Shannon Sharpe Has S*X On IG Live... REACTION!

Published: Sep 14, 2024 Duration: 00:13:27 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: shannon sharpe instagram
family Shannon sharp done leak himself getting a crazy workout in the bedroom and y'all know what I mean by workout I don't need to say anything more or anything less but now I have to think about it comment down below what y'all think about this do y'all think it was intentional because we always hear about these humiliation rituals that these celebrities do once they're you know gaining all their Fame and stuff like that so you comment down below cuz to go on Instagram live like how do you even navigate to Instagram live while you're doing you know what I'm saying while you having this crazy workout going on noises being made you feel what I'm saying a Ruck is going on like how do you how do you make that happen and within the Instagram live you're actually going to start to see how the phone starts moving like I don't know it's quite fishy but at the end of the day the deed was done whatever happened was done and before we get into the video I want to show you guys this because within the video he actually started saying the name Michelle now people have done their research to actually find out who this Michelle could be and this is the Michelle that they allegedly believe was you know what I'm saying getting crazy this is the Michelle that they believe was getting crazy a former ESPN host I don't freaking know her but this just gives us a better picture of who Shannon sharp was actually working out with in the uh in the bedroom you feel what I'm saying it was just merely a workout it was nothing more nothing less it was just a workout let's head over to Twitter cuz you already know Twitter you know what I'm saying Twitter be going crazy y already know how Twitter we go I think I think he was just H he was just hearing some uh situps he was just hearing some situp reps that's the only reason why that's going like that bro you know what I'm saying that's the only reason why that's happening like that he was just hearing some sit-ups they were just getting a good workout and that was it it's your it's your they just doing some cardio that was it they were just you sometimes you I know you heard Michelle sometimes when you stretch a little too far makes you like ah you feel what I'm saying that ah but she was just doing in the girl in the girl voice that was really all she was doing you know what I'm saying that was that's all that was happening Shannon sharp I'm covering up for you you know what I'm saying that's what I was really happening there whoa I I don't know what work I don't know what workout they were doing there I don't know what workout they were doing I'm going be honest they they must must be a good workout seem like the headboard is shaking or something like that oh there you go Michelle there you go Mich he's just training her he's just training that's all that's all he's doing is training you dick all right all all yo Shannon sharp tell us what workout you were doing here you know what I'm saying because whatever it is I think yall going to get some good results I think the results are definitely going to come in because I know when I work out and I'm like and I'm going hard y definitely hit like a a good like you feel what I'm saying and I I get results whatever type of workout you got you got you guys got going on right now I already know I getting results you work out for the results it's that simple that's simply what you work out [Music] for okay all right so that's the live he didn't he accidentally he accidentally went on live while he was getting a workou and with his friend Michelle former ESPN alleged but let's hear what he has to say about this viral workout clip that he has going on on Instagram live it says Shannon sharp addresses his viral Instagram live mishap let's see what's going on here so you don't miss a single episode of night cap that button right here come for the sports stay for the obviously I'm embarrassed um someone that is extremely extremely private um and to have one of your most intimate details the audio heard for the entire world to hear um I'm embarrassed for a number of reasons um people count on Shannon um Shay media Club Shay night cap um ESPN there are a lot of people that count on Shannon to be professional at all times and I always try to be professional at all times um even when I'm behind closed doors I still try to remain a level of professional although I'm in the privacy of my own home um and I'm very disappointed in myself um not for the ACT um I think there are millions billions of people uh of consenting age that engage in activities um but but to have your most intimate detail on the audio to be heard I'm disappointed in myself I let a lot of people down um my kids um I reached out to them I called them I called my sister holy Shucks you know like some times when you view a situation like we happen to forget this man has a family you know now if I was if I was his child I wouldn't even want I wouldn't even bother listening to it cuz that's that's just horrible bro that's just horrible my friends obviously my friends reached out but God this was not staged um came in I threw my phone on the bed um gazed in an activity I did not know IG I've never been on on IG live I've never turned IG live on so I don't know how it works and so um all of a sudden my other phone is going off and people are calling me FaceTime that I've never talked to a day in my life on FaceTime and it didn't I'm like why are y'all calling me face time and after a while Jamie uh uh Fritz who's been my longtime marketing guy he finally got through to me and he says uh Shannon you on IG live I'm like doing what you know like what about on IG live IG live just getting a workout in Shannon you just getting a workout in it's all you were really doing but still I want y' to comment down below bro navigating to Instagram live like I have to think about how how to even do it right now but I know there's a couple buttons to press unless you know what I'm saying unless the bed sheets form some figures and started pressing some buttons on the phone what do yall think humiliation ritual or Y think it was just a pure accident he says uh they can hear I like I'm like so now Oho you know I say ask for patience he said they can hear and now I'm starting to get agitated again because you call me and say I'm on IG live when I know I didn't click myself on IG live and you said they can hear me I said hear me doing what say it sounds like you were having sex he was just having a work man my heart sank he was just working out bro that's it just cardio and obviously uh uh uh I run I run my accounts but Jordan being the good Samar the good soldier that is Jordan the one that cut it off cuz hell I didn't even know it was on Jordan cut it off Jordan put the message up and then after I called my agent I called my agent uh the agency I called ESN I thought I like I just got this tell him the truth I said I just got to tell him the truth my phone wasn't hacked uh it wasn't an it wasn't a prank it was me being a h health active male I mean y'all thought I was Bull driving hey get it in see be lying lying okay come on Sparks hard oh Joe and you know I hit one early the morning oh come on in all in in all sincerity I'm extremely embarrassed um that a very very private intimate situation the audio can be heard and I'm extremely I'm extremely disappointed in myself uh two minute five minutes before I came on phone rings is Cat Cat Williams so I'm all I said yeah I said yeah bro what's up the first thing out of his mouth guess what he said Oho H you ain't gay today Hey listen I said man come on and this and this this is the funny thing about it now you remember all the people talking trash and saying whatever they had to say trying to assassinate your character that you might be this you might be this or whatever it may be so hell I mean I'm sitting back I'm thinking well here hey it was a goddamn Michelle it wasn't a Michael huh you hear me it wasn't a Michelle it was you know it wasn't a Michael it was a Michelle so you know and and you know I asist we we human uh we human now now something that that we all partake in we all partake in horizontal and vertical activity that's everybody that's everybody in the chat now I can attest to that now what we what we don't do unless you are a a if you're in that field of of of porn and only fans and at times this is why I always tell you unle you need to evolve with the times now you're not very good at technology I I don't do anything I good at technology so you at times would will you've done it to me like you you you know hit your phone and your butt di me by accident and don't even know you're doing it yeah you know so I I can I can understand where the mistake came in at you know so again I was I was I was upset but then I also remembered that you're not very good or you're not very technically Savvy with phones and computer equipment and all that stuff so I gave you a little Grace but I I was still a little upset I was a little hurt but the fact that it was a Michelle and not a Michael that's my dog it's never been it's never been a Michael I think the thing is oo for me is that you my thing is my and and I I immediately after it h happened and I'm driving yes sir and I'm thinking to myself I just remember everything my grandfather my grandmother said they said boy you you made you messed it up I clean it up yes sir and so what I really hate is when people have to answer questions for Shannon sharp ever since I've been able to talk I've been able to answer questions my family my friends you are gonna have to you gotta ask man what was UN doing why did he do that what happened oo where was he right my sister my mom my brother my kids people that shouldn't have to answer for Shannon Shannon's grown yeah Shannon 56 yeah still get it in y'all see but anyway that's I'm just saying I'm just say just I'm just saying is what it is listen Hey listen you you hey you you you talk about you was here when you was well sh ain't nothing wrong with you boy you talk about your hips ain't nothing wrong with your hips I told you ain't no hey a a a ain't nothing slow about but his walk I can't move like I once could yes sir but the hips good the hip the hip solid they the doctor told me their last 50 years they said them hips are still be good when you gone yes sir but uh I I just it it was it's tough obviously being in a situation like that because that's something that I've never been in I never in my wildest dreams we going we going to leave that right there we get the gist of what happened I mean fortunately for him like ultro single I mentioned it wasn't Michelle you know what I'm saying but the question is still on the table for you guys to answer because we know how Hollywood works we understand how this happens when you know people are getting a lot of Fame you know he's interviewed a lot of big names like Cat Williams and a whole lot of other people that are you know up there when it comes to like the aess celebrity type of vibe and and that it it's just this year that he started doing that this year that he's he's gained all that Fame and same thing with like cardi B I remember in 2020 she had just leaked herself on on Instagram story and that was like when her B her first like uh not first but like really big single had dropped with a mega stallion the [ __ ] and then we also have like sexy red that recently I think it was either this year or last year but as she's getting all this Fame you know that tape had dropped and you know it's claimed to be a humiliation ritual so what do y'all think is the case for this was it just an accident or was it that ritual just you know to expand himself and get more Fame more money in the whole nine yards what do yall think comment that down below smash the like button subscribe turn on post notifications I'm going catch you guys in the next one the same we going to catch me in the next one peace love you

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