FIRST ALERT | The latest on Hurricane Francine and the impacts to north Georgia

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:14:58 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: hurricane warning
good evening thank you for joining us uh on our nightly weather update hopefully you're having uh a decent Wednesday it is wind down Wednesday uh but there's a lot to talk about in the forecast uh all eyes right now on the tropics as we are monitoring hurricane Francine the latest on Hurricane Francine has those winds down to 85 mes hour so that's an update that has just come down the pipeline within the last two minutes uh keeping in mind that this storm made landfall with sustained winds of about a 100 miles per hour uh just a couple of um in Louisiana we were tracking some of those maximum reported wind gusts and we saw at least on Eugene Island that uh we picked up about 105 miles power wind gust we brought you some video footage of Morgan City Louisiana which uh the rain was coming down sideways as those winds were whipping around uh you can see that this system is still moving pretty swiftly to the Northeast at about 17 miles per hour and this is going to be something that we're watching over the course of the next couple of days because that's going to bring rain chances uh increased rain chances our way you can see that there's a lot of deep convection near the center of circulation heavy downpours uh moving through Southeastern Louisiana with lighter showers that are stretching far out uh to the East and I'll show you that some of that rain is already moving into portions of North Georgia I do want to make sure that I give you the latest on that updated track and we continue to expect this system to weaken as we head through the overnight hours and into the start of the day tomorrow uh becoming a tropical storm at some point tonight and then dissipating as it lives northward and even though it dissipates it's still going to be uh packing some rain it's going to have that deep tropical moisture with it so we're talking about rain opportunities that are going to be with us as we head through the next couple of days beginning tonight it's lighter showers out there right now you you can see for the most part we're dealing with lighter greens a little bit more steady rain to the south of Griffin uh south of Eaton but otherwise this rain for the most part is really light in nature and will be that way uh through the next few hours but here's what you can expect as we head through the next couple of days um on and off showers tomorrow with some Gusty winds I do believe that tomorrow will probably be the driest of the three First Alert weather days just cuz it looks like the rain is rather light and it comes in waves with a lot of dry time in between but it's going to be cloudy and it's going to be gloomy so don't expect for there to be you know gorgeousness in the middle of the day just heads up it isn't going to be too overwhelming out there tomorrow but because we are going to be dealing with this system it is a First Alert some showers some Gusty winds uh through the day tomorrow and then heavier downpours are going to be likely on Friday and we're going to be watching uh also Friday because there's going to be the potential for there to be some severe weather in the sense that some of these uh cells could start to rotate and this is something that is not atypical with landfalling uh tropical systems we get hurricanes uh that make landfall tropical storms that make landfall and as they move Inland we're watching that right side of the system that right front quadrant uh but in particularly the whole right side because typically that's where we get the the best chances of seeing there be a tornado Genesis so something that we're going to be watching uh some spin-ups not completely out of the question a Friday especially the second half of Friday into the evening that looks to be the time where that energy could be highest but some of this rain is going to stick around unfortunately into the start of your Saturday so unfortunately uh rain opportunities are going to be with us the next couple of days something that we are noticing right now is the temperatures are a little bit cooler that's not crazy to think about we got clouds we have an East Breeze that's roughly 10 to 15 miles per hour so that's helping keep those numbers a little bit cooler than they were yesterday most of us are somewhere in the low 70s uh but where the clouds have been a little bit thicker like down in Griffin and Thomason and down in the Grange temperatures have already fallen into the 60s in those areas so uh something uh that will continue to be our Trend through the evening all of us trending a little bit cooler the clouds sticking up and we're going to keep a 30% chance of some spotty showers through the night isolated showers once again pretty much light to I would say semi steady at times the further south you are heading into the day tomorrow we are watching for that chance uh for a rogue spin up and you can see it's uh very south uh uh very south and west of Atlanta but also uh including portions of Eastern Alabama that's where we have the best chance of getting some of these uh spin-ups here's how we get through the day you can see spotty showers very isolated in the morning uh once again these are going to be the outer rain bands so admittedly the models typically have a little bit of trouble with the placement but we do know that we're going to be on that side where we'll get this coming in in waves I mentioned that I expect there to be some dry time in between those rounds uh what has been pretty consist is that the potential for um the heavier downpours to start to build into the area looks greater late day so probably after Sunset it's where we can see some of the heavier downpours which means we be tracking that through the the overnight and into the start of the day on Friday the national weather service has already issued a wind advisory for our Northwestern most communities that's going to include folks that are in chatuga Floyd counties as well as BTO and Cherokee counties Gordon Gilmer and Fannon uh so something that we will uh be watching as the guidance is hinting that those winds could gust roughly 30 to 35 miles per hour for most of us but in those areas where that wind advisory is uh we could see those winds gust as high as 40 45 uh and that's going to be the greatest chance North andwest and extreme Northwest Georgia another day where we're dealing with clouds another day where we're dealing with showers not a big coincidence that we're talking about temperatures being a little bit cooler again low to mid-70s across most of the region for afternoon highs uh because of all of this and then that First Alert weather day extended into Friday as we're talking about more rain and I mentioned earlier that we thought that we could see some heavier rounds of rain heading into Friday and you can see that there are more yellows there are more Reds with this wave of energy as we head through Friday another day where it's not a complete wash out there's going to be some dry time uh but whenever the rain does move back in the rain could be moderate to heavy at times especially later in the day if you have plans Friday night it does appear that we're going to have some heavier downpours that will be in the vicinity at a during the evening hours I know a lot of kids you know the football games it's Friday night we're trying to get out into the streets yada y y have the bir alert weather app because we'll tell you where those showers are in relation to your location not to mention if any of these thunderstorms get a little bit more robust you'll find that information out as well this continues into the start of your Saturday so everybody that was getting up maybe going participate in a five or 10K train for a five or a 10K maybe you're just going to the farmers market it's looking a little damp to start the day I was talking to Joy Lim and if you guys follow her on social media you know she's all about her horses um she has a bunch of them and I was telling her listen the horses are going to want to take a chill pill uh this weekend because it's going to be a little bit muddy even whenever there's dry time embedded in between you're not going to really see a whole lot of sunshine so that it's going to stay damp it's going to be wet so just don't expect to be able to go and lay out a blanket at peont Park and have a picnic okay uh it's going to be real hit or miss with the rain and we're talking about one to two inches of widespread rain being possible through Saturday but I do think that there will be some areas where we get a little bit of training of some of these cells so we will get uh higher localized rainfall totals you know upwards of three inches in some spots so uh there is the lowend potential that we could run into some flooding but I think that for the most part this is going to be beneficial for us for a lot of reasons uh we have most of the state that's at least abnormally dry as far as our region uh I think it's extreme West Georgia where we do have some folks that are in a moderate drought not to mention y'all are all trying to wear your hoodies and sweat pants and and um you're ready for for hoodie season and what comes along with hoodie season is the changing of the leaves and in order for us to get really really fall pretty fall colors we need to get you know we need some rain right now so you know to propel that so uh welcome to rain for sure but of course with multiple rounds of it we could be watching some areas for a little bit of a runoff issue uh right now that risk is on the lower end but it's 90 so this is just things that we're going to be monitoring through the next couple of days 7-day forecast all of these rain opportunities all this cloud cover it's going to be cooler than normal we should be like 86 degrees right now this time of year we're going to be roughly 10 degrees cooler than that the next couple of days because of all of this and if you were trying to hold off to get out and about to do stuff on Sunday it looks like Sunday's going to be a little bit wet too uh rain chances linger into the Sunday that's why we told y'all to get out last weekend because last weekend was dope right um other than that we start to lower the rain chances as we had to work on Monday and we see breaks in the clouds and that'll allow temperatures to get back into the lower 80s not a terrible uh start to next week we just have to get through the next few days which are going to be cloudy and a little gloomy I'm gonna be honest with you I'm not mad about it y'all know that I'm from Louisiana so little Cloud little rain I'm good so uh but but of course stay weather aware as we head especially into tomorrow evening because we're going to be watching for some of that energy that is uh potentially going to be with us I wanted to zoom out a little bit I know that we haven't been able to get into this in our newscast because we've been kind of spending most of our time talking about Francine the updates to Francine and the local impacts but there's other stuff going on out there in the Atlantic Basin as well uh keeping in mind we are technically right smack dab at the peak of her season like right now is the peak uh and we are watching tropical depression 7 which has formed formed earlier uh it is moving to the Northwest at about 18 miles per hour winds are sustained at 35 so we'll watch it guidance is saying that there's some chance that we could get some intensification of that over the course of the next couple of days but there are three other areas of opportunity that we are monitoring in the Atlantic Basin uh right off of the coast of the Carolinas uh there is what is expected to to be an area of low pressure that will develop it isn't there yet but it is expected to develop over the course of the next day or so and some slow gradual development change to Tropical characteristics could happen because that low would not be a tropical low we're not going to nerd out and have that moment right now because you know tropical versus non-tropical lows is it's a it's it's a moment uh but we do have about a 30% chance that this could transition to a tropical low and become a depression over the course of the next week that's about a 30% chance what's going on Lesean Brinkley welcome to the Stream um for everyone that's joining us at home uh we're also streaming this on YouTube so I can read the comments and we can interact and have a little bit of a conversation all right here and I appreciate that um also two other tropical waves one of them is looking real sketchy the one that's approaching the leeward and wward Islands only has about a 10% chance of development but there is a load that's just to the east of that and that one's looking a little bit more organized there a little bit more storm activity act associated with it and there's about a 30% chance that that could be a depression over the course of the next next week so we're going to keep an eye on all of these things you know we have the whole Basin to watch we also have our local weather to watch um obviously I'm watching the hurricane in Louisiana very closely because you know it's my old stumping grounds that's home um but we'll keep you posted on the weather that's happening there but also what we're expecting here um once again if you didn't catch our 7 o'clock stream and you are on this app you can actually go to previous newscast and check out the 7 o'clock show um because there's some pretty good imagery from Morgan City uh we actually had a reporter that was live there uh showing you guys the the impacts that they're receiving there and it's at the beginning of the show so you don't even have to watch for just go to previous newscast 7 PM hit play you know watch the little 10-second commercial and then we'll take you straight into the Morgan City shot it's pretty pretty pretty intense but also we also showed you a view of lake pona train which is several miles away it's not even close uh but they were also getting um whiplashed with wind and you can see how choppy the waters were anyways I always say that I'm going to keep you for a good time not a long time it's 12 minutes and 32 seconds I think that I've taken up enough of your Wednesday if you came into the stream looking for a recommendation for wind down Wednesday it's it's it's cloudy it's dark it's Breezy so I'm G to go with a red zendel okay if you pull out some was it pink or white zendel if you pull that out I'm no it has to be a red zenel it will change your life nice little not of spice to it keeps you a little warm but not like you know you need to be in the winter time um trust the process try the wine have a fantastic Wednesday um urologist fa CA and myself will be diving through uh these model runs just like we had an update at 8 o'clock on fanine we'll have one at nine and one at 10 we'll break that down for you uh on Peach Tree TV at 10 and Fred's going to have a last look at 11 before before you go to sleep and also he's going to have the most updated hour by hour planner for tomorrow that comes in at around 10ish 10:15 uh he'll be breaking it down for you at 11: so you guys have a fantastic Wednesday show us some love and like subscribe follow all of that other stuff that the rest of the YouTubers say and we'll do this again tomorrow at 8 I'll throw this 7-day forecast up so that you guys can plan ahead and deal with the messiness of these rain chances the next couple of days um we do think that this is going to be pretty much like a low to moderate impact stretch of weather I think it could be moderate tomorrow evening it could be moderate Friday evening for everyone that has plans to get out and about but other than that we trend on the better side of this heading into next week peace out e

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