Tropical Storm Francine's local impact. First Alert Weather Days - Thursday & Friday

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:19:35 Category: News & Politics

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e e good evening everybody we're going to be starting this stream in just about 15 seconds wanted to give people a little bit of time to get on because we have a lot to talk about today I know that there's been a lot in the news uh unfortunately this is is just going to be a a weather only stream so uh we are going to dive into the latest on tropical storm Francine the latest on Francine so we'll dive into that uh some local impacts are in the works for us as well and that's something that we're going to dive into once again just going to give everybody about five to 10 more seconds to jump on and then we can dive into the nitty-gritty of the latest details I know that a lot of folks are wondering what's going on with this system and we can dive into that um in just a couple of seconds so I want to I'm also sharing this on my page so that some folks uh that are you know intimately impacted by this can e oh oops I've been muted so good evening I apologize everybody um thank you to my producer for letting me know that I thought I press unmute um so you guys saw the latest on the Storm I guess I should dial back just a second a wind sustained at 65 miles per hour it's intensified a little bit uh over the course of the day today and right now it's about 10 miles per hour shy of being a hurricane so a strong tropical storm and you can see that that cloud deck extends across uh not only the Western Gulf of Mexico but it's interacting with a boundary that's across Southern Georgia and Alabama so that's why you see cloud cover stretching all the way into Florida uh South Georgia South of valasta and all those other places let's get you uh with the latest track update but by doing that I want to take a look at a lot of different models because we don't just trust one model here we look at a lot of models and we also look at model Trends and something that has uh been trending for I'd say the last 12 hours or so a lot of the data has been shifting this system a little bit further Eastward and bringing it in a little bit faster bringing it in Faster obviously a good thing it has less time out over those warm Gulf Waters uh but also shifting it further east uh means that right now it does look like a Louisiana landfall is likely and I know there's a lot of people that are joining us on YouTube uh and probably just watching our streaming Channel right now that are in places like Lake Charles places uh like Southwest Louisiana that have been impacted by uh several strong hurricanes over the course of the last few years I can think of Laura I can think of Delta and Zeta um just to think of a few and I know that those folks a lot of them are still rebuilding and I can say that because I'm from that part of uh the country I'm from Southwest Louisiana so I know a lot of my friends family fraternity Brothers all that stuff uh they're just getting back into their homes and stuff like that after some of these storms so it does appear that the guidance is Shifting is still a little bit further east uh still going to get some impacts I want to talk about what happens beyond that it'll live further north and we're going to be dealing with some of those impacts closer uh to Georgia So eventually that is going to impact our forecast at home here is the latest National Hurricane centers um best track and something to take away from this uh which is something that we try to explain every time we're in hurricane season and we're dealing with these systems uh this cone of uncertainty means that the center of circulation can go anywhere within that cone I know that kind of a lot of the a lot of viewers a lot of people that aren't meteorologists whenever they see this even some of our producers here in The Newsroom when you see this cone you think that the forecast is for it to pass in the center and and it's technically not that center line is just there to kind of give you a guide uh but that Center of circulation can go either way any side of that cone so right now we say this to say that we think that a Louisiana hurricane um Cat 2 landfall is likely sometime uh either late late uh Tuesday night I'm talking about after 12:00 a.m. early morning or by the afternoon it's just going to really depend on that forward speed uh but a cat to Hurricane is likely as it moves Inland it will eventually weaken and lift further towards the North I want to show you guys one of my favorite models to look at for uh tropical systems and this is going to be the Euro model for a lot of people that are weather Fanatics um what's happening here is that we can see that these isobars tighten and that's why we think that this system is going to undergo at least some sort of intensification that's going to be rapid um we're going to see those winds kick up pretty quickly as it's moving over what is actually a very warm plume of water which is part of the equation but that warm layer is also very deep right so you have sea surface temp that are warm at the top but it goes down far into uh the gulf right so essentially that's just the source of of energy for these storms and whenever these storms kind of pass through they typically churn up the waters right but if you're churning up the waters and what's coming from below is still very warm you're not going to get that cooling like you would get from like an upwelling situation or sometimes whenever those storms are further out in the Atlantic and that they don't move fast uh sometimes the the forecast can be uh shifted because cooler Waters is coming coming up from the bottom we're not expecting that to be a scenario here so there's going to be a lot of energy that this system will be able to tap into and that's why the forecast is for it to intensify into a hurricane and get at least a cat two status that's something we're watching we're going to continue to look at the data I will say uh from model runs earlier today to the secondary ones that came in this afternoon and the ones that are still coming in right now it does appear that each time we've gotten new information the guidance has been that this is going to be a little bit stronger so this is something that is of course concerning something we'll have to watch because uh people on the Gulf Coast especially in my part of the world Southwest Louis they're very used to these storms rapidly intensifying and it can be quite scary you know you you find out you know you go to sleep one night and it's a cat one you wake up it's a cat four um we're not once again not forecasting that we're just saying that we're going to monitor the forecast Trends because this could get nudged up you know 1110 115 uh as far as those winds are concerned so that's something that we're going to fine-tune um a lot of folks if you know people down there you know just tell them Hey listen especially the further I'd say the the further Lafayette is area that you are looks like this system is shifted a little bit that way and if you are on the east side of where that Center makes landfall you're going to get some some serious impacts that's also where uh the greatest instability will be so that's where we could see some rotating um cells at landfall so that could equal some some spin-ups so just reasons to stay weather aware if you're in that area um I know that we're in Georgia so I'm going to dial back but I just wanted to kind of dive into what's going on there just because I know a lot of folks from home are here and I know a lot of you are curious as well um so this model takes this system in a little bit further east uh so this is looking like it's going to be somewhere in that abille is Morgan City area as far as landfall but once again impacts are not just there this isn't a tornado where it just impacts abille but you guys all know that so I I do think that folks right now the way this is trending folks that are out towards portal Arthur you know you're going to get some impacts you're going to get some Gusty winds but as far as those 50 60 70 miles per hour gust that looks like that's going to be a Southwest Louisiana thing it looks like those winds are going to be a little bit weaker just based off of some of the guidance that we're seeing over the course of the last I'd say the last six hours or so but once again this is something that we're continue to monitor because the system is actually going to get caught up with a different uh uh setup and get push towards the Northeast that's that's what the forecast is and the guidance is trying to depend how determine how far East it goes and that's where the question mark is so anyways it'll eventually left northward and that will bring some of that energy our way so we have to watch for some of this rain it's going to come in waves it's first LT weather day Thursday Friday uh could see this extended into Saturday just based off of some of the guidance that we're seeing right now uh but we expect rain some of that to be on the heavier side possibly some Thunder and Lightning by Friday and anytime that you're on the right side of a tropical system uh spin-ups can't be ruled out you know you it just can't because that's where you just have the most of the ingredients being there so that's something we'll be watching as we head closer to the event for now 81 degrees and not a bad evening across the region uh temperatures will fall through the overnight hours I think we'll be near 68 degrees here in Atlanta but you know Atlanta warmer than everywhere else around us if you're outside of the city upper 50s lower 60s to kick start the day um I know a lot of folks are probably out checking out John Legend right now it's a Vibe out there the weather is amazing so uh this evening tonight great heading into the day tomorrow Sunshine's really going to dominate we have high pressure to the north but it's going to be pulling away and that's going to allow for clouds to build in later in the evening so expecting more cloud cover tomorrow night versus what we see tonight and that will at least slow down the warmup on Wednesday for now tomorrow's looking great it's looking summerish we should be in the mid 80s we're going to be a little bit warmer than that upper 80s the forecast TI for us is 89 degrees um really a gorgeous day tomorrow if you're not working tomorrow you have a day off I'm actually off tomorrow I might go hang out by the pool it's gonna feel nice uh Wednesday the clouds return and these are going to be clouds that are associated with Francine as it moves Inland I still think we're dry Wednesday uh but if you're in places like clevand Randolph County Alabama you could see a spotty shower sometime late Wednesday evening I'm not expecting this to be a major production so we're not even adding a rain chance for it but just be aware that if a little bit of drizzle hit your head and you have to throw that windshield wiper on the first lever yes that's that 10% rain we told you about this isn't going to be a biggie more rain opportunities heading into Thursday and Friday they're both First Alert weather days once again neither of these days are going to be wash outs right this is going to come in waves these are going to be the outer bands of that system as it's lifting towards the north coming in and out of our area so we expect there to be some showers and storms probably sometime afternoon evening and then it gets lighter and then another wave of it'll come in on Friday and then it'll shift out and then the guidance kind of has the system kind of Meandering around which means that the instability will around there's also another system that's going to be pushing in from the southeast and we do think that the combination of the gradient there just could lead to some some showers sticking around Saturday into Sunday and Monday I wanted to take a look at some of our rain to Total forecast between now in Saturday and I will preface this with saying I think this model's being a little bullish with our rain totals uh but I do think that one to two inches of widespread rain is likely there could be some isolated spots that pick up three uh but right now that's about as good as I think as wet as we're gonna get this isn't bad news for us most of our area is abnormally dry and portions of West Georgia is under a moderate drought so we could use the rainfall you know we've been in and out of droughts all summer because we get rain you know I think it was what month is this this is September August July in July we picked up like 14 inches of rain and then it was real shaky last month right and you know now we have another chance to get a couple more inches so we'll take that rain so looking forward to that uh unfortunately that just means we're in a very unsettled weather pattern as we head towards the end of the week we're telling you now you're alerted so you can make your plans ahead um if you have the First Alert weather app of course the weekend stuff will be a little bit you know Hit or Miss whereas this stuff that comes in waves Thursday and Friday you'll be seeing it on our first alert radar as it swings in and swings out uh because of the clouds because of all of the rain temperatures are going to turn a little bit cooler heading into Thursday Friday I think tomorrow is a good day get out and enjoy it I'm going to be running tomorrow trying to get you know the summer body back because apparently I slept on it all summer um clouds build back in Wednesday and that's going to Trend those temperatures down just a little bit but we're still pretty dry so if you have some things that you want to get done like yard work and stuff like that before the rain comes you want to you know get the the lawn Mo mode and you know get all the leaves and stuff whatever do that now tomorrow Wednesday because the rain chances come in and unfortunately we're going to be unsettled through the weekend and into the beginning of next week y'all are really quiet in the comments on YouTube so I'm let y'all live I've been here for about 14 minutes um I always tell you that I'm going to keep you for a good time not a long time so I'm going to roll out um I do know that our team is working on some other stuff obviously um the school shooting is still front of mine for everybody in our area it's still in front of mine in um in The Newsroom there's been some new developments that have occurred over the course of of the day um we got some video from uh when the the suspect was actually interviewed a year ago um by the police him and his dad and um just kind of jarring to just see that interview number one to know that this is the kid that you know committed this act but questions are being asked a lot of people are are wondering you know why wasn't more done uh our reporter team reached out to some other uh some lawyers and some other prosecutors to determine you know what's the ball dropped and what they're going to bring that information to you tonight at 10: and 11 onl News 1st um but obviously it's just kind of been um a it's been a tough week right um if I'm not mistaken I feel like I heard someone in The Newsroom say that some of the kids are going to be allowed to go back to school tomorrow I'm not sure if that's to be in session or to get their belongings but you know they're going to be back on the premises where you know the last time they were there you know this was I can't imagine you know I grew up in the era error era after they pick on me the way I say Columbine but I think I said it right um in the era after Coline so school shootings were a thing but it was like that was the oneoff so we weren't scared every day and we didn't have this trauma to go through um and so kids today you got to you know say that extra prayer or Grace or whatever you believe in doing uh because that's a stressful thing to just go to want to go to school to learn to to figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life play with your friends and play sports and stuff like that and have something your innocence kind of taken away um that is wait let me take this down so that it's yeah there we go it's it's something to do with so our team is bringing you that that story those details tonight and the other breaking news that they're covering of the day I'll be honest I haven't really been paying a whole lot of attention to anything else because uh we've been looking at weather models for these uh for this storm and then also there's like two areas oh wait let me let me I think I queued this up for you right so there's two other areas that we're watching in the open Atlantic um that could possibly develop one of them the one where you see the orange it's actually already a closed low uh we're just looking to see if it's going to get attacked together and become a depression the guidance says yes U there is about a 60% chance that this could become a depression over the course of of the next week and then the blob that you see in red it's actually like just the disturbance it's an unorganized area a trough of blow pressure but it's not closed uh but the ingredients are ripe and a lot of the guidance is picking up on this getting it act together and this could become a tropical depression also over the course of the next week it's been kind of quiet for a while and now the gas is kind of turning up in the Tropic so we will continue to follow this and obviously ly um our local weather at home uh the cool thing is that we're going to actually have some new data on our rainfall totals and I'm expecting the numbers to come down a little bit because I told you that that Euro was being real bullish with the rain totals so if you want to check us out tonight at 10 and 11 we'll go through that data as far as everyone else that's interested in this tomorrow morning meteorologist Rodney Harris Ella dors dorsy and Courtney shabazi they will be doing a stream tomorrow at I think 10 o'clock um to give you guys the latest update and like a little bit of a deeper dive on this system but also our local impacts and then tomorrow night meteorologist cutter Martin will probably be doing this for me so we will be at 8 o'clock tomorrow we'll be doing this again whether it's me whether it's it won't be me whether it's cutter or Fred you'll see when they get here but we got your cover guys for now I'mma leave y'all with a beautiful shot of our city I thought I was oops Petty give you a shout of the Newsroom the the producer pod for the day side people that are all gone um we'll catch you we get we got you covered guys and I will see y'all on the airwaves in about an hour and 38 minutes have a fantastic rest of your Monday

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