Published: Sep 02, 2024 Duration: 00:14:10 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: will smith
bro I'm not gonna lie at all I'm G keep it a straight buck with y'all I'm baffled I'm Bamboozled I've always heard that Will Smith does some questionable things I've heard Jaguar Wright talk about Will Smith and the way he swings bars this video right here is the one that just puts the cherry on top this is the confirmation for every single gay allegation that Will Smith has had every single one of them am I the only one that saw this watch will titty grab grabs his ass is molting you know what I'm saying like the butt grab on television titty grab again then the face and now he's going to grab his titty again then the dick me too me too what you now hold up hold up why are they laughing so hard about this like it's funny you just watch this man this grown man Carlton get his nipple grabbed twice by a grown man what is going on here when I told you I'm baffled I truly meant it I'm not joking I'm dead serious the way Will Smith grabbed it with his five fingers bro five look at Will Smith checking this man out I feel bad for Carlton but he's laughing it off like he enjoying it bro all right let's look at the let's look at the reaction of her of his daughter though let's ass will is molesting Carlton on television titty grab again face and now he's going to grab his titty again she's like she's like my dad is entering his gay mode again let me just turn away let me turn the Blind Eye cuz I already know what Will Smith I already know what he' be doing but doing it right in front of my face on YouTube originals dad you're doing too much now you're doing too much let me disappointed her to the fullest extent bro imagine making your daughter so uncomfortable she has to turn she has to look at you in disappointment turn around round and walk away that's that's really unfortunate that's really unfortunate we no longer need a question as to why jayen Smith is over here coming up behind Justin Bieber banging him from the back bro banging him from the back why is he doing all of that no longer need to question it cuz we see how his dad behaves we see how his dad bro someone needs to put Will Smith in check where is Will Smith's father yo got to teach him something I love Justin Bieber that's just a fact bro I wait hold I can't even hear anything I need to switch this I need to switch headphones over I got my headphone back working but we just literally witness Will Smith completely devastate his own daughter to the point where she had to walk away from the entire situation then we see how this same exact misbehavior by Will Smith has influenced Jaden Smith to start coming up from the back of his friends and start grinding on him like that [ __ ] is normal whatever like that but it is what it is now we going to hand it over to Jaguar right and it seems as if she's going to start exposing Hollywood and how Gabrielle and Dwayne and Will Smith and Jada and August Alena it sounds like a very sticky messy situation but let's hear what she has to say about it smash like button subscribe if you haven't already let's get into so if you a woman and you get married to a man who likes he's been liking when he don't get his you know he starts acting a little strange he likes what you know what I'm saying he gotta hang out with the fellas it's too much girly going on around here I need to be around some [Music] men so speaking of fear um I got to get your take on um August Alena what a goes on you know podcast with Nick Canon and a few others and he admits after of course coming out with his you know situationship or entanglement with Jada pinket he admits that he now is God has God has shown him the love of a man and he so J him up and no more that's the last woman he on the books having sex with that old his son his friend's Mama damn I forgot about that what the is going on with these out calab Bastas in California some weird so now AUST alcena after the red table be don't want no more old Beckham get with Kim Kardashian she's supposed to be Justin Bieber suck his now he don't want Kim no more what's going on what is going on I mean what's in there he know the love of a man that's what he know that's what he know now that's what he know Canon was looking at him crazy when he was telling the story what had no no no rebuttal like oh wait we need to watch me what's he GNA say we got to watch that yo comment down below if y'all want to watch that video all gu I was seeing and talking about he he like the love of a man now bro long as they keep letting him make these babies for them spare parts he fine he going to mind his business he got a new liver coming in no time yeah that's that's August is his business but it does go back to like you said Jada is his last on record piece of yeah woman and then now look look Dwayne way was married to Gabrielle Union everybody thought he was so oh look at the beautiful is it beautiful how's that marriage doing alone on her birthday just like JLo damn you want to know what's funny nobody's taking into consideration that all of these women willingly chose to get involved with men that they knew were gay yeah yeah it's fact see that's the thing they all knew they was gay already so sitting around acting surprised that your man still wants the same kind of Loving You you know I mean you can't provide it yeah I I don't get it why would he stop W di hey yo he before you am I wrong yo I'm just saying that's like your woman you get involved with your woman and you know she like getting here if you don't get your woman here she start acting crazy and she might end up cheating on you because she used to get here right cuz that's what she used to right that's what she used to you stop so if you a woman and you get married to a man who likes he's been liking and then when he don't get his you know he starts acting a little strange you know what I'm saying he got to hang out with the fellas it's too much girly going on around here I need to be around some men I need to feel masculine hold over like godamn it you got to love it when these man I can't be up under you all the time man but I need to be around my boys why he B over biting a pillow like cakes allegedly I can't really Dam not a pillow biter okay so um to segue a little bit um Jaguar stay going off with her toes out bro Jaguar put your dogs away oh d y don't y'all can't even see her toes right now she need to put her dogs away toes out all up on the couch chilling big chilling yo you can't tell me she not big chilling right now she be getting comfy on that couch laying out all the sauce about these celebrities ja be wilding out look at her n you got to love it to the other room I don't understand beards I just don't mean n don't start doing that and if you want to be married to a gay man then just say I'm married to a gay man Liv in your truth no my thing is is this why not if marrying a gay man is really what you want to do then just be honest about it say hey I'm and I love it I don't know what that is and I love my women who enjoy being around oh oh oh oh my best friend fairies yeah yeah funny thing is is a lot of these ain't really straight either a lot of them is just as gay as a men I tell you one thing now a lesbian woman in a gay man and making a baby is a whole lot cheaper and easier than adoption lesbian woman and a gay man man yeah neither one of them want to be with each other but they do want to be able to make a baby now if you got to do the you know the adoption thing you got to go through all the screening you got to go through this you got to go through that I if you got to go through surrogate you can't guarantee that you get in the nut juice that you bought they could get you old slipper rooo you could be thinking you getting gregl ganus and really what you getting is Bookman you know what I mean I'm saying like it's still a chance they don't have to really tell you what kind of baby bad you getting yeah yeah and they could easily say it was a slip up yeah and we know you pay for a Donis but listen to me Bookman will never lose no keys and he will always fix your heater you know what I mean like that's how they do at the sperm bank so if you don't want to take those kind of chances guess what your gay male friend he's got that juice and then the next thing you know you know hey and then Here Comes this kid and then the next thing you know the father starts feeling fatherly and then the mothers decide they don't want him around and then the next thing you know the kid is up for auction he sit there who do you want to live with my gay daddy I mean my gay Mommy I mean damn yeah [ __ ] there there are whole cases out there from two homosexual people male and female who have gotten involved with each other to try to trick the family experience into working it out and then everybody you know the started acting like a and the lesbians started acting like mad angry and then everybody hated each other and then the kid starts writing about why children shouldn't have parents you know what I mean like this is I say all this to say got a lot of [ __ ] pushing this J this gay agenda but why because if we're going to push the gay narrative cuz what we're doing is is we're putting a bunch of gay men out there and and and telling little girls this is the guy this is Prince Charming this is the dream but he don't like you see they don't tell you that part yeah see they don't tell you that part they say this is the guy this is the guy and then you go and you chase after that guy and oh well he's just acting a little weird oh he's just acting a little standoffish well you know girls are coming on to him all the time he just wants to make sure I really love him before he spends real time with me no likes damn why he telling you that though why is it such a secret because they're trying to trick black people into not wanting to make babies [Music] anymore hey it could be some sort of population control because I know I've heard a lot of Elites talk about that when it comes to what's what's the dude's name Bill the owner of Microsoft damn I freaking I freaking forgot his name oh Bill Gates politicians like Camala talking about reducing population and a lot of other people talking about just reducing population through different vaccines earlier deaths Planned Parenthood and also just having people not reproduce as often now we all know that the same sex can't reproduce and if you make a commitment to the same sex there's a lot of like she said there's a lot of other things that you need to do to actually be able to have a child but hey comment below your thoughts down below all I got to say is is that I'm completely Bamboozled by the behavior of Will Smith like we already KN we already knew it we've already heard it multiple times from JAG and just different things that I've seen of Will Smith online but that one that he was doing to Carlton absolutely violating every single part of his body that's the one I got it that's it there's no more questioning about it share this video share this to the your share this to someone that you know as a Will Smith fan get him tight get him ass have them change their mind about Will Smith because hey it is what it is bro it is what it is I hope you guys did enjoy smash like button subscribe turn on post notifications I'm going catch you guys in the next one peace love you

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