8 Late-Round Sleepers with League-Winning Upside!

welcome into the football guys fantasy football show I'm Alfredo Brown joined as always by Dave kugie today we're breaking down some of our favorite late round sleepers to Target in your fantasy drafts these are players that are getting drafted outside of the top 100 we're each going to present a player uh give you our ranking their average draft position and present a case as to why we really really like these players and if you've been watching or listening to the show throughout the offseason you're going to hear some repeat names on here so uh bear with us but we we've got some pretty valuable names players that can win you your league Dave you're starting off with Maris Brown wide receiver for the Kansas City Chiefs and his consensus average draft position is wide receiver 49 I have him as wide receiver 44 you have him all the way up at wide receiver 30 so talk to us about Maris Brown and why he's one of your favorite late round sleepers to Target yeah I've talked about Maris Brown a ton this offseason and I know some people are scared off right now because of this weird injury that he had and like the the immediate reports that came out about this injury are like it's potentially life-threatening if it's not treated right away and I think people got really scared off by that but um reports are that it shouldn't uh impact his play when he does return at all there's no risk for reinjury might be back week one not looking likely though but worst case scenario is he's probably back in the field by week three and I've talked about a lot this offseason right like you look at the Kansas City Chiefs since they lost Tyreek Hill they haven't had any versatile wide receivers everybody is either running deep downfield and clearing out the defense or catching routes underneath and you look at the average Target depth of the receivers last year Justin Watson and MBS were third and fourth in the league in average Target depth and Rashi rice and caderas Tony were last and second to last they didn't have a single guy that fell with an average Target depth of between 10 or 17 yards everybody was either running deep or exclusively running short and then you add a guy like Hollywood Brown into this offense a guy that can kind of do everything his peripheral metrics and I'm hesitant to say this because I don't want to set the expectations too high but his peripheral metrics through his first few years in the league were very similar to what Tyreek Hill did through his first few years in the league where he can make plays after the catch he can get deep downfield he can play across the middle outside he can catch contested balls he can kind of do it all now Hollywood Brown we knew he was a good player when he was in Baltimore but they weren't passing the ball a ton so we didn't see a lot of fantasy production we finally saw over a very very small sample what Hollywood Brown can do on a good fast offense with a good quarterback and that was two years ago to start the 2022 season with uh Kyler Murray and if you remember that was when DeAndre Hopkins was suspended and over that stretch Hollywood Brown was given us wide receiver six production he was six in the league in fantasy scoring over the first month and the half of the season and then he got hurt and then last year he had to play with Josh dobs and Clayton tune by the time Kyler Murray did return he had a foot injury now the concerns with Maris Brown are obviously injury related he has struggled with injuries throughout his entire career but right now being able to draft him as like a wide receiver five a guy who legitimately has wide receiver one upside there's almost no risk there and a ton of reward so I think that's exactly what you're looking for in a sleeper like you're not looking for a guy who's going to give you six points a week you're looking for a guy who could blow his expectations out of the water and if the stars a line for Hollywood Brown in this Kansas City offense he truly has wide receiver one potential in fantasy yeah I mean listen I think the easy argument that you can make in just one sentence is that I want good players on good teams Maris Brown is talented and I want anyone that's going to be tied to Patrick Mahomes so yeah especially if you can get him now at a draft discount I don't have him ranked quite as high as you but wide receiv receiver 49 to me is like that that's an easy buy anytime I'm sitting there in a draft all right let's move on to our next player but before we do that I want to remind everybody you got a bunch of ways you can enjoy this show first and foremost here on youtube.com football guys fantasy if you don't remember the weird link that I just spelled out for you just search football guys Fantasy on YouTube and you will find us if you're watching already be sure to like this video comment down below some of your favorite sleepers or maybe your opinion on some of these players maybe someone we left out and if you're not already subscribed what are you doing hurry up subscribe to the YouTube channel you're going to be getting all of our episodes the day before they come out on the podcast version and that podcast version is going to be available on Apple and Spotify and if you're listening there please take a moment leave us a festar review it just means the absolute world to us it gets our show out to more and more people and uh it's gonna make our big boss man Joe Bryant really happy and it's gonna let us keep our jobs which is you know that's important Dave speaking of our jobs and making Joe Bryant happy you get a really cool live stream coming up this Friday on the YouTube channel yeah Friday at 12:00 p.m. Eastern I'll be right here at football guys fantasy uh hosting a live stream this is going to be with our friends at the nffc we are doing a RotoWire online Championship draft this is their big contest uh high stakes so not going to appeal to everybody a $350 Buy in but if you win your division of 12 you win $1,500 second place gets $750 but what really gets exciting is if you win the playoffs in this tournament grand prize of $250,000 so I'll be live streaming that event Friday at 12 M Eastern we have a link in the description below if you want to join and draft against me in the rootwire online Championship on N FFC nice Dave making some Monet I like it hopefully hopefully yeah the the home leagues that we're doing you know I've done some of those as well those I decided if I win I will donate the money to charity but uh in this one if I win Alfredo take you out do a nice steak dinner that's usually the stakes I enjoy not uh not the high staks I'll go with a medium or medium rare medium rare Stakes yeah yeah that's where I go no high stakes for me I've been waiting to make that Dad joke every single time you've done this read proud of you that was the perfect segue thanks thanks all right I'm gonna give you my first player here that I see as a late round sleeper and honestly this might be changing by the second because his ADP continues to rise the average draft position for Brian Thomas Jr wide receiver for the Jacksonville Jaguars is skyrocketing people are seeing what's going on in the preseason and honestly he's a guy that I've changed my opin on throughout this whole offse I thought he might need a little bit more time to develop and get ready for the NFL and I kind of said okay the Jaguars drafted a really fancy Lamborghini Gabe Davis he's really good at stretching the field he can go up for 50-50 balls uh he can win deep awesome cool and I didn't think too much of it and as the season has gone on watch a little bit more tape paid attention to the offseason reports and man he looks fantastic in Camp he looks fantastic in the games and we're seeing that Brian Thomas is not just going to be a field stretcher he can still do that and that's where you get your ceiling with a player like this but we're already seeing that he is catching balls over the middle he's being used on intermediate routes uh there are just there are so many instances here in the preseason where he is leaving Defenders on skates and I I know what most people are going to say this is second in third team defenses you still have to go out there and make the plays this is a guy that just he looks different when he's on the field he he he has such an incredible control over his body and you just don't come across players that have this size this speed this ability he's out there putting up numbers and breaking records at LSU same school where we get guys like Justin Jefferson Odell Beckham Jr I'm not Jamar Chase I'm not saying he's going to be them but also got Terence Marshall so let's pump the brakes on the the the school comps R Marshall he just got cut released today yikes yikes thanks for doing that all right so there I'm done here you go Brian Thomas J Terrace Marshall there you go no I'm just kid I'm a big fan of Brian Thomas Jr I love him sorry yeah no no I I think there's I think there's a lot of potential here with Brian Thomas Jr and that's what you're aiming for at this part of the draft is let's go for potential let's go for guys who can make big plays and let's go for Players whose value can consistently go up as the season goes on and and I think that's what we are going to see here I'm not worried about Gabe Davis uh I I'm I don't want to say I'm not worried about Cham no no yeah yeah I'm not but saying I'm I'm not going to say that I'm not worried about Christian Kirk or Evan Ingram either like those guys they're going to get their targets that does not mean that Brian Thomas cannot succeed what we've seen so far has been maybe not the best version of Trevor Lawrence and I think that this year everything is looking in the right direction Trevor Lawrence gets another year of the Doug Peterson offense I am expecting a bounceback for him and we've seen that when Trevor Lawrence is doing well he supported Z Jones as a wide receiver three in fantasy lineups and I don't don't think it's that farfetched to say that Brian Thomas Jr is better than Z Jones as a as a prospect and as a talent and if I can get a wide receiver three in fantasy for a wide receiver four or five cost in my drafts I absolutely love that and would give me that wide receiver to upside with him and the big playability that he has so Brian Thomas Jr one of my favorite guys to draft as a late round sleeper Dave yeah we also got to remember that like you know you said we haven't seen the best version of Trevor Lawrence we we kind of did last year like they got off to an 8 and3 start he was pacing for 4,300 yards um you know he was having a good start to the season prior to those injuries so I I think Trevor Lawrence has kind of checked the box of being you know probably borderline top 10 I'd say he's a top 10 quarterback but I don't want people pushing back on me too hard borderline top 10 I think we could say Trevor Lawrence is there and now he's got some really good weapons around him so I'm with it I remember back in was like February or March way before the draft we were talking about some of our favorite Targets in this draft I remember talking about Brian Thomas at the time he was my wide receiver four and I was getting a lot of push back for that and I said like explicitly that I wanted to see him land in Jacksonville and then when Jacksonville traded down I was just beside myself because they had the guy that they needed on the board and they were lucky enough to still be able to get him a little bit later in the draft but just a perfect match for what they need from that offense last year was very much so a square pack in a round hole situation with Calvin Ridley and Brian Thomas really fits that role in that offense better than Calvin Ridley did so I'm expecting immediate production but like you said with these guys all of these sleepers that we're talking about today they're not necessarily guys that are sure things that are going to you know make immediate impacts in your lineup it's kind of you draft these guys knowing that they have a ton of upside but guy like Brian Thomas might not do a lot week one two three four whatever it may be but I think we see him slowly ramp up as the season progresses and uh that's what you do when you draft a rookie is you have to exercise some patience with those guys speaking of rookies let's go to the next player that you have on here it's Blake corm running back for the Los Angeles Rams he's got a consensus average draft position of Running Back 40 Dave you and I both have him above that at running back 38 and I think we can both agree we don't know how much of a role there's going to be while Kiron Williams is on the field however we do understand there is some major major contingent upside we're talking League winning top five top 10 running back upside with Blake cor and and that's pretty much all I need to say like I don't need to go on and on about Blake horm we know this guy was like the engine that powered the national championship winning Michigan team like he is a very good Pro ready running back he is big and thick and powerful and fast and he can be a three down back of course the problem is right now he's in the shadow of Kyon Williams and that's probably not going to change but we saw Kon Williams last year pick up five injuries missed most of his rookie season with injuries struggled with injuries in college so you know I don't want to put an injury-prone label on anybody but we have seen that kyn Williams has struggled with injuries you know pretty much through his entire college and pro career so really what it comes down to is I expect there to be whether it's one game or five games or half a season whatever it is if and when Kiren Williams misses some time we're looking at Blake gorm as a potential top five running back we have seen Shawn mcvey's Tendencies to lean on a running back all of the reviews we've gotten out of Los Angeles are glowing that Blake corm is already picking up the offense that he's getting involved as a pass catcher he already got the preseason games off with the starters which was crazy to see for a rookie that's just what it comes down to he is a good Pro ready running back and you know we we hope we don't hope for injuries of course not but if kyen Williams misses some time you're looking at a guy that you're drafting in around 10 or 12 of your draft that you're potentially getting top five weekly upside from so Blake hm is one of those guys that I'm drafting stashing on my bench and just waiting for his opportunity to arise yeah and I think that's that's kind of what you're looking for with running backs at this point you're not really looking at too many of these running backs when you get outside of the top 100 picks and they're going to have a consistent role now there are a few that are going to have a role regardless of who the starter is but PL corm is one of those guys where I mean they drafted him for a reason they drafted him because he's got a nearly identical skill set to Karen Williams I think that karn's a bit more on the receiving side where Blake corm is a bit better of a runner but we'll see how that goes I think the whole thing here is just to understand that there is that upside especially with this Rams offense especially with Shawn McVey we've seen it before it's a great insurance policy that's what you need just looking at like ADP right now like a guy like Gus Edwards is going ahead of Blake horm and I just can't understand that because like even if Gus Edwards is you know the the lead back in Los Angeles this is going to be a bad team and they have other running backs that are going to be rotating in like I just don't see the upside for a guy like Gus Edwards like the best case scenario for him is that maybe he's giving you eight to 11 points per week over the full season where Korum you might not get anything for 75% of the season but knowing that when he does start you're looking at potentially getting 20 to 30 points per game so I just when I'm this point in the draft I want upside and there's a lot of running backs that are getting drafted in that area that feel like you know I don't know if there's like a second Dead Zone like we've got our early dead zone that we want to avoid and then we've got this like second Dead Zone even later in drafts but um you know here I I I'd much rather take my risk on a guy like Blake corm than drafting a guy like Gus Edwards next guy that I have on here Jameson Williams wide receiver for the Detroit Lions consensus average draft position has him at wide receiver 46 I have him ranked at wide receiver 46 Dave you're a little bit lower at wide receiver 54 and I think it's Justified for many people to be like you know what I'm I'm not banking on the Jameson Williams breakout we keep doing that we keep waiting for it you know what though I do think that we have to think a little bit differently with Jameson Williams this is still a guy with phenomenal draft pedigree phenomenal talent I think that these circumstances for Jameson Williams have been highly unprecedented where you have a guy who injures himself in his second to last or I believe last college football football game and had to recover from that going into his rookie season then gets the very weird suspension due to the NFL's gambling rules and there there's just been such an up and down tumultuous thing for Jameson Williams he's still really young he's still I believe just 23 years old there's to me like there's a very real world where Jameson Williams can be very similar to a George pick ands a Jordan Addison some of these guys that we uh saw produce pretty well last year except the thing is that Jameson Williams is going to be actually in a very very good Detroit Lions offense and had this been a year ago when we weren't sure about the Lions offense and Jared Goff I I wouldn't be as high for Jameson Williams though we know that there's going to be opportunity there's no more Josh Reynolds on this team and I I'm sure there probably people saying if Josh Reynolds was stopping him then he's not very good to begin with this has been one of those things where Dan Campell I think treats younger players a little bit different because David Montgomery was absolutely stopping Jamir Gibbs from being on the field and took a little bit for him to get there now the tune has totally changed around Jameson Williams they are talking about him as a guy that they think has had a phenomenal Camp even his teammates are saying that and that's not something that has been said a lot they're looking for ways to continue to get him involved and they're not just going to be forcing him targets he's actually getting open he's not just simply a deep threat he's going to be a guy that's being used all over the field and so for Jameson Williams There's an opportunity here where Dave just doing some of the math here there's a really easy shot where Jameson Williams could be averaging six to seven targets per game in this Detroit offense with three and a half targets off the board from Josh Reynolds there's not really much else going on in this offense I mean there's only so many times you can Target Sam leor and I'm St Brown over and over and over there's an opportunity here for Jameson Williams maybe not to be the most consistent player that we want in our fantasy teams but as you said many times we have to embrace the variance I'm willing to embrace the variance with a player that is highly skilled has a high draft pedigree and is on a good offense because to me like that's that's what we're shooting for here as we get into later drafts yeah um you know I'm warming up on Jameson Williams a little bit I definitely like him more in best ball because I think that you're going to see those big plays and they could be tough to predict but anytime you got a guy who can take any ball and turn it into a house call I want that guy on my team I worry a little bit about what the uh usage will look like on a weekend in week out basis um but when you're drafting a guys like your wide receiver five or wide receiver six you're hold him on the bench and oping for the best so I'm okay throwing a dart at Jameson Williams and seeing if it pans out like we know he's a good player we can contextualize the slow start to his career with the ACL injury in college then the gambling suspension in year two this is the first time in his career that he's had a full NFL offseason and will be a starter week one so it's kind of crazy to think that even though he's already been in the league for two years this is kind of like his first real year in the league yeah and I think that was one of the things that we didn't get to see a lot of him in college either after transferring from from Ohio State to Alabama he had one phenomenal season then it ends an injury and so this is uh in many ways going to be his second real season of Full college football like that's kind of what has gone on this has just been his transition from one good year of college to the pros so if if he's going to break out I want to be a part of that especially at his current draft cost Dave let's go to another guy who uh impressed a lot of us last year at University of Tennessee and now he's on the Miami Dolphins I'm talking about Jaylen Wright running back he's right now his average draft position is going to be running back 48 I've got him at exactly running back 48 Dave you're a bit higher you've got him at running back 39 we've seen how good Miami Dolphins running backs can be with ton Anan with Raheem moart it is very fair to say that Jaylen Wright could be the next guy in line yeah and and I don't even know if it's like a next guy up thing I think that there's going to be a rotation here like you know the the thesis with Blake Corum is that you wait for kyen Williams to get injured and then you plug uh Blake Corum in and hopefully get top five production I think we're going to see Jaylen Wright involved week one like I think there's going to be a rotation where hn moer and Jaylen Wright are all going to be involved of course if an injury happens to Ann or moard then we see that role for Jaylen Wright grow even a bit more but um I've said it time and time again this offseason everything I said I loved about Devon aan last year said that he was just Tailor Made for This Miami offense I'm saying the same thing about Jaylen Wright like you look his size adjusted speed score 95th percentile he ran a 438 at 210 pound pounds which is crazy like his size adjusted speed makes him one of the fastest guys in the Miami Dolphins and that's what this team likes to do is they like to stress defenses as much as possible by getting Tyreek Hill deep got Jaylen Wadd across the middle of the field and then you've got these running backs that can get out in space and just put the burners on so all these big plays that we have grown to love from the Miami Dolphins over the years whether it's Tyreek Hill Devon aan Rocky moard or Jaylen Wadd Jaylen Wright is going to fit right into that mix and he's GNA be having plenty of big plays for himself so um I understand why devvon aan is getting drafted where he did is you know he had a a phenomenal uh efficient rookie season but man it's not crazy to think that Jaylen Wright can kind of do everything that Devon Anan did last year and you can draft him in the 12th round of your draft rather than the second round so Jaylen Wright um you know I just shared my best Ball Mania exposure just uh finished my draft last night but uh Jaylen Wright was up there man like one of my most drafted running backs it's just it it's so easy to see him paying off at that ADP where he's getting drafted late in drafts this year yeah I mean there's definitely a theme here when you talk about Blake corm Jaylen Wright it's it's all about that contingent upside and what they could be if they were to get a larger role and uh I was just on with Heath Cummings on the fft Dynasty show for CBS and by the way Flex that's that's I just wanted to say it out loud on on the air uh but he made a great point that Jaylen Wright is not just a handcuff but a double handcuff if anything were to happen to either Raheem moard or Devon hen Jaylen Wright makes his way into the lineup and becomes really valuable and we've seen that this Dolphins offense doesn't just support one running back or one wide receiver it's going to support three to four offensive Playmakers and these are all players that can be highly efficient with a limited amount of touches so I I I really do like this pick I don't have him ranked quite as high as you but I do like this pick of Jaylen Wright all right going on to the next player here it's another rookie running back and I think there's like that's the theme of this episode is rookie running backs that can really make their way in the NFL this season I'm going with Ray Davis running back for the Buffalo Bills consensus average draft position has him at running back 52 Dave you have him at running back 49 I've got him at running back 44 I am loving Ray Davis I am stealing Ray Davis in as many drafts as I can our very own Jeff Bell said yesterday that he's getting Ray Davis in every draft he can unless he's in the draft with me because he knows that I'm taking Ray Davis ahead of him and a good bit of this is knowing that the bills have been trying to have a running mate for James Cook in that backfield for years now whether it's been trying to get uh Damen Harris Leonard forette or whether it's been latavius Murray it's been a bunch of guys that are a little bit older a little bit busted a little bit injury-prone Ray Davis slid in the draft because he was a little bit older as a prospect but for the NFL and for redraft football that does not matter we the bills really only need about three years of production from him for that pick to be valuable and in fantasy football we only need one year like that's it this is a player who Ray Davis he's a bit bigger than James Cook so he's going to likely be the goal Lineback and I know there's a lot of people saying Josh Allen is already the goal line back this is a team that wants to take that off of Josh Allen they realize how important he is to this offense now more than ever especially with the limited number of weapons that are on this team they've got to keep Josh Allen healthy they draft Ray Davis in the middle rounds of the NFL draft with a purpose and the thing that sticks out to me Dave Ray Davis can catch he can catch the ball he can make guys miss an open space he maybe doesn't have the same electric long speed that James Cook has but man his uh lateral agility his ability to make people Miss to break tackles and to do that in the passing game and to pass block uh just seems invaluable and so I'm I'm willing to take DAV Ray Davis round maybe even round and a half earlier than most people in fantasy drafts yeah we talked about Ray Davis recently and in like these industry drafts that we've been doing so much of recently it's like impossible to get ray Davis he's going in around 9 and 10 people are reaching for him like 30 40 picks ahead of ADP and it's easy to see why like he's a very talented running back on a very good offense and James Cook his efficiency really fell off a cliff last year when they gave him a bigger workload so I think that they want to have a complimentary guy there and Ray Davis is the perfect compliment to what James Cook brings to the table so um you know we're just going to keep agreeing on this show I'm completely with you on Ray Davis I mean that's what the show is like this is not really the arguing show this is kind of the episode where you don't necessarily Miss because all these picks are late and it's just there's such a low draft cost with them it's you don't lose your draft by whiffing on a 12th round pick exactly it's high upside low downside like these these are the guys that we love talking about Dave this is the player that you have changed my mind on throughout the offseason I am on board I am on the tesm hill bandwagon welcome yeah yeah it's cozy it's cozy he's a tight end or a quarterback but in in a lot of leagues he has tight end eligibility that's the important caveat here you don't want to draft Tam Hill as a quarterback you only want to draft him on sleeper Yahoo and other platforms that have him as a tight end that is it that is exactly it and he's one of the I think one of the only two players that Clint not Clint KU Dennis Allen on the Saints actually likes right now he's got a consensus average draft position of tight end 18 Dave you rank as tight end 11 I've got him as tight end 14 talk to us about TM Hill he's been a top 10 tight end for four straight years he has this weird kind of role where he is getting tight end usage and Slot usage and quarterback usage and fullback usage and now he's their goal Lineback like he just does it all here um and it's weird kind of taking this utility player and expecting things from him in fantasy but we have four years of data to look back at where like I said he has been a top 10 tight end so it's not going to be pretty you're going to have some boom weeks and you're going to have some bust weeks but those bust weeks aren't going to hurt you really all that bad because tight ends bust all the time so it is what it is obviously in tesm Hill I have a stronger preference towards him in standard leagues not in PPR leagues because he doesn't catch a ton of passes in standard leagues I've got him as my tight end seven I'm a little bit lower on him in PPR leagues still have him as a top 12 tight end but um yeah tesm Hill if you miss out on the elite tier just draft tesm Hill late plug him into your lineup ride the ups with the downs and you're probably finishing the year with a top 10 tight end but Dave I'll never know when to start him he's just impossible to pick you always start it and that that that's the thing I think that's where a lot of people get lost um when talking about these boom bus players is like when do I start him and the reality is if you try to play that game anybody who's played fantasy football long enough knows that you're always going to be wrong like if you have these boom bus players and you take them in and off your bench he's going for 42 points on your bench and he's going for three points in your lineup that's the way it is is so with these volatile players you just embrace it you plug them in your Flex spot or in your tight end spot every single week and you just ride the ups with the downs and the thing is like like like I said the downs from a tight end aren't going to hurt you that bad because even if he's giving you a three or four point week the reality is you're your opponent's probably only getting six or seven points so it's not that big of a difference yeah I you've converted me you've converted me I'm fine if I don't get one of the top seven tight ends or eight tight ends I'm sitting there just aiming for tames Hill and someone who I must have been drafting with the other day like they must be listening to the show because I was ready to sit there and I was going to do the TJ hackinson tesm Hill stack someone took T.J hackinson two picks before me and I was like well it's early I don't need to pick TM Hill right now he's not going till the 15th round and someone took him in the 12th round and I was just like okay all right well here I go welcome to the team Pat fouth and so like it's not it's not horrible but I think the upside is definitely there with tames Hill and that that's what you want with later picks yeah we did this uh I mentioned it earlier on the show but we did this beat Dave kugie League that we promoted a little bit and you know part of the home leagues and um yeah somebody took tesm Hill in the ninth round here uh one pick before me knowing that I had Tamm Hill that was one of the hardest drafts I've ever been in because it is all listeners of the show people who follow me on Twitter wanted a chance to play in a league with me and it was impossible to get any player that I wanted I was just getting sniped left and right in that one all right I'm going to give you my last player here in our last late round sleeper I'm talking about Tai Chandler running back for the Minnesota Vikings consensus Savage draft position have has him at running back 46 Dave you've got him at running back 44 I've got him at running back 39 I think there is going to be some actual week- toe usage here for Tai Chandler that is not just going to be strictly limited to contingent upside based on an Aaron Jones injury we've seen what happens with running backs as they get older and Aaron Jones is at that age where production just simply starts to fall off and a team with Sam darnold at quarterback while I think he can be fine and the offense can move I think they will end up relying on the running game a bit more and I don't think they can rely on Aaron Jones to get 20 touches per game this is a team that's going to want to involve Tai Chandler a bit more and we saw last year when he was involved he was very good this is a player I've liked since his days at North Carolina and uh Dave just going back through it and looking at his weeks on a weekly basis in half PPR we're talking about running back 25 running back 16 running back four running back 26 running back 33 these I mean they're not going to be totally crazy blow you away week- winning efforts but you get a few of those with a top 16 and a top four finish and we don't know what kind of offense this is going to be remember that was with uh Nick Mullins at quarterback and Josh who was running a bit more and things were just a little different for the Minnesota Vikings at that point with Sam darnold here he's one of those guys that he has not traditionally been a checkdown guy but that could change in this offense if he needs to get rid of the ball a bit quicker Ty Chandler also been one of those players that we've seen can handle a full role I don't think that if Aaron Jones if Aaron Jones misses time which he did last year by the way I believe he was missed five or six games last year uh in total if Ty Chandler is called on to take over in that role he's not someone that needs to split time with another running back he can handle short yardage opportunities he can handle passing Downs Tai Chandler is a guy that I'm really happy to take a shot on especially where he's going in like the 10th round yeah I think that the consensus average draft position is way too low on Tai Chandler hey missed six games last year was healthy in 2022 but missed two games in 2021 missed three games in 2020 and um he's always had some leg issues whether it's a hamstring or a knee uh now you know going into his how is he gonna be this year um yeah going into his age 30 season like scary for a running back so I'm with you Tai Chandler was a guy I was pounding the table for last year um he was my most drafted running back I had him on more best ball rosters than any other running back and he was also my most drafted guy in or most rostered guy in Dynasty leagues I love Tai Chandler he's a good player um and that's why I was so off on Madison last year unfortunately it took him till about week 10 to realize that Tai Chandler was the better running back but they did come to that realization eventually and I think that you know Aaron Jones is really good much much better than Alexander Madison but 30 years old with some compounding injuries over the years I think that the bet on Tyler Tai Chandler is very similar to the bet that you're making on Blake horm is that the lead back is going to miss time at some point and if and when he does you're getting Elite production from a handcuff well there you have it we gave you guys eight late round sleepers to Target players that are getting picked outside of the top 100 Selections in your fantasy drafts these are the players that man they're not going to lose your your leagues but if you hit on these guys they can help you win your leagues 100% this has been great this has been great we're going to be back again tomorrow with our favorite players to draft in each round it's been awesome doing this whole offseason and preseason prep with every single one of you that have been watching and listening uh last video last episodes have been blowing up more and more people to the channel we're super excited to have you guys all here hope that you enjoy the season and enjoy the ride with us as always I want to thank you guys for watching and listening for myself for Dave gugie we'll see you next time adios

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2024 Fantasy Football Draft Recap | 12 Team | PPR (Pick 8)

Category: Sports

2024 fantasy football draft recap | 12 team | ppr (pick 8) yo what is going on everyone my name is nick or the notorious fantasy and in today's video we're going to be doing a 12 team ppr draft recap for my home league draft i'm going to be going through every single pick of this draft and then recapping... Read more


Category: Sports

Intro all right time to lock in on some fantasy football yeah right now over 1.3 million people drafted so my draft and i've played fantasy a long time i'm very much in favor of the early september draft after all the preseason games are over so especially if you're in a league playing for money our... Read more

MAKE SURE You Draft These Players! (2024 Fantasy Football) thumbnail
MAKE SURE You Draft These Players! (2024 Fantasy Football)

Category: Sports

Intro what's going on guys it's nick here back with another video back with the final offseason video of the 2024 season we do have mock draft money tomorrow but the real last piece of content of the season i figure we' just go through the draft and talk about all of my favorite picks patrick mahomes... Read more

My Favorite Picks In Every Round of Your Fantasy Football Drafts thumbnail
My Favorite Picks In Every Round of Your Fantasy Football Drafts

Category: Sports

My favorite picks in every round of your fantasy football drafts yo what is going on everyone my name is nick or the notorious fantasy and in today's video we're going over my favorite picks in every single round of your fantasy football drafts for the 2024 fantasy football season now caveat we're just... Read more

Must Own Sleepers - 2024 Fantasy Football thumbnail
Must Own Sleepers - 2024 Fantasy Football

Category: Entertainment

Intro today we're breaking down everybody's favorite fantasy football topic sleepers usually every year i drop this video on my birthday i will be 26 next week unfortunately i cannot wait until september 4th to drop it because most of you guys will have already had your fantasy draft so i'm dropping... Read more

The BEST STRATEGY in 2024 Fantasy Football Drafts (and a Mock Draft) thumbnail
The BEST STRATEGY in 2024 Fantasy Football Drafts (and a Mock Draft)

Category: Sports

The best strategy in 2024 fantasy football drafts (and a mock draft) if you could only watch one fantasy football video this summer it should be this one in today's video i'm going to be detailing exactly how you are going to be putting your league mates in a figure four and dominating your 2024 fantasy... Read more

Ultimate 2024 Fantasy Football QB Rankings (Top 31) thumbnail
Ultimate 2024 Fantasy Football QB Rankings (Top 31)

Category: Sports

Final qb rankings for 2024 fantasy football we have quarterback rankings today a position that has gone under an evolution in terms of fantasy football over the last few years for so long it was statue quarterbacks pocket quarterbacks then we got to the running game and rushing points revolution and... Read more

Updated Top 40 Wide Receiver Rankings & Tiers | 2024 Fantasy Football thumbnail
Updated Top 40 Wide Receiver Rankings & Tiers | 2024 Fantasy Football

Category: Sports

Updated top 40 wide receiver rankings & tiers | 2024 fantasy football yo what is going on everyone my name is nick or the notorious fantasy and in today's video we're going to be breaking down my top 40 wide receiver rankings and tiers for the 2024 fantasy football season going in depth through each... Read more

Ranking The 50 BEST PLAYERS in 2024 Fantasy Football - Fantasy Football Draft Advice thumbnail
Ranking The 50 BEST PLAYERS in 2024 Fantasy Football - Fantasy Football Draft Advice

Category: Sports

Over the next week and a half millions of people are going to be drafting their fantasy football teams that's why you need the best rankings possible because when the season comes to an end you better believe that headliner nation is walking away with those rings those trophies those belts and most... Read more

The Go-To Strategy To Win Sleeper Fantasy Football Drafts thumbnail
The Go-To Strategy To Win Sleeper Fantasy Football Drafts

Category: Sports

Sleeperfantasy football cheat codes this is the cheat code to win your fantasy football league if you play on sleeper today we're going to hold your hand go round by round talk you through the strategy that we're going to use the best values in each round and the landmines to invoid in each as well... Read more