Category: Entertainment
All right another thing that we don't want is these clickies ones okay i know it's so much fun to click click click click click click but then all i'm going to hear is 20 students clicking all day so please put these back okay good go these marker ones here it says great for glass surface but we don't... Read more
Category: Entertainment
You're on right now yeah right now okay so last time we talked about these were a distraction because you don't want your kids to be popping all day but another distraction i found is you think these are safe but they're not pretending to color or draw and just prend to squir each other uhuh distraction... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
What's up everybody welcome back to a couple things we shot an andrew a podcast all about couples and the things they go through we absolutely loved this interview today with mallory wegman and her husband jay snyder let me just give some info on mallory go ahead and dive into it yes multiple gold medals... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey guys welcome back i'm so excited today i have amanda bella of bellat talks tv from live from new york city is that right are you in new york you in the hamp y i'm in new york and i i can't believe it sometimes i'm from the midwest originally i grew up in michigan and then lived in chicago for 10... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Week the album that we are going to be discussing is obsessed by morgan wade uh obsessed is the fourth studio album by american country artist morgan wade it was released on august 16th 2024 wade wrote all the tracks with clint wells producing the album all right eric uh your thoughts on this album... Read more
Category: Sports
It is game number one of two here for team usa against team australia and age 39 lebron james all the way to steph curry and then bridging the gap to guys like anthony edwards but great test here though for team australia getting ready for the olympics as well and it's josh giddy controlling it first... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Can you walk us through a filmmaker's mindset when one of your stars in this case of course ray leota unfortunately passes away prior to an audience seeing his performance it's it's almost like you know you you have two two two sides of the emotions be without it because in one hand you feel that he... Read more
Category: Sports
Hey gator fans i am here with the legendary steve spurrier coach i really appreciate you joining us today there is a lot of interesting storylines going on in college football right now it is talking season so to speak so i want to jump right into it the sec is officially home to 16 programs now what... Read more
Category: Sports
Gator fans are tired of projections they're tired of hot seat talk tired of off seon and they are ready for some football i get it guys i am ready for some football and we are just over a month away we've almost made it i cannot wait until i'm back in the swamp for the game against miami i know you... Read more
Category: Sports
What's your honest opinion about julian fleming man like i i feel like he's a big wh if i mean he's a big dude i mean he's a he's a big strong guy i one of the things that it's something that you almost don't even pay attention to when you're watching film or or tape or anything that i haven't even... Read more
Category: Sports
When you meet you do bu dogs you're going to feel a bu stande hello everybody and welcome to rose 60 at georgia football podcast my name is clark gains joining me today as always adam w baby and this is show number 79 adam yes sir one more closer to our clemson preview man we're just knocking them down... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Did joey lawrence's marriage crumble because his wife couldn't accept his kids here's the shocking revelation joey lawrence recently revealed that his marriage to samantha cope fell apart due to her alleged inability to accept his two eldest daughters charleston 18 and liberty 14 from his previous marriage... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro we were trying to make sure everything's set up for what's about to happen because this is something that as soon as we found out it was possible yeah i uh i got uber excited and the fact that this show is something that exists on espn now yeah that really makes this whole thing even more ridiculous... Read more
Category: Sports
Lou holtz responds to ryan day we found ourselves in the middle of all of it yeah when coach ryan day immediately afterwards said i i wonder where l holtz is and like i wonder if lou holtz is wondering the same thing joining us now one of the l that was a part of the l two conversation that got brought... Read more
Category: Sports
Ladies and gentlemen your head coach for the ohio state buckas ryan [applause] day uh coach coach there is a chant happening right now and uh i am not going to keep these people waiting uh ladies and gentlemen you and this man had an incredible verbal joust earlier this season after a massive win for... Read more
Category: Entertainment
And he walks away after winning his 100th game as the head coach here at notre day the reason i was born with the silver spoon in my mouth i was born in this country it isn't what you have it's what you're taught about the values of life we trying to save souls so there's a ro life that said you're... Read more
Category: Entertainment
And he walks away after winning his 100th game as the head coach here at notre day the reason i was born with the silver spoon in my mouth i was born in this country it isn't what you have it's what you're taught about the values of life we trying to save souls so there's a ro life that said you're... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] we feel very blessed today to have an individual who's helped the culture this country greatly coach joe kennedy is a 20year veteran of the marines was the assistant coach for the brington high school varsity football team before he'd even coached his first game marine turn football coach made... Read more
Category: Sports
I don't know if you heard or not but we were in ireland uh this past week hell [music] yeah welcome to dublin island on this feelgood friday august 23rd 2024 we are live from jr mah drs are a pop m tonight brother let's go h [applause] [music] h fact that anybody knows we exist in ireland we are so... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] [music] a [music] [music] oh [music] [music] [music] a [music] [music] n [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] oh oh [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] the following program is a collection of students talking about happenings in the sports world it is meant to be comedic informative... Read more