ANF+ News and Weather: Busy weekend ahead in Atlanta

good evening everyone and welcome to ANF plus the First Alert desk on this Friday night hope you all are having a wonderful end of the week it is good to be with you my name is Blair Miller evening anchor here at news first and um man what a week it's been and uh ending the week uh it is a busy weekend for Atlanta so we've been focusing on all the events that are happening the taking place starting really yesterday and we'll go through the weekend um I know some of youve been dealing with some storms here tonight we'll hear from Cut Martin here a little bit later I want show you the radar and what we're tracking out there tonight kind of what's left of what's been out there some of these storms been popping up uh since about 4 or 5 o'clock this afternoon something we're following during our newscast earlier today our team of meteorologist were basically tracking these storms throughout the area we saw some of this last night there was some damage uh that we saw in our area in fact a church caught on fire last night because of a lightning strike so we had a reporter out there earlier today checking all that out but you can see some of the storms that are moving through again we'll hear from cutter here shortly and he will uh break us down break down what's happening what you can expect here tonight but also for this weekend it's been a nice relief I think from the heat that we had uh last few days um but as we get here started tonight as I said a number of major Stories We are following here all week long and as we get to the weekend now we are here and here's Tracy Hutchins with a look at uh what's making news here tonight the Georgia Bulldogs clash with the Clemson Tigers kicking off the college football season end up a busy weekend in downtown Atlanta an emergency at the Fulton County Jail the Sheriff's Office facing a budget crisis and a shortage of security officers the USPS Inspector General says plant design Staffing challenges and communication breakdowns at the Palmetto mail processing facility are all to blame for mail delays across Metro Atlanta a murder conviction reinstated for Adnan Sayed just 2 years after the man at the center of the ser True Crime podcast was released from prison what do we want Justice a guette County family outraged after a judge granted Bond De Jesus Monroy he's the man accused of killing their 16-year-old daughter city leaders explore the path not taken Atlanta bikers ride the route in Grand Park ahead of the next Atlanta Streets Alive loud and proud events across the city celebrate All Things pop culture at Dragon Con or pop into a black prject weekend party in downtown [Music] Atlanta and that is some of what's making news here tonight and some of the top stories We are following back here in our Newsroom as we get ready for our 10 to 11 o'clock newscast tonight but uh we talk a little about what's happening this weekend that one of the big stories is um it is a busy weekend for downtown Atlanta if you're planning to be in the downtown area you certainly want to be aware of that we have football fans here for the Georgia Clemson game that will take place tomorrow that's a noon kickoff we also have Dragon Con here and if you are not familiar with that is it is amazing major event they're expecting about 72,000 people who are down here and they are just enthusiasts about everything that has to do with pop culture and um Comics movies Etc whatever it kind of fits through all that but one of my point is there's a big parade there for that tomorrow and there'll be certainly a lot of people in the city of Atlanta you want to be aware of that and R Yasmin Alon has been talking with people about what to expect and what you should expect and here's a little bit of what she found I'm Yasmin Alon in downtown Atlanta where there already a lot of people in the area as Labor Day weekend kicks off with several events Dragon Con is started attracting thousands and then a mile from where we are right now even more people are going to be at Mercedes-Benz Stadium for the Georgia Clemson game so you'll see people getting ready to tailgate in that area it's also Atlanta Black Pride weekend with the festival parties and more and with those things happening it obviously means only good news for tourism in the city we stopped at Centennial Olympic Park where they just finished updating their visit center right in time for weekends like this and that from y me all a taste of what to expect you're going to be in the downtown area keep in mind that parade that's happening it starts around 10 o'clock tomorrow game time for the Georgia Clemson game is a noon start so certainly a lot to be aware of if you're planning to go to either one or if you're just hoping to get lunch downtown tomorrow tomorrow may not be the day to do that uh finally one other big story we've been following here today and this is something we were updating last night as it was unfolding uh with at the Fulton County Jail and there's really more turmoil surrounding this and this had to do with the security that was at the jail last night how the sheriff responded and then what's been unfolding today the reaction from County Commission um and a number of local agencies concerned about the security there at the Fon County jail after you know some of the management is being called into question over that and our Patrick Quinn has been out there today talking with the sheriff and talking with others about um what is at stake how secure is the county jail and here here what he found I'm Patrick qu outside the fton county jail and just about 24 hours ago roughly 80 security officers walked off the job here at the Fulton County Jail the contractor said they just were not being paid this is not the first time that the Fulton County Sheriff has failed to pay a contractor tied to their work here at the jail back in May a company sued the Fulton County Sheriff for not being paid and now County leaders they're questioning the sheriff's ability to manage the funds overseeing the conditions in inside the Fulton County Jail we did reach out to Fon County Sheriff Pat laot on this ongoing issue with a list of questions around his contracts we have not heard back yet that that update from Patrick Quinn who was covering this um last night and then into today now showing a live look outside and as we approach this long weekend some we have a three-day weekend I know my kids are out until Thursday of next week so they have a long break um but it is a big weekend for a lot of people who were really trying to soak up the last bit of Summer and we've seen some of the storms comeing there but pretty picture now I want to bring in Cutter Martin with the latest forecast because we've had these storms yesterday today a bit it seems like cutter most of it is starting to die down right yeah we're losing the heat of the day uh we need the heat that energy to uh get storms going and and for them to to persist and now that we're starting to cool seeing the sun set we're going to see thankfully some drier conditions this evening and overnight tonight and that will be the trend on through the holiday weekend daytime showers and thunderstorms you get to evening time and and we see that risk of rain showers and thunderstorms diminish so that is kind of the name of the game what we're going to be tracking here for the next not just the next couple of hours but once again tomorrow afternoon into tomorrow evening quite a bit going on overall you can see First Alert radar right there we're going to uh take you in depth here in just a moment show you where it's raining now where it is forecast to uh uh terrain for the next maybe hour hour and a half or so and then we'll really wind down that rain chance also we're going to be chatting about the entirety of the weekend walking you deeper into the weekend forecast here and in just a moment so again outside right now we're starting to see showers and thunderstorms wind down just a bit hopefully you did get some rain uh we kind of need it at this point and and some did uh manage quite a bit of rain today an inch two Ines some of us uh up around two inches of rainfall and that fell in a relatively short amount of time so not all bad news we needed the rain it was a hot work week in fact we tied our record high temperature yesterday and and we haven't had you know widespread significant rain in quite some time so not all uh bad news let's go ahead and zoom down into uh to radar though and again I'm First Alert meteorologist cutter Martin uh if you have any other questions comments concerns you can reach out on YouTube Atlanta news first is the account that we are streaming on right now one of a couple platforms that we can chat on if you have other questions comments concerns or maybe you got some some Storm video today some pictures we had trees reportedly uh down and we've seen photos so they did fall down confirmed there in Cherokee County also portions of White County and and even some gustier winds last night into the we hours of this morning in Northern Fon County Eastern cop County so if you have any photos videos you can text us in fact 470 777 WF again popping that up right now 470 777 WF that is 92 uh 63 and if you have any other questions comments concerns you can also text those in in fact while we're while we're kind of sliding through the forecast uh doesn't look like we have any new questions comments coming in but I do encourage you if you have any to to give me a holler on YouTube or you can text the number that we uh just gave you and I'll check back in every so often see if we do have any new comments coming in so as mentioned today is a First Alert weather day showers and thunderstorms though are starting to diminish so Improvement in the forecast so we're not completely uh dry right now still tracking a little bit of rain on the West Side uh into the harelson County area briman north of Carolton downpour earlier over villaa down to about the north side of Carolton Heavy Rain with that earlier lots of thunder and lightning uh the remnants of those downpours have kind of kicked out a cool breeze which has helped fire off new showers and thunderstorms across portions of curn County even Northern and and Far Western Randolph counties in Alabama go Ahad and put a tracker on this these storms actually moving in more of a northwesterly direction away from uh the Metro Atlanta area and actually about to be out of the Atlanta news first viewing area here momentarily into Jacksonville Alabama by 7:31 keep in mind that is uh Central Time Alexandria Alabama by 736 cob City by 758 Central Time in those areas and moving out of uh the Atlanta news first viewing area so if you have evening plans you know we tracking a few sprinkles some spotty very light rain for the immediate Metro you can be alerted to any rain approaching your plans uh or or maybe rumbles of thunder lightning you can be alerted to that perhaps even before you hear that first Rumble in The Distance by downloading the First Alert weather app obviously rain's coming to an end this evening over the next couple of hours gradually rep peeling back that First Alert weather day uh however still a good tool to have especially as we go through the weekend because this will be a wash rinse and repeat kind of pattern across North Georgia and Metro Atlanta for the next uh the next uh 72 96 hours we're talking about through the duration of the long holiday weekend so we're dropping the First Alert weather day rain chance down to 30% 9 p.m. taking it out of the forecast 9:30 10 10:30 uh with improving weather overnight tonight and we're going to wake up to dry conditions tomorrow morning but warmer than average again we spent a few days cooler than average and then we were much hotter than average tying that record high temperature yesterday at 98 today we managed in to warm into the little to mid 90s and many spots in tomorrow morning also back AB above average temperature your average low for Atlanta is 70 we're going 70 5 tomorrow the cooler outside of I 285 upper 60s and Carolton 69 lra 70 and Thomason mid uper 60s LJ Helen Canton uh down to the far north Metro so nice morning to get outside but it will be a little warm a little muggy and then of course warmest or mildest inside I 285 uh tomorrow morning across the core of the city of Atlanta so coffee walk tomorrow we're waking up to Upper 60s and 7s humid out the door in the morning if going to the Dragon Con parade tomorrow make sure you're wearing the sunscreen find some shade lots of sun to begin the day maybe some patchy fog early in the morning mainly before 9:00 a.m. some pachelo clouds as well really just in areas that saw some heavy rain today and then we're going to see actual cloud cover you know those growing puffy clouds start to pop back up as we get into midm morning as we heat up uh temperatures back in the upper 80s as the parade concludes and the actual you know convention and all the activities really uh get underway and then get into full swing as we get into the afternoon with high temperatures again peaking in the low to mid 90s isolated to widely scattered showers and thunderstorms will be popping up and and here is that kind of hour by- hour timeline we'll bring you back to 7:00 tomorrow morning notice how we're pretty quiet maybe an isolated shower Klay County North Carolina White County lumpin County Towns County Union County Fannon County these areas this forecast model has said maybe you know an isolated shower or two well north of metro Atlanta the rest of us waking up to a mix of sun and some clouds maybe some pchy dense fog early on in the morning clouds will bubble up as we get into the afternoon and notice between 1: and 400 p.m. showers and thunderstorms will start popping up just like today favored areas north Metro on up into the mountains but also like today a couple of these by late day could work their way back in a little bit closer uh into the metro and into the city of of Atlanta with that rain chance you know isolated hit or miss not a planed cancel but that rain chance lingering into early evening I think through about your dinner plans or so tomorrow maybe just after that high temperatures tomorrow 93 in Atlanta 94 Eon lower 90s in Athens lrange the same rone the same not a big you know fluctuation or range should say in temperatures tomorrow cool spot cool and mid the mid uper 80s LJ Helen fayon County blue Rich included there Raven County Clayton if you're headed up to Lake Burton Lake Raven sunning up there temperatures mid uper 80s humidity Just a Touch lower but again there will be isolated showers and thunderstorms in the forecast um isolated to scattered I think Mountain communities if you're spending the holiday weekend up there having a slightly greater chance of some rain thunder and lightning one or two storms like today could get a little Gusty maybe some hail as well we did have some tree damage earlier today in Cherokee County also up in White County again speaking of mountain counties and and even uh last night and early this morning some trees fell down with isolated very spotty stuff here but isolated strong severe storms last night in portions of East cob into Northern Fon County grilling tomorrow and this will basically be the grilling forecast for Sunday and Monday as well temperatures hottest before 600 p.m. so if you're Grill Master get ready it is going to be a toasty on the grill with it being hot and humid tomorrow once again uh we may not you know be approaching records tomorrow but still going to be hotter than average by 3 4 five degrees tomorrow afternoon and it could feel a few degrees hotter than that even uh with the moisture in the air factored in your first alert 7-day forecast more the same Sunday Labor Day Monday slight boost in that chance of rain I don't think it's going to be a wash out but we'll be watching the setup Monday and if the forecast does indeed Trend wetter and it looks like your plans are going to be more impacted we'll throw on that first alert weather day give you the extra heads up the First Alert that hey little extra rain than normal for a normal you know Labor Day Afternoon is in the forecast but right now looks like a fairly typical summer pattern Hit or Miss isolated to scattered relatively brief uh so hopefully you get the plans in just fine that then returning cooler back to drier weather as we get into the middle of the work week high temperatures struggling to get out of the 70s in some areas and I in fact I think some of us will stay in the 70s especially far north Metro higher elevations Mountain communities as we get into Wednesday and Thursday afternoons uh to want to also talk Tropics with you we have quite a few areas that we are watching across the Atlantic Basin right now you can see three in particular are highlighted uh the wave fur this to the east has a 20% chance of tropical development in the Far East Atlantic you can see thunderstorms uh just to the south and west of the Cabo ver Islands uh that tropical wave or Axis or cluster whatever you want to call it of showers and thunderstorms is moving West Northwest and a more pronounced tropical wave and one that is currently more likely to develop and you may have already heard some Buzz about this on social media uh 40% chance a medium chance subtropical development of course as confidence increases if it continues to look like these waves will develop you can surely expect these chances of tropical formation to increase and keep in mind these are not tracks necessarily just that anywhere Within These shaded areas we could get a tropical system depression storm or otherwise classified within the next seven days and again a 40% chance medium chance at that will be the case for that Medium should say that middle tropical wave closer to home here some showers and thunderstorms a very small weak area of low pressure nonetheless uh an area of low pressure across Ross the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico been soaking portions of the upper Texas and Southern Louisiana coastlines a 20% chance of development this system is basically going to meander between Vermillion Bay and let's say you know San Antonio Bay or Corpus chrisy area and just offshore Meander back and forth uh for days uh hopefully the heaviest of the rain remains offshore uh but not only can we see some heavy rain spread Inland into these areas if you have travel plants weekend plants down on the Gulf Coast but also could technically see some slow organization of this system and it could there's a 20% chance this could become a tropical system no threat uh to Atlanta none of these currently of risk to Atlanta nor North Georgia but certainly worth attention especially that mical middle tropical wave uh that we were watching approaching the uh Caribbean here over the next few days and we'll be watching that really for the next 7 10 12 days no direct threat right now but it is worth attention as we continue to keep an eye on it uh going forward one remind you I'm in for First Alert meteorologist Patrick Pete tonight on the 10 to 10:30 half hour on pet Street TV at L CW affiliate then uh First Alert meteorologist Fred Campa back for that last half hour on pet Street TV and then he'll have uh the late news tonight 11 p.m. on Atlanta news first WF a full forecast said not anticipating too many changes in the forecast so some new data will be coming in by then uh Fred and I will walk you through that forecast walk you through the weekend and that chance of maybe a few more showers thunderstorms in the first floor forecast so so we'd love to have you tune in then a reminder you can always get the forecast maybe for out and about on this evening like so many are at Atlanta news also in the First Alert weather app just search Atlanta news first or First Alert weather in your app or Google Play Store and it's a quick and easy download in fact Fred's about to record an update we'll have it here in the phone here probably within the next 45 minutes or so live look outside on top of the Atlanta news first station roof looking back towards Midtown there in the uh in the distance still some clouds out there but we're drying out chance of rain gradually diminishing full forecast update starts once again just a little bit on Peach Street TV then Atlanta news first

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