultimately for me I just I don't think there's enough value in this motivator tree and again a lot of it just comes down to Value you have the architect tree here and this was one that I just I unlocked a little bit later on for these boosts to just not offer insane value I was already like a 90 overall program so all these different positional boosts where you get additional XP for in-game goals uh increase skill cap and leveling up XP boost every three- game win streak increase the best skill cap with a conference or national title like I just do not see a whole lot of value there and value is a key word when you're talking about the dynasty skill trees here in college football 25 because there only so many points that you can earn before you hit that cap so you need to make sure you're getting the most value possible I want to talk about program Builder this is the mistake that I think in hindsight I think I made in my original playthrough here with Tom Savage reaching level 50 accomplishing everything he did over a 10year dynasty it is the second most expensive tree to unlock all these other ones are 10 or 15 it's 20 CEO is 30 but in program Builder I I didn't I don't think I got a lot of value here as well uh for the different upgrades here you get this one stability improvements but by the time you're able to unlock it I don't think you're really worried about your stability with the school that you're at you have set the tone which is essentially for HomeField advantages I I guess if you're struggling with those there could be some value there but not for me roster r now I would say it's wouldn't be bad unlocking tier one I've noticed the trend during players like you know trying to persuade them to return to school a lot of the first second rounders they're already gone you don't have a great chance of trying to get them to stay regardless of whatever boost you may get but third seven rounds are pretty common they're I would almost make the argument they're more common that third fourth round bubble so that best ofice could be nice players less likely to transfer that's good but I will say I did not over like 15 years of dynasty experienced a whole lot of scenarios where my team was getting depleted to the transfer portal and I had a lot of really good freshman sophomores red shirts that should probably have transferred didn't so I just again not a crazy amount of value there run it back's pretty good with a second round projections uh we have high integrity this is for the uh the trader portal this is for the draft but again just didn't experience a whole lot of BigTime players sometimes there'd be the occasional like red search sophomore that was like an 89 overall that would leave that'd be a bummer but not enough to say that this was a pressing need faster progression is always pretty good but again when I unlocked this I was always so I was like level like 40 I guess for my coach so I I didn't really feel like I needed much more help earning XP I felt like it was in a really good spot I did end up spending points here essentially to boost my recruiting uh we have pipeline recruiting for strong roots which I went all the way down we have a relationship Builder and honestly I only SP these points when I was chasing trying to get the number one recruiting class cuz it is difficult to get the number one recruiting class in the nation but I think overall I wish I didn't spend any because these are expensive too these are 12p Point upgrades as opposed to some of the fivepoint upgrades you've already seen so I I do think in a alternate universe if there was an option to kind of refund points I definitely would have got the 36 over s what that 72 points spent in a program Builder I 100% would have spelled that elsewhere so we breaking down every skill tree except one and this is where we come back to learning from C4 don't make the same mistake I did we have 72 points spend in program Builder CU I thought I was doing the right thing I thought oh my God it's a it's a higher unlock it's got to be good I 100% wish I could have refunded 72 points that I spent in the program Builder which would give me 83 total with the 11 I have remaining and pump that all into Talent developer it's all about finding the best value the best paying for your buck and that is what you get in Talent developer we have it broken down by all these different positions but essentially what you get here is in the first tier it's a transfer portal boost so buy all these different positions you're going to get a more interested bump in the transfer portal now one thing I've noticed when it comes to the transfer portal if you watch my Florida Gator rebuild is let's just say the top 10 recruits I was a undefeated National Champion I might have the fourth and seventh recruit are the only ones interested in joining my program the first for example one through five they're just locked I have no chance at even talking to these guys trying to get them to come so I would wonder I'm throwing up the question if you unlock this interest maybe you're going to have more top tier players available to you in the transfer portal than what I was getting in my big 10year for Gator rebuild so for that there's value there the second tier is interest boosts for your recruiting so you get two double recruiting boost and then tier three and tier four is Player Development boost you are getting lower rated quarterbacks so that your freshman and sophomores and even your Juniors all these guys that aren't playing are going to be more developed and ready to go when it's their time to start do it to you know your senior graduating or guy leaving to the League versus getting to that point where you now have a guy that just hasn't really developed at all because you've been rotting away at the bottom of your depth chart so you're going to get Buffs for all these different positions for the lower rated players to progress faster and then you get all your way down to tier four which is just a straight up your starting players get more XP so I think pound-for-pound amongst all the different recruit uh the trees here motivator architect program Builder CEO scheme Guru strategist Elite recruiter Talent developer is the most bang for your buck and I would 100% work my way trying to unlock that and spending your points there and you're able to unlock that by having two players drafted in the first round which is difficult right you got to probably have to wait a little bit there but that's going to come hand inand with recruiting so you start by getting your recruiting platform the base of your tree is your recruiting you're eventually going to get those big time players that are going to go in the first round spending 25 points in motivator not the end of the world you got to spend 10 to unlock it and then I would go honestly you could just quickly spend through all these different ones that give you the XP boost for when your players are drafted in the first three rounds ultimately though I would almost say it is not a terrible decision if you're unlocking motivator to work all your way down to tier three and get those offseason trading boost especially you know if you're thinking about just value obviously quarterback is positional value but if you're thinking for banging for your buck receiving game you get your wide receiver and tight ends will get offseason trading boost so that's two positions for o line getting an offseason Trad Booth that's five positions that are all getting bumped up same with defensive line you're getting your two defensive ends you're getting your D tackle so there is Great Value in the tier three spot here in motivator but if we're talking endgame right program Builder end game you're you're not going to hit that till probably year five CEO clearly end game cuz you're not going to be able to unlock that till you get two national championships Talent developer is going to be a little bit endgame unless you're on a big program because you do need to get those two first rounders here in toan that's going to be very difficult to do but I would I would view these three as kind of the tippy top of the mountain of your skill tree 100% Talent developer is where you should go so the final element of your coaching skill tree is well all right C4 I can't unlock everything there's a limited amount of points but I kind of want more right like I'm here endgame I still have so many things like talent I have nothing in there I want all these how can you get more abilities what is the workaround well that is where your offensive coordinator and defensive coordinator come in in a perfect world and what I kind of thought this was my final coordinator like well I didn't do a whole lot of points in the motivator so I'm going to get my OC and DC prioritizing and motivator and these play as they get better obviously they're going to unlock you can't control what they unlock so even though it says upgrade P 15 points you can't spend anything for your offensive and defensive coordinator skill trees but they much like you they earn XP and I'm like look I got full Max motivator for our offensive coordinator and our defensive coordinator we're looking more on the tactician side fullon tactic I'm trying to get complimentary coordinators to what I am trying to build I will also say I have never seen a coordinator that came in with Talent developer it's obviously something that's there but I'm going to imagine that's kind of like a God roll that is the OC and or DC of all OC's and DC's but in the perfect way again if we are going with the idea that you want to be the recruiter and in a perfect way let's just act like we're a little bit endgame your trees kind of flushed out I went heavy on recruiting heavy on strategist and I correctly didn't waste my points in program Builder and I went Talent developer well that means motivator architect and scheme Guru I'm going to be a little light for my head coach tree so you want to prioritize and get that balance that your OC and DC are going to be set up to really get your points in motivator architect or tactician which I have shown here but it's all about finding that balance I'll tell you if you ever hit the open market when it comes time when to manage your staff and the coaching Carol says open and you see a talent developer based coordinator you don't walk you run and you hire that man so there you have it fellas that is as good of a coaching skill tree guide that I can drop I don't think there's anything I miss I would say regardless if you're starting as a head coach or an offensive or defensive coordinator like regardless of way you're starting your journey it's still the same process you still have to pick if I'm an OC you still have the option are you going to be a recruiter are you going to be a motivator are you going to be a tactician so it's the exact same kind of process as you work your way through the coaching Carousel up through the ranks from OC to eventually become a head coach but if there is any other questions that you want to know about the coaching skill tree that I may have missed feel free to let me know in the comments section below I will try to answer it to the best of my abilities I'm also going to have a breakdown on what I've learned through the recruiting process and drop a recruiting tips and tricks video on how you can not only dominate the recruiting process but get the number one ranked recruiting class so that video is either already uploaded or will be coming very very soon as always if it is your first time stopping by we are in year 10 here on the YouTube channel so I would very much appreciate you guys hitting the Subscribe button if you enjoyed what you see hitting that like button for the old YouTube robots to help the channel out cuz we are trying our best year in year 10 we put in the time be pretty cool if this would be the year the channel pops off a little bit but regardless I hope you guys enjoyed the video and until next time with your boy C4 say peace out love you have a good one

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