Wordle, Connections, Mini Crossword & Strands - August 18

Wordle what's up word nerds my name is Kenny hope you're all feeling good today it is Sunday August 18th in this video I'll be playing word connections the mini cross word and strands let's go ahead and get started here with Wordle I've not yet selected a random word so let's go ahead and do that right now it's not going to be on camera but let's see what I get going to a random word selector snort snort is the word today yesterday's answer was storm I believe this would have been a fantastic guess for that I got it in four um and I used sport as my third guess so I got it in four after that that was pretty good so snort kind of reminds me of yesterday let's see uh what we get here with there's an n in this word h what about begin yeah we can do this let's do begin it is not correct and the end is not there okay H I thought begin would be a good one I thought that would get something but the end doesn't go there um let's see this is going to be a tricky one I feel like so we have an A and A U for vowels we can we can't start a n because um the N doesn't go second but we could go a second and third uh not sure what to do though I'm this this is not obvious to me Panda let's go with panda test out two A's we don't have an A yet but we're down to only two vowels the a the U there also this could end in y actually wait a minute maybe instead of using two A's let's go as something like candy I think we've already had candy as an answer though but I don't really care because I just need letters at this point okay no I'm glad I switched it up I'm glad I switched up to something that doesn't use 2 A's in it um we got that y there so I knew C well I'm not 100% positive that we've had candy already but I feel like we have so um hey n something y a n 2 NS the only thing with two NS that I see is Fanny I don't know if they would have that as an answer uh a n k y um lanky let's try lanky I think that could be an answer yeah okay it is the answer all right so there we go uh we got lanky in four today glad I realized that we could put in something like candy there cuz I wasn't really sure at first uh so four is nice today let me know in the comments how you guys did uh and that wraps it up for wle let's go ahead and uh move on we got connections coming up next everybody's favorite game so let's go ahead and uh let's go over there to connections also I am curious connections is probably my favorite one to do um I am curious though like what is your guys's favorite game to solve of the day for me I look forward to connections I know some of you guys maybe just play Wordle um crosswords are always fun but uh yeah let me know all right here we go Connections connections Sunday August 18th let's get started see what words we have today we have nerd Grump snooze what if say do okay I see like Whopper and kiss and I'm immediately thinking of candies nerds are also candies I think runts are candies I've never had runts I'm not sure exactly what those are though let's put that in I think that's right there we go candy pieces that was the blue category all right oh dope Grump sleep I think snooze aren't these like the dwarfs minus the Y is there snooze actually a snoozy one actually I don't know grumpy Dopey sleepy no it wouldn't be snoozy cuz he got sleep uh no the just three I don't know why I thought snoozy was one that was kind of I I honestly don't remember the Seven Dwarves okay yeah Dopey grumpy and sleepy are dwarves right I think so um you have an alarm you have a snooze button on the alarm time set okay that's got to be a feature and sleep but there's also hour okay alarm an alarm clock that is the thing so I feel like that's not going to be one of the words I feel like hour is going to go on here cuz these are all features or buttons on an alarm clock so I'm going to put this in no it's not maybe it's not sleep maybe it's alarm okay maybe there's just an alarm button on an alarm clock I don't know why I just thought that a lot of these time excuse me I don't know why I just thought that because alarm clock is the category they wouldn't put the alarm word in the as one of the words I guess I don't know they do that with crosswords where for the official crosswords they don't include like you don't use the word that is an answer in the clue right so that's why I just thought maybe that was what they were doing here okay so suppose perhaps say and then what if Here's a thought right perhaps say suppose yeah okay there we go here's a thought okay is there a dwarf that I'm forgetting about that's do doc yeah had doc oh my gosh I had Grump sleep grumpy sleepy and Dopey and uh I was like those are clearly dwarves um but no it's just it's not minus like a y at the end it's just it's one of the Seven Dwarves minus the last letter all right there we go I did not realize that's exactly what they were doing there I thought it was just minus a y but okay so okay yeah I saw that earlier for some reason I I thought snoozy was one the snoozy is not a dwarf okay um yeah that was a that was a good one today um I think all of these categories were getable I mean I guess sleep kind of uh went with like the alarm clock stuff um I don't know if there's anything else that could maybe confuse people on here but no other than that it was a fairly straightforward one today so if you knew the things I mean I can understand maybe people aren't too familiar with the candy but I don't know um okay well with that being said guys there's my solve let me know in the comments that you guys did uh we'll go ahead and move on to the mini crossword let me just open that Mini Crossword up and here we go mini crossword Sunday August 18th let's get started see if I can solve it so obviously yesterday I had no video up uh unfortunately um it's going to happen every once in a while I try to do it every single day I try to make sure I upload every day but yesterday I couldn't um one of the things um when I solved the mini yesterday um I did very very poorly like very poorly so uh I'm just going to let you guys know I did not do good there oh and another thing I'm not saying that that's what the clue is oh and another thing um also maybe that fits we we'll put it in I don't know if that's right though there could easily be something else there part of the plane that's last to get off I honestly don't know I I I don't know anything about um flying in an airplane I've never flown in an airplane before part of the plane that's last to get off the back I don't know I'm assuming maybe it's just the back the rear which one makes the most sense I guess either one I don't really know I'm going to have to get the down Clues first I don't even know if that's right but I'm assuming that's what they're going for there fruit with orange flesh and a large pit uh what's orange with a large pit I'm actually not up on my fruits I don't I don't know a lot of about fruits for me when I eat fruits it's either either you know like berries like blueberries or like strawberries or um you know like bananas I actually love oranges but I just don't get oranges that often I don't know why um actually now that I'm thinking about that now I want oranges now I want to go to the store and get some oranges maybe I will next time um anyway uh orange flesh large pit I don't know are these peaches I don't even know I don't ever get peaches uh do peaches are they Orange um I'm going to skip it or is it like a melon I don't know do melon I don't know not like a watermelon but like other melons I don't know celebrity a star have a relaxed get together a relaxed get together I don't know where the funny bone is found your arm what a dog may be let off at a part A Leash okay so this is probably going to be rear okay so I said back at first leash is leash with an e no it's got to be an a right oh a mango okay is this Santa yeah Oran instrument with pipes and then o r h an uh what was n across hang and org right in association okay there we go that you know just doing the Downs like I should have just done the downs I could have got all the Downs without anything no hints arm yeah if I just went straight for the downs I would have got this in like 20 seconds arm leash Santa organ org yeah maybe or I would have had to look at the across ones to get it but no I could have easily got that one without any without any trouble but all right there we go there is my solve for today for the mini we got one final game remaining we will go ahead and jump on over there to strands let's go ahead and uh let's go go ahead and see what we got um here we go make sure I'm on the Strands right scene strands Sunday August 18th so let's get started see what we got today what do you make of this oh yeah yesterday um yesterday was an interesting strand wasn't it it was I don't even know how to say the name but the the the uh the Spang gram was the Hungary caterpillar right that book um and the author was like Carl or something I don't know how to pronounce it c a r l e I'm I don't know if that's Carl but I didn't know the author's name I had no idea what they were talking about I just found a bunch of fruits and then once I got to the end the last thing I got was hungry caterpillar so in case you guys are wondering how I did yesterday it was a very interesting uh puzzle and I never would have got it I just got lucky and found the word so what do you make of this uh that's kind of a oh wait I see alpaca is that one no it's not one but alpaca's on here I found a really interesting word here today um we got late I don't think I'm GNA understand don't think I'm going to understand this uh this theme Here what do you make of this I might have to use hints um because I don't get it Carol what do you make of this like what's like what am I supposed to what am I supposed to make of this like what what am I supposed to make of the theme here like what word what do you make of this I mean make either it's this is a common phrase or this phrase has a meaning or a reference to something that I'm supposed to pick up on which I'm not or they're just like uh like make make is make like a special word here that I'm supposed to focus on and that's supposed to uh make like create yeah I doubt it no um this phrase what do you make of this what is that referring to like what do you make of this like does that mean like what is your opinion are we looking for like opinion um what do you make of this what's your interpretation interpretation um I'm trying to figure out exactly what the phrase means um okay yeah I don't know what they're going for here do not I do not get it okay I'm going to have a lot of words for hints so I'm probably [Music] GNA why do I see the word charcoal here almost I do that's got to be a word right it is huh okay well I'm very kind of happy and sort of proud of myself for just spotting the word charcoal there um what do you make of this charcoal uh raw materials is there the word like materials on here like would you even call it materials like what is a better word for that like thing okay so like things you make stuff out of things you use to make stuff yeah yeah yeah I think that's what they're going for here um but what is a good word for that oh my stomach I'm hungry um okay so let's just look for other things that are similar to Charcoal I guess so now that I have an idea I think of what this is about um okay I know this isn't one of the words but I'm going to put it anyway because it's a long word kind of Captain I saw the word Captain it's always cool to find words that are not what they're intending to go for here not the answers but are like longer than like six or seven letters um canvas okay okay um haven't used a hint yet so oh a brush oh okay these all have to do with um like art like um like drawing maybe or painting I guess painting paint oh okay just paint okay um like supplies or [Music] like okay um what's the word okay I'm I don't there's four words left down here I don't see like you have class but wait are we referring to like a school like class like an art class or something yeah yeah art class yeah okay okay what is this word there's three words left so there could so it's going to be two and one um so is this one word or is this two words here this has to be one word because um I don't see it yet but because there's seven letters so they don't do threel words so this has to be one word so I don't see it um pallet how do you spell that there we go okay and then there's two words left so there's two words here a five and a four-letter word mold and then easel maybe there we go all right once I got it I got it I did not understand what charcoal was at first I was like I have no idea what this is uh okay but yeah once I saw canvas this was hard for me to see the words at the beginning but uh I didn't have to use any hints today so I'm kind of happy about that I really enjoy getting them without hints I know for you guys it just you know it might make the video longer you know it's going to it might take me a long time to do it but I I really do in all these games I do prefer like not getting any hints and uh trying to get them as uh quickly as possible so um well uh there is my solve for today for this game there's my solves for all the games uh thank you so much for watching this video I'll be back tomorrow leave a comment let me know what you thought let me know how you guys did on the games uh anything you liked in particular or didn't like um and then uh yeah leave a like on the video and leave a comment and I will see you guys tomorrow uh so have a great rest of your day see you guys then take care [Music] n [Music]

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